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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-29, Page 2
• 1 / A Samaritan at the Wheel. ,,1 garage.. This should be done outside, If the' gotsd Samaritan of to -day for gasoline vaporizes readily, and if were going down the road from Jer- there is a spark .of fire abouts the usalem to Jericho,' he would not be vaporized gasoline will surely explode, letting, by the way, are imported from journeying on fbttt. He would be sit- unless it passes off quickly into the ting at •the wheel of ills automobile, air. Europe. Our native species. are not For. this reason' n.ever fillyour car fierce enough. whistling on the way; but he woulda for while the engine is running or when rile really beautiful- worms live•' -in �Yhave his eyes open, just the same, the sea. They are the.nlost gorgeously `the 'Juan trudging along the road who the tail -light (if a kerosene lamp) is colored of animals, the. i nrof thein re- negds., a lift. lighted, provided.you are indoors. Bet- sn Pmbliug the brightest blossoms of the Priests and Levites a plenty are out ter make it a rule to stay outside. garden. Sonne •speefes of thenidwell on the road to -day, just as. they were Above all, remember to throwyourin tubes, and one kind :closesti its tube 2,000' years. ago. You know them, lighted cigar a king ‘vay sof• before w itll•�a stopper when you see them. Theyscud alongfilling the gas -tank. - pi er w•he.n it wishes to re - when tire from view. Another always smugly with four empty seats, leav- As a matter of personal protectkkn,, keeps. a pair Let ikee ,et,raehi# :w its .houae 'i'• :ing the.,poer,'the -tiared and the lonely `ower wank yl g g as boarders. . to travel, along the. best' they can.. ' while the outside doors are closed, One species of sea worm, the "sea • But the good Samaritan—ah! What especially in cold weather. It gen- centipespe is seacovered with bri:;tles. a a blessing he and his car are to the erates a deadly poison -gas which has Another, after seizin 'world! Yquknow by the honk of his instantly killed more than one car g Prey; swallows horn that enerous heart is heatingowner. Always have the outside doors it by turning inside out like aglove-' g finger, the outer skin becoming for in his bosom. "I'm coming," it says, open in order to admit plenty of Fair the time being a stomach lining. Yet "and I wouldn't. run over you for the before working with the car. These another finds his Home in a branch eof t _ world! Going down -town, aren't you? precautions are worth knowing, be- _coral, and obliges the coral polyps to Climb right in!" And away you go. cause they Wilt save you money and build a •tube to inclose him as he The whole day is made brighter by perhaps your _life. grows bigger. Still another lines its the 'little trip by the side of the good :e-----'•---• house with an exquisite mosaic Som-. iSamaittan of the friendly wheel,. posed of the prettiest gravel -and peb- Or, it may be the day's work is The Beginning of Steam ilea it can find. .• over. -.Your good Samaritan is•on the Power, s,hen seeking food these animals wayever wave about in the water brilliantly home, • He is quicker than to see you when he overtakes you. He ••A recent centenary that passed Fir• tinted tentacles, vivid with all the ,knows how busy you have been. The tualiy without notice, at leapt in this colors' of ,tae rainbow; • and have the : dust of the road lies thick o>Il• your country, says a writer, wErs that of appearance of the loveliest flowers, shoulders. The tug of the day's work the death of James Watt. the Scot - is still in your heart, or the bundle tar tish ism entor . to whom the modern :'/ the basket maybe world owes set much;of its wonderful . Murder Will Out growing heavier material progress. James Watt set with every step of the way.Dr. . Smith, a well-known physician But you forget it all when he draws out from Glasgow for London at the and surgeon from central 'Ohiq, Som up, stops and takes you in. You for- age of nineteen to seek his fortune; plained that he had xlot had a sati- get that you were tired a moment ago. •and it is recorded that he travelled on factory vacation for many years: iNo ss Your heart grows lighter again, The horseback and took •twelve days for matter where he went; sooner or sore places are all bound up and cured a journey that now, as a result .of his later he was caped upon for profess by the" oil• of, gladness from the horn invention, can be accomplished ' in slops! services. "But I'll fool them of this kindly man at the wheel. ' less than eight hours. this year," he said. "I'm going so far So he picks them all up—these Of' course he was not the first man away that I'll forget where I am from." travellers on life's highway. Ask him to ;experiment with steam power— He Crossed' the prairies and the why he does it and' he will tell you:. Hero of Alexandria did so about two mountains and finally alighted from „ thousand years ago ---but he was the the stage at a little hotel far from his This • .make fcar was folks happmade to-...11se and to y. And I'm going to Mit- to build a real steam engine.The best` previous a rt was the so= use it that way! If I• divide the cost called atmospheric et ins of Thomas of gasoline and tires between two Newcomen that was us d in the. mid- people, I' am cutting their cost in two. die of the eighteenth ce fury to pump If there are four •in the car, my' share water. out'1 of coal mines.: In 1764` is one-quarter of -what it is wh n I c Watt was called on to repair one • of ride alone. 'All • aboard! hf there is a hiilea and the ins • t,t sloe "e• Flov�wer.Like Sea Worms. Borneo worms are attractive and even beautiful. If we fall to realize that fact it is because ot lack of in- timate acquaintance. One plight not, tt is true, admire cer- tain giant earthworms of India which attain a length of two feet and a thick- ness of nearly two Inches. N.pr do wo care much for leeches, seine sof which. found In South America, are huge 'in size -•-veritable vermicular . vampires. The leeches used by doctors for blood - Wanted --Ticks. Many American manufac•turerg lose trade in' foreign countrieaa because they do not cater. to the •peculiaritlea .of their prospective customers, says Mr: George W. Ma'cgrahatu, ' whose place o'f business is ileugkoug, China, where he handles the goods of many home manufacturers. 'One caitned- goods company in 'tire United. States lost many dollars because they did not• understand the .Chinese abhor- rence of changes. It is almost the hardest thing in the world to get the avenge*. Chinese' to buy something r Wonder Children and Longevity A• few weeks ago til 'l a nppt'ared silt, modest hyutn hook. It ie 'such child- . account of the doings of sa:nuc1 !les ren, with tl high development of one chevskl; a wonderful t•11t•:s player, faculty. who most often meet with eight years old, who to confounding: early Ili• tt11, and maybe It is in such Berlin 'with his unr:;uny. kno',i'1e'e�be,'-dia`l's that the old saying '•"i'll(� wise and skill: die y nun i ' had tie origin. 'l'hesc► "wonder children always liar tht+ child rheas player ill Berlin arouse bees al,iuterest, rnd, as many lx'lunbs rattler to the tyeci of lutel- explattat1ors art, !lilt forward to lir- 1('rtua1 ltrl'c{>,cltI s. sut'lt as the leant count for their x1)1) I 1 t genius, there c d'4lhird'of I.uh('(h of the earl) part ot are gloomy forebodings as to their., the .eis;hteeoth century. This chili ni''tlug wit h• an early'*•ei(r;tth. - count recite•the whole Of t1e Old and fillers have bec'u .#Itauy ..v utt(lei coil• aleV '1'rtit:tttlt•ntti .heri;rt`• lht Wad two. article •and Ilnde it .good it is just a• .dren" in the past, -nod it .is str:tnk*�, year:., old, ltnd- o title later he 'wa and though true, that quite a •largo' 1'opur an n!lillority (:li, rcllt,ious�ii..lc ty 11011 have lived'to the average .age' clt►};lll 1. -He cloistered aiso.ltnciwnt and In '.recent 'years there have bee a "a modern. t:eagravIly , sitd, l'u tl ry aird• uuinbetr of child evangelists who li t', 's000r:d . kowtows before' l,is . ut�ath startled the world by tiles! c'loeiut�u.co ..at. the ,►�;e.. Of fOut•-yc';tcs... . aid theology. •In the' .i'nited < ,t'it.tes a A &011 iulN►r;.try• cif til isW4inaierfu • fe ..ye til ago a boy nine vesica old :1t- j c•hill' >v:i . fluent in i{ve ltuhguugesi•l,a- . •. tzYntnt+atl'> c,-. 'o4lvcawtx e, tiff nt, ,:, �lr,t'e as- +a xrlfi,1:3 > d" .s°. •,.sos:;� and when ten• years old he Yva.5, actual- Hebrew Ilihli' into !.stip and l�relt(fi ly appointed minis'tert Of a ihnrc.h in r at the age of eight. Inc sulviv;'d until Earth Carolina. }1e wits nineteen, In Great Britain • there was a child ili�t.otical unci clilticul evidence are twelve years old who preached. 111 a! befit definite its sltu••ving that -"won- Baptist church at Porthcawl, and a small' boy. who, at the tender age of { der -children" are no more liable than three,began preaching to crowded + other children to die young, not' 111 it s g . • audiences and continued • to, do -so -un--1 fou.r_d: that children who assiuli}att,«i ill well after ten years old. • knowledge readily and retail! It 's:io• In. the case of such prodigies, tht'ir any u1ldtle signs, Of fatigue, talents consist chiefly in an :tb c,tntal, 'The greatspoint In the case uP retentive Memory, .and, -Provided that chi!dt•ett marked l,; .special brilliance their temperaments are not .emotional,' is to avoid any attempt at making the they stand the mental .train exceed- brilliance apply to everything, for tt1 ingly well, 'though there is, of course. HO cluing the existing brilliance i,tl 'th.o the danger attached t,o the excessive one special direction may tend..to sits - physical strain which they frequently appear. In the same way . those who undergo. are Intellectually brilliant .wast • iiot To this• type belong those children he forced,. to become industrious 'tn. a who learn „rapidly by heart such practical way, . for such' Interference things as the tunes, wcrds, and num- invariably brings un'.overstrain and hers of all hymns in 'the ancient and breakdown. -ne.w, thOugh when he once uses an: difficult to get hini to change. to some- thing else. In Hongkong ,a certain canned product became very popular. The natives .recognized it by the de- sign of the, wrapper on each can, and mangy- who could note prot1glaf ee the �Anierican Mame of the article would point to the, cans • on the -shelves .a,. store. • Then one day a ,large, shipment of the goods arrived . with a slightly al'ered label. In the interests of art, the manufacturer had removed. a large star from above the�inerinald's head in the picture. It caused no lend of trouble. With- out* the star. the Chinese, both cus- tomers and- shopkeepers,' wt uld _have nothing to do with the goods. If 'it had been the kind they- liked, they argued, there would have been a' star, on' the label.. "No star, no: hay," wa.s the flat dic- tum of a rich old dealer. There was nothing for it but to cable to •the United States (or thous- ands et old labels. When these we"e placed on the cans the dealers bought them eagerly. • On sone occasion,' •Mr. Macg.raha'm continues, I went to considerable ex- pense to find out why the sales of a 'certain alarm clock were ,falling off. The, Chinese for- a long time would not buy alarm clocks, and several packing cases of them stood idle in our /warehouse. Then, unexpectedly, there carne 'a demand for the clocks from a small city eighty,nniles inland. For a month or two we watched the growth ,of the sales with interest. Then, for no apparent reason, the de- mand stopped. Dealers back. in the Palestine and-theJews The future salvation and prosperity of Palestine are dependent upon its settlement with the true •Zionistspirit, according to Lieutenant Colonel J. II, 1:'atterson, who knows the* ardent native state. country refused to have anything more young Zionists of eastern Europe and • The fishing was ,good. the woods to du with our alarm clocks. Several Arlerica probably better than ony abounded- with game. and the doctor urgent letters, elicited the reply tha,t other British officer. Colonel Patter - congratulated himself upon his good they had found a better` alarm clock. son organized and commanded the fortune. The .guests at the ;hotel I immediately set forth into the in- Zion Mule Corps which fought hi the seemed to be a, jolly lot of business, terior, where I learned that one of my' Gallipoli campaign, and later organ - and professional men; no questions competitors, who handled German ized the .Tewish regiment 1:1 Pal( tine, those primitive m c . - were asked, and each went and came goods, had taken my trade from- me: anything I dislike it is to ride with , commanding its famous battalion, file ,an empty set." •provements that he invented took to: suit himself, shape a year later i the earliest Watt there was a line But the greatest surprise awaited me. Thirty-eighth Royal Fusiliers, the Is there a good Samaritan at• the ____- ___ , _ spirit of goodfellowship.. . - . On. examining one of the clocks of the- most distinguished of ,all the 'Jewish Wheel of your car? Good! engine. ,It was the evening of the fourth day German firm 1 -found that it was a brenin- Richard Trevithick, a Cornish after the. arrival of the doctor, who cheap contraption, which cost a third • ing-engineer, .first used Watt's ideas had registered as John Smith, Smith- less to manufacture than the one To Prevent Garage Fires. to propel cars. In 18,04 Trevithick had the ersville, • U.S.A., that he was mot in made in. the United States. But not - A few days ago a man was working a steam locomotive, probably the first around his car in his farmars e' railway"engine engine in the world, that ran when a small 001 of oil caught fire., on a colliery tramway at Pen -y -Dar - ran, in Wales. The engine, however, Re had just spilled some gasoline on was found not to be economically the floor' of the garage and the fire quickly spread to it. worth while, and,. the beginning of Without thought, the man practical railroading had to wait -near- Without grabbed IY two• decades for George Stephenson. up a pail of water and dashed- it on the• The ' steamboat developed •!yore =bU>1•ning ga o]_in� Ls_._reedless rapidly. ' In 1805 Watt and his part - ' to say that as a -result he lost his car per, Matthew Boulton, supplied. Robert and garage and -was rueky to get out Fulton with an engine for the _ Cler- of the .burning 'building alive. . Mont. 'fhe'C'iiarlotte Dunda.s,'.a small Water dges not put out; -otirrrrrig' leastire haat; -Was 'already pi'dng on gasoline; • r r Will it prevent its the Forth and Clyde Canal at. a speed spread. In fact, 'it .has exactly ',`the er seven miles an hour. but . tile. Clete opposite, -effect, seatteri'ng the flames mors wasle first, passenger .steam - everywhere and causing them to burn si:in, and h(Fr trip of one h'ur.dred and s r' - _IIII t s. Sinews' -` legidnnaires. His views on the futir2 o?` i'a estine are considered significant, not only because of his familiarity with the the lobby by the old landlord. "We only was my ' rival underselling my land and 'with Zionist hopes, lath`. be- have been looking for you, Dr. Smith. goods; he was getting alinost twice cause he speaks as 'a non Jew. In a IA lady was thrown from a horse a few as much for the cheap'clocks as I had recent, issue of the London Eveningi minutes ago, and i I think- she has dis- got • for a really serviceable and re- . i locaed her shoulder." liable clock. Standard he said: • . Bored Stiff.i "I have journeyed from Dan to r- ec At 'the firsrwords the doctor's fish. The storekeepers are usually close- The• latest story about the Prins© of Sheba, from Gaza to Gilead. •I have • ing tackle rattled 'to the floor, and he mouthed, and they merely said tliei•e 1''al(s. American tour relates .to .t � seen :the IIoly. Land in seedtithle .ind ' threw up both hands in ccaynplete sur- was no sale any more for the Ainer!- call he made on president Wilson in uarvest. 1 have halt the devouring render. '''How? - Where?' %Tho ons call clocks; • the German clocks had when 11 o'1 tttcr was ill in bed earth told you I ani a physician?" .he p shed thein oft the. marker- For tilt. h_eat__oLi i t valleysathe to ky eel(' • of Its tn(iulrt_tin toga. 1ts`ruc•ky hills—The �-19told ..lite. Prince ffia`' exclaimed. life of me, I could not understand it: • 11avC trots shed despair ttpuit me, yeti the lied in which tie was- then confined • Not only was ours the better -tlock l have sa.4.., n .my. h(cart it t:, a s. • it 'wa`''--tl:e• ldotl•t!c•al bed m- wlt-`i'r':i fl•ohln e%E'r% S'taililpoin,t; mortal_ ears 1 ii-i;.Il•':•' gra nt:fatllt'r, .•. Edwt. .rd_ _V'i1 • -latt+i-; sl--}wn$-:of ITrcrrlrrr. �- saris! that- -' ret listenlecl to' a louder, incireodLs c•an he made once again to f!o}t• vdtl 'Iel't w:ilPi.t he' v"'"at gilest' 'at tll'� agreeable t ekitlg than that of the White Vous,. before the ('ivil. :1'ur- Gexmar>t c loci;. • milk and hones , "Aad'." itiri the 1'r( si(lent,. •'It w•a- Th.e dusters'face wa= a blank. Entirely by_ accident I.1earned that "How are til=�,e things to :�,r d)11(1' _First of till the • land must b(., made from that whitlow c,ver 't.li ,re that -You fen?ed to enjoy aur, c:ll:" ." the t-iek'•i:.g •h:il'{'cctured: the (.Ir'h•111:t11 ec,llf , 1':111Uf;*1}:(`i', 1 urC 1 to t' '4 1,y I s ars Sons') -o : f , .I r.��•1 .a!♦i•/■=amq..... Y.r L1!••OS1rY1a /..l • Y[iIlif,'7is.oA��.ri•,"•:._�a..r+.... i- .i(- iV -- t.I� - - -' -- i- i•friGi)•{•.Fi�lLl.1i IaGIR s -ilii•• K"' 4�W.r � .- _ �• .) t -i .:..i.f.-s .z:i:::T.{iL'►7 1} f{ni\} • ;/ u ti:•i:.er . +an'; 1/1'2v :Sit - ie w•.1 • re.ta ' e . I 1 uy!n chic : i tt) u e lit'p es. .. , t:,l:fas, �uu ca.l� ci for a seculld or- , teirlel nte, escaped or.c night down a - St ggce } - afi tir<et t�-. . cr} .: ht j, _. chin[L_ sic: t, __._Late:- t ' e ., _. � , • ��'�`�' t h;'�•Tn pT� l=ei . i ... to �:l o e��tag to Li - _ _.:�--rr�=•�'�t'�•t�+ltti%.g�mt�€c�t'ai�= o fight, the r isms! `of a fire a feet:soo -'ts a haVe•-trave}le t long *a Ir. ,. ani ' 'SP,C ti, iIralriake 4r 1��lucs, arc i `Well. snorted the docks. Do ticking• in a shire; he liked the ,j10ige if •the :(wilco',; are'sirs(' 1 up ;+nd ill! ',me frlt�uds.' ly, be forewarne�t and • prepared for' e•rlines since Watt's day, but it i:= in- onl.s• hysicians and' surgeor.s• call tor. and •bought the clock. Then along • Tite Prince walked across to the esuch� an emergency. Keep a osceetful tele tingle .remember• that. e . wrote p '►_• - , came the, Geniian cluck, which ticked stagnant water is prripPriS. tr.Ji+' • rl ono r T second orders of cakes ,� great purse r:f the holy:Isi ;d' nstlari:l winfin ; .1661{ed' out, an�1 'sighed. ".1 ..of sand handy; ,and at isle first Siyi1' of 1', cat.; triumphs;, `'TI a ve.oc i.y. • • No, many of our guests give second murk more J(;udly. To confirm my-_.'wi'll he removed. +viah i h1(1 put .a rope ladder in lmy of trouble slrorlhcr the b:,a r; ire, oil: riolencf�, ma.gr.:itude ar.d horrible noise "c�r;lers. fur c>11te'1. Rut when a gust tli cc,verS, I wart into a score of "IIan(1 ii hiuld :sill t:l'1 •,. 1'Irc' "" ' h�� salt!. with the. sand. • of my e'ngi; a gic•e universal s.,.tisfac• •. A w • ,,, ,.. persists in adiiressjpg the Waitress a hunlr c �n(1 fliuntl many cauckx were 1 eelletneS thc•rr' III Ilst flaw• a stead �" '�''_ fe little pi l.t_ns Z�.It .yet-ve tion ,. i..h�1(3er• ." �ntlr-f�, I suspect that. he hats spent turnfr+i fut_etto the ssall sins! that.n(!,';(reanl o'f selected Jowls.'.' iullll'igr.,itt.,, • to eliminate all roe :bil:;ies of fires tllure tithe' in a ho:4pltai operating two w•f re ,!'IJ' e fr tial(:'. A.3 thr re- What Worried 'Jim. In the farm gara• e. The most st• ent' i ►., t•r .' 4},•.• r -n1fn in hued tvit,lrgptl• tT'i;r' 11r►n}at ; >; p t . room t,.arl 1te „as in a cc.untr •' hotel. ',cult (f :i 1emee s.. 31, pu. l.t :re in t,,lr (Y the l+e? d'• danger, and one that ,is ent.re15 un-' ' A New Monoplane. y c i , �i,ir►, ie (1f,Kq,c:d lietF'rm n::rit:n to lnc'et P � t st<�:•,}•.. t:►hT• by 1 a t to til ' Un ' d 5t +1 :L►:rr; !rrist•(1 fli r'�,!7if�,rt an(1 htlrtlshil, ir, d:tl'iv zr ;tl tjotlll;t,tl ('Irl r, rt hu llr'!pcd • her • necessary, comes frolu .th arr•,ln?ula ' +. r.t,t,n a rill%f •1 r _t• s he' ,grfec son of a mall. ..inn I rl I. rr; i, 5 GP . trielel - M ' is le tion..rffoiIs_.e11__the..flaoa of the gara�e -frod �ri;1►l�ne ;acs{}r a ' retia a �rtce•t Wtli-O •tris-WiS . t . (.l�itt.(rr, (t : (� ! nl 'ltTlilc (la ,: whe F.n y tri m:f r lin troprit c►t 111 r,'1 •r'; c• t p r iror:tk4 t h.i r 1tn�I l,1 tl ,pili}n tr) 4irk llottt }-:lt a it cliff itt the (I lc�: rl' rJlil. t ', 3 n q - d . �� from, the n •e. f t tli it litrsr; t f• dr:p}, nR astir a:. s e 17,11 fly : 1, - r • ani iii•;; with.ir. ih._ 'rc t ,I cf th ! !� speotr•at,,icl't; pre ;'r)n:,!. ,+ 1' r: •1'' 'ihr)'i'.1 ri� of �11t'}1 11if.`ll..i(L!'..t_YUIl !slug 1{till 'lir:i 'll 1Z(il� 11I;1,ri1` • ifsr the vt,rl,':. z "".'.•n'rr t 1: 1.15 ,tt •n ) 'yam hist_ t,n " Tlihl , r` . • x!•04711•-'7 h, -.;,'i ` r! " 'h 1 t 1 re i•• .' ^ _ r 7, ` / �. �. ( , `1yF• 1'! Y '( ( E • 1 t~ i h • F.�- _r.c ',t 1 ,,i.� �, l � 'i''iTf'i'� i.}"r''P9' • 111 {';ll:'.;t{hr`. 'f �It' 11111th+'1'17:114 .tt'•.1l'�: Il I y ti 1 !� y � - 1 • 1:'.l !t '}. ,t t p�• r t � a,i t' ill •U SO 51r011R1 roc..,,.r,,.. r e ria: -.ti the e1,� )e:erne F•1 T❑ 1,x,'11 F,''fpe tend Atruricjt: Ono br,R lbs . Thr.•y have is::,'1 niar.� alt 1i lit. ,�fy cr,;nprrtitt,.1., Loitl hit+:r ;.,+ r1 ot,o-;iii�•to e�tcndin• to tivc�meu f: 1 }: nj!• t! f!Ani''i?'' r� 1T i' ►- r R. r . i 1• r t ► rr,ar, o.,.., S. a l seri Illron�,hmit. ,,hi, ,Lintii I 1 R 1. .g., • ; :! 1 / it:. . .en 1-, r i. r. • ,1r• -1.ilt.'r .f.p t.j s - •t .,• t r �•ti1: h 1: t 1 ::',1, I. f ' ,,.. l" ;f all t. T•lp 1 a s• t! , s .+ r og lose oso LI id ,e f,t .r' ( , .l: 1 c 4 9!r'li,i7�1 +: 1 •r(' ;I ll:'!lig='tit,ir►Ily }t, tl f' , i f'' l:`•i,1 t11 iOtO. t`!t‘ 11:.11 w' -1 :te ., ,..s. i- - I t• t' Y.i ,17 , 1 sal. il4kcd. n. on the f P r ; 'i.^. p e•,m ,! •c;n of :t l._ „ _ 'tis• 1 ' .. •?:sere are t' :ti, l • • _ pc•r. 1;: it .:•1.,.._r:,' hr,n 1..i ! 'r► r;t .I�,(i l,r';b/• :tt ,',111(1 1,.' i ot.0 I' y .tri (.a, r ,(+ ti Iffra}:' 't, •r (t r 0 .g/- le h ''t'1 • •� � A ., . a __•.• .._ - • •-��'i�•t►:-. .- t - •(vim , try --rt_ -w:_. ,](T'i� i�, T �i.tl,':;�` ' .- t •., e:':.. ,r.� 1s �o .• .r.a- .:.:. .,: ;•±.c11?_ wel 1:� 1,'.i' •J •Jr� ,b. 'r'�,:•ih . 4-Ir•1-Oji-}•i` ft.F � 1Q�:'i+M'1<Ti�T14 . �• i -1•l !•e`-� _ •'H• . r' ..tit .-O•TT '''it t . , 1 { i r ir;, r try; t•i• C11 :f,t tens ce'rient • , � - _� __: _ 1,; ir, ,w.•. . i•1>:. r 1_ ilii}i �F f . F'1 11,,1t,�r,r 1 lti. •i•,, , -ll''. 1!f .,•(!'t•f:i !'•, ;t r�•1: (Il,._ hA 1fi1:`l n• I1 eaten all r , • , ::•t rt. f , t, 111 lir. r •t 1 ,. ,,.t . r, ,• , . hn leas ! H3rderlir.�, ) .1 •�•„,:�-: t:,:'t^. e1Tl:t, i ... .. X i,: ,1' w '' ,,1 t� .1' C•'!i• ,. 1 ,t t .r t: �► a ► _i t ,: t is �1) (`nf ,. ;il' i•tTt•Tr• t(1 '� : , ;1 1:. , ; i ,. t. ,f 1' i 1 l ,t► ; ok' t al iu►;, .r.! ►nisi ! ( .. ..♦ . .1•i.rs ,.2' . i ”, t�. i-. r.. ( (, .. • , r r• , ,. (s,l .1. , •!r e ,• 111► in 121 ; 1:1 t 1'4,1'44 t,• t/1.' :11.,, , , .. , .. }rPt'rl r'f►:1. ;r',:t.,` 1 ,-', r .. .',. ,•;.- i.t,'. !r I �`'•' P, I -i' i( I!) , '♦, t, 1 ! •r. .F ��,, r • ±•(,t t'tl,':1�1 f'; tt:(' it(1�..;1. ��' � � t l ,, i; 1►ra T ;} t ' 1' _ .. . ,, , t ., .. .: r• , e: s ,i e 1 - • 1, ., I: , t '. }a 'J... - r• � ��,' ,►► • , 4:i''.: . ., '+` (" ,• '1 C,r t7I 'h;t i -t,''t•Ti � tit. 1►rtglit i�f ;i'i its !t tits �. ! ♦ I 11:1. �1'. K •� ,fi1P c 1 •. ' .. -, ,11• 11' . �! :r: ,r �:1,' !1,- t - ! •-t.: , f.•1 it'sr. :t f',ilLr1..14) I,,, , t!it. 1►.oper.1, r,f r}n-. '1'7,41.1r».'11 112..1;9!4: lets terie'd i;!i•► :t we: Hr:fertile,: (,n 1it21'':aa it.. er!t tl'+ill c r•• s us ♦ T t1 as that of Palestine. I 'lave watc`te(t a Bedouin cu:tivator•scatter seeds hap: hazard over a field * 'which he had merely srra,tclied'with a• wooden plow. as in the day. ct Abraham. Within a couple of days seine rain fell and within a week a green tield or cora spr:Ing up. "With suitable farming. iniplAments,- seed, fertilizer and irrigation, e, hal. immense possibili't.ias in this rich land!. 1t rho Jordan ;alley is made habitable to the .European, a 'Trish re- ward awaits the colorist '1•hl. soil •woncterftilly fruitful anti every hind of tropical product t•an be grown." With. coal or fuel of 'any kind un- availiible the Jordan can be harnessed ' anti useii In a thousalsd ways to enrich Palestine, -eecoraiug to c llc.uel Pat-• tersou', The•�andlord's eyes t'win'kled. ••You told u.s, sir hefote yoat._l ad been : here . •'twenty-four !lours; not only: that 'yoii are a physician, •but that yrnt are a- sutlgeon as well," tea. -a -a>✓, n.e•i.� •►a.� Arrr. SiC Ac only the chile hare little ren, dire, :ie• Ch 1 h t '1't :1.1011 t• 1?t 1 �('s u.f t1 'c E,;ei) the. u bit s 'too VIni( • c' 1s 11 rf.-1, aAl! Nz.:'r 1,.111 ( the .n1 c;tl} ro. teal, Tete! 'torsi h1ca 1'hal h; s'•. t e'l thea ] ale n fur 1 Judi; In the IndL •area end sear In it a rove TI the . 1n 0 f�tr' r„ , .. r ,-,4n7,. 4 h' r:1.1, sirs•,. r' l Tlt t.irtl re. ( t1 I tlal'1' r'1 0 1!:1i�. Aid Ti:'] • ',(otos-iris;, r ►• to k , bus rr'i re Fre►r =ar �l'r �.t. i' , ,'_,t,' r ,[ f;r.,:}." tar. : .�z ; } t: rr ,f► �' r• r. w1• 1 f!•. r T i!. . ,•, ql IfTi ,,�.: - '•rj ,:r '! fr,. .� (i. •t .. :1: !; r'r•;11,'�•1, isliss �, "The. lento 11 ▪ :.t r s, i .1 iii •f lllt4 1111, ill .al., ,.. 1+T•r•••l-Iii f,' f ��1 .I ri1 /> in 1 - � }� �.. 1... ./ - .r - F; ...•_ • • ♦ . a . , . l:. g ,-+•- a••fr._. • l, is , sot; r ! r, 1 ( 4' t ! • r . r • p1 r i% lr.r (%fT11. •l,t' i,. ,!ti's[•'I Irl, the 'rests 7n t.lU ;�(.{, or . ►1!•: Trnt•, tll� liar-'. / 11 ITS ,�'•T t,t'i. :f'(. C ,I?( iTl'.:p, R:1• •. i• ^ •'•li •.(1, :i:llr,,, ,. ♦ r l • (r y ,,,rf,r::,t ;t t roe, ,'ll:'t t,f'ley..aloe t1:' r;tl• .r 1 1':f1 11111 r,'•a'�• ilt;'.;11 t),, .t.,Ir;IT'erl t:r •l,c��. C ilr,' •', c,•,. j: 5_ • • 1.:t r,� • l 13 -le les:. or 4' ill f.,.l ... 1 is I},. ;ors moo.. sl;rl' it:.4l,t1••1, }!14! 4:1i}F'}:; 111!:�t 1;e r ��. _ .,,___ 11151( frt r� .�,' •::: `'.... r ..•.•: .,: t1: r'. �1i:: c.•;;, 't:l:, :i �, r :,''} i1� Illillr,�t.t1 ,illr'fl :•hhti inosite•, i r!r!ust 1• SOS\ ,?Lt. 1?1/rl'v .i" , ', !i �" , . 1 tl T aCt t , r• ') Irsoirr,:'C'' • if -those is .'i (,i1 lit ih4! 1l'rtll'l. • 1 , 'I or' I' :,„Irl ' ri�'1t •r tit :r1 tl rr1.1 the r,ati Tope tabl whit bay, the Al nit. 1... �_t.. Ul(i Anti and t!en fast tier • w(:1* 1110= ibex bou rt j ,► 5� • liT • • IS feet th .r 's. I._ '1. 1,'_ no d.:•: -.;;:r. fill • .. r , • . 1 - t r.r! r. "R£G'LAR FELLS' S"—By. Gene Byrnes , 1 • ( FINiSM c* 2.--- -L f ) r:r; '7V • ,. l.. 1 - i„ .11 �'tk ( . �-;•1.�t I. j •'i '*4 r • - ,�►=ter•. t ,