HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-07-01, Page 7• - • • :2x • Address communications to AQronomIrt, .73 Adelaide St. West, Toronta . Buckwheat for I¢:4ur Soil. much on poor soil -infested ...itlt weeds; Is your land poor and, thinis: Is your a good su:I may require only two!. soil 'acid? Or has your c',rii failed? pecks el, heed to. the :sore.. ' • Try buckwheat. Harvesting .is not the Jt1t job many A short growing seaeou.u•ill.produce petiole thing;.• Au erd"iitary grain- s good crop of buckwheat. Therefore, binder can be used if the ground is buckw'h'eat fits 'in Well on land wlher'e• not too rough..,.. Set up the bundles— sprint; -crops fail.. It is. the best crop three or four to after for thin lord. It is af;dul1 elibp . 1 tutting, and>, before. tlie„ :items wilt. for l stew •ground. ''Only a smolt supply Of i Begirt harve.'itir.g "ell. :needs from lime,•is aeeded in tine soil; hut • it .1,a 1• the first set or blossoms, are .rtnature. • quires high' elevation • and cool, insist] Afi.et' 'standitlg .for ten days in shocl;s,1 weather•, esoe •tally of bl oo:lilt ,' i line. i.tlle binaries can- be• atacked or stored:i.. • HOt V. -Nailer \'':,11 C(.►l,;tslut 1''611 IS •.1': a tarn. rl•h.ey..' c..an be `threshed with; unfavorable ' to butr:wt;'t':it. If J ' o•ur'i an ordiaara flail. `+';eI(i's vary between! lift sen and _i slay -bushels s) .the acre j focality fits these rc•y.�.t •au.11i.S l.,r,1s1�- �� areal oft: , x ildo ,.*_.- < .t,aa:;ho s.t ----....a, rw'-1t1e:�,L ti!}�i-t:nF• S'�'�.�at�•,i .:.• •w- ; .♦_ •' .I > �` .. • �.1��: To obtain- i:est• results u•.1;1► Lit,'•:;-� its• use for flqur,...b.ic•..,- 1 whe.i,, h:,, a variet;�• .of tis Y9. '''111e wheat I)lo:vs. the ]r1;iid - early in alas. 0ttt; r ataas s•; move(!`' itis •.rnitlind•-are spring. $ec•p it in. ;uu,t1 11 t1te l,} lotanol for tattle , ; har•ro;yio o(_itl_i•onally. •1-,tt' l';•')t'.e(1 Eitel---u,cd I',r.n.ipr 't. land—ilott!c! be ;(!lowed tv ,etti" h,i;,r•.: b`. d;1).r%Mein. The•• shave no ota e.I'ett • 011 cis:;r l :I,tvs; ,undo := fed. a'; the only planthng to Make a firm it•edlool. M••ny' • __._pepeople 'plow file load in 4444, i'011,1 tr:lee: o'r• •in e_:ces . hucals-Heal. ople the cxutis Vice 1 !st 1,1;t, .(sri ,),•;}•'.:' 1 eat feed are Itiiddl- distributes' farm nein,)".•, i 1 11:_ I ii,:... un'i h i" . nal 1i �z•h'�,le.'t�llcl~ �t wllct�tt r= r.:lu' '; .' ,•.tl�.r ll): 1 oultry foods' .Iia kwh' tt'is seldom.. o;,)so; I': :1 1l'- The .a11„tt. .14 r4.jil::t e:ittil 1). st0 1 cri,' finite rotation. poet e\ ('r, it , ::;I 1•(.' It' it 11;a: bean I..eot in 1r • .pe. I . .worked into :; rotation; - i:;• f'):1•'w:: ' 1; '• i u n - 1, 141r,., a w,e,t lestroy•Fr an(l First.yeaa, al�i1.e. ,. l:)r't•r,n at is v:ll.lahle :, ,c'1 ct1' :-7,,,,.! r,,1 i,Ler. 1 )111'kt,'' e '„h• •1? i :rii i second year, b:1' potatoes; fot:rth y,;il• �`1 • • .'► c• .�, ► �,••:;a i•tt �,r:•1;•1•r�•i';. :Field! • : t' 1 t Or :1.;' 1 l•. 'll',1.••, in Cit'der• to have , :l ! wheat .seeded 'to clover: The tinl:o to sow l.1.. 1:c it,t•I (! ; 1, '. ..:Oto: ,',; lilt? c,•(„ i,t 11) .1� 1, ready.. 'the spring frost dal: r.,r +. i 1 P• 1'.;1(1 .1,. i.; 1) ,, : 1 i'!•. ,-harvest. if t inti ;; t,•t1 i wise the nl1- ,Itr�1 ^..t f1►o rank:, :lnt.4 .wiil het -]:ills i Lao •c• i:, frost in the. fall ::ill 1 ..• filo. '1'i,);). ..;;p!e:; 1 , fol! ')i 1 so the 'crop ,i1u:.t fit :'n i,'lt',t','eti t two frost ptisietls; and + . a !. ,; :(cl • of the grain 1 • i .; � 1�: l••. - ...,• '' 1:"t r � Mori.. ;i=,��•-. ill t:, 11i• '1 foil. , .. i,i ! alai::l,'t't• 11!t' r:Pii of e:t•1 y 111c're nio-t to' �..` , . -oro i 1I'0.4.,•.,1•, it i3 • weeks. hett'.'c'e;'- s c..(Illi( ,:1: ,. otos 1 , i1 •1',. :., .•()1'. ' ,i•-1 1?. •1t time of fail f•1 )=, ' : • A gralri'dl'll, C:;:1 ',+' osal, '. ;, .!-,:t' ', ., t'I',.,, :' :t (l(ic's� s for' et. r1' a,. e!..,14. ! the' year.• : ing. A drill 'relluire:, I!•... s•; 1 , 1r P. ;,�; . '.nisi-: .=1.,1•;, in broaden: • a bruaca: t : ct'(:; r, atl;l !, • are- : •e•cl!r,:filo rote .:•' ,s; ti'... i• - genctrally 'Airco or. 1'':-p,.'-I1/'•d:• tit :C• '11 \'..i'1. 11•'.,11 •' t• trot.' „ , . ! 1).15.;: acre. I+', .„ as( lis 1: i -oh. 1',• t ;r •'• j ! r,' •:t'1,• The.iriul'ts 'ran be t•o.11ef . Canrig '�i � Y1itht. Sgar Ps' PITS' t ahaVs THE SLT!'J)AY :,CHOOL Li':aso11' JULY 4111. Wirt In 'Camp and C;:urt, 1 Sar^.. 17: 1-18: 9. Gotha Text, 1 Sam. 118: 11. .. • 1- 9. The I:ilist.nes. • e'er -:e. 1-11 area part r the •oldest mirro- r?: r Prayer for Canada '', , . e, \ 0,17 s, verses 12-31 rr:�bdbly a later addition from ali'�t'har source: °•T1ic • Whole of Saul'', reign. appears to, hove been • occupial with , the struggles against these clever,- deterrain il, ar.d persistent foes, the Philistines. The sa•1ah.,cf:. Fabs aorta west stall sayess1b 4of le . kessis ana1 .troy . e hills-:. tine countk•y. Not far away, was the c:ty cf Cath, the home of the giant Goliath. Her the .two armies t.e.e encamped, one, on either side, •w with the valley and the brook between. Goliath is described ic:s a very big. man,' about nine feet in height, and as wearing a coat et mail, .the weight 0.1 From ocean untoocean , Our' land, shall own Thee Lord. And, fill* with true - devotion, Obey Thy sover &list ,word. : r, :20u•r prairies d. obi• ountains, Forest and 'fertile field; Our rivers, lakes and fountains,. To Thee shall tribute yield. Where error smites with blindness, Enslaves and leads astray, Do Thou in. loving kindness Proclaim Thy gospel day, Till• allthe tribes and races That dwell in this fair land, ''' Adorned with Christian graces, Within Thy courts shall stand. Our .Saviour King, defend us, And guide where we should go; Forth with Thy message send us, .Thy love and light to show; Till fired with true devotion Enkindled by Thy word, From -Ocean unto 'ocean` r Our land shall own Thee Lord. • which was r.1' -;re than two hundred, pour.'ds. A .cubit was a little less than. eighteen inches . and a -shekel about :17rce-tqu 1: --r of 'an ounce. David is here-iepresented- as a..aery . young 1'nun.• He is sent by his father with provisions for his ' ighting bro- . x tilers. andi a present for their com-. • •ra::t.'lirg '.offi. er. -The picture of . I)a\'id: .v;sit to the camp) is drawn• • :e to the life ---hi; +cag�'•r. interest, ..---• i.:; queE.tions., the rel,u:.e of r ills older .'-- raper! 1.1.1.S i idi,r.at:ooh at the defiant' cl•:nlil'n .re of the. giant I'1.:lirtine', his own n'i):c::Ding arlll,it:cin ,' conib:lied with. t14.o c•'.altat:on of spirit • produced o.,-,-.• las ",r'thh in .Isllovah the' God' of • i l.•!'.t 1: The• nicer 'story, i)tterrarted i. tat: :1'P •c:1•.l 'Of 'Verse 11, is' re_ time'!' in. , n17: 1(-1.). Tn Itis Scrip. •Tce . trip ' \ -is ,his rl!e'p':ie d°'• •bag.' Da'::d :':as accl:.sto:;1=_••1. •ta the use of .the se;,i and t: ,.'to;{ .11')v to his fain;liar a•-• ;an ri:,r':t r tl:t:l'1 to t;, 5'.s or•d anti .t.f Saul. '1111:• .:sic: of the ••Tiar- row c•l:t:r,llrl, in whin th:i •hrooi •ran, V.' ere steep: '...:,01.C1 • ha , would hpose to oranible UO `,4i anti upna„t.in. Only I //s 4 741 �j vr'he11 he appoz reci on the farther side • • Dll(r to the; ::°til'('1t': all 1: tile' proo. (',, .' , i 1 _ ---- - _ .Sct/1'e .s (�.^ .. 'd:I:ii d1'E'Y:` t'.(r t T loglo 1 1.;1.1:11 1,,' n.+l."1 Lv'C rr to the Philistine w oll',d :i;t4c' �•-•—=---- •tha, giant be ';ir.-. re of his Corning.- . et :-u; t:).' the' pot,: ibility of tutee -of pli. r. , list„ 1 ,l ,;:c'.1 ` ,.....,1c., to of a little girl who prayed in licit otwn Am I a Dog.? The •Warrior is highly the l•()t7'.111).” l.•t•np of snh:.11 fr(1 ,3 L;•(!li:'t° +� : (,01,.1 t'•r::.....f:(•!......0' .. • •'• •, ' � t0 w;ts'._e is rvre�'l ls;..Itil'.r:,•inti, T t',,' :' cel:: 1.:1(' It r,::: 1'.+,; .:1,. ., 1'.�I,+-, ns.: -.!... `.!..t:)- si.nhhle ehilcllil(c--way that the ;i't)nder=' offended' that t1Tla-y017t11 sh(5i11d come is a method of cat'niti(,•'tt l t:: )..it ',..4,.4r. :, �' :,) }1:;I'. ,.t'. •• it fun' gift of Imagination might be taken i ).11T1t hhM 1Jitl2 01:1�- a staff in his . 'which i'- c'e 's'h'een ir: i is Ttg.,1este t, ,'t:tr ,• . ''�� i' i]`It'3f1 fro'iln 'her because. of the scorn and hand. IIe dt;es r.ot s.ec�;ll tU be a:rare large Guiding. is _ ridicule vi•it Bahl), inti, «, — - l-r�h.l..i>icon err r rtr:f. q 4a"' h. which th•�e teacher of of the slil•:g :which David c:,?'ries _ o"r pry, ., .1, of ltouseliohl ti;..a.n:e , 1•. t' c 't \' ',,•11 at !•.- ;,r3t-=1'' geography treated her attempt to ic' of the stokes which t 1'e c1�T1Cea'er1 in . - ':i t' 1'<facaol)a (1 Cu',le�r° f(11'.ntw ': i "'Whorl 'shy k:o'. tv;;s'.onl,; fothr. .years there came to his mind -ail the mems titre p • .� and •1:=,►'I):,::� �(;tln.l ! 1 e Arabia, about which she «as' pia bag. '1n .tie firm r;. r ! , i ( li; +,t rad , old, I bekan .to. �)unislh••him every time : cries of •J:lc1:'a squirrel. Memory and studying, land, place, • 1 uy,zr (• y €r, Instead of merely . bouroling ! In the \rime of the Lord of Hosts. it. t ton, ‘i ,.11',.V.-. c:.nr.ing utmost care nitir•t pct nl.=cr\ • ; he told a lie. It took .great pests- � ; 't: +•r , . , 1 , +-• n nha,:,ination. became confused so that tl::'. country. „ :',::1 (.vex: role otricYiv fo i :'re +►` • tt ._ ,: to , isto anci i a 1 ,: Please, • God; rjheip rice ;. David __knows. _the ant. •songs an•d tl. that'• cure h:m hilt tlou h, is the title ,elite la3 Thought he vas feeling not:to see people and stories of, his. people. tie n w, walk �.u,(' ., .•Irc�Ci�left. !p animals in p I 1. o _that los= of fruit:owl: w,i tt a 4. iii C , . �" ' most truthful c•11i1d you ever 11 CW the truth when he told of the squirrel Arabia instead of an Jehovah has L -• it ti'<' ma • result. ' (a'' ti''' dtiy It n''.,tics•: sirs % a, IOU can depend upon his word ever l i pan the, p P Y which had eaten• from his -hand, slept' wall' she rayed.: • old inti 1 sen called' a :Vias a m. .�: +scop as 11.4).:.ablt:.ufti'r 1):(.4.:n}. ••;st)eci time." Pi p p 1 Z�'ar" that_ fie is regarded as. the I ermPn,Ption and tieray lire call •rl lime. The father spoke wit rat -1) l' g. to • a''doll's bed and sat 'in a chair fortunately the little 'girl's praye aptain•:of I::• et's at•me and that any „alas, 11.0 a,aor• t,soo, : 1 _ by the bacteria, yeasts • and,, 1n1)ul(i•, pride, Ignorant that the merry little and he naturally 'resented as an in- *As not answered and her imagination Ile is the C;it'c r of �'i1�' which are ever ,1)reseat • in he :lir,: ' 'i• l l'ea:: fruit snit 1, )ire as for l next door who .was the companion • .,ol�. The title t:; r, t. + t , faille u: c. p justice the punishment which followed. developed and Was so aided and con -:"Lord of Hosts" originally meant God , ;,h coating in. ''ileac with • fruit. t1 ,. of his ores sullen boy had a13o past"d • r t,. L.gt;c•h in :.i.e .,f -rlard tr+.iirs. through thri•`l `years -h "romancing"! passed,• «,�. ' Fact -and Imagi;nation.. ' trolled by' a wise and understanding of the armies. of Israel, -but later, in' -- t„ must, therefore, destroy these forms, (►.• C will a"' but with 'no eY:hat Is• truth?' four-year-old mother that rhen the child ai'ew to the teaching of the prophets, it •came tat of life.pre-sent in the •irtlit and in ;hr 1 ,, 1 punishment for lying and containers and prevent uncle fl;t inner! 7.• p''/ pl'odur•t rlt;i;'klc• into jar:.' ronswitli no u uhn1er mclying s to Margaret asked earnestly of a loving; �voman'hood she vitas able to use that to signify -the Lord of invisible as sell ' :: hie'h h.,,-,,•, ,il:>, I,F=.'1• re'lnot ',i t>ne at,' Y friend who rcb.1 ked het- for not telling'' imagination to write stories wkrich as visible powers, and of all cr'hatio». • �a- Pntranee tato the containers, by �c�.l- i c ;ir into later life. , •1 Y tie truth. I'lhe friend b definite have brou ht This is the meaning we *attach -to the t.11.. Ever thP, till!( t'rom 't, c' ,,oiler. ',::in>; a y g jot to thousands of . irg and steril:zinfi or boiling..Ink'''. 1`- •, - • handle , every little child passes through a illustration, helped her to understand little children. (r.alna "Lor,i Sabaotlz.." David's faith what is termed canning. sterile I; r:i:l ur •1, , )n ! +t d,+ for.: i p -- nlental stage schen he finds it difficult the difference between. fact• end int -1 3'h& W''ond�l•land of Childhood, i anci courage are superb. `•This'das•,' the �} o pack:nl,. .lahe There e.re many reason: t>'111• t •1n• I .8. Fill K.. ! if not impossible to distinguish be- a••i I i ., • sed r' , with' 1)1)i, r1;, w;iter, ll.; est nation,' and for several week's. the The' world of imagination is, real] ! he says, "will the Lard delis er thee �octd spoil. Some o, the�ct arc:' krlfe t„ t'c out ;1:r t , tti:'een memory and imagination. child's stories were followed by'.the++ the iris h into my hand." `'The Lord r thee , L__ . S(.4'. Because of iuhperfet:t •jars; -use-.,f old l ! TOL avail.: , o I kingdom 4�f the little child in which , Five-year-old Harold spent a ser • question, "Was I tennis • th _ •• .. t;r . top t'. ,; h' �:;ifer rtlnni;l); c,' ,•r ►r:•_ ..._.�..._ esti , )eing too slow; filling too • many' alts te'c . cover,. �' } e� as a e to ' Si adults choose for him. Let us hen the i)att:� is l.c t:10, :1. ,! 1)al':lal1} spun at uri•�. mother had so tamed.a squirrel that tingttish the difference and her imag-I' him by tellirhg him. of the p 17: �i)-5I• The Men of Iaael. rn- mat once; it.aecuracy in time r,f i),r'lin, : 1 1 I It came to the' window and at.e from inative stories •were introduced i• n,I• greatheroes;'ours ed by amazln result off�iil.ure to tc►St , 1( �1'llen ail jr� ar,• re.tiliy.T,face of history and•riterature and cease to gg ,n)n jars after ,tt ri on rasa in boiler' ar,d•cur:'; • :witTn ::atgr the children's hands. "Wouldn't •it he "This icn't•true but--" "Once upon a i the encounter the their ; :�lrthful .chain- • rend careless storage. fun •if. . it n•ould come into the• 'room time, '•i a1 duailht blip with the cruel villains". plain with the 1 of 't i,1 tame trmperar.�ra . as iat•s, „ a etc So she lived in her mance-I and coarse .buffoons of he movies and pgiant. sus led forward ......,— acquaint equipment necc�.:ark ford, in keepin;,r • the 'jars. epar•l;t, J and play with us? Yes, and 'get sieve world joyously increasing a to his aid, and followed uptheir re• - ning as follows: Wash boiler, or t „ , into the dolls bed and sit in a chair '�"rry valuable mental po«er, yet being] thy• newspaper headlines. During . l 1. (()vel' 1)1111rt'. (tr;rt.;', l t.l ,►C• I.lit• ' . treating enemy .:iS fan' a5 (lath allot large kettle, .:with an airtight, :•,;\ter•'is els carp' impressionable Sears, chin- - posse ar,l ],oil i+r,tii'. t► ▪ e fruit 'i and eat •from a table.". Each child saved the reproof and punishment too' Gail and the gates of i�a.:ren: The fitted rayl: for bottom of hn!ter; r_!.►rri ' , a l dies are influenced Whore by their, cuoLcd. made his contribution to the delightful 'often meted Out to children who site iulagin�•lt �•: coo anions' than tatelrent • that Das=id brought • the • jars and' eorer3 property 'sierilic�etl,! (tit ;,oft, fc',tt, 1•1,;;.lir,. er,,,ti .10 to• romance. Two or three weeks later not understood. • p ' th= good ruT>ii)ers; long -handle'! spoon or methin was said in Harold'sactual children with who'll the coni. Philistine's head to Jertrs :em is hard L p li n:ltlu,rs t. h: r, l:;ar •l.= usccl. Iv' 'o g pies Miss Elizabeth Harrison in heel in contact. b to erplair, because at. -that glebe, and siiwer k�ilfe; ctrr,iner or c'. ('ail chrestl ' o . . Ilii ,,::'.,+' ;� ll C,i. ',,' :1 t,1 1:► (11113U:Cg ence about squirrels, and immediately :look, `'i11541L`'Ir;'.}nod 0111:;11' "�," +c'1: s. , .. , , , for Nr+filhi►i1,'' fru: ±, 1}1lr:'I;;r.,r Lets preten(i, the. imaginative for many,years afterward, Jcr•ti�:+,c,,i s n10;'.t t1 ill' 1't aa..H, • '''l t,}' toile child days O:'el' send Over again.. "Yes, ��'aF a .Te-)USitC St1'c,t�;lho1d. and coir! -dipping, boiling water. :,t1.1 4.— -'• y� T with ):;:1r British ct's re#.c ld," 17 5.8,1F: :►, Whose Son is This elealsatotwels, :d of which' sl ool i ! t };, }i !r l ''r•. ;, The r� 4�'1 P the ::tic bother ons - •1 til s Dominion e n(' 11 .,, •. and jokingly ► c --- `" vers, j ; ,g y may add, `.Let'"Doth . Tf;' Pat , of. t ilP story c1nof to • i'1(t;tl +I !II t,;,tes :.► h ' ::s • c•r.'.t isle r,Thisl^(1 ;s truly histc,ri�.z1 if "Ta prepare the arc.et( t till, (1r t t\we�r. i:',;::•tc t:ithl)llf ,!r,�:;r. I } '� Motherland preiend that ::c .ire, fairies a►hd that' t11c-: e:e11f :nolo place hc'fr1•A. nrltid rec•- for leakage, h lien 1 ) !© �i all the specks oi' dus't nr w e nilaal_ IT, y i.l:ng t: it „'. e i] ! a Fri- all on rubber, sealing- t ,,, j , 1-. i' 1•r bei;••t .1 . time for us to rl• .. ;cisme tO the, c��11,,1;1 l) a 1' :., t, i ;...1 ,+' Ott'! ,: ' '( �. ' lase `1 d,',i 111 .:1,1 :•7 t iitable.fa rit,c. t s . ,1', 1' _� > 1 'citing On •2 f li 1:„ tw c:lnl•Lets 1 en i t'cl ' ' n r"1:1` fill .h 1p. 1 ,. t , cry!''+ ►a')1n-' t,i t�,,,,r''' Ir: i •(•:, , ,: u pet , ;lnd pretend .with the • Entre s i i- s The r 1•r 1 t', t C. ,. ,�. 'y i .seen on the tai, ►)1. , . 1 h ly i1) O F.n lend --burdened . °ri .1 n' it ('h .,1• - u1, • • .c i:'1 . sore, "'t .SO' dlVitte•c•h lilies,••:n•! 1)e th:;nk ty , ., , , � yet fu: with ret'el•- Alt, .(.c.'. ;)�, ` est. hunn.11c r. c ,ll l: :l an 1 •.T 41;ltlla• " •i:• fol;.. fir 1 t• StP; ii; Ze the jars tiT' 1 ,' ,•,', t' i Int i ' . 11 „1! t '' 1 ) •!: r. `\;e, thylot cd 'daughters o� r `t' .Nt1 a when we ' ilc ai.'y' : r R . 'h 1 Iso" ' ' o'er the oceans Evide. grown men to l�' •11' 1 c'r o r 1 and women are of r :t 't' n,i ;,(' • • :sod' h:1 1•c- t v placing, o 't(' it ter. 1•�,t. r ;t ell 1'+ tt't,,'t1 cool VL' hose blossoming thy bosom fills with pride , ` ( :1 ,let's. , t 3 re-enter. the tvi)11.1it1'l�t1t41 Of ('il:leu- el -.e ., t y;, '' r i t, t rite Of g.er'f r..,us, i'(.)Ill `old water. bring water ro hO point and .bV. ; -..1, i .: :.t out- again... ut Our hearts our a declare forevero;l, 1' '�:. 1!I' 1:.:,):.:h: :. ?, .. 'i 1',. for fi'ftcer, .. ;Aute•. - 11 thine. ho •n;, ]with-th .little people . of 1 urea. oil f)It (' t lflce - �� Sic+rih c the rubbers in =h 1t ',t ;lets•} ... 1. ,1r'}., dark ,, ,►, ,. f 1gtfidin=r them in their , and • n''''-', r.l,.,.(..ians ,r• thein:: t .:t , dish 1 Hots thou has lowand howem ne 2 ti ( f ed us thi- wcrw her �' titer for fir utl' , r; eat'_git"t of Inot esti, n ' ' ' ; ' • e; en when r �*fi ''� r c:'il:, ,1: (1 :11:': seri ' ;11•c,. pi' hoili�n �� e nein 4 School'd us in Truth, and shielded us from harm, ,i, n:1. l,t;. 111:(• ,) 1,;:,)". ;h;t 1>',;,i1 "In the cold pack method :lit`'')! 0 Peerless Canada. i Till, grown ••._.__-__.._. «.�.,' 1. t1 c‘,1,00 anti �IOr•tance;of the two.terms 10.: own to nationhood, we -the world charm, -�ot,- lr, ills:: � (, 1 and colli dipping.. should !,e' e".li li,:i: '--1 - i ►, . , ' � ''ltirh, marvelling at thy greatness, honors epee ! a�•k_ 1'.I! I lett. Pd. Blanching i:, to dip ill 1)),' !:_- ( '^•� , : t, .lt• brei i ;' { I t 1 il.y. ' water. and keep wilier 1hi' ►�'+ilii:: ! • , 1 • 1111 wetter for froth a few s(', t,r;,! • tl) tit r.7 11:: 1, ,• h h _1.. ,1m,,1 the minutes, :1c•un'•rlillg as tl, whet ht'i° t tic' l I fruit i oI• the' i I ,It I 1 r., t sort. or hard v:rrirt':.1 tl , r..i!:r ',t rt+' The Welfare el the Hme ti .•.-..ter• s„ 0aar0 ;IX f- .gcs and I•'iro :Mutual )g' done •tcknow., s;'4ain Ve(int.,s- :ic -Os- , ..ht s:i'at trent vi , Secure:d • by Us- •llethod :la. :So. .weds, - outfit: .. 3 aer'vs tied .by Luck - 8. anted. ,Also e . you .ie from ', on. red +e on ..retia .- ..t to • et':ln:)•l;i has I:+.r coil!•ct0u',,s;, to ii'c� ('1 c,:.1.: 1•. i'cr:ti. "2".e.‘,1,, ti:e,1 stili bot1,C�; t•irpacltl•. 2'1;.:1.)iZ 111 1 .,i,' i. !.t', '.l :?:',',1-(•:r , ,,, that: ..ti.t, yi have .1.1:%;) 1•cfr 1/ r' , 11715," ; Pr t,' i, ::t1 1 (',,Asch stor,is e''ts ,, ''''''',.:-.1:1.1.'.....1) Vii :.1:111•] . 11(' :1x1:1: 1::}t;o s (+f the \v i'lti i11 tor.ihago, ,l t1., 1.: :I. 1>iat a:l l'. :t" t`(I at doll•.;f .Seotern•o.to 1(tlo, ' •' ' -' h'el lin f:'1rn '.11..' .11, .' e• •;I , ,.l ►a fit '1 , 1 for %m.not„[' : e'tt::ltiy,tllltier •.\sly' t \t.: '�r Dear. glorious, wondrous Motherland, whose womb Gave unto earl the grandest empire known,' Tho' Time (kind Heaven forbid !) should its bond doom Thy glory aye shall grow thro' good'seed sown.. Ours be vain Nio'-,e's fate if we e'er prove 1 . Forgetful of our debt, thy. tr'utit and lo.'o! • �.l To Canada (r (':11i14f.t. 711' I'.111'., 1; \anlr, ('%•411' 11(';11' 114.1:.•'. 1'I,u' 1. Inst}' strand. thought ;1:' :;i i:1 't• Tilt' 4' (,n'I''ll i t } 1;."71 1.•!,.;1:g • 1.i1r Tjiy 1.,,'t, ::1 ..i. i'!+' •1.1 . O ('nit.1 i.,. 1,1. 1':114,01:1 'there , 1 c) 1.24211 To thee In 1;r:li2 1 i(,ve t!' it II; ttiilil ext',, ..r fI` '('. Of reel. :'t;•l •,:It!t,', 1111•:1 11•11' !i.. ,i - `\'tier i'c=:;'',i i(,4 lihert'•. t;:(R'1 tbri:• I!w(. t!!..l; 1'; 11.•1:11 ,le ;) :: , ; 1 . 1' (rt:. 7', . , • i-• I e'+,111) .\t1 . t,\,•; - 1, I•.,i 1..1:,:i 'i1 , 114 , ,!.• • • t.. f',1 Int t:Tltlr 1 •1411 " 1'11 • I 1 cd 1'I..0!• 2) 1, +1.1• i. 1 ;I tt 1, .t•,•• •"ti:,t 1' i i. • I I'. i ..linin ,l•. . • ( )111. .2 '.r'. •1.1 t.,;‘ it , ,, .,1. 1,1•,,.i, • .1;, \y1' br tt i' 124.2 • 11,: tn,t 1,141 11,.1'r(1rr1 :+r:1 to • ,' + tt' (,17:. •11:1. \1'lltrl•(f .1'."Ittir• 11;:';••,,. t' !a :- the chief ,f,'rest .r.ca,rrrt'e' ti 11► �, i,}t I': 11 t•1+,r,'. ' w 2)'':i , ,111 11t• 1 t •", 1:1 2411. \\1,1 t, 1il•.1. II\ 1.1•:11 1 \t, .I; ' 1 1:1 . • 1,1 • • 1l'li;r• lr . �f r' ,1 .1•,:l hos ;,t i1 110,i(4 o w ri,t.:1 tto•,: `� 1',' l '' :,11' 1' f r t'� . ' ', i. . 11,. s'.::. r rI►'. .1 t':ii, :' . :'l r., n1 •, .r1 i t 4 atiaiax ►: di.*1211.1il e�dl;vli'ibe '.l;