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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-06-24, Page 4
t 1' 1' • • -.. • Over 120 Branches THE MOLS�NS BANK The Saving habit like all other good habits .is .the result of resolutiok and practise. By depositin g regularly a portion of your earn_ ing:►, in THE MO LSONS BANK the saving habit .1 suuq acquired. - Y our looney grows by the addition of the inter_ est which we pay at current rates on savings hank deposits. It is safe, and can be drawn upon when really needed. Avoid carele ss spending account with us. by opening a savings T' S. REID, MANAGER, LUCKNOWW KANCf • .11.111111.1.11 1. H. C. Tractors & Engines nes r DrXIIING1.. Urals, -ltivator s ,'l ...arrows', Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions and Water Bowls FROST Gates, Fence & Nog Wire New Williams Sewing Machines Gourlay, Winter and Leeming Pianos' For Salt? b- W, G. ANDREW LUCK NOW: 1 MIMENNEEMmONEMENIEMONOMMEMEMENENOMEMOMMOOMMOli CREAM WANT F D- —BY— rhe Seaforth Creamtry Co. We solicit your patronage grid guarantee you entire sat- isfaction. Our prices, are always the highest. Our Testing done accurate- ly by experts. Our service and payments. ate prompt. Write a card to -day for' saes. Prices were never as high as at present and -still soar - 'ng higher. A card will bring you cans (•n the next train from us. the Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont. The Double Track Route BETWEEN MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO • Unexcelled Dinin ► Car Service. Sleeping cars.on night trains and pal 1„t .cars bn principal day trains. F'ltl�_�lfOrtriat+n.+ f.......g 1Thket Agent or C. 1 . .rnrniug, District Pascc11gcr rte yj�.-._ faonto. A. W. HAMILTON G.T.K. Ag cit, I,a l;n,w. Ph Ale Much Sickness Due to • Lack of Work --�- Tho 11n-althy body produces more e :e rgy than It nee d3 to keep the. Heart, Lungs r,rd Bowels working. T''1:• surplus energy mu:+t bo spent in mental or physf,•al work. On the t : hr•r hand, fr.oe:e who work too hard use. their r.. erve strength and 'wear (►ut the sy.e. in. People a•!,o :ire inclined to N vcusness, Constipation,. -or hat-... of the' Troubics of the Heart, Liver Nerves, Kicir,cys. Sto,n,ch tr Bow I den greatly in:prr,'e 1 e, e °nel1tion their health if the.: If Yon work too te-e,l. take more !rest. • if you work 't 't --ak -more exereis(?, you .will p('',1 meet• icing to correct the tronl'ic by /your ind:seret;on' an to' ;ta nature to restore iica. 'i;u n, t. kr' Hackina's - Heart and Nervec ` R �m� ay � and if you rrr;ttiro a lar tt:. .. I e r' any. toms of exhausted nerves. els This Is the warning that you need of I the assistance of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to "restore vigor to the nerve cells and thereby avoid the develop. -went of serious nervous trouble. BUSINESS AND SOCIETY CARDS IU ti SUTHhit1,AN1) & SoNS, Ltd., Guelph. .Stint.. Insurance. Fire and Acarine. (.o. e). 1?'. Lucknow Lodge meets every Friday .evening at 8 0' (,'lock in their Hall, c:antp bell wtreet. All brethren cordially invited. (dicers: - Noble Grand, Robert Fi..hct' ; Vice Grand, J..lIcduutg; Ree. Sec.. A. 11. Floyd; Fin. Secy., ler. Yater sou; 'Treasurer, Alex. Ito,• . A.F. $: A.ZX;, G.R.C. Old Light Lodge. meets every Thersday night on or before the full moon, in the Mas- i,nie Hall. Havelock St., Lucknow: W. M., M. McGuire; S. W., James Boyle; J. W., N. • G. Mackenzie; Scc'y.,• W. •A. Wilson GET THE NEST. --When you take out life insurance get a .policy in the Sun' Life of Canada, the. biggest in the Dominion, and, a company whose record • Canadians are proud of.. See. Geo. II. Smith, local agent, for particulars. VICTORY BONDS bought and sold. Also farm lands and village property. Money to loan on 1st and 2nd mort- ages at current rates ofinterest. In- surance,' conveyancing, etc. .lo eph 1`Agttetw, Notary .. Lucknow, Ont., Will Morning Never Come DOES this - illustration pic- ture ' your . experience? What is more distressing than being unable jo sleep? Sleeplessness is one of the irst and most. certain symp !lacking's Kidney and I i ll These two pre;.ar`ati-,t::; ;11 'wonders r r1 w,' W:1 ., . t'tl t'e't,, 3 bcc:: t.: a yr - r.;:ow they will do so. Dir. \Vil:'nn 1 , .1:141, r I' TLiv •11 1d, Writes as l',,;;r►u • 1 hay2 n,'tch pleasure in a(,-1rr ,,:, r ;,, rrfr:,rds to '11aeki ti. Heart and Nerve Reme;fy, f f used quite a fv'',v 1Nhxc'4 nr'1 e::v they have ':ono tri good. Plee 1r,.,,! 1:,r; ';t.. ts, .. i c>f a of JTa 4dng's lf' .r' -et ' , r t, • 4.1.1y and and • :' i oNc. ' Of 11.:er ;.i { trey and 1.i , ' - f';'1 1f you too -n't to , ` :►. v' er health, then go t� your 1,:.rr 1►ri';r pore end ask for Hack;r2'3. Inas Improving the quality of the blood and building up the nervouri system this food cure brings new ener;;y and strength to the whole body. 60 rvr,t9 a b ,r, 6 tar $2.75, all dealers, or Eelruans, r,, hates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. i'(• have a netv hired man, 1•,zry. flow is he; deetnj"•`' ' "It( sting ec,n=ieii'rr.hi t;ts;er than the other one eli,l, til0lik ye." a trifle r t,riialy rrl►lie(1 ;.r., . •1 ►e acn. ' e0' lami e,t,.•(.; measured 0- the ,a,;,,out,t of land a yoke ,f ox- ento,ulei r ',.,.v 1,(;twec•n sunup and sun -- down. e 1lrktwut 'P11ttnr! I'ublincoxl °very '!'hurollut.moruiuir at Luekuow, Ontario., A. U. alet~KkNZIIC. t'ru)rietur and It:.elieur. ' 1'11L'HSDA1. JUNE 24th., 1920. THE TIE-UP AT C111PPAWA the (.'hi)py IVa PowFr oil Canal, a big undertaking Hydro Electric Commis been tied up for the past labor strike affecting abou the men at work. • The strike appears to b those mad .affairs • under men who simply want pi who would want more, an • strike for more no matt ,they were, getting, -- The I the • labor..orgal�izetitel ev;rl- e (urt('d that thy ' oI,, i*t : , .�e-1e rm.. iwitkou-t�.: 41te 164 ;Iola/watt any demand m it the it labor org would hold together. The Hydro .Commission' to have decided to fight th and to either: stop work on er canal 'or carry it on w men as will Work at the wage ed. • • As .pa-' goes in other occ that offered by the C�ommias not seem unreasonable. ample, at the rate offered, t iiii;'s of a general blacksnli amount to $2503.20 in the y a blacksmith's helper wou $2120.25; a carpenter wou $2419.20, and his helper wo $1701.00. • A cable op3rato get $ 3086.05, a teamster wo $1808.10; a laborer would g and a waterboy wo '4735.03 for the year. '..These are examples of wh would amount, to if the men o worked full time -10 hours p six days per. week for the yea the average man in town and try, this offer •hy the Hydro sttis:sion will seen} fairly gen considering' that living conditi the camps are not unreas high --board and lodging, $7. week. The, men asked for •-10c per or $1.00 per day, more than Commission offered. Little wonder that teachers, isters, professional • men and o who 'have spent. years and hay vended hundreds of dollars in .paring themselves for their work, feel that they are unde when ignorant, unskilled and free laborers are offered pay a rate -.of .$1:391.00 per year. . -The. Commission appears to taken• a fern} stand against the mand of the men. It evidently oe'nizes that. the time has come nut stop to the movement "mare money, less work." THE L'. S. PRESIDENTIAL CON- ' TEST The Democratic Party of the' Un- ited States will . shell ... by the Si0►1 has week by a t)500 of e• one of taken by , ore, and d would' er what e.aders of i, tlyr nk 4'•1++111 quoitand ight be anization appears e strike, the pow -, such• s offer- upat: or►s; iorr doer For •'e;; he earn- th would ear, and Id get Id get uld get ✓ would uld get et $1,- uld get at pay ✓ boys er day, r. To cou n.- Com- erous, ons in onably '70 per hour the min- thers e ex pre Life rpaid care- t the have de- rec- ta of "A spin in the country! •'1 he hamper full of good thingo to cat, the. tank full ut. imperial Ire iliwr fast:liite and .the rrst)k �a;a filled 'lmp,:tial ularrne.-• Nothing can. mar the d;aj'o piea5ure:" I) n'1I1•:10AL Pc,huiae ,gan..„Inca-(11 f)(ildts 1 ilii to gine palthorough 1 lubrication, to' kee 1 theengine I running quietly and faultlessly, to take you a 100 miles or 1,000 miles atthe least cost. for (ut'1, oil and repairs. Imperial Polarine .forms a piston-to-cyl.indei' seal that maintains compression and .utilizes the•full power of.,the fuel' It spreads a thin, yet unbi;eakablr uil filch over even.' friction surface• that fnini'rnizes, near -- „it. '15 the lei fe t lr►bricant. • Imperial Polarine will n©t break • It hurns 'freely h,'itri, handl up under high, ol✓erat;ng..h�at5., . S:'a trace of carbon. costs less becat;se 'it saves depreciation and fuels. Sold • in gallon and four -gallon sealed cans, hall-bar'els and barrels, also l21-2,-gatlurl steel kegs, by dealers every«' here. "took for the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations when •ou. .f • huv oil. 1t shows '%`hich of the three, grades described below is • recommended for your' car. Tse the grades specified, exclusively, IMPERIAL I'OLARINE IMPERIAL POLARINE HEAVY IMPERIAL POLARINE . (Light medium body) (Medium heavy body) A (F.ztra heavy body) ' A GRADE SPECIALLY SUITED TO YOUR MOTOR an .unorganized • rabble in Ireland. .But ' on looking • into the reports .from Ireland one finds that there .is a ,great deal more smoke than fire, and more shouting than 'real fight- ing. There was great destruction of police barracks a short time ago; but these were vacant .and unpro- tected buildings. While the 'burning of them was something. to epout and 'howl about, it' could in no way 'the "cause of Ireland.'” Then (r etnes:ea n ion .at Sam Francisco to 521- ('c't a man to contest the Presidency against the Republican nominee, Mr. Harding, of Ohio. • Democratic prospects look better now than they did • a Unth ago. ntil the convention metm n Chicago the tide of •sektjment was running . str - ngly in favor of the Republic- ans; .but the Convention failetl' to put in ' the field a man over whom the party can' "enthuse," and it went oar„rer•ord as • against the Peace treaty,• though the treaty has the ap= nrr'al of much of the better element in the. country. The thoughtful American cit'zen will have a difficult task in ele'ci(line• «tire h party candidate to vote for Th-' Pemo''ratic Party ••scents at present to he the pl:rty of all the wild c•1(rnents in the Cot'.ntry. It is !,aid that tinder its gn ernmcnt nt time bhc- ,at the mese oth_1l�w1e 9s re(1 .cl(•ments . tired the .lawless profit- eers are alike pc'rrnitted to run wild. On the- other hand, the Repuhlicrn Party is denounced as the party of tVall Street, and the pig interests 1'C ffrtaT1V. The i)emocrats in Conv('rttion .will • in all likliheed pronounce in favor of the Peace Treaty, so that each, party will have sonlet.h'ne. to eomrae'nd it and ST►mc'thing for which it ntuMt he Condemn('d. c► -o -o— -- TI1E NOISE rN Il:r•:1., xD Jta(ig•irtif by neve:l• 'a �f,-r ..►r(• would think that therewas as civil war in Irelari(1 and that thei 1''r i nc'r are � inn havink things pretty match , their own way. ''t:oristablr.s are being i' hot, government property destreye(I .and. government officials seized and I;idna wonders why thegovernmentc cl. And one. of Ilri- ta ,so mighty in the.,war against (;ermany, permits such goings on by a -i ay in the streets of a town or city; but there are only two or three wound- ed, and none killed. / These affairs appear. to be illustra- tive of the whole proceeding The whole . scrimmage evidently -looks much worse in the newspapers than it does to the man on the spot. There have been such time; • in Ire- land before; bot they gained nothinr, for the Irish. You erenot experimet.c- lrig When pat u,e l,r. meafor Eczema and c+k in ylrr;iar" tions. It r('lirr,, s :,t euee anti grade, - ally 'heals the skin. sample box. Dr. Chase's ,l►(ntlnent free 11 }•ori me•ntllo, Ibi.t paper and send 2e. stamp •f''r po, t;tgr'. oh.. a box ; all :Icalrr9 (,r Edmuusort, Butes & a •,,., Liurited, Toronto, - 1)(1 NOT 1.1:O YOl'It MND (:E'I' -RU'STY Whether you leave school at tw or thirty, Study should not conte an. end. As a rule,' it is the you people v.bo finish their schooling ea iesi who are most indifferent to • • WILLWILLDo Il1S 111'1' •Senator ( harks S. Tlio nso:i, e,f Colorado, is .t-redite'd with t}i . full„«• ll`l ing statetitclit: 1 have on a suit of clothes font- to years, �� u.d, somewhat patched, hut' ;till serviceable. The shu(-'s I have - the Ion were bought in- 191t1.. • I do not propose- tar buy any more clothes un-' nil til pri(•c s go down to a reasonable rls level, even. if 1 subject myself te, nor clanger of :trr('�t for not wearin r en- pos.:;il:,ilities of outside study. A the result is that inany'boys and gi who stand well in their classes eluri tile'1t,_ ;•c'arh re'ntytive have' est, instead of growing intellectually, and are less capable• of hard thinking than they were ten years earlier. While. you are in school, class -com- petition- keeps the blade keen• and shining. Hitt when the exhilaration of inspiring companionship is no long_ er yours it is very easy to give the mind a long holiday, with gradual but steady loss. 'Refuse. to go downhill intellectually, Set' the very hegiilning of •lift✓. Do not let your mind gi,( rusty. 1: e, aaY. i, a day l: of glory that leave:: tis with c'Uhse••iousitl':•s that w( have''s!,':;rrc el rinthintr, and that tip. .fruits of: (,eir industry art' (,•e,nthtt'►t?cu►•; ate with our talents. "' t . .f In „G►n. • I and tt'ill ttt:l, live on errrrr- ed beef hash, and if corned beef hash goes trio hiirh 1 will ge without meat, to bring down costs. o -o -o-•-_ 'SALARIES .AT 1ODI':RI('11 ('OLLE(;JATE' The collegiate .in'stitute hoard has adopted a new schedule of salaries for-. the 'members' .of the teaching stair, t(► take effect September 1st next. lir. A. M. Robertson will re- , ivc' $1.'...101r with an additon'' t' v;10(l :It the end of tie' sc'Jiool ycrar; i'lis•:; ( will 11I1etlr; (1 receive -the same; �.Iis.; I' l( $1600 Plus $IUU; hiss n• - ,le•r•sn►i, al(�:► i 1►Itr.: $100; Miss II( i►iu: i fo ; :Miss Govenlock, • ? 1:.;(,i► j'Itl $101 •i'rilte;pa-j salary. wi.l h 2,�tth►.—signal. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA the applications for New Assurances Company clurin f anees received by t he Company �, 1919 reached a total of over $•100,000,000 This exceeds the- largest est amount of ordinary Life As- surance previously written in one of the British Empire. Year by any Company Getia Policy in 1020. A e.nti:Lucknow. .ji Geo. H. Smith, aP • e.