HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-15, Page 8•m iKAR.�-,-1��.. -..-L. .,�1.' !`+. .+M "'.V ....-V. `rrri�p�-ice .lr �+.+-.• ., . ''....., %---;.-.,:-.A .40.o.•rii..�::..www-...........1An_,..C',.nw.o•.+Qa.w�n.:i...v.',Y`..7,1+! rc.......\......-4e,_ --•^R-..IM..YK+\. ,ra..-'..--As- - 1.:'.. _..r-...rR'4m....`.rlrwaY..+'.w..7.i+Ar.s..*+er•.....w.sl...-q..+ ..M.'- ..- .. 1 Spring Is lloijse-Fiirnishing Time iG S. S. Vac- uum Sweep- ers. See them here. Special $11 oo. . _Axminster }Iearth Dlatts Best quality, • 27x54, at 6 50 • /Ora Plain Facts about Milk Routes TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS Y. AND AXMINSTER SQUARES r,. u.ii;.,.."' ';l lRa►' u^C.!.:?:r'd+�sY(I G.J`�irR 4t (0S'It "At61 c9 7'4x9, 9x9, '9x10!2 and 9x12, IN SPLENDID ARRAY OF PAT- TERNS AND. COLORS., , $16.50 TO $37.50. BRUSSELS RUGS IN 9x101/2 AND 9x12, $33.50 TO $50.00. AXMINSTER ° RUGS 9x10 V2 @ $42.50. , LINOLEUMS,yOILCLOTIIS, FEL- TEX :AND CONGOLEUM zsmov,,..PATTERNS. iitT TIIE 16-1 LINOLEUM ARE HERE AND ARE VERY PRET- TY. PRICED 86.00 PER LIN- EAL YARD. FLOOR OILCLOTH IN ALL WIDTHS 85c SQYD, FELTEX AT $1.10 PER SQYD. Window Coverings in ScI'itii, Madras,.9 Marquisette and Filet Nett FILET NETTS IN PLAIN WHITE 40 INCHES WIDE @ 75c AND 90c PER YARD. , SCRIMS AND MARQUISETTES, .IN WHITE, IVORY, BIEGE AND ECRU AT ?AIR 40c TO $1.25 PER YD. AT $1.15 PER YARD IS A PLAIN WHITE MARQUISETTE SUIT ABLE FOR. SETTING IN YOUR OWN CROCHET WORK, A BEAUTIFUL FINE EVEN THREAD, GOOD ENOUGH FOR'THE BEST ROOM. MARQUISETTES WITH COLORED BORDER AT 75c I'ER YARD. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CURTAINS MADE UP—ALL ARE 21/2 YARDS LONG; AND COLORS MOSTLY WHITE AND IVORY. PRICES RANGE AT $2.75, $3.50, $5.50, $6.00 AND $6.50 PER' PAIR. DURING HOUSE CLEANING IS A GOOD TIME TO REPLENISH YOUR STOCK OF BEI) LINEN, TOWKLS, ETC. THIS WEEK WE ARE OFFERING -A VERY SPECIAL VALUE IN BLEACHED SHEETING 2%2 YDS. WIDE, NICE EVEN THREAD GOOD HEAVY QUALITY AT 85c PER YD. BEST QUALI.TY PILLOW COTTONS, •40, 42 AND 44 INCHES. CIRCULAR AT 65, 75 AND 85c. ° TOWELLING ` WITH . GOOD PER- CENTAGE OF LINEN' IN THEM AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES, 30, 35, 40, 48 AND 50c PER YARD. CAMERON, MURDOCH & CO. A team of horses costs about $400, double barna.- $100, a wagon, $75, making a total' of .$575. A Ford Truck costs $750 at Ford, Ont. Government experiments have proved that .the cc►:;t of feeding a h.orse is 8.7 cents per wbrki::g hour,�r. 17.•1 cents per team perhour. One team, if collecting toil l;, .could -,lint c coverlnoi'e than ' �0 miles a. clay. The cost for twelve hours would be $2.09, or about seven cents a . mile. • The cost for gas. and oil •for at Ford Truck is .only .4 4 cents a mile... The Ford Truck A Ford Truck will cover at least 60 miles a day col- lecting milk or 250 miles on long hauls. It enables you to operate at a lower cost per mile and to cover twice T as much territory as with horses. Ford One -Ton Truck (Chassis only) $750 f. o. b. Ford, Out. If Use only Genuine Ford Parts 685 eanadian,Dealersand over . 2,8(.iel Seri'ice (;aretyeu strl►f,ly (.1tituine 1'I.r'd 1 .;r ureLi 1)1 itit,lit Iese; t.•e` • SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA The appIi,C�,.�.t at f(_r —ter Company during 1919 reached a total of over F--- $100,000,000 This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As- surance previously written in one year by any Company of the British Empire. Oeo. H. Smith, Get a Policy in 1920. . Agent, Lucknow. FOI DYCE 1101341.4. .......111111M111114•11Lalli. • McKenzie Webh is busy cutting - wood for ( ester Taylor, A. Havens and others in the. locality. M rs. St. Marie, Sr., and her ilaugh- tc r are visiting at .1. St. Marie's. C!ad to hear that Mr.• James Bar- bour, who has not been well of late, ground.. - .i oeph Chamney who has been laid • up with It severe cold is able to be out again. 1 ;�t 11 r•» so 45- • E. A. RENWICK, Dealer, Lucknow 1 -THE APPEAL OF SPRING LAURIER I April 4th. Francis was in his 19th —Tuesday,' April 13. I year and was attending college .'n preparation to entering _the priest- hood. Hie had previously studied at Wingha'm Itig)i School. The re- mains were brought. to the family hone and Requiem High rass was ,in Sacred heart Church, Wing- hamir; 'on Wednesday morning prior iem H Mrs.. (iomm.� spend Mondair at W. K pton's.- • js's Margaret MacNain has' re- T tc, the burial in the R. C. cemetery. turned to her duties as teacher near, __ The_ pall . hearers were hta six cous-. T': r II ,. ins: 'Myles Gibbons and Thomas iso. Vir4ct MacLennan has re- .in'Maliey, of i turned Le the Stratford Normal John Se of after• spending the Easter anal Patrick ` O'Malley, of Culross, •va tion at her home here. Frank ands' Lafrances Kehoe, of N « lTtJ ham. ST. AL+Gt'.STINE • •--Tuesday, April 13. Mr.'and Mrs. Wm. Gibbon attend- ed the funt•rla1' of their nephew Wed- nesday of last week. . Mrs. I)an King, of ('ulross, and baby: r•e• visiting M'v Aster, 1V4s.s ' alannah Donovan. Out teacher, Miss • Redmond,- spec t . the Easter vacation with Toronto ¶T:,s Lula Chamney, of Toronto, friehds. spent the Easter holidays under' the• ; Ilr. a.pd rs. Patrick Gibbons parental roof. She had a severe and, family have the sympathy of cold but is well and has returned to many friends in,tfie'loss of their s+m, the city. , • F'ranhis, who Hied at Sandwich. on l'ARAM0['NT Mr.I Clarkson had a very. success- ful' sale last week. • • 'We are glad to know that Mrs. Ketchahaw, who was quite seriously ill, is somewhat better, and we hope for a complete recovery. Ada Pickering is on the sick list this week. Annie Clarkson returned to Wind- sor to resume teaching. She was aceoml.anied by her sister, Alice, who went on to Detroit. Stewart Robertson, .who recently sold his farm. here, has bought Don- ald Ferguson's farm. Mr. Ferguson will give up farming for a time. \ASH FABR1C5 WO1Vi N weary of %%•inter will we-lcome the fresh Lq eli::ess' of the new wash goods now on display: A;.L'isit tom Wash (;cods depautnlent will disclose a \VON I )I4,1: uI, S!iowing of all that is crisp and new ---a Eel ection you'll find hard to equal for prettiness and value. Voiles Handsome Voiles in 'dark shades, two-tone e•ffc°ct� and black and white patterns, full 4o. inches wide. ' AT $1.00 to $1.35y d. I,3 \ ogite,.Voiles in sortie wonderful new and novel designs in dark or light shades AT $1.50, $1.75. . . • Beautiful New Fancy \'Vh to Voiles- Iia choice range of designs 'and splendid qualities. 65c to $1.50 per yard. Ginghams ANDERSONS SCOTCH GINGHAMS are. So ell 1::10‘‘:i for their fine texture, good wearing .and color'• -keeping rltialities that We nef(1 not reconiuien'd them any further, only to say. that we h:i\•e lust received 'a • lar a shipment- of new checks in their most elaborate combinations, ;. ► tt► 2 inches wide AT 65, 75, 90c ►1'e are also showing other snakes in stripes and cheeks of the best Canadian and American manufacture, f,rotu 28 to 36 incheswide ' AT 50 ... 65, 75e yd. . CORSET DEPT. OUR SPRING STYLES 01•' GO5- SARD CORSETS ARE GiVING EXCELLENT SATISFACTION. TO THE LADY WHO, WANTS COM- FORT IN ('ORSETS WE CANNOT TOO STRONGLY 'ADVISE'. HER TO HAVE . A •FITTING. OUR ('OR- SET[ERRI iS HERE /EVERY 1)AY PRiCE YOU WISH TO PAY. WE CARRY YOUR C, O it S RT iN STOCK. EVERY PAIR G[':1RAN- TEED. • TRY A I GOS$A RD TIIIS COMMENCIr'G MAIL ORDERS MAY 6th ' RECEIVE PROMPT ATTEN- TION. WE ('IVP1 Ot' ('1T • WE Wli.L ('LOSE EV- STOIIF, S E R V.1 C E. 0't' R ERY - T 11 U R SD A y STOCK IS FULL 01" EVERY. �11•••1'F.R"NO(3N AT 12.30 THINti! NEW AND 1'1'-'r0- P.M. „Am YOU CAN'T COME'' SPECIAL BARGAINS-1,WR-Tf. EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENiNG PROM.7 To USE BUTTERICI( PATTERNS ammare MUNNS, Ripley Phone 61