HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-08, Page 4• Incorporated in 1$i CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches - THE MOLSONS BANK BUSINESS SERVICE Many of our customers who sta rted in a small way, have now a well established business through the assist- ance and co-operation of this Bank over a period of years. Open an account in this Bank where your interests' will be faithfully looked after by ex perienced officers. • The Manager is always_ accessib 'e. T.S. REID, -MANAGER, LUCKNOW BRANCH. • r A. `i I. C. Tractors it En gi p fes DE ERING Drills, Cultivators & Harrows Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions and Water Bowls FROST Gates, Fence_& Nog Wire New Williams Sewing Machines Gourlay, Winter and Leeming Pianos For Sale by W. 0. ANDREW, - LUCKNOW. Mt; to OFFIC! HMM1LTOt•1 THE money in, , your pocket is ' spent more easily than the money you have in the bank.- A dollar here and a dollar there, and it is soon gone and nothing to show for it. The mere fact that you have to write a cheque to withdraw your savings from a Bank of Hamilton account is sufficient to prevent use - :less expenditure. BANK OF HAMILTON LUChNOW BRANCH—J. A. Clennie, Manager. tt CREAM WANTED —BY- The Seaforth Creamery Co. We solicit your patronage snd guarantee you entire sat - ejection. Our prices are ..always the his es Our Testing done accurate - ly by experts. Our service and site prompt. Write a card to -day for :11 ,114. Prices were never as high '.a at present and still soar- rne • higher. A card will bring you cans en the next train from us. l he Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaaorth, Ont. payments Tinsmithing Eavetroughing `Furnaces Installed. All kinds of ;Tinware promptly repaired. G. Drinkwalter GRAND TRUNKSYsEM ' . • The DoubkTrack &out RFT t%•FEN 'ti to a %•(sr, i!narkod' MONTREAL, TORONTO, 'The dirnenition in the`-ri(•a:hi: from, alcohol.- * sie. (- .it'n' and "Uieier'that DETROIT and CHICAGOhk, 741 IrY','+.',!1 hats l/t:e r1 rJyA- ':!r,'e•'1 yo..4?• !Ill a and il,e•y BUSINESS AND SOCIETY CARDS 1U11N SUTH.h.RLAN.D & SONS, Ltd., Guelph. Ont.. Insurance. Fico and Marine. L O. U. F. Lacknow Lodge Inerts every .Friday ay.ning�a6 (tta' (:for . in t.leir„_�Ittll:•_�alrtDs bell Street. All brethren cordially ent'ited. • Officers — Noble (*rand, Robert 1, fisher Vic, Grand. J. Mcguaig; Hee. Ste.. A. H. 13oyti; Pin. Secy., In. Pater son; Treasurer. Alex. Ross. A. F. St: A. M.. G. H U . GIrt 1.ight Lodge meet,- e:ery'Thur*%fay night. on (Jr before the full moon. in the Masonic Hair. -Havelock Amer "Lucknow. W. M., E. ('. Lindsay: .5. W., . M. Mcc:uire; J. W.. J.o. ltuyle; Secy.. V. A. Wil, nn. - urktrnw '•etitinrl l`ubli shed every TL.ur,tAay morning at l.uoknow. °Hutt to. A. I. J1AcliEN!,tI . Pro wiewr and Editor. 'F'IIl1KSDAY, :1!'1:11. Stk., PIA •All. INSTEAD OF ,HF.N.\T1? :Politics fin the United States have .long -been notoriously corrupt. Per- haps the majority of seats in the Senate are won by money rather than by, merit, a fact which explains at- once the ignorance and the ineftie- iency of that body. • Occasionally there is a clean-up,. or an attempt at a clean-up, when candidates candidates become too brazen 1i their methods. An instance' of this has just occur- red in 'Michigan. • It will be remem Ura'xl r thein t491S-thereew +I elt- igan a bitterly contested fight for a seat in the United States Senate be- tween Henry Ford and Truman H. Newberry, former secretary of the Navy in Roosevelt's Cabinet. New - berry' was successful over the auto- mobile magnate, and has since his election been taking part in the gov erninent' of the country. But his el ection methods' were called in ques- tion, and 'an inquiry was. made into the whole election. The inquiry was recently completed, and it was found that Newberry had spent Much more money in his. election campaign than the law . It is said, indeed, that he spent. nearly a million dol- lar:c to sec'ure' his election. The re suit is that he has been sentenced t1.. prison for two years and to !lay :t fine of ten thousaitd dollars. Six, teen of his colleagues .who assisted in the election campaign .were also found guilty of various offenses and sentenced to prison terms and the payment, of fines. The pa3 nient ' o ' a .ten -th• ousand - dollar fine worths {'be ' a small matter to Senator Ndwberry, but to step' from the 'United States. Senate to the prion cell will be an unpleasant ex- perience. However,. Newberry is not yet in jail for he • has appealed to a higher court, and• his term as senat- or may expire before the case is fin- ally disposed .of. a• It is a curious fact that though as a result of the trial Mr. Newberry is sentenced to prison, he does not • lose the seat dishonestly .won. The Sen- ate might by..a vote unseat -him, or a recount of the ,ballots might give the, seat to Mr. Ford. But the Sen- ate will snot likely take any action. In that . body' the Republicans have but a majority of one, and Mr. New- berry is a Republican.; To hand the seat over to a Democrat would not g 3151 Politics, •as it would tie—the parties and Cleave the deciding vote with, the Vice President, who is a Democrat: No chance of the Repub- lican majority' sacrificing power for the sake of -.decency: • GET TUE BEST.=' -.you -ata- out life insurance get $. policy-irl, the Suq Life of Canada, the biggest in the Dominion, and a 'company whose record ,Canadians. are proud • of. See Geo. N. Smith, local agent, for particulars. fr'1('TORY' BONDS bought and sold. Also farm lands and village property. Money to loan on 1st and 2nd mort- gages at current rates of interest. In- surance, conveyancing, etc. Joseph --�—Agnes;-�I-otsry--Pubtir; Alpin Ittdek, Lucknow, Ont. • AL('OHLIC .DEATH RATE FALL- ' :Ai.L-' • ING. SINCE PROHIBITION ,�. q�K N 0 t' K 1)� Lt 1 r _. FOR FLOORS SENOUR:S • FLOOR FA/NT k z. • FOA . runuITuae. WOODC AC .STAIN stn j,N,i ., ••, 000, 111: Al FOR VERAPOaMS M -S OlirS'DE POI}CA,I va,,.r • _• 3_y FOR. EVERY PURPOSE Spruce . Up ctir • .,> It7tltt7,te raIuak • FOR EVERY SURFACE ei Paint Up IN;( w is the time you can greatly improve the appear - z i ce of your home_' with a touch -of paint here acid, t1,ere. Don't n('1. vrt our furniture and woodl,vork. A coat -of pt(rtcc:tion will work vtlottders.. Save the surface and yon sive.::lt. MARTINe•,,e± HOUR i : NTSA D.' A I$i1ES For the 11 fulls ared CeilingsPor 1Sardwood doors N E U -TON E• --.the washabl Ai,Yi'.RLE - ITE— The perfect • ¢"- sanitary finish that •will Writ fade . ta,ur' finish that withstands the (►r rub off. . Alany tlleasiil4 tints • :hardest us:tge. -A hard filiisil that •a�" •1k and�Tli';fie`l:tlt►nv f'tr stt'll1111t'd ..till mit --boar nor st'rat•':h white. ht,rtlt'i�. •It rnci h('-44ostler.' % tt':roap and v, stet. For Woodwork, etc. , . 'MARTIN'S WHITE. ENAMEL For Furniture - -(tLe. enamel de luxe) a bea,rti- WOOD -LAC STAIN—in many ful finish fur l..ttirrtinrtts, • bed- . Shades, t)ak, Mahogany, Cherry, r:>oms, etc. It stays white., , ctu. Gives. to inexpensive woocl4 For Floors ' • . the abletrance of the more castl)'• 1'µtsyo:.use. 5l•.tiOL'R'9 FLOOR PAINT—, For [''erand.ahs a wide range of calors, [t• •i,; .tg . hard with a beautiful enamel OUTSIDE PORCH PAINT— • finish tIiat wears 'and '�ears.antl• dries hirci in a few hours and- / «t•:ir s. wears like iron. l'i.ttlt- nisi i.J : tot ti` .tilt .:uy 4,0616,4.; yOU t V. r. t.•lll l ,Intl i:. .nt'. t .r • "et 11,t,'e't tins ra,lge mAlt t'IN...s Nut!it i'nt.t,t�.ti d .u'n►nhc'. c(t:rt'.Itileat.►ut) Nt olll:IWe• i, t u 1 , t t Ci) IJi.: I).Yae fur evt'l y alt td�r: MCL, F O D & JOY NT Lucknow, (int. a rat �w. NBli/'4*te {S , IAlu�'1j11IIIIIHP • 040 et 47 FOR Kanew000 noon. NAME -I • P NmM" 1• i can INt'mos vcsowoRrt NART/N3' • soure Puna. 7� w 1 6ci2.git.°0°1 ‘C i`c•e e'r :te '. a• .•G,j�s ,r the .sur ' .c < _ "• x %it s all Ree;zte •_N "a f �' ham` 7: yr '� r•'r`1r "" 0+ -4.6 •r to. these who know the art. of a wise out. 4 t is doubtful whether they will vagabondage? • Can. you love a tike be discovered in Wile' to demostrate or have 'you •never got. past a cock their ..virtues in connection with the tail?. • Oh, fhe house of. Nature is full present condition. This i.s . especially 1 of fairies, and angels, and ports r. f true when'Ave' consider that the bac- gold, and amazing adventures, _and teriolot�y of: these infc.c•tions-varkes in subtle delights., Is it locked to you, . diti'trrirnt ways; to different bartt'ria. said the. at en.t, as; }tie. lot, the titke t. •' dweller among-' bricks and books.? Go Healtth authuritiea, physicians and "Thirty11 11 !" t• elan. "'Why, 'I thought it was.ferry!" out and visit at her house and.. knock the . • public should not not once or twice, but insistently, as •''%'itis. .:,larnl" • •the present 'morbidity. "NO," `aid the than, as he ;tolyl 'her one that will not be refused and she Perhaps when the excitement of the the change, .`'it is just thirty-nine." will open. hour has passed and :the statistics The woman took the change arid , Ant 'there -is- the. ,Infinite 'the- joys- --are-collated, they-willrE' tai -that :the the ticket anti ::at d(�}vn, blot ' itt Ii(1 we . call the spirit's that 'tree- laden steads -rate (minpiteuronm of titi3 notlliit tithe , t },::„} her purse. She held them :n hes. halal with the toothsome. apples .of parad- year isi not much.greater th:>n it was • • and 'looked• quite troubled. I'initl'y.she ise, which only the•hQldest and strong- In tvintcrs pre►vlou:-( to the' great epe- est has•e found,'and`have Lasted such derilr. In the prc'•cmc'e ot� iltnc-s 'flit' `tent .t11 the .a -gent again. utter satis,faetions, such 4 -bemusing physician and patient will oto «ell to I alit store 'there' is sortie Itiist.ake,"' • rap -rttc�-'- ht' 5111(1.' "I came 1'1Onl (;I•et tiIttii�,r plias--as-�y-r_ hath-' •frost--•nc-tr-�t(Tr 1�• �,n lina�--�r�Nlt{ivr heard, nor the heart of man et,11cE'1�'- sures against acute infections, . on tt'`t(•rday and I paid forty•resit-." ed, good hygienic care and time -tried "Ou r rt'.!'ular rats' to Creerilutri i tilt • r • ' i -n'. "tl ,1 --Fre ip . ;. .. 1 . . •'. . .t at111t'nt.-1•:,1't;1',tl- I •-r 'r.....- , 1"Ll': -s�cF.-�•i.c,.—�rr+ l:><rlr__-rlTtpartaut i i ariy rt •t irl i►�il,� ie.-•alt•-right;'•'t1,a elan1,•'Ili :1,141.-0, i -n":+ reasu ring ' way. Again she tt ,.1: her stat, l,ut net for' long. .\'::lin .she (awe • t(r thy'.' wind(►w And *poke .4) the' agent : • "Will you lol:ist' 'explain to me why the rate from here to l;l•eenl:urg (only thirty-nint' c•ent:•, t%h('11 ih' rate • fr(iln 1;11.elli►urg• here 'is flirt*':"' Thr. was tt (f+!rte"-.(l11 th:C agent Teeny c(iuld not :inAvcr, but. t!1:•'. Kt+ elan looked sd distressed over the ,un- expected—mut un-expec:teci c e ut ' • i v .e41_ in i.hdtc'.:tlu,1.- _ :1 MIND ItELIE1"!'!► A .little ol)i lady win. int ►• the sta-. tion tit Antes' and asked for a ticket to Greenbtlrg `'•Thirty -mats cants.. Knock and it .shall be opened says the Bible. Seek and ye .shall find. Ask and ye shall receive.' All of which , means in common language that if ',you want ,anything in this vale of tears you'll have -to get.•up and go after it. .Thi, .niay not be true in the small affairs, hut it is invariably true in the larwer•' and 'false vital. For in- stance if you go after p err..y you may --'-t it nll'r , -even so with fame and prominence; also '.tine cloths, fu,niture and .fixings. But these things do not ' really !natter to real people. 1• To gain 'coritentrent, a taste for the k'at.tiful,, the Love of your fellows tne•.pot:cr to appreciate Nature, the atisfaetion oT a g(,o11 coo ;c'e•nc•e, and the sense of liberty and' Gulf-rnastery; tiles,. are More truly what is meant hy L:fry-- Chert:,. ...fid... ' 1 certain causes .since the prohibition: of I!appin, - -; and, as Edward. Yeomans r ak(,holic beverages. It Faye further: write` ► "mr,st of the' g'iingS ar.•1 tern - : "P cent !?tactiSti. Show-. that f',r. lege of rl,t•n and •WOrrien.wh•i far(' o'tl :July, August and September. 1b19, the enough t', kr.h's. lett-r,•are but Death i number of deaths ,.in Boston from al- `laveryi sed the'I'ursuit of niserr,."' less, already hegi,rit.►ieg to h f:rr•:•(t:t it I . ('oh(,1iso anlyunted to oniy.,7, as' coon- . .'1:.iusee...._.j.e,„St&(r .:,t at. literature..on. the eapeeiail'y.by. those .wbt,14t. •leee•- -' s--fe+ Pared with :11,'-V, :,n and 34 for the •wend. .I)o y's, alike it ? 1 de' not Urte,uPhe•d :by. the di:.i(rase..!•'urtunsat- ! (r rresponding pc-r:ed of the four pre- ask, are ;;fru. farnii:ar. wth it mad do ..1y there is 'reason t(, I►1'lievc • that t he cir .1 -ceding years. Simi la -flit-:. -;fns tra'c't itn--qyFil 7n --qty dt:wit on pr*s,'•nt Ore vaiiin minished from 152 in l(J1:,, 1 �';: in ','(,1.'r :(rives',' Bat do you lis:e it? instanee•ss does, ••not approach (•itt'1 •,• 1; 16, 1,; in .n17,and 151 •in 1(.11 , 'to Dr, ,(,.1 1:r•+,a• it a very n roe of 4•''t1•1le. ;r jn vir:ult•n''(• the'vi',!ent :al: 112' for the, irerre•=',irir:'Jing three more-. } sio'ele•n' desl.teht; and that to lover' it ferct �,n. of Last's i• (r• • ,� •s,, 11:1 rr,i 1'h( 1;(•;' • , r ,,,�'a .41.f. Pi lr,f .,ou1 than) eeTt a;'r' Or ifeatifis i:; con. .!'11•rai,ly aikithe "nes;bo',ks" of the: last twenty lower and the number of, pt rse.e.s h(!', ear.; ? .. Are • 1ir,rr►(:r Dente.' Shake- I erte•r1 a,r• that time. Ku rile, r, Lh•- ,1*ai ,. V!ir•tor If yet., sr,d' vi•altrer• Pater - • , The. joulrnal of the American Medi-' ( ill AAsociation,A.vrhich is the official organ of more than eighty thousand prysicians, asserts that there has been I .. Idea ditlt :tth. Tau. •r;f IS i`; you .5. ere s nt, t•x- cu.s €F,r unhappiness in til:s world. which is brimmed and crowded with joy -secrets, trembling with electric' currents of rapture, pregnant with cheer, overflowing with love. For Happiness is•the ea:4icst thing to get and the cheapeet of all thins, ,if you will only go to where it is. and stared at the deor'and knoc!:.,l:ut if you do'not seek, how too you ex- pect to find? INr'LUENZA From the Journal of the :1•merran nlori'ti.* r.- the .patient should reniuin in ,bed. until Well after the symptoms hake disappeared and ,the temlleral- ore returned to normal." MNI,I).S / Intended for last %yet•l:.) A social entertainment that was of more than usual interest took' place at ,the bene of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' t�aIle lranygnicy evening of last week, whet► at large circle hr felt sr,rry i'r)r 11.z.".:..;,(1,, l r. f f tic n'ds � ()Ii It a (Io%\':1 �,rt'lsd ' giii tg that. •I anti nrioo.,,,, from far, and near r r. were tendered a most enjoyable Unice! «ay, you ->tnu%t, hr exl►1u'nt .1, in .• . ' \lcd)(ti .1sa►c•idtiiOn 1(y their h:;: t and hostess. Although a ltusinrssclik(' way. rr ''Sc► it ist." sh;' ,aid, in a t(Itti' of �----- ,t the i•(,:ul- w ere in-- an' ntrnost in1ptiSS•� I'restimahl the i 1 ; .(01itrhtrnmcnt. 11cr fat!' r,Ii ars d :.t y recent 1'e('1'Urli'� t ' ( eh'le.lt:rt'l,, poor traffic 111(1 'not 11lPlll'. .�'lll'' ilAlt ihl' l:a,ti':'l' 411:tl 11('1 cenc•t, of influenza in several of oily Ir:u1.t 11 r. tale 5 i'n:u:1( l)1( fttt (lid pur=e and in •- t'at. cont. 'lit sat tis, 11 larger cities inetudinfr Chii.ago, rets'- n•tt c';(r5f,rte h:t%c' 1►rirht ailtit i1►at1.- to wait f('r her tram. imo1-e and New Yorli, has h:,'1,--0,-,..- i',n•a of tin jolly time'. awaiting. thin-_► to do with tile t',n' r',tial the.,►? in this respc'rt. they we re acto.n df,(;ropriat-ri . .a .I(, i ' million nett.. cli,,iit, ,;4,_!t ►IF1f (l, for ti�r...anti )rlr.. dollar) to control. inulol nye 1 It+• ife-• Cole made. a ittc>tlrl hast and hast: •s. %•a'-tat;e,n '•au"e(1 1►y %fit• ...a'' (•1.1(1•' the curlier part .i,f the even int: WA g. 1 Nino -.-t4 :s y'-ar_. t4., wl+'1(' .,',' !!1 f1't- 1). `j,i tt, with t.1t.1si('. and later the in .t'!,e rniids (,f n►Ltiik• was., h''t•t !the. ' te►rini, . folk enjoy -4l, a (land' which marry ''t'.'•1 iat•tjt(: i�rrJt•r;earn l a:l Is: Oi,e•rl(•e1. :i',d the: .-b•:•flg t,f life' fr',rrl 1)'. ye,U i re/e,' tlalt !.lt( ' ,:, i( •rriat!- t' it•t•ping cars on night trains anrl' par:e,r :t e'er' r't' pr',!,al,lytfar e-x':ted. the iI r' for rr a rf.. ;r.' r '' , r,(;'t,t•r rn Unexcelled' Dining Car Service. eiis.tin1•tie,rl; 'hi twrr',i the :-(•noir 'conditions ,,1e'ttrJ1rI ' during tole' is I. (•pielt•rni(• ar,d" to1''h-r, ittf(•e 1 ori' . 10'.11 a;'1, ',tempt] a old-, serif, foe I:it , • iii . uslt•:,•rhlil,t.i teed e•oryia, is rel. :t:r l ir,!•r'-a((•: i;r Lear of el(•ttns fre,lr: v,,,',el ' ' '•. ' '' r'( -'i .1' t•- , 1 ' cars on principal clay trains. 4 }' i , ,,,( 1 e,(•:t r.' le, tiny, 'ac ri ••l, tl' r+!'' p P q ' t}i rl go' r,(w ;lel% �( 11 • • 14:tk4.Jhr,i I,,,.'-',':.riv. i f•f 11,f,1 ,/.1 '�' •',it'. fist: -h :.r',1/feel ',,J? •- it 1-.• 1.,,,,, ($ ;1 and (r,11Y(•rll(•tit. 1.', 1't•1' Full information from any Grand. Trunk IL _.�. _ _ 7, . r1 t"Filt`'err71 i1.1. t! I , 1 r pas: eager Agent, Toronto. A. W. HAMILTON • G T712. *Agent, I•uclenow. 1 h.Jn. 2. According to an old hacheler 'tote Hier' thing about getting married is that yon (lnn't have t1, es'',' .• . 1 ri !: 1'. • • • i• ;t.• • (' 1, , irrt"-r•'a (,;cursor') V.: 1'' .r ,' ,.,, r': .t- rel••, ! ) +• , 't ,o•••• (t'.Jr •., •,! 1-.:u ., • .•,,� 1:,•1, ,V a 1. •I•''t •', , < t ,•� tr.ti. yaptrr R&Ai t: taf1 -:a I(r. �;,1.11,�, 1<i .• y V•', I. %tn ' ere:time d until near morning, -*heti tett• repareef to their homes, after tilurrkiitg \1r. and .fors. Pole for sn I,:t':e:'atlt an evening. AM MS .0.0.0 01010110 0.1110•M • 10 00 • 01111110 tt_l[tt.i I.():ti 111gtie':: ;;;tri, tA�L:1 Illi ler grar►(Itl;(elter' in tin I•;ia:-t. 1,1c.ki'ti, out of the window one tnortl,llg and fur the first• knee. in her lift' - saw the snow fill. "book, gr•anela.'' silt'• eeclaimed in astntii.:helent, "it's :raining salt." • - Yrs,. Alfred, a kiss in the (Birk is °qc' kind of an (electric spar:;., a tender throat, frequent colds, impover =lied blood, loss of weight or lack of energy, are all ear -narks denoting lowered resistance. The system needs 9 • • •;,►. :.p r- • ':z', •t';t 'r � St•t•i!,1s_•1!. ,! t},r' (•� ,j( !r,;'' (•/,he'e•,; 1'..f•',, yrs ar:01 1•,t will 1(•:,l y'I'I tht,,., rr•ilr'i''- . ' ': •, 1 .I''':,t 11,, 1, ' ( ' i r' �! ,t � •' A' ►t• .l r,urllie.,ll i ,, rt •, .•. !' r i 1cl 'h '•,t ., na ,ft l '1, ( rl th 4., 1 1.- .e,T t 1, e• e,; a 1, I',: 1 + IIieI'!ri-1 .• 7 t',, „ . ,1 i 1, ,'.,1ei�. ri;' f, 1 .4 1,11 . out ... -tit 't•<, (n�tJt fit '/ SI three or four times a day to help• restore the io- ist i vc powers of the body. Co 4;hs, colt s and the like do not lingers long' Nalherl ' Scoti's Emulsion is to ken consistently I•i . .�;,. � • t-1 n ct r e; f,,11 n r l y. natter fry kr +.,t +:, ',t 1.e1 .,fe a.; T ' sap ••y f a . I1, il' �'t' .•L8. .1(.' ', /.: 'ii,iy r:t.1.'' !l.( tl',' s r(:riy Lions 1,rttil V/(trrt•t) S, tilt k Poo i,r T,,(,!nt.,: ri'nt. 19 .1 ,1