HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-29, Page 5• • VC' 0' s 411 • Help You Make.a Garden. REAUTTFUL surroundings a(1(1"t's the 'Valle of your prop- erty. A flowergarden to.. beautify --a vegetable garden to rf duce your table co.t 3e have twerything to make garden work- • spades, rakes, lawn hose lawn mowers,, Beautify your house vith 0-CecIar PC)tish• 004:-izes). 0 -Cedar, Polish Mop. the time and labor-siver. is II co • .N.PW S T S . _ • , ALI. SIZES .AND STYLES. • MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS ANI) t1 [STIES. A • KIND FOR EVERY PURVOSE. ' CET OUR -PRICES ON COltRUCATE,D GALVAN- • IZE1L40OFING. NVI•:.IIAVE A QUANTITY AT FAR LESS THAN PliESENT WHOLESALE PRICES. • BRANTFORD ASPILAtT -SfATR-SKINGETS AN -1, ---"!------5- 1tOOFINC. THE BEST OF ITS .1U -N -H -111.5 -THE MAR- K ET To-pAy. j..E-r-t-t4C-STIO\-V YOU WHY.. --PREPARED PLASTER. A CAR OF PORTLAND CEME T 3 -CST ARP.I's Li) WE HAVE A NUMBER OF SECOND HAND HI- , CYCLES IN (MOD ltkPAIR AT RIGHT PRICES. •• BICYCLE REPAIRING AND SUPPLIES. VE HAVE A ArECIAL COAL OW , FOR INCU- B 1TORS. ..MOMMrimmommama McLE-01),&JOYNT TIIE S1 ma: \\ HERE YOUR MONEY GOES FARTHEST ilikemionmagEawitsmIlliMMIEMINImmainimaings WINGHAM, ONT. The school with co.ulpi-tent nistructors-and superior courses. Gradliates placed in riositiObs: Affiliated 'With- the Elliott-BUSineSS Col1ege, Tor- . onto; and the, Centra1 Business' College, Stratford. Write for free cata- logue. Enter any ). A. M :L chlin, Pres. Phone 16G Murray McLeish, Principal. %.• ESTABLISHED 1 87 2 :if t I 4 . ••.!../ •• 1' it ri. I ,,fr arr ,ig .11 TOTE s .4iNIE peon** liVe fortunes left . them. Most people have to make theirs. Everything Must have ommencement. • 'savings ;le, count in the Bank of Hamilton may ,be the commencement of....yOur for - 1 • Ho roi L CO; E :•:.1 a rt. :‘ oh never get -very • ANK OF HAMIL30 N LUCI1140-vt BaANCil J. A. Clennie, Mattaer. {;‘3(':.i.iiiiawaultkOictistv-,2,“takArarignarowwwesmatilaiivas .n, • V..... •••; !. •t y'i'17-1Tiz : if t k' !. 14"I° , `••••', ' ‘,1 • ..tatoiu ‘,„ N-*%•,,ts s• 3 i!',1,'1*-11:1,Si101iatt' ,1Qt shy f,anited v,-;,,,t,,yr and stmt. stAxral.pit-tures to the s,1‘ • i t...;hx, was itte' t int;it joncs_ of such_ is the, : • 1‘ 7 rt kill' f 'CCM h • 10 him • 1p,1' there are tw' from the yniteds Finst.,•!_ass • "yhe ia Nt vadabor... ,:„i runs.: "-Sa,rod to the • mopy of I ?anti,: Nionk.,, ,th Whites.t., -.,''st-hearted and lies'1/4 ititage-driy- er or the West. 'oho.'aiiind f•V All Fhht 11,1 of Nom!: had .citi a Si ra Era., and wti- a • •licro- the. wheels of 11,5 ctiai'h are noNv. • 011 St t -c,15... \Vcs't 1.11 19,• w110 dor:. inwat), wor the Loiai del :\ t•:•,-,1 in:0 his hands, :%nd 1‘, for‘va'rd -A16•4•14- , • • • . avar.,•• ormilimm• • .• • ,h‘a iia fl epi.taplts.. one of •1 tl.i..!ottior thi, may 1'* ft-4ton-- , ts :t• ,:rst hallrwatt Stanley - • •*:- to have'e11,,sea as the diose .; -:%11 1%.f those , 111 AVestininste•r • , • • .1ant 1.istee. I 1.a -rt' ' . tiwt: t)tlit-r. 1p. -1.4441y tri,70; y • 101.--t 1. has the irtie 0- .1 • ;1'"Ai Vie lsle: „s. .k. "lit'rt- tilt' 11144 of Lady L.... • ••• s' y. irt-vat ll'.ere ,%1 , • P•d •Noll 4••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••. or the hos ni,*et reapy a ni:71it's rest. It 011T St OM :lt:11 IS 11(14 - disturbed. two or thice 1. • ...• r.s.ii ". 77 ivr elst 1113 v.. -. 4,li ...PR , ...k.-+ . ,...... ...Q0 4'; . ...A.... ' Liii on the :...,!-11e0, -fore "reti:1•1,! And en. 70) vel, f•..h.ng b.,,,' 1/. TV' , ,:: ,' goodness of ki-vicids•- , • . •,,..- • ' by .SCOTT & hoy. NL IlitAltrt.E.RS or SCOTT'S EIMILIS:ON 4- .; , 11 i 1! • , ! . , ! : '4 , 1 ! • r,,re 111%, t r.11 ,,r the, , L ,.. , holt i., ftlii a,..k., )1 in 3,;,,,,„,,,t his house at ,Hawk's Ferry, Marh 27,' 18•13."- • • . • ••• "DELCO-LIGHT is the Best Time. and Labor Saver on My Farm" Tittit's that !natty users say. ()vet' a hundred thousand fzimilies located in 111 parts (11 th'e world, `are enthusiastic about 1)elco-Light. " This is proof of the 1tIf(i ti i i)eleo-Light gives. It is an • indication of tlie- l!i!!11 pl:ice Dele` o -Light holds in the hearts of those 1% II, it. Crean, safe electric lights make the- house, bariis and premises as brightday. Electric power does the pumping, separating, churning. washing, , irpning, sweeping and a score of other- tasks. Greater convenience and comfort come to t1io-e • -• who have Deli -o -Light. Write Or call for catalos,,prices • and further Interesting detail* Mackenzie & Smith Lucknow, Ont. • "(, Pfeii. :ylt pol..fr plant fur funks •14,.1'cm4iiiry /tuna, self -crank- - in'y —air r, rd it bear i ngs—liobetts • y one. place; to mlL—thick plates— .1ung.tired. an kerosene. Valv_s-i!1-1 lead Motor Over 100,000 Satisfiej Users 114W--t- MaTrufsetured by Dr.LSO-LIGHT COMPANY, Dayton, Ohio The a Sarlr.1,tirie. A 0 WI • • • 'HIV.' 110. -ME NEWSPAPER '- And.1 feel a subtle perfume from that . _ .., . dingy :page uncoil, - • • . DWI and mutliled now the tumult of Sweet as scent of- budding flaw 14, the city comes to me; . , I • strong as scent' og field 1.11 soil. Waggons.rattle, hoofs are thudding ' And a•rich. pufsating music Aeo:!:: to amid laiiphs and ;910iits of glee. .I. . billow through it alL _Through the open • _WilldOW ' • pouring, :In whose quiet sweiLis in -I) ,.,),.:x floods the su.ltry .siuunter *4, • 1 of lark' and !aiming all. And I see the sunlight shining, and --From the .....„....0Swedi:ohof Ola Ilat..:1,,,:r.. the heavens, how blue and..fair!', • . ' Under the Good Roads Systvin . , On the Wide' just hefore -me. gra- and Athleil the Provincial Government r _blurred the paper ties, has -taken in hand., Road inSpeetors And I look its columns over breath- are appointed 'mid get -good salary• lessly with hurried eyes. • For the Counties of Bruee, Grey and Dear old village- tmnies /are in it, ain. (1 Simeoe One inspecto‘• will !w appoint. to me the pictures come , ed and we umh‘rstand t hat :\ I r. Of the people•as they read. it in the David Craig'', cx-reeve i'l A"'"h.do eot,t4tes'.ai home. ., . ; ' - • ., ,,:l. has. applied for the position. The . I 1041 -, member ' for North Bruce. By fhe window sits the -rrindsire in ! Lieut. W. II. Fenton, is using his in - his leather -covered Omit. 1 fluence in his 'behalf. Mr, craig has While through tie.; darkened panes the . considerable experience °hi road mak... dayliglit faintly falls,...apd:finvom ing and shnuld tin- "IA' --P4gitv -4tithi 4-- `. there. the -posit ion_ aid e 14)- , , . . . ilictorily. .. There •are other itrgi- , :Row: the- rifit--man -spens -the fine' print- 1 "Tits .for • throulth.- his goggles rimmed with pointment, rests with lloii. F.. C. ' brass! And the pages crisply rustle as* Ws smoothing. tingerS pass: • • And 1 see around the Little how die fuer the experiment with oil. last 'failii-A.rirls read it. too, •1 year having proved %highly, successR- :. t aint I:and .glimmer of . the -lamp- flight when he's through. Arms na tit ech otherls /leeks the while " their 'fingers rough and brown, •,- IZown the gray and wrinkled pa rcs lino, by line each eolunin dom Children who are over -thin, • • listless or delicate, should take sve t walls shjie *hitt% ,beneath their mossy thatch, 1 Scott's Emulsion And Cie :green of the chestnuts and -the e:ms Isfaintly catch. And hear • the myraid, plartl 1,fe groNting on the . ea tn-S. Witit' ot ing surpasses Scott's° mu ston as a tbmc-nutri- ent for a child of any age. s1/44te& flowne. Toronto, Ont. 4111111111141141/11111/M8.41111111m 'Biggs, Minister of Puhlie The ,town of 'Walkerton will have the prineipar streets oiled this sum - fillip!. eM1101011111e imemimuisacar ask Keep:them Growing regularly every day as an aid to gtrwthand sturtlines. • breast, , Whilothe•vernal ltay-day softly sInk.s into its evening rest, • 4 0 II • . •• .143 • 44 • 1.: ;t< e " t • it:41140_ 6 In the Rush of Harvest 'THERE'S NOTHING I which makes a man so down -right mad• as to have twine run uneven. Stopping a binder once on this account is .1iimply'a nui- sq.nce. fro such ttvine means constant interr uptions—a seri. ous flttcr. se only PLYMOUTH GOLD MEDAL 1 1, ' i. ' .f : ''' 41 • . I a ;et;d'Yi -- ' 'et' (1 g 0- • .0• ' ' , Ho ...,.',.,, and .be • rid of such troutile forever. PlytroUtli MADE IN CA7tADA is more cvet) in size - and ItIonger then other brands. It runs full lench, ties mare bundles and dots riot fan down; % ;ix ncic.rdcrecmi thetiwi,e.tliy. a*.tehaeire go. The :time good Quality 10 hound it? • Ii013BS Go Mlles are for said by \ all first-class dealers ,