HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-06-24, Page 5p 1 1 • 1 V•r "1- Let Us Help You Make a Garden BEAUTIFUL surroundings add to the value of yourro erty. A flower garden to beautify --a 'vegetable garde, to Mus our table cost. We have everything to make garden work easy— '--' - spades, rakes, lawn hose, lawn mowers, etc. Beaut#y a our house with O -Cedar Polish (25c to CI00 -Cedar Polish Moa. the time :and labor -laver. is . Al Sari . sizes), *14:W ,.'. ''!I"wlr;,I' �'b�.t bTha ltd , OM i 'of Ili I NC; ", i1 `7 AA 1.L, "SIZES A ND STYLES. MARTIN-SENOt►It I'AiN'1'S AND VARNISHES. A KIND FOR EVERY PURPOSE. 44 GET OUR PRICES ON CORRUGATED GAL V, IZED ROOFING. WE HAVE A L AN - TY AT LESS THAN PRESENT WHOLESALE IP ICES. FAR BRANTFORD ASPHALT SLATE `SHINGLES AND ROOFING. THE BEST OF ITS KIND ON THE MAR- KET TO -DAY. LET US SHOW YOU WHY.' PREPARED PLASTER. •.w7- A CAR OF PORTLAND CEMENT JUa1 Altittrj1 WE IIAVE A NUMBER OF SECOND HAND BI- CYCLES IN GOOD REPAIR AT RIGHT PRICES. BICYCLE REPAIRING AND SUPPLIES. WE HAVE A SPECIAL COAL OIL FOR INCU- •BATORS. ]VLCLIO.D THE STORE WIIERE YOUR MONEY GOES FARTHEST effective June 15th, 1920, the. price of GrayDor. Motor Cars, including all newExcise Taxes, will be as follows (ALL TAXES INCLUDED). Model 15 Regular $1575.Oo 15M Special - 1746.00 15D Ace -X862.00 10 Roadster 1575.00 All f.o.b. Factory_-.Frejght only Extra GRAY -DORY MOTO4S, "LIMITED, Chatham, Ont. EXPORTS must be largely in- creased and "Canadian -made" products must take the place of im- ported goods. The Bank of Hamil- ton will give careful consideration to the extension of credit in support • of business enterprises in town and Country. .�...s„ 11000.000•01010 ailments 1 WINGHAM, ONT. The school with competent instructors andsuperior courses.: Graduates ,placed in positions. Affiliated with the Elliott Business College, Tor- onto; and the Central Business College, Stratford. Write for free cata- logue. Enter any time. D. A. McLachlin, Pres. Phone 166 Murray McLeish, Principal. Dancing and Music -The emotional side of the major- ity of people cannot bo satisfied by Free Libraries, Gyinna.siums, Play- -7 -grounds, etc. The love of moving the heathy body to the rhythm of music • in some form of dancing is an in- born peculiasc'ty of the average man and woman; with liquor and Indec- ent in u s ic, however, dances may do •mote harm than bacteria. It is path- etic to see in our Targe towns and tildes young men and women rush to some. dance hall to satisfy a desire for amuse -men!. People Who have used up their strength in glancing, !.ctt(' Honrs. %kit Foods or have, perhaps iooked toe tong upon the Wine when it was Regi and have let Old John Barley- corn sa,p their vitality will find a ?t(x,n in the -use of � Macking's Heart and Nerve.Remedya It will. dispel "that tired feeling." take away that feeling of depression and nervousness that come from kmelyd vitality and brings hack the- ! ne:elt.hy rich, reel color to the cheeks'. It. will itin'k ,your hc'antq asleep more made by Wilson i� said to he of very satisfying so that you will awake in the mornings full of life and •hope tine quality and even when mixed and more able to carry on with the .half in half with water has a kick day's work. The "habits that hurt" I equal toordinary whiskey. Wil - (man more easily he nvereome- if you son's offense cost him in all about will use Hacking', Heart and Nerve $550. Remedy to strengthen the Nerves, to • add power to the Heart and to re- vive and stimulat© the circulation of the Blood. Buy them from' 'bur smoking- has increased OWN. 60c a 'box, 6 for =240. twenty per cent in France during the • last year. FINED FOR MAKING WHISKEY Walkerton Telescope: - License Inspector J. M, White, ac- companied by. a Revenue Otfict'r from Owen Sound, and Inspector Matt Beckett, of Grey County,,,made an early ,.morning visit Saturday to - the place of John W. Wilson, a young Pinkerton farmer su. pectcd of operating 'a• whiskey still, and caught him with the 1.i -odds. It was the Inspector's third visit to the farm, the two earler calls having beech fruitless. The officers found two barrels of brew, as well as a bottle and five gallon cask 'of moon- shine whiskey. 'A large copper was found hurled under a pile of wood in the yard and confiscated. Wilson was tried before Magistrate Tolton the same day nn two charges, first, of 'making whiskey,,. to'._ -Which- he pleaded guilty and was +, fined $300 and costs; second, to having liquor in other tha•ii. d private 'residence to' which 'he also pleaded guilty, pay- ing $200 and costs. The whiskey MY OLD WOMAN AND I We have crossed the bridge o'er- the middle of life, My old woman and 1; Taking our share in the call,, and •st rife, With the travellers passing by: And though on our pathway the sha- dows are rife, There's >s light in the western sky. Rome losses and crosses of course, 'n•v've had, My old 'woman and 1; But, bless youi we never found time to he sad, And a eery good reason why, We were busy as -bees, and we -weren't' so mad As to stop in our work to cry. On our changeable road as we jour- neyed along, .'My old wontan and 1, The kindly companions we met in the throng Matte our lives like a -vision fly: And, therefore, the few that imagined us .wrong Scarcely cost us' a single sigh. ' The weal: ald the Weary we've striven to cheer, My o:d woman and 1; For each of us thought that our duty • while here , That is to say .t nc„u1-ag llerlt is h,' - Was 'to de as we'd be done in the -hope -to -exhibit a �a attce rie rj ln�'r give)) to th�� i�iug .cam ril�'t'p n When the reckoning clay is nigh. 1 a variety of ways, by pure-bred rams being distributed Or'Alilil 011 east' terms, by the holding • of.. competit-. THE RAISIN(; OF' ,S-IIERI' In introducing the estimates for his department to: the House of C'oluin- ons IIon. Dr.. Tolmie, Dominion Min- ister of Agriculture,' pointed tet the fact that in Australia there are no /i/nls, at which.gcnel'i►tls prizes ., arc. given for the ,lest •ewes and for the hest flocks. by obtaining ,the higheSt- price for wool through the I1t'part- molts, and throng -slight, (Canadian ('o- 'eeeretive Wool 'Growers' Assoc'iat- ewer than 80.0010,000 sheep. in the 'ton, by orgnnizcd sheep. sales, and, as United 'States . 40,000,000,, in Great in `Ontario in particular, by placing Britain 21,(100,000, and inI -(anada on- flocks on . a sh:irc' l,asi. 1p�i,.50t1,(100. As shown in. The AR.. H.. iegislatjo,1 ,has 'also been passed forded ► cultural (;aZette of Canada • for May tht' 1►1'►►tevtit,lt of sheep !rem i1i es. efforts .8 re being .iusulE� ++t Wil+ t}n.. lr�. T1tc :t �.:1m ►It� cif '� r � s uiq" W -Orli that i vinees to remedy this state u1', thins:•.. -1- },eine; Hrr:u1'ri►td it Blight he nl ►it- i • 1. bawd that in Saskatchewan in th f!iesin •••sr�mr.emo 1 last four years the amount or t%,,,Right Choice ,.,,„.1,2:„,,,, to the co-ol►crafive hranr I Nearly everyone,►f. t}lc Provincial Departimmt'of Al, Y arrives ata point where there is need for • ,culture increased front 1 9 consign a tonic- restorative. mems. „,.....hi,„.:1srill .It14 pounds, rot. . trhjt,ii „,,,,,•;,.,„,.,T. t11t' hl'jc•e 1'elilllc,,l tt':,s 17,4 cts., to :IN consignments. w4. gh_ 3 inu . 3,,L1, ft',$ ' ptlllntls. at all 1 t7tint're price of (1114, cts, p..1,- pound. The articles in The 'Gazette would i,npJy that what has. i;reit Holy' in :sadist (het -an is also being F. ac'i',,Itl)lljilt'd in the other prat•inees c., F the P,unin- •� ion. -N. %' pit ? '' I Ell • Ag Scott's Emulsion is the choice of tens of thou- i sands because 'it gives tone • Ito the whole system. and restores sttength. ' MAKE SCOTT'S YOUR CHOICE! Scat & RCM?' f^ T„r nt,� ()lit •�• •` t:' • - -•r/6 :1NI) II E.%LTIt—% N: 1I ,i • Joseph G. ("option. for elan_ a distinguished 'niember of 111 e,1 .States ('ongrt'ss, noir' a t 1 Tuan. neat, the follot-,1 - stn. • Men: wi ,'r 'than 1 Hifi loll._ said that the'' tit•st blessing u is toil; and the second, 1,:t health, tt'hi. h wealth -cannot •14LI 1 accept both, incl believe that 1;1, .�: contributes. 1n.uch to the seco, 1, :it t">_rbtty'-four I can wish no . ltlt'a�`intrs, to the .present and t•. gt'llt'1•ations •(11,11 those Of ti•1 1'1•. l l ht'a:t.h. • They lire the two t111.1 this life that wake' it am -at -fit,. ',,i contTil►ute- •to 1„ns;4vit tl tt Ate• 1 11,' dreamt ' i,l1+.i, l8t'j of nett ,..'y f..t .8i...1 is ,,ream IT'S UNWISE to put off to -day's duty 11_nti to- morrow. if voter ston,lick is acid -disturbed take 10.--1101.05 Itlhe new aid to digestion cern f.,- ' today. A pleasant relief fr•e the discomfort of acid-dyepe1 ,MADE BY SCOTT & ROWN : MAXUS OP SCOTT'S p ttr 4 N .