HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-03-25, Page 6TUE. W INUUAD2 TIMES, MARCII 25, 1809 Royal 11 jHAT every cook should vY know is, which wheat makes the best flour, and why. Winter wheat is put into the ground in the fall, but does not ripen until the following July. It matures slowly, is soft and very starchy. Spring wheat is sown in April or May, and ripens in August. It's a flinty, translucent wheat, rich in gluten and contains nearly twice as much nutriment as winter wheat. seboki Flour is made entirely from the hard, nutri- tious spring wheat, carefully selected from all the wheat of this kind grown in Canada. Royal Household is fine, light and. pure—milled by the most improved methods—in a mill as clean as your own kitchen. Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's Royal Household — just enough to try. You won't mind the slight advance in cost when you see the results in your bread and pastry. 21 Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Montreal. - isi• .-- ice, tri /j o: Ir saa Your C jive it fiden "CROWN BRAND SYRUP" is a food not only for children but for everyone—and it is used by everyone. It is a table delicacy which should be in every home. It is the one thing that satisfies that longing for sweets which all healthy children and most adults have. Used in the home, it saves trouble in the making up of delicious desserts and other good things to eat. " CROWN BRAND SYRUP" stands for the highest possible purity in table syrup. It is prepared in a clean wholesome manner from the very finest ingredients, which develop a delicious flavor as of fine honey and rich cream. These are strong reasons why you should insist on having "CROWN BRAND SYRUP". Your dealer has it for you in 2, 5, 10 and 20 1b au -tight tins with l b -o5 lid . The Edwardsburg Starch Co., Limited ESTABLISHED 1858. 2.09 Works : CARDINAL, Ont. Offices : MONTRRAL,TORONTO & BRANTFORD T1iE1114011T0 rb M 106 4/7 The Most Interesting Daily The "Toronto Daily Star" is strong in special features for Women. There are the daily Hofne Pages—the daily instalment of a good story—the Social and Personal columns—the illustrated daily I asl;Iion Hints. But the "btar's" strongest appeal to the wide-awake woman is the unusually interesting way in which it presents the news of all the world, day by day. 'there is not a dry line in it—yet it is not sensational or in any way "yellow." Just good, clean, wholesovie, well-written accounts of everything that is going on that's worth' reading about. Subscribe now and take advantage of our present rate of $x.50 A Year This paper and "Toronto Daily Star" together for one year --02.20. guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. added to above subscription prices. Toronto Daily Star 1 KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL 1 interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. There are 45 medical societies in New York Oity, No British sovereign has vetccd a parliamentary lilI for the last 107 years. Fortify now against the Grip—for it °ernes every season eure] Preventies— the little Gandy Cold Cure Tablets— offer in this respect a most certain and depent.able safeguard. Preventics, at the "eneeze;stage" will, as well, oleo surely heatrof all common colds. But the promptness is all important. Keep Preventics in the pocket or purse, for instant nee. Box of 48 for 25o, Sold at Walley'e Drug Store. For many years florists have tried in vain to produce a perfectly black flower. Repeat it:—"Shilob's Cure will al- ways owe my oonghs and colds." Deputy Minister Campbell says the roads jnet cntside Toronto are the worst in Ontario. Nothing in the way of a Gough is quite so annoying as a tickling, teasing, wheezing, bronchial Cough. The goiok- est relief comes perhaps from a prescrip• tion known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And be. sides, it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its re - workable curative effect. A day's teat will tell. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. A toad is said to lay 11,500 eggs a uyear, but only one egg in 1,000 develops nto a toad. Repeat it:—"Shitoh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." EMontreal manufacturers of enamel baths. and fittings are organizing to prevent price cutting. Good Liniment. Yon will bent a good while before yon find a preparation that is equal to Chamberlain's Liniment as a cure for mnsoular and rheumatic pains, for the onre of amine and soreness of the muscles. It is equally valuable for lame back and all deep seated muscular pains. 25 and 50 cent siZes for sale by all druggists. There is fear of trouble in the Winni- peg building trades, as some of the on- ions have presented demands for increas- ed pay. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's ()are will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." Nova Scotia coal mine owners are opposed to free trade in coal between this country and the United States. The representatives of the other Provinces seem to favor it. DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25cCATARRH CURE„.■ is sent direct to the diseased �-, parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co„ Toronto and Buffalo - The earliest riser of the bird family is the greenfinch, which sometimes be- gins to sing at one o'clock on a sum- mer morning. ' Bean the The Kind You Have Always BoogR eigIIatATe Do dirty bank bills carry disease? A writer in the Satnrday Evening Post submits the foot that people who have the least money have the most diseases. Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They sure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder How to invest the total savings of a lifetime, however small, is a question of supreme importance to the man who has reached 50 years of age. HEADACHE. Mimi Medical Skin Could Not Do Was Accomplished with Burdock Blood Bitters. If you are troubled with Headache do not hesitate to use B,B.B. It is no net+ pro - dot, of nnknown value, but has air estab- lirked reputation. COULD 1NO'F WORK. )tins ModalWright,ean1aoN.B., amines "I was sink sad run scala, abuts bon Hesd- cotta, a bitter taste in my mouth, floating oeoln Wore ay oxft and pains in my batsif 1 war oat elle to do any mouse 'work It all and sosO4 not sleep at ulrht. Several doctors di/Allredme but I ttatll rrae ett[n no 1'.elp, OfIloial nominations for the Prp vinoiai eleotloes in Alberta took plane Monday, when five Liberals and three Conservatives were elected by aoola. m�tiou. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In California where many wells yield both natural gas and water, it is stated that a syetem had been tried whereby the gas is separated, and utilized in an engine to pump the water. SPRING} roueuroxiert. As a spring medicines But;dock Blood Bitters has no equal, It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. A. 0 Calhoun, of Viotor, is Missouri's honey king. He has 5,000 pounds of honey from the summer flow, and an much mora will be collected this fall. Prevention le North While. When you consider the risk to life, the expense, the anxiety, which is in- volved in an attack of appendicitis and a surgical operation, it is certainly worth white to, avoid it by keeping the liver and bowels regular by using Dr. Chase's Eidney•Liver Pills. Doctors aro now unanimously of the opinion that appen- dicitis oomee from a neglect to keep the liver and bowels in healthful condition. One advantage of the old age aunni- ties is that if a man has incompetent or spendthrift son be oan buy him a yearly pension varying in amount from $50 to $600. A failing tiny nerve --no larger than the finest silken thread—takes from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regular- ity. The Stomach also has its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who first told us it was wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kid- neys. His prescription—Dr, Shoop's Restorative—is directed straight for the cause of these ailments—these weak and faltering inside nerves. This, no doubt clearly explains why the Restorative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative even for a few days soon become fully convinced of its wonderful merit. Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treating the cause of sickness is the only sensible and successful way. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. The Dominion Government may postpone settlement of the Provincial boundaries question for a year if the conditions are not accepted by the Manitoba Government. For Diseases of the Skin. Nearly all diseases of the skin such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers' itoh, are characterized by an intense itching and smarting,which often makes life a burden and disturbs sleep and rest. Quiok relief may be had by ap- plying Chamberlain's Salve, It allays the itching and smarting almost instant- ly. Many oases have been cored by its use. For sale by all druggists. J. Frank Moseley, one of the oldest citizens of Parry Sound, committed suicide by shooting. He had been not- ing strangely for some time and is be- lieved not to have been responsible for his actions. Have ,you a pain—of any kind, any- where? Stop just a minute and think! It matters not whether it be womanly pains, head pains, or any kind of a pain, one of Dr. Shoop's little Pink Pain Tab- lets win surely stop it in 20 minutes, Formula plainly printed on the 25o. box. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. One political club in New York City has 887 members in the fire department, 184 in the dook department, 287 in the street cleaning department and 89 affili- ated young women who • are public school teachers. Cf .A« ItyrOrt. xAL. Bears the _,,The Kind You Have Alwayf Bought Signature of bn the basis of a bushel of corn pro- ducing 2,5 gallons of aloohol, it has been figured out that last year's corn crop in the -United States was aufiioient. to. furnish 20,000,000 horse power for 10 hours a day for an entire year. A Vestment rayttis, When goo want a pleasant physio give Chamberlain's Stomaoh and Liver Tablets trial. They t ri 1 e mild and a ar gentle le in their action and always pro. dace a pleasant cathartic °tot. Call at any drug stere fora free sample. ant an the *style' of a tried I got three The postal bttsineds of the world is iwteee of Burdock Blood Elanr* and they The 7 per bent per annum, *Meted* etomptata etre. _ �... .._.- Balsamic Essences Make Wonderful Cure for Catarrh Colds, Bronchitis, Throat Weakness. To owe an ailment in the throat or olieet, to rout out Oetarrh or Asthma, it is essential that the medioine be convey- ed direct to the strutted parte, This is why no other remedy has achieved such world-wide success as Oatarrhozone, whioh alone eau be breathed in one se- oond to every air eon in the breathing organs The healing vapors of Catarrh. ozone mix with the breath and descend through the throat, down the bronchial tubes, to the deepest air cells in the lungs—all parts are saturated with the rich piney essonoes that ease, heal and oars, Oatarrhezoue has entirely displaced the old-fashioned remedies, snob as Dough syrups, sprays, tablets and seda- tive powders. It contains none of the opium, chloral and drowsy narootics, so commonly found in liquid oongh and ca- tarrh remedies. The extraordinary curative power of Oatarrhozone is well explained in a let- ter from A. B. Cowan, the well known restauranter of Carleton, who writes: "Some time ago I suffered severely from a frightful cold in the head and chest. It was nothing but one continual cough, hawk, heattaoh from morning till night. My nose and throat were so completely stuffed up that I oonld soaroely breathe, Oatarrhozone eased the cough instantly, that would not yield even to the doctor's medicines. Hour by hoar Oatarrhozone relieved and by pur- suing its treatment I have been perman- ently cured of all trace of Asthma, Oa- tarrh and Bronchial Irritation,” Once you try Catarrhozono you'll re- alize how indispensable it is—the large dollar size contains an indestrnotible hard robber inhaler and sniiioient media option to last two months. Smaller trial sizes 25o. and. 600, Beware of the sub stitutor and imitators of Oatarrhozone— lase the genuine and you'll get cured. By mail from the Oatarrhozone Com- pany, /Kingston, Ont, Believed to le the oldest soldier in the world, Andrei Schmidt, who is aged 120, and fought in the Napoleonio wars, has been granted a private audience by the Tsar at St. Petersburg. In spite of his immense age he bore himself proud- ly. Croup positively stopped in 20 minutes, with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One test alone will surely prove this troth. No vomiting, no distress. A safe and pleasing syrup -60o. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. During the last twelve months seven playwrights in France have earned over £4,000 each, eight over £2, twenty- seven between £1,000 and £2,000, twen- ty-eight between £500 and £1,000, and of 430 others none has earned less than £200. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and omits." The Hahn House, of Durham, hue closed its doors, as a result of the find- ing of a jug of whiskey on the premises by two provinoial dete.tives. This leaves the town with practioally no ao- oomodation for the travelling public, other than what can be procured at private xesidenoes. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with Local Applications, as they cannot resell the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take intern- al remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cline is taken internally, and ants directly on the blood and mucous surfaces, Hall's Catarrh Onre is not a gnook medioine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics .known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting direotly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect oombination of the two ingred- ients is what produces suoh wonderful results in outing Catarrh. Send for tes- timonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, pride 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stipation. Long credit is the bane of any country and should be put a atop to. Business men have the power to do so if they will! Many a man has been induced to purchase articles which he oonld do very well without. on promise of long payment, He probably saw no sure way of paying it when the time name "unless something turned up." The something did not come to hand and consequently he went to the wall, Long credit has been the ruin of many a man and is bound *0 rain many more if it is persisted in. Prof. U. A. Howe11, of Havana, Cuba Rocommeads Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "As long ago as I oan remember my mother was a faithful user and friend of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, hut never in in life have I realised its true value until now," writes Prof. H. A. Howell, of Howell's American Sohool, Havana, Cuba. "On the night of Feb- ruary 3rd our baby was taken sink with a very severe nOld; the next day was worse and the following alight hie cow dition was desperate. He ooi ld not lie down and it was neoessary 00 have him in the arms every moment. Even then his breathing was difficult. 1 did not think be Would live, until morning. At last 1 thought of my mother's remedy, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, whi o h afforded prompt reli we gave, and it p dfl and now three days later, be has fully reooltered. Under the circumstances I Would not hesitate a moment in saying that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and that only, Saved the life of our dear little boy." For sale by ail druggists. T NTy Y[ARS a Local fp mr the "Time 'yfyles. (From the TIMES of Mar, 22, 1889.) LOCAL MEWS. The British Hotel was not sold on Friday, the reserve bid not being reach- ed. Mr. and Mrs. F, 0. Spading attended the funeral of her father, the late Lieut. - Colonel Wm. Young, at Lairelet, on Monday. He was in his 91st year, rend resided there for over twenty years, coming there from Leede county, Hess Bros. furniture factory in To- ronto was completely destroyed by fire on Wednesday night. The lose is given at $70,.000 with inenranoe of about $22,500. Mr. 13 L. Knapp has papered, re• novated and added decoratively to his shaving parlor. Mr. W. J. Chapman is making sr- rangeneents for the extension of his tannery in s000rdanoe with the proposi- tion made to and accepted by the town council, Mr. T. Bell returned from New York on Wednesday whither he had gone with Mr. J. H. Dnlmage to attend the great California horse sale. The .entire 250 horses were readily sold at prions rang- ing from $450 to $26,000 each. Chair Factory. —This fine new briok structure reoently erected and equipped by Messrs. Kincaid Bros. & Co. is now in full blast with excellent prospects -ahead. Twenty-three bands are now busy at work and more will soon be put on. There is now in operation in ono of Mr. George MoKenzie's baildinge on the north side of the river au industry that we hope and have reason to expect, may yet develop so as to, become one of the moat important one in this thriving enanutaoturing town. We refer to the broom faotory ander the management of Mr. Geo. McKenzie, with Mr. McKay late of Kincardine, an experienced, reli- able and sncoessful broom maker as foreman. Door Factory.—This splendid and ex- tensive establishment, theerection of which. was prooeded with early in the winter, is now in full operation, being tastefully and substantially finished and equipped with the latest and best pro- curable maobinery: It hos a capacity of 150 doors daily. A large number of doors aro now on band and the first ship- ment will he made in about a week.- Mr. 0. Lloyd, Sr., returned from Manitob a few days ago with a good number of ordere on hand. BIRTHS Molntyre.—In Wiugham, on the 16th inet„ the wife of Mr. G. McIntyre, of Gordon & McIntyre, merchant; a eon. MARRIED. Oampbell—MoEwen.—At Blyth, on the 13th init., by Bev. A. W. Tonga, Mr. D. W. Campbell to Miss Maggie, daughter of Mr. J. A. MoEwen, of Morris. Gibson--MoGuire.—At Wingham, on the 20th inat„ by the Rev. H. Mo- Qaarrio,Mr, Benjamin Gibson,Seymour, to M.ss Maggie McGuire of Morris. Repeat lt:—"Sbiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." Samuel Wates was taken to Oobourg jail reoently violently insane. Next morning - after bis incarceration ho seemed to be quite rational, and it was noticed that a heavy eruption of matter was flowing from his ears. It is believ- ed that insanity was due to the forming of an aboees and relief was obtained by the bursting of it, Could Not 'Keep This Secret, "Six months ago I was cured of piles by the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment," writes Mr. G. A. Swayze, Copenhagen, Elgin 00 , Ont. "I had been afflicted for over thirty years and tried all sorts of treatments in vain, so I was surprised and delighted to be cared. I don't caro, for pnblioity but would like to tell every one suffering from piles about Dr. Ohase's Ointment." Statistics relating to divorce in Eng- land and Wales show that only 752 pe- titions for divorce were filed in 1905, against 720 in 1904 and 889 and 824 in 1902 and 1903 respectively. Three hun- dred and twenty-three of .the 1905 petitions were presented by wives. De- crees were granted to wives in 261 cases and to husbands in 862 oases. d A. Ei'x' R = .A4.. Beare the , The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of A small tribe of redskins, numbering 97 in all, have just consented to part with their reserve situated on the French River, for the sum of one mil- lion dollars. Lumber kings have long had covetous eyes on this territory and they have at length succeeded in indno- ing the Indians to sell it. The sum of $80,000 has already been distributed among the tribe and the rest of the money has been so invested as to ensure a revenue of $3,000 annually to each family. 'unequaled as a uuro for Croup, "Besides being an excellent remedy for colds and throat troubles, Chamber. laln's Cough Remedy is unequaled as a cure for croup," says Harry Wilson, of Waynetown, Ind. When given as soon as the croupy oongh appears, this remedy will prevent the attack. It is used successfully in many thousand of homed. For sale by all druggists. Poultrymen will' welcome with de- light an invention whioh registers the number of eggs a hen lays. This device is in a form of a band whioh fits over the hen's body. The expansion of the body, canoed by the emission of the egg, causes the band to spread and re- gieterd a number. By the register own - era may tell whether the hen is eating her eggs or if they are being stolen. THE LAD11118' FAVORITE. taxa -Liver Pills are the ladies'fatorit medioine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headeohe, Billiousness, and Dysppeepsia without griping, purging or siokening. The Bruce Times (Walkerton) is responsible for the following: An Am- erioan firm has offered the Walkerton Binder Twine Co, $4,50010r the machin- ery ets it stands in the !notary here. The offer be considered is fair one, and may possibly beau apted bythe shareholders attheir 'medal meating here on Wed- nesday next, in whioh event the die• mantling of the factory will immediate. iF oommenoe. The building will then be in a position 00 be devoted to a menu. factory of some Other kind. Repeat it:—"Sbiloh's Cure will al-. w ays pure my coughs and colds." The many friends of Mr,' SS W seises , Huron Road, will learn with deep and sincere regret of his death, whioh occur- red on Friday night, Marob 12th, at the age of 55. Several mcattg-Ils he was laid up by the development of a oanoer on his face, and it beoame evident that there was no relief for him, and , he calmly resigned himself to the inevit- able. He had every possible oare and the -very best of attention during his illness, and retained oonsoionsness to the Iasi. The great trouble among Canadian youth is the lack of application and thoroughness in what they undertake.. Anything that cannot be learned by superficial study is given the go-by for something less tedious. Study and hard work are looked at from a wrong stand- point; and as a consequence -the clerk- ship ranks are full of unemployed young men, and the professions are overflow - with mediocrity, while good moohanios find plenty of work at living prides. The evil spoken of is seriously felt, And those who work at a trade do it in, so loose and careless a manner that thy often are not competent to do the. work they promised to tido. Nature's Remedy La grippe, pneumonia and influ- enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with OXYGENATOR "Nature's Perfect Blood Purifier Cures All Germ Diseases" FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS THE OXYGENATOR CO.; 42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont. ANA1.Y7i1At .CNE LIST TELLS 0r PATENT MEDICINES A graduate in organic cheiriistry who has made a study of many of the host -known patent inecticines on. get m'aricet, states that many have frirtue,Abut as a rule people have to, pay fof a lot of unnecessary expense, Tlie follbwis g iy tho recipe of a well- known secret preparation, and lii�own by authority to be•'otie of the, best a omach Sand liver tonics. It it prescribed by many of the best physicians. ' This iniature cures constipation and; biliousness. The recipe:-- rluid Eictrat:t Cascara 3.6 Gf. Syrup Rhubarb - r or,. Carriana Compound , i oz. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 5 or. Take a teaspoonful after each meat And at 1ledtime. An eminent autbgriR t who has, made a careful; and scientific stud' b,r relative tlative values of drugs hav- ing a specific action on the kidneys. bladder, and liver, pronounces this an excellent combination. You can liuy the ingredients sep*w rattly and mix at Home. Cut tbi;• formula out and save it.