HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-08, Page 8t • • t f it ‘7's f. Clothing that is Attrac- tive in both Style and Price n THE ILLUSTRATION SIIOWS THE POPULAR • WAIST,. SEAM MODEL FOR YOUNG MEN. WE HAVE A SPLENDID RANGE OF PATTERNS .AND AT THE VERY MODERATE PRICE OF $35.00. OUR NAVY BLUE MAN'S SUIT AT $50.00, IS A WINNER. 'CUT ON THE CONSERVATIVE 3 BUTTON STYLE;, NE,AT LAPELS,,SEMI- FORM FITTING. SIZES 35 TO 42. REMEMBER—WE ARE THE ONLY PIR VI TN 'IMCKN W SELL- ING 20TH CENTURY BRAND CLOTHING. LET US TAKE YOUR MEASURE FOR YOUR NEXT SUIT. FIT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. MEN'S RAINCOATS IN THE` NEW STYLES. WE SELL THE CEL- EBRATED "DOMINION RAYNSTER," ALSO THE "STANDARD," ,,.rroII BOTH A GUARANTEE OF SERVICE AND STYLE. 110 LADIES' BOOTS AND OXFORDS • No. 6416, as illustrated, Women's Black.Vici Kid. High Cut Bal. with the long vamp and 13-8 Cu ban He:..l. Price $12.00. No. 7435. Black Kid Bal. with. the new Baby Louis Heel, White' welt, Empress make, Sizes: 2.!/2• to 8. Widths B and C Price $15.00. No. 6628. Kid Pump with the high full Louis Heel, with the new Buckles,, at $12.00 pair. No. 652. The New "Shimmy" Pump, in Patent Leather, at 7.50 pair. • Oxfords in Black Kid and Patent Leathers, B, C • ane . D widths. $6.50 to $9.00. u--u—u—u---u—u --c► —u—a—u—c► o DISTRICT NEWS j McTavish—Coiling-A pretty wed- ding took place at the home of . the bride's parents, Con..3, Huron, on Mar.24, when Mr. Alex McTavish, a prosperous young farmer of Huron, was united in the holy bonds of' mat- rimony to Miss Minnie " Coaling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Colling. The nuptial knot was -tied by Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick, of the Meth- odist .church, in • the presence of about .ninety invited 'guests. After •the ceremony and congratulations a sumptuous diener .was..servedl, after - which a varied program was carried out to • the 'enjoyment of all. The happy couple *ill settle down =den - joy married life -on the groom's fared on Con. 2, amid the gest wishes of all their many'frieiids'for a prosper- ous journey over the sea- of life. License Inspector White was in Kincardine one day, last 'week- and made a search- of a private' house where 39 cases of liquor had been stored from the car load which rec- ently went. there. All he found was 3 cases of Irish, 2 cases of gin, one, box of Irish with four bottles and a box of Scotch with 7 bottles. The owner of the booze, John Durward, later paid a fine of $200 ' ecause he could not satisfactorily explain what had become of the remainder. CAMERON, M U RDOCU & `CO. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANYOF CANADA • T he applications for ,New Assurances received by the • Company during 1919 reached a total of *over $100,000,000 This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As- surance previously written in one year by any Company o e i i Eth Aire. Geo. H. Smith, Get a Polio in 1920. , Agent, Lucknow. LOTHIAN —Monday, April 5. Miss Greta Campbell is spending a few days visiting friends near St. Helens. Miss Donalda Hogan is home from Toronto for a week or so. Mrs. Barger returned to Toronto after spending a month here. Pat Gaynor purchased the Murdoch farm from Wm. McKenzie, and John Johnston sold his„farm to John Far- rish. There never, was SQ many farms cfianging hands as there is •this spring. A strong evidence of «pros- perity. " 'M1'. John Rose who has been a re- spected citizen of Aurora, I11., fur the greater part of his life- and wi►o is still enjoying a fair measure of health although over 80 years of age, is living, with his nieces, the Misses •Rose, and will remain with them the rest of his days. His wife died some months ago. They did not have a family. Jumpy Nerves! If you get startled easily or "jump" or "scare" -at the least little. thing, it means that your Nerve *Force is weakened and spent. Your Nerves control every Men- tal and Physical process that takes place within you—it the the Nerves were cut 'leading, t0 the Ilesrt that organ would_ never beat again. Without the Nerves you could never See, Tante, Smell nor Bear again, for it Is- upon 'th'e Nerves that every sense depends. If you wish to build And strengthen the body you must put new life into the millions of nerve fibres .that lead to the Ilearrt, the Stomach, the Kidneys, the .Liver and the other organs. This you can quite easily do ley taking a six box treatment of Hackings Heart and Nerve Remedy. It will take away "that tired feeling," banish those pains in the head, increase' your appetite, help you to sleep better, eat better and live longer. What is a few dollars in com- p trtson to your health, We offer you a sovereign remedy for your illucsS in Iiarking's heart and Nerve remedy. The road t� Health and Happiness is yours if you will but believe It. This wonderful Preparation will change you from a eak, Nervous or Aiia4emle per - Pon to one' full of Life. Vitality tie hoses to your Chenks -by In-' creasing circulation and purifying the blood. Better get a few boxes, ,crow, when you think, of it, hut be noir • to get Markings. ' Price 5fic a box, 6 for $'2.50. Sold'by all deal- ( or by r.;atl, roetrafd. repels 11;11.. 'i1 (.is►ow+ 1.- KiNLOUGN from you', convenience to an urban -----•* "� centra,- aas-- prosperous. and hap Prerx'ntation.—On Tuesday even- py life amens your new, neighbors. inwr, March 0th, the friends and Please accept These -ilii ins c airs neighbors 'assembled at the home of as a token of,our* well -wishes. Mr. and Mrs.. -Jas. Perey for the pur- Signed ,on behalf of your friends m ,pose of -bidding thegood-bye he- and neighbors, II. A. Graham, Wm. fore leaving for ' their new home Ryan. 'near- Kincardine. A pleasant -feature . of the- evening• was the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Percy • of two- beau- tiful rocking -chairs, while Mr. 11. A. Graham read the following ad- dress: . To )d r. and Mr:-. James Percy • :(nil family. - .' • $ 'Dear -1•'ric•nds =We are aksemblr.'d here this evening' on this, the .occa- sion of your departure .from our 'midst, for the purpose of - showing, in some appropriate way, ' our feel, ings of regret at your departure, and to commemorate the long and valued friendship that has existed • between us -during your life-long residence as ontri neighbors: It _was with feelings --ef • regret that We 'teamed of your decided change ' of location. Ties of friendship existin!� frotn childhood 'are not easily' brok- en. Always 'have we found you a friend in • need, ready to lend a help- ing hand in all lay platters as well as those pertaining. to. •thi• chime)). Hence, as a, valued nuighhor andco: worker in matters hattying' relation to C U LROSS CENTRE 10 t►• w 11 Phone No,. 11 is at Your Service We Sell tor Cash—we p 54eli Cheaper Thais The Credit Stores ROOFING A1111110=1111 WE -HAVE 1N STOC'K,. NFI'ONSET. HEAVY PAR O1D ROOFING SLAV •SURFACED; WEIGHS 8(1 lbs. 'R) THE SQUARE. er THIS 15 BES:O 4D- A ,QUESTION l H E BE 5 '1' < READY ROOFINGG ON THE MARK ET. EVERY SQUARE GU Ar./1NTE El). ti PRICE 1%11 SQUARE $5.50: 'WE ATE `NEPONSET-'"AROI D WI THI' T A SLATE SURFACE. THIS ROOFING GIVES EXCEL- LENT SATISFACTION—IT AS THE SA M E QU A LIT OF FELT AS THE SLATE SURFACED 1' It I (' E P E R SQUARE' $1.25, WE HAVE A'CIIEA4'ER ROOFING "1'11.1'1' WI1.1, LAST BETTER THAN ANY OTHER CHEAP ROOFING ON THE THE MARKET. PRICE PER SQUARE $3.35. BUY I;OOFING WITH A REPUTATION. NEPON- SET PAROID ROOFINGS HAVE BEEN ON 'I'IHE MAR' KET FOR YEARS AND ARE THE STANDARD OF QUA LITY. • • TheLucknow Hardware &Ccal Co. .THE STORE THAT NEVER D1SAPPOIN'1'S • —Monday, April 5: Some of our farmers had started ploughing, but "Old Man Winter" its terfered and stopped them for a few, days. _ . Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlatae have moved to Thos. McDonald's farm. We welcome them to this vicinity. holiday at her home near Clifford. Buzz! buzz! ,- This is the song of the bee. It is also the song of sever-, al saws in this 'vicinity. It looks as 'if there will be plenty of wood for next winker. Miss W'ilhemina and Master Lorne McDonald entertained a few of their school mates Thursday evening, of last week. • Mr. Joseph Kennedy is spending a couple of weeks at his hgnw here hes fore leaving for the prairie provinces SCHOOL REi'ORTS Belfast School .Ice -port for Mlarrh. ; * absent for exams. • Sr. 1V. Annie Campbell, Winnie Irwin . Sr. 141. i.ena Hackett, Olive Al- ton, Mary Vint, Dolly .Gooks*, An- nie Bowles, Clifford Hackett, John Irwin,` Jr. 111. --Archie Nicholson'*: Sr. i1. Rena. Nicholson'', Agnes ('ranston `: Jr. 11. Melvin Hackett, Tom ilhrkett, Mazie Hackett. Sra I. Jas. Bowles, Ethel Nichol- son. 1 .1r: 1. Geo. t Tic•nryl. i'rilinr. =•'tummy 1I'nry, • Glen Cameron, Nollie Cranston. Average attendance 19. Kathleen. M. Welsh, Teacher. S. ti. No. 11, F.. & W. Wawanosh Sr., iV. Win•nifred Farrier, Frank O'('allat!han,. Elizabeth, Inglis, Stun - Among th most unreliable things in the world is a woman's watch. departure is greatly regretted bylis and we dare taking this opportunity to express to you, as ,adedluatctlyc- as lies in our power, our (leen regret that.we are going►. to lose yob front nnoon it y. hut, • reaTi ing the truth of the ►►Id adage "the crest of friends Must part," accept our sin cert. well -wishes for a pleasant and protit.able • sojourn in your ' new sphere of actiJities, many benefits Madt.l iene Lenora Falconer. Jr. 1 i i. Rots na Martin; Mart in,' Garnet Farrier.. Sr. H. MA hijtlis. Jr. 1. ('heir• ie Ines,. Primer.-- Olive Farrier. (►'('allaghda;n, Ma ry .,.► S. 5. No. t;, Kinloss. Sr. IV.- , l;norge Scott. Sr. TiL--Willie Scott, Allan Malc•hin. ' Jr. 1I1.Emm ily Thoson, .l ir;r Scott, Wesley Young, Ethel Richard- son. Jr. !I.—Florence Thomson, Jack Fletcher, Jim Conly. Sr. i.—Farish Moffat, Jack Tho►n- sc►n. Jr. i.—Jean Orr, Jim Orr, Roy Mc-. Gregor. • • Sr. Pr.—Elva Wall. I.: Greer, 'Teacher... S. S. No. 12; Ashfield. For the month of March. Those marked with a star missed one or more examinations. ' Sr. IV— i,. Robb 70, *.1. MacNain 67, *C. Ross 44, Sr. 1II — M. Jamieson 70, J. Mar - Lennon 68. Jr. 111---E. Shiellg 69, D. Boyd. 68, *A. 0MacNain 60, *W. Ross 38. Sr. T1—V. Robb 75, *J. Ross 4:). .1r. 1I—W. Robb 71,.(A. Mackenzie C. Brown) 66, E. Maclean (10, R. Shiells '45. Sr. I—K. Boyd. ' No, on roll 17. Average att. it.. I T. M. Kempton, 'Teacher. , 14r Mr - Report of Easter tests: Jr. TV. Honors—Gertrude Ait- chon 80x fags --Fanny Tu esrner 70, Arnold WoodIs 64, (Luella ltintoul, Barry ('ham pion) 60. . .I r. 111.—Zylda Wehster 69, ,James St. Marie 68, Gertrude Martin 61: Jr. 11—Mary St. Marie 70. Jr. di---Dorine Webster 65, (Willie Rintoul, Ruby Turner) 50. De K. C. MacDonald, Teacher. .J Munn's Special News . .. SQUARE YARDS OF 2 1 00 N I✓.W'LI NCS LLUMS just arrived this week—Beautiful designs—. - " Scacll and Canadian made. ' Bring your roolil.iii.asurerents• and have thein cut ttx fit. PRICES LOW. of MEN'S "NEW $3,500.00 SUITINGS I. eek Sts-ip -. -s and s, -all tiie- new Shades., icclpditig Grey, Blue, Browns. All to be made to S7our order .at•.hrices ilio kr- ate --445.00 to $85.00 •" R wf $ t . .11 L 1;11 -SEF VAR. IUTY, QUANTITY AND QUALITY. . WHEN IN DOUBT ABOUT PRI/GOODS- TRY • • •Munn's,. - Ripley i 1.1-('K NOW SC11001. REPORTS Room 1. (' ('LASS. Excellent—F. Eaton, - K. McKenzie, (V. Sherrill', W. Web- ster; ties, S. McLeod, II. McDonald. Itootn IV, . Report is based on daily work and exansinations during the Month. Per cent is as follows: ' . Sr. IV".—Mona al itch -ll M"d,. J. cul ' Durnin, 85, _' Tlannah Hlitzstein 5.', Good= --M. McAllister, Clifford Webs- Isah(•l Johnston= K2,. Eldon Reid Me. ter, R. 'Milne, Charlie W ehstgr, M. Ton Alton . 75, .Wilfred Murdoch 71. 'Watson, 'M. Jewitt, R. Watson. Far Myra McDonald 7:;, Gordon *Tholn1 - - t. Drinkwalter, A. Ment Than, S. son 67, 1•:1 -nest N'ivins .r►: , Whitby, .1. McKenzie. .Jr. 1V. Eva .Tohnstoti 8.1, LovaI..('LASS Excellent ; M. Button, Murdoch K:1, .. Stuart M 'ckenzie 81. ti. Johnston, K. Mortis. Good -E. Marjdlrie Douglas 75, W llie'. Sproul McQuillin, S. Steward, E. Nixon. 69, Wallace Ilowe 63, Elizabeth • Al- Fair—I. Whitby. ' • ton -59, Ella Macy Orr 58. -A . ('T.ASS. Excellent --A. 'Afcrrckt'; C..Mclntosh. J._.$tcwart, A,rMurdorh, A. Watson, S. Mullin, .1. Rra)►son, C. Greer, I'. Menary, I. McMillan.. Good. -'It. Armstrong, R. Finlayson, G. Andi'rson, 11. McLeod. hair—A. Ail:. �4►n, M. °cosh, 1). Henderson, F. Thompson, M. Mortis, M. McDer1 ald, M. Robison, T. McDonald, E. Baker. E. Whitby, W. Armstrong. Number on roll 49. Average att- endance 45. I. Murdie, Tk'acher. Room 11, Sr. 11. • Excellent—( -Mary Dn'ug- t'an+wn •..:..IsH:11 fill -11.:' KI1411.ASS -- Monday, 'April 5. Mr. Reuben Swalwell, of Saska- toon; who has been visiting •in th'M locality, has' r' turiled .to his wast:•r.i .. home. Miss hose Mc•hay,'I sof Kincardine, spent Easter- ts•ith sth. Cott. frirn(1 ,. Miss Annie 11(dgins, S. N. 5., vis::- ed is,.- td •her sister, Mrs. Earl Culbert. last week. Mr. Silas Mrhalls, of Exeter, spent, the holiday with Huron. friends. Miss Ethel Ellison of Toronto, intus,h`'.). Good—Florence McInnes*, Sadie Jewitt*, Margaret N1c•(luillin*, James Raker'', Winnifred Nixon*, 1<e•:l ell,/ h Thompson. „Ir.. 11. I•:x(•ellent - Marion Stew- art.*, Norman Wilson*, Robbie Pur- vis, Bessie i,ibel. Good— Alex And- rew, Livingstone Menary, Billy Ilendc'raon, Elizabeth' Me1)onald. Those marked * were neither late nor absent. during the month. • A a .1 eret :r viiitor- at arc• .Srrr : h . Messrs. John ,S. and Joseph Cul hurt p;jid n week -end visit to Kincar- dine friends. Misses 'Leona and l'resia 11• II car spending a few days with frig ds c,ts this line. Mr. Elliott Johnston spent Sur - (lay in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell visi,r 1 at Murdoch McPherson's on Tuesday, hist. r