HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-22, Page 811 , , --)4,....uderr,•,--r -. L.�•�1.,�..;+'±? ��yr 4� :,i-^"'s/1r.+3"3�+r+*adlar ...-��.s`�F'.rw�•�a. ..�a..aa.r...� ..-..r..., 3....w...•-..1.., ... .s.,...A.s.lam"4.,..2.%."-� ,.v_v-.r. ...4:..1`.►'..:ti '7 - ��_...._._�.., w -_ 1B 1 EDFr.,_.......,�.......,..,......._..�.�........�r..�,.. . 01,x, r .r•�.. n 10 is at Your Service (Ihone �\f►f. .., �. We Sell for Ca>ifi 11 Than Tie Credit Store's ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST THROUGHOUT THE STORE e f-iiw • APRIL MEETING ' Council met pursuant to adjuurn- ��went on Monday, the 12'th .day of. April, A.D.,. 1920, with Reeve Rutile in Uw chair. Members were all pres- ent. Minutes ut last meeting wet'r • read and adopted. ' — The following orders' an the Treas- urer were. issued :' . E. Enunerton,$8, for opening road on Lake. Shore, team work and shovelling snow; Bill of Ripley Acetylene Gas Co.' was. laid over for- furihierm consideration;- R. Martyn, 50c, for express on Book ft•out Chatham; Rohl. hell, D.R.O.'ut Hydro Election, "$4.00, for salary; Robt. Swalwell,' $.1.00, salary. of D. R. '0.. at hydro' E:lecti6n; Richard 'Stan- ley, $3.00,. rent of polling booth _at Hydro Election; 'Estate of late 'Dr. Sinclair, $20.00, salary .of M.11.0.. at the rate of $100.00 per annum; Wi'n. - It'; .'trlteron;- $.11.411a,N)Aliin;1- Ara s>�1�f8'iari -s ' •Lot 40, (;on. A; Walter Farrell, $'2.00, putting 2 yards of_ gravel on Sideline 25, Con. 11; Samuel Geddes, 6 hour's work on Con. 4, $3.00; Thos. Welsh,. $1_•2-x,, 2,.;9 hours' work at 1.�,t :01, Con. 4'; John L. Gamble, $4.00, '�alary''� , 'of D.R.O. at Municipal election (dup, licate order); W'm. Harrington; 50e, ' rep. bridge at Lot 22, Con. 4, June 23, 1919 (duplicate) . -,Morgan—Irwin—That the Auditors Report of the books and a.counts of the Township for the year 1919 be re- ceived and adopted. Carried.' . Morgan—McDonald—That. Reeve. !Ruffle. Dep. -Reeve Irwin 'and Coon - [calor \t►'Cn li he r deptr!utioe to W- I t.•rviF•ty the '('t►tiio it I,f tite 'Neil.; of Kincardine with .regard to .the p1'�,, posed new road on ,the Lake Shore. Carried. . Mr. Alex Reavie's resignation of CHILDREN'S RAIN :CAPES SPLENDID VALUE IN GIRL'S NEAT RAINCAI'l;, MATERIAL IS COTTON AND WOOL PARAMATTA CLOTH. HOOD IS VERY NICE- LY LINED WITH SILK AND WOOL PLAID. SIZES 6, ti, and 1() )ears, @$3.75. PULLOVERS FOR GIRLS ,, CHILDREN'S PULLOVER SWEATERS, FOR THE LITTLE TOTS OF 4 to 10 years. • COLORS, SAXE BLUE, CARDINAL • AND ROSE. MADE OF THE PUREST OF WOOL AND PRICED ;AT ONLY ,$3.50. LADIES' RAINCOATS . .:.:...y; .r ..- ,. _Un....r...M. ,:. d • Krr'.•hs, .n,ut' r. ..,...: • ry,avhr.:,Nw..-,'Nye,• ,,,•,ml..,.. JUST `RECEIVED THIS -'WEEK SOME ""O'F �""THOS"E' BEA UT1I UL SILK RAINCOATS, IN THE NEW FAUN 'SHADE. VERY LIGHT IN WEIGHT AND ABSOLUTELY WATERPROOF. PRICED AT $25 and $30. ALSO GOOD ASSORTMENT OF TWEED COATS AT FROM $7.50 TO $16.Q0. SPORTS FLOSS FOR SWEATERS AND PULLOVERS, 65c FOR THE 2 oz. BALL, IN THE FOLLOWJNG RANGE OF COLORS—CARD- INAL, COPEN, RAS?BERRY, KHAKI, CORAL, PADDY, BURGUNDY, PURPLE, MAUVE, CORAL, CHINESE, MYRTLE; , TOBACCO, OLD GOLD AND WHITE. NEW PLAIDS FOR THE EVER -POPULAR SEPARATE SKIRT, IN SILK AND COTTON AND,PURE WOOL. • VERY PRETTY xOILE WAISTS AT. FROM $-L00 TO $u.7-.►j� . RADIUM, ADANAC, HOLEPROOF AND MERCURY. .COLORS, Beaver, Brown, Black and White @ $1.75,.$2.00, $2.25. $2.50 and $'.7 5 pr. SILK GLOVES IN WHIStF, BLACK:AND (:1EY. h 1YSER MAIZE, FROM $1.00 la $2.00 pair. PRETTY EIMONAS PRICED VERY RE ASON.A'ELE. Lovely Crepe Kimonas in those pretty Japanese colorings and pat- terns. Plain colors of Mauve, Rose, Soie; Pink and Blue. Various sizes and styles. Prices from $3 to $9. NEW TAFFETA SILKS Months ago we bought these silks, and since then 'the .prices have ad- vanced in some cases 100 per cent. We know we can' save you money on. silks. Black .and Navy have the: hig run. While the present stock lasts; $$.00 to $4.00 per yard. ._ SPECIAL PURCHASE OF DRESDEN RIBBON 5 inches wide, espec- ially adapted for sashes and hair bciws. Three light shades and three . dark shades, Special ,85c yd... • . Women's' Hose in the extra O.S.. sizes. Black 'arid Whjte Lisle. Sizes 9' 91/2 and 10. , 75c pair. A. Children's Hats and Caps, 75c to $L50. Boys'?hirt Waists at 90c and $1.00. Boy's Cotton Jerseys, White, Khaki and Navy,'long and short sleeves. All sizes..50c each. 1 1 (i CAMERON, MURDOCII & CO. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE -- COMPANY_ OF: i CANADA ti The applications for New Assurances received by the Company during 1919 reached a total of over - $100,000,000 This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As- svrance previously written in.one year by any Company of the. British. Empire. Geo: H. Smith, Get a Policy in 1920. Agent, Lucknow. 1 HURON ..'----r-'."7. i i TOWNSHIP- COUNCIL" _ - Judge; i ,p ey Aceiyl°ene (Ai—Comp- Morgan—Irwin—That the Clerk be I MARCH MEETjj4G • Council met pursuant to adourn- ment with Reeve Rustle in the chair. Members were all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopt- ed. The following orders on the Treas- urer reas- urer were duly passed and issued: Joseph Black, for diggiing ditch through snow bank at Lots 15 and 16 Con. 4, $4.00; Jos. Colling, for digg- ing at same place, $4.00; • Wm. Bell. putting plank on Pine River Bridge, $1.00; John. - McCormick, placing. -tile on Lake Shore road, $1.00; The Mun- 'icipal al World, St. Thomas, 422.64 for Collector's Roil, paper and other blank forms, and $8.00 for Treasur- er's cash book; Angus Martyn, clerk, $1 s(l, exprPQci-chargees_ paid to H. T1. Mitchell; Angus Martyn, preparing voters' lists, distributing ballots, etc., in connection with' vote on Hydro, $5; Angus Mtrtyn, ,c1erk, $5.46, services In connection with the revision of ithe village voter's list, certified by • the any, Limited, $5.00, 'gas for hall;, J. II. Chapinan, $1.75, stationery for' Auditors; R..1. Graham, $10.00, Aud- itors' .salary; Mrs., Dierlamn, $4.00, for use of room by Auditors; W.' H. Logan, $10*. aut tur.'s salary; • Huron & Kinloss Municipal ' Teiephtone tem, $1299.84, for loan. Corporation retainer)_ $700.16 from telephone ta!k collected, to meet the balance due at the end of 1919; Angus Martyn, (leek, part payment of salary, -$50.00; G. IT. Mooney, of the Riptley Express, $443.00, (for printing and' advertising Hyi1io 'Ily-law and printing ballots. McCosh -- Ruttle—That Donald Gil- lies he appointed _as School Attend- ance Officer for the Township of Hur- on. Carried. Irwin ---Morgan That T)r. D. R. Einigr•en he appoiutoil.- s4. (l c�- er of Health in place of D'r. Sinclair, deceased; Carried; • (twin--Mcf�osh —Thntl we attpoint Wm. Knight, to measure all lumber Nought by the Township during 1920. Carrjed. 'instructed to write. -to the Hydro -Pow- er ('omniissioner to send -a man to Ripley to give further information and to address a public meeting of 'the ratepayers of the Township at the Tp. hall, Ripl(•y, as soon as possible. Carried. • . 'The following by-laws were duly passed, signed and sealed: No. 602, to appoipt 1'oundkeep ers and Fenlre- viev�t►ers for the Townah'ip. i,f Hurorl for )the .year 1920; No. 603, to fix they fees payable to the Caretaker of Ripk.y (Cemetery for digging graves; No. 604, to appoint a Medical Officer (,f Health); No. 605, to fix the rents to. be charged by the Caretaker for Ilse of Tp. Hall; No..600, to •appoint • at School Attendance Officer i as • re- sM++'►«rl.. by Fns. The Report of the Township Clerk on' the. result of the vote taken in the Village of Itiphy on the Hydro Ques- tion was presented to the Council. ,Result was as follows: No. of votes For, 109;. Against -4; Majority for we Se Cheaper RI OFING Ailill.11111.11111111111111111. WE HAVE IN STOCK N:E1'ON$ET. HEAVY PAR 0111 ROOFING- SLA'T'E SURFACED), WEIGHS 80 lbs. T() '1' I f E SQUARE.' • THIS �' IS BEYOND A QUESTION • T 3i E I1tA1)Y•PA/MING ON '1'ilE •MARK ET.' .EVERY SQUARE . GUARANTEED,, PRICE 'PER SQUARE $5.50. WE HAVEl\ - 'E1'ONSET TARO11) "-"11'lTHHOUT A SLATE SURFACE. THIS ROOFING GIVES EXCEL- LENT SAT'ISF'ACTION—IIAS THE SAME QUALITY 01• FELT AS T1IE SLATE 'SUItFACED I' It 1 C' E P E It :,1Q1.' SHE $4,25.• %%'E HA1'E A ('HEATER ROOFING THAT V 1V11.1. ' LAST BETTER.THAN ANY 0'111ER CHEAT' ROOFING ON THE THE MARKET. PRICE i'Elt- SQUARE $3.35. BUY ROOFING WITH A REL')TATION. NEPON- SET PAROID ROOFINGS HAVE I EEN ON THE MAR- KET FOR YEARS AND AICI' THE STANDARi) OF (tummy. !ts t ' '.tf' x...il 11. TheLucknow llardware& Coai Cc. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS a MARTIN •SENOUR PAINTS AND VARPtIS{•IES Touch up Your Furniture and Floors Furniture that is scratched and scarred is an eyesore. if the surface' is spoiled, the article is cc.nsideretl u' -e - less. This is not so. Save the surface and you save all. Use WOOD -LAC STAIN apd funliturt-tl:.tt arc—shakily (--:!1 -Le in'te. to Lr-•_ like new by ODeis «'OOT)-l.AC S'1'A1 l r -au[, t1i limit)► for wl,f,tly.,.rk 411 al kind foint,luatil.(t of high- grade- varnish -and -prerr*larrent' stains. it:imparts to, common wood surfaces the rich • appearance cif nfore expensive woods such as rnahogaoy, rns wood, Cherry, etc. Twelve beautiful Shades. _Brig, the-attathec ►c n -ands* 4 *ire, a to do over a chair or small table. ‘Ve will give you trill instructions how to u.;r it. We want every householder to try WOOD -LA(: STAIN. • . McLeod & Joynt Lucknow • 1 -.014:-, �o ) � "lames .�ti``• ,e`�„`- -tAic q.�os.t\`.,_ (jami 5a.� (1 .- .ouP . i L Of t::,..i. et::,:.: .1,..- tt* t t‘'''..4".•`\ ( � o . ci..N :44" {.tip' �•'fr i +�. lot w:Tfs...a111ir da"YIf^,... Trailer :iL'..T•""TIP..1G--i•T the office of Collector was presented to the Council. . - Ruffle=Morgan—Th the _ ,siu'r.a- tion of Mr. Alex Reavie as t'nllerter be accepted and that the ;Ierk adver- tise for ,a Collector tn1fill tie. vac-. ancy. Carried. . Irwin—Morgan—That this f'I,uncit F';tr(•vtiell, do now adjourn to meet agair1 011 Farewell, Tuesday,• the:25,th day -of 'May, ,A;1i:,: Siarr►�t-r�tt;- 1920, at the usual hour and place as a t•h; s Court of Revision and to transact F'ar'ewell, regular Township business. Carried. Farewell, Fap•well, i'arewell/rum, and gin, and )brandy; Farewell --'huts see .all Furewrll, be_d.' that have no feathers, Farewell,. ways that I'6u fortiaken, Farewell, tubs that have :no bacon; Farewell, empty pots and .kettles, • I'asrewell, 'cupl►(►t►rdv Wit out moitals'; fat•',s red aas.erlr:' I nt►r-, hat: that havo► no rims nn; 194U; rrin .e bole-, Than s.f ft tagged vest. and hreeehe : ; I.rf►ken chairs land ti►hl(•s; t ► alw.•Il.lrtt'4i Knew than,. stab - A TIMELY. SENT1Mt• N i' I" ; Va rf•welf, Arlrtikl,n ::,,nt► ;UPI enrol. 1i.Y.r '-Wltfr rh'.'f• tll�' i,hr'+ f`el'l!`evtftlr pm.m, 11,',1'1.+) f "t,(._ T:rr, F'arewel1,hotels that I ,have broken, k'arewefl, oaths that 1 -hive spoken;. Farewell,.:rnlllon,: and bartenders,. ,Farewell. all blue -,devil senilers.". T xchang,. . K'I N LOSS +I trt(rrlr(f fnr. 1 '. I:1•:1- are ringing 'around four Iint.1.0: tory) Nornutl after tv'i' holidatys at his • ' rtiri �'thrai(ti i;s returned to Strat- s'Iending ' the Ea,- honre In, -e. :4i)etttirnzt his Eas. M 1845, }la's been revived mid Sf•f Cts of) 1 'i' tl r' i' 1111a1,1.; .with frieird>; in ('Jirn ►-- propitiate at this time. When "seri%. I''r'''�:•II, al,tnk:nr' Ia(l; arnff 1;t;,;/•.;•' r►i1r: 1., he arsine attraction, 1111. ten it was the expression of an Irl 1''""'i'''ll, 'wirt�ffl v �tit,hnrat. t�htsyf•�..; t F'a►r(•w(II ftf►ora wit ni f•(I at swab Mr...1. W'1ntet•,tein its intik ng 111:1111 : (lividual who had Io;trted /•oll►t:;t with . the cup. To -day the nation fik; can join heartily in the "farewell"; `F�arew'el�, ysrlx tha.� IV have nu' wood �I "Farewell, drink so nigh and hismt , 10.3'; yrlip i11 Walt kaake's hush. r. .Ioe Young) and family I1111`al'al I,tltl, th(' ('(Ill' farm. 9 havy I •