HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-04-01, Page 6S More Bread to the Barrel That extra cost per lilirrel which you pay for Oglliikf lloseoh! doesn't go Into anybody's pocket. It covers the cost of inspecting the entire wheat crop of the country, and selecting the choicest grain. It pays, for cleanliness, for purity and for scientific flour -making. A barrel of Ogilvie's Royal House- hold Flour goes farther than a barrel of any other flour. It makes more bread and better bread, You are not really spending that extra amount—you are investing it. Go to your grocer and say "Royal Household." 22 Cgilvi.1 Flour Mills Co., limited, Montreal. KERNCLS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL r , Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. David Brooks, a three-year-old boy of Brookville, was found dead in an old well. Repeat it:—"Shiloh'.s Care will al- ways care my coughs and colds." The owners of grain godowns and warehouses in Calcutta are compelled by municipal regulation in Calcutta to pave with concrete to prevent the ingress of rats, which, it is believed, will aid materially in the extermination of this active distributor of the plague germ. Loot: out for Pneumonia . Your system is in a run down condi- tion. Yon catch cold. Yon think it will soon pads off. It doesn't. Yon neglect taking any special care of your- self. Bronchitis develops and then comes pneumonia and a fight for life. A fight which is too often nnenooessfnl. Why not take every cold seriously and oure it promptly by using Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. If th'•man who has nothing to say would only say it he would soon acquire a reputation for wisdom. It is good to know that heaven does not answer with precision our prayers to be forgiven go we forgive. A. Healing Salve for Burns, Chapped Hands and Sore Nipples. As a healing salve for burns, sores, 0 sore nipples and chapped hands Cham- i berlain's Salve is meet excellent. It al - !lays the pain of a born almost instantly, and unless the injury is very severe, heals the parte without leaving a soar. Price, 25 Dente. For sale by all drug - Etats, MISMIUMMO Albert Harvey, aged eleven, and Wil. Nam Gould, aged nine, were drowned at Tintern, south of Beamsviile. Read the pain formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets, Then ask your Dootor if there is a better one. Pain means congestion, blood pressure some- where. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and see 1 20 for 25o. Sold at Walley's Drng Store. The dates of Walkerton exhibition for the current year have been fixed for Sept. 16th and 17th. Too many young people depend on their father's money taking them through this world, and their mother's prayers making everything all right for the next. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cnre will al- ways euro my coughs and colds." If the newspapers printed all they knew, there'd be an awful lot of good reading, but then there'd be an awful Iot of libel suits to follow. Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid - noels, bladder and urinary organs only. They oure backaches, weak bank, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder Goderioh has lost by death her .town leer, Neve Molic'tee end ohief constable nside three months. The Atwood Cement Mills were sold o Mr. James Pearson of Toronto, a large contractor in street paving, for the sum of $37,500. If people could live on food for thought the baker and butoher would have to retire from business. Coughs that are tight, or distressing tinkling ooughs, get pertain help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. The ten- der leaves of a harmless lung•healing mountainous shrub give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its curative properties. Those leaves have the power to oalm the most distressing Cough, and to soothe, and heal the most sensitive bronchial membrane. Test it once yourself, and seal Sold at Walley's Drug Store. The Railway Commission will take up the telephone rates as soon as it flnishee with the express rates investigation, CATARRH' If you want a sure care for CATARRH OF THE HEAD, here it is, . : : _ : : : OXYGEWRTOR THE REASON WHY : BECAUSE OXYGENATOR HEALS The mucous membrane being in an inflamed Condition, canses running at the nnAe : but when this membrane is healed the discharge ceases. Et•ery effort should be made to euro Oatarrh for it leads to Catarrh of the Threat, LStomach or Bladder, Consump• tion and Bright's Disease. "Oxygenator" IS put up in large sire betties. Price, $1.26 $1.00, and 50c. "Oxygenator" s sold by all wholesale and retail druggists. The Oxygenator Company Toronto, Canada. CASTOR I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Minister of the Interior has granted the request of Bruce County Connell for $8,000 from the Indian De. partment to assist in rebuilding the Southampton bridge. The essential lung•healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect oough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 Dents. Earl Grey's term of Governor-Gener. al does not expire until the fall of 11910, There is a misconception as to a five year term; the regulations state that the term Is 6 yeara, SPRING MEDICINE, As a spring medicince Burdook Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the systhe blood, andtakesaway ay that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. '-.-+- A Durham man has negotiations pend- ing with the inventor of a plough run by gasoline whioh apparently has great possibilities before it. The negotiations may lead to both plough and engine being made in Durham. The plough is acid 16 be cap able of turning over 12 acres a day at moderate expense for gasoline. 'nate WINUJLAM TIMES, APRIL I, IOU9 George Gibson, of Chilliwao, B. C , formerly a resident of Luoknow dist hit. has pnrohaeed a farm of 100 aores ou the 13th con. of Aohnold, and will re- turn from tho West at once. Repeat it:—"Shiloh'o Cure will al, ways oure my coughs and colds." Mr. Jas, L. Tolton, is out with a petition to the government to establish rural free delivery on the route between Walkerton and Kiucardiue. He autioi. pates no teouble in seouring signatures, THE L3D1ES' FAVO.ILIT.M,. Laxa-Livor Pills aro the ladies' favorit medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. The by-law for au electric light plant in Listowel will bo voted on, April 19th. The sum is now fixed at $12.500, whioh includes $2 500 which has already been expended for old electric light plant. Rheumatio poisons are quickly and sure. ly driven out of the blood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy—liquid or tabl-t form. I)r Shoop's booklet on Rheumatism plainly and interestingly tells just how this is done, Tell some sufferer of this hook, or better still, waste Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., for the book and free test samples. Send no money. Just join with Dr. Shoop and give some sufferer a pleasant surprise. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. W. A. Holmes, a farmer living in Mc. Killop township, north of Seaforth, way found guilty by Judge Doyle, of Gode- rioh, of abducting Mande Halley, a 15• year-old girl, and sentenced to two and a half years in Kingston penitentiary. "One Tonsil of Nature brakes the Whole World When a rooster finds a big fat worm he Delis all the bene in the farm yard to come and share it. .A similar trait of human nature is to be observed when a man discovers eotnething exoeptionally good—he wants all hie friends and neighbors to share the benefits of his discovery. This is the touch of nature that makes the whole world kin. This explains why people who have been oared by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy write letters to the manufacturers for publication, that others similarly ailing may also use it and obtain relief. Be- hind every one of these letters is a warm hearted wish of the writer to be of use to some one else. This remedy is for sale by all druggists. The Returning Officers in Bruce County received for election expenses at the last Ontario election for the Centre riding $722,43, North '$1,280.18, and South $852.02. West Toronto was the most expensive riding in the Pro. vinoe costing $3,556 98. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak Stomao'a, or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed out thief error. This is why hie presoription—Dr. Shoop's Restorative— is directed entirely to the cause of these ailments the weak inside or oontroling nerves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr, Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, if one goes at it Dor. reotly. Eaoh inside organ has its con- trolling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail, then those organs must aura. ly falter. These vital troths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few days, and see! Improve- ment will promptly and sorely follow. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Mr. J. W. Loud, Freight Traffic Man. ager of the Grand Trunk, announces a eat in grain rates to four Dents a bushel from Georgian Bay ports to Montreal, meet the competition of United States lines. For Constipation, Mr. L. H. Farnham, a prominent druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says; "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are certainly the best thing on the market for constipation," Give these tablets a trial, You are certain to find them agreeable and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by all drnsaiets. The town of Grand Falls, in the heart of Newfoundland, where a few months ago was only virgin forest, now numbers two thoneand inhabitants. This region is to supply the paper for the North. oliffe publications. A dam a thousand feet long has been built, capable of stor- ing a hundred million feet of timber, and a power station of forty-five thous- and horse power oapaoity, WAS WEAK AND THIN ONLY WEIGHED 73 POUNDS. NOW WEIGHS 113 POUNDS. Had Heart Trouble and Shortness of Breath for Six Years. MILBURN'S I}EART AND NERVE PILLS oared Mrs. K. E. Bright, Burnley, Ont. She writes: "I was greatly troubled, for six years, with my heart and shortness of breath. I reran not walk eighty rods with- out resting four or five times in that short distance. I got so weak and thin I only weighed seventy-three pounds. I decided at last to take some of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and after taking eight bones I gamed in strength and weight, and now weigh one hundred and thirteen pounds, the most I Byer weighed in my life. I feel well and can work as well as ever I did, and can heart* thank Milburn's Heart and Nerve Bile for it all." Prion 50 owes per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers, or ]nailed direct on reeeipt of price ley The T. Milburn Oa, Limited, Toronto, Out. STOPS ii COUOO IN ONE NIGH f The Storyof Suffers f fere from Bran. dills, Asthma and Catarrh PuoveS the Value of Catarrh - ozone. A cough may he Catarrhal with a dry tickling ]tt the throat, it may be a000tn• peeled by partial stoppage of the nosr•rils and Shortage of breath. Often there is a gaggi g in the throat, and every cough tears and harts, Coughs hive a hundred different causes, your's may be doe to any of the following: --- ASTHMA EXPOSURE ENLARGED TONSILS INFLAMMATION STOMAOH DISORDERS INFLAMED TIIROAT BRONCHITIS PNEUMONIA CROUP PLEURISY The one remedy upon which physi- cieus are relying. °o•day isCarerrhozone. It ren oyes the cause of the cough, doesn't smotner it. Catarncoz the ie a soothing, healing, "direct oure" and cures the conditions that cause the oongh. Catarrhozine is infinitely superior to cough medioines, tablets, sprays and emulsions, whioh for the most part are of uo practical value exoept to ease the cough for the time being. Often liquid cough remedies contain opium, morphine and cocaine. With Oatarrhozone you take no drugs —yon employ Nature's way—jast inhale Oatarrhozone'e Booth - tug, healing vapor and relief and oure follow promptly. It's simply wonderful to think how quickly n hid throat or catarrh can bo cured with Catarrbozane. It's rioh bal. semi° vapor is carried along with the breath to the innermost recesses of the lungs, bronchial tubes and chest, making it impossible for the germ of any dis- ease to live. Thus soreness in the chest is at once alleviated—phlegm is loosened and ejected from the throat, old stand- ing oonghs are removed. REMEMBER THIS, you breathe Oa- tarrhozone and it will euro any Winter ill, Large size, guaranteed, costs $1.00, and lasts two months; smaller sizes, 25o. and 50e. Beware of imitations and in- sist on "OATARRHOZONE" only. By mail from the Catarncczone Co., King! ston, Ont. Lord Strathoona has offered $10,000 yearly to encourage physical and military training rnd rifle•ehooting among the public sohool pupils of the Dominion. The House of Commons accepted the offer with a vote of thanks. Preventics—those Candy Cold Cure Tablets—will safely and quickly check all colds and the Grip. Try them once and see! 48 25o. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Mr. James K. Ford, ono of Stephen's oldest and most respected citizens pas- sed away at his home on the 2nd con- cession on Saturday, March 20th, after an illness extending over two years from Brights Disease, aged 67 years. Repeat lt:—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways oure my coughs and colds," After April 1st all medicine bottles and pill boxes must bear the red stamp of the inland revenue department. On that date the new law comes into force. Every bottle of patent or proprietary medicines and every box of pills sold out of a drug store, grocery or by the hawk - sir on the street corner, or at your door, ninst bear the little stamp or the sales- man will be liable to a fine. Rheumatism. More than nine out of every ten oases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles, due to cold or damp weather or ohronio rheumatism. In such oases no internal treatment is re- quired, The free application of Cham- berlain's Liniment is all that is needed, and it is certain to give quick relief. Give it a trial and see for yourself how quiokly it relieves the pain and soreness, Price, 25 cents; large size, 50 Dents. Sold by all druggist,. Great sympathy is expressed in Pal- merston for Engineer Kennedy, who was recently sentenced to eight months' imprisonment in jail for the fatal die. aster in which our young townsmen, Mr. M, Root, was killed. There is no doubt that an effort will be made to have him released, after he has served a few weeks, for he is everywhere regard- ed as an honest, respectable man, the victim to a large extentot circumstances. Object to Strong Medicines, Many people object to taking the strong medioines usually prescribed by physicians for rheumatism. There is need of internal treatment in any case of muscular or ohronio rheumatism, and more than nine out of every ten oases of the disease are of one or the other of these varieties. When there ie no fever and little (if any) swelling, yon may know that itis only necessary to apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely to get gniok relief. Try it, For sale by all druggist', Atter being confined to her bed for six month, Mary Chambers, wife of Wm. Doerr, con. 14, Hnliett, departed from this life on Wednesday of last week, at the age of 50 years, 10 menthe and 25 days. Deceased had not been well for the past 7 year', having since that time gone under two operations whioh were followed by pleurisy. Mrs. Doerr was born in Wellesley township and was married over 80 years ago at the family home in South Eaethope. 4-'9 ,r/L. I_" O Int. X AL. .� Bears theThee1Kind ��You Hare AlwaysAl�> girders,� �t?rY/14eir The Board of Education of Toronto ntay adopt the Daylight Bill idea now before the Parliament( of Both Great Britain and Canada. Inepeotor Jas. L. Hughes is in favor of a trial for the Sommer months. He would begin the day's work at 8 30 a. in., and give the pupils froth 11,30 to 1 o'olook noonday intermission. School would be closed at 3 o'clock, thus giving muoh time for play. Trustee James Simpson intends introducing a resolution to make this the law. Soars the The Kind You Have Always AI Bought $lgnatnro ` of From the annual report of Knox Oheroh, Teeswater, for 1908, the follow- ing figures are taken: The number of families in the congregation is 231; oommunioants on the roll, Deo. 31st, 519; members added during 1908, 20; removed by oertifioate or death, 13; baptisms, 19; marriages, 4; deaths, 18, The amount contributed for ordinary revenue was $2108.15; for repairs $564 75; for missionary and benevolent purposes by all organizations in oon- neotion with the ohuroh $2250 00, a total of $4912 90, Repeat it : —"Shiloh's Care will al. ways oure my coughs and colds." A case of deep interest to farmers was recently tried at Walkerton. The township of Brant passed a by-law pro- hibiting sheep from running at large on the highway. A farmer allowed his sheep to run the highway. A cattle drover came along and his horse was frightened, ran away, and was killed. The drover sued the farmer for damages. The oase was tried before a jury whioh awarded the full amount of damages, The farmer appealed to the Court of Appeal, which sustained the verdict of the jury, Aot,ording to the above de- cision, the farmer is liable, even if the township has by-laws prohibiting live stook to run at large. Dr. Chase's Oint moat is a curtain and guaranteed curoforoach and ovory form of itching, bleeding piles. See testimonials in the press and as and protruding k your neighbors about it. You can use it and ©t your money back if not satisfied. 60e, at an ors. z EDMANSON. BATES 8; Co., Toronto. 9t.■ HASE'S OINTMENT. When Britain firet, at heaven's com mend, arose from Out the azure main, this was the oharter of the land and guardian angels sang this strain: Rule, Britannia! rule the waves, Britons never will be slaves. But now in this degenerate day a craven fear has seized them all. They chatter in their wild dismay, lest Germans soale their stout Sea-wall: Yield, Britannia, yield the waves, Britons must and shall bo slaves. What arrant cowards now are these! Why tremble at the fancied sight of foreign navies on the seas? Just tenet in God and do the right. Rule, Britan- nia, rule the waves, Britons need not yet be slaves, $once the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of An exchange says they have invent- ed a new kind of social amusement it is called an "avoirdupois party." All girls are weighed and the weight of each written on a pieoe of paper and put into a hat, and the young men must draw. The young man must go to sapper with the girl whose weight he draws, and must pay for her supper at one-half Dent per pound. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways care my coughs and codls." A oaee of considerable interest to peo- ple in this neighborhood was tried at the Division Court at Seaforth before Judge Holt. In 1905 the sohool house ,in Soo. tion No, 6, Tuokeremith, known as the Hannah school, was closed, and the trustees of the Seaforth public school to pay the tuition fees of pupils from that seotion attending the Seaforth sohool. The school has remained olosed since that time. In 1908 the trustees of the seotion arranged to pay persona for the conveyance of pupils to the sohools they were attending. During the time the sohool has been closed Mr. James G. Martin has been conveying his oliild to the Seaforth sohool, and is now Boe- ing the seotion for the cost of con- veyanoe in 1905. This is more in the nature of a test case, for if Mr. Mar- tin succeeds he will make a olaim for conveyance during 1906 and 1907 as well. The judge has reserved deoision in the case. =toe REWARD,;100, The readers of this paper will be pleas. ed to learn that there is at least ono dreaded disease that solenoe has been able to oure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive oure now known to meds• cal fraternity. Catarrh being a coned. tutional disease, requires a constitution- al treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, noting direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby destroying the founds. tion of' the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the oon- etitntion and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have se much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollar, for any case that it fails to onro. Send for list of testlmoniele. Address F, i. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold bet all Druggists, Ido. Take Hall's Family Pills for condi. pNtion. -i,--,-----:--,._ ,,,,._ ,„,.._ ,i,--47----------,,,,, ,,,,..... ,,,4,_. 1 TWENTY YEARS AGO. Local Hryhe. Items fronsistotheof "tTimese earlyr " fyle80s. (From the TIMES of Mar. 29, 1889 ) LOCAL NEWS. Mr. Robb. Hill shipped a fine roadster to Mr. A, Marshall (brother to Mr. R. Marshall, Oalrose) at Carberry. Man. this week. Rev. Mr. Johnston, of Berrie, offi- ciated acceptably in the English ohnroh last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Moorehouse preaohed at Bervie, his former charge. Rev. Mr. Godfrey, of Belgrave preaohed at the Methodist church on Sunday evening last. Mr. W. Robertson has returned from Toronto, where he has beon doing par. liamentary work during the session, Mr, George Anderson wife and son John left with a oar load of effects in - 'eluding six horses for Brandon, Man, on Tuesday. The business men of Wingham have mutually agreed to close their places of business at 7 o'clock, after April lot, with the exception of grocery stores, which will close at 8 o'clock, except on Saturdays. On Tuesday the following pupils wore promoted from the 7th to the 6th de. pertinent : Earnest Risdon, Maggie Jermyn, Frank Foster, Mamie Collins, Willie Orr, Morton Morton, Leona Hill, Willie Monok, Cameron Monok, Free- man Ross, Willie MoDonald, Melvin Kerr, Jeseie Gray, Ella Kinsman, Arthur Shortt, Milton Beomer, Harris Coad, Ethelbert MoOlymont, Peter Fisher, Melville Sutherland, Maggie Henderson, Maggie Tibbs, Mand Carr and Minnie Rose, Obas, McManus, Mo. Lean Sutherland, OLENFARROW. On Friday evening, the 22nd inst., the pupils of the public sohool and other friends assembled at the home of Mr. Alex. MoEwen, teaoher, on the 000a- sion of his leaving thie plane to take - charge of the Blaevale sohool, W HITEODUROH. The Sooiety of Christian Endeavor of Blyth presented Wm. son of Mr. W. Kew, G. T. R. agent at this place with a handsome bible on the eve of his. departure from the town, • BIRTHS McKinnon —In Belgrave, on the 13th Inst„ the wife of Mr, F. MoKinnon; a daughter. Anderson.—In East Wawanosh, on the 24th inst, the wife of Duncan An- derson; a eon. Bradley.—At Teeswater, on the 18th Inst, the wife of Mr. Robert Bradley; a. daughter, MARRIED. Robertson—Baines.—At Sunshine, on the 13th inet,, by the Rev. A. W. Tonge, of Blyth, Mr. Thomas Robertson to Mies Maggie Baines, both of Morris. "The masouliue of Vixen," says a British school boy, "is vicar." Then the masuline of suffragette should be sufferer. Wesley Armstrong, a 16•year-old North Oxford schoolboy, accidentally shot himself in the cheek while showing his revolver to his friends. James MacPherson of Kincardine has attended 2,700 funerals in sixty years, and missed attendance at church only 60 Sundays in the same time. Another of the early pioneers in the person of Major William Daniel passed passed away on Monday 22nd ult., at the residence of his daughter, Mre. E. Carver, con. 7, Kincardine township. The late Major Daniel was one of the best known men in this seotion and was a son of the late William Daniel, of Waterloo. Ho was an ardent military man in his younger days and he carries his title from the Bruce 32nd regiment. He was Captain of No. 2 company whioh turned out with other companies during the Fenlon raid in 1866 and it was then said that for daring, physique and strength few companies in Canada equalled No. 2. Deceased was the first tax oolleotor of the oombiued townships of Kincardine, Huron and Kinloss and also served as assessor for a term. In religion he was a Methodist and in poli- tics a Conservative. Made the Blood Rioh and Red. Miss Cynthia Hutohinson, Hanoevilie, B. C. writes: "My system was so com- pletely run down that my friends as well as myself thought I could never get better. All medicines failed to help me. A trial of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food benefited me and at the end of a month people scarcely knew me I had improved se mnoh. The blood was enriohed, oolor improved, new flesh was added and I got strong and well." If the plans of Ald. MoNee material. Ise, the Windsor Connoil will memor, ialize the Ontario Legislature to ohange the oonnty seat from Sandwich to Windeor, a new municipal and county building will beerected in Windsor, and the Sandwich County House will be used exclusively as a provincial prison. A business communication in Arabin reoently reached a Manchester firm, and when translated by a Syrian interpreter proved to contain a request for the prioe of ooppering two "water sheep" of Der• tain given dimensions. The translator was confident of his version, but ad- mitted that he did not know what "water sheep" could be. For the moment even the heads of the firm were puzzled, until it strnok some one that this was the nearest synonym in the vocabulary of a pastoral people for "hydraulic rams." When we were young, people who had colds, soaked their feet in hot water and got well. Now they have grip, take quinine and feel siok all summer. Then they had sore throat wrapped a piece of pork in an old sock, tied it around the neck at night and went to work the next morning. Now they have toneilitie, a surgical operation and two weeks in the house. Then they had stomaoh ache and took castor oil and reoovered. Now they have appen- dicitis, a week in the hospital and six feet due east and west and four feet per. pendionlar. Then they worked, they labor now, In those days they wore undernlethes, now they wear lingerie, Then they wont to a restaurant, now they go to a cafe. Then they broke a leg, now they fracture a limb. People went orazy then, they have brainstorm. now. Politioiane paid good hard cash for support; now they send government garden seeds.--Atlapta Constitution WORTH IT'S WEIGHT IN GOLD. Mi'o-na Has Reached a Gold Standard Says Harry Ellis of Fergus, For Stomach Trouble. Harry Ellis of Fergus, Ont„ says: "t believe that Mi•o•na for the cure of stomaoh trouble, is worth its weight in gold. It cured me from a stomaoh dif- ficulty that seemed to puzzle all other prescriptions and remedies. I was un- able to eat, the food would ferment and form gas and make a serious pressure on my heart. There were terrible pains in the pit of my stomaoh, I beoamn weak, drowsy, discouraged and later I got nervous and could not sleep or rest. This disease makes one feel like not wanting to see any human being and produces melanoholy and forebodings, I was told to try Mi•o•na, and when I. commenced on the first box I had hardly any faith in it, but the first two days' treatment made the pain in my stom- aoh oease, and to make a long story short, the upshot of my using Mi•o•na was that it cured me wholly, and I now can eat what I like and when I am than. gry. I am an ardent advocate of the use of Mee.na," Walton McKibben sells Mi-o-na Tab- lets, the dyspepsia remedy that is mak- ing such surprising cures throughout Canada, for 50 cents a box, guarantees them to oure, or many back. At North Bay on Thursday, Judge Latchford sentenced Maurice Ryan to be banged on Thursday, June 3, next for the murder of his brother, Frannie Ryan, on or about November 18, 1907. 'The tariff is a wonderful institution.' said the earnest citizen. 'Yes,' answer- ed Farmer Oorntoesel. 'It's more than wonderful. It's an unprecedented marvel. It's the only thing I ever heard of that our Congressman was afraid to. talk about.'—Washington 'Star.' tt THE COWBOY BARONET"' Sir Gentile Cave -Brown -Cave proves: Zam-Buk excellent for Hurts & Sores, Sir Genille Cave -Brown -Cave, of Stratton Hall, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, who is better known in. Canada as "the Cowboy Baronet," hat. had a wide experience of the valve of Zara -Bak. Writing to a friend recent- ly, and speaking of this great balm, he says:— "I feel it is only my duty to let yon, know what great benefit I hays derived,, by keeping Zam•Bnk handy, and having - it in constant use. For the sprain" and, bruises which I have incurred in my horsemanship, and in my cowboy life. generally, I have found it a reliable and epeedy healer. Some of the beat riders in the West that I know, use Zara -Bak regularly with the greatest benefit. I may mention that, on one 000anion, my horse, "Bob," name down with me, rolling over my limbs, and tearing pieces. of skin off my arms. By use of Zam- Buk immediately the wounds and bruises cleanly and quickly healed, and the raw parts oovered with new, healthy, skin. "When on the I have, used Zam•Bnk ei for poi,onon,laine� insect - bites. "Zara-Buk has yielded me far more. remarkable results and generally proved more reliable than anything could have: done in the way of mere ointments or. embrooations, and I think it unequalled! for skin injuries and diseases." clearerNo tabove. from this welt known Baronet could be, needed to prove the unique merit oft Zam-Buk, and to show the wisdom of always keeping handy a box of this, wonderful balm. Zara -Bull is Nature's own healing balm, being composed of pure herbal essences. It is a ewe oure for eczema, ringworm, ulcers, outs, barns, bruises, poisoned sores, ohronio wounds, bad Ieg, piles, festering sores, and all akin int juries and dieettees. ere sell at 50o. Druggists ibox, or pest free foStone r prioe from Zanf-Bnk Co., Toronto; 3 boxes $1.25. You are warned against harmful immi. teflon!, sometimes repee.ellted to be "just as good,"