HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-05-27, Page 4r Incorporated in 1855 CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches lir hirkuuuu dirutinel THE MOLSONS BANK THE SAYING HABIT like all tither good habit, is (Il. result of reillati.ut ant; pratice. • • By depositintr. regulary a portion of your earnings in THE MOLSONS •BANK; the saving habit is soon ac- quired.. Your money glows by the addition of the interest which we pay at current rates un savings bank depos- its. It is safe and can be drawn upon when really need- ed. Aviod careless spending by opening a savings account with us. T. S. REID, MANAGER, LU:KNOW B ANCti Publistwit every Thursday morning at Lu.;kuow, t)utario. A. L. E.: Pru trietor • t►t.tt It:.tttor. • 1 Ja 1. C. Tractors & Engines ,, Di tIHNG Drills, Cultivators & Harrows Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions and Water Bowls FROST Gates, Fence &. Nog Wire . New Williams Sewing Machines Gourlay, Winter and Leeming Pianos For Sale b W. G. ANDREW, .LUCKNOW. ji - CREAM WANTIED -BY-- rhe BY-rhe Seaforth Creamery Co., We solicit your patronage Ind guarantee you entire sat- .sfaction. Our prices are always the highest. Our Testing done accurate- ty by experts. - Our service and payments are prompt. Write a card to -day ' far :-a ['rices were never as high us at present .and still soar- ing higher. A card will bring you cans en the next train from us. he Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth. 'Ont. BUSINESS AND SOCIETY CARDS Jt,l 1%481. H1.41a.fiN4' St .`+11\a, LuL, liuelph tun_ ln•,urmotel, Fire and lat'intr. L. II. O. ie. Lucknow!•.Doge tiheetrr. et'etryy Friday ee% rating at s 11' ('luck in tlll,irIlnll,, t • bull ..treet. A11 brethren cordially int lied, Officers: - Noble C;rttnrl ILobre't ti-1u'r• ; Vice. Grand. J. Me( u;ug; l:et.. See.. a. 11. Boyd; Fin. Secy., Lr. Paterson: Trea4uret. Alex. The Double Track Route 1 ETWEEN MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and C1-1ICAGO Uuexcelled .I)iniug Car Service. SIeepiiTpZars on n 1; t -tragus -and parI4r oars ren prinr;s.,t+ Fall luforntatiOn.from ally G,rand'Trunk Ticket Agent or L. 't;. horning., 1/isinct I'asginger Agent, Toronto. A. W. HAMIL G.. T. R. A►Kent.' 1, ' � 3 ;1-%e FIGHTING IT OUT - A. F. & A. M.. G. R. C. OId L ' t Lodge 1. 'eete e';ery Thur=dayy night on tie ,re the t.11 moon, in the Masonic Ilal . 1Li►' •L ck -ueet Lncknow. W. M.,. E. 1;. • .M. Mc(uire; • 1. %V., Ja-. Boyle; Stey., ►1 . A. Wilson, • • GET THE BEST. -When, you tale out life insurance get a pc,:i_. in t.•. Sun Life of Canada, th'e bigZest `.:. the Dominiba, and a comppn:•.host 'record- Canadians are . pr' -Jud • of • jee Geo.' H. S:liith, luc:ll agent, f+. articulars. VICTORY 1EON IDS bought and wlu Also fa;rin lands and village proper,,; 'Moire;! to loan on let and 2nd mutt. • gages at currl:nt rates 'of interest: In• Agnew, Nc;tary'['ublic, Ailin Plock. Lurk:item., Ont. The Better Way 1 Never disobey Nature's warn- • ing. It's far better to forestall • Iweakness with nourishment that protects. - Scott's Emulsion • after meals for c:,.j1d. ,,r adult. is THURSDAY MAY 27th 1920 THE rftlt`F: OF SUGAR In a' little newspaper called "The Ford Man" published twice a month at the Ford factory, Detroit Mich, in the interests of the factory heads appeared a , very- interesting pgXa- graph. In 'order to understand it, it . is necessary a know that the Ford Company, with' a view to reducing tie high cost .of living opened a large 'store ,at which employees 'of the fee.- tory ac-tory can by food stuffs.. and clothing ut'�6z•t 4t ° iti ' tete ithtt't : profit ,.,to •..the store. The paragraph • above referred to reads as follows: ' "Sugar," says Manager Egan of - the store, "is one of the things °, most difficult to get right now. We have four carloads' in New York that we hope to receive soon; but traffic conditions make delivery rather uncertain. When it does arrive it will . sell for about 171-i cents a pound. 1 is all pure white granulated cane sugar." • Sugar at 17/c per pound' Than would be a 'high price in pre-war . days, but now it looks "reasonable" as compared with the price' charged in the regular trade. Over in Chicago the retail. prcc-s. WtO :;1� per' f',:,,. At the tinie this Ford Sti,re. Zia:. >•' _e to sell at 1 i lac. At the same 't►t11E 'that sugar"'a'as 31c per pound in Chicago it 'was re- ported that 33 cars loaded with sugar *ere "lost" in the' railway. yards a: that city The .cars, it :was said were being,.:moved about frorn ore erste. 'tto another, but never put I,or_ tion for'unloading. • The li}:li1J.c taa: this was a, ..trick of tilt. dealtri--=, e ale -an ar: iflcial' searci :S '- and: give for;: another hg..os: of r, es. • The a • t e �C.. sUI_ar at _ pe- outer c a:er•:: . way : s ' :::ere is a b:g • surmewl.ere r: _ :K . • � ! E :. :rte j . L� S : a :. r . . . It is fill: _ :.a: :ne sa:-,t . to .�. � .: ells �.: � • a ::: r d.'. • :!. ,',� ♦ rt.", :.ave ii::a:�'tii •.:r .•1�'yl' '.. ._:8 : .•.tom .; r.:. :,L. .. G! f -� '.Ir l+♦•f.'rt :ne �1' 4:/_ risk ;re.. The folly of . ne;gtrttors over trifling little. matters line fences was never b4tter dern0r1- strated than in • a cage ll(fard ti: ]a •t `• r' .. Division Court in Pa ley :Advocate .of that town. 1 he Iitigrants were ' • Re;]iy . of Eden Grove .and Robt. A. of Elora Road south: R.ei.iy ha7t. t e Alex McLean farm ju=t south of atAi adjoing. Watson's and this Iffga. tor. - test arose out of Watson's cas e getting into Reilly's place throutrh a. a fence that it .was claimed Wat- son should have kept up. 1:t -illy sued Sor damages, but the jury couldn't see that he was entitled. to any. Watson had entered a counter action for dam .ages to- his crop by. Rilly's cattle gaining entrance througha fence that it was. cla&imd Reilly should have kept animal proof.• Strange to say the jury in this case brought in a similiar finding -no damages being awarded.. Each party paid his own costs in the suit. Had G "' these two men got together and ta'k- ' a • ,.E. ed the matter • over betw4 en: quietly and reaso.nahly, there shr,u]d have been t10 necessity, f(:).•w•a � t r,g their time, Whiny.atl{I rpt carrying ,on expensive er,'Jrt 'rms. But 'twas ver thus, u•.•+ j,r',. stj)1y will be for some. agr•y that humans will fight out thr':I c•rences in court or (tut *of ur'. weakness. Ask for Scott', alas• inn. •_ Jt"L(,Jlf h:�"I 1\ t1.'f.3: J J • .. 't Nit.�Jr.:,E 6., 4 c --• •c, •.. U:t;i ;,• • : is s. 14' , : 1,,'.f :; •):• • 7.e • ,.• ••'. ;t. L•74t, i :! 11,t_" , :.UU.. :! '„Jt..•,• V. :.' les '. • rY V „ .:i : a' 1 ... ,:i • :l • •e •. . • u: '�•: e the jolts Out of C:.I1ac1ars '1lough Roads 110. •alipteeixt improvement 1 ».i J)! .v :..,:p;"i•ne..; are, ''c►tl mt-.ust..riJe"fire the Ovt..- 1an .arhi tl•i v.do. L S, TJ 1'i:'llt. v. -eight and eEonoin1 1 t ill- 11 N:+heelliase. they ad t : ss and l()ad flexibility I: '3 a 11' se.ns etion to ride in car the Cv)ll- t; r, t l, •'liar. ,r41t • tat4i-; 4) :•lie 11ca� ti•,c•ar of � long wheelbase. --To be relieve(', from nerve•- racl:ing jolts and to go .Conf1- dently ahead over rough roads at ''.a €o ki roads speed. • The nihde-in-Canada.Overland is a striking example of the new • strides being made by Canadian Industry. ' - Toronto; Canada ,•�:'3,'.1or.trea!, Winnipeg and Regina wtorna.0 h 1„ wit bi .efei - we J •- k .at Remedy dy Lid. 1"t Lt v '-/•'t : •r • i • t ver P I'' E. T:_.: x - :. L^.. _ 1 rMIt t41. 1 • eve ' r ht•vt• ;'-wily' 'i --'! ::i ---fir:• t'.! Liv, ei,f 'RY.; G :••• r r !"r7". • [Phone.. N.•::. t (1 is, atr - ' ;Sell fur Cash we' Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores ���r..,�� r.. seas �• ..-� -- -. - 1 s' �J . •,,�h�,•: . .-�• E, . -..,, +,••• .u;• • '4') 4.41x1 CU 1000 lah Statue p 41 Ustit • • • V.1, HAVE JUST 1'1..1t'f•:1') IN STOCK .l 1♦E�11TI:I) .t\JT'Y OF •AVIATION WHITE l'.11 It. THIS 1' A`1'.%IN'i' OF FIRST t'f..iSS Q1'ALETY 1'l*R('li:1S•- _.I:I-,. f:J..t-(t}i THE. ftrfY..%J .befit 1t'tiitt'E, '1'1'T;. LI.NIF•, (0;A1.I'J Y .1.S 1ti'.1S l'SI I TO 1'.ItN1' THE .11tEui'- :1.-tES % 111011 Tut )h •-#'.,u; l' IJ THE 44-14E AT W.teff. 1111 , I'1 LAST .; 'I'11IS I'.1I`'1' 11.11.1: BE S(•11.1) 1•'i %11'11(1 \ REACH OF 1':1'1'.RI:1" I'EON ~ %•���� .1'LIt (r 11.. tHL. 44, • 1,9 101 It OWN fdt1ININI; 11 II:1 1111.. !! !! mclinow Ilartlware&CoalCo. ;411. 4.1 IT'S UNWIS1': 11. 1.1 t imbed take me new aid 0 digestiou e.irtif,-c 1.1