HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-06-24, Page 7uarroor•-•••••••••••••....... Model. for. a Farmhouse HOME OCCUPATIONR. is arranging for sidings for the S FOR CHILDREN pose a site is being cleared. The C.N. r•-•••••• plant and sawmill and for that pur-! . new. mill. • is .a first; then, '"^""'"'"A"'","""''''''......".....swee. In order -to .have the greatest .ans-! a storage eupboarti; on the other side; once. The main part, shown in solid Brent, Noxon & Company, Toronto, ount of. light and sunshine in the refrigerator and a broom closet.black, could be put up tooins most used, the ideal house faces' Opposite the broom clOset is a built-in; some years later, the two bedrooms A woman who overheard her small; 000- issue •of Town of Sarnia deben- seuth. In the accompanying illustra-, ironing board:- .A fuel -box could beit could be built downstairs, with stare- daughter difeussing mothers with her/ tures. The issue bears Interest at 5%; are the successful tenders of a • lion is shown flooe plans of itheell-Imade unde.• the hot;water tank to the: room above', as shown by the dotted ing suited to the needs of the Can-: left of the. stove, and (0141(1• be' tilled lines. . playmates was gratified to hear her per cent. and is 20 -year seriale-$5,0001 adian farmer. That important room,' from the basemen stairwaY. triumphantly conclude the argument maturing each earyfrom 1920 to! the kitchen, is uf .goodeliniensioes.. A: Tbe washroom rods., be entered from the hous.e, the washroom rould have large cupboard oie buffet is buil`' be ' h . is_n t such a Play mother as n i l" If there were ee water system in • w. it,h the words, '1Vell, your mother; 1939. The price was 93.11, meaning a e hall, otchen or sereened parch. tween the kitchen and dining room;! Thus tlitmen can sss through to the this will furnish.. ample space for' room without going through • -I' dislies,.silverware and linen. This cup-, the kitchen. The office has an en - board acts as a serVing-WindOW, withitrahce 'from Ihesame porch,'also froni a bath tub and pump set in it, near Being a !Splay mother" evidentlY, per cent. Other tenders were: Dom. i • cost to the town of slightly over 6Ve enough to the kitchen ,to run a pipe meant one who did not permit house -i inion Securities •Corporation, 92.389:: across under the.stairs from the open. hold duties'to crowd out -companion-. C.' H. Burgess & Co., 92.03; A. E Props ter "Cornejo Plants. • hot-water tank in the cook-stovo. hi skip thee had not, known before how, • with her children. The "plaY i-• Ames 'Co., 91.68; Wood, Gundy 41111INORMINIONNIIII.1**•••••••••. that case the - bathroom and Afflee'nw •p1.63;. and. R. C. -Matthews & Co..!T---------.._...... fly walks, in .preportesti• le size, eisescoey • ' • .7_,5 i•gaMilr tir.AVER DOM MD PPM Z141411: Vio Sala L)Nt1200Pf ICILIVIIK ROOM 14'0..ir .K•o*, 160 Basement Eire. floor nlan niety of. worn Second floor plan; three large rooms shelf. 'I'he dishu4 car: be carried to' tho hall." PORcH sr?, ZIV fully her efforts were aceiVeciated.. .1 90.60. Grown people sometimes. feil to 1 thirteen. times as fast as a Man can e • realize how children delight in thei..%.I I run. companionship. Every mother should) Keep Sweet and Smile.. employ care and might AS well .as1 The duy may ba drear, . . love rteroitteoisi44. wherrehe .st•leatsiN4tste,'* 4314-- icnic,,&weetegantdnenzitiP .occupationa.,....iGiven an eager desirel Every once in a while, to enter the child's world he vvill wel-; And pass on the good cheer; come. her with countless suggestions.! For heart speaks •to heart, It is often the mother's privilege tol. So play a good part, modify these ideas., to make a quiet And cheer others here. 1 occupation more. attractive than a Though skies may be drear. noisy one, to offer materials that are . • 1 • large and easily handled when little, • Buy Thrift Stamps. . t . direct 'a4tive games. when repres- sion becoMes unkind. if limited to. the simple terials with ehildren,•1 shO this cupboard, where tivey.are convens. The living -room bas a large fire -I bedroom. I paste, it ha .s limitless possibilities, and l could be thrown together, making a paper. Used with pencil, seisems 'and fent to the 1;:teliere sink. A small• ) • . •.yi 1 . II; It in bookcases on each The screened back porch will makel breakfast -,alcove. is built to the west::: side. It would be Well to. install al a splendid sleeping porch; cots and through toy departments, I should 0 to adults •who puzzle their' way two windows in it. and two above the' pipeless furnace, and have the register ing can be folded up during the 'say' When in doubt, buy , paper." sink, furnish ample light To. the; here, as it is pretty nearly in the day and kept in box -seats over the Colored paper, cut in various sites, a right of the .esipboarde as one stands! centre of the house. The room opening Outside cellar stairs. large., plain tablet; the child's undis- - in the kitchen, is a dumb Waite! 1 off the living room may be either For a small. family, this house. could puted possessean, the wraep:ng of a The work table 'will exteod to theI '. it., or bedroom French doors are be built as a pure one -floor bungaloW;; •. . • . floor and will have two bread- beards,:'built between these two rooms, virhilel the two first floor bedrooms would ; 1 kodak• film -pack or any colorer! ad - two drawers for cutlers'. a large space' a colonnade is .between the living and be quite sufficient, if a sanitary joy. • ' for kitchc.n utensils, and a bin for ''d:ning rooms.. One four-year-old was, made vertisementl: will all he hailed With flour. In the pantry. on •otet e:de, is, This house need not be. built all at encies. wrappers, beige:it colored and glazed. couch were put in the den for .einerg- happy for day3 with sample coffee The little child should have the Remarkable Year Tigers show signs of restless.nese's 01'1 Asl: any sehool. boy where lit would 4:ker..kt Itik, ,holiAuys. Not *me in Eva .hundred will say, "In the streets .of :London," if you give hint the option of green fields and- running streams. It is, thep, a fair presumption that there must be somethineof 'the child Still in the character of the men and of the women whom ' the country charms in maturer as in dawning life. --t-Bulwer-Lytton. st of ma -i, Makes Harness aitclAxiesztZ uld .ch000e THE SUNDAY SCHOOL tunity to experinient•freely with new material, expressing hisown ideas; he should also have suggestions from . !, the mother as he needs them and her 11.view-ejune. 27. t :Sam. 1-2i 1-5 prophet. And' he wrote in a book the' ; ' of Progress _ Child dieection andadultsuggestion e _ .1. appreciatlon of every acnie‘ement., ......._, . ...9 , 1 3...)5 • !oat:nett of the kingdom. That '-is•to'!..o ' should be 'wisely •'balanced. in erder. . It is diffietilt to tjeleare gesat ry'Cri .Say, he wrote the encient laws which! ' - . [that the child may niake :he greatest ei t.l 0 them hill iiii..iiee. eeici„ is the man • the rights of the men of Ic•rael asi ' . of different lends 'iiii.i times • so es to gettran teed freedome and - justice anel ; • Shown by the - ...[Progres,:. • I. or -lore active . play, there are forliie or-'4iiii)Eal:,f 9!ace 'and serve.A. agl-onst any' usurpation of thou, cir. e .. \ , games which can be -.carried on with .. • !ea. own. cp..e., Ei,en has -hi, :;,,,,, a!,_ exercise of arbitrary pov.'e'r, On. the• only a little help while the mother is • Alerchants Bank tiective ,svork to do. But in ,cach erei Part ,..,r t he .1i.i-pg. And,so he made the' ; busy. The simple hiding or goes ng games can be played by er e'very case. the eidter.: on* of t:•Ue'grelt-: reeoFnitirqi or ,fehovah a fundamental, -...._...._ stYOung tir...o7.5 is strvice.o.No inands or.:.at'-v...i'd. rttri- or the :constitution of the new. . children; One game which trainsn do oe•.ret scree; chisist, ;.; oes moiler !ensdom, .:Inti -he gave to king and Growth of Assets Duri▪ ng t •observation consists in placiej differs', e ea ,,....„. exam eloo. iri, 0.. ei e•iii see !. kingdom an. irlea I char .t. '„ .... e : u" . .t, , ... _ . . mon household objects such as ereatnces ent - ecridee .111,,1 ;..,.:e.,....i.teie.-e,„:, eerthlyerepresentetives of the. person 1919-1920 WaS Almost as a pencil,. ,a • thimble, a - spool, ecissors, throeigh Fel.,;, 1(3.. t•I ao) anio:•_,..,. yoti,”1 tin4 rule-. of_the heavenly_kingr---anl-• , . . -- --etc-, -on--a -tray,- covering them, -leen ife-Faid•"as Um, W-Tio sem e=.".. - ' eirdeal toward 'which the prophets.. of Large -in Proportion . as In. allowing the guesser 'a brief glimpse, • entitled tee he ca!led . Judgirig by this. 7.1 t* ;Samuel! subsequent. times g• reat. Tie i, t he Apt ,and ,alobition ' of • Iseac:. i crease in Capital Stocic. seen. It 'is Wiser to. beein with two . e continually directed. . , after -whit's- he Is to tell what'he has •esrved the eeoele of ii:, time thee:glee (.10 :25l• .. • - 1 Shareholders Had a Very .or three objects increasing th-e num-I out • a . long life unselfishis nig!' 1,S•ell.1 . Two....",seeetie di,appointments and' her with each turn. As servant in • Eli's hotise; . V train i ng.soitrows carina to aSmuel. .The first; Satisfaciory Year. Balance . Physical feats also - fascinate for ' the priestlisesie .;-1S. 111.1(...,,t... and: was the miscorr-Inct of his own. seas 1 children. I. recently' - saw a small prophet, and judge..of Isole!; as un'iticr; .(8: l'-.51..S.The second- was. the etubs Sheet Exhibits Bank in girl amuse 'herself for an hour of the divided nat:en: as. maker end' born and ehildish petulance and- wile Strong Position. , walking away from a full length vounselloe of kings: le all these ca- t fulness of Saut, Who refused to be mirror with a block balanced paeities he •preVed himself 'in lion'or-; guide,1 .1-.V the • 'prophet's Counsel ' The Merchants Bank of Canada en- on her head. • Each time it fell able Ainfl fearless roati and. a frue: tehati,:-.;. lg. and 151.. and who for this joyed ii very remaikable ear of pro:. she -marked -the spot. then began again reant of the people. Tile bov -who: reps) .Y.• ..rejected trom being king, . gress during the twelve riscinths ended at the mirror,. watching the block as enswered 'se read.ly in ,'he .nc•ht to: and wiotheif ohoetri to take his placee s• , . • Apra 30111...The*naki.un capital 'of the ' . . I shesbaeked asway. The same little girl o his what . he sappoSed.. to • he • ',he vo:,•0 of , Satilei in i.reaking- with .Sarnuel, gepi by .- Bank was enlarged during that periciu ; -e-ehae her happiest play times being tos- aged. master, Eli, as a. 01;ii: an.“ a.:•it,..:(1. I imself from one who woulcr-ee 20%. $1,400,000i representing an increase f sea' and. Swung by her father,. "walk- Ivei-ed .itest as re.olily to file. vol1 of - al-l•.vays :.,ave been the wise. -.-4, and niost • Not only did the new capital ! ing wheelbarrow" and Various impro- the natidon, in %Xhieli he leorred to' diiiv.;•1ed. of counsellors, who had,' immediately justify itself, so far as ' vised. feats'..being equally entettain- hi.ar the '0 (C of G6(1. ... • .. ; a verY s:ropg hold•Upon the. hearts of earnings were concerned. but, it was : ing to .both. . . Let U3 cronsiaer. Sonic of li, 121 117. the. pc-.)pl.e. and w -ho c faith- wouldalduziaaa_ - accompanied by„ a growth in the totI •; . A , Why' not substitute.an extra'fifte_en cleed. 1 • •••.:1•••••••••, IMMOr.'....... '. • • . . '........ 7-' '""""' or e les • e .. •......... 0 ' flcient to keep the. ratio of capital tcej more elaborate "treats" in • tittering einmi wii e ite,eilie.,i tee ieee.' sirengiii and courage' $anl, as a assets unchanged for...the year.. _The .rewards?. Js it, not an ideal worth , ottlIt, of God • upon the • heusit i•,' -.he gowl • s..Y.dier,- but -arms alone. cannot assets of the eaarik are 18.40% great-i-strising for to be considered a good old -priest Eh. s‘lto haiS allowed ii;i,,.11.11.:0 a- nation -great. Saul- with er than they were at the .beginning of i "play • father or mother"? ., vein-'a is to commit gruss dime's, and ; S.in7-L,-1 might ' have' writight great the year, having- inereased from $n6.7.1, 0es at the 'Sancttiery. aro to 'o't.ing thingS.. , • .., .................................4,-••••• ,... it endeaVOred to enito nil the 'the worship' of, the Sansetrays. iet.o" Son!e. of. .the sayings or Samuel growth $24.900.000 is accounted for bY . ni: In !at er pesple11..erth menieriz:ng. • For example; which largely represent the savings . esees: Lit; ire6:. oiler repeated and are .vvell the remarkable expanen deposits on i . , Financial Notes contempt(I•Sa. 31 • • 725.404.95 to $197,387,855.14.. 'Of this of the widely eceettree) ::eiependent. '',Psepare seen- heartsi onto. the Lk w ord of the clients of the Banand hich - A bonas of 1 per cent. has been oe•- ii -i!)5' of 'Israel in the ;vire .%rsh,lf ,,!'• :.: I se t' e hin.; (..111y (7:3):. "Hitherto are now over $163,000,000. • dared by the directors of the Toronto . i e -1 Jellovelt.. to the exr'et ean. ie.' !!: ;.7!. !-•-•!1 tii.. Lird helped us" i'"l 14 4`) • General Trusts Corporation in connecs ‘ g•a(l9. and ere All iSesesse • I.:or' tsbi., 1..,e :he 1., Trii Wil.1*.nut forsake. Mit : -i Tl'" flank was' aNe to maintain -a tion with- the current quarterly divi- pileose- he c.alled to :Vii'/.1).+ 1.:(1';N-ple...fc?. Ilis great name's sake", year. Qtrick aSsets at the end of 2nd demi of '214 per cent., payable July itrefig. liquid posttlon thi•oughout the to ehareholilets of record June tigan to Remah, a first. secorel. an•l; I. 12: :!2). liath the I.ond as great April were ore.. 872,697,546.3.6, and loth.. . pos,:tdbly ..a third asse elide. ef rept 0..: i.i.,.:ig:h; ' in :.ortii ofret•iili.:4 and saeri- were at a ratio of 40..4% to the total ' et profits of the 1)roducere and etesiee leen of no, teibes fee e e;e.' ti.er.: as in (-)(-2.•,,,x the voice of the public, liabilities. amounting to $179,- N - Seel an for prneee. 11e .1),s7icve,i th:1! , Lord'? .1lciathi, to oltey is. better than 988.920.94. The Benk's share in the Refiners C'orporation for the month of a units? of' sPirit, .an 1 esp,....:11.!-- 01., -.:t...1-'6,,c. or i to hearken. than - the •fat task • of financing the 'commercial and April shOw an • iticrease , of almost 700 , - per centthe figures for this year, un:ts of h vomillotl tilt'ishii,.. Noil!t,!' ite ef sailisl'.(l.,ii '..1.2). -1.'or men liooketh in.dirstrial business or the Dominion be more efrocti4,•e and, atstor aloe:: than ,a..•:: :he e..itweiter elite arance. but the. was well attended to. the sum of $11i,-. • ing $403,705 as -compared With 852,- ., - rtelitary or political or-7•7117.,e.tie. 114 1.0'. i .!,,o;,ot e, :li,.17..eprt- (ii.: 7).. I.9S,913.heing devoted to current loans 050 last year.. Gross earnings totall- own.conimanding ticr000l'i: v. oed :.,' Same, ,.- gienc...,' *lay in service.. and discounts in Ciina.da. The sum ed: $616,793, compared with $224,8.'3. great Influence 'or his. mine. e • i •-e' s , 'I is v, as a ire, -, e!: ! • s '.ow ii tinte,,3eitb of 83.567.491.69 was loaned to. Cana• • blameless elifirticter • wcr, .,1:,,711: ::-A(' ;.!. ::,1 !?, ,t s age .•01,(1, time, dian cities, towns, municipalities and0 the reported belief is gaining ground that' last year. i fors s *taking fo'r. tinfee Theo , •iniC, 'tu: he e es e h.:S'y disintereted ;ma school districts, and $1,117,268.51 the reported finds of radium in the tite starling and disildieting. dt-n;in,i n?,•:e:ti,,i1 Ilo see:slit en. stetnItherleaued G4-11*-rwtoe-th-trn-stn elm. ad, • strict betwerir- Burki -Falls -and .__ • . '`".4.--he--fini4-4- li+e,..7 ter Ir-ol 1 -....,,yr,:- 1‘0,1•,,ry 1,'.- ),. , d ..int.'.4,e,,i-le might : 'rile shareholders benefited largely j . ......_f__._ ....... . . gonquin Park are of greater- signifi-1,- • • . reeve. He had 117o:se:hi tivoy t ;,..i.'1 h:Lvo ''ec?' SO1:.*:. tt' mittlter ii. he by the prosperity of theat present hying done by hand and the institution. ranee than at first thought. . Work is ,ro Ole: itoit Jcbovah t•o.l,.. tcbo•os. ..-..•1. 11:e7 ' --' .•••.'i • ' •.1 1,' 1 S l',,!'.. -:.k COIN The anneal distribution of profits was I. progrts,., • 111,••il the king eels. ohe, e ese, !S, ..so .,, or :ea:lentil. end aieSesi!.,-. inereneed,by the addition pf Is',"s bonue is slow, but many claims' ; i at 's-itipt was mei.. e 0 !, s H. 7se..S, '0 i.., .: % a.o. hit:L.:. :10,1,1.0rd. net as to the .12,7divIdend tegularly; in .force, i have be.en taken Up and devehapeneatts 'The cheee an„i ,,,,,. :1i,•:,!•. tilts II;;;.1:'0:, ;!nd ,,i.i.rer of :aw and hi,toriv _the privilege, of eicquiring a large i rle. Stio.uiel did. t'wo.‘.,:o.7....O 000r::f. t, ,,t,yr.'n:a! . ami-.1oV,i",`-i-.(0-. teildel;. :0..iont while flit- shareholders also enjoyed i actere The statement is made that an are said to be of an a,ffirmative char -1 k•og in iieb a way...by al..,',',.:.•,...-,wob 1 los oiodo a• I 011- q!•,:rt plave for .:1i.117.1 1,ue of , new stock tit much less. than 1 several c:ilinis. 'J.' ; American syndicate •has options on holy oil,. as to initire;:-. upo.t...!1•.:.i t!;c, .,f'.'.,! '; he life (•f ri,s owfl peopt,o. and :its market value , . , • .1 11fonreal.:--Carl Riordon. who is to . , tv are. of ls. o an, • f let of the stiprena,•• loisislee et ,lc• 1 a N (6' 1.7re at and worthy contribution! The distribution of peolite Wag 110W. l• he Vice -President• and 31anagin '1 hovohnd of the tilt 1711 yiltthe izoo,1 of leinig-Di- Iever, moderate in voniparfson with 1 ---'7"-----.-------;,-.........-.......", , ,_, „ , , the earnings, which were at the rate I rector of the Riordon Company. L;in-i , !c:17.:111i t o; !III' oor.rcF, or tne! of 20 45r . -4-- ited, Which ie. the outcome of the re-; eitees; ,!, i,. •• • cent merger, gives. a.. rev'iesv ,of the s•., on capital etock. on 10.64% ! It •s hard J..) • !'atten a stunted • the newel investment of ti o share„ outlook and resources of the co' ri. •. ' ee•ken :eel seldom protitabl., . Ti t' •• holden. When the !lest Fund is take He estimates about.25.,000000 corWs etf Chieeley apti et io.telist .4 :.:,•:', e-‘,.! sun! vets Ss...! as triS.di neelie hied of , pulpwood and about .1,20.0.0004100 -feet :nto eonsicieration. Of tho reinititinirg ' in,. the pooltrs• yarn. .111 rarr:,. tleck.7 noeol.0 ,:,,..,,..;•,,t_ iri. 1loo.efore, r.r.uarkei-r-r ; ItTit"eibises .‘ (Tour. t 'and 4700°01000n 4e )1"otits $1170,000 w.i'q • e-ritt i ile of white' pine are owned hy the eoni- - - ew6r0--0.41'ilitt Yariirk.4! 0,,7,e2-1..- l'w i'' :11'671 .i,l'er Oh' rtn,11 : . . • , ' Ito the nest Mind, but a. portion ofithe ; . • •increased tv,Itput at a iiiin:milin cost.! and. probabiy a .few geese, turkey:, :17:ti Tr eh: ,i,.. „,.,, „,.,,,, 77!;:.„,it,, 1 !•:,Ifige latter ainount was derived from • the i Goldman & Company. Teranto, are p e and adds that the ke note some pro..,.:: -.;en inti.11 he. 11 I, :'or to' 11 1,, ;t• v'e.: ot . '1.111014.11 the feed-, Profits car.riea forwars1 now stand at. guineas nre allowe,1 tel roo tooretlo!...., o' a gr: :•.• tra.: ::liy ate :::m.,,,,t eer7 profits of prev•loas varA, • as the • about to offer privately a $17.1,000 is. i fee'ding the 'young stock' w:t 11.)111 71.1r- ir sr s7. -s;. ••, :,, •• -., : .y dt‘ft'il iV0. Wit- i $260,i74.. i ' SVC of Paramount hitchener Theatre.e. I Limitedi t per centstation from, lir n' 5o (t 1t re- •solo H ' .- H ,o -is 11.11c11- Illrivel. Beth the shateholders and the .. ?erred stock carryI'ng a bonof cotti wise strong:roads will bua lly nd porse.' under C ••••• ees--, •scsorst caret • 7. r I generalpatine mon are indelitto the us. - , ..' eumelative pre-; cuW te the eliker, yeeinger ii tilt mei; oo,rt.i,•,,.lx• ',•.:ero .•, 1, ("".11',t 117 If management of this old and conserveApplicatiee is iniele to the (o ern '. od .' , • . they arc helbatareed.' ' shown le .lo- •e,e)ee•• hen. Ste+ broods ' -7.. tivo, yet enterprising institution, for i Inept by the' Continental Wood •Prcel A practieer plan for this teetcetiiie arc c.,•tterr • ::' : ,: no!!:Hg but. esaskett; tile .constantly Increasing services ; ducts Company, -a glibsicriarr of the , ie tO eontrive a portehle frnitieeerk of ettrie • . °which It is rendering to Canadian : C. ntinental Paper,and Bag Mills,' f6r1 wood covered With wire netting. nholit Ifti •coetieetreee eliii;k's ,e0111,1 surelY business.. . Its progress ' during the the right to inoreage .ii.s 0apital tol telett on the ground w;titin the sidoe grow, a enteroo: le 1110 world for live- 1 Sir II. Montage Arlan, President, Mr. ervell poultry can crawl. Feed is 11so• 777 71 With. it. .120,':1'.1tIt'• rlIttlrt's. iSr the, trot only tp the sharelielders, 'het to Si y feet squere irrider In, ()ale the die oe .1 sore ,iiet. 016sleire 'they get past year milst he highly gratifying, .$500.000 preferred and $1.A00.000' Pr the frame. The sides are built tel sio,.!.. lesoote e•,....es. ti(neral 'sub-; h. C. Mae:trim. General Manager, ans ; ly • n r d i ccnimon. In 'cOnitinction with a 'lrge• • , f•'‘tc.ii(i v•itliin a few.ieehes .of the solle.,e,ei.o., ef crerng anti such like; to. the members of the Board of I of OnnefauriiSeest he -cothneipaS1111,Vri ii)S.70. Aed ekrterci'r; -t ! tract, of. freehold. timber 17771(15reent- ' $tiewili, Pinking just enough room for whist. ' 0 (decks illin; for.eonAenntly,1 ftre(t/.;rs. , ) i .. '4) 4 • . I in its second pulpwood-prconring ,... Imperial Eureka - Harness 011 . remains in the leather (unlike vegetable o i Is) a n d prevents cracking or breaking of stitches. Keeps straps and tugs pliable and strong- preserves the harness against the action of sweat, mois- ture and Imparts finish. _se Imperial- Mica Axle Grease wilco; hs the surface of axle and hub with a filling of line mica 7 -relieves the cause of friction -coats and cushions with a layer of high-grade lubricating grease. Lessens the strain on dust -wards off insects. harness and horses. •Cuts down a rich, flack lasting repair bills. Sold in sizes from • a 4 lb. tin to a barrel, Known Everywhere If you do not use Imperial Mica Axle Grease and Imperial Eureka Harness Oil ask your neighbour about them. They are the highest • quality made. You cannot get bet- ter at any price. Used by farmers and teamsters in every community. MADE IN CANADA tord or' Fabric. APPEARANCE is often deceptive—and no one can tell how much service a tire will give by looking at it. • + • • ••• - In buying tirit you must rely altuoli entirely on the integrit? of the manufacturer who produces therm. You iptri depend absolutely factory is back of every tire they make. Time *Don't You Dread It ? 'THE. moShing and evening drudgery. on 1 that haide_shinyer.ulk stool, the 'ittred— . arms -and aching wrists -the daily grind of an uncomfortable distasteful year 'round chore Small wonder you dislike it. And the eow s like hand milking no move than y?su do. But with The Macartney.Machine Milker THE COW'S ADOPTED UHL) its diffeTent. For ezo. takes a'.1 the drudrry In.1ngttirT.:•nT Tr Tkcs ' it .the,m,st work. T:Tn the t•Tit i big anrl !J!,T1- mvcr. T , 127 v.Tark .47ly and L'olipletely and ray, ic: it •.•:t in a ; Purthemore. t Ts so ro%nral., ttruiorm an..1 gentle th3t the < o tel Tnre c:mitentod. the .m;14 flow is greater Tthan.linal harsh hand tte.ttment. Leatn all a!Tnut ti e rldurive feature, - of the Macarn; y MAC11,1e Maser— put yo:n- n nut, and 4.l4;e4* ott the • ':ftint) in mai!' it to.day. ?fierily 4 na oll n in:•01%-ed ,inci we Yee ' • sure 1,31 vo!!1-.1, fr.7e:es.e-1 ev.m- if vOtt not fignre11Nitewsing ",:lilLer" Otonerliatety, The Macartnty Milking Machine Co. Limited ./. 7',/ter`Oit..41; MA rl. Now A 1916 Catherine Street . / ;1,1')pili;f1 • Oliwt cottztwa. / ..11to Motility Milk*/ 1144xtetis °Itisfee ieli i, esar, La. / atrna; t'Te 310.4,:n•y41•ikn, / Ni iii,delf:•:s . ----.........__:,.......,__...... S„ .% 0 ho:e. B. t$