HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-05-13, Page 6V •
Used in Millions
of Tea -Pots Daily
Its Intrinsic goodness in Tea
Quality - makes it the most
Economical in Use • •
, 6677
loose ' board ,and brought up a large
old-fashioned cash -box of heavy wood
bound with iron,'w'ith a slot in the top
to drop the money in. It was locked.
"Where's the key?" rasped the man.
"We threw it away years
. ato,n"
moaned Mrs. Logan. '`Oh, go
-qhs man shook the heavy box, and
there was a sound of ..ehifting rains
and rustling paper. • • - -• .
"Stay there till morning," he com-
manded. , "11'yth `'the .bome x me rattling
brain, you."
un•:ier his arm he went quickly down
the stairs. . .• t•]iless
Richard' Logan. alrnost spec
wes still held tightly by his wife who
d to have doubled her strength
seeiu hnn from at-
. her .f frenzy to keep
tacking the man. who could have Was that the clay should start w I►ii eloiafi worth. The allied trt,c►ll�
handle -c1 him {L easily as a child. thought prayer, uuw to ilio 'Puckish c'apit,l} are the
•\ R' •]lasrc3 " she pleaded. `It
- SecureRare
What This Land Needs.
• t
Hope to
What this laud needa is more true
a , l'uu•
Hien, \ow, that allied troops occupy
strong. old, stalwart types tantlnople keen auticlpaatioui prevails
like inset lu
' H •Irishantiquarian circles at the
tohpQc,t u 20 King St. Was
f e then the manuscripts, says tt despatc, t. Toronto Office $
• I iP15
they were sent, it is hoped that tuai'u All toy i,ut;l' of t;
On growing luicuu'y =►cud itis bifii. , 1
,�c•i•il►ts• of 4unaeOse value to lih;tory . All toy baubles, of reds
1 is,owth•ei fortuut's fent with ta>lit. ; Are ,+,, uc►ihiu.:�" all
.'tool in re pure Mat:hoori t'roni 1 'will Ruthin. '1'hi� nolle i •suylJut ted by -the. l r, tori, t
f the discovery of priccip.«
When thorns came u ten r e 1
`- juvt'8t Your Motley
Interest pi1•r able half yearly.
The Great a Vamp Company.
That faced the warfare of 141e daty's i p
;t'CSe. � \\'lleli t`eCKiI(':i t11Nt the
this land' needs is `Ore ='a It s I'
straint � gold,
which Louis.
sent to the :SLI t1tt - Hia, Identity Disk.
at t'uitstentinople remain done up as ,
11 hr tuutid' ,fart , , now he k dead'.
• But }t '1 ! kre. round 1 )' �'''l`i
that ilk the sevi:nteenth ee tory, .lits
What thi
. 'land needs is inOrp'ulc1-t:rneutlt, j
Cloran piety �►hose•gentle eave 1+uAsadors, to the aultuji e•un:-.tautly re- jewel I wear.
;•h', ttuned with Greek menuscril►ts -of { itiv identity dish
was Pound eoVe,r 111r1'i•
Ma1rgati t l'l:1rlc(' ttue�P11. .
Of God as men knelt cic,tci;t 1i1 i'i''1: '. be gtrnrter:
Old -family prayers. old'lluman guides, first ehris•t.ian
•sotclicrs in
ilio fifteenth rc'tltllr
• ; o; u. beard !
hi -ns go now. Let hien' go;' They
e sound of the outer door banging.
1•, That strel:gtliett hearts throughout ed
'`The; tnone;r • All our , savin>;s. the clay, � ,
ed themt1fS�1Fronr v►ions, Iz�.
S.dtt. "Weplug it as we =',honor ;ind\beide•-be dead."� "� .•l:Ztilp ,other lies tsNo, no!•tle tSely. -Her grip en- him retaket: S.he, 'fiat this. T.it:a 'heeds i; lief `tltie•lush
had fainted.,.Forgilt and glare.
When, after bathing he.'rconscious-
ipso he .B oc!aIre honors,
dig the ditch
returning to 0
saw �$e was rete g
Hess,'he went downstail's and fastened . And more' clean 1,eetts to. lift n
the door. The robber was along way prayer'.
Wliat this land • neetilsi"' is' �C"hi'ii:tn 1'
off by -then. • • .
"He don't conte bark," said Airs. worth,
Lo an "He'll go• to a safe place With eouroge in true market pleee
Its To act with uld•tiYicnser*,
• And'lootGod ay.
the face.
Minard's Liniment.usetey Physicians. •
.,I see," said•' Mrs. Logan, steadily ee Mr: Logan pondered. , e. in ui,..••
•`n through iact week's • local i you won't* tinct it a dark night_
i uh ike where
r e right, an priseopenthe box,
plowing g •
newspaper,.. `'th, r1�'s ' ..been another •this• It's a tw isby '�vay, -anti y g Oh,
bar lary. down 1-iaonesbown Way," .I be sure to get lost. aJanet,-ciould we , He moaned.r pe red brokenly: A i -i ht!" .he! «his-
slyinggive this oor fP ov►one,
1,itt!e fir.' Logan 'gas back; p Lorci! All gone,' everything t;
dozing in his easy chair.' "find - Ie the night?''
ken there was several' burglaries in' ".Where can 1 ie sleep?'" asked. Mrs.
*lone What!"
n f aunt d ghaat. l l is wife s
res e ' i2 e.
Lurnon this est~week; came sleep- I Logan tarty, "We've only"He'll not find anything , in that box
p• •-
tiy . coict re under h she ce, -" h t trdon't t bedroom.•e said slow -
that .roti et•E3 'his face, :'but that don't � ': W e can iia hind up on the. couch but tin Co-op. checks and pieces of
here," said Mr. Logan. "We can' tissue paper, Richard,"
'affect us, do 'it?." ' ' +• b `'I got that nervous a week ago
"I was thinking --about all that; hardl • turn him out a night like this, 1y;with the burglaries round Han nes••
money, we got in'the box upstairs;" ' Janet:" ,
box myself
Hennes -
murmured his wife. "We've been. put- In the,ei d it was agreed he should tout; that I. openedi the
fitted m and
shillings .. a week,. take one i staff• the night" on a made-up bed in -with an old key
tingwee tan g front of,the kitchen fire. took all the gold and notes out. But
week w:t:i anotllear,� in that box furl ,•I shall go straight off and sleep I thoc-Rht you'd be vexed', so I put that
nearly tell Seaee now, and :t must be i for hours.. Gooci'r,:Kht, and God bless rubbish' in the box again and locked
well over tv; u hundred pounds, a u for yer kindness," said the sand- it and tried to persuade you to agree
ti; e'ti e. gut for our old age, Richard.' yer, , • : ' I'd'
iehai d snatched the handkerchief i erer:as as the' old couple. tramped up-� Allo, the money,
ol told ouiial actually &erre il.
R-` etaitee. + e.
fr(:i ' ?:i face and •set ring '. o, l.. "If you ain't the biggest fool _tell bank now,: Richard.
..I•n: fair sick u' hearing y'oa spear-'t��reatest blessing a plan can
ii•i'* about that money. - All the ,week ! earth, Richard Logan!' began Jane ""The .;
the inoinent she and 'her hushancl were. have is a wife What's just a hit clever-
you'we been getting �t m�• n.ci~. es, he . , Mr. Vegan
in their bedroom. "Asking a tramp- ger than himself, said
uhscrti ecu testily. h looking fellow 'to sleep here and down at the "Silver Sickle" next clay.
"tiYell, xe t' iti to • lane .'Seine all the district knows we keep money "And 1 thanks my lucky stars, boys,
eenoagh to-' put' in the bank; con-, ! as that's the 'way I'm fixed."
tin:r,ed 'sirs. Lc gen. "A lot of money in the house.'' Tile End.)
in such a lonely ,house . as iii+s,• arty 3 "Goodness, Janet!" exclaimed heal
l .�
c,ol us tyyo old folk here." - husband. ``He's a poor workin' mail." i -
"Janet, I don't ,tru-•t no banks: trot "Rixbbish''" snapped Janet "Hie!HER FADED, SHABBY
even the Pott Office:: ,,', Any 'of. 'em , hands, axe as - soft as a lady's. 1 nor- ` APPAREL DYED NEW
might • se, splash any minute, and i.ticecl em.•'
where would our hard-earned savings''. '`Going to see his poor wife in hos-
be? ` Bes!tles. waren we locked -that box 1 ri{al `• e -"continued• Mr.. Logan. uDtattlond, Dye 't Freshen Up
`•There. isn't iti hospital at Hannes-1 Old,Discarded Garments.
up ten •*'ears ago and • nes a ed en 1 ., ,
the key, we vowed we'd• peVer, open it: to n." he's made ay mistake: He i -
till I retired, nor we won't- either." looks as -honest a .can be," replied Don't wo: y about perfect results.
"It would, be safer in the bank. I �I gy t �Eo "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to
• tell you," Mrs. Logan said patient_'*..}. r; 'L,aan staunchly. "He's got the face of a ferret;" cbn give a new, rich, fadeless color to any
"It worrits me. trad'icterl his wife, "ar.d no hone%t whether. it be• Drool, silk, linen,
"Oh, forget it,Janet: [ ain't 'going.: man could sniff, as much tis he dote." , fabric,
to have that box opened xo put the "Even if he'e •after the money he cotton or lnix .d goods, --dresses,
blouses, stockings, skirts, ch:idren's•
coats, feathers, draperies, coverings—
money in risky bank for anybody . ,
If Aomeene -comes e-b,urglarin' here, t euldn t tin i it. Who'ii think of look -
.. • ank under- •--' ,
vou 1ea`'e it to me. 1 11 settle •him.
And nil-tilk,• be threw the handkerchief j "Hush!" -ejaculated •:firs. Logan►, ev r Dire1^tion' Boos with •tacit pack
over ii', fere aga'�t so as not to notice! "How rid you knoev he isn't, listening ? t
" the exert: slop of profound aeiuseot�•na 1 tvis . there was a lock''on this door. tge tells bow to diamond dye tver any
- 1 ''•,Tanet," said tr.. Logan, in long- color.
on h': wife's chubby face. a•
MDs. Lor it took up some stockings ' saffering tones, ' ,i you'd .knocked To math any material, have dealer
�t 1 about with mets as: much as I have, show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card.
avid began darnilir. Outside in the �, A
curliness t e wied came whistling over you'd -be able to read men's characters {
r i t`h,• same as 4 ran. Ah, 1. wish you Minute.
the bare, chantry side, and, the • ;
more brains." e
'Thy ft State
Now is Paint time
Brighten up the exterior and interior of your home.
all traces of Winter's dullness with
Hadn't Busted Yet.
gentleman recently en a visit to
London had been coin-issioned to buy
a b10 use at a. bargain sale which his
wife was unable to attend. The ,,task
was a novel one, but lie finally gut the
attention of a saleswoman.
"•I want to buy a blouse for a lady,"
lie said. • ,• \\
"What bust?"she asked.
He' glanced around with nervous ap-
prehension. • * -
••tVliy—er-1 didn't hea ,anything."
d tl wht-tie had I The Sp
corn r o the l as it tore itself on the ;„
corners of the lonely; house. The w'a'n; ,• "Go on,' -'-said Mrs. Logan. -You'll, Oh, what wi t vo with the minute
the gusty • rind out: your. mistake -some day.” { to spare—
ram jumped and rattled, ► Not another word ;vas exchanged,! The- gay little, stray little minute to
rain struck ' tlta panes like ;im-1 and Loth got lute bed in silence. I spare.— .
thongs, and now and again the shim- t ` Midnight idnight' came and event. The wind' That comes from the clime
Hey would vomit a short puff - of _,poke 1 etil'1 hooted ,round the h.,use, and the! Of old plenty of time,
into the ri," - ' -
"Richard," •begun Mrs. Logan. 1 K'inriok e - rattled in their.' frames as With never a worry or care'
. brenking the silence. •`.1 was Thinking; though they were alive. i
• Suddenly Mr. Logan was awakened! We'd better beware of the minute to
But Richard was morin;; ger tly afierce tugging at his arm. spare,
about that money. We mighta—a
ander his handkerchief. • 1 "Lister.. Richard. Can you hear any-' $ata -tat! Rat - The ,wee little, free little minute to
:t -tat! sounded loud -1 thing'?" whispered his wife hi ____,_ _spare,
.. , v-i:Pe: --- } and never refuse a
`"' "Yes, it.s the wind, said her part-
xnd the hancin(I cls of swirled to ihp ner dr wsi►y• "Be quiet." Cut her'; TItnetninute to use
floor.. fi ?" hand ii not fall away from his arm. That'sstoreys so ready some burden
"Who can it be this time o'nifit • Then ' a .board creakeci• loudly in the to bear.
said Mrs. Logan in 'an alarmed voice. i
"flow do T know?',,' growled • irix. room.. Mr.' Logan shot . upright, now
fully awake. Keep M}pard s Liniment in the house.
Lor .n. "W itho: it's tt burglar, he ,
addcd with grim hunter. He slip -slop -4 "Whets there?" he called.
ped in his extra large s'iupers across No answer. A Paris rag and bone dealer, who
fiobr and un fa •tenecl two ( T}:ere w is • a distinct squeak as bought. 100 tons of waterproof coats
She red-tiled,ach; though the stiff door -knob was being :
boc., a chain. and turning a latae, :.moved 'stealthily. Quietly Mr. Logan i at the sale of American war stores,
lock. he opened the door. "Who'sbed..!made a profit on their resale of $32,-
;,,,�.. (reached for the matches by the
therer''' l side and struck one. His 'wife gave a 000. -This sfim he invested in further
$32, -
,"Could yer tell me if I'm on the,
right way to Hannestown'" wined al shriek. The dark figure of a man, purchases, which on being sold have.
voice. "I've been walk•:ng round for backed by leaping' grotesque shadows,reaiieed for him a- fortune of about
...hours..an,l L ;eiunno whl�te�,-t-«--ge.'' w:was crou:aa ung.. • y the --.door. M n' A-• p 0pf)
''You're a good' twelve mile: off,'' Levan put the mata candle. The
replied' Logan. "And this ain't the titan swung sharply round. 1
right road either." - t "What brings you here?" quavered BOB LOP°
' "Could yer tell of anywhere: round - Mr. Legatn. trying to spring out of i
• here 1 Oeuld put up for the night? , led. "Let me -go, Janet.'
I'm almost exhausted."• The:r•.vi.sitor"-f -the evening stared $ Usi�llf!i
Mr:. Logan.. had risen at thi .cn•1 them brazrnly. "if you wants to
�`� ���, OVei
e..,- esten:ng intently. ; know." he :sift clearly, "I'm after that _OYelrays & Shirts'Therc•'4 re) hlgnkirf' hotels round money." e
"Let 'pie go," shouted . Mr. Logan . +��.•
here. ,said Mr. Logan, wht, was l,e•! ,� tic►htly
ccnt;rsg cold aid wet staed'n; at the to his Wife. who was clinging
door. "You can gime 'n for a rest to him. "I'H• tee .to this ungrateful'
• F , ,. :r•, .- .. 1;1-„ 1 v.—retch." ilii' ,he '1i(1 'not loose her
r.” ^ . Ate' + •eller held - ti • • got r y
••Tit:�r.',: ear." the r^'some , m ►ne
F hot•; y(,',, "
1•ti l''[1'' ; i11�" th•� house. tic won- r'� h� rc• .. ,said the Haan. "I heard them
sF►t:( r(r:l r., they were so ¢oc ,i this lost rave
[ (':(111. ;,� �,l':,y-r
,ti r::,r ` ,1 r,t. , i 'intent{4(1: to clo it }peaceful,
"Ler', 1•`ri'.t,are 'R'Ct,1�l` I1(1 � �liti! y. .i;.tj ��''fC of •j'ULirS has leer Cary
1.rie•::r.. • S t you doer.-: 'tl _t , on: I.: • ..urs s leer a as
i c„In iin,i'. a. Lit of food an•! a hot rocked nil the time.
, well tell yer I'm gong to have it,
dr:rk,"�. Lair rnc''tr' or tool. , Now where is
'•'Thartri ser, mutr,, �,►i'1 the man ,
i i:''' • Ile advanced threatening,; .
humbly.. �' 'cried the
� c. it .ttn't got ainy.
•• -What i,rin>x, you •out this time 'n I'P9o'r•.terri{i1�r1 Mr-. i.ogan• .
t" Weft" a i'i the _man,an"I' whlked 1 `'1 .knowyt, i 1 1):0.0. n 'Why, fI rheard
l ,� :1l 'Lard In yo+', V lee! n ,r you
hen: t. ,r inn. 1 c Wife's.
cot. into .l,ol(, :- ,. � • ' n,►l,ocly count fin•1
'ea-c•�,.rai at fiiltnne�t�►vin, • and I it ()ut with it 't.�rk or �clmel►r,cly',
eoii'c.n't afford the railway fare. so [
••gin:ni; t11 yet 1�il:t' .11,'' lie tnyiC'1' hrut-
lSPt.• ant to tt':111:: I" O,r t1:1y 5 I've been att;t ; I '�
it, ?ti'I th s 111 • day'1 meant tn.' ; '•f. in,- -�. 4;pf,a}� :hl� � „mall,
rl t.t it l(G lT a�'AA ll!1•r•rtrlill (•i1in fit . ..it'll, :011 !''e -g (:'lillR131.i1(i( 1 lisr
1 luU''.tl mlir'if ih thi-part. of �"i}! • '1, 1 .'.. . l'.,''t`:(•ti'l� :I>
t 1 71
-Nee. e ,se 1, e it ,,1 pier-
,,�ric.,a1. :and h:� clothes
1 ;t1 lepra i tt+;l::,4' al"^at it down the pub .before
•i,• r'►'1•'
1•,,`i1�'rti, :lii�l .1 �V';1( t. , a•a• ,'' C1�!. �'' -Hell
aAc this 1i:,}l•• FO i r:uu(' ►'_
( }(; :. Oh. ,,;,•1.�yn1 re, 7.•f,•1 sir'.
,('i . i►, a1 :► . „ t 1 . . ,I1r rai t-
• •t ' - Y.,,t,'•• t• bad a 1,(,(,l t;nt
.l Ill' tti.ci_� , l'a1Lr'-'r16' :. `., tile •
. 'IA ••• :air}Let— til•
1 , • of 1 •
1.,,r ',1
•I sup, " e
,the ugh • ,
o-:r,i, , •
i1. 1•(.,iti •
1.... tS`1 ,., , t' ' t, •-.;, r t ho
• "..,,r .•t1 .11 a•i'•1''t•r ,'•r, wail-
' ;i 1:,' c' . 9\1ie mar;
1,. n ) a,t' 'i. ,
itt' tfitlly. • "1i`'tet,{:- • -i :
to i[onre:to v•N .
y Appear At Your, '
Best—InstantlyIf • you receive a sudden'
carter or an unexpected in.
vitation you can feel con-
fident of always appearing
at your best. In but a few
moments it renders to your
tilskin a wonderfully pure.
soft complexion that is
beyond comparison.
s • a
V r'•
G o u. r a► u;d 's
Oriental Cream
FERD.T. HOPKiNSit, SON.M,„,t, ,•.:l
Bulk Carlots
A A,
"The right Paint to faint right.""
r• ' 1
mn111 N►nulNw uuuN/1►1111111111Uwlu!JONniell►we1N/Yl11Qe11110111t!
Have Your Cleaning
Done by Experts
Clothing household draperies, linen anti delicate
fabrics can- be cleaned and made to look' as fresh
and bright as when first bought.
Cleaning and Dyeing
Is Properly Done,. at Parker's
It makes ne difference• where you live; parcels can be
sent in by mall or express. The same care and a!ten-
tion is gives the work as though you hived in town:
We will be pleased to advise you -on any question
regarding Cleaning or Dyeing. WRITE U8.
Parkers DyeWorks timed
�f�e and
R ave 't�v»Sad, p��°�
loAx sa
Your Roof
— roof is an important item—it "makes" or "mars"
the whole structure. In shingle-roofed•houses it is
even more necessary to see that it is in good regular
repair, because once a roof commences to decay a general
deterioration of house -value is the inuntdiate result.
To ensure a perlkanent durability, as well as an added
appearance, use
Shingle Stain
either as a Mixture in which, shingles -are dipped or .is a
stain to apply to the completed roof.
-- It' comes in all colors, .and gives a tough, durable
"seasoning," besides contributing largely to the artistic
effect of -your home. , l
Like every other B-H product, Cif- B-H Shingle Stan is
first choice among people who know good paint.
Lc,,dk Jar the l3-11 dealer in your terri'ory--fhc B-11 Sign
- hangs outside hi:: store,
• •
Bob Lona Says:--
eetryY 7 +-71111A anti sl:irte at, t"aly
pnronl1OTe%,hi.. and maria e.N•
eta/ for farmers, 1 d's1Knri
thrttl with thr Mee rant yin, might
wont to 11rr,•tcb rsur arms and
legs ocalaiaaully,
r +` .
11- •
TOP qualfl
t hr �
twill. oat,ear any other make of
(;Io a on the market, becsu•n
thef are 'made by ski{Ird St1,rt!-
men from the stroneel,t glove
leather obtainable.
in silt int-fettial •lob 1.0wd
NTsotie from your desks ---
they' will .etc ,ou :money
R. G. LONG & Co.; Limits'd
Winnirea TORONTO Montleat
Known from (%pest,ttl (,oaet49
.., :.,! •.t .•'t ra_tlthl f004Qw1 JM VAMCOUV-i1,
f y..