HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-08, Page 74 • A SPRING TONIC AIDS EFFICIENCY1 AIDS Q. 1 Lay Foundation of Good Health . Now by Building Your Blood and Strengthening Your Nerves. The good old fashion of taking a tonic in the springtime, like 121ost of the customs of our grandparents, is based upon sou4I common sense, and good medical practice. Winter is. al- ways a trying time, for those who are not iu rugged physical health. Many. siren, women and children go through the winter on reserve strength they have stored up d,uriiig the sunny, sum- mer nnonthn,,, and grow themes• male and languid .as the sp days Ass approach. A tonic for the .blood and nerves ,at this time will do much for' -Such people, by put' ing • color in the Cheeks and banishing that tired feel- ing that worries thousands of people at this season of the year. It Is 'impossible to be energetic it your blood. I9 thiel and weak, or it . your nerves are frayed or •shattered. You cannot compete with others If you do not get refreshing sleep at night, or if your appetite 19 poor or you are losing weight. You need a Aprons and a House Dress 895—Lades' and M i'tses' Cover Apron (side closing or to be slipp tonic at this thee to add to your ef= on over the • plead; in two length flciency• now, as well as to save you 1Price,....25..ce_nt$. In 3 sizes; small, • frons suffering later on. And in all 36; medi, 38, 40; large, 42, 44 i the realm of medicine, there is no bust measure. Small size requir safer or better tonic than Dr. Wil- shorter length, 41,1 yds. 27 ins. wi or 3%I yds. 36 ins. wide. Rid around bottom, 1% yds. 8731—Ladies' and Misses' Dres Apron and Cap (reversible closing Prise, 20 cents. In 8 sizes, 34 to ins. bust measure. Size 36 requir 47,s yds. 32 ins. wide, or 4% ,yds. ins. wide; •collar, as yd. 36 ins. wid Width around bottom, 2 yds. In inch material this design does n require any piecing. 1 $ NEURITIS So many have Neuritis. - that painful, paralyzing lnflammutlon of the nerves. Do not suffer an- other day. If you are a victim. try Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules 2 othing else brings relief eo quickly and so surely. Bend • for free sample to 'Fenn lotona, 142 King et. W., T oronto. For tale at reliable drug- gists for • 1.Ci a boa. ASTH MA Templeton's RA Z -MAH Clap. rules are guaranteed to relieve ASTHMA. Don't suffer an- other day. Write Ternpletons. 142 King St. W.. Toronto. for freesample. •••4• Reliable druggists sell them at. 111.04 a box. $45,000,000 THEFTS all, 8973• -Ladies' Tie -On or Button -On FROM CARS SHOWN ed House Dress (instep length). Price, B Double s)' bust measure. Size 3(, requires 4 yds. 34,136 ins. wide, or 3% yds. 40 ins. Ovide; ns. i cuffs, la yd. 36 ins. wide. Width es, » around bottom, I% yds. This design de, would appeal to many who desire th"comfortable dresses for the house. The pattern provides for a collar s-1 which may be used. ).' These patterns may Le obtained 48, from your local McCall dealer, ce from es' the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Tor - 36 onto. Dept W. These patterns may be obtained 32 from your local McCall dealer, or from ot: the McCall Go., 70 Bond Street, Tor - I onto. Dept W. 25 cents. In 9 si;:es, 34 to 50 'ins.booty ou le That in Any Pre -War Year. R'holesale looting of merchandise in transit on the railroads of the United States caused a loss of ap- proximately $45,000,000 in 1919, ac- cording to United States Railroad Ad- ministration statistics made public re- : --nen tis . . This is estimated to be more than double the losses sustained in any pre-war year, but it is pointed out that the increased cost of the com- i modifies stolen, roughly estimated to average 85 . per cent., must be taken I into consideration when comparing the losses in the days of low prices with losses now. Nevertheless there has been a steadily increasing num- ber of packages stolen, and the or- ganization combating the thieves have' met an increased ingenuity in divert- ing goods from their owners. A technique of robbery has been developed so highly that the methods of "mister thieves" are similar in the United States; England, France, Italy and Argentina, according to a recent report of the United States Chamber of Commerce in Argentina. Detec- tives, however, are inclined to dis- credit that organization's belief that a "widespread international organiza- tion" is at., work stealing merchandise. Substitution is the usual method used by the thieves. Sometimes boxes supposed to contain velvets are found at their destination to be filled with calico or other ^cheaper grades of cloth, but as a rule, waste paper is found. These are referred to as "con- ' cealed losses" by railway men, and are especially difficult to trace, as the shipment leaves and arrives ap- parently in good condition, and it is almost impossible to discover at what point the theft occurred. The silk industry bar; been one of the most severely hit In the last year, and $o great has the risk become that the Railroad Administration has been considering excluding ri w silks from the privilege of freight transportation r by rail, The Merchants' Association of New York, through its -traffic', trleasautoonhia.saprot:ist4ed against such an -wins e:Etas "rte-+ al measure to miniI)tlze or erevent he theta of• -silk in trans;t, -- A British postman has walked 200.000 miles in AO years. ,.hams' Pink Pills. These pills tone se and enrich the blood which circulate$ through every portion of the body, strengthening jaded. nerves and run down organs, and bringing a feeling of new strength and energy to _weak, easily' tired, de.spi3ndent men, women and children. Mrs. J. N. McNeil. Glace Bay, N.S., says: "For years pest my home has never been without Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I have good rear ou to ,praise them highly; Following an aiteck of • 1a grippe, I was left in a badly run,. down condition. I had no appetite and felt so weak I could scarcely go about the -house.• I was taking medic eine. but it was not helping me,,and a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I used them for a time tt ith the most beneficial results. My eppetlte improved, my strength re- turned and I was soon able to do all my housework. I now use the pills every spring and find them : splendid strength bringing tonic. I have recom- mended the pills to other 'fr'iends who have used them with good results," -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic, not a stimulant, They build up the blood, and through their use not only the disastrous after effects of in- fluenza but also troubles due to poor blood, such as anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion and the generally worn. - out feeling that affects so many people, disappear. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or hy mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. from The Dr, Williams' Mediclne Co., Brockville. Ont. Lip -Reading. Lips, to a certain extent, portray one's passions, and are usually Indica- tive of character. - Correcting Sights of Rifles. The manlier of Improperly sighted rifles throughout the country is sur- prisingly large. It matters not how accurate a rifle may be, it is worth - 1 ss if it is not properly sighted—if it shoots too tar to right or left, too low or too high. Correcting false sighting in rifles is not a difficult task, provided the breech block is removable and a clear vision can be had through the bore of the rifle barrel- Tho horizontal- ad- justment of sights is the most diffi- cult and requirea some provisions pre- vious to making the adjustments. The rifle barrel should be detached breech block removed, and a tight St ting wooden trough made to hold th rifle •barrel. The trough should b made of three pieces of o.ne-inc board. The bottom piece should be a wide as the thickness of the bar rel and the two sides should be nailed on just high enough to clamp the bar rel. Take the wooden trough to a pos with a flat top, and secure it to the top of the poet by driving a nal through the bottom of the trough, and into the top of post. Lay the.,rifle bar- rel, sights up, in the trough, and swing the trough around until it can' be brought to bear on some distant tree or telephone pole atandl perfectly erect. Tills dole, Iook through the Idleness, love of ease, sensuality, bore of the rifle and shift it until the and indolence are said to be represent- tree or pole stands squarely in the ed by thick lips. Centre, of the bore. Without moving Almost cruelty is seen L In this t_, itie from barrel frothis ps t oioa,-�lowly lip. Where the outline of the lips is raise the eye to the sights and see if narrow and joined up with a sinister they correspond w!th the bore. If mouth, then it is said to denote a lack{ not, the sights- are out of line hod - of natural kindness, a deflclency of at zontally. Ther can be adjusted by fection, and a terrible temper. shifting either front or rear sight till "Cherub's" lips, thoso well defined it corresponds perfectly with the and developed, with. a rounded outline, bore. are supposed to show tenderhearted- The test for perpendicular accuracy nese, affection, and a sympathetic dis- of rifle sights—that of shooting too position. Discretion is discernible in high or too low—can only be made by well closed lips, while Indiscretion and target practise. If false sighting is detected merely lower or raise the front or rear eight, as the case may require. _ al sleep. Such 'a medicine is Baby's e Own Tablets. They pre a gentle but e efficient laxative; are absolutely guar - h anteed free from opiates or other In- s jurious drugs and inay be given to the youngest infant with perfect safety. 'A GENTLE LAXATIVE FOR THE CHILDREN Mothers—the surest way of keeping your little ones, well and happy; whether it Ls the new-born babe or the growing child, is to keep their bowels regular and their stomach sweet. N.ne-tenths of all childhood ailments are the result of clogged bowels and sour stomach. The most necessary and the best medicine for little ones is a gently laxative --something that will relieve constipation; sweeten the stomach and promote rest and natur- They banish constipation and indf- gestion; break up colds and simple fevers and give the baby that health and happiness which all children should have. They are sold by medi- 1 cine dealers- or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine' Co., Brockville, Ont. - Wisdom. In life's hard school Are lessons learned That may be to One's profit turned. Successful men Who win great takes &Art ever make . ' The selfsame breaks. a want of refinement are seen in lips - with a coarse outline. Generosity is generally denoted in the .lower lip, and according to its fur vices and freshness in appearance, and 'Its width, so Is the extept of benevo- lence and liberality said to 'be repre- Air. ]flank had just received a new dress and was t tying it on. The laun- dress happening to arrive just then, Mrs. Itlatnk asked hoer what she they absolutely disregard other thought of it. people's ideas. "It's litigant," said the laundress, A love of being praised or admired and added as a tribute to her general 'by others le 'seen in a short upper Hp, appearance. "An' sure, ma'am, ye look 1 and the middle teeth of the top to in- a lady, whatever ye are." variably show.Mrs. Blank's face told her that she Miserly and niggardly persons are had made it" mistake, so she mrrecte said to possess a pate shrivelled lower i herself hurriedly: "I mane. ma'am. lip. Worse and Worse, seated. Self-opinionated individuals are Raid to possess a long, firm upper lip, and it's winds ye are. whatever ye" look." Better for you than tea or coffee — Insiant Postum Delicious coffee -like flavor Made instantly in the cup. Costs. less than tea or coffee. Sold by all8rocer.i Spanish F1u Claims Many VIctims in Canada and 'should be guarded against, Minard's L Ile a great preventative, being one of the oldest remedies used. Mlnard's Ltnf- merit has cured thousands, of rases •ot Grippe, ltronehitfs, Sore Throat, Asthma and airliner disease•. It Is an Enemy to Germs. Thrusamlk of bottles bring used et err da> .,.tun -sal. b -v all- elrtigg$srs end general drain.. 2iINAB.D'S LINIMENT CO.. Ltd. Yarmouth. N.B. Going the Rounds. "'Where's the, umbrella I lent you s esterday, Jim?" "Jones borrowed it. Why?" "Oh, nothing;. only the fellow I borrowed it off says the owner has been,asking for it." , MONEY ORDERS: ;''Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion Express JIbuey Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. Some Mental Prescriptions. For clearness, read Macaulay. . For Logic -.read Burke and Bacon. For action. read Isomer and Scott. For conciseness, read Bacon and • Pope. ye HOMELESS! Constipation, Headache, • ltess, driven. ' �f Crr�l•,1�, Birous out with "Cassa-ets" Drive away those persistent enemies of lir:ppiness-biliousness and con'. potion. Don't - stay heads, hy, sick. tongue coated, sallow and miserable! Never havo colds, indigestion upset i c stomach. or that misery -making gas, , Feel splendid always .by taking ('as - carets occasionally. Casearets never gripe. sicken or incetven' a calomel. Salts. Oil or nasty,• hat's. Pills. They- cost so !it':i� and work while yeti sleep: BITS OF IlUMOR FROM HERE 6TNEAE Aspiration. An Irish mother who had occasion ,to reprove her eldest sqn exclaimed, "I just wish that your father was at home some evening to see how you behave yourself when he is out!" Very Crude. "Boy," said a spectator, looking out to sea, "what kind 0$-a ship is that out there?" '. "A cruiser," was the answer. "And who are on board?" "Her crew, sir." "Abel by What mean• s does she travel?" asked 'the interested man. • "Oh, its screw, sir!" came the smart reply. "You are a veFy smart lad, and where do you Mme from`?" "Crewe, sir!" " And he asked no more , questions. Ask for MInard's and take no other.,, Wages generally in Britain have increased by 1007 to 150 • per, cent. through the wd', while salaries have risen 50 per cent. at the highs t. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi. sons from little stomach, liver and boweis Accept "California Syrup of Figs only—look for the`name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the Little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dile on each bot- \tle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." . Classified Advertisements. ` son SALM WELL IOQUIPPED NEW$PAPIQ* and job printing plant la >blasis Ontario, Insuranoe carried 11.1100. Y go for1.200 pQn quicksal* Box ill, Wilson Publishing Co..Ltd.. Toronto. ..- 'aaTTLTi>0a. STEVENS' COMPLETE FERT1L- lcer will pay you. Write for prices. L! HIP YOUR EMPTY BAGS—SUGAR. ►- flour. bran sacks to Stevens. High- est prices. Geo. Stevens, 264 Mark S� Teterboro -.tit KlifITrIXG T.&11.11 1' 'r1TT1NU YARNS, BEAUTIFUL 1 ka•ft lambs' wool four -ply, finger. Ina yarns 1n sixteen colors. Just the thing for sweaters, pullovers. toques and children's wear. Made in Canada.b Canadians from pure Lambs' Wool. and nothing e1�e and somewhat resembles the high Miss English yarns. but sa much cheaper; as you buy direct from the spinners. Price twenty cents par skein or three dollars per pound. Small maniple skein, twenty cents, ,postage free, Also heavier yarns in homespun style, all wool to wash at home; in lirey. Black, and White at "one dollar, fifty per pound. Large. sample skein. thirty cents, postage. free. Postage extra on • all orders under ten dollars. Geor e- totQn Woollen Mills. Georgetown, On- tario. Note Cardersand Spinners Want. ed. used to country life. BCROOL TEACU38 4�1 CHOOL TEACHERS—MAKE REAL ►7 money in spare time—send post card to Ratepayer Publishing Co., t Columbine. Tcronto. ° WOOD AB81EB. 7 F YOU HAVE A CAR FOR SALE A write me. Geo. Stevens, 364 Mark Street, Peters oro. ( SCRAP MOIL AVE 1 F YOU HAVE A FIRE AND HN a car or more of scrap iron I will come and quote you where It lays. Geo. Stevens. 364 Mark Street, Peterboro. SLIAICZZLAIMOTTS. , el TUMORS, LUMPS, E1•C-, j internal and szternal, ,cured without pain by our home treatment. Writs no before too late Dr. Betlman Medical Co., Limited. Collinswood. Ont. America's Pioneer •, ._� Dog Remedies DOG DISEASES and now to teed Mailed Free to.any Ad- dress by the Author. E. Clay Glover Oa., Inc. 118 `Vest 31st Eitreet , New York. U.S.A. The Safety Way. Don't you say that winter's gore, With his cloudy face. • Till April with his best suit on, ,, Smiles in the Picnic PIace. 11[inard's Liniment berman's4. ideas„ Forgetting- God all day, men dee'nti it right "•:), To ask Him to -remember them at night. DOUBLE BEA6TY OF YOUR HAIR "Danderine" creates mass of thick, gleamy waves t The egret of besahhy up - to - date shaving is pse of Cuticura Soap, the "Cuti- cure Way". No mug, no slimy soar, ao germs, no free alkali, no irritation even when shaved twice daily. One soap for all uses—shaving, bath- ing and shampooing. Soap 26e. Nutmeat 25 J 60c, Sold throughout the Dominion. Canadian Depot: iliae ahmited St. Paul St.,Hoatreai. uticars soap shavea_witheet gnus. i SiNCE .1870 ILOL aTOPS COUGHS In a' few moments you can trans- form your plain, dull, flat hair. You can have it abundant, soft, glossy and full of life. Just get ao any drug or toilet counter a email bottle of "Dan= derins" for a few centre, Then moist- en a soft cloth with the "Danderine" and draw this through your hair, tak- ing one small strand et a time. In- stantly, yes, immediately, you have doubled the beauty of your hair. It will be a massa, . so soft, lustrous and so easy to do irp All -dust, dirt and ekceseive oil is removed. put Danderine more life, color. vigor, aiosi brightness in your hair. This stimulating tonic will freshers your scalp, check dandruff and tail- ing hair and help your hair to grow long, thick, strong and beautiful. ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED For sublimity of conception, react You'll find Sloan's Liniment lyllton. softens the severe For vivacity, read Stephenson and rheumatic ache ,Kipling... For e;onimon sense, read Benjamin — —' Franklin. For elegance, read Virgil: Milton and Arnold• For simplicity, rend Aunts. Whit- tier and Bunyan. For srnoo'thness, read .%ddi•en and Hawthorne. For"lnteeeet in• epitome': things read i Jane Au`ten. For wisdom read Enteron; te- s tur, - • - -For lofty. enninblin.g sentiment, tar rrwpathy. candor :incl honesty, tor c enifort and consolation in ntflit tion, and for the promise, of the lite that nrw is and of the life which is to come. , • read the Bible.. _ E lc rut it on f rcc' v. Don't r>r!• it in. Just let it penetrate •naturally. 'What a sense of soothing relief soon follows! External ache, sti'ltnr.-e, soreness, tramped muscles, attained sinews, back "cri: ks"--othose _ailments can't fight off the relieving qualities of S oan's,. Liniment. Clean, convenient, ecouQmi••ti., Made in ..Canada. ' S6c.. TOo.. $1.10. a ISSUE No. 14—'0:Q, ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" • • • 1 • The mime 'Rarer" i(leetiflee the r contains ,proper directions for 'Ooltiid, eel,- eseesiro aspirin,—rhe Aspirin Headache, Toothache, Earae•he, `Neu- .__ o;.i 'uriati m,'re-urt. te•c n 1 eslr•'= and now made' in (i'nada.: tie, Joint Paine, and Pain generally. S t,• s VI bay an unbroken pn,•kage Tin boxes of 12 • tablet" .coat but e•f ' i.;t.•r T'alelet•s of A.leirin" vl•hich a few cents. Larger''Bayer" packages. There a early ono .P Fpir!a—"Hcgeir"—"on mast att4. "Bayer" \ at .. • , . . . -, .1 -, ' '- .-P-a tO \ -. - ... -•.'aster- of Mote- _,. f . k ,�.:;rtn rn. rs Payer • ?, .. . - :a , f Balers: ru: a>�r ........./ .0 t, .J .v e.' ,. ..d ' i.. , t:•ia.. •