HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-07-01, Page 8Hot Weate Needs PICNICS AND OUTINGS ARE THE ORDER OF THE. DAV, ANI) IN ORDER TO ENJOY YOURSELF AT THE LAKESIDE Y 0 U SHOULD BE PROPERLY DRESSED. 'THESE HOT DAYS OL" WILL FIND OUR STORE A V',LRY COOL • o.wwriii;ar d'!1P1►"'ANDCOMFI RTAH'L'E;PLACE: TO .SH4e Y '': n.,wr w.: w tau *w ^«.cam vim•': Hot Weather Needs For Men BELTS.. . ..... .50c to $1.75. GREY FLANNEL TROUSERS $5.00 SHIRTS .. .... .... .. $2.00 to $6.00 SOFT. COLLARS .. .35c and 50c CANVAS SHOES .... .. .. STRAW HATS AND PANA- MAS $1.00 to $7.09 COATLESS BRACES .. .50c to 85c BOYS' JERSEYS.. .. • 50e BATHING SUITS FOR BOYS AND MEN .... ...90c to $5.00 BOYS SHIRTS .... :.' 90c to 81.73 WASH TIES `.... .... .... ... 50c SOX WHITE AND COLORED ..50c to $1.50. pa'r. BOYS' WASH SUITS, WHITE AND COLORED ..$1.50 to 81.00 PLAT SUITS FOR BOYS $1.50 and $1.75. .WARM WEATHER WANTS • FOR WOMEN WHITE SKIRTS S2.75 to $4.50 HOSE.. ...... ..50c to $2.75 pair. CIl.ILI)REN'S SOX, 35 and 50c pair. WHITE 1VOILE WAIS'T'S, $4 to 6.50 WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS AND PUMPS -7- $2.00 t;r $.1.50 IiATIIING SUi'I'S ... $3.03 to $7.tw HOUSE . DRESSES, ALL SIZES, $2.75 to. $1.50 KIMONAS. ...... 83.50 to $9.p0. LADIES'. SILK RAINCOATS FOR MOTORING,. . 825.00 to $30.00. • CHILDREN'S DRESSES, ALL SIZ-, ES, 2 to 1.1 years, GI;tiGHAM, PIQUE and. WHITE JEAN, I.cAMERON,-_ MURDOCJ CO. Read this. challenge -- by al enge---.- by the Edison Laboratories, cane c the phonograph which stantis L - • h, d it. ..r • t ) hear We have it in cur Lt'.? oratory Mocks specified is ti C�:?� Reedy the "invitation to Ta ;hie, -\'1; chine Manu- facturers." It's prir.'ed .Here, just a(# the Edison - MEET,ME AT THE i'AV, , The, new P•aviiion• at Goderich is prov.iir., a popular attraction for th? young people of the district' and larg ' crowds have been in attend- ance, zince it was opened two weeks ago. , Situated on the banks of Lake Hut•,Ju, the Pavilion, with its btauti ful (1:..neing floor -'116 by tit) flit, it-, splendid music each night by the Lutz Society Orchestra,.- -ef London, its well-appointed restaurant, and other facilities fur the comfort and convenience of visitors, is an ideal place to spend an -evening in dr'light ful : urroundings, The management announ •es that Picnic and automobile parties visit- ing Coderich are invited t.o use t'ie Pavilion grounds_ for the paritin ,, f their automobiles and zciay have the i:se of tables the restaurant free of charge. , It isfintended` to have a concert of ssasf:Nd:,1natsie;.: all a nn tcsac�y:.'.aftc -•', 'tt cl vnittg 4trring .,the ,season. For the l� iiday, July 1st., there will be music and dancing in -the 1'av;lion both afternoon and evening. -Adv. -0 WAWANOSII MT. Edwina Jarvis left on Wedre-:- day last •for Wilkie, Sask., to v;sit his daughter, Mrs. Sherwood, who is ser- iously ill. Mr. Wesley Sherrifl', of Owen Sound, spent a few' days recently: visiting; his uncle, W. R. Ferrier. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid and child- ren spent Sunday at W. R. F'er.riei's. -0 o -o- - •'i'O NSHIP 'RiS'l' KEEP ICO.%1)5 SAFE To,u fin ndlos, a grocer of Hanove;•, .vas last week awarded $500 ctar,twrcs aga:nst the Township of Brant be- cause of .injuries he sustained in an auto accident last October. IIe was on his way to a dance at Chesley a Ford run -about which_ on :stritin a defective culvert roiled into the ditch. Sandlos was pinn:'d under the car •and severely injured while th 2 at:tem')bile was badly damaged. Ile entered suit for $5,000, but Judge Klein saw fit to award him only one- tenth of this amount. The Judcre stated that the township was bound to keep the roads in a' reasonably. safe condition. i ,rt s s*w.1,•1•111wlr Phone leo. 10 is :it Your Service Me Sell for Cash -we Szi1 Che..per Than, The Credit Stores ..... _ - OUR LAWN MOWERS AICE THE HLS'I' CANAD- IAN MOWERS MANUFACTURED. WE IIA VE A WELl. ASSORTED STOCK 16 INCH CUT, 8, 9, AND 10 INCH "WHEELS. PRICE, 88.00, $8.50 AND $10.00 THE SAMSON IIAY FORKS , AND HOES HAVE MADE A NAME FOR THEMSELVES THAT MAKES SAMSON A HOUSEHOLD WORD. CORRECT I N SHAPE, ' MADE OF .h'IRS'I' QUALITY STEEL WVITII SELECTED . SECOND GROWTH WHITE ASH HAND- LES ftND- LES PLACES THESE TOOLS IN A CLASS BY THEM- SELVES. ti t woe+r.�rs WE HAVE IN STOCK` 'I'IIN: FIRST QUALITY 4 LURE .4 URE M.11NHAA, :HAT FORK,....I{O'I";E. ,t.:41:' BEIM'THIS -ROPE .BEFORE YOU BUY. HA V HAVH aM RY FINE ASSOR'T'MENT . OF - SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS. NOW IS THE TIME TO KEEP OUT THAT TESTY FLY. ,1 IN OIL STOVES WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOOK OF NEW PERFECTION AND FLORENCE AUTOMATIC WHICH WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU. TlieLuck,iow Hart1ware&CoaJCo. .THE STORE THAT NEVER DIW A PPOINTS � N L.ucicnaw Machine and Repair Shop NOW READY '1'O 60 ALL KINDS OF It i'Ati: U:; 'FARM IMPLEMENT'S: THRESHING MACHINES AL:IOM°. BILES. • GAS . ENGINE REPAIR WOUR A SPECIALTY. WE HAVE HAD YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN THIS LINE AND CAN GUAR$NTEE FIRST CLASS WORK.. AGENTS 'FOR GILSON TRACTORS AND GAS ENGINES. G S. Durnin Son • ••es sit 3t -c..• -- • to Talkie -Machine Manufacturers "We are informed that the rep. resentatives of one or more talk. ing-machine manufacturers have it stated, on several occasions, that they are able to distinguish be- tween a singer's voice, or i9at:u- mentalist's performance, and the New Edison's RE-CREATION of such voice or performance." "We hereby invite responsible. representatives of any reputable talking -machine manufacturer to permit themselves to be blind- folded, and to. listen to such a • comparison; in the presence of judges of their own choosing, in- dicating to the judges when they think they are listening to the artist, and when to thedew Edison. There is only one con. dation attached. and that is -that the representatives of. the talk. ing.machine company, and the 'I judges selected by them, shall sign a written statement, setting forth, in full detail, the results of the test." "The test will be made with an Official Laboratory Model, taken from stock, 'such as Can be bought in any Edison dealer's stere." (signed) " I ' THOMAS A. EDISON, Inc. lel L v- ILL "Th. f lh:- u.sra;,l, :bit.'; a .S.,::!„ 31111.111.111.11111111111e ULY SALES THIS IS THE CLEARING MONTIi FOR MANY OF THE SUM- MERY,.LINES. OF DRYGOODS. FOR TII EXT 30 DAYS WE ARE OFFERING MANY LINES OF SEASONAIILE MERCHANDISE AT REDUCED FIGURES TO CLEAR OUT, AND ANY READER WILL DO WELI. IN COMING HERE TO PURCHASE AS ,,.SAVINGS ARE GREATER •THAN}•s •• The Official I..abor a.ory Moc'c•1 FFas proved its Realism in 41CGO Conparison !mach! b ££ orc 3,500,000 peop'.e all cvcr ,e Unity 1 S•_,t s lei , Canada. For c,' in -Lo.; Aries reccz t!y, an audien-�e of 1,500 p�cl,,:• �y`.�;._,:�:: to tell the clifff renes l�::twe�r1 i' e l ivi : ; yr;ice c'f Miss I`7arie 1!'r:ri'i�cy, 'ori -i -f m �•; t co_:rralto, and its • RE-CREATioN by the There's a v.'ay • fcrr 'yrc,t3 io tL' .t• t e ',•onderful- Realisrn dairr_ec.i- fres tLc .;Qi' ria:1 Laboratory Model in this sweeping ch 1l;(Lr.f-c.. \W 'sive Mr. Edison's Rea!isr.;Te;,;t. Cutnc it, ;.r„i i.t t:3 sive it tr) you. ,The price of the new Edicon }:a:. adva,.red less than I S' ( since August 1, 1 t' ti. 11:r, i c;i.zoo has. absorbed the Lulk of the incraaar.d cost of material, skilled Labor, and to::y •h1e is de- termined to keep.thc New f=.disbn within the reach of everyone. copditionr r,;,'y o! ce a price -advance. Buy your New Edison nowl Our Budget Plan makes it -easy. It is system applied to spending. Ask ch:.ut it. TIMELY SAVINGS IN 1.0 DOZ. "LADIES FINE COTTON • VESTS, EITHER SHORT OR NO SLEEVE. TODAY'S 30 and 6(Ic VALUES. JULY PRICE 29c 9 DOZ. MEN'S F.I.As FIC RIIIBED UNDERSHIRTS. T'emmans make, fine Egyptian cotton. Sizes 40 to 41 only. Today's value 81.25. ,,. JULY PRiCE 79c , JULY PRICE 39c 3 DOZ. LADIES' i:I.ACK COT- TON DRAWERS. Large sizes, clos- ed st» le. Regular dollar value. ,J UL V PRICE 59c 7 DOZ. MEN'S . AND. YOUTHS' SHIRTS ANI) DRAWER --odd lin- es of various colors, in all sizes up to 40. }Porth up to $l.03 per garment. GINGHAM BARGAIN • 250 YARDS CANADIAN ,AND SCOTCH GIN(;I1A%IS AND (:HAM - !IRA YS. Mostly Stripe P patterns in all the popular fast colors. 75c Cloths. JULY 20e YD. ',0 LAi)IES MIDDIES. Sizes 31 std 10. Pure whits. Open front with helt. Worth 82.00 today. ' JULY PRICE 98c 8 MEN'S BROWN OR GREY COT- TON SOX. JULY PRICE 23c pair 100 YARDS :11T ;i) STRIPE VOILESAn blue, pink or helix stripes CLEARING AT 49c J. G. Armstrong, Lucknow 75 ('IiiLDi.E\'S DRESSES OF I'rint or Gingham.. From •1 to 12 yrs,, Gond styles worth up to $2.00 cadL OUR CLEARING PRICE 98c 3 DOZ. LADIES BLACK ('O'i'Tp)N • - 1IOSES • Size ,i � 1 only. JULY PRICE 15c pair Above are only a few examples of the• to . p many bargains rbe foundlne and save I here. Co__ money. 131"11'ERICK I'ATTERNS IN • STOCK MUNN'S '". t' • Ripley f PALM OLIVE 50:11' ,10c CAKE, El'ERYDAV. •