HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-15, Page 2)•:" .0•4100.0.0. 1•••-• .••• 1111111/•••, • "SALADA" Tea is Pure Tea, Fragrant and of Delicious. Flavor, stimulating and refreshing. "Watch for the Name" on every genuine sealed packet. I! 00172C7DS CW#60P0 27 Years in Public Service. 11 1t1IME•11MMUMIN ANN'S ADVENTURE By FISHER AMES, JR •01.111111M.M.1•1•111.1.11•••kas GOdSiP. . : ' Tho sewing• mach i pet but those who put ' fhem there!" busily for -several inon;Cleent,-\•'2.a'ilit..11 *thIn 1 The -figures' were plan enough for any the eeams!teesse 'her hands !full • of tine to understand and the „seamstress and pins in her Mouth,. wo.uld , .was surprised •at Ihe. revelation., for Lasting turn to Mother with another Wt of .he was'retilly not'intentionally mean; jut thoughtless. '.. , , • gessip. "Jennie Dodson said that -"I ."I alWitys' feel," 'grandma said "I heard that. Sai•ah 1;rown--.", ,.‘bid, quietly, "where. peOple.bring gossip to -you know that John nuniplie:es had; it'd, that they take away something Slina.ra'a L9uimant • uein.."by rhysiclalti. overdrawn- his account it the bank ?" 1 to the next, persqn; .i sort: of feel. "Ilave you heard about ken that .-ehibiOus about them. There Is an old . Pigeon hunters in the Psrenees use youngest „daughter ',e'l Bess :Aldrich I saying'. that . ritigs true-.'Thoi7,e- who tit* birds as d& O\ • to entice wild -anel,, that young mail- frettn!--eel- No- • bringlatale_ will ,carry...onee' ".,_ .:" ._ . _•,:ones iiitO nets; • . . Well, I) beard that he -es' ie" ' . .. I , "No, .finer!complir4nt ,can be given. Tunnel Under Mt. Blanc. Many People.think Mont Blanc is In Switzerland, but geegraphically it is not. It is now proppsedsto make a tunnel under the great _white. Moan- tain,•..oae, side. of which is in Franeo and.the otherin Italy, thee two come 'triescentributing to meet the ire7 liminary expenses. Many.people will :thitikeit an easier :way of nesotiatime the joan•ney theu. paeeing by •ilief•Cel de GeAnt or plodding. over the Col ale ••poolionnee, but those who have Made the trip by the more primitive' ways Wi.171 retain their recultection Of the 'joyous' climbing, the splendid views. and , the, -mountain tiowers eartieted their way.. EAGLE • Nero.. STYLI +Tother lia.d -tried. to Stop her"-- •-tried ' us *thilit -fyr •some One toeo.nfid-ein to interrupt with the sewing nusehine,1 us'," Marcia said,. reallyfeeling sorry butthe seamstresst-had talked on and; for the girl and 'wishing to get into . . • .at the 'end of the tiny there' was al ..„.....,. .....:........--Less .than ..a quarter ..of an isourt.away„ and In Sront of it stretched the . - I also tte it pleesanter channele.. "When we think :-, 4itei .i6,4 tsheets ass gossip ,bsie, .. ea ,esse .rotek•e's /there Aare etery- Ow. Ace- whom - ' . • "ItTter ' Ann ituS4e-11 had set eitt to see ' idle pier. --Anti lusit letft •to,i••", , why her father was late to dinner 'she I find a boat theree'nevertheleee, nians mind that it was. hard todrive .O those had ••found hint lying helple-ss among, was d.:.sappointed. when .her ,I search I out. . Every now and- then :.:he found , [little intimate* things so close to our s - she! '*. I wfeel afe in going to tell he snow-capped rocks ..net. far from !' carne to natight. . Baffled, theugh not i herself wondering, as She recalled cer- heart the motor boat he had been repairing. !..conquered.,. sheretreated to.the small,tain statements iii(l.when the. Otatily'l "Well, I know of .a woman to who-rn • lie had started home when the snow -I spot of bare. ground _in the :leeal mentioned names at ,dinner, she was I never hesitate going,-- a wonian who ' storm'began, and while- stepping ,from '' the m6s' hall to think- it. oven .• .• I doubting !people who had lived as 'her 1 has for years been the Confidante of --hetcier to boulder' had ilipPed• 'and Thersellna ot somethingthraeliingsene:g•hbors for YeasS-doubting old', hundreds of peoPie, and shehasnever - fallen ,Violently.... His, left leg had Laboui, the peak of the buildieg ,iin-e feiencls----,Wondering ' if thiS and that1 been known to break that confidence," •snapped just' beloW the knee. In that!: mediate 's; - attracted' hern rush of hotte she rentI1., ve -attention.' which she hail heard was true. , 1 mother said•enysteriouely, as she ex. plight he had lain.. exposed .to .thel uILL n e. ii. St:1(1., In t e ening. the seamstress ca. see.! arniaed the ruffling. 'Which had • just .. ic-. - storm for soine tithe, and his blue] embered.' •th!it a . big bell - ,liacl • • hUng 1 . • *- • • •• lips. and, weak voiee showed that • he ,theee p'• •b•-,•••,-, - .:t ' :yea n to hi up ...a perty elress, for been finished e • , . .. • •• was there •et and. ' •. • .. . was in a serious' 'condition. Jareia and . sat in the seweng room 1. ... Really,,.I didn t mean •an -y harm," • • 1 the \irhieping bell rope,"wlie whel •she • . Ann,- .with her Skirt .cracking in, the • heard.' '. • . • e • ' ' -. . • • . ' with' pother. and' grandmother . and i the "seamstress said,. with 'tears in her blasts, fetched 'her 'brotheri. 'Eddie's1 • . the two. girls... Later .-a neighbor from , VOiC., . • "Everybody. talks." . . • . _ The contractor 'had.1 be-eri. derreilish- e , g p . : • across'the Way.came in and there was'. "But afterthe -harm is don.e„it can't .e.tarted to drag.•hini hoine. After they ;ling the mess hall When't•he eoming'of c.small:talk of varying nature, and be •be Undone, you see," Anne added. i'So i old weather had put a S•tQp-to the left the beach. the!, going '.as ;cont. I . Paratively easy; and presently she Lwork. . Among the piles of . Beards 'fore they' knew it the seams.treSs was let's not do .the harm."• • • I tieeW -tlie • sled ' •and ita,burden • across' -near .by,he til he ladderse.Anneagain telling, things, about ..feierid.sof i "Well, We learn, to keep. our Mouth the low thresked direct ' took the lighter -of the tsto and...plate. them .all ---people for whom she sewed!: shut down at the office" Marcia said . 'ily into. the ' kitchen of the •cottage.'. Ten minutes' ng, it against .the• -•eaves, soon di:I no I.,ie.-. • -4italeintimate: things- -which... W -ere i inelegantly. . "If we blab 'about "busij later, with Eddie's helP, she had re-' to - the ma.* There her difilettit•re not ,meant to be' eaet breads:de (Orness..we soon get .a blue envelope,. and . • moved her father's boots and oilskins ! -began,. for though :the eaves were low -every one- to know. The neighbor sate• we-• Certainly ought '•tO be as careful... the ridgepole was ' hiseh. . The slope - . •. . . ' . . • • and had. put him to bed on a mattre,s ' quietly listening. pt,lancing up new...and: of the sayings of our. friends as of, laid near the range. ' ' i 'was Sharp, • and the. heavy rooting our employer." . - therefrom the hem sfie .,xas carefullyi • . paper was slippery with sle.et. , - When she had put a saucepan. of: baSting and when the.girl had.stopped, broth on the ;fire she:Slit the clothing': Blinded .eni :buffeted by.• a snow- . .. • A. Linoleum- protector. , on the injured. leg. Even het inexs' laden wind,' s•he, foureHt no easy task talking, she asked °quietly, "-Po-es Mrs. perienced eye could see that' it was to..Crawl .up that steep roof, But at Brown .wish you- to tell this ?" The 1 Linoleum .should be 'protected with a • Mean break; ,but s'ne _must do her ". last the in inaged to gain the 'ridge- eeatustress .'coked e up- eiiiekly, as 'did' rugs,and runners to: prevent wearing. best,- nevertheless.' ..In the woodshed, pole, • and ta..ber. joy. -•she. found that the' others in,,the room, and ansWered Matting rugs are light and wear out . was the, crate, that .'had•inclosed Ed- the bell Was Stijl there, swinging in,a-detiantiv -"Well 4•he-didn't- t Al •-' '. - .' "'Id ' *h. • c • ‘m.. -not, (plc y., w ile all 'other kinds of_rugs . roW pieces of wood and got some'•its rope hung dowe 'again-st the end to,,telli.:,'', 1 ., ii .''..' .' . . tlie'S , sled. She broke -oft several' nir., 1_ age at -the-yeerst peals. ' N s'ecC on est • ' get dirty and Tided-withconstant use 'Anil -so you te. things you- hear in' We have 'found cocoa Matting most long . linen' strips from the rag .bagwall, thrashing' it like a-'Whinlash. • • - confidence unless you ' -are warned pot .satisfactory • for .such .purpose in. our- . Then ..she Proceeded to !aplint the Lying close telhe edge of the:re f 1 o , • . ..... to rep -eat then" • the neigbbor •asked kitchen. •,It does not fade, nor fray brolien.limb. • . • ' she tried -to' Siie the -agile-- rope; 'It-. a-nd! evenly, but the girl'did• not reply, im- or break when used • on an uneven ' When she had 'finished, .11Ir. Russell eluded her fingers a dozen tinte.i',, said, as he 'wiped the sweat from his in her '•earnestness she forgot how' " Mediately starting ' the. sewing 'ma- sueface,Itnd it is SO porotta that dust - forehead:. . . . I precarious her pOsiti011 Was and lean-' chine Very .fast. But • when .she had goes through it and - does ' not .:ac- • - "You're smart, Ann. And ' those: ed too' far oat. ' A violent gust of i linishet.L.'_the• eeam the neighbor _again cumulate, . 'Red Cress lectures you w4nt.tO were wind destreyed . her - balaace„ and • a' took up the. subject. ' - . ..- • i "if you .piit money in a -bank,. you 01.1)- .CARMENTS NEW T worth while, I 'guess." .• . - • rflying, sheet of 'heavy paper struck • . • Anis- gave. him a cup of. hot brotb, her like re visit:away kite. The blew ,W;WI WoUldn'• -wish that bank- to..•erV out '' : WHEN DI OND DYED .thit it dld riot ch-etk-lie';thivering.' a 'violent one,'-arttf Ann wag swept .4 • brought him' another blinItet. • His; • But a sudden She. put .moraecoll on,the stove- and over the edge. , • ! `. ' - one- who !came' in; 'Annie . . '. ar stopped Shabby, Faded, Old Apparel eolor and weakness alarmed her; she • ward plunge . at its very_ outset; Aim: ' would .istrr-her down-! Jones just -drew . out all ehe ' has, You?", . - '. • . . • . Fhand Colorful . . dee.ided that ehe must 'get the doetor,. found •herself suspended !upright •-ine • "They Wouldn't d-nre!" _the seam- Turns res What if her fatheir. should get pneu-'.mid-ea'r forty feetabove the frozenetresS cried eutI and hung her head Don't wo:.7 •about, -perfect results. ground. Her oilskins had Provi'-1 when the -ne;gliber repliedWhY :'" not?' monia on tap of his injury! . . Erse "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to •"Be good, Eddie. Sister is going to dentially-..caught on a projecting nail.! • 'Yeti duln'f tell them not to. tell, did. . 1 : get Dr. Maynard," she whispered to! ' When at last she' dared to. move, ; ' ..!! - • '7 • . , give a new, rich, fadeless color to any her brother, -when- they. had hastily' few' careful. efforts t;onvinced•her that' i ".--- ..' ' - .. . ,, 'fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, i "Were_ like banks _ourselves," the A eaten dinner.. '•Take care of father.", she could iiever'• pull 'herself up -to the - cotton or mixed goods. --dreaset, Mr. Russell ,had sunk into a doze,' roof. •Neither could she quite mai:Oil:id voice fiXplaineil. "We should be i blouses, -stockings, skirts, children's -and Ann did not think it wise to Wake, the bell 'rope, which.had lodged' zieross safe-deposit boxes • for all that ,we coats, 'feathers, draperies, coVerings--: • hi• m- Hanging a lantern .on her ,arm,, a piece . of , loose roofing 'peper that : hear, take .g.re4t (...14re who gets .a peek ,he set out trotagh The storm for the the -Wireir had jammed' age. nsTelhe •. in or :know.; just 'wirer. .-11-k.V 7th -red : averYthing1 • , ti" .•. -...tie pool where the motor 'boat was 1 cag.e. As she cast a desperate rook:away. • If °lir friends 'se honor us as- Tlyi Dire.con Doolc withetiCh pack- - ..7.,•11.f.red. . , 1 roun,1 he r. *he 'intik ed .a.. .14. ,i1i.,11' tt) ffic.c. u, their p.recioue .ecenage tells how-to diamond.,tlye cver anyfislence. carefully and -.t. ,t hitt .11:0110- -, of them . • • tilos, t le:oTloor.m. . snow yea -DtaMond• Dye" Coler Card: But a.] hope of us ng the craft' , staple :n ,one of .the boardS. near at, to 1;eep we shor'el nezard them- . a a..teli any material, have..dealer _ ..-e.r...:hed when. she found . the engine: hand. -ande, peeling:down the. Wall, she ' • „ ,..... ., , illit E. ()Lit •:,t little ehe:f or itazfore.' • .'I • 9 -tli •dkrnaitKered. After -a moment it! ,..- eillTreSS;!;.,!,..t. . v-ilt•re othprs .r411 '. . . : ..• : 4ieinaved thonght, nn squared her five Igt-t-Ar_r_le.ti itege*' it - ' rs ..te:A thent.7-Nque 1.:hoe .1 tae them I ------40----eesee-- • • - re=Olutely. There Was a • ' She remeinbei•ed net bevig .se, a ,,s„ - - '' -- -' e '-----!----;: 1 Test for SweetnessofSoil. ..tip '1 t" among. t'ne tnels in • the flaw:Tele sit• that...end-4411e mesa iee:i.• -- ! , ': ...„ • .. - • . eel t ,Ip tAipac.,.1.. isiSselsee Evidently :it haet,..ai.ceeeeteupeehteezh '.::1:; •at the 14.1 I rope L& 1334. ni,:,..! if • , 1,- •-• • - - • • •• -,_ ,,,,_ .a.. n..usefrirratrt"..71-:!--11-70frif I . , ... ,,,,,,„, . i-,,7-4.77:15in.,.......7vr577„..17.:, ,.....v . (A! . „. N , 1,(_.!,,,,(,11 , ( • thiji 6.. 4.1,14. - • - s. - griiVi izi Fi•iii. Milk. i ilittnple test • 1' 1-.t..• oikk.ins in ease . of. trouble.-projettittie :peak,: its 'butt •Ireel! i.ere 7 le.....;ele- ;eel le -t!fte•la:1 pta----Ltisitly, ; to prove it. Gti to 111,!, drug Store ahd ,-. e•.•-, back •ihto the !dot" and - on the .smail she:f, • L'netizee;ce..ee .- ,, it hte , ;forte- ---ea• .-teadily fewer. 1 get• two or three Small stripr of blue fee. through the -narrow ea- the, pole mu t hte:e. v.eit.,..he I ieueb Tele le.•-tethineeehe remembered wasH- i littnus paper and keep it perffetly dry , f ',lie pool into- the dangerous mdre.- than siv.,' inde •therefore -the -.-.-rapp.t* the sleek. of the .rope round f , until.. you tts6 it. -Take a liiIndful of t • • ./ .shelf -WeUld' -1131.4.'n her if s.h..... e.)..,.1d ..lier. aim es. a further, precaution II ce h!earth, moisten it very slightly, 1; ut 'a ` :•-•• instantly the boat th.reatens' gain iO t. ner *feet Were on h it. se tt-f,cains,1 a.a:ng. wit of co7-itrol. Now r•sing' Muh1. feitch the bell 1.:ope-,,iind when., -• •It. must: hary xe '•een ves0011 ftftei•I'strip of litmus paper in it and squeeze 14- 4c ..- on the crest of. a wave, now that was .n her hand. slfe couH,sein-' ;vat -cis that tlie• niereing mite oT it, the Soil together: • Affer n. few "Min• .* .•i i'.v.,,y from the point. The.bay Was': If she failed. ,to land on the ehel•f--' er_iousness. In :a daze, not fully ipaper Will turn red. This Means -that e enadls" ;nto asitrough. it drift- mon help foe. kler father -and herself.• b: -,at :•'ircit br04.ht hi • back to eon- ! utes if the soil is.seid the blue litmus O ,not enly the short cut to tOwn in i but elle must . not fail. ' - - .- i graspitee the. eign:ticance of tho. • if NViritC.!.; it, was just now the onlyilivay,1- W-th the knife in hr• eleft' harol she '.‘-.,und. she ttigtrol frantically at the Aft is needed• to kill the acid. • . After . the ground is plowed or •ie I "or in euch bitter weather no women! reached uo and began- to .eut aivay et I bell.' In allsW1 r the Whistle shreked,, , - .- and few men. indeed. con:d havesmade; the 411' J14.1L'ket ',- lilt' worked-- carefully-, fun of power ia-411 encouragernentepaded spread onepoundot alt ,! -t., , slacked lime or two pounds of ground s-tas gathering on.% drift -a. he seven -Mile trip by -land thrl.ughistcrakrrrrivrivyrz.; thoegh somewhat lif.)1,iite;lhlye, !:',(...,r1174!zrerri;71Trimrha.I. "Whoey,ifiTher yquyeirrate.atitvrid whAmtelVfiegtis„,thit.t.., time!tot,e.or. Iwo plimittn .T7t. nyttryaritett . , s.. Sometimes it seemed to Ann that .which . 41P* right hand gripped. .At seemed' to say.. . •• ' • thardwood.ashes on each strip 3 by 10 Ihe boat would_turn turtle in t'ne 4 'V.(' fOLI 1. t.}1 C'ut .tliere v.:1 it I iii irk - Wig 1 The how.iight fleshed suddenly Into: feet • -s Rake or cultivate the lime Into H)111•A'.ng .- en'. . hu? it always pulled and' a r ripirig s01in.1. ..S he droop... 1 t he range of A•nn's vision, awl" the the soil before the crops are planted. . . through. rising .efic h time from the t,." .t.' !-'. •!. le-ntis% aid. just.:i the as n._ gulfs moro and more heloily, e_e' ....... e ene.... he'r l•-e't lent/ joierrl to the pier. What efunfettahle noises • ,O it came •iveingirie awl ewathingaipl Th* j• f ' ft nctsilitil ' i(serniotina )faerrttsil loztert hiti!seslofi i but .;Ki• :1 half -drowned creature fighting 116' / ..- .. • 4. IA .. gr:p ..open the stanle. 1: its spliting_. eatein.e :made! Two lights' such ',', eet4. 0,1/at ul footens up wane its I:fe: All- wa:i- A Cllar; (if :'•ound it't..r •,,,.:.- droperwl tlfr.vri .'...r,1. :04,1 lif-r rti•c74tilti...• detarKed -themselves fl 0111 ' e a - I p an s .can get it. ee•-; -nov.' and leaping liva.4, r. Ann ,f,','. -*.t':,..: tl,e !-helf... - • ',... air1 l'ap.'fi!y drifted' along the pier. . • ' 1 eet 'snow whether or not. •he or . .1., i ri•-:,.erif.....e:y 1. :..i ,, !,, 7.hr! A bie voice Nvi.1.4 .!ifteri in a. Sea hail.! --411".......11.111 TIC/i. • :t V,i.r: 7. Mr sturdy yoeeg arres t'•Lr':' :_.: •i :,'.1.,..d.•,?., ;,,r!.: 7 ,,;,.-. A e.:,'. " 1:, leg 4,ilor. Capt. (irdrnmer and ;Keep Millard(' Liniment in the bongs. ..:' .;:•_, i painfelly to the thtei-t. and •i• • - . • , - . ,r.;.r , . ,.!..w ,,, 1-f. f , ,. 1.. , !!(,11 !,rouvl,, i1 fl .0 the . t Invcst 'Your Money In • 514% DEBENTUR,ES. 4aterestpayable'. talt yearly. The Great West Permanent .Loan Company. 'Toronto Office 20 King St. West Ar.iwisimaiemensamis W ri to to. day for our b g FREE CATALOGUE alibiing our full zidVwe.i. 1:J C • ft. MOTOR CYCLES MOTOR ATTACHMENTS • • Tires, Om ter Brakes, W19:•••9,,, Liner Tubes,. Lamps, net's. Cyclumetet, sa(dles, Equip - merit ancj Parts of Iticycici. You can lip), 4.our supplies f rwu us at wholesale: prices. • T. W. BOYD 41 SON, - 27 Notre -Dame 6treet. West.. Montreal. • • Very .hot, 1.'at.9er -will set milk 4nd. unffee stains. •- In sowing. eanua seedi soak them :n tepit'Lwater for twelve hours..eeThen, SOW and keep in a tempera,tute:of 70 degrees. COARSE SALT LAN:0- SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J..C.LiFF - TORONTO • .,,-;/44,- , Arrearcr., r1:1111111M - eemmunnisiminewunenntmensto uninntainnimisiosnounnw az- Clothing. hous3hold draperies, linen And delicate 1 fabrics can ie- cleaned and made to look as fresh- , • • and bright as when first botight. • Is Property Done -at -Parker's It makes .no difference where you live; parcels can be sent in by mail or express'. The same care and atten- tion is gives the work as though you lived. in town. • We will be pleased to advise you on any question' regarding Cleaning or Dyeing. vvrtrrg US. • 0 • • •••• , .ht fee teade,,,, of , „ee. ••••• r• diffif .11.t ye few min- Thy Th,•;rt stamps. •,, • r..•. ,..• r • • •‘•.! in t hot ,. 4 I... • ef, „ 1,„ fl • - • t "rr • '1 -.t.Prr., to the; •ereee4,-..e.ei • steree; .•••• .• '••• e. ••. • ee, a • 774! la, th LI 41'. f• Nil% r•.i W he n I r 7,• it•ri 77 la -9 . . had • • • v.-• • ; • p. • ; .r • ; I I ,.c th,. f:::t cdoria* • • -.4- e'e• . of tre he t.vr : • -.7r • - • r. f ,•• • • i • v.T.'.',ir:r. 1.,:r....rfr • "" *g-•4-., .. • '.., ' f ''.;.. ...r.:11,,r r • t t .:.: • • . • ; • , ... :;.,..7..,-7r..•.. -.!.,11 (..,,rv 7, •.• '..: 7. . -' • ./, ;.'.'•• - . -;:'‘ - 'ft: -Ps, -•;,,f'/Ar. ' !,r • •:::, .: I.. ; , • y • • 2. -• i ' • • • ' • t et. ' f -77,7,••••.- ,-‚.•, • • ty: • • • '1 e. 4*!, • ••• .7 ..; r r r,1. 144. p 44 4. rf.'i • flat. r;:)" . ere, ai!.-1' felt. oat .eer. *.,•,1 T. r,,•• )r,, close hy. • er.d. eve :1 ,,y ..,;,r,•: of. leathery .lealtvI:ed. -1: .• 1.(,t• if lip pn, it„ • She was 00 tile cdipt .of Tlwo big .W.%1V(., bit rut her atid fi:leti the 14.1at.,. nnfi whcr ,pent wash (It' the last was ,eickei, !rack she sprang down and ran fer the 1, ..• • ;rown of the beach, She re!e.,h....! i• 'Ill', if : )fore the pursuing' water leee, e emre.than elesch -at her, rubber 1,,,. , • Wi.hout moinent.,$)f flew.; • -r 7:)',' tfi t•-ralts .th-e It ..e•„ •-...,• .•,,,„••• sa. as .", . -. irlf, ; i 111,.',444-F4.44•F-t•-i 5,.- .r..-er.-+--•*-:r• .---•-r,'• f.• , .... - ,t„ .The ,.. 7.'.. •• 1 ‘'r . • • : i ' • I 4 • 7.: r i : ..71 k r, r .'. -.fa (41.4 1:4 .....:4,-.• 4. 1,,.. . '.;i: • .. ' 'j 1% . ; ! cl.t.'"....,:,') ': ;,.t.':,. . i'..,' .- •!‘. ' i'',,' , fin r -r• .9,t 9 iii I-, , ...,-., • ,Olvy* It e :. 7. 1 • rt• -1 ‘' • f• .kt r 1'.., •• ,„ 1 •;,, r, • .•••,•;. 57:,•1 •4 7:!‘• • :tit • 11% %•., Not A Siete mars the perfect appearance of heom- plexion. Permkneet and *temporary troables are effectively concealed. Reduces un- natural color and corrects* greasy •,kins. Highly antiseptic, ttnti-witii beneficial results as c 9r099.'e Agent for 70 yearn: -70X4raud s Mal -Cream „99.99,4ii Montrti,-, I ......•••••••.••......••••m•••••••••••••••=m./.10010•011...1. a....••••••110MON•• Now is Paint time Br.er,t th• 4' erii,r and iiiterifp of your home. Remove .11 tr•ces of Winter's fi,illness with pAINTING becomes necessary . as your property increases in value, and as property was never so valuable as today there is a greater need than ever for that kind of paint which actually preserves the Surface and thus saves the entire house. This spring, to make a real job of it, use B. "ENGLISH." (rni)FTWIdt• l'eaa 11 PAINT& teiti.Z4R-1 - because it coinbines permanence, coverinocnpaCity and economy. . , If B-H "English Paint" was dearer than it is, it v:rould Mal be the most economical -the shorter life of other cheaper brands makes them more ex- pensive in the end. It contains the famous Brandram's Genuine B.lit .finely -ground whitejead- 7O .-- to which is put 30 cla .of pure zinc -a guaranteed formula that no other paint can boast. To this mixture is added fine turpentine and linseed oil from the B-H n*ls, Wilich is eta quality in keeping with the other ingredients. , When you use B -I-1 Paint you will notice its "body" and brilliance -you will compare the e.treme covering capacity with other br4nds --the permanence you will be able to prove by other ex- tcriors painted with B-H paint years ago. 5, 1 )15r: , 1' ,I.' on:Ithabited and find ;teen •• t.; • , v..17;7 I( except fer a brief periiid se i•;in eri .••,e• ne • 4.• • • t ea. he w. reterprise had triPil 1..17 :t !Jo ee• 0'; •,71(7117, f1om eamp there, which t:cks••iln.1 H ,,tritni. flur '1. poi • s toes and had w:ster hn,1 ',woken up.I Vorey se..e• et_•ieVe wles theeletre e4•Potie • Many of. the 'eaildees.- had Leen re-,: froeee as hardens niarble. moved, bet the mess hell ..10-41! -‘0-.:e;•.,n •;4!•11.-n•. . fing ;the 'own, leac.is than a e • ' ofr th,e letelealetharg. Ile; , , • r .• 1.1 v PAINT 'r 1 he reed Pcm114, Pool( rixi,1" ASK YOUR DEALER Look for the H -B dealer in -your territory-tne H B Sign hangs outside his store. ' 111110111111101110111111111 NM mg , i BRJAMMAM-HENDEP2PN ...................._ ....... ..,... r 4..-' •••10.,Irokx ST,10,4, tea 0•4•00 ,. ',MA mii• JD 01,01CINS 1.10, eALOAN11 t DI4OPIT OM VANOOVVIIM 'w A•4""-- ••••••••••••••••••••11/•••••••••••MIlmmal•PIINRIIIVI ' 411...1111• r • • vowatarilltrialkoltio111111•••1•••••••••••......---, _ 1 _