HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-07-08, Page 4s
. -
Incorporated in 1855,
Over 120 Branches
SAVING Builds Character, Start to
Systematic saving strengthens character by in-
ducing self-denial and creating independence.,
The easiest method of saving is by &Positing a
certain portion of your earnings ;regularly in THE
MOLSONS BAN K. With the add:tion of interest at
current rates a su bstantial sum is soon` acquired.
Small accoun ts receive the same.attention as lar-
ger ones--efficien t courteous service to all.
1. 11.C. TieacticorsZic EnginesTh
DeXRING Drills, Cultivators & Hariows
Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions
anti Water Bowls
FROST Gates, Fence & Nog Wire
New Williams Sewing Machines
Gourlay, Winter and Leeming Pianos
For Sale bj
The Seaforth,Creamery Co.
We solicit your patronage
tad guarantee you. entire sat-
Our prices are always the
Our Testing done accurate -
;Y by experts.
Our service and payments
are prompt.
Write 1 card to -day for.
• Prices were never as high
es at present and still soar-
ing higher.
A card will bring you can.s
twt the next train from ns.
the Seaforth Creantery CO.
Seaford!, Ont.
The Double Track Route
UneZCelled Dining • Car Service.
Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor
?son print:it/ea da -t ----
Full itforatation hotn any Grand Trunk
Ticket -Agent or C. 1.2. llorning, District
Passenger Agent, Toronto.
G T.R. Agent. Luticirr.r. •
Pli Jur
Ji You Have High Blood
Pressure You Must
Be Careful
When the Blood Pressure :1 much
above normal there is a;wa.)* the
classier ru p: ure uit b'serft •e.Ftee:
most frequently ,n the Brain and
producing a stroke, or in the Kid-
neys, producing Bright's Disease.
One obould gir.oird aga.r.zt over-exer-
tion or ex.e.ittenvnt and take
to dissolve the Uric., AcA deposits
that form in t.e Vems and Arti-rii:s.
matit.ht then2 hard and brittlio. This
retuc-iy is a woridr; it builds upthe
pntire system by Purifo-ing ' the
Blood. StrengOof-n:Ng,t!..- 11,- tr: ane!.
by te.rodiring a normul ani healt..y
.condition ot the Nerves .
Mrs. Wm.MorieyitA l'almemton.
used quite .a tranybur of botei ,..f I
Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy I.
P.nd they be.teefilteel her so tnu, h and 1
she siato so pleased with them that , I
she remmmeyi•li •thern to all her
trends sem Neve th's trouble or whrt
art, all run down ati 1 Nerrou. She
says "you must be SIMI to get HackConstipation Is on. of the aeTr4v I
sting must.* of High Mood Pressure I ,•. . • ..•
• • • • r
abd it ila adrimeatel• to u.ln Hacking•I I II. ',.,-.. ii..- ' , , . --i '. .•• 4fr
Keey and Liver Pills to drive tnit 4 i:, ;.: j , w,.,. .. , ,•,... .. ,.: ., --
.. , •, ...
t!'e Poisir.s that gonor-Ate in tbs. !INV- .1.,,rs.. ,1 f ,.: _
.Ont.. Insurance. Fire and Marine.
(.0. 0. F. Lucknow Lodge Meets every Friday
evening at 8 0 clock in thteir Hall. Camp-
bell eareet.. All brethren cordially invited.
Officers: - Noble Grand, Robert isher
Vice Grand, J. 310.4u:off; Itee. Sec.. A. 11.
BOkli; Fin. Secy.,. Dr. Pa toi :son ; Troa.su re r,
Alex. ROss.
A.F. & A.M., G.R.C. Old Light Lodge
nieets every Thursday night on or
before the full moon, in the Mas-
onic Hall, Havelock St , laieknow.
W. M., M. McGuire; S. W., Ja.nes
Boyle; J. W., N. d. moekenzie:
S('e'y., W. A. Wilson.
GET THE BEST. -When you take
out life insurance get a policy in the
Sun Life of Canada, the biggest in
the Dominion, and a company whose
record Canadians are proud of.
See "Geo. H. Smith, local agent, for
-- VICTORY BONDSk'fiqught and sold.
Also farm lands and •illage property.
Money to loan on 1st and 2nd mort-
gages at current rates of interest. In-
suranceal conveyancing, etc. Joseph
Agnew, Notary Public, Allin Block,
Luckneew, Ont.
Keeps Baby's
Skin Healthy
liF every mother •tould only
realize the • danger which
•lurks in the neglect a chafing
and skin irritation's she would
not take chances on being
without Dr: Chase's Ointment
to apply atter baby's bath.
It t1.07: .4.15-eleiter.pret
..rof ti.e to.dt,
..t.d %
! a V.:, all ces";114. rAiLlibftille
- a •L. • 1
t; . Thr*' tun preteirs'',.n? rn
. •
sVe'.1 foregoer an.' 7.•••.'t should hly a
f • I • • $ •
few tro:cps frnm 1,•otir dealer tndpy.
ustowei.. oat_ in Wasb:,.. h:rhf.r than'p"; is
trained wh:te s.hQol-tearher. • •e .1 1yl.t
littrittunu ertitinel
Publishod ovary Thursday tuareitteg
at Lucknow. Ontario.
A. D. MACKENZIE. Pro atetor
and EdAtor. •
4-4.-444,444.44.4. -.4-4.4 • ••••-----,••
-THURSDAY, JULY Sth., 1921).
Thoid who drive inotOr'vele'el4s. up-
on Ontario roads after dark.
reali.* the need of a regultition. re-
quiring that all such vehicles have the
headlights equipped with anti -glare
-When automobiles are driv-
en with glaring headlights full on,
there always is a moilient daring
which drivers who meet on the road
are completely •blinded by the glar,
and one .wonders how there are not
more acyieletreti. one ha's
to (hoose bet ween the ditch ;It'd a.
On •-the,49th. of •t.hi month leg-Fsla-..4
'lion 'comes into effect requiring that
all headlights be equipped with anti-
glare lenses. it will put motorists
to a little expense but.all will be well
repaid bythe increased .conifeitt and
feeling of security in driving 'aftz-r
dark. •
We • would hare had legislat:on
along this line' sortie years ago but
for the '011cUlty of determitilliG: up-
on lense's and ad justniotts.
would be accepted as legal. A viola-
tor of the law might betaken into
,court, and it would then be necessary
to prove that his lights did not con-
form 'to the legal standard. This
difficulty has been overcome in neigh-
boring ,states and our Highways De-
partment should not take long in fix-
ing upon a standard: Quite a ,num-
ber of good lenses are on the market
Among the boastful and ignorant
lf the United States much is being
made of the fact that in that coun-
'.s. not .worth its face Value
try the British pound -sterling.
while the Anterician dollar is worth
more than one hundred cents in Brit-
ain anti ranaela. Tt Ts said, that
newspa0ers in • the United States
which pander to anti-British send-
ment-a sentiment which originat-s
and has its strength among the I.rish
and German elements - refer ti Brit-
ain.- as., being practically bankrupt
'zind insinuatc.,that 'the empire would
be in a ver; bad way if it were not
for the kindly aid rendered by Uncl.y
Sam. •
A writer in a recent is§ue of Sat-
urda, Night eindertakes to_ eorrerthts e
absurd • ginting out that
, the Ameritati dollar (IA nut always
. Jvcupy its .prese-nt high. -Valise.. In
fact, on more than one occasion it
took a , much lower standing
than th teound'sterlin:; or the ran-
ad;an dollar does today: • •
Many Canadians will remember the
:law' when ' the Ante:rick/1 "green
%%aek---a tnittd Sti.tes govern:item
note -w,4. worth rr.l 0 per rent .01
it= face vaini,. At the rinse ot the
Ceiv;i War all tnittyd' Stat.Ye paper
aione;.• •eas down .60 per e-4-nt be•low
, ,ts: tiorn:nsil %Ale.
V.,:luxe,-.ng the war 1$12-1:1 the
dol.arnoW :it... mach !rousted Nu.i it
very ir.t..;•h lows:r ..stzatidatg
a:J. *even ht
a diari Icel.: at that time Ly
• CO,q..er%
•Pi '..elerneti, that in
Ne•v.Yap.-e• iesellir,‘
n e.r !zy... • eit $.1..outi.fiti, stud a
h? fe•ed r a hov.c
.'••'•, 1.r..1%.* lar•-•• At,
• r• .n ;!, tlat •• ifte-er, mt. t:e r f•
44. - 444 • "...441.4
ding Comfort
iy-ict rt.a(ls This rdi,litiliination el rid-
fc iv with -vcoihr- L'Itt.t.tketliktgretr• itI4.gt4ktienthrtv- Willi &I ri 1' iligstx.) )1 ).1 i y
•. . :
• for tilt:
is greeting the
()verlantl all. over Canada.
In this Ovcrland ) llet'e! 1101.
• let bad roads spoil good ride.;.
Triplex 'Springs make 'e;-ery
mile you ride a mere e;.jojable
a more e,,hothi...al
Its equipment is of thQ most
modern type. Its stamina is a
credit to the Canadian institu-
.tion v,ilich created thiscar.
Let -,11(14.4. ).1.1 die Overland.,
• L. Kennedy, Wingham, Dealer.
.nead Office and, Factories:, •NVillys-Overiand Limited, Toronto, Canada
• Bramthes:' 'Toronto.' Montreal, Winnipeg and Regin.i
7 he. applications for New Assurances received by the
Company during 1919 reached a total of over
This exceeds e largest amount of ordinary Life As-
surance previously written in one year by any Company
of the British Empire. •
Geo. H. Smith,
Oct a Policy in 1920. Agent, Lucknow.
KINI.OSS' fli(•Nt 11.
'j1.1..1" kin) .,1N1) GUN
Tier: 1.,.unril' .e,f tie T,,....'7.-* jt
.1 -,4' •• ...'hi, hat essayed. to. elimb I / N....-er in the history, of the West-
' l'inlwis. ":" ,At.iithPm.r.:::,Ai::.:i.:11:: :Ir.:::. su.t.... .:a1;:.r.e..4-,....tne 1:44.1::0-i will reesegnize
June 2l j„ t e:en. Fair has there treen sueh a iesh
itiet.oe :,,,,,theri in t...,, 014n.. : 1 i.. 1.,1.1,,•,,llarker'm ''Nliatint Steplepte W;tli .ts'Ir sluel',..er all kii"1,, for the F-`11'.bi"
rplinute-: bf 'Nit .rr.e-etin, ',At•.••• t's': •1 Mal 'ha" t,o. 4,tosil iii.rtrayal. of ex- tion ;is this year. The The 11::enage
; .
, . •,
7•*t.• :, •I ' '.1. O..* 1.,0,1114, in mountain-
. • -
went take th.s as an indication that
. linTts.tp5ig!1.1".:e1;tk han.,.i...1 t:,-- t :-.-a-44 ", r :r . l'.. 1.1;0, author ',r 'u the Iii.,i ihr EN ii alit' i4'11' i, ber'raliij ng
S.1.05, thf- an. ,,int of (1. A. f • ..... r.'•
i .•• • ...f •hutittaittus Martha 541 .r•- tit:if- each ye al-, ail& that 1-:x h .' .. tors
more' pp-
. .•
• ',. :1 tie'l. ; 4 .i.fitb'.7) teit•mliper of tilp are; getting Ille.re benefit front it than
.1,; aie 1 -lid, 'and. li1,4 LI'llelS; 1.1;e•i' before. •F:very effort possille i;
lec.iit• ne:'..le• to n:ake t
,-.,.• ..„, . :.i;,•:ar • at ltsol Arid thin
1.' i• 4 .. % %.* ft .JI:.: . ".1t the. Nle.r.y evhat it ouglit t ) lbe --on or g..ret v• it':
i*.:;.tAy, $2 •-,(1; i;'•:f ,. , 1 ;t., . ., I., s,,.. e 'eV t I an Who attend not only to spen .
1.re,:.:, th • 1,.•• ....ar..;i.y., t•te gimal -,th S. 1.., 2 pi .. rit..2..;-,, 0.,.e , ;.7 . . - * ' ' ..". ..,• • to f,,. ) • .:, . :k tin, _444/114.r.
.•••:.:1:1.:.ri7...;.;;11; 1):r., ;•.; 1 :, f.,iti,,,./1::::i., ,,,,, 14: ...: .,.. ' ..-.... ..5„-.a. t::,1.01.1.:‘.1 4; t;re: wi*.le.--,;.!.
Parking. Automobiles and there
.-4. Anil* provision 'is tr..q.; for
3 .elay or amusement hut profit., as'
' ••• :,- 't'.'• %•.:Fiete-yt 01,... t i,.t t'ts.t `-t';';. ;: ..4/44t, hi 11', ':.t^i''' ' • ' ' '
i,:o.y.. rf:f.t.,%e.rt f!. itt,c1 it,.../... fivttl-- War:It :OA :qi:11:1-. 1:*.i)q., ' - 1'; r ; 1 ' ' i''''''' .1 i•:' '4' '-'. ''.
• * • ..... l. II? to rtanti for everybody. ..
• .:!.... ; ,E 1 1:.r:,,,,•,,, 1 9,...e.w.,“•iiht, 17.1f); ./•,f•.h MrK.!."r....., ' .1. , ,.,.. . All'illiforiPmetion may tte; secure.ii by
: '.'..-)..ar -- ,.. • •• A •-• '.. 1'1.1.. t -fa , •.*Jso, 1.. .0., 1' \If 111111 VI
te rit int.! the Secretary A. 31. trunt,
• Tile•e• fas.t..., ry-rareist.g '“.e• '.sr) r.,: #,..;.r.
!Yoh, Vs-AM...1V'. ' , .4 10 -. 1/..
i ' .' ':' ': ' ..t ..44 ' ..... 1. I 1 1:1•ilt•ral (Mee LiMielon Ont.
''4 A no.r.,. ur. d,,Lar ar., .af e,,ur....;....!", le): •I'4•'• I.." •'.' ;* ' ''•'
f ; r a i :I • re.phittlti• t, r ..:.••• 1 t .:
',I. • !iiriy•lit • .,: tn. 1: .-:: •:i. Ii. IR, 'A 4 'I. • 1,a,A. ' • ;' r:` 1,
• , ' .1 J.; Alli.ltitt , .
*.aieres or. 'incorre.
.y.• • %6.. • e,
to. i• .1..1 1 1.,
• :e• a jo•r ay...rouht, ;"•', .",• ••
(;:e 2 day m 1,•- • ; :.!.
. :...,;.,....1. ,,....,.:,:.:,,..:1....,..:,..i....,,tt:.:1.n.:11 tt:..y. .1k.,:t, •
2/4:: .: !,:... flits:. • ,.....1.1..,.‘,.....ze . , raftennagghwasailillmumumaiellis
• • • • ,,• It. 7 •it I ..ti Ult._ . -I** ../eiets• * 1
". " '•'4. . 1:*1:.11...11.:1 1DY 1 M. . I MALNUTRITION'
.. • ,,,, ta,• IJ ,,,s• . i ,...r4 .,..,.,• , ,i, ,"! !, .; :4 1' . • '.f, '':st . ' J '' 4 :
. ' • ' ' 41
.... .1' ".....11 .1 t. 1,I. i .1 Ir'ii• 11.,4. rI hinders progress 'aad growth.
, is the root of much weakness NA
L • / •.••:.. ii,•••• file
-----4.,-0-4 -,-. • , ,•,,, ef .. .- , i : , .4;-• 11.• . •
F*? ? 1It.. .. 1 :.° 1 . . • , .. .
• . : . 1. 1 ' ' • i t, A 1, A eq. t t . I J.
. P . t' .,.- ".; : ': .1. • Mao 1, .11 I ,'
. './.. ? -, , ! , r .'d 7 '.,. l'A; 1 V • •
I the norld- fusions took -fool 1
, is thy.. 1..toiral theray of mal-
l; , . f • ° 41 ti.e'.. ,- a
, . . . . - y•!••• Iraqi:. . . ) '.
.0. I ' I ; •... 441 "..01,
ruttraina ...I, weautss.
, .
1 !.... • •'.• • ,.,.
daily, bitilds Ftrength-helps
f i" , ,
\'‘ .
' ',,, •1 / • . Wt., Ni SCnit'S litrCe or four limes
• I II • / * ' . I i * ' •
• r.
* • • . • r • • ' r ,'',' I' :9i• Mitt.. , •••'' / I drive malnutrition away.
. .. ...,.. !......; I ,,.., 23.,.. he .1.. . .., f., , .,
• ”..nr! rd;ri Mt 4 I' A 7, , ; r
•4 , , , ..!, it, oi .1, ., ,lia, i. Hamilton .' ak,......__,1"4 8.)wne T'"Ft..tp• 0.1 ITAil
IrdillelkobArr ..414 4
rttt•rvtr,•4444,* 40744
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