HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-05-27, Page 9!Inf. etnv..nenl•nseenOeeeeratenewnoosionos av 4. v. vonse smossosesso o.oes. EARLY SYMPTOMS"VunityJkt arbfiurt,, eon! ills," or any of the works which had OF BLOODLESSNESS gone before. On being asked.the rea- son, Thackeray said that he had 'had copies. of theit.-all, but they had been picked 4p by visitors and he had never troubled to replace them. Dickens kept copies of all his books and they were artang•ed on the shelf in order nf their publication; all ex- cept -some very early Works., • "The Village Coquette:3," and others, which,. iu his later yeurs, lie could not bear to hear rienticired. Strange. cases aro reportfl of writers losing Orb trend of their own stories. Tire nioq notable •instance is that Of Thatleray, especially in the ease of "Pentlennis." The same author Shown by Pallor of the Face and Lips—How to Obtain New Mood. Anaemia, or. lack of blood, Is so gradual in its approach that it is often well developed before the patient is sufficiently alarmed to 'e.onSult ..a doc- tor or take proper. treatment to re- store the blood to a healthy „ The earliest symptom of anaemia is lass of (color, especially 111 the lips, gums •and•membramls lining the eye- lids. 'Then conteS'shortness of lireatir on slight exertiOn,• such as. going un • PATS OF PL1MOR 'FROM IDE ma Ready, Recruit. - Recruit--"Sliall I mark time with my feet,' sir?" ..Licutem.i.t (say.casfically) -- "My Ite:tuit.--..-Ye...i,, sir; docks do it," ,. dear. fel. w, did 'you eVer hear of markli g time with Your hands?" , • — . .. . Endurng Pain.' • . First - Shepuer-- "We women "enduro. also began --The Shabby 'Genteel Paill'belt-c'r duill mc''''''' Story,", hat; tis the work became dis- Se.c.fc.)1A Shopper -"IV:to told yon • fhat? '1 Pur do-stor?" . ta.-teftil to him when'itegor nicely in- fit -airs,* .PalPittitioll .0k ' the'hoart: -in- Llvo It 11,` gitV it up. The 1)01 Lion of 'First Shc-;pperr--N'J ; mY ihoe- , i , ii;Lher." ......„...... . .e.rease.fl .pallor ....at ..the..f.a.oe -..44141 -1448.-0441 e.,.1,44e_.-ki.n- INutfitki414,14.1..eciii.ic-itcs3 :•lis....now --siVettria-Alainstig:emat.4thairibitrigt.,41.••.tutoe,/mtriolitwisetl, some- ;at. the • - • ._ • . corrected it will proceed rapidly mit 11 11:i 1111 'in „rout work having- an- • Both Alike. - •• a complete breakdown in health fol. peared -al's° in the abandoned one. '-1 ii/agine v..hat 'Atildrel sees. lows, when there may be disorders of Dickens fotiiii id he, had more. trouble in • that Smith -by," remarked Mil- . thl) stomach, headaches. and back- with -1.'he Mystedoi of Edwin 1)rood" dred'S "nether. • "Ile hasn't got brains aches, d-izziness and; fainting spells. than with any of hLs prevjults writ- •enough in his head 0 fill a thimble." The most effective and prompt wt•i 2.• to. ings. ' lie regretted that- he .had told. "oh, W*(,11, , 1 dare say yourmother Increase. and enrich the blood at a most of the story before he 'was half- said the same thingabout me when time like•this. is, through the fair use •way 1 lirough, but in a •wkiy. this is ldr- 1 .courting of Dr. Willi:AMSI Pink Pills. l'ir'esse 4ttazite, 'for, of cOurse, be never lived 1'Ititer. ina.y be plowed, although it is seldom Pills' have resfored to good hiellth to finish it. • • But lie suddenly lost his ci.-onplacent safe to go Oceperthan 4 incheunder thousands of weak, anyeinio' people', Nat hi1,1,o1 Hawthorne,. tlt American. smile when his wife retorted: s.f; 1 • • a" 111 .11Mimmk NEURITIS So many have Neuritis. that painful, paralyzing inflammation of the nerves. Do not suffer stn- .) other day. If you are a victim, try Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules rothing else brings relief LO quickly and so surely. Send for free sample tq Templetons, 142 King St. W., Toronto. - For sale at reliable drug- gists fur 1.04 a box. Mir ASTHMA Texn-pleton'ir le*.1 $4 A H Cap- sules are guaranteed to relieve. A8T H MA. Don't suffer an- other day,. Write Templetons, 14,2 'King St. W., Toronto, for freesanaple. Reliable druggists seli them at $1.04 a box. The nature of the soil will deter- mine the depth which the"orchard Lite branches: among them l\11,.,.- Mae ,lohw- ton, or 110Voli:l. left id)c.ift ii:4 neoiv wO:.1,. un- 'She certainly d'..d.. and .1 WS14 just . . 1ort :Arthur, Ont.,' who says:. -**1),e• lini:•10.11 as be did complete': • as big 0 fool :is Alildred 'ls. no\l'. 1 tween the ages of Siteen tind eigh-. Ask fur Irinard's c.*nd take no other. wouldn't- listen to tl:e adVic.e of my • elders." teen I worked in a telephotte'offiee, and it was very tryi-ng 'to the nerves and health. , I became: bldotiless, anti 'so to7,7 Korean Weather Gods., in 1'. 11 •there are , no daily DCWS- •• pale that friends often s. • 1-0.6);(1,1 Pano-rs v.11:(•11 ant:puttee the fair and CHILDHOOD (.1 CONSTIVIION. If a man is looking -for an easy.job 'he has no time for- anything. else. consumptive. (inc•night 1 had 'to he indications:for -the next day. • . • All honsehold plants -are the bet- . taken home from the office, u),.1(1 1. )r ; :N. G•d!';:eld Aliderstn, stittiond af ene of the: ?trust cern, ter.' for an oceasicnhi spraYing. doctor Was called 'in who told. no; 1 1`01eu:. saYs. Thinatives must not. go back for a: time,. ve.that the ‘Seatlier is in the horos , mon oilinc•nts of 11 11(1)10 -and the sobering from it cannot .thrive. -am.. and to Walk. up of gods, lint Alt:a:they may bei . n-• •. tittles I would f stairs wordd It e rue utterly. 1., .il it 17,,i1, 1,1011r1,1,e1e)en 1 (1:21 111. 111ilN‘1.1c,11,1.11tjelr..esttroonwi:•lec:Ist less. 4s1 did 110t Zippe.A.r to het p,i,t• :f -properly a ;T1.02111.01, • ting anylthetter one cof my•girl f ILI 1hosn't 1 2 1 for •from six 'toe. • o clu t 1LS ad used,br. weeks and' croi,,, 140 0,2: to liaoY sOwli but ;1,1H:rough laxative: are .absolutely The) are.a mild whose 'Mother 11 • 11121 -Pills with gregt toivi,ed rain.•dr:. ing tip." ; me to try these. I took the pills •VO:‘'', "11 " 11Y:'11..4 • from 12 2)1 stlfe anti never foil io constipu. 2 21;1 , fi 1,y, 11 116 1 grit,n lion and indige,tion; eolds .atol sintple faithfuliy for sonic time, with the re - suit that they restored nip to 1-0ot1 is "111%:1•!"` 'i• Pe()Pi" '11 11 fe2 e1.Ce1 eerning.t11e11 Mrs. Jales 1.7autoo•reau, Que.,' writes: health, and now whenzin, o „ne ticiee, in various and .1.1 it\ ;iite fn.!. they feel weakor runt:it:sit - recommend Dr. Pink • as I feel so...thankful fdr,the help ti't'y gave, me." • • If you have. any of the syinniont.; described. by- hiss :Johnson t'i. build- __ ing up the...hlracid with 141,. -William--** - Pink Pills. • Eat nourishing food. -ex, catt,.'3 eea strange sight, another -------- andercise a little •tn• -the open Tail: daily and watch the color re U1 to cheeks to 1"'ir•g. rain' .rv.o dragons have been .They het weett .111e...lrufs of and lips. You can run ,no. risk !he marl:ct place. one facing north and Ing Dr. Williams' ,Pitik a trial as. they can not injure the most delicate one sonth: Tliey, are about 100 feet system. You can get these long. and about two -feet high at the. through any dealer In medieine. or by '111(1'' iiii)cring off gradually to the mail at -50 cents a box or six boxes fortail aed winding a serpent. They made of clay and have broken $2.60, from The Dr. AVilliams Aledicine * pieces of, pottery stuck hero their backs Co.,- Brockville; Ont. to roe 1.1,' s•cales. For five nights in . rsacces.- tite soroe'r.ess• _came out to - "is• baby was terribly constipated 11111c1r v“.t.' With few „;,.t.,1 to- give him Baby's ()v,1 Tablets (2!12 21 ""1“)'t &verY ii°11":7"1) "P to.; ,offereil day and „ight..•I wo.s ad- 1)1120(1*01 0" .11' 1"1 at the side'ut the 'and fropi the li-rst they helped bini unfl rairr.-• On • the hillsides is a healthy. haopy 111l)i11v0a (2' 11, .11 h(':Ithell .4taY of ,now ret the age of thirteen months he 1114•3 , PaPel.' a ea hong Tablet:4 are, Sold by medicine _dealers the:n'tip fei' the j_.*,ods to read. 5),-)11:;'n at ..o vents a box from. he -le /he. inarket •-•plat.e IVonjit you Dr. \\Imam,. me ileine Ont. • eCe—soonnson,..• Forgetful Writers. . . . , this piace and danced 011(1 sacrificed How many authors keep copes of for vain. If • only -they knew hotv 40 their oWnhooks? tell theirwants to the true God. from, If some:of our moderns did so their •W;Wril 2111 hell) tomes:" own publications would thke ul a not • ---- .r.—............. Inconsiderable portion of their Minard's Liniment for side everywhere ------------ librariesresperiatty In the il:ise of 'Sift . Rider Haggard, who has written so , .At the head of all science and art,. condition is to get yourself.in tune as get 'a small, bottle of "Danderine" at many works that it must be rather at the head of all civiliznt ion and pro- quickly as po:.....,ible, baek to the normal .any drug. or -toilet counter for a few difficult for him to recite a list of them gress. siiindS, not militarism, thei g4111. With_a_little_k_now_ligigi-of, -cent'l.. pour ap little in your hand and. ' without cudgelling his brains. . .' t•se.enee that kills; nor Commerce, that -mental chemistry. you -could do this rub it into the scalp. After sevtral Thackeray never trouhleil to keep accumulates wealth'. but agriculture, ,very quickiy. It is a simple prineiple: applications the hair usually 'tops copies of his own Worlis. ,N..„..,=..........r_fritsli 01,. . 31,,xy, ,and, th*.„ ,.. 0" wIT3i.a,.42.W--4,4414+441-444-44-er--- 77Ti e-.---Tmirtrs' A. Car..; 1('F )2* eannot exist in the wird iit the 'dandrnff. Sdon...every hair.___aa. yoag same time. When Out of Sorts. Do you.know that.wher you are cut of sort, niy friend, you are in, danger? You are in .danger of •injuring your- self in many' ways. Your mind. will not he, so alert and there w9l.bea :let- ting down of your.standard of ef- fieiencY. Ypu not -do- your work so well, Cr be so Orderly and sYstem- atie. Yon will:nut think up new ways of' doing thinge; you will .not be am- bitious to better .your best; When you are,out of sorts your judg- mem is poor, and you should not make importzt.fit decision5. The best• thing. To. stop failing hair at once and /id -to do: when vou feel. you ,are • in this the scalp of every particle of dandruff. DAD! YOUR HAiF 13 FALLING FAST 4,`Dandcrine" will check that ugly dandruff and stop hair coming out -1 , co111e3" came out in compitte voltrttre net& • scalp shows new life, vigor, bright- ' ness. thickness. and more color. form. "‘"A copy of "The Newcomes" was at hand, but when the friend Buy Thr:ft, Stan.ps, For Spanish ATTRACTIVE SWEATERs Influenza , Pe.ipt 10.43 : •,.:* • The Liniment that Cures All Ailments— MINARD'S TIIE OLD RELIABLE---Trir It M I NARTY g. LINIMENT ("O. Limited. Yarmouth. NS. • I Dwarfs Wed In Trees. 0 Ia (i , ff .1,he nic-t ('1020215 ' weddiii0 ccrc monies lit the world is 'that in vov• among a et:lain race of, dwarfs i inhabitingthe Annman Islands. The 1 )O Paft il'g climb two flexible trees 2 crovvIng near ench•ftther. Nit hich rin cld to& theti .' niAl ,-, _.1..tald.Jii.wird PneIt 41110, Vblien 2 1te 'I, 1,1 et. the man liogilic.•;. 11121 1 f ibt r : :hi y art. 12 ra:- 1033-411iV. all Design, for Knitting' sninle open-work. —Inclutt-.; full directions for kptting .merceri7ed crochet yarn. Thote.ftriq the 3 slVeater.s and scarf illii.,trated.. stitches are fully explained, Ail Af Designed on the new •straight lines. thee will fit any'one front 34 ,these are exCeedir.gly smart in' style. Aci bOst. Directions - 12) 2)110 size A is knitted in .filietlantl floss .,in a, Wily. Price. 2-3 cents., Less Trouble to make your table beverage when it is INSTANT 1 lid •• PO4; '4 cEot -..„, ft; INSTANT Pali U P1 A BEVERAGE . ',SI. S1#f(.**! WIN 1 VW, VIA cm of P4o1.,� a.6oht,,mo lir Posture teresi Corepsrl. ‘4.7 "•• 1.....JLILIve4,....atei.r., - It is made instantly 6 • hot water t� «onfu1 in the . 4 stirririg *a ,1 '14 sugar nd cream tde'*(‘ctiitAS-it, ersocare • 1 If inarr;fqf MONEY ORDERS. When crdf*Fitig roi,ds by. vend 11. I)..Minit,t1 : Cheerfulness and the Qay's Work. 1 kis) :1 21 ' 21 is rule to pvccoen s ;III good cheer. In 11*-; 1, Fp. WI -,i,.-, he every Elite with Is lloni 224' in veil- taet, feel that life is a Joy .ot a grind. Ilis whole life has br(..11 •OVOterl 10 scattering sunshine ever :ethers. Ik hasi been in the cheering -up bad- ness ever 5t -12('P I hao known him. It e01111‘ to be.his side -line, 0101 it is all 'excellent one for all ef us to iarry.. It U1 not not interfere with cur fregular n SA • mental harmony amt efficienry ; 21 means eeinstructiveness, it , means creativcmg. Let us try to sweeten each flay' work. It is a food plan to begin •as. early es POssible in die day for some.' One has said, that if you keel.p pleasant until ten o'clock, the rest of the day will take care of itsolf.—OFOL elleeseenossmons, ISSVE No, 21-.'20. 1 siminsmmumevoNsr. A Constipation Cure A druggist says s "For nearly thirty years I have commended the Extract of Roots, known as Mother Seigel; Curative Syrup, for the radical cure of constipation ani indigestion. It is an old reliable remedy that never fails to do the work." 30 drops thrice daily. Get the Genuine, at druggists. 2 111\1111/11\11N. ,Aunartoais Pioneer Doz Emniej Book on DOG DISEASES and Hoer to rfts - Free to:any Ai - drove Lo..t4e . Clay Glover Co., tag. 118 West 81st St.r.iet New York. U.S.A.. imionssam nione.04010.11 441•11111.11ollellia.11, "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHI!...D'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi. sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "Californi4 cur eZ Figs only—took for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best -and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot- tle. Give it without fear. Mother! You mut-. Fay "Califlrnia." Total production of gold in the world since the. discovery of• America to beginning of 1148 ' was 823,374,366. ounce:;, va:ued $17,020,G65,C78. TWO MONTHS OLD BABYHAD ECZEMA On Face. Very Sore and itc,hed. Did Not Sleep. Cuticura Heals. "When my little niece was two months old she had eczema very badly on ter face. It was of a moist kind, 'and took a blister form, and was very sore. It itched, making her face feel hot, and she would scratch badly. She did not sleep well nights. "A neighbor recommended • Cuti- curs so we got thern, and one cake of Soap and two boxes of Ointment healed her." (Signed) Mise Zilla G. Stoddard, R. F. D. 3, Randolph. Centre, Vt., March 10, 1919. Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum your dai ly to ilet preparations. Soap 25c, Ointrinnit 25 and 50c. Sold,. throughout the Dom inion. CanadianDepot: ire% Limited. St. Paul St.. Montreal. Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. Classified Advertisements. -•••••••••.. 4.-••••"-•"-n. PESTII.E112151. TPV t NS' COMI'LETE FF.ItTILIZEIS wi.11 pay • you. George Stevens. 'Ontario. • 110M ILLM 117 Set4teUrIngrpplar;Itit3rnaVartelriam Ontario. Insurance carried $1.600. Wlat to for 11.210 on quick sale. Box IL Wilson 3141)110On' Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. SOFT ELM WANTED. 6,..! OFT ELM isTANTI.D. 8 IN. AND thicker, shipped green from saw, Do not sell until you commu:.:cate with U9, Keenan iiros. Limited. Owen Sound. Ont. TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES., 1)EGISTERED TRAINING SCI 100Li _I V for Nurses: fit. 1,:::11z4beth Hospital.. 204 -South ,Broa4 Street. 1-1zabetli, •Nevy -Jersey. Complete course.. Monthly al- lowance!' first .*ear 86.00, second .$10..4.10. third $15.00. , 'Address:' SuPerintehdeht. V MilleggilsANIPOUIL I I A, CEIt. TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC.. ‘..) internal and external. cured without! Pain by our home treatment Write urio before too late Dr. Balitnan Medloal Co.. Limited. Gollingwood. Ont. OT.JLD YOU PAY' RIGHT CENTS; a day to insure against loss of time from sickness or accidents? We have a psllcy' that will do so:, Further • information will cheerfully be given by writing -MT. Barlow, Continental Casual. CompanY. 80 King East, TorontO. .,1gents wishing to get with a high grade Company, using part or all -of their time. .1,•rite u,. Lift off Corns! Doesn't hwt a bit and freezons costs only a few cents. With your fingers! You can_lift dff any hard corrt.----soft-eurn, or corn be- t.ween the toes, and the hard skin cal- luses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freezone" cosla little at. any drug store, apply • a • few drops upon the corn or callus. In- stantly it stops hurting( then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off, root and all, without one bit Of pain or soreness. Truly! No hum - hue. SINCE IVO ILO 30 WM couGas ONLY TABLETS MARKED . .13AYER" _AREASPIBa • Not Aspirin "at All without the "Bayer Cross" :So „ Tor Mar:. rain, *Lumbago, Stift-l.paekage which contains eemplete Soiatien. Neuritis,' rection. Then you are getting real . and 'for*IIeadache., Neuralgia, Tooth-- ASeirin--the genuine Aspirin • r° - n'1:0, Earat.'he. take Aspirin ?waked .porilied by physicians for over rune - with the name ."13-11,-er• or 'you are leen years. Now made in Canada. not taking Aspirin at all: . ' I • 'Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab - A. -'cert only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. 1)ruggist4 in 'an it...broken "Ilayer- also sell larger "Bayer" paeliagez. 02.1.7 _one Alp as; 1:011.51 6372_134,Yee.__ !,-171 • r•.:Irlt (riTIP!, -11 222 CaracIal of r.arer Mftnuf2c!'.7r‘of Mono. f 1.! 'W'.! , ;; 1 w. '1 known t!..nt .‘cp!rin moans Payr t agninst :Initrit.1.;ni. the Ta0101. pf D3Yor Company !-.-• • 5:10 '"D9::'cr Cross." ralIMMINIIIMININIMIllairginft.1111c.r.r...._ : . . • ...IL • , /5? c:2 141 .A.30 2_50 ANCHOR PLUG is the chewing tobacco of superlative,excellence: