HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-06-03, Page 81•• f r • SALE OF LACE CURTAINS ON FRIDAY ANI) SATURDAY, JUNE t and ti;THIS STORE OfERS •a splendid opportunity to, purchase NEW CURTAINS at greatly -i•citu:• ed prices: We haver taken• all • our best curtains and have narked thsm at prices that should clear them out id a hurry. There arc four patterns • in the lot; ana tie color§ are white .and Alf are 214 yards long. RE MEM tiElt ...HAVE ONLY FIFTY ',PAIR, HAVE TO BE HERE EARLY OW FRIDAY MORNING. -WO—DAYS, ONLY ---$4.95 pair. Cameron, Murdoch & Co. Western University London, Ontario eArts and Sciences Summer School July 5th to August 13th FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR. WRITF, • K. P. It, NEVILLE, Registrar I Harry Mackenzie Edward of God- erich was the victim of a drowing ac- cident* at the C. P. R. Bridge over . the Maitland, on May 22. He with other two boys, John Wallace and Morrison Baker, went in swimming at about half -past five o'clock. Wal- - lace and Baker had reached one of the abutments when Edward was seen to be in trouble. Wallace went to his assistance, but owing to the strong Current •and the fact that -he wits u-nable to do very much, and was not strong swimmer himself, .he was unable to do very much, and once given and assistance was soon on the ground. The body was soon recovered but all attempts at re- suscitation failed. Little water was j found in the lungs, and it is thought that death was due to heart failure •i rather than•drowing.. He was in his f 18th year and was strong and well , 'developed for his age. CHEVROL ENFORCING TEMPERANCE ACT License 'Inspector Wh:te,last week • pro:;ecuted three parties in the nort- hern 'part of Bruce' County for infra- ctions of,the Temperance Act. Archie Willson, an implement agent of Tara, was one of the victitps. He procured a case of liquor and, with a friend, named John Legg, proceeded to make -merry at hit's place of bus: . or in- sugh a place, the inspector had an tasy case 'against both Wilson and- , Legg. Both were fined $200.00 and The third victim was Joe Currie, of Owen' Sotind. He had secured a 41-gallan barrel of whiskey at the Tara. station. The barrel was- ad- dressed to Allan McDougall, a man unknown. about Tara. . Currie, how- ever, . produced an order from Mc- Dougall which he presented to the station agent at Tara and on the Arength of this secured the barrei. The fact that rro such 'man as Allan McDougall was known in Tara, rous- ed Auspicion, and a charge was laid against Wilson who evidently thought that it would he up to ,the inspector to prove that there was , -no such man as McDougall there. In this quired that he should prove the ' ex- istance of McDouirall. This he was unable to do and he was accordingly taxed the usual $200 costs. Apple trees continue to bear fruit from twenty-five to forty years, ac- cording to the care they rec.eive; pears years aryl peehes on an.avrage eight to ten ,years. MacKenzie & Smith Dealers Lucknow & Vicinity ONE OF THE MOST CAPABLE AUTOMOBILE EXPERTS, IN CANADA OR THE U. S. HAS BEEN SECURED. HIS EXPERIENCE AND ABILITY ARE AVAILABLE• FOR YOU. BRING' IN YOUR CAR, NO MATTER WHAT MAKE, AND HAVE IT PUT IN ALIABLE, AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Thos. W. Smith Prop. \ CENTRAL GARAGE . (Old McGarry House. Stand Bears being reported Numerous up on the Bruce peninsula a number of young men were on the lookeut them according. to the Wiarton pa ong some bushes got his rifle and - shot a large animal which he saw. On aproaching. the fallen animal he \vas greatly surprised to find that it WAS a cow belqnging to a neighbor. • Sisty-sixispeciesr birds common to Southeastern United• State. feed to a gteater or-less.vtctent on the boil wee: )01 we.vii are the orioles and 1.110 A "funeral thief" has been discoV- ered in the West. His speciatly Was 'to rob hoines when the family was away burying one of its! members. .ftaii That Is Put Aheil. 41. It was Ilf it PN (WON!, probably% wiavo the United States pnrcel cys•t:•th wits establislwd; 'tint It ww11,1 be Po, Oil a flay -old chick, or on n tionpy and have it fieii vent by l'nf•le Sum. not. of 1.4,11rnr, n tit eyett yet, for chicken, 111(1 hoes twist he propel:1y home(' col thie stmkip nttixeti 'to the container hut tire fq,uwItig of the mails •to these work of bcokeepers and poultrymen '.44 the nottilier of bees shipped Pitch 'friutt%ttie southern to the tior:.h- asps for reasons of their own. YkES$li1'a1tiAL MKETINd The Women's M►issidltsry Society of the Presbytery of Maitland, compris- i111.; • thirty, auxilxries and twenty-one mission bands, held its annual meet - in' in Knox church Kincardine an Tuesday, May 18th. The .morning. session was deviated largely to hear- ing -of reports and a conference on on •Mrssiori band .work. In the after noon several excelent addresses werd given bearing oh How to follow up the wgrk of the' Forward Movement Rev. 'A. E. Armstrong, of Toronto,. told what he had seen in China .and Korea and • of the changed lives Hien and women he had Met,. who .be- come followers: of Christ.Mrs. Cam- . eron Mackenzie sang . a solo -which was much enjoyed and a number :of t::'rls 'belonging to Knox church Mis- °sion. Band -and .representing China, Keree, 4744+sr 4' ��Ic ,►; � tfiia'"'I' rirPlarl ' :u►d Ariuenia sang vcl•y sweetly. hi the evening Miss Brown of Tiverton now home on furlough • from Honan, China spoke of the great opportun- ities for medical and evangecial work n that land.• As a former High School student 'Miss' Brown was warmly welcomed. Rev. A.• E. Aim - strong gave an illustrated lecture, showing many places he had him- self visited in .Korea China and For- mosa and told of the lives changed by the gospel. Knox church choir wider ;the 'leadership of Prof Clark, 'provided suitable music and added much to the success of the meeting. Thera are thirty auxiliaries and thirty-one mission -bands in the. Pres- 1►� tc ry, their conte iliuti,»n for the year anlounting'to o1''r $7,,U(111.• i�.7�ii.� - "'r_ /C�:lS+�ir.'trCa3.: a:A ^�►.'.u"i 5:�:;:�', l��.,u.• r�.arw.awsriNwtir-.'h=.rota.k/..�w11�%'a4.4.+%�.�*+WM� ['hone No 10 is at Your Service' We Sell tor Cash --we Sell Cheaper ?bait The Credit Stores WE HAVE JUST PLACED, IN -SOCK A LIMITED QUANITY OI+` AVIATION WIIITE PAINT. THIS IS A PAINT (&F FIRST CLASS QUALITY PURCHAS- ED FROM '1'11F. ROYAL Alit FORCE, 'l'IIE SAME QUALITY AS WAS' USED TO PAINT '111E AREOP- PLANES WIIICII'TUOK PART IN THE GREAT WAR. '1VHILE IT LASTS THIS PAINT BE SOLI) AT A .PRICE WITHIN REACH OF EVERY FEIN=ON L $3.0t1 -PER GAL. HAVE FINAL MEETING The Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle met on Tuesday for' the purpose of winding up the work of the Circle, and coming to a decision as to the disposal of the fund still on hand amounting to some $500. Rev.' Mr. ,Dr. Emerson, ---Sheriff 'Reyna! and MiSs King were present on in.- vitation and explained the plans- for. the new _hospital- at Goderich. Sev- eral plans for the use- of the fund were proposed to devote it to the building fund of the new hospital to devote it to the X -Ray fund to use it -in employing a communitY nurse to devote it to a community hat!, or to u.se it to furnish a ward in the new hospital at Goderich. The last mentioned suggestion was decided on, and in the Meantime until the hos- pital is ready the money will be in- vested in Victory bonds. SCREE DOORS AND SCREEN WINDOWS. DO l'OUR ..0W.1 GRAINING WITH CI11-NAMEL. WE HAVE MAplY CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE USED IT AND ARE DELIGHTED. IF YOU HAVE A FOOR -ro FINISHTWOODWORK- TO GRAIN,- GIVE CALL AND WE -WILL— SHOW -"YOU—EXACTLY WHAT Tti. DO WITH IT. The Lucknow Hardware & Coa 1Co. 4mmar#eabasoarorroma. .4? Lucknow Machine and Repair Shop NOW READY TO DO AL 1, -IiiN11S GAS ENGINE REPAIR W OUR A SPECALTY. WE HAVE HAD YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN THIS LINE • AND CAN GUARANTEE • FIRST CLAM:WORK. AGENTS FOR-. GILSON T ACTORS .AND GAS ENGINF.A. . C. S. Durnin Son OUR 9pprtunit To Save On BOY'S And YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHING JUST ARRIVED! $10,000.00 WORTH NEW STOCK OF •BOY'S AND YOUNG. MEN'S SUITS; ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES, AND FULL of STYLE and QUALITY. SMART SWAGGER SUITS THAT THE YOUNG FELLOSS,S DE-, LIGHT To WEAR, AND FEEL GOOD IN, -ARE IN THIS- BOX. 50 BOYS' 2-piec... form -fit suits, with belts and slash. pockets Bloomers,brown or grey shades; Reg., $17.50; Specia 35 YOUNG MEN'S SUits of hlue serge. colored tweeds and fawn worsteds, cut in latest designs with fltted waist, patch or slash pockets; some belted mod- els-Lthe nattiest "young men's suits you have seen for some tinte. And LOOK AT THE PRICES! $25.00 12 ONLY, YOUNG MEN'S Light weight. Top Coats sizes 35 to 39 in Navy, Cheviot or Tweed mixture's saddle lined with belt, regular $40.00 coats,— OUR SPECIAL PRICE $23.95. Bargain For The Home. 50 1.::rgcst size White Cotton Blankets, pink or blue borders:, bea‘y weiiht. 1 hese are seconds, slightly imperfect through oil spots, but 4:s good as new, when washed. OUR SPECIAL PRICE, $3.85 pair. Underware Here Full rang'e of both ladies' and gents' two-piece, or comhination, 1-oni the cheapest to the .finest grades. un's, Riple • VE YOU TRIED our Wednes- day.'evening Sales? The 9 o'clock Money -savers are: put on pur coun- ers 'for these' evetiingS. -Take your auto and COME. mammegainijammammimmanimiumme •