HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-29, Page 8• 1' I• • • • IINimilmemmeiniammaismawFammil=p—a--.2 Cameron, Murdoch 8/,,Xo's. WEEKLY STORE NEWS LADIES' SUMMER UNDERWEAR , Our stock embraces% wonderful collection of very dainty Undies, in silky Lisle, Cambric and Cotton. Ladies' Vesta in Colton and Liths thread, 35,. 50 65, 75, 85 and 1.00; Vests in flesh color in t'ure Sitk, at $2.75. • Ladies' Drawers and Bloomers in Lisle or .Cambric. - at from .50c to $1.25 per pair. Latlie1140-•Thread Combinatiois at from S125 to $2.00 each. o Qo I I DIS'Ilt1CT NEWS 0-1)—O---0-----0--0-0--4 1.•-'44-- -0-0 Mortimer a returnefj soldier of Walkerton, has patented a noisless roller skate. It has bull - bearings and pneumatic • tires and - has two instead of four wheels. It i4 alightly highei- than the roller skate.• uuw in me and i. a-11411E1'd, :4'11) .size •;tioe.. %;allsertotn ratepayers will • %ote • on a by-law to guarantee the bonds • of the firm of. Larcen&Shaw who are extending. their' business and wish to, issue bonds to the amount of •$8,006,' They will also ,vote on. another by-law. to•exempt.-the.Binsi•-• er-twitte property from taxation and .- t6 give it -free water power. • , . • .. Corset Covers very dainty and woh4c-n ful values. 35, 50, 75, 90, 1.00 and 1.25. .‘Cambric Night Gowns, prettily trimmed with lice and insertion. Values unsurpassed, $1.25 to $3.00. Underskirts in white Nainsook, to suit all as to style and price, $1.35 up .to $3.50. •• THREE HOSIERY- SPECIALS THAT SHOULD CONVINCE .THE 'MOST SKEPTICAL THAT OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. 300 PAIR WOMEN'S PLAIN BLACK COTTON HOSE. SIZES 81/2, .9, 91/2, 10, at 29c pair. • 200 PA -IR BOYS' AND GIRLS' - RIBBED COTTON HOSE. •SIZES 8 to 10 at 39c pair. 240 PAIR MEN'S EVERYDAY WORK SOX, FAWN OR GREY SHADES, at 3 PAIR FOR $1.00. P. K. SPORT FLOSS FOR SWEATERS AND PULLOVERS. THIS IS THE NICEST FLOSS ON THE MARKET. . EVERY WANTED SHADE IS IMRE, AND PRICED AT ONLY 65r, per 2 oz. BALL. WASH TOGS FO1 LITTLE TOTS ' s.75--.174 Little Girl's Gingham Dress that will fit., wash and wear. Nicely made and good colors and patterns to fit from ages 3 to 14 years, ' 1.00 to 3.00. . • See the iflipoya' Romper dresses for the wee folk, 2 to 6 years, Pink and Blue check ginghams, at $2.75. Five different colors and patterns in those 'Haugh Brand' Play Suits for boys 2 to 6 years. Splendid wear- ing and washing material, and as they come right to the ankle they do save stockings. Priced at $1.50. Boys Wash Suits at prices cheaper than youscan buy the material for. They come in colors and plain white„ in the middy style, Oliver Twist and plain coat. Prices at $2.00 to $4.00. • • • ity. On the same day Mrs. Davis gave birth to a4 baby baby boY, following • JN! which heart failure set in. Deeeas-' umpy erves ed was in her 28th year and was married only a short time previous •to her -huslianil coming to his piss; ent charge about, two years ago. Her,inaiden name was Willena Stella Fitzgerald, and was .the only daugh- ter of her widowed mother, who was in attendance during her illness. The body was shipped on Toe...slay to. list. forms hums,. for 'oasis isent. • • George' Wright, of Smiths Falls, for •a time leader' of. -the 160th. Batt. Band, has been secured sis leader of ,the -Wingham-Brass•:Band. • ••• • If you get startled easily or "jtonp- ei• -to•ar: lit lite ' le;:t, t 141110 Iiiiiii.'.. itno.,ttlii .that ,ii.o:i• Nterie. *sone hi weakened uud irpent. • Your Nerves control every Men - oil ;Intl Physical proceas that takes ' pluee '..kvitiiiii you- 4f . the the • Nenes .wer,- eat teading to the 11rdit tli.it ortowt14441.1 lieb.et best sssio. Without Sl .. iSesses you . staid fie, ss scss Tsste„ Soleil or pear iisain, for it: is. titiou the Nervvs t ilia 4.4'4I'T $4'1414(' -4-101WitdS, If 'you V. i;;h id- l)1141. tit? and atrupgthett tl'e hotly you must put. new !ifc •into the •millions of nervS Wires that lead to the'. Heart, the nt:ornitsli: the :li,liittys, the Liver,: and t ho oth•ce. organs: This you can unite •.edsily -do by takiag .t six • laiX ireat meat of Ilarkings art Mill NelVc lien tellY.;. It Will , take -,aW.ay 'Oat tired feelttig,'s banish .,.tlio?;u pains In tiro head, increase. :vows ,ss•ttettte, help yon 4 , to rleep lq.ttir, Ptit-1,,I.,ttr'-ii*.i'd TiVe 1-- longer. .. . . \‘'hat is a few dollars in com- parison to. your' health,. we offer you a sovereign remedy tor your illness in Hacking's. .Hart And Nerve reuiedy. 'tile road' to Health and Happiness is yours if you will but lk-lieve-•-it. Ilii -s- wonderful preparation will change you from a Weak, Nervotts or Anaemic per- • • • son to.ime full ot .Lite, Vitally.% • . mitt Animation. It will bope bark • . t he Roses to • your Che'eks by in- .. crekettlite, .J.irctiLifion ',and otirifyine .1 • . the hhaat. Petier •!,.f ttt is s, box's. 1' now% when You raiiik of i,t.'hut he •• sure to get IltickingS.; Vrice -5,0c at ' .• box, -6 for $20. 1.Q1d by all deal- ers or by mail, .'pos'tpaid. ile.cic•' ,,. ' . Ings 1.1nitted, 1.!:;tew..4,:.0itt. ' —0 o et -•;--111 MAFEKU\G Norman Weiler, of Carrick'Town- • Miss Pearl —Tuesday, • Irvin spent Aiir. 27. the. week - ship. . while. assisting in the shingl-,,end with friends in .Lucknow.. ing -of -*is father's barn last week, ' missed his footing and sliding down the roof went. over the .edge, taking, a drop of 25 feet to the ground. Fortunately no bones were broken, but, he was badly shaken up.. The Methodist -and' Presbyterian congregations at Belmore have de- cided to unite, and the 'services in the. former church will be continued. The most cordial relations have al- ways' existed between the , two churches, and the union is therefore expected to be a complete suceess. F. H. Woods, issuer of automobile licenses at Goderich, estimates that this year there •will be 200 more lioenses issued in ' Huron County than in 1919. • The _old wheelbarrow factory in Meaford,. the largest lant of its kind in Canada, which has been clos- ed since the latter part of 1916 ow- ing to conditions brought 'about by the war, resumed operations recently with a full staff of workmen. For the present the company will manu- facture wheelbarrows, scrapers, trucks and platform warehouse scales. • By the sudden death of Mrs. .(Rev) • Wm. Davis, wife of the beloved rec- tor of the Anglican churches at Ber- vie, Kingarf and Kinlough, which took plice on Sunday last at the family residence in Bervie, a great gloom has been cast over that local - SUN • --. - „. _ LIFE ASSURANCE T he applications, for Nev Assurances received by the Company during 1919 readied a total of over ThiA exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As- surance prelfiously written in one year by any Company of the British Empire. t '? M.411AOIL.11-1......................"' , . * . • AI, K IN LOUG HMaster Willie Guest, who has Io -n • --- suffering from an abscess under his —Tues.y, Apr. 27. arm, has recovered: .1 i - 1 Rev. Andrew Vane, B.A., Toronto, ()tube a number from here atteq- is visiting at his home here. ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Davis •Mr. Jas. Bailey, of North Bay, is in Iletvie last week. •Much sympathy visiting his sister, Mrs. Tweedy, this 1:4 rrit for the hereaveltones. 1 - /11MI.W. 111111.1124111141,41.14.44 week. Miss Florence Tweedy, .:of Wing: Mr. Jack Graham, of Royal Bank, ham, visited, her mother here last Wiegham, spent Sunday with his week parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kaakt went to London the early part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. ft. Iludgkinson s.pent Sunday in Armow. . Messrs. Ilarty and,Ilarold McLean, . ?Tent the week -end with friends oil/ li..South Line. M rs. Jas. John:4ton is ip poor health at the present, but it is hoped • she is improving. • r. and Mrs. it. A. -frichardit'sis•nt Sunday on the Squth Line: s. and Mrs. Guest,. of Tt•eswater, visited at Wesley Guest's this week: Qaite a number in this vicinity are under the %heather WO colds at pres- -eta. Mr. sod Mrs. Wadter. Nicholson and family spent Sunday .wir riends ee the SOuth. Line. There is--ratlier backward wedther for the -seediag.operations, and prac-, Tio seed sown yet. •lhe maple syrup industry is Wound trp,for the scallion, it has not. been a very total mason,, folk having no More than what will.supply their own. -needs. Mr. A 1 Hafilea.hy tat eonfined to I the house at present, but is improv - Mr. Jas. Percy paid a flying visit HOLYROOD —Tuesday, Apr. 27. Mr. Abner Ackert is installing a •neWt„furnace in his residence. Mrs. Kennedy and sen, Jack, are viSitini- in the burg. Mr. and Mrs. Temple -mooning at .1. Purser's. Look out, girls. Johnnie has:s his new car.. Quite a number around our burg have very severe colds, so attendance at school is IOW. • The- 110Iyrood Wometi'm Institute will broil, in the Township Hall May tith at the ostialhour. This heing our Ini:4itiestm nu•eting, itII thou' I h•- sil'iut office- please show hy abseint.. IcOti Call answered •1•Y paying fee. ----6 •, .wa• s an old Latin saying:"Op- , portunity has hair in front; !whin. she lis .bahl; if youimeize her by the forelock, you may hold.•her; bid; if are honey- hoilough on Moutlay. suffered to escape,. not Jultita•r him- huSucker fishing is again a live busi- ..11;• can catch her. again." 11t'", and airadY a ee g"d nut""The mill, will never grind with catches are reported. the water that hem passed." • • Miss Sara Mallotigh is visiting los- 4 sister, 'Mrs. Make,' and other relat- ives here. Mr. and Mrs. Herb McQuillin vis- ited at Mr. S. Coak's Sunday. Mr. Isaac &others has completed his first year course at the .0.A.C.,• and'will work his brother's farm here this summer. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Blake and visited Mrs. Blake's paretits gannon Sunday. - ,.• •THE EUGENIA POWER PLANT.' • The Eugenia Falls hydro plant is now developing' 8000 horsepower andscan still, increase 50 per cent, owing to the .installation of a new turbine unit, which' doubles the cap - of the plant. The new 'territory to. Ise servedis referred to as the Bruce County district and covers delivery of power to the municipalities ' of Walkerton, formosis Mildmay, Tees - water, Wingham, Forwich, Gorrie, Wroxeter, Lucknow, Ripley,. ICinear- dine, Southampton and Port. Elgin. The possibilities. of 'supplying power to other municipatitie4 in thi's dis- triet together and. 'those 'mentioned above, are being invesigated by the Commission's enigneers at the pre- sent -time: Six substations will bp • required to take care of .the exten- sion into' the Bruce County district. It is anticipated 'that the construe - Bernice 111 Dun- • tion of these lines •and will be undertaken,• as. soon as the weathers perniiis. • substations "There's my- father, he • smokes' and and 'chews, and he is '80 years obit". "Ah," said , his opponent, "if he had not used tobacco he might have - been 90 by ti -is time. • —000 --- The best test of Youthis a readi- ness to take up a new thing or to adapt to new •circumstances. When that is present, old age has not. y. t got any grip. ro•rommoomarromirr..04.41•••••44144.14=.7 HOUSE FURNISHINGS r THAT TURN THE DUSKY VINTER ROOMS INTO VISIONS 01, St.11111•SZY IT'S TIME TO SLIP FRESH CHINTZES OVER DARK FURNITURE AND TO REPLACE OLD CURTAINS WI'l'H NEW. THIS IS Tilt STORE OF VAMP:I-TY AND QUALITY COMBINED WITHIOW PR1C- ES—THE STORE IT WILL PAY YOU TO VIM IF YOLLARE IN SEJRCH OF THE NEWEST AND BEST. • Cretonnes CHINTZES THAT EMPHASIZE THE FASHION FOR VIVID COL- ORING. Dozens of new designs glowing with rich deep velvety colorings are shown in chintzes, Cretonnes and shadow cloths, 2-7 to 42 inches wide, just. what .is. needed fur furniture covering' ot_the_ popular . side curtains. Prices run frone.50c to $2.00 a )ard. Rugs Tapestry, Axtninster, Brussells The best values obtainable loth.. A stock of all popular sizes awaits • 3 our inspection. l'rees *are Io ;a thf•se rugs were liffii0it -mime time ago. Congoleum Ifug.s, all sites. rib Al ,I) per square yard. Linoleum Uti s, all 14/,PM, fib $ 1.75 ••• per square ard. 1-)d. Linoleum in an enornifiii, display of patterns, Floral and designs *1.10, $1.50 sapt.yd. Scotch Linoleum ""tit 111WS" hea% test quality made in.11ovauliful pat terns, 4 ydm \(,,,,N at $2.00 mow yd. ARE CURTAINS IN YOUR PLAn FOR . If they are, Curtains that will help . to rejuvenate your rooms and your home are to be found in our Curtain Section. "There ars Curtains of scrim, marquisette, voiles, all ?specially priced for Spring. ,Ours is the largest assortment you will tied outside a city store, and it ilI pay you .to. secure your Reeds from our store .if you want exclusive designs and superior qualities. Fine Ilunga- low Nets in artistrc designs and styles• in filet, nottingham, cable,. stripe and block -effects. Those de- siring :a lacy effect should see these curtains, from $1.75 to $10.00 a pair. NetssandScrims by the yard at 35c to $2.50 yd. I HOUSE FINDINGS 1'17111%11N RODS any style tori 11rasseor Wood, long or short. • flat roond--We ran SU 1/94 You r aufs)«. Windost shates:in_z•tast range of' color!, - Shade Itollerse_ 'Stair Platox,- tino Shine In IreneW• your oilcloths and linoleunts; -Wass . Tacks. Furnit- ure Binding -everything you need :imong the little, things that put st to- soar wilfrk -cleaning and beautifying the htiase. Come to- the Store stint 'you v ill see a Real Shah_ cal ily — Goods -"-Yes, we sell diem er. MUNN'S, Ripley