HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-04-01, Page 5respismsomaisommoosiammoip " , AUUT " THESE SUITS MADE TO YOUR ORDER Mc6ee 8� Camabe SOLE AGENTS - WINGHAM ST. DELEtis. Balauoe Ronna stook to be saori9ofci in lies Hive store, opp. SG, Andrew's Church, Winghatp.. On Saturday, Maros 27th, John Arm- strong of Belgrave, shipped two oar loads of fine oattle to Toronto for wluoh be paid a good price, The heaviest ane amongst them, wbioh tipped the scales at 1450 lbs. was a three•year•old heifer, raised and ted by Mr. George Mo• Roberts, of "Wet Wawanoith. Mr, Armstrong paid him $$0.00 for her. The drovers who witnessed the weighing of her reported leer the finest heifer shipped from Belgrave dace the time Belgrave got its name, Mr. MoRoberts had oertainly eornething to be proud of aa she was au extra model. WEeTerner D. Balenee Hanna stook to be saorlfioed in Bee Hive store, opp. St. Andrew's Church, Wingham, Rev. R. Millyard, of Viotoria street ohnrcb, Goderioh, preached educational sermons on this circuit last Sunday. Harry Hibbitt and family have moved to their new home near Londeeboro. The congregation of Donnybrook ohurcb intend making great improve - meats in their chorale in the near future. They purpose raising it up on a cement foundation and veneering it with red brick, and also making several other improvements. A subscription list has been oiroulated through the oon. gregation which has reached the sum of $1,000 for the proposed improve- ments. VIM WINctraAllit TIMFf , APRIL 1 1989 MREY. Balance Hanna stook to ba eaorif1ofd in Bee Hive store, opp. St. Andrew'. Ohuroh, Wingbam. Mr0. Armstrong, of the Gth of Grey, has leased the farm owned by Robert Docket for a term of five years and has taken possession. DID LGEAV TC. Balance Hanna stock to be saorificed in Bee Hive store, opp, St. Andrew's Ohnroh, Wingham. Several from here are missionary congress at week. Sandy Stewart has moved his family to the village and will occupy the house owned by Ohm, Bell. The Presbvterian Manse has under- gone a complete renovation and the new pastor, Rev. Mr. Ferguson and family have moved to the village. The induction of Rev. Mr. Ferguson, B. A„ as pastor of Belgrave and Oalvin Presbyterian oburohes took place on Thursday afternoon last. The members of these congregations will be pleased to again have a settled pastor. --0 Lord Strathoona has offered $10,000 yearly tolencoarage physical and military training and rifle -shooting among the publio school pupils of the Dominion. The House of Oommons accepted the offer with a vote of thanks. R. and Mrs, Dooket, have taken pos- session of the farm they lately purobao- ed from Mr. Pollard, 6th line. Wm. McNeil is home from the far West for a visit to his parents, John D. and Mrs. MoNeil, 14th son., after an abeenoe of several years. He has done well we are pleased to bear. Robert MoBain, a former old resident of Grey, who has spent the past three months holidaying here, left for his home at Saskatoon, on Tuesday of last. week. We are sorry to state that Mrs. Arm. strong, 6th line, who has been in failing health for the past few menthe is not improving as fast as her many friends would like to see. Several of the old neighbors of Dun. can MoOallnm, formerly of the 10th son., assisted in moving the latter's hotteehold effects, &vo,, to Hallett town- ship, where the family has purchased a fine 200 -acre farm, known as the Lear property. attending the Toronto this BLUIttnaL[t. Mrs, Magnns Spence is very ill with pneumonia. Mr. John Burgeon is slowly improving after being ill with the grip. Duff re Stewart are baying the timber prepared for building the new mill. Delano() Hanna stook to be sacrificed. in Bee Hive store, opp. St. Andrew's Ohuroh, Wingham. Rev. W. J• West, M. A. leaves title week to attend the great Missionary Congress whiob is to be held in Toronto. A quiet wedding took pleoe at the manse on Friday morning, wizen Rev, W. J. West performed the ceremony whish made Miss Teenie MoPhereon of Turnberry the bride of Mr, Neil Ander- son of Kenton, Man. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of Knox Church will be held on Taesday, April 6th, at 2 p. in. and the Missionary Society at 3 p. m. All the members are requested to attend. There will be a meeting of the women's Institute on Thursday, April 8th at 2.30 p. ni., at the home of Mrs. Geo. McDonald. The snbjeot for the meeting will be "cutting and fitting shirt waists." This will be demon- strated by Mrs. Alex. Anderson and Mrs. John Geddes. The officers of the Institute are:—President, Mrs, John- ston; Vice Pres., Mrs. 13, King and Soo•-Treas.. Mrs. West. All the ladies are cordially invited. To Cure Toothache. Search over the whole globe and you'll not find the equal of Nerviline. An aching tooth it relieves at once. Fill the oavity with batting dipped in Nerviline and rub the gums with Nerviline Cleo, If the face is swollen and sore, bathe with Nerviline and then bind on a hot flannel. This can't fail because Ner- vilise kills the pain outright. Just as good for earache, neuralgia or stiff neok, A 25o. bottle of Nerviline cures the aches of the whole family. Try it. For Cougl and s Troubled with a cough? A hard cold, bronchitis, or some chronic lung trouble? There is a medicine made for just these cases--Ayer''s Cherry Pectoral. Your doctor knows all about it. Ask him what he thinks of it. No medicine can ever take the place of your doctor. Keep in close touch with him, consult him frequently, trust him fully. No alcohol in this cough medicine. j. C. Ayer Co.,Loweli,Mass. Ayer's Pills. Sugar-coated. ,All vegetable. Act dictly Ask your don the er. about hies- axa- tive. Dose, only one pill. Sold for nearly sixty years. HOWI'CK. Balance Hanna stook to be saorifioed in Bee Hive store, opp. St. Andrew's Onnroh, Wingham, , The death occurred at his residence, near Fordwioh on Friday, March 19th of Thomas McLaughlin in his 40th year. Death was duo to tuberouloaie he having been ailing for over two years. Daring that time he took a trip to Western Canada and to Denver, Colorado, in the hope of overcoming the ravages of the dread disease, but all to no avail. His illness became oritioal some six months ago and little hope of bis recovery had since been entertained. The late Mr. McLaughlin was born and raised in the Township of Howick. He lived in Grand Valley for some time where he conducted a grocery and bakery. Of late years he resided in New Liekard, Tomstown and Oharleton, Nipissing District. While living in Fordwic;l, he served on the Trustee Board for several years and took an active part in the local Temperance lodge. He was married to Miss I. Lelia Hooey, who pre -de- ceased him over two years ago. He leaves two daughters, Misses Evelyn and Gladys, and several brothers and sisters to mourn his loss. TSELI4IOIUT, Baiariee Manna stook to be sacrifloed in Bee Hive store, opp. St. Andrew'. Church, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thoaneon spent Sunday at the home of Mr. W. H. Willis in Wingham. Mr. Nath, Harris, we are sorry to note, in not improving as fast as his friends would desire. Mr. Robert Niokle bas been drawing material for the enlargement of his residenoe, from Walkerton planing mill. Mr.' George Edwards has installed a modern steel forge in his biaokamitb shop. The new experiment adds greatly to the up to date appearance of his premises. Bev. Mr. Radford attended Synod in Hamilton last week, He is at present in Toronto taking in the meeting in connection with the Laymen's Mission- ary Movement. Mr, Fred Johnson, who has been visit- ing with his brother on the old home- stead is now recuperating after having had a severe attaok of pneumonia. Mr. Johnson expects to return to Manitoba in a short time. Proved Beyond Doubt. The disappointed victims of poor Ca- tarrh remedies should read the state- ment of J. R. Smith, of Lake Stream, N. B. In Oatarrhozone he found an abealute cure and says; "Last winter my little girl of eight naught oold whish lodged in her ears in the form of Oa- tarrh, She became reek and deaf and nothing helped. By inhaling Oatarrh- ozone she got relief and gradually the discharge went away, She was oured perfectly of Oetarrh. Personally I can recommend Oa+urrhozone for soughs and throat irritur•inn; its a wonderful medicine." Sold everywhere, 25c. and $1,00. AAAAAMAAAAAAAMAAAAAAACsAr ANAAAMAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAA c t Aim Are you getting your share of the Bargains that are being offered for the balance of the stock of Elliott & Walley, consisting of WALL PAPER STATIONERY SCHOOL BOOKS FANCY GOODS. CHINA Leather Goods, etc.? Now is your chance to paper your home at one- half the usual cost ! Do not neglect this Sale every day, in the Morton Block and at Walley's Drug Store. As everything has to be cleared out at otice, it will pay you to get some of the Bargains NOW ! Come and see for yourself. Everything has to be sold, TERMS CASH. Elliott & Walley. } 3 Balance Hanna stook to be sacrifloed in Bee Hive store, opp. St. Andrew's Ohuroh, Wingham. The death took plane in Gorrie, on Monday, Mar..h 22nd, of Mre. Hneston, relict of the late Wm. Hneston, who predeceased her twenty years ago. Mrs. Sueston came from Ireland with her parents when quite young, and resided first after her arrival in the picturesque town of Pioton, oon the Bay of Quinte, in Prince Edward County. She else lived in Leeds County, and has lived in How• iok township foe a long time. Although Mrs. Huestonhasheen ailing for some time her death, nevertheless, came quite unexpeotedly. A strange coincidence is the fact that, like her husband, she had not been confined to bed, and breathed her last upon the same sofa upon whish her husband expired 20 years ago, and also in the same room. Mrs. Hueston was '72 years of age. She leaves two sons, Austin and William°; and one daughter, Mrs, James Walker, to mourn their loss. WEST WAWANOSH. Balance Hanna stook to be saorifioed in Bee Hive store, opp, St. Andrew's Church, Wingham. Counoil met on Marsh 18th as per adjournment; members all present; Reeve Medd in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed on motion of Watson and Altoheson. The Treasurer's statement showed balance of $298 29. Filed, on motion of Thompson and Watson. A oommttnioation re J. Davidson, a patient in the asylum, was filed, on motion of Wilson and Thompson. The Olerk and Councillor Wilton were empowered to buy a safe for the town- ship, on motion of Thompson and Watson. The following accounts were paid:— Proudfoot, Hayes and Blair, fees re law snit, $33 00; E. Wawanosh, boundary line account, $14 00; Assessor's Guide, 600,; Win. Smith, culvert, $1.00. Path- maeters, Poundkeepers and Fence Viewers were appointed as follows: Fonoeviewers,--Jho. Mills, Wm, Ken- nahan, Alex. Durnin, J. Pardon, W. E. Gordon, Geo. Greer, Poundkeepers,--Joe Feagan. 0, 0. Brown, Jno. Taylor, J. Kennahan, M. Humphrey, Win. MoQuillin. Pathmasters,-3. Stothers, A. 114a- Iliwain, Thos. McPhee, J. Windmill, R. Medd, Wm. Bailie, J. Campbell, Jas. Smith, A, Rose, J. H. Johnston, J. Fluoker, Jno. Mills, S. Scott, W. Oliver, J. McLean, J. Elliott, H. Stewart, B. Jones, R. Plunkett, Wm. Kennahan, J. Washing. ton, Wm. Bamford, G. Woods, A. Pentland, A, Errington, Wm. Oempbeil, G. Henry, Jos. Agar, A, Johnston, Thos. Mo0abe, G. Greaves, A. Brophy P. Kearney, Wm, Ringler, W. Farrow, Thos. Woods, G. Ward, R. Smith, E. McRoberts, Thos. Taylor, A. Glasoow, P. Walsh, R. Anderson, Wm. Brophy, A. Alton, H. MoOrostie, A. Harper, 0. 11K. Donald, A. E. Dania, R. Woods, J, Raulage, D. Farrier, Tboe. Onm- Bowles, Shop Sin °h, N. Campbell, S. Lyons, D. Todd, Wat Webb, Dan Mo- Nenete, Wm. Donnelly, B. Naylor, A. Emmerson, D. O'Callaghan, R. Web. titer, G. Greer, D. MoDonald, R. Mo• Q,nillin, Jas. D, Gillis, J. Foster, Thos. Inglis, Wm. Hntobison, Wm. Patterson, Wm. Mole, ism Sproule. Connell adjourned to meet on April 15th, at 2 o'olook. W. S. MnOttOSTIF, Clerk. New Idea Patterns. 1Oe The box sooial held in the Salem Methodist oharoh on Monday evening last proved an unqualified snooess. The first part of the evening was taken up with a programme, in which Mr. and Mrs. Willis, of Wingham, took an active and effective part and then fol- lowed refreshments. The first meeting of the Belmore Literary Society was bald last Monday evening in the' school hones. The de- bate resulted in the corn upholders being defeated and the roots proved its superior. Another social will be held a week from next Wednesday. The offi• oars elected were:—F. Baliagh, Sec.- Treas. ; A. Laskin, chairman. (Intended for last week.) F. G. Thomson, of Southampton, called on his brother, H, Thomson, on Tuesday. The young people of our vicinity are starting a literary in Foresters' hall next Monday night. The spelling match in Inglis school on Monday night remelted in Mr. G. Mo. Kee's side winning. Miss Emma Ballagh, of the 2nd line, has been visiting for a few days with her uncle, Mr. Jot, Hall, Wingham. A sleighload from hero went to a party given by Mrs. J. Barns, near McIntosh's, on Thursday night last. All report an enjoyable evening. Next Sunday will be oommunion service in the Presbyterian ehuroh, ser- vice at 11 a. m., preparatory services on Friday afternoon by Rev. Mr, Tait of Teeswater. Mr. Geo. Edwards has daring the past week pat in a stook of Page Fence. He has different lines and also carries wire by soil. Any person in need of fenoing will do well to oall on Mr, Edwards. Dame rumor says there is to be a big wedding on the second of Carrick in the near future. It is peculiar to note how our young baohelore will stand back and see our young ladies carried off to othe r parts of the country. The entertainment given in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening of last week (St. Patrick's day) in aid of the Publio Library was a decided success. It must have been extremely gratifying to those who take an interest in and watoh the future of, Howiok boys to listen to the very able effort of Mr. George Spotton of Wingham, the title of what he pre. ferred to call a talk being 'Ireland and the Irish ' Mr. Spotton is certainly a Strong speaker, and certain passages were positively thrilling. The amount of re- search and study revealed by his lecture must have been very extensive. As he went from passage to passage in the more serionn portion, outlining the part played by the Irish in the arta and sciences, the army and navy, it must have made the chest of every Irishman or descendant of an Iriehmau expand with just pride, what he stated being the simple truth. When htr. Spotton came to the humorous side of the Irishman's nature, some of the stories told about Paddy were very funny, and provoked hearty laughter. A short programme of musio was rendered during the evening by local talent, The fioanoiai rtsnits of the evening were Boma $28. The Rev. Mr. Farr, president of the Library Board, 000upied the chair. ti`s � O , k ,; � ISARD'S FOR Ladies' New Spring Coats AND Skirts We invite your inspection of our large range of NEW SPRING COATS and SKIRTS. Our READY -TO WEAR GARMENTS lead in STYLE, FIT, li'INISH and quality. Not one cent too much is asked for these COATS. EVERY PRICE is the LOWEST. We rely upon the INTRINSIC MERIT of our GOODS and our SMALL PROFIT METHOD to bring us TRADE. Pay as much as you wish —you cannot get BETTER VALUES than these, NO NO NO 355—Ladies' Spring Coats, tight fitting, fly front, Lawn Covert Cloth, tailor made, a very stylish coat, our price - .$5.00 , 307—Single breasted, Covert Cloth, tailor-made in every parti. cuter, buttons on the baok, stitched cuffs, length 26 inches, a bargain - - - - - - $0,00 . 342—Ladies' Covert Cloth Coat, tailor-made, fly front, two breast pockets. also two lower pookets, turnbaok cuffs. This is a very effective garment, length 28 inches, epode' prise - $5,00 NO . 353—Ladies' Spring Mantle, semi -fitting, fly front. This gar- ment has pleat and strapping: on eaoh side, down front and back, fanny tabs on back, made in lengths 26 and 30 inches, our price - - - - • - - $10,00 . 337—Double-breasted Coate, blank only, trimmed with self - strapping and satin folds, a very pretty Spring Coat, our price $9.00 NO TOP SKIRTS. N0. 955—Handacme V..ile Skirts, elaborately trimmed with r.ilk folds and satin buttons, also narrow French Folds, a bargain at • $O,00 NO. 900—A etylieh Skirt made of fine Panama Cloth, trimmed with buttons, a bargain - • - - $.90 Several other numbers we haven't room to quote here. Ask to see them. Yon will always find us with the MOST DESIRABLE GOODS at MODERATE PRICES. s 1H. E. IS CO.I During the past week the sale of Mr. G. Wynn'e fifty aore farm known as "Willow Grove farm" took plane, the purofiaser being Mr. Robb, Nickel, price about eighteen hundred dollars. This gives Mr, Niokel one hundred and fifty aures of land and when he gets his new brick residenoe oompleted he will have e very fine property. Established z879 Whooping Conlgh, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria etesolene is a boon to Asthmatics noes it not Aeon more effective to breathe in a remedy to cute disease of the breatbin1 organs than to take the remedy into tate stomach t It cures because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving; prolonged and constant treat. meat. It is invaluable to mothers with small children. Thoseot a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in. filmed conditions of the throat sold by druggists. Scud postal forbookl;,i. X eronea, Mites Ce.. limited, Agents, Miont- rent, Canada. 307 •ir••0•••04)0444444•40*o'€4440 64<0•O@00O4©44PC000.4)*****: • 4 • • Y • O • • • • • • • • • ••• You keel Blue As Indigo. You are sleepless—no energy—bad digestion --irritable nerves—everything seems wrong. You're getting worse. Stop it today, end your misery by build- ing up with Ferrozone. It's a food tonic—supplies nutriment and building material—gives weak organs and ex- hausted nerves the strength they re- quire. With Ferrozone von eat more, digest more, get fatter, Vitality courses through your veins, the feeling of youth predominates, vim, strength and health return for good. Nothing rejuvenates and restores so quickly and permanently as Ferrozone. You'll try it to -day, 500. at all dealers, Fire destroyed the Windsor Hotel at Cornwall and three men perished in the Haines. Aooidents on Canadian railways last year caused the death of 529 and thel ,f; injury of 1,209, 0 Are you thinking of a new rig,; this spring ? You'll make a mistake if you , uy elsewhere without first seeing what whave here, in Open and Top Buaz s Carriages, etc. Something new an finish box. The latest in rubber tires, etc Materials, workmanship, an'd everything about these rigs fully guaranteed obby in a surface -oak PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY W •4 • E • PROPRIETOR • • @ • • t • • • • • • • ingham Carriage Works • WM. DOR•E 0 • • • 0 a • • e • 4 • • • • O 4 e • 0' 6 Qa0eep@OQ©*@QA4�i�4d04 00.0• •1.d .i .l .13• ;.•i• i•3•�i•• •+ ..{,++ i 3•h :• •:. i 9 t• 1 d •. p•: 3.1 •p : •I•i >• i ;••} .i i •F .teeitteitern * We have just received a car load of No. 9 Coil Spring Wire direct from Cleveland, it is very heavily gal4r ;sited and we are soiling, Toronto Presbyterians have sabsorib- ed $55,000 of the $150,000 they were asked to raise for new buildings for *Knox College. Tho woman found drugged in a abed in the outakirts of St, Thomas has boon identified as Mrs. Anna Cole, wife of a farmer near London. Dr. Amyot has recommended that Springfield Park, Lonlon, Ont , be otos- ed to the public), owing to the danger of pollution of the oity water supply. hotel porter was fined 'a hundred dollars at Cobalt for-aupplying the guests with liquor, unknown to the proprietors The guests paid the line. William 'Thompson, the colored boy who allot, his father, was sentenced to ir,ve year's imprisonment at SandWioh Metes, pleading gttiity to mantltaght• tr. it at $2.25 per 100 lbs. We also have a very large. Stock of Spring Goods of the very best quality anti the very lowest prices, such as Wire of all kinds, made up Fences for the Farm, made up fences for the Lawn, made 1 Fences for the Cemetel y, Fence Slats, Fence Hooka and Staples, Poultry Netting, Wire Stretchers, Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Forks, Step Ladders, Washing Machines, Wringers, etc. A car load of Fresh Cement just in a the Celitral Hardware Store. *J. G. Stewart & Go .+b •It t+++.4.20.++.44tb•f•++.11. +++++++++++++.4$,÷444.14+4+