HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-05-13, Page 4• to incorporated in Mei r CAI'I'1'At AND RESERVE $9,000,00(1 r - Over -120 Branches THE 1YIOLSONS BANK Business Set vice Many of our cu strutters who started in a small wa), have now a well established business through the ass- istance and co-operation of this Bank over a period of Years. .....•, ... Open an account in this Bank -where your interests will be faithfully looked after by experienced officers. The Manager is always accessible. . T. S. REID, ' MANAGER, LUCKNOEW BRANCH • J ^f • -.i • • r I. ,,C. Trac.tors....& E n gi n es DEERING Drills, Cultivators & Harrows Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions and Water Bowls FROST Gates, Fence & Nog Wire New Williams Sewing Machines Gourlay, Winter and Leeming Pianos For Sale b j W. G.= ANDREW, - LUCKNOW. �f CREAM WANThD —BY— tte Seaforth Creamery Co. We solicit your patronage yid guarantee you entire sat- isfaction. Our prices are always the 4tthest. Our Testing done accurate• Iy by experts. Our service and payments are prompt Write a card to -day for ;1a lta Prices were never -as high as at present and still soar - int higher. A card will bring you cans so the next train from us. !he Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth. Ont 14 Elltll�ttS /lfft(1Ei1 CARE... JOHN St'THKltt.ANI► & SONS. Ltd., liuelph, Ont.. insurance. Fire and Marine.. I. O. 0: F. Lucknow 1•aigc nee ets every Mtrida) evening at 8 t1't'lock in their Hall, t.sink bell *trout. All brethren cordially invite.:. Officers: Noble ta•au.l, ltohot t Fisher Vice ti and: J. 1.1,1111atyt; Rec. Sec., A: 11 •ltoyd; Niu..Secy., 111. i'atetsun: '1'reae:tirer. Alex. Russ. A. F. & A. M .-O. R C. Old Light Lodge meet,. every Thursday night on or before th© nil: u►oott, in the Masonic Hall. Havelock ,street Lucknow. W. .\1., 1•'. e. t.inde.ay; S. W. 1l• 11cOuirc: J. W.. Jas. tioylc; Secy.. A ,t. W i tson. GET THE BEST.—When you 'take out life insurance I•et a policy in Cu. Sun Life of Canada, the biggest the Dominion,. and a company whose record Canadians are proud of See Geo. II. Snaith, local agent, foi particulars. VICTORY BONDS bought and sold .Also farm lands and village property Money to loan on .1st: and 2nd mort gages at current rates of 'interest. In sur•:.r.ee, e', rit'o;;: n!.•.!rg, etc. J.►,;pl. Agnew, Notary Public, :Min Block, Lucknow, Ont. FRAUD DIDN'T PAY A case which bas awakened a great deal - of interest was heard .in The Double Track Route I Police Court at Owen Sound last week , when Mauric Collett' was ssrn gag charged with making false state - MONTREAL, TOR 0 NTO, Men and false representations in DETROIT and CH AGO ad rtising a sale. of merchandise d was fined $100..Cohen cable to .:. ri4 c {pie--vf--weeks from Listowel, says The Sun -Times 1 advertised" • a $15,041 stack 'far_ e by merchandise adjusters (him- self and son). Among other things advertised were.ladies . Iisle stock- ings. ,A local an purchased three %pair of these and they were submitt- _1Lozarc.11et J..D.iz lag Sleeping cars on .night trains and parlor- .- improrr-prtiretpatitay Tal ns- Full information horst any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. :forming, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. , A. W. H AM1LTOi1i •c•il as. evidence. They proved- to , be G.T R. Agent, Lucknow: • Ph,,ne,2:, plain, ' arid ' very. ordinary cotton. { They were advertised at 3 pair for $1:00,•regularly 75c. a pair. Boots which were advertised as worth .$7..50 a pair and selling • for $:3:95 were shown _ to _ be wortli nut ntnr" than. $400 Other goods were 'found to be equally shoddy. Cohen has a sten( in Toronto and some time ago b•,uttht a'bankrlpt stock in Ham- ilton; This he shipped to Kitchener where he started sale proceedings similar to those in Owen Sound. A- hnut $4,700 worth of goods went to Listowel. Where another. store was eiseied,., After busiee- s fell off th' re.• little thing, a very little thng, and yet } the stuf that .was left, about ' THANK' YOU We were astonished some little time ago at reading that the management of a certain chain of stores extending. all over this continent , had issued instructions to its clerks that when- evgr a customer purchased an article in one of their stores the clerk who took the order was to thank the cus- tomer for that order. It was only a . this filen decided- that it •wvulel mean'}-i511,nritt worth, w:,:: yet t +in to (7*t•ii pleased customers and ,greater bus- Sound. !Business wars just heginr:ing • assns . And as we thought It over our I to boom here when tee Retail Mer - mind recalled some illuetrations.twhich chants Bureau c,f tet• .Beard of trade tnvesigated .and lard - the informa- emphasised the value Of this action. tion on wiiir'h the *e hargeway based. We. resnerAberer stores which we had t mentally blacklisted' simply because • the clerk had no time to be civil, where we have been made to feel that it was a great condescension .for him (or her) even to wait up%►n las, anti hag'' a t• r'u r.'•y' t( -stray frena t'' - our ideas as to the' kind of 'goods we i paths e f. 't� e trith : putting their • till! Litttknow OFtt1ilti' l 1'ul'li 1n'•1 e's et) moi /►11►K �►t I.u. kuu►r. 4 1u. d 1). AIA('kb NZt) .. Ipso ►rletor and £direr. ' - THURSDAY %IAV filth 020 Till Eli') WHICH FAILED T �� il► •gd errii1;d of' any kind, • . (rent the tliilllii•lpal council ti the n:► tions!, parliament, which votes itself an increase of pay runs the risk of being • thoti grabbing and selfish. They are • '‘`oting other people,s money into their own pockets, and that is the feature of the transaction which most forcibly strikes thew- other , people. To' most of "the- other people" in L Ontario it was a surprise to see' the 1uovcinent for 'greater indemnity, or higher salary, to the members •of the Legislature' receive such hearty. sup- port. The surprise was all the great - .e> because.the. fainter aliment.:. 4.sup- posed' to - represent sobriety and ec- onomy) is 'so strong in' the house. That fact seems to have made no u! lsapnot aril Tuotuts atom. In11u1' uasa.1daa tees eq; Jo £uvpj •aauaxajitp thier° demand for bigger sessional :indemnity. And the proposed jump was not fo be a little one -a jump from fourteen hundred to twenty-five hundred:. dollars. Evidently represen- tation was to be put upon a strictly business bass. A „ Map of the Dominion of Canada Farmer Sun, which gen-. indicaing Natural Resources, Tran- Even-thee•rally putt a_ fair construction, upon sportation and Trade Routes," scale the'action 'f members appear to have 1. 100 miles to the inch,'has just been been suint what disgusted acid says published by -,the Department of the that "Malay, of thein (the tne•nlbrrs) Interior. t'.h .u. included) fought more bitter- ly to 'gai►1• it. than. they had fought, for any • other 'purpos sifter' th" ses- sion started." \ YoulI get good satisfaction out 1,74.11 this GOLD Itoci" For Sale at Firs .. _ t� (, 11.,!.1 ..* \:wll,lar;:i,,,ht,, ...i�.l.:i t,;tli .i..rf�;t 4 - ('L T) 1\1iTC4\L., r, r L. st f:r' ( \"t'Iy 1'ar1:Ic. T. Faso of mot:on IiPcl Nverk are the rule \•.):it'll'1:1C •' GOLI 1� ,11".'s t���:,�because of ti c:ir ri;;ht eollstru::tit:.:a-. •�.i+�..`•orrTit �:i>;'i hey;'. !.1 • 1;.:. th. r:1.1:)1\ ;•'1, 1 . `1 . " iinc,•, :'lrati•�;•. cl;l;y t !s Sit( .•1:l F'good ::I .r- 111'1:�i :iu lit • A 11 : cn s Leh' r" ari4is • Upon "`G 0L L1 l l _ !Ix vest Tools Class Hardware Stores A NEW RESOURCE MAW. OF CANADA On tela "Alae Vartieties of mineral, • agedultural and fishery resoureea, and the timber and fur in general are Premier 'Drury showed greater wis- printed in red lettering,jn their prop- doin than many of :his followers and er locations. The sites of important took a firm stand against the increase. water powers, developed and unde,vel- He thought it would be well to at -oped are indicated, and the lines of !east put. off consideration of an in- all railroads completed up to date are Tease until the next session. clearly defined.' !lad, the raid been successful—Pie- The resources shown on the map 'trier Drury and his U.F.O.•followers extend from "whales" near Herschel joining in it -a deep impression would island in the Arctic to ""salt" at the southern toe of the Ontario penin- sula, and from .the "White .Whales!' of Ungava -bay to the fruit lands near Victoria, B.C. An important inset contains 5 circular diagrams, show- ing the comparative contributions of each province to field crops, commer- cial timber, developed water power, fisheries and minerals. A sixth ilia - gram displays the proportion of the total exports filled in 1918 by menu factures and by the five great classes of Natural. Resources severally. The thorough reliabilty of this mall is shown by the caution which ignores probabilities however promising, The -trader, rinvestor manufacturer and ec- •ecomc studentwill read- the neap as an,"open book; its appearance is time - when demand is abnormal and enlarg- ed production a necessity. • The map can be obtaned free of cost On application to The Suprein 1 tendent, Natural Resources Intelli- gence Branch, Department of they •• Interior, Interior, Ottawa. have been made upon the public that, after all, the Farmers Party was quite as selfish and grabbing as any .of its predecessors in former. . ARE YOU DEPENDABLE Young man, one .of the greatest as- sets you can have is dependability. When a man finds skill and depend- ability he is. ,tt ailing to pay a just price -for it. You maylthink to the contrary, but the chances are that you are weak in ,Ine quality or'another if you cannot contantla. living wage. Every busy • man' is looking •for the . dependable assistant. •' When your employer.asks• a certain thing o you, and you attend to it promptly and efficiently ybu have ' in - Teased your .employer's respect for you. But if the man over you mutt keep .ah ,,n every thing he leaves in your harge you place yoursei on a • weak hoard.._whit•h is going to droll some y. - Woulil your quality of work be .vurth •%'flat you think you should get if you were the man who had . to pay the *Is?. Instead of being 'one of the -bleat nit.. :d'attin;.r sheep use :your' head -.and our sense id*. justice, and with •an un- •,iased mind set to cork t, make yuur- lrlf weerthe , instead •.uf berating employers and the t ntes,ptit the blit roscupt• on- your 'Tr-qualiitkflt'ons and be* •Meana There.. are two sides to 'every tluee- You.are n,t 'honest if you are afraid :tees: at either side. --Selected • o -o -o MIO N E the possession of money covers a multitude of faults. It mak:•, Ittie :!1'' .%1.1. 1�1\'11S `: IJl, 1i1\ \\e i\t;' • t\ 1 Irl( 1:. '111IS IS ..1.11.1t; Ti�I'r. 1'(► 111 .1. %% !Lt.!' 11'1': 11.1%.F. ON 11.1,N1) :1111: 1l1 ('11 !'111: �i'P:It 'THAN �\ 11•' \\ I: 11OL'(.Il't' NOV.' WE HAVE TAI'ESTRY RUGS, ('ON(.O1.Et' VI RUGS,- GRASS Itt'(iS IN ALL SiZES. �r LINEOLFt'NsTEI.T'I'1•:x, 1'EI.'1'01. .tNI) 011. ('I.OTHS IN GOOD PATTERNS. 'LADIES PULLOVERS iN ALL SIZES AND SHA-_. DES HA-_- DES @ $ 1.50 T 0 $6.00 LADIES ('REI l)E('llINE WAISTS IN BEST SiIADl•:Si• :. I.al)IES VOiLE ' WAIST`'I\ ,WHITE iN IiES'i' S'1'l'1.1•:S. LADIES SI'iU NC ('OATS IN TwEE1l form. $ 17.00' UP. CURTAIN S('R1Mlfi IN I'I..tIN .\Nl► WITH 1NS1•'h- TIONS FROM 50c TO 90c I'ER YARD. m. Connell ARE YOU TRYING 7'() ('I.IIIst' Are you trying to climb xfhere the chosen are. Where the feet of nen are few" prominent Minister Endorses Hacking's heart and Nerve Remedy Was almost -a Nervous 1Vr., ewes fri'Tn t)t•e'rtitt►rk; 11ti.-s»' 1- 7• grad the story to . r t'earic h1:;' Old little-NW:1;r anti % lt.11- 3 Creat.. Medi, iii.•, Ili.] illi.':• lent r: , 'will be.. paid : to anyone.. . i ► c►c� , in e':� �Ii ne.. who can prove 4hat the issuers 8r.' let's .• • T:ie r:ante or Minister velli be:given to aftyt,rle t: hu cluuats tile':a.' ' 1: nuible st.i.t':nisi rt nlark,t!►IN / lie'n' Is Letter Ntttr,ller One... "Ple.trc' ,send tees one box of 11.1r'NIN( S 1lt:,1RT ate! Ni:R'VF•. T:1'1t- FhY. 1 am r'tfierinr from a llild :tt.l,:ick sue! hate been quintile to tits my Do you 'long for "a JUL) that is worth p':!Pit for tern• months,' doctors sae' that it n►:l% 1s'• is 1noiltii• (le noire I.'. . - one'svt•hile ?" fere 1 em well rignin. I used to lie ,'h1e• to hold ;fl lar •e e ► ••r ' •• I start to finish, now, I raft scarcely' hold my own t:icitig lli•e. ►~ a is'`'le►n lruty . Well,hcvc•'s My • Heart..Action is bad and 1 am sills est•► tc) 1' t° •a-thuugIIt for you; • and am very drs;►e►n►lent. 1 hope that your remelt . wall,. 4:, n.e•.•.1)T� '' �`. The Bots of gold at the rainbow's end' We. Lent on the ei:(''itos of Ilackirg's heart and Nei‘.- I:e'nletlr :lit Are sought _hy this tenting mob, 11 days later we ri'cciv, this letter. t But the fairies who guard them . . Letter •Ntjniher Top. choose as friend •_ "T—'T 't • •.. The mien who 1 v ' 'e" send m r I)o , of 11ar1: arae', . e t N , u ea his lobs hav' ^ rent ..tee et lie ..rt .. 11t.•1 .. , 1 I a• t .i the hc►x :von >:e 'r :t»d t • • head d is .• 1 t•• I tll,lc it ?.. :err 't•e�- It''llee.l i:le' My e. t 'I ,►t• r ;and' the p;rin tttat, has- f'd'.•w.',1 No matter what grip of 'hand he has- s••riut►n:e 1:a:: 1►ret1. •gr •..qtly r''lie,rrd 14114 i f '' i' ''' , ' n •ort Toy Now, poor or strong his brain, 'will •:.4 sail l,.' 1' sl,►1','11 .t t) illy old -1 l ifs 1, ' t i as l i�' is ;l 1'�e • t e't ;•1 T:1 21j 1 t;•: . 1 ate so There's .always a place for the man of it to some :red with the' to;;( 4 ;.;.: e,f year re; ,, :ti 111 t I :Ire :;tyle ort who loves ' t:ty friends.— . v 9 His .work ti;th might and main,. No'•7 comer the, proof in leiter non:! • r tl•r, es- a tit . • . ': .,� Letter N=;softer file:• Does he. dig a ditch, or blaze a trail, "lf;t*t••4• t1c4.i your 0' .1 1 1, Where the dept ;:eels or riven may i. 11/ .N a ••1:, i \e•t1r.t' t1.e`t:l:e (\ • r t� ,e ,• l( 't :F+' a ? a 11t:1o1, ' e`•t tl. I►re a:, .3•'1► e) : ' h run ., ..., ►ue•I.; ie.. 1 1 .• . .� . :w a 'e �.► r. difference who has it or how it cam . ,�. . ,1,,, 1, , l':-. •.l., 1 1 I : t,; ,. a ices:- ,et .y..•,, No sleet t,f earth �1 t uses• ile.:eLielie•:. tall shoulder hint' ' 1 1 tT:,. •1 ., t; .. I'' t r• 1 .er.att.e:l t,r t:l�� �• erne 1. , ' ' From his psis:': cut. out in .'1n.d.l�'. :1\ 'e•'e! .,:e1:..1e.i1 ,.,.y. �.'�,..,,,.•� •. tthe son. let ttie•'1---thanks t,, line ti's or .e r • T t• rising! ►. ata ' :1I1. l , l' . , ,.• ll!e:eel ter •:h• ',utteringrvoie. ' „I t •• ;t•'•ei t.►. Ti ate t., :1, .,onti,lt e,..:-.1, •i .,,t, t 1 'r '.►1.114.' a':'1 1.`,. , • .. t• 1 , i.. tete rr.•,,;•, ;Ir'• tri:.• ,r , .t " into the"' hanzis of the; 'holder; i•t is a passport t to ►1ee,cietS—even into. the circles which affect to be -'elect. 'T,his 1 •' ' v. is':sill.wrung and contrary to the It isn't the kick, it's .not the pull. genius • Of Canadian: visit•, heir! that That brings the strun pian „lit;' character is all -sufficient, a giltirnG•e But it's long-time work,, and ifs all- " t l i 11 k t a 1' `the. of resT,t, y'Ti be sure nit,nt•} rider: will, erste. 1 theme, •t •tune 1 t •• t torr tntrnt�oTl of ft:E�taiT- Ag: ertahiltt' Te' s . sUCtatl•en .t', prosecute ad�.•rtier; icy nes means depreciates o.• ref) >! And thew cheerful it Yr7t` it re* llrf,lif`n tl' ','Tl .tl !• �- o h � heart tend .. t, who el t stark to'the Leath :► their roan of his .e tut. p►:r nett• >,•, t!1'tt a •.i� t►t► ' :' " ' '; t t it good lu;alities (.•stair I � t,•,•, tot„•, ., • , t • , yourself? 1►t► yeti to” sere 40 art 1VIA lei \(.'ti, I'rte e,. ' a sa:ate.ry .'Test on any others Who' ' r:t•b into their w,cety and greet grasses want ,tt, win . all .;, ai►•,s or !,v rat 1 ' 4,,, 1, 4 ' . • r • y I;1,�il:hi' t` ii) a 1 :' . •e �t '1 4'f li ,. advertrnte este. Tec• rzatsee wi!1 have , adds, nothing and tedse �'•`�►', take lets flare }'hN• faith" in '►1e1'•rttil i:l,t►r,'t.',,., wanted were brushed aside without god before he public. I • any ceremony as not worthy 'of a 1 --,iliorrient's attention.' A•nd'we renreeiii -- ber bow we had left thtat(store with a �oslltlt�o a�� firm determination •never to tinter it' �tC�i again. And as We contrasted. that I� BENEFITS clerk's behaviou\r with that! • of tee '1:.••r•. t- toot a !v.1.1t• re-c,-e►tl Icourteous clerk who wa3"So patiert, , • KI, j'},. : girt,:ild (1t'::'. yeeret'1f • 4,.a good-natur'•�tl, said : s�, �ttt xicx.: i t i,i . ?he 1,., !,•e h t a s If I1 please tat we re urn: asta 1 tl•- and again just because we were treat- , CO n ed. so well, we said, "assuredly court- IH u t S i 011 esy pays." It has an actual value in I -- _ r I,egter 'ttlalt alet,he.lie' dollars and cents. And ''e did not I 'tonics .or lrtedic'*14t;!•, t:Very wonder 'so much that an enterprising drop of Scott's etrrltrit,lltes Ifir-ln decided to have its- employees tO strength and better ►ettelr tteatttl. ieurn how to say "Thank yoa." , eimir• •�� , • _ , ;ti Ilse, .it,� i.itui,e, .i, E 1 �;m;,1y h.•capse they are ricin ,ruse turn" 1, your .heart tor' .au,•t•t•.s.:et►,r•,h'* tt,r` e+t,:d s` bolder to :h.. rt::,pet(•::tele ' There'x just ;t,nr: thing that 't:en, hrin►• yoti in 1 With the winner- 11It1'(ae: 1/",h:(:f 1i f•:NT TO e brae's 'LOVE }`t►1.'1;. _ . ,_ w+ll he• 1tR etc Irtlett' __..... � r, t with hit" • t,';nr only }r...suite they art ptel r, ere "penial in th"r►re1 • •~R reef A''e• 1 en 'utter 'awe of ape! , iljire t f • that which .y 1$ 4t' iii} i,e,r r•,.,•rr`e,n l,Jr7:et7:t}. 1n trips niOtl:•� v:nr�ship: i• ii' rigs. 4:h. t;ar <h',uld d;4' oureve • !. '1•, :,t.''. 1 M r . i. 1. w,r ser - - ,f - W . ;,- � arra h r 11 year..-,.r•;.,.j St.,.,. � 7 r.••: .f • 1\'Ititharn P1:!,l,c 1..�,rar•. ►.a re•- ' •1 t1':e• to, '.4074, .0741 Mr. 1► •'l... y 11 •.'►4e• 1 :1. l,••,:►, ap►1,0,Irlty;-d to:\t:.e• f,., . li'.,''l, ' �1r. til ,r tor:• ,.►ght ha. l,••.•r, fai'eng of late and rr,.:• iw, :the rt'ar,',n 1''► h . ►' •, • ',r. KEEP IT SWEET Keep your stoma( I� sv;,• t I today arid ward off ter. ' � Of- orm' w t; y IU.pI°'Uwthe new aid to digestion., As pleasant and as safe. to' take as .candy. MAO( •r icor? • •owwa etAR[IR! Or Scot"r's Emu. "tor. )4. lie's 1t P.-lltlt(:.1 N,�!r I.. t) '' , ; , ttnncnincell. gilt' rt`l.:1me rat «:li 1 .' A meeting of Broil, flaunts officer, t•t�at!'t'seKl of. tour re►►nlrt;;i,,: t• t wits 'held recently at Walkerton'forl headgitnr'ters et 11':1:hereei, twit it},� 1•+11' I''irp►e►vd of a %. iarteen and a:n• ardine: ,reurgani.r4': the 1 :1, :1 e. ► .. oi, f;,. '►' Z•eq l►" T1 `sell 1 . t , t' :':slit .�► ell .,',• F,fe!t. iry ,i.,., p.,,,.. i1`1j`e 1 • a'�it11 T1. • • • t 1 41„ 1 .3414141:t r :Ic t'le',•y trill nisi Fpr` Bili: t•► Kremer -ton, Major Ile rdt ,ro►t; (pill,! 't';,t'?. Klein, .it�ut�. :irtnlev, i e ►''''1e, crone'. and Nieh,ll. •r 11ajt►r I':rienit'1'1,•,I1, ,tt'ho is to cob` man.) this new revile/lite is a k111- t,:erdi►„r Th. farmer MI6 s• w !1 service 11•'4 an.•.•.• '1 hr, .iii:t of those tvh,► e, ter • t.tiirerl 11r•t 1(.1:1 were: i : t i' a !' '"► t i l :rl `� ��I 't elest•e1lt,'• • •Int11r" "':l l le}I the 11'rtsI/tter, •• . tilt a little time tt► lhir,k rill: dillies over?" "Certainly, replied the •rale :istrate. .,�•i\ .mcltlth." • e.