HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-06-10, Page 7THE BIG DYKE
O :. PoacuPzirs, the Premier Pros-
pect ot Canada's 1 11..-atest (;uld Camp.
Write Us for Illustrated Booklet.
J. P. CANN '..) 4 & co.
,,.. 58 Rt AZ 1St. W., Toronto. Ont.
members Standard stock 1:xchunge
.ldelaido 334Z-3343. '
• A Grave in Flanders..
Darknt-3ss and stars and 'brooding of
the Eea, - •
You bling no peace to Int,!•,
Nodreams- ii•or any visions strange
and new.: ' . •
breatns„ visions were of. you,
.ileroie lover., Vanished from lay sight,
•LeavIn'i to•Ine the -night,. •. .
11 in the darkness, by the brooding
I: thought Illy secret tiroughts niest.
• .secTelly ; • ..
being cold, /It 1m 43perially suitable for I
use. in hot weather.
Ily applying thp. same. idea. on a
large scale, Doctor Dubois,. not long
ago, Paris, illuminated several un-
rooms w!th a .seft and
beautiful radiance • a 4ur: of artificial
moptilight, 'with a suggest(on of fairfe:i'
Didn't Get Anywhere.
1;11) Avi 01141 The one -Mr. Lycns•was born
1114 11,
1.11111a Sily er•spoon in his taueth."
' The othei• -"But , he •tiever •111:t(•10
much of it w!th• it." • •
Caused by Starved Nerve; I)ue
v, ill;
toVVcak, Watery. Blood. '
l'eople generally .hink of neuracgia 1 1 F's-s'silY, niLt,'' stamMetid
as u litiiii in the bi,:iii or. face... but .: Bohly thrcuglt•the soap. as 'his inotlit,r
neuri_ilgia.ntity afieet an), •
11,e1.,,..;4 f lb,: scruhhed Lind s.e•rubbed him. "1 gue,.-.
body. Different name, are given to it you want to get rid o' me. don't yOu'.'''
When It arri tt:-; CC- 1:i.j.21 .111.1'vt,z•
Th;,!5; 1:' .-Vv:IY• 110,.ltobhy,•.(leartoplie 1 thp ,
ii6uraigi, v.,114.4 „(.i.,,.2,,. i„vr,,,t, is (,tn,„1.. wother. "Whateveis• pat se( li
.., .
St+ItiCitl blit tilf. Cri:i r.: c ter .1 f In,. 1.:,ie , i,ls" th.0•Into )our litt3n1
4040r:.tunit. cf the.1?.h.hyf hiy (lye:J.111:1:aid th,.. iii,,t,i!,, , :: till, iii,s,,,., ,, i,..3 file "Oh, re!!:',:e;!'' F,'.1(1 liebbY. "On1::
1ike hint,'
• • 1 , ••,;,,,,., -1,2•,, „.. ,,• , i ,..:., .,..i.,!1'... troi1 ''•!,,,,st Fc.i'•;..., '.•,) up? You'ie, i1'.itig: 1) 24.11) lip.
0 Wo.ndroUs rft! w110.11-gri)V.''n'' 1-11 ' .'
...'' h " . 14.1 n4,;1 1:, !.., ( !.' . . . , : 1,; ,1.• 2 be 2•:,.., .(.,ii i• ' • '. ' ' •
and slini;
1,..,tro'lH.1, •.•;hether . __..... . •
./..lre t. in 114.1.•., eye -: . riray...,-?th...v.li$: ii 'Iii•ht Alf. ., . ,.. . • ,.., ' . . -
•-•• • ,.:- ... . •
IU 21* ..,. : .. .: ..,•..,,t.,t ,whetli . .--......•:•!:•., C.L.:•ic,-..;',••••
. . . . ..
And his mouth inatclii•eg iny .r,(•,1;•.:,..., :.71,::- i'il,'''''," .: -....-.-'1.:' II 'arrfl: stlir"ari„: i.$4 : ';'..,1% 721'''''/'i'rT7'.-4gf'"1-trYtrr::".tr31 Til"' !'
• ••r, -:- •, • ..••• '1' 1.,!:•\'‘' • . 1 W. 1.110041. ihs Lotie :2ister's Lead with a toy. 're
curving line •
"•••`:: Li...;:.:,;•.,•.; e, i:l,••• 11...ir'..-14111.:!IL bring 114;1110 to hint the enormity of 1,:•s
But in a Ail -aye in Flatider:, .r, ei. ti,r!
1 4....*; 1.:..021:4: I*4.it:-011 1,4) 1.0t.g. 4.111.4.:10E., lind 1 41 ill...itifY I lie s'eVeritNi
If you.tareAsthraa, don't
imagine that you must al-
ways suffer untold misery.
Relief quick, sure and safe
is guaranteed in even the
worstcases by using
We are et') certain of re-
sults we will- send you a
/roe eanapio of these cap-
sules. cor.fl&nt that you
will rind them all we have
claimed. Write to Tem-
vletons. 142 King St. W.,
Toronto. -.•
Sold -by reliable druggists
everywnero for Mot a Doz.
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hult a hit and Freezone
costs unly a few cents. •
Classified Advertisements.
i•-", will pay you. George Stevens.
l'eterborough. Ontario. .
V and lob printing plant in Easters
. Ontario. Insurance carried $1.600. Will
ro for $1.200 on quick sale. Box 1*
Wilson L.:Wishing Co. Ltd..' Toronto.
! Uer ELM 1%. ANTED. 2 1N. AND
173 thicker, shipped green from saw.
!)o not sell until you •commu_.'este 4•ittt
us. Keenan Bros. Limited. Owen Sound.
.1%, for Nurses: St. Eliza.beth
204 South Broad*Street. Elizabeth. New
.1(_•rsey.• Complete- course. Monthly
• lottianci":. first year'$6.00,- second tlp.0a,
third- $15.0a. Address: Supp0intendent.,.
_14.; tilpt I Is:tulf-Sa;.(and :21:r1;te.
work on int.,:i(a•
14.1,) 1'01 14'
11,a4V-41.oc Lure r.:*o crIbe tlacm. •
A l337 cr '1•''''Fezoilo.'•oosts The latest official figures. give
‘' '''' '" T-".' ''•-• ''•• '' '' ''' • ''''''"'...." - EtUe at an3' (ft:4', 1(••:,•: iiPPlY a fe* number of Germans in Ontario as
.. •.,,,.::• 30" I . 1 . . u:',. , . L.: , ..-, r . ,..1 ... Crw r.Jr .
drCliS, 1.11.M11 III€ NAM er callus. In- , 199•3204 .
, '"""'`'''''''"*". htuntly 11 .stop.-* hurting, then shortly 1 " -v • ,
Matches. in 1829. 4, • •T ;gfit off. root and all, .v.ithout One. bit t'•. .. ' :. • .
1 v(eas te 1s.'2I Inil.teite,; in use •con. ef pain or•ht..ren.esk'I' V uly! • NO num- • . ,
• '' F 1 'cila •Sleti.1.-e stick •with ki pointett hug' • .. ' / ' • Of . ever hundred inen who fail, toO
• • . entl. which 11:,(1 been dipped in Sulplik,. . much •work ruins one and too little •
(.0:,..2 , a..1.:(il..' .1(0( .,use the bleod it- your sister's bead open?" • .
In the middle ages h'obie Italian work
Fishes Carry Lanterns. • .,..,;:f '.- ,,,, h :;211. 1 1::h. .
i Instantly . the little lad's face
• . anti they were. lighted by -touching ruins the ninety-nine otherS.
Th.u,3 Ito u :4park t-Inick into tinder by women filed the chn.r•. Of law. triathe- .
sea., . . •
:.•1 1 triin the clitii:tli-einent he re‘•eivi..1 for
1y lover lies, that drcnint„ and . • -
(•.1 • 1, : 'of tile'•;'tatv....,1 it, the.nune apprLachtel .11 int .tite
• , ne;1.'t: usotr. why t',;(2. mi(isi of his .:•tiiii*S• and. S:1
11.e, d •te twur:A ' the "I)o, you knOv,.. that • you h•ive ea:
Err thut,b.utherhon t.orri or, taIluA A -k for Minard's ;rid take no other.
• yeu Lend. lip the thin liltmLI lirightened.
\I'llen a 11811 114 see:1 to in tii --.1 1)1- Pink yeti ere ' "I)id I?" he exL•ialined excitedl)'; •
d•tri- it i • ttliipectetj. to Pc ta1o. 11:1t
• flint and steel. In that year was putties and philosophy some of th•-..,
• vented what wt krown as the principal aniVersities.
tie,traigH. ::(.iaticit and .1,1n;••c'and what was inidtle it ?" •
'141)t ..11tryssarily the . 11:- As.. proof • • • .
• . stanta:eons 1.ight Box,"• on-.!
deed,. if a fish be very stalt, it will n( -t of tLese pill in eases' of
shine at all.
•.' • v... give tlle• etent of WHEN BA131( IS "SIC
• •51.,:ted of a -small tin box ctataining a- -Juni-is Caesar Wa, t1;1-'fir.t historian.
bottle in W'hich was plaged seine sill- to write of France.
When a sea 11,,,11 nt1.3 been.. (1.12t ct• m.;•:,. '1'1:: -.det.luirf, North /Malden •
:water for' a day or.tvvo, Certain Inicre• •()„i a s
. •
• . 'ph.uric twill: with- sufficient fibrous as-
bestos to souk it rap -and ,prevent its
• spOling out .ef,the bottle. and' a supply
of properly prenitred matches. • •
The nit-ttc•he.c, • eensisted of
• •Splint's of wood a bout t inches' long.
one. end- ,of 'which was coated with a
chemiCal Mixture prevared
'ehlerate. of puta:-11, pow de ed loaf-
sugar and powdered gum arable,. the
' whole colored v. ith .little
and wade into a thin paste vvith vvater.
-The splint, r. readily inflamed, ty
culs int() the 1 -
These ,/11:1.100,,; W succeeded 1,\
the ittiftr, i,),O•foto notch. whicb
V. P§ ignited P3' fric•ti..4n, That, in 'turr.,
was fel le w•ed by t he t'ottgreye.
was similar to the .uiphur InatOtes
tio•w 11,41, and th:, was followed by
,,pre • 0:at parlor match. •
evere . .,. ..
' organisms contained in the slime that 5--,ifferei• front se.hIlica.'•whiell attticked . ‘Vhen the baby is sick • when he
et:vers. its skin arc likely tobegin to 2•,, ,..,L,. 2 „I." .i12 t1,2f..i,,ft fc.qc. At is. cross aid, peevish:. . cries. a great
shipe. It is .the f.•.111i1iar.phettenl,1•0'2. ,:;.,, ••;.•• 1.:(11 e,,:,..:•121..;t .,:,•2,.•,„ .jotir.g• deal and is a constant worry .to the•
of phosphoresceece, and has 'no. re:•.- , ,•!'l :: i 1.. ult ef the..trublt•.the.te mother -he needs 13Ltity's • Own 'rab-.
Len to the gooine-,s of •the ii• :: g• ' v... • tlect s1 rlvet.,7. ef the le ...:,• 1 lets, The 'Tablets' are an ideal rniedi-
• sept that the miere-orga1
rtism .: ,,, •.• , 2:•,,, ,;,...:.• 1,(,1,1,7 .,1„,2,2 -hy• 13,...2,14.• a . eine for little ones. Ttiey.are a gen-
, die:on.a. fish that iS giJi::g: bad, ;11,.1 -,‘.., ,. : . ;A II. I ikit,,:11.1.e.1 tu't•,•;,.11i to fie _but thorough lax:11;.ve which rega•
(14? •IiitnineAct.ice ceases. • :! • ;.,..: h;,r4, 1,, „..,,, d,,,," Inte the bov..els. swe...ten the stomach,
These tiny organisms are ye: y ..il:r• (..,•••,,:, ;;.!..c. ;;•,i;',,:„ !.,. ...,•;.,, •!•24e a,..,,ony inini,,11 const:pation and. indiges+ion.
• in sea wztier. •lIL12:, if t 1 1(-1 et 1 1•(.,e ,s2 4.211, :Iwo, It tt Weak ap4J1ds Lind simple fevers and
meat be dipped in -1 14 it 11 1246.i 1 ,i• ;n011.01 111:ilie teething easy. ("nncerning tbehi
heetin in a few hour,: ft, shine in th•••• •,,•,„. v, Airs. Philippe Payen, St. 11avien, QUO .
clarlt. Yet 111:1)* • Batty's Own I'Lblets have
good. 7 rt.; 1 1 1 tf-eed been •a wenglerfaI 4telp.to ine• in the
fl) e aver so inn ny species ( f “(1ei„, 11,e 2:.• 1)2 pink case of It 1 hair!. and I can strongly re-
soch 1111 j( sonic of wliich '2 1 2 C6111111E41;1 them to other mothers," The21)21(11 .
niore brightly th.I.n ethet•s a,onths. Tablets 12 (2)1(1 hy medic -int. dealers
are called "photo-Inteteria." zireL, ' ; „21.,24. intl. or by mail 1.1: 27, ( en 1 s a box froth Tile
ed ones have been used in 111'),,1 "... until finally Dr. Williams' (o., Ilrock%
genious fashion by i F Di.. • t.v.•ry-1.4tige sif the 'r47tthl---h1d grn-v. 0114.
Raphael 1)ubois, to furnish illunilna• ;lief 1 2.4 1.14,1.:: enjoyingthe bles;ing -
tionfOr• what he calk IL •:Living 14.211p." 1.e1lth t;, frotn pain. '
• Like a Lilac.
This .is a glass bulb that is line 1 0,111 t t.41ant • Pink Pi''s (hi r
with sterile gelatin., which is flowed ..11.10 al11( „t „ 6nd I 'Flit,. 'Lik in the siprino.
into it. in •such a. way as to cover all_ (hat
' my e.y.per:ence inay some • • . • • • . • . •
Is niv aoce- my lady love•
.Pur -h- 1 1 -s fl
of the inside. The gelatin is then In- •Ct:14,r ....Iffy , 1. •• . .ple V‘ lie. the .1 ac. (111,
't ' •
• itc.ulated with photO-bacteria, by nteans 1 17 . Pccnted blossOns from above: ;
•• :`-' ..1 ..: ' ' Lr' •.!•':. I.' ' ;". ;In!, 421• So my lot;e,• my lady love.
of at plat;:iunt needle..and the•ba:b .1s. went i....0.• t•., v,.,-...,1. ; '.,22.1 ;,•,_ti. 1041,:elf,..r
1 brows soft glances on my heart;
-sealed. The microbes, feeding on th•• ;.: 2..:-.r, k.,f t!.•• -: ',...r.lill 11,Jr9e treat- ' Alt.. my iiaint:.: lady love. '
gelatin; - multiply In co -ditties:- r.Aim• i, ••• ! ... 11'11. -1)..r . v. •:'..,:r.,' Pruk .Pills Every glance .ls Cupid's dart. .. i
hers, and .soon theliving lamp beg:.:1:' ,..1. t :: s . : '. . :,,i '.. : 11,i y; ;; w;'.": ht. onlong•
to glow with light., •• Like a pansv in the spring .
• ',22.,„,• *.•.!:!. `...'.. ii..• 1..] 1 ..,:zits. lo.i t . iil
. _
Minard•t Liniment for sale everywhe-t
Selieye me ..w'ren I tell you" that
thr,ft .of time N•s•.ill rePav. you in after
life with a tvuryof profit ,heyond
your tnost-sanguirte' dreams. and tifiat
waste of it will: make youolwindIe
alike in intellectual and moral stature,
beyond your • ilarke4t .rec•koning.--
. lea 1.. •
Is . y ;
One can read by it. it will t 14 lov
in rnr.my love.her velvet my ladeyes oft bring.
• month without going out, and th('1:1e('1:1 iio•dic:11.e, er 111.t\ be • had by ma.: at Golden fancies from above:
is only two cetitA. As a night-lantp for . ,4.i,4.,.1 -.t.
• " i.' '' `''' ":\ l'"''' Dir $::•51'' Ali, Ivy heart is pant•y bound .
the bedroonf It i5 highly r.ecoi.A.. n:i., 1‘ wr;2.•2...7. 1'.11,• !...• 'Williats.' Medi- By those eyes so tender true:
id. 'It•eannot ret the to i:nythini..itiki.' ti1.0 co.. i;,. , ,.4....••. Ort
- 13 11n23 hearrsease have 1 found,
-.--___ - •Dainty linly love. in you:
192o Styles. in _lotises
. 1:: Il Jove, my lady Ilve; ..
Like the changeful month of spring
_ . .
• B
Sun:41:14k colide andglad birds s'n.g.
Then a r in cloud floats above: 2
Su your moods.change with the wind.
• Apr41 • tempered. lady love -
All -the sweeter..1„o' my mind:. ' ..
Variable' Indy hive,
T:atist.2. 1.4:0;;:i 1113$
. 9:93--11,adics' One -Pit -cc Slip.Over 1 . , . . ••
Mouse. Price. 2' cents. 111 s•, t, - 1 • .41.1
34 to 44 ins. bast rnea, S • •
requires I% yds. Uti in,. .• , 2 • .
cent" -
yds. 45 ins. wide.
M -'('a11 Tran2fcr , ••
Price, 25 cents. : • 1 -
• 94 ir)--Ladies, Riftittge; ,‘ 1.e ,1:! ; ' , •
on over the head. Price. '?5 elinfs. • 'r • ,
6 sizes 114 in 44 ins. hog; me.) •••,. ••• ‘1,
Size 3r: reghires,sw'Lli she:- .11 ( )) • • •‘‘
--. MN.
A 1-fe-a1th
Reminder. Don't Wait
• un,i1 yon frnt th• UPE
Minard's Liniment
• At me 1,.t• glen of it.
Qual1t4.•stt are mme-eing THE OLD
• 1111NA7IO'S Limited.
. • Yarmouth. N P
• 1 f''
r. ' •
Instead of tea -or coffee
a cup of that ilea it litftli
beve rab;e
Po S- T LT Itel
The favor this pleasant table
drink is constantly u-inni
from new users. commorrids it
to all with whom e.-1 or cof-
fee clisa6rees
adThere:9 a Reason"
4. ANIMPINPUMMILAImor-remarrootairmiMININIMMiorr ea.
Day Moon.
The thin and silver glippered Moon
Grown half :ifra:d and shy
To 111111 herself abl'Oaf1 2-04,11
101 111 .8 lightvil sky - .
Turtiok pale agai„nst the afternoon,
Nei Knowing what to df;
N‘hanic,1 :it,bring overpepn
ks,eis rondez•voi1-4.. *
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and
IteheclanriBuniec% Scar:L.6-
ly Slept. Cuilcura
"Pimples rny Iltey
were li.rge arid
they were all
(i...1)..1, my Thc-yet..erc.varcia
tt•rned i:tto efett and'
whtn they fell off they
left big narks until my
kee v.-as/disfigured. ri'Lty
itched arid burned so that •
oce7c.cly `tdept at all.
'I had been bcthercci for rzar13,
two mouthc before i stetted using
Cutienze., and after I .had used three
lxxes of Cuticura. Ointment with the •
'Cuticura Soap. I was .completely I
hezded." (Sig.ned) Mies. L. Burns.
!St. Bailie, Que., jun:- (,1913. •
Use Cuticura Soap. Ointment sad
Talcum for all toilet gurposes.
Sitan 2&c. Ointment 2E ansitiCo. Sold
throughout. thc Dorr.inicn. CancrlianDepc.t:
LAAps,Lusette, St. St., Mont:red.
Cuticura Soup shaves without atua.
Hurry! Let "Danderine" save
your hair and doubts •
its beauty
. stOnt failing hair at .once • and riCi
the scalp of•every particle of dand-
ruff, a, :11tall bottle of th,•1i11ful
"Datitierire"- at any drug or toilet
o.ounter for a few cent. ;cur a little
in your hand 1* ntltab. it in he:Eca:p.
After several' opplicajons .the hair
tft,ually steps et-,Iiiing Out an'd ycal can't
tied any dandruff. 1{e,), your hair
grow long.. thick and strt ng and be-
--I (01101 SUft. glOS,:: :11121 1111212.1
Laic -rice's Plot:m.4r Doff Lesned:ca
Boon on .
nud 74ow to Teed
Malted Yrce to en•... Ad-
,7ress by the Autl,cr.
N. Clay Glover Co.. Ina.
lite Wi,--t ::: 2 FtrOrt
'New 1 orlz 1: S A.
ma:. die/0
• •
Not Asririn :it MI wilhoui the "Bayer -Cross"
Accept urallfoints Syrur of Figs
.• only- look for the rattle California es
the package, ar-n 3c4.i are suro you:
ebild Is having tie best and mos:
Winless. lasat!vo or. physic for the
stomach, liver and bowels. Child.
Tea love its iie:telotis fruity taste. Fall
• directfmrs for child's dose On •a.11
• CP Give ft withal": fear.
• Mother! You mus.! ray ‘•Ca !r
26•11-1., h% Dominion Exilte--, Money
• ,1: ti! ,stoi.en yohdr.•1 rntit"I'
New Terrors for Next War.
•• 41.1,:31•0 ha.; co•nitb;.ne 111 tt*, if
surfaco rraft. 11f. I
41rc,'11 4 r
' *v. vie,. :11rh
t•r. I-:4. I'1'4.45 Ti,c
2,"1 e 4. 01.24lri$14V ,b). tbf.-•
teley ,f e:•ift ,,:rhining al:.
• . .
the-, ;',:f,-...ttpo' 1.2
i" 1 i 711:211 • nil WS (Irlitrien i par,
t,‘ Fi's he.. whe. whe;
22rst 441'4l loll (If the .11rItis1.1.41.14-4:;•,t-y
pi 0 t` rineh .n (1,141 we,111.1
.• '1210 '0 1(2' t and that
r••••,,,21 1.; ?a'fhe:r
,j,r1li •
• rh, ,ripsrtences •of the
Ohl% 111.%4,ilmeiil, 11 TS for surface
.,••pr '
' '-' I I" 4-44,411'...•
tl.e two • th:ft co11.01 Pec'g rofuge' Itt
either it,r or water .would he almost
intpossible to combat Aornira'. Fisher
. boldly eeptesses the opinion that it
wonld drive Ruotsce Alps from the
itittuE No. 23-'20.
. ttc eatnc "rayl, identifies 11.+'f contains proper ("!ircetion4 for OM%
f47i13 ;_•eettine A-I:rm.-7112c :11.0:14!nche, T,,,,111.11, -he. Ear:Who. N4.'11-
presi.r:1,,,1 bv phyp whin, for over nine- r1gia. I IThrurnat im. Netiri-
TEPn .‘ear :!nd tn.v made in (1111$1/4. 3017.! 1%;2.!,, 11.1 Ihi.2 11•
.111sa3- I .;y 1.14 in,hruktn pn, Tin • 1--,t1 nf 14.1 121121014 t 0.1 but
"Ilitcr 'I f1 A..; cc- 1._.:r!,'7''F•t,-L,rr' •eyes
There It only one Af.pisl,n--'Ss.ye-"--"..'e.: =nay et s!Sayer'?
1. hr rr.,•-1. r.$.4. •. i! • - • • r
,•• -ta ,
11 re t •-• 2,, • 01 a,.
• •
THE freshness, and Evor,
rot equalloA nor approached by any
other chowing tobacco. That is why
ANCHOR PLUG is supreme.