HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-05-13, Page 2•
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Cord or
The object of this department Is to placer at the stir.
Vito of our farm readers the advice of an acknowledged
authority on all' subjects pertaining to soles and crops.
Address all questions to Professor Henry G. Bell, In
sore of The Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, Toro's.
to, and answers will appear in this column in the•order
in which they are received. When writing kindly men;
tion this paper. As space is limited it is advisable where
Immediate reply Is necessary that a stamped and ad•
dressed envelope be enclosed with the question, when
/the answer will be mailed direct ..
Economy is a savings bank
into which men drop pennies
and get dollars in rtturn.
The economy of Partridge
Tires is in their durability.
�By giving long service they
save new tire costs, and
their dependable wearing
qualities eliminate the
expense of repairs.
E. 113.:-1 have fit a acres of rape 1.1=inch drill should not work equally
which I pastured last fall. I would as well as others in the various types
like to knew* if it would produce seed of Ail. Indeed -it -should draw lighter
this summer, and 'what is. the average (than the -closer drill. J
yield per acre. Please • give nm- in- M. R.:—How would soy beans d o
fornr.ation on handling it in., harvest_ sow alone, or do they haveto be
time. • planted in the samehill as the corn?
Answer:—The rape'crop.11s sown in I have read sotnething about their use.
Canada is an annual, arid..on1, •. in. ,ex-, for ,hay,. : A.re ,they► cut , in ,green stats ..
reptional ,. ul it x:la`p edistt • : ;l•iv , .and if ,so• mill they. heart' and spoil? ,
through so •as to produce seed the 1 Answer:—Soy beans can be grown
-following summer.: • The average alone very successfully.. I have seen
yield of seed where 'the plants (10 live them on various farms grown in rows
•through winter is .approximately 30 about 24 inches apart. They.were al -
bushels per acre. Whether or not it• lowed to go into flower, and to form
will be profioable depends entirely buds which 'mature up to the .dough
upon. the yield of seed. The only. stage of the seed. When this was
points to observe in 'harvesting would reached. the plants were cut and cored
be to see that the steel pods are fairly
well ripened and thresh the plants as
soon as they are sufficiently dry. The
seed ' will readily 'separate .from . tie
seed pods. ,
B. N. V. —Will you please advise
me what you consider the best way
for a boy to begin with poultry? I have ten dollars that I want .to invest
in a little business for myself. POffk-N
Answer:—Would advise you to pur-
as hay. They made excellent feed be-
cause they were -rich in protein. if
'they are properly handled before .be-
ing taken out of the field they .should
dry sufficiently so that they will not
heat and .spoil. •
Now for the glorious out-of-doors in your
car. Don't forget tha.t our
No Knocks Gas Saver
chase a dozen chicks two'. or three
Shade and fresh water are two lit- tt. ' will add greatly to your comfort and pleasure
weeks old from someone who is hatch- tie things that coat nothing, but •'yip— by knooking out the knocks, while saving
ins chickens from pure bred stuck. you 26% to 85% of your g'as cost,
assist in growing chicks that will ill s 'tenth out front four to six feet from to the v::riOUS buck. or sprays about
Any of the standard breeds. such as mature .into profit -layers, and it is Hundreds of measured tests. by our ens -
Barred Rock, Leghorn, Orpington, A P 'tomera show the above saving, generally' 5 to the wall. ',The eine, of the' wire tali t.i,r inc'lies front the e:id,' of the
etc., 'should prove satisfactory. A curious how many folks neglect them. ,6►� miles extra to the gallon of gars. be attached`to a stroi:r; strip of wood °rage. The ends of •ribbon fall it,
We grew one hatch of chicks in a • �; t Sold through agents, or the trade, or direct which is fastened tti tht� wall between ulte•;1'xal Iengt.hs. Make a'shower of
small house x 7 feet will accommo- y ago ' flowers by of ts�chin' sin
date this numE r of chickens. Buying bar(y lot several ears and found ' it ho agent is your town. two window -frames, and about .wren single Idosed'nis
that those that had 'ween. kept in the ♦ f feet from • the floor. ' Wreathing of .to he riuiiai:'3 at .rar1 itr� di t••nces
chicks at this time they should be PRICE $15.00 INSTALLED �•
laying -late ,in .'.Fall, and with- care berry patch and in the•orl:hard where lycopodium (ground '1 h1st' is rasilti' dull;` l.v loo iln r the rel, •
A Agents and dealers write for who,e„a:e Pins) or smallIii
shade was plentiful made the quickest +!!� S 'r he hemlock 'sprigs is then 'cut 'nto suit- 1'°'r" around the .telt- 'ini�alling here
should continue to lay all Winter, and most ecoruiilical Rainy rind •nlatar•- •' '•' prices, testimonials, etc. and there with a little how -knot. A -
ii atilt length:;!and the leut,th�.are tied
bringing you in eggs when then are ed into better adults than those grown Made and Guaranteed in Canada by tut;ethe, at one enol and attached to flutl'y bc,1'r of toile of chiffon r ibbor
at the highest price. Purchase a good i�. • • •
whet:e there was no shade. the tirall close to the ceiling• • tile' foul' in:1'es Si:irle, tucked its amon . t
poultry hook and study the subject �•►.
carefully. One gets into the habit of seeing,, ,�1 Limited
stand rife then spread over the wire the flowers, and a how anti streainc; s ' r
• the big things becalyse they are so frank and f;�stened tv it at regular the s.anre ribbon placed \.here'the
M. B.:—Is it possible to extermin•go162 W. Richmond St., Toronto. a ctem� are tit (1 fiai_hes
evident but. the little thin�3 often • , intervals. .A fey flowers ot` shruv the houquet.
ate milkweed on a rich clay loam and unnoticed and in the end cause a Tot --- - hios;oms arranged In a band aro;indr The 01st•• ge dining room i' tot.
how can it' be• done With the least a
of needless disappointment and loss., QH�, COLT DISTEMPE
the curved wive make e pretty e- ialf small 'ter Allow touch decoration, t.ht
amount of labor"large, :� kneeling stool three and one-half
A rather flat pan or earthen s flurai nic:c in' the? cent,•e of 't}'� table
Answer:—Milkweed on rich clay ware vessel f11 d twice every day *with K x or four feet in length can -be made of• bfrng �('onsidcred sufficient.'
�A .howl+,
loans can be killed outeby iepeat►ed cool, clean water helps the chicks Q Y Q Too an c,.et'ent this IoalAaOr>rie disease from running
rout, and, it is surprising clow mach through�! your stable endreatm nil tbe
matt suffering a I:t, several
_small cushions placed . on low bevel or pas can bp used to hold the
cutting when in flower, continued 8N s s Hi Dow young.
, boxes. er the whole with a sheet!flo•`ci's• 1•'it the top .of the 'pan witr
from year to year. Apply, snit to water the • : will drink if it is kept Jl f 1
y Q �POttilr'e alf�T!>�?>F7S CO�Ot>t� 1A Ilrati� to. use .on any '' Upright strips of wood are•Inailed at''a press a wire Heflin)!, into which a
individual plants -after cutting in hot, before thein in thi3 manner. Where tr,�i `;,� Q , •a;t• It 1s wonderful how It 'lrerents sl.ditttstemperi, n. each, trtcf;- anti wrapped ,,with some �` ho'5 le to thr;rat 'the steins (,f
dry' weather; deep plowing and, thor- ger deep vessels are the only ones la •
platter how colts or wonderful
a4. any asp•' arm "exposed.**1 1
y y FR CO •rrhit.e material. Loup ribbon ac ties flowers. 1•'i.. the .pan wi. n water arnt
ough .cultivation with a_ short rotation
available' it Is 'a good plan to lay .a •
azosw XII DICAL CO.. Goshen• Ind. II.H,,1,° -i
of crops will eradicate it from fields. ,1_ - ... the top and finish at the left -hat• t_ tui, i'r'rang,' il:( ,ior:er,, wl;i, ;i ,ii;ly . I c
p brick in the wafer, then if a ch: 1. ---•-- -- -...f_ corner with a bow of ribbon t whit, or are}- ro!cr that matches th'
b»'n :tnd a
(G. H, Clark). tumbles into the :eater it has a chance 'taw., they'stood for Jehov.!h�as hrael's 's'pr'ay' of flatters. The stool --is placed cc.1or scheme at ti.;' wedding; inter -
1J. ti.:—I wiser to find out all 1 can to climb out, King and Lord against all false gods, i it front o1'the tlleovc• or under the.sperse the flowers freely with t•;•rne
about a grain drill (with disc),' that Where no natural had available and they 'became eoun`scll+,rs•el both,' c iiopy, anis the ininixtex "st inc1a be- and asparagus -vine and ronreal the
sows fourteen -inch rows instead of old gunny sacks, pieces of canvas or
kings and people. j hind .it to attiuit the arrival of the; sate, of "thr 1,an with more funs•
seven or eight: Will they.vt•ork equally other waste Material tacked over low 5-12. :Siixpeh 'Z xs prc►u:rbly about bride and groom. ; ai11ing a tcrr:tth of the A ,purakus-►int•
as well as the -seven or eight -inch on frames keeps the chicks from the hot whif•h ,lfid_e.- t -
six miles north_ -west or •Jeruaalcllt. As ' the :;;cast�n---o[liar)c•e•s,..garc.4wr; _pull•: _will lit.. Lottani • _i3enu..
alt kinds of soils' Are they as light sun and they Will—Usually be found ------ Here Seo nt:el called together ii, nation- flours;, hulb. and dogwood• ltlossoms'
draft an the set•en-inch in soe ing the -ender them clueing the .heat .of , the I\• 'I'f:RN.1'f1O\.1 b, h1;,�so' ,mal uasemhly, ma+lc' uP of repre,enta- can 1►E' a►•1•anl ed in _ rnl:ch .the same'________e....___ ,
same width of land' ' day. Where a part of • the. orchard - . Al`�' 16: tn•cs of :e1.1 the great tribes and way, 1liakin)f' ;t 1►csuti,ful 'display and 1 •%ark '.hop Notes: Answers --My might-. 00 s that can he fenced off '(�: tvh.'re tele-!•hiil,� families, n' c,aus, cf Israel. Itis pur- a. cliyril'.',ig `etti11 for the im ortant
the 14 -inch dist will draw lighter tliaii can have the run of the 'berry t`int•• p To female a rut that hh:: rested 1•,
'• t f• r posse wa:: +i' ;i:11te1' a t'.11�►1(tW3 line, to CVe►tt:.'. SnOtt'� w111te,Sl:lrt•:!r•, 1)eut::1:11. ► ,
the ?-inch or 8=:nth. " More grain will h� problem Qt shale site= t art; -•.f 1 -. 4 unity ::11 trc nt t►P'•t• :n .oval 'sett ire c::rl' h; 1 >• : tale .1►t,l�. ar -tu n;)� (: :,. bbxiilk' un it
he';ou•n in the rn�z'than iri Int -case;t_:..lt. The oTt1 hens odes 1 reel 0: •e,ery trader tinnatipl, i Sam. �- 11..__ y.. } lIal,t.(},►�, fragrant lflat�3•:•ncl ]; th:�i has "IAA
- to .Jehovah, their (ted. That 'cr.,•.e hitt•! on the ra►:lbler or Dorothy Ylr-s t.gfiit; tial a ft•u
of the -finch or 1; -inch drill, •i,:• -.,ti -e shcl(lr and Plenty of vt:tt. (:(iJden Text -1 Sam. 7: of .Ieho:ali arta the:. rl'r of s with their vv'e:llth (it' t•olor. t.rops of .;pica. is of tnr•►(•r,+ine 05 the
in order' to �,rt-,tlhe same tele c!; si_'e�1 _._ : kin -hip' kens r„•,• i l';tlt ur t lel tt 1!ic• •
7f L t�
-._Irl , it\.. 55 55
r:sin siva - - -�” r iF•rl--_+tr3'�'"�.{a;�'��v�•_•' �'�1l.S�. WLl2L., i, h�•i k L( L. ii _ � '� �•`I tV[ t.[l . li i�
inv. L l e n �n a i .. ' • 1S- r , 't �'c: rll ?novo 1II�_
_ ,.-..�..n ,.•a•t ) P11._ ✓!+i -,I, its .h .!r r1 • ee-the - tori- 1Etat'i1s -r?-- 74--fr.. -.'----� thiai- prei• 110= g'' rl
for t •; t' Liu n tti w vP
., ct zhel"e ah ifil-`The 110 g ,Tinned
to be put n.. t see no rta�on r• nv the ,lecrets of Poultry 1'tEed. • ! vl•a;e direr:: •west cf•Jerusalem, on the their separate ess and rode ndence dolts frerluentl takes ( kn>Nc klea.
y y place on the
!in eed•Meal:. Oil -cake meal i:; lin-esuorder of the Philistine country. Here' They drew witer and poured it out. lawn, ith an Improvised arbor form- see+l-meal: It is the product of lin-,the 'ark remained in 'tht• ,house ofi The n,.eenie),► of this act of v;orship, i•:' ins i suite' harkground. �ie;lt To keep -tools ()right: Always keep
—r see►l-ail fac,or�e It is tic in: Ab nadah whose son, :azar was not c'c•l'tainly known, but it was rob stakes thriven into the ••'t shall can of netehirte oil and a
h FI P round tin+1 paint.
. albutedie If properly fed it promotes' made its priest and crtstoc]ian.. Twenty: al,ty of the .atm nature us libations g:lrlaatle[1 with wreathing ► , brush handy ;n ;he work chop and 'gel.
w 11 ntar.,
. general health and keeps the fowls ink years passed and still the ark was in! of milk :end winr., an otFerhlf; to the :► p;lthwa, from the dwelling to file the' _h.lbit�c,f painting' a tool as saooa
Lord of something as you -are through 'tial Even
..,_ tint class condition. ' It is especially! the little town who a people had,re-
' g precious and goats, arbor; the. guests st;uld .outside the nK it. T,�en
�ueh as ' v:ater wast always rc arded garlands; the bridal procession tccnds an axe tv urs:+ better fur being kept
• beneficial during the molting period.' ceived and treated it. with such re,, g' : bright.
• *Some writers claim that a teaspoon-! pect and reverence. And throughout hn that country, TI:ey Ci tech :►1so as it.. a+i bchreen them. When flov�ers
For leather work the following tools
full or linseed -meal is a good allow-' all the lard, bath because of the seem -i a Qit%li of penitence.' am abundant .they can be -used _ ,
• ar:+:e for u 'rc:l. I fieri that five pounds iliallo� •, h'i,ch : thry bad �tlffered . at :t,nuel judged, S,) 1,rre'1 .was the ftisc;y. They give :i clecar:ltire•+eiiect •ire needed: An -awl. handle and 'set:
of vw•ordblade awls, straight ilhd'vari-
t mixed with 100 pounds of" " g•round the hands of the Philistince and be.. utilizer •i whiE h lir' 'heti ;Ic•rtuired and, thin will linger in the mcinory of ousln ritrt•cti: a asci of stxai
• 'p r _ cause of the return of the ark, the sn high was the. esteem in ;thick he those present. g t 'and
to feed. 'crtit' _the r ght rl, ortivn sacred s • heti? as a 'ii`ue ;i�uphct or God,' r needles.; -three riref ►ur" lees of
� a,•
• T symbol of I Tiovah's pres.nce• When the ceremony hikes ►lace in I,c'•t
1•::is.eed meal i5. very fattening. and the people repented end "were drawn that the Israelite chiefs hrllu�►ht their! church,Architectural y I pun:he::. for rivets; sr set of as- the oithefeatures of sorted rivets.. iron and copper, With
tee.refore Inuit nbt be ir) too strop•, together after the Lord."' di�putc; an(1 cluarrrls\to him fol• set -i the building control the decorations to washers; a
Being of a 'highly nitr[,Qenoll• Samuel 'i,ettzme, (luring this pc►'itd, tlemeni. No judge 'hart hitharto ga,n- a crrtuln extent• If the ceremony i= thread; t pool of heavy linen
order, it should not; rte fel heavier Israel' -m g eat spiritual and national ('tl (►r i. e, c•ised such authorit • over'te'1; Y , ► c:,l;e (►f wax; and a be►tti.
Haan at the ra '(, cif about itpound % r leader. Ile wap never a Soldier or 1lsracl. We c:r)1 imagine that many a! performed d at the head of 'the aisle, in of stack dressing.
�. ►
feud and man front of the pulpit, the .platform' is
• ; fifty hens, twice -a week: More, that., leaner of arrn,ies, like Saul or Deihl,
y a diffrrc nt a were et- generally banked with gr(:cn: .
)�-- that is� pretty sure•tu wring on (•slot but he a•:,s a prophet of Cod. He K14' fled nn that au1pir r,Uq lit;:, 1�'hen ,
-Slllil�H1,:'[lScy • The I'ltilistirre hostel, The Philia- palms aro not available,�ceda"re, fire
of loo: mese r,r the i,owels, ' : a man whose blarteles: life end high
I or hemlocks, and gaits or, vases hied
i Green cut here. :�•hicir it ten oe haat settee of n::th and justice Commanded tines halt atrnnK garrisbns at vari(►1c,
with Ho erin •- d&..*resar.1, a•ene(as s�',un _ts cu,• confidence doresc.ua.,ove a1^e�
D�corations for the Coming Wedding
One of the tiret of the many details
connected with 'a wedding is' the
floral setting, for flowers form not
only the moat beautiful, but the most
-appr•opriatt decoratio•nw for such an
The► points oS-t•clntat;e fur decora-
tion in t he 11001(1 are ttoorw'ay*, mir-
rors, Ill:elltt'1-pies. 1� ittdow-:I'a111e4, '•earrlce flowers 'of a ditfert.nt color
newel posts •:t11t1 banister rails. front 1ha: r;,et.ied }'y the brides-
' All flo ver:4 rind shrubbcry sholtld lie nulitie. .
hydrae -
gathered the day Iief'tll't' and kept• ot'e1' teeete I.i.�, I dnhl•iia. , asters, hydrat!-
night, ill deop pails or jars which have g:'as and b•llry ea:ltheirli':lus are avail-
-been lined with evater.:The jars should able - for. autumn Weddings; combined
statist in -a' cool place-. away from with the highly epl•urr{1 auttrmn lea: c y
drafts. Kept thus. the ,,tenis become they nrakte• very effective de.eot•at:o,1-
-filled. with moisture. and,•whe4 placed. fli.autifu! bridel•bc!uquets fur thio; sea •
in .position the flowers will last quite- cots : re• tu;lstlg; t:f th': :,•ft he-►nuii,- ur
a while evithout wilting; 'but if it is dahl':':. •
possible to phase 't he steins ,of the l \\ ili!e lire ti;•r1•it'(' ..i►t a :flue -jet :�i
ilowels,ite water (tthihe bafn,; use i fort ti'c't'y dt irtNe :2271;►tst' a hila
'ttecoratirs) they will keep fresh iitt1.' t:l..t( til"" •1; Li( ui`fic'ient Hs;ti!t'r;i1
much longer. 111i1k !lii,l.ttc�r, one... pint : teget}il r•. t , ieret a- p e;.i�•iif;al,C:r
size.- are excellent receptacles for 'the ' quet. Tithe 1: enty-thee? . or„ thirty
fiu'.vet•s: fur 1►y fastening r it- arouu.i : flt•►wer .rit•l eiPra.vs Of .gr•e*n,
the, 1`et'1.s. ut' tl!: l:cittles tilt' c:n, '1,t' ,, � I, N : ^tg:l.,ra �!�t'@ �1 0-21b&' tan._.
•s•u-spend•etl'•from �':tny• 'po:ta, by roofs i.4.� twt--eve:'T1.141V4 ill'-1errjt1I'i.' `-•1"'hire' the
or tucks or •screw•-eyiesee The bottles, stem elide all together, then gather•
are easily- concealed in the airantit'- `-them-9hi-tet hated -nod t,h�^fl them iirm;y
•nrt.nt of (.ire flowers and �greenie together with string. running 'the
At the spot sel'et•ted for the were= string• 11th 'more than three inches up
molly,. there _should be an alcrove :back- thetest . 11s; rl0Til. r0ur:,, 1wl:Qt!1et .s ► :1rh•a •
ground' of green ; this is ` easily ar- •lt' the fiuwer:t alt" bound aed tiett in
ranged by the use of cedar' trees. one .at a time, :tti: y ,will '_'ot•!11 a sf iii.
Choose, trees .that at eynimeirieal ill t'ompa.'t 1205.;.
shape, measuring .:from four tti .•ix To get a �,irotter ef?' t t, lay the
feet high. Place these, sin siiuill -tubs lutlpre t sprays ur file llouet s w fill
of soil, or arrange any other support, louge.,;t stains ofi flit• tntlle first; then.
that will hold the .trees in an upright keeping the ends of the .st•,'ms even.,
position. Arrange the trees to form Place the next sii't' (►n thc,.;e, an.1 sc
The flowers carried by the 'brides•
maids should be. of one color, all pink,
lavender, yellow or orange, in shades'
matching; or' •l:l'ending well with the:
color of their dresser. Sweet peas in'
their various colors make very dainty
bouquets; daisies, too, -ate very effec-
tive. The maid or matron of honor
a curve or •semi -circle' frbin,' wail to
wall, and• bank' them at the bottom
with branches of hemlock• stuck Into
• and around the tabs. and base of the
trees to cone a -al the supports and give
a finish.
A pretty canopy effect can be made
by tieing a- stout wire curved to ex-
on until you reach'these •having the
,shortest stens:; this leaves:- all the
flowers on the upper side of tiie sou •
quet. Tie a: suggested fur, the lirst-,-
bouquet, the:, pl:,x'e it. on a stool or
boo placed upon 'a table. Cut a bolt
of ribbon in lengths of from eighteen,
to thirty ini'hes and tie these lengths
EXPERIENCE shows flesh. ' h fed ,d pet B t / 11 places 1►t• wh h th j held i reel In . should be arranged ' to rosesprays,
is excellent. It is not a' srtini dant,' a was his piety, his sense (,f 1 ear►�ss subjection and exacted'' trihute• Su present
that only a sharp p- graceful but not too cr(►wdc(1 z
• - ., And consequently then. �_no untlp,tlth- to God, and his obedien.re to that di• LP°s1-siniTil-g
At ti►is gathrrittR of the men appear,
blade can Ve a perfect 1 _ - - t-- ante._ Rome, Ali• Ebert ter* pmt}-,' .P J fol reaction from a u:•e, but i; s'ululdi vineVoicewhichhathHat-c(-asetltoi'Tri; (lnte polih(•a! er war- g
1 metry in the arrangement are of trlo►e
shave, also that a blade ' '),, tori ettec.e, slee8- •..no l'ber:,l feed- speak within hear g'inee his boyhood like pur�ieasr, they inalir an attack t: nn 1, Fairy Fancy V1'ork,
Pen irlt o,•t-mince than the quantity or ual-
cannot remain sharp with-
is iil:ely tr, pro !at ; :corm; int • dab; in the temple at Shiloh, that gave them. Now • the lsraelitee had (.n' •' 1 q
beaten Qo of : • itr of the materials used \S'ii i flow._ Not with needles!
out stropping., Couple fo�:l;..an oun:e per Heti, t.�c` or threel'h'm hi; 5trr,nR hold upon the minlla len •.n their encounters, ors and evergreens can be .u1 +( Ket1i . thread,
PP g P r B'r Silk o�
• curies a wee,,, is Ru•fir'oat• In fact,l•and hearts of the people of Israel.. with this ilreadecl enemy that 'tiicy; with as
these facts with the i t 1�4a1 effect as when a i But with little
that !Harold be theoliml.• Feed sepal• It was from the time of Samuel and were afraid. Moreover they hall n;,tl . p hn ,
cornea ar 1 and hothouse fiov erd :ire used. • Chai,tts in;te:u•i.
further fact that the ia!ely in it tro+,gii. an(t •;ot �1►i::eft
with' onward that the prophets came tooc• p er to fight, although they The front pc:vs am reserv;a !'d,•• Fairy faniy were,.
AutoStrop Razor is the the mash. - at "copy 'n large place in the common life evils t f h�d ►,ome; weapons, with
the fa
ithem ar.d hero families of the centt:�et:ittg pat- '1= done;
S:+'•.: ,# Prager ant+,t•n of > iii sit of" Israel. Thiers appeared then, for g of different trih,es•
only safety razor that t:(,n• it has a ten►cl•'►lt;r io"wi•. i, the f1'it •time, those companies, or y tier• '['ht bride's family occupy the Ah. it must be
i the word not accustomed to•fightin pews on the left of thea c;ntre ai91e. •Heaps of fun!
sharpens itself, -
, and you •,ff t'isna!!e l,y keeping 'tie ►�vla} guilds, (if the prof,hets, sometimess=togcther.
The britlegroo►il's• faniil ie seated it:
r n j •+ ►► .Samhel cried onto the Lnrd. They y 'lis the things
will ^�e In flO•dt,lbt as to it,,.,,.21..l.vir,t7rr,tJ3, One salt h( ity; railed "schools •+,t t1�` pr(iphpts, j
fferetl sarifice, prayed, .i the pew's on the right, Flowers are
which safty�razor t4 t1SC. ' .a}- that ,QaiL i nt''. �!aiy fro the whish continued down,14 the Intl o£•S+•inti 1tr(`part'c •
The fairies fancy �+
.,, , ` jto fight—capt:ed to the ends wf the pews 1 o 110r?, •
porn(, -G of tor,nlrK r: jolt', . iii.;, the Jewish kingdom. They .reOre-
fXcel,er;t (rrc}c+r of pro- ihr rte:'. recd section.
► :• • ' . I •� 1 eeedinp,. 'I he Lord sln�'.er(t2 their ktakes the world
Any dealtr wi 11 cJ -mo - f a; : e, to t x c • , we? z,r-,tint : Ir.gprn 1 sen, d tt religions •and patriotic ;neve-
, ', ' A+, ,, 711Fnt of the t;'tr�ltes ' rel ..er. The flna-ers carriers by the ";,t icte So•bright and dalt(•pl
strafe the AutoStrop tai' •tl is len the m� ee. ate- e l ii t importance, anti fi r HCl A ro
Der'ria-. 7 t ; tl ♦ : •1'ry•ri I n �eviva the, iritionat fifi►1�-ev 'f' t *amine 'Intl -tier attendants. a!j}A
-i�st►etir•-t►r �rr► ofi /-� -•h,. .1 Ije selected T in -the
to you, guarantee . satrslic, T}� ip• an11 arran ed tti ith care, 1scar cc,
1 :,• .' ;r� r,� ft i• here ! Ti'1'onaror1 the :way anti nia(lr', r,seible,
This Stone became !, Thi(« rIJ i• 1 The g t'i, P q
lc c
tion, or rei`ubd of purchasep •1,, w111 It A. fas with;
`a' : i � ' ;, -t v. r l,'t r• n ;► �t,II' the c►:•crthrov, of the 1'}„ll t,n(!
pewee( r•r( 1.At,::'ll in aft(r. VI ars, (,f •t h , ,1 i+�'t' usually white, although '
price. _• ! ' ir'h (;ut ,. h(• . 1,:ele tints ler(' +11('ti,•1 :nt,• ► Her 1\•', rhes ....eaves.
1 t.;.- •lt: 1' r,v),.. irtf hr. • s►r,:l;c•- of Sed ,jtri+J Ilit1'111. v:l i.sl tai . 1 .. n t 1r t e.
c ltli '
•• i r r! < rrl.(,r ►•.,tIR th(•►t• v.ai f:•r,.rrt el a Tl't• moonbeamo.'
! !; .. , t + • , •►I c:, t• , 1c' of Thr• looses ;Irtifilenr;.1::::11. s es cd//�y).lyS 1 dt ; i•, anti 1 '.� ► 11 c 1. Sp Y ' hrow�+n•�O),y•t•!• ,,! r•,, .j, Sid, h::v' if t1 i!1'i1;I:1fIC� I►t (, rlthtf.;/Hstn In tl'(!5l'j �"��-+r�.1,,-14-7*
f,�,•�Iwl,t)UIt11PtIVr '111C':1tt;iria t)f lih olti- t�.tt'f e
"S�►'ht2 1.:eth r i!,.I •n, 1,1,n , r[•:(rncr: to tvhic
Complete Nith strop and twelve �, s: .i' ,..,r,t,tiy, wit'• it Irl 41.f.
}:t PPr,pte Fir,1:rP-; r` ' f ' 'er ir. hI i situ], h :'mall rose: I9 srtoilier_
• 3V �
blades 1n an at�fat:tlVe, a8sorr- { •� ••�� �/,,t' r.t I•. ..t• •,• r a; ,r•► t., [ tn.! ;� `'. '!!•l•r li‘i "' (r lilies of the al tied, �^err , ftMl[
'111 t/ . I ti, �. rte � '
mrrs' -of taloa to 3tti1 any put- f• -
OSe. r ! i ': F .t.' Iii. {i, 1- , �r }t$-+ ry 1t. , 1 If I tie p ! aiilarei licit; i';1 a 1.0 d 1, be her fee:.'!••'' .'I.i. ;,:•.,1 ',1
D N 1I „.e f', r • 1• „ „ . .,, • r,f, filen l(1(0., Samuel :, ,I ri •.: riaft.l 1 ' 21(1 1►e^ eXPI'f l et f 1 it ll I `
I it,r1 ;' t t• t• , ` '�.:rt .:1r , r !(' r' S 1' itl.Ihtilllj[. }}i1 :if ter }►1'1itn-' t,+►iilit}(t of rn „ 1 () beef. the ,All /n! I/e••t•:
•' 1 J, t 1 t 'del, it _ *deter IHtt r t h:t' 1'.:I ;1 r i„ •. / , p l`il't' rip,. s
AutoStrop I1 i w•st er• 1,1 1St•1`t! nine and. t 1. A behind
eft I i i to► •
5' o• .S fet 1 r• •.,r, ; r .r ,• 1 ]' ' flit i► :,Ii1• t i t ell
Ytl:,ll 1►u r1/1 �Ygttltl t 1 !' i •1 t Orl;
,+ y scot CO., Limited ,. ,. f•,r r. t i•ann.l :l! 0 !'irt••k F ,n c. , t 114• ' t !arm, net t' }►c•} for you.-
r 'it • r lir nt a I'i,noy v
i1u10St•�� •(C•t(.ACA, (R,:f.lw •. , • .' ;. : r: ►1,,., } ,•• Y,n!.r :l• ,1 !',1. 1 f„ ,. 1/1'1,!1: I t .' :vi'1 1 I!'% t• rr 1' orf l' PI a 1,(' 1!()n+ i :r. f.f 1!!r n . +55 55-•+_r1',--�..� j
D Pudding 1 r' 1 ah r• ;r .t 1 , l w"h'11' ,l • 1
l �' , :l 1• „ r lit ! 1 :eel r
ry �tw tl ! :► •r, ,r, .rf•t,i•'r r i t :a+ `' i;t rf•r,/,t 1tti.St•rfllt lti V + 1 , :,,f i 1 ). I'• I 1 . :e t tamely (•nrrl:[i2r` �t•r' ' 1 ' 'i•i P 1 tmoment,
7 • r. 'r. r 1 t' I`i, r. '•1 t f S�'1t/'1 ,,tit! :vi•lild i / 1' r: ,i r. }lay Wit r '.t/x'1(11• , t. 1, ll.i,! 1•;I,'••• ill . .. ••1, �If:l., . ll.�r or never l•O nit! .•
I ( ,,'t;►. 1'1•r .l t1,r,.1. t !� r G it 1 K .1 ho., {clef t�f thi'.f ft only' 1f
l ^ .r.• f,,,• (:: '11 ,!...-ii.,.:.-, m 11 c>ct?lu a f1� w
n.'.. , • .:t►'lir,r:tj eef -Ihe I r, 'e i' i 'eel. f ea. • 1 tell to h!r 8In711r't•' Thr lu':q of, c •
1 i t • :•lrt t,1 :mil!, , , t slat: r. 'c ?lupe Is what bpaumbe '-
01)`E'S �1r
• Net troure at the, d: et."