HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-05-20, Page 1$1.50 PER YEAR IN' ADVANCE ; $2.00 OTHERWISE. LUCKNQW, ONT., •THURSDAY,• MAY 2Oth., 1920. SINGLE COPIES, 4 CENTS` Lucknow Flour Mills ALL RESTRiCTLONS' HAVE.' BEEN REMOVED -FROM GRIST- 1NG. IT IS NOW POSSIBLE FOR FARMERS TO GRIST THEIR WHEAT AS' IN PRE-VAR'TIMES. SECURES BRAN 'AND SHORTS CORRESPONDING TO THE A- MOUNT OF WHEAT (MISTED. IT WILL PAY THE FARMER TO REVIVE THIS METHOD OF EX- CHANGE. W. E. TRELEAVEN. Wire For Hydro DON'T WAiT UNTIL THE (-LAMENT IS HERE. 1T CAN NOT BE ALL ATTENDED' TO AT ONCE. PARTIES WISH- ING THEIR PREMISES WIR- ED CAN HAVE IT PROMPT- ' LY ANI) EFFICIENTLY DONE BY APPLYING TO G. DRINKWALTER Plumber & Tinsmith • The Grand Circuit War-IIorse. Dou • Horns bou{;h•t to this 'district four years ago 'by Leo ('hariesworth,., and sold , to Messrs. Graham and Kirk- patrick, of Huron, has been purchased by Mr. D. McCharles, of Paramotint, near 1,url:now. fir. Ate('harles iy .a vcnter:trt ger en an and no doubt saw great possiblities in adding a "record" to his stable. Don Roma has a track of 2.06 and, a public trail re= cord of 2.03. He , was the sire of many fine ones during his stay in this district, and it will be a pleasure to hear of the same success. following him while, the property of his new owner. He :will make the season at his own stable at 1'tiramourrt. NOTICE A Piot'. W. H. Day, Canada's great., F. t :Authority on lightning rods, wilt. dt•ntoi i+tr tte their prover iratxlldht n at Mackenzie Bros new. barn, St. Helens, on Friday afternoon, May 28. All `parties wishing information are welcome.• 27-5. � 1 --o-0-o-- PORT ALBERT • On Tuesday, May 25th in Blake's church 9th con of Ashfield the Ash- field Soldiers' Aid Circle will hold its -final meeting beginning at 2.30 o'clock. Will those who were , interested in the Circl's work kindly attend, as the hearty co-operation of the workers is needed in the disposal of the Memor-• ss ial Fund, which so many- ladies and gentlemen kindly helped to make what it is. Please remember the date and be sure to come. u LOCAL AND GENERAL. u • I 0 0 0 0 0 o -o - Mr. A. E. Durnin was over from Clinton on Wednesday. Miss M. J. Murray is back to -town after. spending the winter in Chatham. Miss Marion MacLeod is home from Toronto for a few weeks. Misses M. Money and J. MacCallumr, motored to Stratford for the week -end: - Mr,;. Horace Aitebi un and little son are iipcmiitt Coiler c'h. Rev. .Mr. Irwin and Mr. W. 1'. Reid are attending the Annual District meeting of the ltitt''lhotli:;t church In Brussels this week. Messes Huntley Gordon, Alf, Mit- chell and James Spence, are -home aft- er completing their first term in Queens University Kingston. All three are taking the Science course. Mr. James Robb, a brother Mr. Wm Robb of (1'e! c'lddenly at Rip- ley oh Saturday. 1►.r. 1:‘,.,13 had been weakened by a prolonged , illness' from pneumonia, but: had pretty well recov- ered. On '1 hot '.day of last week he suffered a paraytit stroke 1'roi.i which .he did not rally. CARD OF 'THANKS -Mrs Gordon and family wish to thank their friends for the many kind expressions of sympathy during th4eir recent bereave- ment. BORN MacMillan -In W. Wawanosh, on May'.15th, 1920 to 11'I r.•'a and Mrs. Phillip MacMillan a son-Bence. ---o-o-o-- CiLURCH NEWS Methodist Church -The pastor will preach morning and evening. The morning sermon' will he t ' first. of a serices of sermons on" Pulpit and Pew,,"- being a call to young men who may be thinking of enter:ng. the min- istery. Presbyterian CChurch-Services next Lord's Day at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The pastor will preach morning sub- jert: "The Promised Holy Spirit Ev- ening subject: The Far -Flung Battle Line. You are invited to these sor- vices. -o-o-o- ST. AUGI'STlNF. 'I'ue'day May lads 'Sorry to say Mr.. Carting is not. enjoying good health of late. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moran Visited with friends in our burg last Sunday. -44 �Lra..-soba-_Btol� - �a11ed on Kingsbride friends last Sunday. .We are pleased to see James And- erson quite well again after his severe illness. Mr. Myles Gibbons visited with friends in our burg last Sunday. We note that the Cummings Bros. are sporting a new and up-to-date Ford ear. Now, girls be careful. ' Mr. Hugh King and son Charlie are busy these days preparing to put' up a nice new residence. We are called upon this week to report the death of Mr. Charles" Moss who at one time lived here, but of late years resided in Goderich. "LIGHTNING AND ITS CONTROL" This book may be worth thousands of dollar3 to you. It is the complete story of the "Ca„use and Control of Lightning." v.ritten'by a ni;in ho ,pent many years studying. cicrerithenting and ac- cumulating data. This book'i i interesting to anyone and particularly valuable to the property owner. ‘V rite for your copy. it is FREE. 5biirn-F/a t Lightning Rods Prevent Losses Are distinctive. woven In ribbon-like, loon. one inch In width. with :;t;' greater Carrying capacity. Yost owe it t ► yourself and your family to Investigat' Shinn -Flat before another li htning season opens. At least sled .1111,ow for Prof. Day's book. SHINN MFG. CO. OF' CANADA, LiMTiD Manufacturers of Shinn -Fiat Lightning Rolla •'TM Kind That Ar. CadroveseP' - Woolwich St. GUELPH, ONT. Prot. W H. r 4.t J. M. GREER R. R. No. 1 LUCKNOW OLD LAND MARK DISAPPEARS I !MOVING. THEM ABOUT New and Up -'1'o -Date I:uilding To TAKE Its Place The old franie building known as The McGarry- House, which since the early days occupied the corner of, Campbell and Ingle streets has completely disappeared within.. the past week. For ..four . weeks a gang .,f writ' have been at work tearing 4trtsar'a34-4.3ifir igt:.the:.-nt: tenial; :ttt4l''ti by •Monday/. they had completed the job. The lumber and' timber Was not broken its the removing n ; it would have been in days gone by. Lumber is Lumber now and evey board and piece even to the old lath was care- fully removed and piled away. The heavy material was bought by the 'Lucknow Flax Mill Co. and will be used in 'their building. On the site of the old hotel will be erected, just as soon as the work- men can do fit, a splendid modern garage and auto repair shop, and a dwell:ng. The garage will uceupy the corner and the dweling will be next to the Molsons Bank. There wilI be another dwelling or "flat," over the garage. The front and part of the 'West side will. be of red brick, and all will be fitished up in good style. Mr. T.. W. Smith -who is owner of the property is oto be congratulated on his enterprise. The new building will be a fine improvement to the centre of the town, and 'to all appearonce there will he a geed business in con- necton with it. Already auto-repa'r work is being done in the barn at the rear 'of the propery, which has, been fitted up :is a shop. A first. class' machinist and assistant are in charge, and they have all they can do. - 0 -o -o - FIRECRACKERS DID IT While playing with other lads on Thursday of last week Ronald Arm- strong was the victim of an accid- ent which nearly cost him the sight of his right e,e. The boys had fire craekers and one of these exploded very close to the eye' mentioned. After being teutporarly fixed up he was taken to Wingham Hospital for treat- ment where it was found that the in jury to the eyewas not as serious as ut first supposed. He 'was. brought home on Monday and is .about all right again. ' -0-0-a- ST. HELENS Ttre:gthwiny Miss Boyle of Kntough is visiting her grandmother Mrs. Jas Gaunt. Mr. Reid of Rainy River has been visiting his nephew the Messrs Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Murdock McKenzie of Kintail visited Mr. and Mrs. Clark on Monday. A little sboy .arrived at the_ home of Mr. and. Mrs. John Patterson on ,Monday. Mrs. Gordon Misses Ethel McPher- son, Francis . Anderson and Gladys Webb were among those who attend - the Presbyterial held in Kincardine on Tuesday. A pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. Jas Gaunt on Friday when the_.neighbors gathered together to spend an evening with Mr. /and Mrs. _Gaunt and family before they leave for their new home. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt were Ijresented with an address and hand- some cotj'h. The Gaunts are moving this week to the farm purchased from Mr. Wm Belle. -o-o-a- MAFEKiNG Tuesday May 18th Rev. R. Copeland is attending Dis- trict meeting at Brussles this week. Mr. Will Finlay is breaking in his new Oyerland car this week.• Mrs Wm Blake spent last week with her daughter Mrs. Alton, Belfast. ,. Mr. and Mrs. Thos lake isnd daugh- terr, Grace and Olive 'spent Saturday in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reed and Mr. and Mrs. will Smeltzer and Gladys spent Sun- day afternoon at Mr. J. Andersons. _Quarterly SacrataAetttal Setrvke. was - be , to ace fie urc . ay morn- ing Service was withdrawn at th:s appointment. --o-o-oy If you begin the day with prayer you will be very likely to end it with thanksgiving, and a day thus begun ally ended is a happy day. Lucknow bank assistants have been moved about lately as though the gen- eral manager were playing chess with them. Mr. M. MacMilan who has been in the - Molsons Bark the past year is bein77 congratulated on his appointment as manager of the branch at Merlin. He leaves the first. of the week. Mr. Brown Mallough weer has been teller in the )tank "f .1.Lat,tiiteni::for. ( Utet,;►,►it'14!,.01-1.1,„,;. "relieving" and his Itlltee taken by Mr. 'Mervin C. Bridge .who comes from Delhi. Mr. Lovas Hendry who re- cently wept from .the Moly o ns Rank here to Kingsville, was there only a' few days when he was transferred to Windsor.' He was succeeded here as teller by Mr. Chamberlain, who came from the Kingsville branch. -o -o -o= SLEEVE (`AUGHT BY SHAFT Mr. Frank Freeman had a narrow escape from serious injury while at work in the tl ur nil on Tuesday. The sleeve of his . ec►a t was e•utght l.y a revoiving'shaft. There was no re- leasing it, so Mr: Freeman braced him- self for the pull. Fortunately the sleeves of coat and top shirt gave way at the shoulder both being tornclean away. The arm was considerably lac. erated too where it came in contact with the shaft, but the injury though painful is not serious. o -o -o-- . l'I: r,:Si:YTERY -OF MAITLAND. • 1: Presbyt r•y of Maitland met in :1e .iethodist Church Kincardine, on Tuesday of th:s week. An interesting Add c rs-1%414- ;.i.ve n ley the retiring Moderator, the Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair, Belmorre. The Rev. L. Perrin, of Ar - mow,. ,was elected Moderator for the ensuing six months. The Presbytery had the pleasure of hearing Rev. A. E. Armstrong, M. A. of Toronto, who was' the principal speaker at theW. .M. S. Presbyterial convened in Knox Church the same day. A very un- anihmous call was presented by the London Presbytery to Rev. C. A. Mal- colm of Wroxeter, which was eccept- ed and Mr. Malcolm will preach fare- well srru,uns next I:urd's Day. Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair was appuiiited in- terim iooderator..of the ovacaney. A call was presented to Presbytery by the congregations of Dungannon and Port Albert in favour of the Rev. H. R. Campbell, who is at present without a charge. This was sustained and_the_.?erl_in. ru ed t t_farward same to Mr. Campbell. The busi- ness was over by 5-30 p.m. thus en- ahlnig the members of Presbytery to attend the evening session of the WV.. M. S. Presbyterial meeting: CONTRIBUTORS TO THE MUSKOKA HOSPiT AL The Treasurer of -the Muskota Free Hospital or consumptives desires gratefully to acknowledge thei follow- ing contributions received in Lucknow by the Field Secetary of the National Sanitarium Association, - Royal Arch Masons A. P. Stewart Lucknow Furn. Co. W. J. Little H. J. Lindsay Dr. Geo. A. Newton 0.00 Ackert & Rathwell 2.00 Cameros( & Murdock 2.00 W. J. Davidson 2.00 A. R. Finlayson 2.00 W. E. Trealeven 2.00 W. Murdie 2.00 G. S. Robertson 2.00 Geo. U. Smith - .2.60 W. B. Anderson 5.00 D. M. Johnston 1.00 J. A. Glennie 1.00 Miss M. Money 5.00 $10.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 F. T. Armstrong Wm. Allin Wm. Smeltzer A. *Shoebottom J. MacDiarmid Neil Murdock S. Murchison Miss E. Murdie E. A. Renwick W. W. Hill -Rev. R. F. Trwin Con. Decker W. Connell M. G. McMillan R. J. Button J. A. Armstrong D. R. McIntosh 1.00 1.00 1.00 1:00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 looks ike this ar It si time you consulted us about your eyes. The simple defects of today may be complicated by-and-by. F. T. Armstrong Jewler and Optician EIGHT CON. KINLOSS Monday May, 17th Mr. Richard, Miss Margaret, and Mrs. Baker visited at W. Congram's an evening this week. Mr. R. T. Needham and sister Mrs. Jno. Culbert motored to Walkerton last Wednesday to see their sister Mrs. Keyes who had undergone an 'operation very recently. The funeral of the late Jas Wilk- inson V.S. of Ripley was largely at- tended by friends in this community Mr. Wilkinson had not enjoyed good health, for some three years. He was laid to rest by Forester and Orange Brethren on. Sunday after- noon. His ' wife two daughters and sons servive. • Much Sympathy is felt for the bereaved ones. And Still Death Calls! -Mr. Waldren an aged gentleman of Ripley has answered the call. Mrs. Murdoch • McKay has left this world of care and gone to her rest on Sunday night The father is left six little children one an infant to mourn a kind wife and loving mother. Mr. J. Robb win, only last week was in our midst was taken down with a stroke and on Sat- urday noon death claimed ita� awn. :1 -deep--gloom is_ cast over the nieghbor- hood, by the departure of -t rh who have been taken away. \ PARAMOUNT Tuesday, Mayl8th Inspector. Bald paid his official visit to our school last week. Our teacher Miss MacDia.rmid was in Stratford the end of last week at- tending the convention held there. Mr. Stewillt Robertson has vacated the old -home, and Mr. Stanley moving iu this week. Seeding is conrple'ted in our neigh- borhood, and the farmers, are busy preparing for the root crop, and in- cidentally awaiting May showers. Mrs. Arthur Cook, last week re- ceived the sad news of the death, at r_htather.-Jie._acciden tbL caught hold of a wire carrying a heavy current of ' electricity and was instantly killed. Wilton Bell who is to have charge of the Paramount Cheese Factory this season, arrived this_ week bringing his bride with hint. We give him a cordial welcome, and are glad to see light again in one of our vacant . KINGSBRiDE Monday May 17th Summer has conte at last and -rain is now the .most necessary thing, as ,everything needs it. Mostsof our farmers are through seeding except a few that still have some flax to sow. Mrs. Frank Pope and babe of Smooth Rock Falls. are visiting her grand- mother Mrs. Jas. Dalton. Mr. Orrie Griffin has been visiting friends around here lately, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lannon and Patricia are guests of Mrs. Jas Foley. Mrs. P. J. Ryan of Goderich spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. Jas. griffin of Detroit is Visit- ing at James --Pores s - - ' _• Mr. Wm McCarthy and Mr. Jas. Sennet, Sr. are sufferipg from sev- ere colds. Mr. and Mrs. John Collins are vis- iting hermother. Mrs. .1eremia O'Connor. ` Mrs. O'Neil lie home front the West to see heir mot her, Mrs. Hussey who has been very ill. The sad news reached this Com- munity this morning of t'he death of Mr. Charles Moss. .He had been ail- ing quite a long time, hut his death, came very suddenly on ,Sunday night.. IIIIMITBODY'S COLUMN 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0' 0 0 0 0 • MU.NEY' TO LOAN on mortgages and notes at reasonable,, rates. Fire •Insurances, both stock and Mutual 'Companies. Conveyancing done with• neatness ° and despatch. - 'Geo. A. ,Siddal), Broker, Lucknow. DR; PARKER, OSTEOPATH, a: tail' 11ouse,:•Lucit:now, every Wednes- day afternoon. All chronic dis- eases successfully treated. Os- teopathy removes the physical causes of disease. Adjustment of the spine is more quickly secured and with fewer treatments .by Os- teopathy than by any other method A11 kinds of hides wanted. Highest Toronto.prices. Also all kinds of live poultry, no matter what size. Let me know, or call by phone, NO. 86, -and 1 will call. Jake Libel. FOR SALE --.Eggs for hatching' and day-old chicks, from bred -to -lay, White Leghorns, Black Minorcas, and Barred Rocks:,These hens laid well throughout lat 'winter. Eggs, $1.50 for setting of 15. , Chicks, $20.00 per hundred for April and. May, $18.00 per hundre,4,,. for June and July. • Delivery free. Duncan Kennedy, Box 12, Whitechurch. WANTED -A lady cook for Wing-. -J ham General Hospital .apply to Miss Matthews, Superintendent Wingham, Ont, -- 20-5-p TO RENT -Good frame dwelling with good stable on lot. Apply to G: A. Siddall. , 27-5 STANDING FIELD CROP COMPS- - TITION Lucknow Agricultural Society Entries will be received by the un- dersigned up to Saturday, May 22nd, in the Standing Field Crop Competi- tion conducted by the Lucknow Ag- ricultural Society. The varieties of grain in the com- petition will be Oats and Wheat. For further information apply to 20.5-c Joseph Agnew, Sec. FOR SALE -Brood sow York shire, with litter i,f i7 farrowed May 1st, A young sows to farrow about Jinly 20 Reasonable price Jas. Kickley R.' 7 Lucknow. Phone 77 r 16, Dun- gannon. .20- 5-p. LOST -On the . road between Wing - ham and Lucknow on May 8th, a hood for Ford tar Moder kiridl _ieays--_._' at,Tor--report to The Sentinel Offict. 20-5-p. - Tenders Wanted Tenders, whole , or separate, will be received by the Rev. J. Flahaven, Teeswater, until the 4th day of June. 1920, for alterations and additions to the Church of the Sacred Heart, Tees - water, Plans and specificatons may be had at the Parish House Teeswater, and also at the office of the architect, A. W. Holme:s, 10 Bloor St: E., Tor- onto. The lowest or any tender not necessary accepted. 20-5-100 -o-o-o--- DUNGANNON Tuesday May 18th Mr. Andrew Stewart is assisting Mr. A. Culbert in his new saw mill. Mr. Bishop, manger of the Sterling .bank ha„ purchased a Ford runabout. A car load of members of the Pres- byterian Church here went as dele- gates to the convention at'Rincardine on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. N. F. Whyard and little Bert left- last, -eek -for the West where Mrs. Whyard will visit with her par- ents for a couple of moiiths. -Miss Lowe returned to her home in London after spending a month's vacation with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) D. D. Douglas. • The Anglican church congregation are holding services in the Orange Hall while the church is, undergoing repairs. and improvements. The Dance Club will have a dance in the Hall on Friday of this week. 1 May 21. The Goderich 5 piece orchestra will be on hand. Dancing. frot9 il2.• u . ?C -SRF` .nt w r n Friday evening was splendid' success. The program given, by local talent was a rare treat. .After the program the boxes were sold -Chas. Elliott' acting as auctioner. Proceeds were about $ 60. and were for the local Women's Institue. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 76.00 rras-ett fam ily . --o•0-0--- Speak for the Lord every time you get a chance.. God will see to it that you do not run out of something to say it you undertake to tisk about His goodness. is