HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-03-25, Page 8MINOR LOCALS. ----ThurHday, March 25. —Eggs 18 cents per dczan. —Good Friday—April 8th, —The snow is disappearing, --Thursday next will be AU Fools' Day. --Read the advertisements in the Tram. —Sunday last was the first day of spring, —Mr. and Mrs. L. Pearen have mored onto the farm they recently pnrohssed, near WeetVa d, —Regular meeting of Court Maitland, 'Canadian Order of Forceters, on Fri- day evening of this week. —Mrs. Arthur Runstedler, who went under an operation on Friday, March 19th, is doing nicely at present, —The date of Mrs, Oosford's millin- ery opening has been changed to Thurs. day and Friday, 25th and 2Gh inst. —"Handy Andy," the humorous drama, will be presented in the opera house, Tuesday evening, April 6th, by the Y. M. O. A. —The North Huron License Commis sioner8 will meet in Wingham, on Sat urday, April 24th, to consider applioa tions for the ensuing year. —The ging Edward hotel at Wrox eter has changed hands, Mr. A. A. Est selling the business to Mr. W. A Currie, late of the Gofton hotel of tha village. —Roland Hough, who- recently under went an operation at the Wingham hospital, is doing nicely, and will, it is expected, be able to leave that institu tion in a few days. —Inspector Robb says that the aver- age salaries paid the assistants in the various urban schools are as follows:— Clinton $3SI, Seafortr. $383, Wingham $391, and Blyth $393. —The London papers state that Col, Peters, commanding military district No. 1, has been notified from Ottawa that the military camp for this .' triot will be held this year at Lando —A popular idea need to " evail that all teas were pretty mud. alike, but "Salada" Tea is rov g a pleasant surprise to thonsn.:_ of partionlar tea -drinkers. Sold by grocers every- where. —The Misses Little have opened up a new and up-to-date stock of spring millinery upstairs in the store of Mrs. Hanna, where they will be pleased to see all their old customers, and many new ones. —Messrs. Richardson & Rae have a new advt. in this issno in which they announce a complete stock of wire for fending, garden tools, etc. Read the advt. and then call at this well-known hardware store. • • 3. t —Get the best price for your, batter by wrapping it up in pound prints. We have a stock. of genuine parchment paper, size 8x11 inches, which is special- ly adapted for Chis purpose. Gall and see it at the TIMES office. —The down-eastplay, "Unole Dan'I," was pat on in the opera house here Monday evening by a travelling com- pany. The performance was a very good one, the principal parts being well taken, and the music was of a high or- der. There was not a large attendance. —The marriage was celebrated on Monday at Goderioh of Miss Hattie J., eldest daughter of Mr. B. J. Sanits, to Mr. G. L. Parsons. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. J. A. Hamilton in the presence of a large number of the friends of the contracting parties. The bride formerly resided 'with her parents at Blnevale. —Mr. Mason, special evangelistio secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association, who was to have spent a few days here this week in the interest® of the Wingham branch of the Associa- tion, reoently met with an accident which resulted in the breaking of a leg. He will consequently be laid aside from active work for a time, and his visit to Wingham has had to be postponed. —T. E. Walker, formerly of this looality, had a case before the Assize Court in Walkerton. Walker is on a farm out in Kincardine Tp„ belonging to a Mr. McKenzie. He claimed that McKenzie had misrepresented the farm to him, saying that there was a perman- ent water supply, which did not prove to be the case. Walker sued for $1200 damages. The court allowed him $400 because of the misrepresentations and $200 for seizure of his oattle—MoKenzie having effected a seizure. A RELIABLE MEDICINE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN On the word of thouean of mothers in all parts of Canada o have used Baby's Own Tablets t re is no other medicine so good . c•"ring all the minor ills of babyhood' , childhood. And we gire yen the g &tante° of a govern - Merit analyst that the Medicine is sate and °attains no Opiate or poisonone drug. Mrs. L, Murphy, S. Sylvester, lets thefittestand b:—"I estmediolne forn anetonraoh and bowel troubles and strong- ly recommend them to other mothers." SIS ly mill at os byd a box fsx,m The Dr.bWilliatn Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont 'K'1il W4N(.XItiAM TIMES, MARGII 25, 18U9 PERSONAL. A. H. Musgrove, M. F. P. was home from Toronto for over Sunday, Mr, Thos. 3. Watt, of Mio, Miob,,. was viaiting with Wingham friends lett week, Miss Maggie Gray lett' on Saturday last for Stratford where she will reside in future, Mr. Thos. Hardie has returned home after spending three months iu British Columbia, Miss Burgess of Owen Sound was. visiting for a few cays with her cousin, Miss Ethel King, Mr, Thos, Hepburn, of Preston, was visiting with his brother, Mr. D. T. Hepburn, last week, Mr. Geo. Blackstock, of British Col- umbia, is visiting his aunt, Mrs, Riohard Rankin, Edward street, Mrs. R Rankin and her nephew, Mr. G. Blaokatook, visited the former's daughter, Mrs, A, McGuire, at Brussels, this as eek. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Elliott are in To. routo for a few days, Mr. Elliott attend- ing the annual meeting of the Canadian Preen Association, Messrs. Dudley Holmes and J. E. Mc- Guire attended the funeral of the late E. L. Dickinson, at Goderioh, on Wed. nesday of last week. Mies Shortt, of London, has taken a position as head milliner at Mrs, Green's for this season, Mise Shortt is a native of London, Eng., where she was engaged in the millinery occupation for some years, but has for some time been a resident of London, Ont. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of bresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 10e in stamps. 'weenie, Mn,ze Qo., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 401 BE IN THE VAN A young man from the vioinity of Berlin, who bad engaged to work for a farmer in Nebraska, was turned baok at Detroit, twelve other Canadians be. ing refused admi i es on tlo the United States at the same pert the sane week. This prompts the Toronto Star to ask some pertinent questions. One of these is why a young Canadian farmer should wish to go to Nebraska at all, as the best market on the continent for skill, and industry and experience in farming is in the Canadian Northwest, It points out that a young farmer can strike out into districts there where men have not as yet, skimmed the cream off every- thing, Again it asks why such a young man should subject himself to the in- dignity of being "turned bank" at Detroit, when by reading the despatches n the newspapers on the same day that he suffered his affront he would have earned that hundreds of Nebraskan armors are trekking across the border o settle on Canadian wheat lands? Had e read the newspapers he would have een informed . that by going to the anadian Northwest he would have een in the van instead of at the tail of he procession. Putting the matter in nether way The Star oonolnees: "The; new provinces of Canada and e as yet unorganized distrlot not only ffer virgin lands to those who have the i11 to work them, but these new pro - noes need men to think and plan and ad in the building up of sooiai organ- ations. There are opportunities for ung men to win more than financial ooess—honors, offices, and the respect posterity. All the chances a man eds for himself and should desire r his descendants can be had in nada, in the West and in New On - rites 1 f $ h b 0 b t a th 0 sk vi le ie yo sn of ne fo Ca to Creed of The Mail Order House. These commandments were not writ- ten on stone by Moses, says an ex- change, but they are thoroughly under- stood and frequently bumped into by anyone who deals with tho catalogue mail order concern, 1. Yon should sell your farm pro- ducts for oashl,wherever yon can, but not to ns; we do not bay from you. 2. Yonl'shail believe our statements and buy all yon need from us because we want to be good to you, although we are not acquainted with you. 3. You shall send in the money in advance to give ns a chance to get the goods from the factory with your money; meanwhile yon will have to wait patiently a few weeks because that is our business method 4. You should buy your cheroh hells and interior ohnrch fixtures from ns and forward the money in advance, for that is our business method, 5. Yon ehail colieot from the brini- ness men in your vicinity as muoh money as you oan for the benefit of your ohurohes, Although we get more money from you than they do, still it le against our rales to donate money for building country churches. 6. Yon shall buy your,toole from us and be your own mechanic in order to drive the meohanio from your vicinity, for we wish it so. 7. You will induce your neighbor to buy everything from us, as we have room for ;more money, 8, You shall often look at the beauti- ful pictures in our oatalogne so your wishes will increase and yon will send in a big order, although yon are not in immediate need of goods; otherwise you might have some left to buy neces- sary goods of your local dealer. 2. You shall have the meohauics that repair the goods you buy from ns book the bill, so that you oan send the money for his labor to us for new goods, other- wise he will notice our influ nee, 10. You shall believe us in preference to your local merchants, 11. You shall, in ease of aooident, sioknees or need, apply to local dealers for aid and credit, as we do not know you. BURN. BAIRn.-In Culross, on the 21st inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Baird, jr,; a daughter. MAR RIA,D the par ona in Wingham, byatheeRev. W. at Howson, Mr, Albert E Jacobs, to Miss Ida May Everett, all of Kinloss township, bytemm� Church, London on Ms ch nth, by• Rev. Thos. Mitchell, Miss Helena Claudia Brown, of [London, to Mr. Harry Stanfield Jackson, of Stratllroy. PAtsoNS—SAutTS —At Goderioh, on Mon - on rtattie .ii , eldeMarch st daughter of Mr. B HJ. Sault., formerly of Blnevale, to Mr. G. L. Parsons, Superintendent of the Goderioh Elevator & Transit Company. LANGFORn—BUGIrNER.—At the residence of Robert Snelgrove in Lueknow, on Wednesday, ford; 110tch h 10th, by Rev. B. to Mrs. tElsie Bnghn Lang- ford; Detroit, Mich., both formerly of East Mis- souri, Oxford Co. DILE) OWENS.—In Belgrnve, on March 22nd, James Owens, aged 77 years and 10 months. MODONAL»,—In Culross, on March 121h, Catharine McKay, wire of Mr. Ronald McDon- ald, aged 81 years and 7 days. OAME Isa- bella Cameron relict of the late on eJohnrch �Calner- on, aged 82 yens. MCKatimE.—In Kinloss, on March 17th, Rod- erick McKenzie, in his 82nd year. BOWES.—In Grey, on March 15th, Eliza Hunter, beloved wife of Robert Bowes, in her 85th year. JAMES —In Ann oth ell, relict of the ate Wm. J mon March ea in her 85th year. TEACHERS o f rip e scholarship, wideteaelnng and business experience in loading Canadian and American centres, em- pl.,yed by our chain of High -Grade Colleges, have built up a superior, unapproached curriculum. studentEach is instructed ss touat his owdesk.easr gradu- ates to the best positions. Three courses — Commercial, Steno- graphy and Telegraphy. Mail Courses. Enter any day. Write for particulars. • WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. ,g, rOTTON, Principal. FOR (SALE. A pure bred Durl old; good breeding deep red. Also a telephone poles, et Residence one Wingham. hm bull calf, 11 months nd uantity ofd d cedar' color posts, J. G. FYFE, Wnd a half mil sa south of BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on his prem ises, Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Bluevale Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms—$1, to be paid at time of service. T. M. HENDERSON, Wingham, P. 0. ..Maple Syrup.. about SroyRCHARDANDERSON is the onlyauthorized agent to take orders for our Syrup. If your order has been given to any other person representing himself as selling BELDEN'S Maple Syrup, you may rescind the order and favor Mr. ,Anderson with t h e amount. We Hamilton, rosecured Mr. Eoker, of to runoursyrup outfit this season, and as he has had years of ex- perience, the public will we hope get a better article than ever. W. R. BELDEN. Royal Grocery LEAVE YOUR NEXT ORDER .� for GROCERIES FLOUR BREAD ORANGES LEMONS ITeas and Coffee .1• Our Coffee fresh ground while you wait. 1 We carry nothing but the bprices,est—and the best at lowest PRODUCE WANTED, M LGOLM98 Phone 54. +++44+++++++++++ RING'S FOR BARGAIPIS 1 W E WANT YOUR TRADE SPRING GOODS LAWN WAISTS.—The first shipment in this line to hand— come in and see them, LADIES' SPRING JACKETS.—This season we have some of the nattiest Jackets in right up to -the -minute styles and at sell -them quick prices --have a look. Ginghams, Prints, and Wash Goods in abundance and at popular prices. DRESS GOODS.—A complete range in the leading colors and new weaves. We have the best range of Black Dress Goods in town. EXTRA SPECIAL.—Ten cases select Seeded Raisins, r�- 15e package for 10c, , WANTED.—Any quantity White Beans, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Feathers, etc. • GOOD 1 GOODS `�.� o E. KING. •�'- ea•e®ausese•Selilaa a•••e••••••••••• 1The Greatest Sale of !Blouses O HEAP PRIOES 1 a • • • • • • • a for the month of March in the experience of this House. How i s do we account for it? Well, simply that the goods and trim- • mings are the very best, and they are made and finished in the • n best and latest styles known to the best designers in Canada and • a New York. And the prices at which they are offered has a great II • deal to do with their rapid sale. Come in. It will be a ,pleasure for us to show them and quote price. te r • • ! NewDress Goods • • Prints, 'Gingham, Muslins, Lawn, and Trimmings of every des. • eription are here in abundance, and are pleasing our customers No a in every particular. •• ! IIN o• Please come in and see our great display of New Curtains and 8 Curtain Material of the very latest and best designs, 0 ® • ' Best Groceries• 0 w Fresh and clean always on hand. The best flavored, sweet- : est and cleanest Oat Meal always in stock. Try a package and • you will always use it. Highest prices paid for trade.• •• al D. • GORDON •••••••60•••••8000.00••••0 e•aa e•s••• aea•••••a••••a ea $1.00. Wheat Means good times— The farmer pays for all. When he is prosperous All other businesses are benefited. The winter is nearly over— Spring is close at hand. You have decided to move to TV ingham— But there are practically no empty houses. It will pay you to buy one. We have studied the situation. Prides are certain to advance Within the next few months. Call and see us. We oan convince yon, We have the proofs— Also a good list of desirable pro- perties Either in, or near, town At right prices. Money to loan on farms at lowest rates. Ritchie & Cosoos REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. WINGHAM - ONT. NEW GROCERY I wish to inform the people of Wingham and vicinity that I am now opened up in the premises lately occupied - by. A, W. Webster with a stook of GROCER IES CROCKERY and Confectionery. The premises have been con- veniently fitted up, and I hope by keeping goods of the first quality, and by giving good values, to merit a share of the public patronage, J. T. LENNOX. Pxxortlr 139. J �1 s Barley Red Clover Goose Wheat Mammoth Clover Alsike Clover Lucerne Clover Timothy, etc. The above in the beat qualities only and now on sale. G.E.King t Good News 41114, ci** FARMERS ! MECHANICS ! RAILROAD MEN ! One of the most difficult things in "shoeology" is to get a shoethat will "turn water" and at the same time "keep soft" and give "good wear," and we are pleased to inform all those whose occupation requires them to wear heavy shoes, that after much experimenting we have at last succeeded in procuring a shoe made of' a certain tannage, which, after putting through a process of our own known as "rubberizing," we guarantee to be Absolutely Waterproof In fact, this shoe has all the essentials of a first-class shoe, namely : 1—WATERPROOF 2—WILL KEEP SOFT 3—EXCELLENT WEAR Price $2.75 per pair. THIS SHOE IS EQUAL TO THE BEST HAND MADE OTHER SHOES FOR FARM AND OTHER WORK From $1.00 per pair up. Highest trade prices for Butter and Eggs. Kindly bring butter in pound prints. WILLIS, & CO. THE SHOE STORE . Sole Agents "Victoria" Shoes for Ladies, "Albert" and ".Astoria" Shoes for Men. Alex Yong & Co. SOME OF THE THINGS YOU WILL NEED THIS SPRING There is no season of the year so fitted for brightening up as the present, Look at the list given below' and see if there isn't something you need for spring cleaning, Then look at the price and see if you can afford to overlook this store. MOPS A good Mop is always useful, but just now with the muddy days it is especially so. We have excellent mops at 2 for 25 cents. PAILS Don't be handicapped by a leaky pail, we have pails of all sizes. The following prices should appeal to you. Best Galv Iron Pails 30e. Strong Tin Pails 20c. Good Fibre Pails 30e. These are all guaranteed to hold water. Scrub Brushes Our Scrub Brushes are made to stand the Hardest kind of work. Strong solutions will not effect their fabric. Price 10e and 13e. Carpet Beaters Times have changed, no more whips or bamboo poles, we now have some durable Carpet Beaters that can be used by any housewife, any shape for 15e. Step Ladders Hanging pietures, washing woodwork, etc., all require the nse of a step ladder, and it is not a pleasant sensation to be on a rickety step ladder, Let ns show you some of our good ones, We are agent for Sherwin.Williams' Paints and Varnishes and will be glad to give you figures on "Brightening up" your place inside or out. Come in and talk the matter over. YOIING'S BIG IIARDIARE C; Cha (. 1,. v.- LM L (17 C*/ 1. ra) 'ti Y1TC11 ,. 7• ir5 ay 1.5; S.r'1 r; f K'