HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-29, Page 1t t in t . $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ; $2.00 OTHERWISE. LUCKNOW, .ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 29th., 1920. S NIS G. E COPIES. 4 CENTS. Lucknow Flour Mils ALL RESTRICTIONS IIAVfl BEEN REMOVED FROM GRIST- 1N(:. IT IS NOW POSSIBLE FOR FARMERS . To cRisT THEIR µ'HEAT AS .1N. -PRRE-WAR 'TIMES. IN THIS WAY. THE FARMER S1��C1!li1•��: RR 1.N . ANI) SHORTS CORRESPONDING TO THE A- O --U_O _(► _A►— ►►_U-_0-rU__ t) —O A► Ltli`.1I' AN ii GENERAL o j)—/1---o—u—u—u—O----O- i�—o--O Have- you bought your overalls suit yet? Mrs. Temple Clark and son, Doug- las,. are visiting at her former home. Heavy rains have brought seeding operations almost to a standstill. - t� Folk are talking 'of a rather backward spring, but its nearly al - .ways so in April. Moving picture show in the Town . Hall, I-.►.t..l,.nn t, '.atotda c b r,• t}mt:; week. MOUNT IT WILL PAY REVIVE `THIS METHOD OF CHANGE. OF WHEAT GRISTED. 'return? It ought to be done before THE FARMER TO April 30.. Have you made your income tax EX- We are sorry to -report that Dr. Gordon, ' who has not enjoyed good .health for some time, had a bad turn this week. Mrs. R. E. Brown, of Winnipeg, is the .guest of her sisters, Mrs—,red MacDc,itald and MZra. Jaz, k'orstc r, of I t.l►is % ieinit'p. Rev. R. MacCallum and Mi . R. D. Cameron attended the annual meet- ing of ;the Synod- of'Ham ilton 'and London this week. The meeting was held in Alexandra Church; Brantford. The annual ' trip of the Steamer Greyhound is being planned. It is expected to leave Detroit on June 14th, and leave Goderic•h on the first trip south Tuesday, Jurie the 15th, and Friday, 19th, on the last,trip. As usual the' excursionists from this part will be given a (lay and a half in Detroit. W. E. 't'REI EAVEN. ADA .MacKAY' Teacher of Piano Pupils prepared for examina- tion.—Phone. 46 r. 12, Huron Mutual. 6-5-100 ST. HELENS . Misses Mary 'and Elizabeth Salk- eld, of Goderich, were week -end vis- itors with Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Gor- don. Miss Nina Woods was home from •Lucknow over Sunday. A little daughter arrved at the ° home of Mr. and Mrs. .Chester Tay- lor last week. Mr. Tom Salkeld, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with his -aunt, Mrs. R. K. Miller. Mrs. Marvin McDowell and child - 'ren, of Westfield, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thonms and fam- ily were Sunday visitors at Mr. Carn- e ron's in Ashfield.' The stork Left a son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Humphrey on April 15th..- --o 00— BELFAST Miss Currie, of Wingham, is visit- ing' with her cousin, Miss Violet T%% amley.. and Mss. ,Joseph Hackett- are visiting friends in Toronto and Bram- pton this week. Miss Lily Alton,-of_Lucknow, s ent e •ee -enwi er ►!others here. Mi' James Agar and Thos. Henry have been busy dragging the -road from Lucknow to the Nile the past week.; r fr —oo0 CHURCH NEWS . Methodist Church.- On Sunday morning there will be the . usual quarterly religious service, Fellow- ship meeting, reception of new mem- bers and Sacramental service. All the members of the church are re- quested- to be_ present at this service. The pastor will preach in the ,evert. ing. On Tuesday evening the last reg- ular official meeting of the Church Board for this conference year will, be held. Presbyterian Church.— _ Services next Lord's Day at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. Morning subject, "The Springtime of the Soul." Evening subject, "In- Search of . Bride.' All are invited .to these services. Anniversary services will be held ire the Presbyterian Church on the 9th; of May, when Rev. G. M. Dunn, B.A., of Royce Avenue Presbyterian Church; Toronto, will preach morn- ing and evening. T() MR. BOOSTER I JIUI,'t 1:1101;ti'Who -$.. • 4 . .', - ii firee you are, or where you came from, where you have gone to, but I belie Mr. Booster, you are some rooster. have read .your epistle to the bache ors and also to the ladies and I se plainly that• you have given this ma ter serious consideration, and 1 sup pose .the reason that you have disap 1►rarcd is that you thought that whi. there are as many as ten getl,in warricd in' one week in the vieinit of this fair burg of ours, that it ova time that you were easing up a bi 1 have studied your advice, I hav considered your suggestions, , I hav meditated on your reflections and must confess that at -times I had hard tussel to keep my funny bone from laughing up my sleeve, so there fore, to all whom it 'may concern, o pertaining to, and concerning the le duudant terminology, supertluou nomenclature, excessive wor.Iines and aI�um►daut tautology of Ince 'equity, courtship, jurisprudence, •hyp notic influences or mashing science, be it stated, affirmed and declared that the purpose,.aim, intent, design, end, effect and consequence thereof, therefrom, therein, and- thereon, is completely, entirely, totally ancrper- fcctly, to befuddle, puzzle, bewilder, confuse, nomiplus and mystify the ladies' and bachelors' interest, under- standing, reason and mind. You suggest having B— Wim, our town constable, - round up all the bachelors (I • suppose to see if they will hump), - a good idea. But wh..t is this U.F.Q. you speak of? Does it 'stand for Uncles,. Fathers and Or- phans ? Or I suppose it might stand for United Fighting Organization. If it's the latter, you are not fair but misleading instead, because I know several myself who are united and happy and have been married for weeks. Now, Mr. Booster, marriage. is a lottery, but different to putting • a ring around a duck's neck, in this case you keep the prize. But still in all, I believe as you do that all should marry, .and the- longer you batch the worse you are, and you know it, Mr. Bachelor. As for you, Miss Hopeful, this is kap year, get busy; and by the way, who chased that bachelor' of the boundary; taking up a position nearer the reserve, on the lake shore? But my, - oh me! don't tackle the' shore. Vinmy Ridge was easy to take ,n comparison to that line up of Mat- rimonial Guards. Better try towards Lang -side or St. Helens, ladies. ' ,1-Iats off to -the fraternal sdciety that invit- ed all us ladies, and ladies only, to? their 'at home' recently. It was pu•t- WEDDING BELLS Agnaw—:„ J7iii or A quiet home wedding was solem- v•,,, nized at the home of -Mrs. James I Irwin, of town, on Wednesday morn- ing of this week at 11 -ams.; whet+ her I- eldest daughter; Margaret E., be- e came the bride of Mr. Kenneth O. t- Agnew, of near Milton. Rev. R. F. _ Irwin officiated in the presence of only a few relatives and intimate mr friends of the bride and- groom. ,The ii,.„°;;ride -'looked extremely .handsc rne-.`in a suit of navy tricotine and she car- ried a bouquet of roses and maiden hair fern. The wedding march was played by Miss Pearl Irwin, sister of the bride. After the enjoymgnt of a nice wedding dinner and a pleasant hour in the home, the young -couple - left by the afternoon train for- Lon- don. They will make their home on the groom's farm near Milton.. Quite a large 'number of friends were at the station to see Mr. and Mrs. Ag- new off with the usual applications' of 'confetti, and to wi :h them- bon s t. e e 1 a s f s 5 voyage. Oft EIGHTH CON., K I N LOSS —Monday, Apr. 26. Mr. Geo. Johnston is visiting at W. R. Johnston's. Mrs. Baker and Miss Margaret visited at M. McPherson's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hodgins visited at J. S. Culbert's on Sunday last. . Quite a number from here attend- ed service in Huron Church, Ripley,. on Sunday afternoon where Rev. Mr. McLean addressed the Odd Fellows. The .service was a -very impressive one. .::r!il the chair rendered approp- riat • music for the occasion. Mr. ::nd Mrs. Finlayson, 4th Con., - ,visited the latter's father, Mr. Geo. Harris, on Sunday. • - Rev, and Mrs. J. L. Foster called on Eighth Con. friends last .week. The spring returns with pleasures • full, The .days are warm and bright; The- farmer ploughs, and on the whole, Is pleased, though tired, at night. The robin carols to his mate. ` The world is all” astir. . The cars again the roadways line, -And calling is the order. But when you -get caught in a_s -rower And your boat' to go refuses, Just hasten to a dryings spot, • -► And try the various uses. -I Hot applications, . water. irons or ' brick, Then- if its power it loses, r'• all. ... Y A te.s.tQm_w.it n Or perhaps just by -a -trick.1 ri But if still stubborn it remains And you give up. in despair, Hitch. on a team and take it for, a ride; And lo! care -o FOR SALE.—Two-seated covered carriage, newly painted and in first class repair—suitable for taking the family to church 1. Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We Sell for Cash-- we Sell Cheaper Thai The Credit Stores .. —. r �-- 4 ...U.. JUST ARRIVED) A CARLOAD OF CLEVELAND COILED WiRE. WE HAVE A SPECIAL IN A HOG FENCE, 8 WIRES. 31 INCHES HIGH WITH STAYS 1612 INCHES APART, ALL NO. 9 WIRE, FOR ONI4Y' 60c I'ER ROD. - THIS IS A. SPECIAL VALUE. WE HAVE POULTRY FENCE WHICH IS WHAT 1YU ,NEE,D. O! FENCE IS 4 FT. HIGH, Dl WiRES, WITH UPRIGHTS 6 INCHES APART. WE HAVE AN; OTHER 5 FT. 1i1( 1!, 20 WIRES WITH STAYS 6 IN. APART AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF 95c PER ROT). WE HAVE A FULL STOC ' OF SHERWIN WIL- LIAMS I'AiNTS -ANI) VARN1. , A PAiNT AND A, VARNISH TO, SUiT EVERY REQ TIREMENT. WE HAVE FRESH CEMENT ON HAND. 1 The Lucknow Hardware & Coal Co. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS • right.. One member said that a lady is something between a flower and an angel, (a thistle, says a voice). Ile was sent. home. 'One guest re- turned the compliment by saying that every man is a volume il'you 'know how to- read him. Now, Ir. Booster, I feelpoetry coning on mi. so lam, going to recite. L A •A A ivcs of married men all remind us We can make our lives sublime nd, departing, leave behind u's `A widoL- and a group of nine. widow that perhaps another., ' Sailing o'er life's solemn main,(11 forlorn and rejected lower • Seeing might take heart again. Lon;erfelluw. TOO MUCH FOR HF.R The toveralls movement, like all other sensational movements, has its comical incidents. The story is told. of a Brantford family in which the husband and father of a fashionable' wife- and daughter was affected -by the "bug.” ' He •wished -to go the lint- it and Wear his overalls to church. The ladies .preceded him_to the place of worship, not knowing his inten- tion. I Shortly after the sbrvice be- gan he slipped into the famrtily pew unobserved. Presently the daughter noticed her father and 'realizing how he had outraged all„the laws of fash- ion and taste she fainted them and • then. She had to be ,taken home in a taxi, whirl:; would reduce Dad's saving in clothes' to the vanishing point. • • m _.. Si RI N GI 14t 1 MERE. Full hint. Ne%% -st 'Shapes and '1'i intntings: in M:s:.1ru>tstrnne'teol 1 Stand. MRS. E. AITCHISON. DIVISION COURT AT KINCAR DINE • (From The Review) Judge Grieg held court here last Thursday. There were several case (on - the docket, a few of which wer .adjourned till next sitting. A cas of .much interest- was that of Bruc vs. Richards, in which Dr. E. E Bruce,. dentist, sought, payment, fo professional services rendered Rich I ard's dare. •!►ter. The case was -th •lni tion ase . Jai the -reerint 41ertt-'l •i n r' tion or survey held at the Public School,a duty which. the Ontari Dental Society, in conjunction wit the Ontario Educational Department for the furtherance of Child Welfare in the Province, agreed to perform free of charge. Dr. Bruce was asked if he would look after the inspection in this section, to which he .replied in the affirmative, and produced in Court the et,pies of letters which passed between himself and the De- partment. On the inspection being made eat -9 i pulpit was giver, the find- ings as placed •in the blank fours f'lti•nislmed b? the Department, to take home' to his or her parents, and here the work of the dentist ceased, without remuneration of any kind. The parents were at liberty to ac- cept or reject. .the inspection, orper- formedcould go and have the dentistry per- foed 'wherever they saw fit. In Miss Richard's case, however, ac- cording ' to her own evidence, it -seemed different, she swearkng that she understood the • Government paid for it, all, and that Dr. truce gave it out in her room` in school that the inspection sheet be present- ed at his office where the work was to be done. ' Mr. Richards also swore that he 'had not: authorized the work nor was he aware of it being done until his daughter was about to•.ans- wer the second appointment at Dr. Bruce's office. It came out in the evidence that Dr. Bruce was a mem- ber of the Board of Educatipn, who had by motion authorized •(at the -re quest of the Department) dental in- spection in the school. • • The Judge in summing up the case thought that Pr: Bruce erred in accepting the work of inspection when he -sat on. the Board of Education. It looked like a case .of drawing grist to his own. mill, which was contrary tct the law, and therefore only allowed the plaintiff judgment for half his ac- count. Richards was saddled with the Court costs, as well as that of counsel fees. This amount along weith $6.25, and the loss of time will amount to.. a• coin which should make a wise man keep out of court. s e e e r' e 0 h --(.► O 0 e For Li dm_ p o 0 0 0 0- o EVERYBODY'S COLUMN _ o--0-- 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 MONEY TO LOAN on mortgages and notes at . reasonable, nates. 1•. mre Insurance, both stock and Mutual Companies. ConveYancing domie with neatness and despatch. -- Geo. A. Siddall, Broker, I ,uckn„w. . T THt, ,:,f'A i:ifEQ.-t,r:4'f:F OFATII, a Ill►►.m,_,, Loelfl►►'v, every. \Ve41r).:•- - day afternoon. All chronic dis• - eases successfully . • treated. Os- r.+ teopathy removes • the physical causes of disease. Adjustment of the spine is more quickly secured and with fewer treatments by Os- _ teopathy than by any other method All .kinds of hides wanted. Highest' Toronto prices. Also all kinds of live poultry, nb matter 'what size. Let me know, or call by phone, No. 86, and I will call. Jake Libel. FARMS FOR SALE '200 acres—Kinloss Township.' 76 acres—Ashfield, Township. And two good frame houses in Luck - now. For particulars. Apply to 18 -tf ,Geo. Siddall Lucknow. -� CREAM WANTED Best cash prices paid for cream at Toni Smith's grocery Lucknow, Wednesdays and Saturdays. D. A. Andrew. 5-2tf FOR ALL MATTERS REGARDING GREENHILL CEMETERY refer to D. Alton. Sexton. EGGS FOR HATCHING.—Bred-, to -lay S.O. White Leghorns and. Bar- red Rocks. Foundation stock from Thos. Delemare, Stratford and O. A. C., mated with birds from the pens of L. R. Guild, Rockwood. 6c per ” egg at the farm. John Farrish, R. 7, Lucknow. Phone Dungannon, 82 r 13. 6-5. - FOR SALE—.Eggs for hatching and day-old chicks, from bred -to -lay, White Leghorns, Black Minorcan, and Barred Rocks. These hens laid well throughout last winter. Eggs, $1.50 for setting of '15. Chicks, $20.00 per hundred for April and May, $18.00 per hundred for June and July. Delivery free. Duncan Kennedy, Box 12, Whitechurch. FOR SALE—Good frame dwelling, 2 -"story, 28x36 ft. A lot of good build- ing material in this house. 29-4-p. Richard Baker, Holyrood. Behold! Your one time Is now- your joy and pride. With 'power restored, the engine throbs. -You now can sit and -ride; And all the, ways you tried and tried Now seen but little jobs. Dear Friends, take my advice: 'Tis better to be wise, And keep your Ford when it is wet Where it is dry inside. 'Tis often true- though sad to say. And to you the like might some- time happen, But if it should. just keep in view "Car Cures" for rainy days. --O 0 . PARAMOUNT: —Tuesday, Apr.' 27. ' Miss Margaret C4arkson is home from Detroit for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs.. Ketchahaw have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in the loss of their infant son which died on Friday of last week. Mrs. Ketrhabaw, who was critically ill .1 ct►uple of weeks ago, is recovering. ',Quite a number fro'it our burg wended their way to Lochalsh on Friday .evening last to be at the presentation to our ma', courier. Jack is a 'Paramount boy, and like many anothr, who had his. early home here has proved himself,worthy of the- trust and confidence placers in Nurse TerritT Iis relieving Nurse Cottle at Mr. Ketchahaw•'s .this 'week. Mrs. , Me('orvie and daughter, Pearl, called on �'ara►ndiant friends last week before leaving .for their' new home in London, Miss Mabel MacDonald was a vis- itor last week at Jas.! MacDonald'a. 1 0 DON'T WAiT UNTIL THE CURRENT IS HERE. IT CAN NOT BE ALL ATTENDED TO AT ONCE. PARTIES WISH-. ANG THEIR !'REMISES WIR- ED CAN . HAVE IT PROMPT- LY AND EFFICIENTLY DONE BY APPLYING TO G. DRINKWALTER Plumber K. Tinsmith -—o-o-o-- NOTiCE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 56, chapter 121, of the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario.- that all persons having claims against the estate of William R. MacDonald, de- ceased, who died on_ 'or about the sixth day of February, 1920, at the Village of Lucknow, in the county of Byre, in the province of Ontario, are i4quired to send .by post eprepaid or to deliver -to the 'undersigned ex- •ecutors, Lucknow, Ont.. on or before the 27th. day of May, 1920, their names and addresses, with full par- ticulars oftheir claims in writing ,and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, duly verified by. a' I statutary declaration. athd further take- notice that after the Laid 27th. day of May, 1920, the assets. ,of the said; estate will be dis- tributed by the executors among' the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shallthen have notice, and the estate will not 'be liable for any claims not filed, at the time of the .said distribution. . Dated at Lucknow this, 29th. day of April, A.D., 1920. ' David H. MacDonald. lora MacDonald, •, Executers. ,..i. Notice The Sanitary' inrp6ctor will make his round of the village about May 10. All spring cleaning of back yards and closets should be� completed by that date, • Dr. Spence, M.A.O. 4 A few settings of Bred -to -Lal sa e. '"7 Tj ppiy`"__— to W, G. McMllatt,- Zttelcttaw. FOR SALE—Purebred Barred Rock eggs. For price and particulars ap- ply to Wm. Rivers, Blacksmith. 29-4-p. . Bred -to -Lay Barred Rock Eggs for sale. At my residence, Lucknow. 29-4-p. 'William Irwin. Horse and Buggy For Sale. -Ap- ply to Geo. -A. Siddall. 29-4-d. LOST—Between Lucknow and the 6th. Con., Kinloss, on April 7th, a man's felt hat, black. Finder kindly report to Dan McKinnon, 6th. Cott., Kinloss. 29-4-35., AUCTION SALE .OF VILLAGE Property, . Lot 317, corner Victoria and Hamilton streets. On the prop- erty there is a comfortable dwelling_ „t and good stable. This property will be offered for sale by public auction, at the property, on Saturday, May 1. 1920, at 4 o'clock, p.m., subject to re- serve bid. Terms cash. Ben Hughes, Executor, Estate of the late Richard Hughes. 29.-5. -- STAMITN6 FIELD ('WW COMPE- TITION Lucknow Agricultural Society Entries w ill he received by tl1e un-. dersigned up to Saturday, May 22nd., in the tanding Field Crop Competi- tion conducted by the -Lucknow Ag- ricultural Society. The varieties of grain in the com- petition will be Oatsl and Barley.: For further information apply to 6.5-c Joseph' Agnew, See. ---o-o-0----- BORN Wharton. -At Fest Toronto. on April \ 20, .1920, to Mr. and Mra. F. J. Wharton, a son. (Mrs. Wharton was formerly 'Mise Alice Whiles, of Lucknow.) • fAT 1 a Is M •s