HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-05-20, Page 441•••••••• 1.4 tip 1 .• ••••• • ' -3•A"`" incorporated In 'ITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK THE MOLSONS BANK is prepared to render every assistance possibl • to responsible business. 111(41 4111. farmers in financing their business. • The Manager will be glad to go into your affairti with you and give you any information needed about banking. T. S. REID, MANAGE -R, LUCKi-OW BF;AiNCH 4-40111111NIMMY111111.1111•11M1•11.1=1,11111.7111.1111111 •••••••••••■•••••••.••••••••imos k 1. C. TraCt01$ 14ZERING Drilis, Cultiirators & Harrows Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions and Water Bowls FROST Gates, Fence & Nog Wire New Williams Sewing Machines Gourlay, Winter and Leeming Pianos For Sale b W. 0: ANDREW, LUCKNOW. CREAM WANTED —BY— ' 1. TheSeaforth Creamery Co. We solicit your patronage and guarantee you entire sat- t!ifaction. -Our prices are always the highest. Our Testing done accurate,. ly by experts. our service and payments are. prompt. Write a card to -day for os. Prices were never' as high i.s at present and still soar - int higher. A card will bring you cans ou thenext train from us. the Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont. Mit r(s it 11 StelnY CARDS •r. .,gm4/1.1,11, I?rLuiliutiut torutind Pcoinsi10,t 0%014 Thutziotty inortit. - •ti I.UcklaulA A: 1). :11.‘t'KEN.:i14.:-. • mai 11liICS1)111'MAY2Jtli 19::0 1111-. HIGH COST PF 1.iTAIBER- '1 h Ilitt.o. Cort•rinent it a good piece of %uric when it undertook to tuvestage the 'lumbering business in Northern Ontario. - he price of lumber has been going up- with leaps and bounds erer sine. 1914 and an innocent public thought that .the high prices.were justified by conditions created by the war. These of coui'Se- had their etfect but they were small as compared with the ef- fect of ,protitecring by. the, operators of timber. • • . • It has Came out in the invesigation ho).. ,.duringthe , years . since. the out- break of •the war the Spanish River Lumber Co.- has been making an average of one hundred per cent upon its inv,estment. Since 1911, on acap- italization of only $200,000. this com- pany -has made profits of $1,185,000. In doing this it had been : defrauding the- Ontario Government and robbing the buyers of lumber at the same time. This company we ii.ryassume was merely representative. of all the oth- ers (iperating on a large scale in On- tario" and Quebec. 1. And it may as safely be assumed that the lumber business wa no wo ha1rtfbQt and shoe the clothing -and sutar businesses. . Of course these men were, and are, merily making what they can out of the business. To them, the years hive just been very good years, and the remedy is not. easily suggested. It is well how- ever, that those who find it almost impossible to build houses or to buy clothing and shoes showed know just where the trouble - originates. In this investigation of the lumber business we have a good illustration of • the ailvantage of an occasional change of government. The old gOvertiment never would have disturb- ed the fattening profiteers. . JOHN SUT11 D 8r, SON , Utielph •••••- Otl!,111,j1r•tatee:Wire and Marine. GRANITTRUNIMMI • The Double Track Route -1 1111,TW10 N DETROIT and - CHICA0() I MONTREAL, TORONTO, • Uneseetie;1---DitOng Sleeping cars on night trims. and parlor • • • 0: 0. F. Lucknow 1.6.1.ge meets every Fridal evening al 8 0' t'kek. in their/Hall. Camp. b1I•treet. All ht•ethre,n cordially invited. • Officers: - Noble Virtual. Hobett F ',her ; •Vice Grand. J. 'Iel,/ttitig; Hee. see.. A. 11 Boyd; rim Secy., Dr. Patetsun: Treasurer. . Ale*. Huss. A. F. & A. M. (.3.. It C. Old Liwitt Lodge melb e eryThur1a,v night MI or before the. full moon, in the Alasonic11avelock, street ,Ltinknow. W. M., E. O. Lindsay:AS. •W.. • M. MeGujre; J. W.. • Jas. Boyle; S6Cy., W. • A. Wilson. • • 5 . ••• GET TIIE BEST.—When you take • out life insurance get a policy in .the Sun :Life .of Canada, the biggest 'in the...Dominion, and a company whose -record Canadians 'are- proud -of See Geo. 11. Sinith, local agent,. foi ,particulars. • VICTORY BONDS bought and sold Also farm lands.and vitlage propertY Money to. loan on ]st and 2nd mort- gages at current rates of interest. In Surance, conVeyancing, etc. Joseoli 1 Agnew, Notary Public, .Allin Block, .1:ucknew, Ont. .. r . .„, ,.4.11.„, • *Ticket Agent or C. 1.. loriting, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ' A.' W. filAMILTON • G Agent, Luck now. l',11J1It• TWO TEESWATER' MEN. WED. • Baptest —Russell —A quiet mar rage wassolemnized at the Presbyterian manse, Underwood . on Wednesday; April 28th, when Jennie, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell, 6th Brice, was united in marrage to. Mr. George Bapist, of .Teeswater. The ceremony,Was performed by Rev. W. E. Wallace, pastor of Underwood and 'Centre Bruce churches. The bride wore white silk crepeolechene and her travelling suit was of navy blue serge. • -The groom's gift to the bride was a - . sunburst set with pearls. The hearty ,Congrattilatons. of a la r..re circle of friends is extended to Mr. and Mrs. ITiptist. They will 'reside Tees- water.—Paisley Advocate. Scott—Pullen—A quiet wedding took place in Toronto at St. Andrews -iv Church at • half paEst five On Friday,• ' May 7th whf.n Lott ie the daughter oi Mr. and -Mrs. William hillert of • . London, England, was married • to Peter -Scott, the third son of Mrs. Peter geott.1.The briderrroom 'having • met the on, her arrival from Englaind on the S. S. Corieatt at (1!iebt.e. Rev. Thomas Eakin per- formed the cermony in the Presence - of a few ft:ii•nds. Mr sandMi.Sentt 11,:ftigle in Teeswater. Ltee,:water Nev..A; 1 rAfter Iwhen the body is weakened, • thebest restorative is an c easily assimilated tonic -food., Scott's Emulsion is the favorite nutrient recoin- • mended by physicians as a. Imeans of rt! -..establishing ° strength. Scott's always rrourishes and vitalizes. 1i.... . . *1'' .7, ,Tr,t• . i MI-----". rrj IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,0041.11.1Me ----o-o-o— PAY IN CITY AND COUNTRY The street car motor men and con- ductors of Toronto are making a de- mand of 85c per hour, and if their or- ganization • is sufficiently strong the- operating company will have to pay it. Otherwise the large amount of capital invested will be idle and the public, deprived of a .treet car service, will howl the coun •il into doing something; and about .he only thing that can be done is to Aire the menat the price theyask. A. street car service is so essential to the city, and experienced men are so essential to the .service that the or- i_ranizations of experienced Alen prac- tically_ 4ave...the rest of he: ci by the throat. 1 •••4111imM.-..nam•••••••••••••••14=•••••• Ch ll eaper Than The Crdit Store et. a Phone No, W is at Your Service - ;We Sell for Cash -we Se WE 11 %YE JUST PLACED IN STOCK LINIll'ED QUANITY OF A viATiox %%HITE PAIN1'.. THiS IS A PAINT Or F41:ST CLASS QVALITY PURCHAS- ED .FROM THE 1101*A1. AIR FORCE, THE SAME (lIJALITY AS WAS USED 1'O PAINT THE AlrEOP- PLANES WHICH TOOK PART IN Tit v. GIMAI' WAR. WHILE IT LASTA THIS PAINT 'WILL HE ",4::11.1) ,A 'JUICE MITHINi REACH Or E% EY PERSON o $5.00 PER G tl.. %S 11.‘1. I.: IN IuI V rrNE AssolzmENT or scREE DO0RS .1N1) ScREEN WIND(AV::. s • DO: YOUR • OW CHAINING %%1'111 C111-NANIEf.. 11,f.; II %VI.: MANY tl %%II() 11.1% 1•4*,1) IT A NI) ARE DEIN:RIF:D. - YOU IIAV E A FOOR I() FINISH, 1%•001)%%0Ith TO GRAIN, (;IVF: US .1 CALI. ANI) AVE WILL SI101V IOU EX.1eTLY WI1A1' To Dd....Willi - --"*111-84".41116111MOI,446404Mr• t , ,,--fitasIsstoso- ss s4 --- t 'ami I,enevoinc(;. .. . e Th e 1,tick n ow HarOware& coalCo. Homely truths, like medicine, often distress us, hut that is part of the ' curative process. , o the ace b e new eman the men. the company uk leave to are permitted ,this there will be an- other squeal about the high cost of li% nig for the monthly bill for car fare to those who live at the outskirts (Jul work down town is,.eottsideration There will then be 'a denuind for high- er pay in other walks of life on the pieta, that livitte: expenses have gone up. . • • And then people wonder why men leave. the farnis and .go to the city. Can it be expected 'that men will re- main at the .hard work of the farm at 20, 25, or 30 cents per hour, -while men not nearly so skilled get:85c per hour in the city. The price of farm 'products'. 'looks high„ but they will have to go much -higher before men can be induced... to remain on the farms while pay in ike cities remain at present levers. Help Your Digestion When acid -distressed. relieve the indigestion with - Dissolve easily ontongue--as pleasant to take as candy. Keep your stomach sweet, try Iti•maids MADE BY SCOTT & BOW NE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S Et4LilasiON .54• ••, Ak.,P.,,,•••MONNIMR•tt7.•comamaim .11•.r FLOOR COVERIN6S11 • OF 4.1.1. KINDS :k NCI-:\ 4: IN PRICE. - 1.1.11 IA THE 'li%li. To "RA. T evE HtE ON HAND AltE MUCH CHEAPER THAN IF WE BOUCHT NOV. WE HAVE TAPESTRY RUGS, CONGOLEUM RUGS, GRASS RUGS IN ALL SIZES. „LINEOLEUMS 1-'E1.1"l'EX,• AND 011-. CLOTHS IN GOO 1•PATI'ERNS. • LADIES, PU'LLOVEI;t47 ALI, SIZES .1.ND SIIA- . . HES op $1,7,0 To $6.011 1„11)11,S 41A'114 1$114 MIES .,414-t:ES • • rIV 4+14 . WAISTS IN WHTfEIN BEST STYLES. LADIES SPRING COATS IN. TWEED Flt011. $ 17.00 UP. . CURTAIN SCRIMS IN PLAIN AND WITH INSER- • 11 0-- 1- ')IONS FROM 50c TO 90c PER YARD. WC11nelf • No4. • r. 5_ 4 est, %.•••••—•••• L •!...t • - 4 11 you •1.,Ive your prolwrtv ty...11.,,1-(:(1. 1 );) put ztav I )11,4er' , • Sfive ...c3flare and 1..,;(?: aro'n...1 and vou will tin;! filmy e iT•let, 1 e" 1 O•-, 'I tire -I s \\ Hie.; :..nd .t i 1 :Al e 1111 111411 1 •••• ..1.1. t... tC ..t.: t:•••‘: . pktre 1;4. pure . • .; .i • (-4 , tf.r iT1 r.-1 1 ; 41•;,f, • W.444111111. ! ,I:t \ -1,A..t • ••,V a ' I - , if • • I.: .81 . t44 1IC 11.41.•• \ 14.8 " ft-d:n t L.. ) t,lt ''.41•41 • IP •, 15 .8 A .• .A.1 . MAR I . 1)0111 inside and wit tira c.111 tor a (tat 4)1 is the nue, N at trt. re -deco, -.1t 111 line a.rel do the s.tni... The nlost et..ononlical nietho(1 is t() HARTIN�.$ENOUR: .t.'•`Aiel.r 1ANF.) C•44 : fs'e- • 4'1 r•• -c•• ; . . . • vry , • , i• .• • • • • • ".; : \ :, • • , ; •••••• .,t • „ •-• • 4... ..• 4, • , • 81 , ••. • • w f;AA' , ; A tit • • MacLeod & Joynt LUCKNOW. -,••- •;•-- 44P- -z• i. '-'-''''llir "• V1"4.**.• !\ .1 ,r. •.• 1 r ..f.. _AA y •. •,..„..,........, a .. ...7"- ... 4 ,....k. - \. -- . r''' • , . .•-s 111" ' •,••••-fs.,,•;-:., :\ ..),..,"' .its..,-• . •, lir ,i- . . ... ...... ''.. .4 . • • • 1 1 •f• • , • •• • -avow. ••••••••••• • 1111,11...."%•••11••••••111111•••••!•••••••••••••. ° • • _.•••••• ".‘ • ', • - • .14 . ..,. - 'e)*1 1 '4 404 JT - •• ".* 11 \ • • .‘• • . ••; • • •• 4 '4-• • • 14.• " ' • • ' • . • V,1 ' •-" - • '- • C • . 411 • • • • • • • • •... . • • ...IL.; -; 11 • • , MP. • , 1 . . . . • '-. s:mu LuBsICA.N-is .m... 1 ,,,,,..,;,... 10' 111 I ii... har:ici. r •;141,:te ziwiIi!,!!,..,,, ,,, ,•;, ,... . ,,, , ; ,I..,;. , • ..... - .. , .. no ...411. :,Imi. 1144•11. l'illit'- I ',III,. 11.-, 14. 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