HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-05-13, Page 1$1.50 PER YEAR IN A11)VANCF.;, $2.00 OTHERWISE. L(1CKNOW, ON1., THURSDAY, MAY 13th., 1920. Lucknow Flour Mills ALL RES'I'RICI'IONS HAVE' BEEN REMOVED FROM •GRIST- 1NG. IT IS NOW POSSIBLE 'FOR FARMERS TO• . GIjT THEIR WHEAT AS `N PRE-WAR TIMES. IN THIS WAY. 'fill•; FARMER SEC RES BRAN ANI) SHORTS CORRESPONDING TO THE A. MOUNT OF ` 'WHEAT T ;CRISTFD. IT WILL PAY THE 'FARMER TO -REVIVE THIS METHOD OF EX- . H -C A Nf E. . W. E. TRELEAVEN. 4 AI)A "MacK AY Teacher of Marto • prepared for e.zamina- tiott.---Phone 46'r. )2, • Huron Mutual 6-5.100 Wire For Hydro DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE. CURRENT IS HERE. ( IT CAN NOT BE ALL ATTENDED' TO AT ONCE. PARTIE`''S WISIii- ING THEIR PREMISES WIR- ED ¶AN- HAVE IT PROMPT- LY AND EFFICIENTLY DONE BY API'i.YING TO G. DRINK WALTER Plumber & Tinsmith SP1' N i MI 1NE A- large assortment of new shapes Just arrivived selling at reduced Prices. Cheaper to get a new hat than have your old one made over MRS. E. AITCHISON( W. M. S. MEETING~ 'rite regular meeting of the Presby- terian W. M.• B. was held Wed. May fith . The devotional excersices were condurtd by the President •M•rs Mac . ' Callum Mrs Murdie • was appointed e e ►ia ne nwcTirat* of the pre_ _-.. sbyterra to Ix held in Kincardine May th • 18. Miss C. A.- McKenzie read a paper on China. Mrs Temple Clark sang a solo and Mrs T. Aitcheson gave a- very sug- gestive reading on Ten ways to kill our society. Mrs. J. Nichol spoke a few words about the Fort William society. o LOCAL AND•GRNEItAI. u • I - 1 Mrs. Frank Burton has returned iirom Brandon, Man and will be here for the summer._ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark of South- ameton were week -End visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Macintosh. The King Edward Hotel at Tees: water is being fitted up as an apart - silent house.. Tante brings;changes. Beforeleaving 'for Detroit on Mon- day of this week, Mr. S:+►tt ltT►tr(:!►isr,ti was, preseote(I with' two very vire chairs the gift or 'his Lucknow friends. •• d..:Mrs: ” John. 1 aij hrwaye Seat/nth over the week -end .tscc•ing their son George who is recovering from -very serious ilbwss. Rev. Mr. Irwin• conducted servicck in ieM ethodist Church at. Seaforth last Sunday in place of the chairman of the district who is ill. The report which we had last week. that Mr "or --'''n "`:alt ri had sold his• residence ut the r,•ut nc-r of ' Wli- loughy and Boli• at. Proved to be in- correct. Mrs. Jordon is spending the week with her .sister, Mrs. W.'.1. Little. on Friday and Sat tirtlay (.4.this 1 wi•t-h there sN, ill h a . special 'display ' of ;inridsunin.r hats at 'Connells rnil- linery department. Miss .• Robertson extends an invitation to the ladies to .visit the show room and see the style shown_ at the latest .opening in Tor- onto. The advertisment re the 'Field Crop Compition by the Lucknow . Agricul- ureal Society appearing -1n The Sent- inel for the past. few. weeks, should have read "oats and wheat" instead of oats and .barley.. Interested part- ies please make note of this. Mr. George 'Mathieson is here from Brantford meeting•.his many T.urknow friends. '—i—o-it•tt CHURCH I IV' I•:.WS' Presbyterian Chur(bh. Services next Lord's Day at 11 a.m and 7p.m.. The morning service will be -conducted by. the Rev. A. E. Armstrong, M. A. of Toronto.` The Pastar- wal prearb in the evening. Subject: "The 'Young' Man Whom Jesus' Loved." You are invited to these services. . Methodist Curch—The pastor will counduct both services. In the morn- ing the official installation of the new- ly elected Sunday School officers and teachers will take -place; also the el- ection of congregational representat- ives to the ' official Board. , The- Anniversary :services, held in the Presbyterian Church' last Sunday were very largely attended. mairy be- ing turned away for.want of room at the evening service. Rev. Mr. ' Dunn is a NilTriant ane_ �`urceful preacher, and his discourses were -enjoyed by many of his, former parissioners of Langsidoand Whitechurch. N'4 • MARRIED BARBOUR—MUI,1IN—At St. Luke's church Queens Park. ,P.ng., on April 10, 1920, Robert A Barbour, youngest 'son of Mr. Archibald Barbour, Luck - now, Ont., and Miss Nellie Bertha, youngest daughter of the late, Mr. Sydney _Mullin and Mrs. Mullin, of Queens Park 1 oad; DEATH OF DR. D. M. GORDON One of the best kn,.w» and. most 'highly esteemed residents of Luck - now and vicinity passed ' away on Thursday of last week in the person of Dr. D. M. Gordon... The Doctor suffered a serious break- -dawn of health about three years ago, but it was' thought at .the time That with a `few month's rest he w,duld re-. .gain„ strength. • An attack•' of grippe: a' few • months . ago shattered these hopes 'and through the. heart. thus werike"ied the roll value, I•atIi r. ';I►d_. i,ir.dy t) jrh . nc►t altogether unex- pectedly.- The.. late, lir. Gordon . was, borm -act' - f +eltieaass f l years ago, being''' file second son of John E. and Jane -(Mac Donald) 'Gordon.. He was raised on the farm and educated at the .public sehooL- -After leaving schootfie'-spent five years in. the merchantile business, but on:account of ill health he de- cided to change is occupation. He then taught school for three: 'years, and entered Trinity Medical College ..Toronto, from- which he 'graduated in 1886. Ile began the practice of his profession in the village- of Auburn, Ont., but after four years moved to Lucknow Where he speedily acquired. a large practice which he retained un- til hay. Itr:clth h(•F;a l fu fail acid he 5..141 ciut to 11r.. Balfour. 1 t maybe said that Dr. Gordon died before his • time,' and those who knew will say that his untimely breakdown was due to work • in the interests of his patients and his profession. To all those' who looked to him for as- sistance he was most attentive, and, it is said that regardless of: weathe and over work, he never \vas know; to utter a word of complaint wh,l Walled to the sick bed. Dr. Gordon was at one' time quite active in. a number of fraternal societ ies,. and some time centered his at ti ration upon Masonry, taking., prom- nlent part in both the• Blue Lodge• and chapter in Lucknow. • In 11+88 he was married to Miss Ida Harrison of Westfield. The fam- ly consists of two daughters and one son; Misses Rena and Winnie at home and Huntley who was in the Canad- ian army from the first year of • the war overseas and has just completed his first year at Queens, Universitr.t Besides the above he leaves two bro- hers:» Dr. James 'K, lel. Gordon of Ottawa and John A. of Winnipeg; Iso four sisters: Mrs Saunders of . Iber!ta, Mrs. Inglis of Vancouver, Ira. MacDonald,of Brandon Man., and :Miss Christena, professional nurse of ttawa, who was at his bed side for everal days before his .death. The • funcsral on Monday afternoon was under auspices of the local lodge f: -the-- safer of Free Masons; servicy ing conducted in. the Presbyterian SINGLE COPIES, 4 CENTS - ST. HELENS. Mr. John Phillips sports a new Chevrolet ear. . Mr. and Mrs. Rob'. Taylor of Au- burn visited friends here last week. Mr. J. Joynt started operation in his saw mill on Tuesday with a stag of eight men. O' Dr. J. K. M. Gordon of tawa and Mr. Win Gordon of Toronto visited St. Helens oii Sundayand were the guest.. of • Max. and Mrs. -D.C. McDonald. Mrs., Robinson of Brussells is •vis- itin4 lte''r.'fr•iends thea, ,Mrsess McDon: +l+i It is thirty years :since Mr. • \V. (iordotr 'visited his old birth place. : +t ►ir :tcc'ou nt ,of •the ann4versary, ;ser. isioes-in Lucknow Presbyterian church. The Young Peoples Bibles crass 'call- ed off. A number took k the 'opportun- ity of hearing G. M. Dural. The Annual meeting of the St. Hel- ens. Woman's Institute will be, held in the. public hall on •Thursslay. May 20 at • 2.30. As Election of offiicers will take place a full attndance is re- quested. Kindly note that the date is a weekearlier than usual. - ___0 E1(:HTH. ('ON. KINLOSS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watson visited at Murdoch McPhercon's last week. , Mr. Leslie Sturgeon • .spent Sundaywith friends on this line. . The stork called Mac Smith's last wioeekns.' and left a little girl. Congratulat- • Mr. and Mrs., R. T. Needham and daughter visited the former's sister, Mrs Jno. S. Culbert this • week. Mr. Elliot Johnston paid a flying A PLEASANT SENDOFF On the evening of May 5th quite a representative. number:of friends and neighbors of Mr. and .. Mrs. Rob- ert D. Webster and family gathered et their home, to bid them Good By and wish them good fortune in their new 'home near Seaforth to which they were about. to noire. In the .course of the evening Mr. Joseph' Taylor read the address print-. ed ;-below to Mr. and Mrs.gWebster, 'and -they were presented .with the articles reentiored... Mr. and Mr-:. R;.beet Webster, ani{ faniily 'Dear,F'riends, We have assembled togeth- er here in what has ben for a numb- er of years" your horrid but now this name on account of your removed is abqut to be transferred - from this place to another. We have long regard- ed you aces part of the Community and your genial influence will be greatly missed -amongst us but we are well aware that our loss is others gain we regard. this time as opportune to give visible expression ,of our es- teem and in accordance with this de= sire -we ask you to accept these chairs, stand and dish as a mark of our friendship and affection, as you go out from ourmidst we all join in 'fervent prayer that the blessing of God Mayst follow you and that your fondeex- pectations may be realised in your new home and surroundings but above all may .the riches that are abiding be the inheretance into which • you shall . enter when lifes shifting sce- nes are past. Singed on behalf of friends and neighborsi rite to Kincardine last week. Any Jas. Taylor Thomas ^Irwin Fred 1 z.ttr:•r+.ion .Elliot". • Anderson Mr. Webster in a short speech acknowledge the kindness of his frie- dnds, and thanked them for their gifts a 1 0 1 (1 A Durham press report states, that Rev Mr. Whaly, one time pastor at St. Helens, now at Durham, has suf- fered a break down of health, and has been given three months vacation by the managing board- and session. Rev. Dr. Robert Johnston, one of Bruce County's most distinguished sons, has asked to be releived of the pastorate of the American -Presbyter-` ian Church, Montreal Which he has held for many years. Two reasons for the step were stated: first, his health and second, that (me in the full vigor of strength and mental and physical ipower should he the leader of the congregation. • "LIGHTNING SAND ITS CONTROL VP This book tray be north thousands of dollar: to you. It is the complete story of the -Cavae Un•) Control of Lightning." v,ritten by a man alw (trent many years stud -ing. ex f »timenting an •t ac- cumuinting data. This book is interesting to anyone and particularly t•► the property owner. Write for your copy,' it is FREE. • Shiva f/at Lightning Rods Prevent Losse y AreJiitinetk.e. woven in ribtan=like . form. one i+•. h in ai.lth, with 36. •g -.•'ter carrying .cipacity. You owe it t► rourself and your family to Invcstirat • Munn -Flat before another IiKhtning s,.asoh opens. At least atnd tight irow f •r Prof. Day's book. SHINN MFG. CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of Shinn -Fiat Lightning Rods "The Kind That Aro Guaranteed' Woolwich St. GUELPH. ONT. prof w 14 Tt+t - J. M. GREER R. R., No. 1 LUCKNOW • "1 . .1Ic1.ced is vi".siting her daugter' ?'i �,_• i,iith• at present. LANES We welt -(mw Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Read back to the farm. and good wishes. , . . .I.A NGSJ,.DE bir Orrie. Griffin of Detroit,' Mrs. Wm. McBurney -is not enioy- rs ivisiting his sister,' Mrs. Jos O. Lough- ing good health of late. l•in. a Mr. Patrick Murphey is visiting his nephew Frank and Bernard' Murphey. Chas. W. Alton and T. J. Lannan are sporting new Ford -ears. Thomas ,Kelly is back to the farm after spending the winter in Detroit. We are pleased to know that Fred Johnston is•home after undergoing an operation in Wingham Hospital. —o -o -o -- BORN Butler—At Clinton, on April 28, 1920 to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Butler -a son Ifaniel Alexander. o -u -o -- In Sweden articles sold- as. gold must contain not less than 75per cent of A the Aare --i etafi t`ttcn-solltitt t= arse '.- -°t_e "lembe-rs-•- is 4!cluested 4 hureh by the _Rev. II- .Ma .CaJyn►_ The Langside boys are 'organising a . baseball team this season. Come out and help the movement along. Miss Ida, A. Hill, who is training as a nurse in Kincardine Hospital was t het' lime here for a coouple of days last week. . Little Zylda Stewart daughter of Mr: and .Mrs. Charles Stewart who was very silt last week is much bet- ter. The Lucknow women's Institute I will hold their annual meeting for el- c+etron of officers for the coming year on Friday May. 14th. at .2-3 P.M. In the' Council Chanter. A full attend= The' very large 'Tiuto14-r -wind tamed- ver at least 82 per'"cent of pure ail- tt(►u tall—!—es be anFv`sere'd b paying ►ut to pay their last respects and ex -fee for the. coming year. press their sympathy showing how ' ver. highly the Doctor -was esteemed by -'ail who knew him. Among those from a distance were noticed: Mr. William Gordon, of Tor- onto, Dr. J. 'K. M. Gordon and Miss' C. B. Gordon, of. Ottawa, Mr. Catnp 'well find family, of Auburn; Mr. Har- rison and Mr. Robertson, of Goderich; Dr. MacCrimmon, Mr. McPherson and Mr. P. A. Malcomson, of Kincard- ine: ,and Dr. 'Kennedy,'Wingl►am. Y FOURTH CON, KINLOSS The MacMillan Brothers, Thomas Jlugh and George formerly of the Lith (_on., now of Alberta are visiting .it the old home • We are pleased to know that Mr. Duncan McGillivary is much better than he has been, and is daily be- coming. e coming. stronger. Mrs. James Sutherland of the 6th. con. had the misfortune to fall down., the cf llarway the other day and Or a severe shaking up, • Fortunately no hones s+ !re broken. Miss• Ella Sutherland who was with - her sister in London for some time, returned to her home a .couRle , of we(' h : l• Mr. Lachlan Mclvor narowly es- caped lieverre injury from a Vicious horse the other day. Flax seeding is progressing' favor- ably in this section these days. Mr.' Sam ('arnochan who has had severe. attack of piariea is recover- ing. Last week gave us ideal weather for seeding and many of the farmers hereabout almost completed the work. Quite a numbr from our line at tem.1. t.=tbe funeral of the. late Dr. Gordon on Monday. ile was most highly esteemed in this neighborhood as a physcian, and beloved as a man. Frank Miller of the 2nd Con., who was taken to the hospital at London efor treatment is slowly improving, we understand. 1 f Phone No. 10 is at Your Service WeSell for Cash—we Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores • WE'H.AVE JUST ('LACED IN STOCK A LiMiTED QUANITY OF "AVIATION WHITE PAINT. THiS iS A PAINT OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY PURCHAS- ED FROM THE ROYAL AIR FORCE, THE SAME QUALITY AS WAS USED TO PAINT THE AREOP- 1'L.tNES WHICH TOOK PART IN THE GREAT WAk. WHILE IT livAkS THIS PAINT WILL BE SOLD AT A PRi('E W ITH I \ REACH OF EVERY PERSON @ $5.00 PER .GAL. WE BANE IN STOCK A FINE ASSORMF.NT OF SCREE DOORS.AND SCREEN WINi)OWS.•. - IX) YOUR OWN (.RAINING WITII cH 1-N AMEI.. WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE :USED IT AND ARE DELIGHTED.. IF YOU HAVE -A FOOR • - TO WOODWORK TO GRAIN, GiVE US A CAWAND WE ISHOW -YOU EXACTLY. WHAT TO DO WiTH iT. t• 1 The Lucknow Hardware & Coal Co. 7'IIF. STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS THE STORE NEVER DiSA P1'OINTS 1• o EVERYBODY'S COLUMN FOR SALE --Choice Field Seed Peri' Phone Day 16, -Night 19 13-5-c R. Johnston. FLAX SEED FOR• "SALE:—We have about 50 bushels' of choice clean - - seed at reasonable price. • Lucknow. Flax Flax Mill -Co. Jas. A. Cutt. MONEY -TO LOAN on mortgages and notes at reasonable rates. • Fire Insurance, both stock and Mutaal Companies. Conveyancing done: with neatness and despAttc.h. - Geo. A. Siddall, Broker,,_ Lucknow. • DR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at Cain House, 'Lricknow, every Wednes- day afternoon. All • chronic dis- eases successfully treated. Os- , teopathy removes ' . the physical causes of -disease. Adjustment of the spine is more quickly secured z and with fewer -treatments by Os- teopathy than by any other method • All kinds of hides wanted. Highest Toronto prices. Also all kinds' of live poultry, no :natter what size. Let nie know, or call by phone, No. 86,.and I• will .Call. Jake •Libel. FOR SA LE—.Eggs for hatching and day-ohl chicks, from bred -to -lay, White Leghorn,-- Black Minorcas, and Barred Rocks. These 'hens laid well throughout last winter. • Eggs, $1.50• for setting of 15.: Chicks, $20.00 per hundred for April and May, $18.00 per hundred for June. and July. Delivery free. Duncan Kennedy, Box 12, Whitechurch. • w, ST tN.DING FIELD CROP COMPE- TITION Lucknow Agricultural Society Entries will be received by . the .un- dersigned up: to Saturday, May 22nd, in the `Standing Field Crop Competi- tion condu‘ ted by the Lucknow Ag- ricultural .cit iety. The varieties of grain in the com- petition will be Oats and Wheat. For further information apply to 2065-c Joseph Agnew, • Sec. FOR SALE—Brood sow York shire,' with litter of /7 farrowed May 1st. Also 2 young sows to farrow about July. 20 Reasonable price Jas.. Kickley R. r -Lucknow. . Phone 77 r 16, Dun- Bannon. 20- 5-p. • 'House to let Suitable for small fam- ily. Information at The Sentinel of- fice. 13-5-p _ _ Young York pigs For Sale. Ready to wean about May 24th. 'Henry. P.. Hugan 10, Ashfield Phone 76 .R. 9. Dungannon. • '13-5`p COXFORTABLE DWELLNIG for rent. Possession immediately. Ap- ply fid►" Richa rd McQuil l in. 13-5-p FOR S A LE --Good wood cook stove, Raymond drop head sewing machine, washing machine Gramaphone and about 60 records and some pictures. Apply Mrs. II. D. Woods. COURT OF REVISION OF KINLOSS ASSESSMENT ROLL Notice is hereby given that a court for the RevisTiion__ of .theassessment for the Township of Kinloss for the year 1920 'will be held at the Township Hall Holyr.►od • on Wednes• - day the 26th day of May at 10 oe- lock forenoon. Parties interested take notice and - govern themselves accordingly. 13-5 'Geo. G: Moffat. d'ierk. • SdnOOi;' REPORTS The following is report for the month of April, of Belfast School. Sr. IV Lena Hackett, Olive . Alton. John, Mary Vint, Annie :Bowleg, Dolly Cook, Clifford Hackett. Jr. III ''Archie Nicholson. Sr. II Rena Nicholson, Agness Cranc-4 ton. - Je. 1I Melvin Hackett, Tom thicket:. Main Ilaleket-t, James Bowies, Eth.J Nicholson. .1r. 1st dt'eorge Henry. Sr. Pr. Tommy Henry. Glen 1Cameron Nellie Cranston. .Tr. Pr. Pearl Thompson, Elsie Vint. Francis Phillips, Willie Lasenhy, Ral- ph Cameron. Average attendajace 24 Rathleen M. • A'(lsb