HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-08, Page 5k 07 THE Tripiet Springs tof qnew Overland 4 make possible 'the first light car with the stead- iness of a heavy,i�ng car. Public appreciation of the new features of Overland 4 is shown in ever-increasing de- mand fckrthiscar. Upkeepcost is low because the Triplex Springs protect th• mechanism from the usual road shocks. Light weight creates great economy of fuel and- tirez. L. KENNEDY,. Wi ngharn I;�:a;l O hrc r-rai Factories: N'tillys-Overland I.i;itie it; Toronto, Canada . I ncl:es; Toront,, Mont•-esl Winr. u • &It'? Viii GlfAlltt ONT. The school with competent instructors and superior. courses. Graduates placed in positions. Affiliated with the Elliott Business College; Tor- onto; and the Central Business College,..Stratford. Write for free cata- logue. Enter"any time. • ). A. McLachlin, Peres. Phone,166 Murray McLeish, Principal of L__ •!1 REMNANT OF THE • CANADIANS They're coming! Look! The Canad- ians! Coming from the firing line! See, they're hatless, torn and crum- pled, branded with a`, dark red stain;- Every man n ('anad:an > 'warrior, carrying still a noble stride. , - As their heads and thoughts turn have crossed the• backward --half (;rest Divide. Every man a noble . flinc:hccl to hero,, never face the guns,. • BEAUTY OF YOUTH 'With all its limitations 'there, is no. period in Life more beautiful. than that -between- fifteen and 'twenty. its , laughter might. be light "atul easily provoked,. but onv, ....who. knew' the boy' not 'Casually,. Kid: "The thoughts• of a boy are. long, long thoughts.". Underneath his gay ex- terior he often carries a burdened soul. lie is for- the first time' face to `face with questions .of conscience and problems of duty an,d necessit- ics for action. It is safe to .say that between fifteen and twenty:. the lad who is not hopelessly bad- gives more Sober reflection to the. great. Home . and country, • freedom, honor, questions, which affect' his character war -cry of Canadians sons; T and destiny than does the roan' at Like -a living «'a11 they faced it— apy -later period' of -cora' duration. "Rack bloodthir ' There are few listen!rs--in a con�.;rt- 3� - �=-lllut�I _ _ _ •- gation who -'..carry -afvay- mow of 'the We're a barrier. to your murders of sermon with them than the Jiffs our • women. Fight their .sons!" i and girls of just this "giggling and See the. remnant now returning ,guns -chewing .age," and- n►ntnj' man bla4vned by the bursting shell of sixty• would give all }te -is worth - Blood stained wounded, but ;still ,'today to kc•nw once more',thet sensit- 1 ive conscience and moral`' anibitiotls cheerful after storming gates of and •-religious emotions which Were hell his when he was sixtoen. He knows "Left incline!" the order given, and right well that he then saw visions ' eyes right are •slowly turned= and dreamed. -dream4 which since There's a cross upon the wayside marks a spot: thighs-4rue hearts burned. There we iaid our noble leaders. "Why," you ask, " the grave so large ?" There our major and his company fell most nobly in that charge: We'll go •back again tomorrow with our sacrifice in hani,~—`"" - For kir wives and loved ones wait- . And when the war is over, and` we how at, the peace, shrine, , All will tell the glbrious story .h\\v Canadians kept the line, 11 Ilow they dropped the tools of labor took up bayonets, guns 9,nd went,. Left theirhomes and all their loved ones, Fought and died like sons of Ghent. Harry E. H. have "faded liltn the light of com mon day.►'• --Interior. - .Judicious diet and exeri'.ise, will frc- quently , iinprbve a man'sminion of .his neighbors. ' • - • i- ....._z - OVER -EATING is the root of, nearly all digestive ' e.ih. ynavdirestion it wear air• out of kill!Eter, better sat leas and use the new aid to better digestion. Pleasant to take-- effective. Let Ki•meids bele straighten out your digestive troubles. MADS ST SCOTT • *OWNS MASERS OP SCOTT'S £MYuION WH ITECH URCH ---� • (intended for last week.) Miss Millie McGregor, of Toronto, spent . the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore. Miss Cora Clubb is 'at present nursing ..s._Jas. Moore, of the vis. lager? Miss C. Laidlaw is at ' present ton the sick list. Mr. Jas' Wilson 4 Pan 'its ' bacit, 1u • rheuma- tism, pains in eiliMhbs all tell of defective kidneys. Pt,innnx . aro h.f a loft in the llood • which wnae pains • and aches. 'rhe kidneys, mer and -bowels' meat toe aroused illk motion by .such treatment as Dr. Chase's K]itey- Liver Pills. There is no time for delay when the kidneys go wrong, for smelt de- relopments' as hardening of the ar- teries and Bright's disease are the natural result. Use- . )ll1 Y, J41 .Dos, as dealers, �r •Earn C& Ltd., Tortl+uto. L)r.f n Kidn�. :.: GcSsibility. 1;na� :cd .those in rural ,coinmunit t soy all the 'adrantagcs of the r ' cit;' -;,:.,1 t:iu::e in the cities all the �►lc�;. r ,s of tht cu.,nt.rv. •4 . Inert: ctl the economic wealth of the ce;.ntry by creating a new Indus- try which now, "ralsks among • the. great Industries. of the cout►try. Stimulated greater tiociability a- mong farmers and ireuraged them to modernize the•ir., methods' and them' homes. started opera- tions • in, his mill on Monday. The staff ark -Gib -son Gillespie, head saw- yer; Frsak Paiirson, tail sawyer; John .--G_.heasl.. stoke aster fluschlen, of Arthur, is visiting his uncle, Mr. K. Pater- son. A number of the ' young people front the village and vicinity spent a very 'pleasant evening at the home of Mr; Dan Martin on Friday last. Miss Nellie Cottle, of Wingham General Hnspital, spent tin: w. k- . end.at. hFr home here. ' • Mr. Alex Simpson' has secared'the .contract of building the hew manse.- Miss Flora Ross and ?Miss Viola `:1ila'iti , o iVinbluim`; 's >!cnt Sai^cla�• at the former's home. Mrs. Sparling attended the wed ding of Miss M. Coiling to Mr. Alex. McTavish at Ripley on Wednesday last.. Mr. J. F.agleston has purchased the dwelling recently occupied ›,v Mr. 'Wm. Martin; the latter having rented the house owned by Mrs. ('uyler._ . Mrs. Thos. Triiderson had the misfortune • to have the point of a lead pencil embedded' in her hand so 'firmly on Monday evening that med- ical aid. had to be secured before the pencil could be removed}: WHAT TIIE MOTOR CAR HAS DONE . Created wealth by increasing land values. Brought the farmer close to his markets, • making farming a more profitable 'and pleasant occupation. Enabled ' the physician to save time.` iii reaching his patients and save lives' in many instances. ine•reased the 'personal efficiency of t 11 business • men who have availed thenrselves jf its time and labor-sav- ing advantages. Aided tine salesman to cover 1 terrilery in- less time—to do his work better; ct►licker and at less ex- pense, Furnished a ineans of healthful re- creatiun for ail. • Stimulated • the buildi ig o' thous- ands of • miles of better highways, bringing commercial prosperity to• hundreds of cities and towns form- erly handicapped because of their in - SPRING REQUIREMENT Amistommigiommilm.i.v Martin-Senour Hovse . Paint Martin Senn? Floor Paint Martin-Senour Varnishes Portland Cement - Lime and Wall Plaster Corrugated' Iron -Roofing Brantford Crystal Roofing Cleveland Coil Spring Wire Woven Fencing We have a carload to ar- rive this week. Get our prices. Cleveland Bicycles Bicycle Repairs LM c L 1E.'0. D & J. O Y N :TJ THE STORE WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES FARTHEST r Demonstrated the ' economy and" superiority of motor transportation for all commercial uses. • •"I know a man that has-been mar - . thirty years and he spends Fall `his evenings at home." "That's what I call lore." "Oh, no . it's paralysis." Cold cash makes an excellent weather comfort. hot MAFEKING (Intended for last week.) With sadness we record the pass- ing on Wednesday, March 24, of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert .- Curran, after a brief il•lnes's. Though little Charlie had been a little over two months in the home, he had found a place in the affections of the family, and much sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents, child- ren and grandmother. Do not forget to file your • e Income. Tax Return on or before. the 30th of April, 1920. Dominion of Canada Department of Finance • reVIIMIN/M/0.—,11M1,11,•—•,,T1111fte, 1 ALI, persons residing in Canada, em- ployed in Canada, or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows:- 1. ollows:-1. Every unmarried person, or widow, or widower, without dependants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $1,000 or more. • r--- g f .. 2. All -ether individuals who ' during the calendar year.1919 received or earned $2,000 or more. ,; 3. Every corporation and joint stock company whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year ended in 1919: Forms to he used'in, filing returns on or before the 30th -of Aril, 1920. ALL INDIVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers frust use Form T 1. ' FARMERS AND RANCHERS -must use Form T 1A.. CORPORATIONSand oint stock companies must stse Ferns T 2. Penalty • _.1111i!ac-er awe, I.:,•f% t.erson required to Hake a return, a ho i 'fain to do in .r:thln .the 'tiitte limit, shall he f.uhject t• a j cna'tof 1 ..4 ny•Me per cent 0111 1„f the.atiruni of the ta: ' yahlg. '" ..4ny rers„n. ..heth'r tur,.b:e, Or otherni.e. •ttho fail, to make a ret urn or 'protide, Itsfrittnta- ' Ilion. dui, regttired1.c'coi'Jiittt to the provision of 1' the Act. shall he liable ,.n summary cen.1;-tion to a . 'snalty of $1011 i for each . day during wh1'ch the default continues. Also any parson' inarrr- ant infm•,ntttinn. required b the Minister, shall he 11:11,'e, nn nuntntar% conviction. t.. a Penalty not civet ding 510,rp), or to It month♦' Imprls,.-i _ tnetlt or. t,. hath Inc;and iml.ritonment. General Instructions. Obtain Forms from the Inspectors or Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or from Postmasters. . • Read carefully all instructions on Form before filling it in. Prepay postage on Wars sad docu- ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Taaaltioq. Make your returns pransptly and avoid penalties. Address INSPECTOR OF TAXATION, LONDON; ONT. 2 R. W. BREADNER,, Commissioner of Takation.