HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-03-25, Page 5THS WI;NGUAM TOMB, MARCH 25 1909
IMcGee 8b
If you want the last of the Hanna
stook bargattaa, oome now. Saturday is
the last day,
j.+'ew harries have snob a trio of elderly
people es are to be found at the home of
Job King, a well-known resident of
Grey, Mr. I ing'a tether and mother
who settled in Morris township 60 years
ago have lived with thein for the peat
two years. The forme 88 years old
and Mrs. King 84, thelatter being an in-
valid having to be lifted in and out of
bed. TY en the third person is Mra•
Robert MoAllister, who is 87 years of
age and has resided with her daughter.
Mrs, King, fox 22 years. A11 three of
the old folk have had strokes of paraly-
sis and have had to be oared for more or
less, almost constantly for some time.
now To Improve Health.
No better way then to improve the
blood, --cleanse and enrioh it,—give it
nourishment and strength. This eau be
quickly done by Dr. Hamilton's Pills
which have a vitalizing, purifying effect
that is unequalled in any other medi-
cine. With lots of pure rich blood Dir•
onlating to all parts of the body, with
snap and vim running through every
vein and artery, robust health is in-
evitable, No (deeming building tonic
ie as good as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold
by all dealers.
Tho last day will be a memorable one
for the people of this district at the
Hanna store.
The home of Mr. and Ire: James
McGregor was the scene of a delightful
social event on the 10th inst., when at
5,80 o'clock in the afternoon their
daughter, Mise Catharine, became the
bride of Mr. Jamea Moffat, There were
about one hundred guests present, and
Rev. G. P. Danoan was the officiating
olergyman. The bride looked extreme-
ly pretty in Dream crepe de ohene trim-
med with fillet lace and wearing a bridal
vett. She carried a baguet of Dream
roses and ferns. Mies Jennie Moffat
played the wedding march. After the
ceremony, congratulations and the. en-
joyment of a sumptuous supper, the
guests repaired to the Foresters hall
where the evening was passed in danc-
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Moffat left on the
18th for Lloydminster, Sask., where Mr.
Moffat has a farm.
John Conway, fireman, of Amherst•
berg, was found dead on the shore of
the river, and a coroner is investigat-
Enormous fields of foe and icebergs
are reported in the Atlantic by the oa•
cora of the steamer Evangiline, just
itgalialliMilanNIMMINIIIIMI arrived at Halifax.
Why Take Alcohol?
Are you thin, pale, easily tired, lack your usual vigor and
strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood
thin, your nerves weak. You need a tonic and alterative.
You need Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely
free from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse
these statements, or we would not make them. Ask him
and find out. Follow his advice. J.C. Ayer Co., Lowell" Mass
The endorsement of your doctor will certainly greatly increase your confidence in Ayer's
Pills as a family laxative. Liver pills. AU vegetable. Ask your doctor about them.
Are you getting your share of the Bargains that
• are being offered' for the balance of the
stock of Elliott & Walley,
consisting of
Leather Goods, etc.?
Now is your chance to paper your home at one-
half the usual cost 1 Do not neglect this
Sale every day, in the Morton Block
and at "'Valley's Drug Store.
As everything has to be cleared out at once, it will
pay you to get some of the Bargains NOW 1
Come and see for yourself. Everything
has to be sold. TERMS CASH,
Elliott & Walley.
Leat week of the Sanaa 1404*
Opanoli met en Manday, minutes in
one next issue. •
David 13adgely, East boundary, has
had quite a time to himself from a badly
swollen fade but we are pleased to state
be is making fair progrese toward re -
Mr. Pearce, whose parents reside
about five miles from Belgrave, is
home from the South African diamond
fields, where he has spent about 20
Years. He was just 8i days making
the trip haneeward. He brought with
him nearly a pocket 1a11 of diamonda in
the rough.
The 100 -acre farm of Rlobard Bewley,
7th line, bas been leased to his son for a
term of 3 years and he is now in pos.
session. Mr. Bewley, sr„ purposes tak-
ing a holiday trip to the West, making
Wolseley, Seek., his headquarters. Miss
Bewley will go to Moosejew to visit her
Do Yon Belch Gas?
This is a disagreeable result of food
fermentation that Nerviline stops at
once. Take ten drops of 1 erviline in
sweetened water. The stomach is
warmed and soothed, digestive troubles
corrected, the tieing of sae ceases and
you are well. When such a simple
remedy does eo much it's foolish to be
without it, For indigestion, sour stem.
nob, heartburn and sick headache you'll
find nothing half so efficient as Poison's
Nerviline. Get a 25o. bottle from your
dealer to -day.
Hanna store closes Saturday next at
The partnership existing between A.
M. McKay and Jas. S. Shaw as hard-
ware merchants has been dissolved, the
latter continuing the business.
George Cunningham, V. S., who has
been praotioing kis profession for the
past four years in Brussels, has disposed
of his business. to J. D. Warwick, from
whom he bought it, and tbe ohafige will
be made next Monday. Mr. Cunning-
ham has not definitely decided where he
will locate. John Cunningham and Mr.
Warwick will exohange places of reef-
A telegram was reoeived on Saturday,
Maroh 131h, by Thos. Ennis, Brussels
apprising him of the sad news that his
daughter, Ellie, who was the wife of W.
A. MoLanohlin, of Neopawa, Man., had
died that day. She was 88 years, 11
months and 16 days old. The remains
were brought home for interment, the
funeral taking place to Brussels ceme-
tery on Saturday Last,
If You want .the last ot the Hanna
stook bargains, come now, Saturday is
the last day.
Mrs. Donald McDonald a very old
resident of the 9th con., Oalross, passed
away on Thursday, March, 12th. She
bad reached the advanced age -of 81
years and 7 days, and,had been ailing
for about a year, death being due to the
natural decay of old age. Her maiden
name was +Catharine McKay, and she
and her husband were pioneers of the
township, coming from near Inverness,
Scotland: Mr. MoDonald, who is in his
81st year, enrvives, and is still active.
Summerhill Farm, the home of Peter
Arkell's Sons, was the scene of a pretty
and interesting social event, on the 11th
Inst. It was the marriage of Miss
Dorothy, only daughter in the family,
to Mr. William A. Tolton, of Brant Tp.
There were forty-five guests present,
and the ceremony took plaoe at four
o'clock in the afternoon. Rev. R, H.
Shaw of Woodstock officiated, being as-
a'.sted by Rev. A. Rhodes of Teeswater.
The bride was unattended, excepting by
Miss Dorothy Arkell, a niece, who, in
whits silk. made a pretty Sower girl.
Miss M, Staples, Teeswater, played the
wedding march. The bride was given
away by her brother, • Mr. Harry. She
was becomingly attired in Bengaline
loleil, trimmed with lace ponce de
Venice and embroidered chiffon, and
wore the regulation veil. Her travel-
ling snit was Of brown broadolotb with
hat to match. After the ceremony and
congratulations a sumptuous dejuner
was enjoyed, at the close of which the
usual toasts were proposed and respond-
ed to,, The evening was spent in games
and sooial interdourae. A large number
of pretty and valuable presents gave
evidence of the esteem in which Miss
Atkell was held. Mr, and Mrs. Tolton
Will reside near Walkerton where they
will be at home after the second Week
in May.
5T, eirm Efrp.
Hausa store elopes Saturday next at
Mr. Damao McDonald and family
have moved to their new farm on the
Mr, and Mre. Jae. Darnin and family
have moved to Luoknow. Mr. Darnin
intends going Weet.
Durnin Bros. shipped forty-two horses.
from McCaw last week to the West,.
Mr. Jas. 'Jamieson has moved onto
Mr. Jas. Dentin'e farm,
Ufa our sad duty to report the death
of Willie Nixon, the fifth son of William.
Nixon of the village, after a two
weeks' illness of pneumonia. The
family have the sincere sympathy of
the oommnnity.
Last week of the Hanna stook
Mr- and Mia. Albert Stein left last
week for their new home near Regina,
Wm, Naylor has moved to the farm
recently purchased on tbe lith canoes -
Rev. R. W. Millyard, of Goderioh,
will preach educational sermona at
Donnybrook on Sunday next.
A quiet but pretty wedding was sol-
emnized at the parsonage, Auburn. on
Friday evening, Maroh 12th, the princi-
pals being Miss Hanna Marwood, of
Donnybrook, and John Walmsley, also
well known in Shia neighborhood. After
visiting friends in this viointy for a few
days the bappy couple left for their new
home near Mount Forest, A host of
friehda wish them a happy voyage
through life.
The last day will be a memorable ono
for the people of this district at the
Hanna store.
-. Mies Lottie Jaokson, 5th line, is away
on a three wt'ele' visit with relatives
and friends at Chesley, Walkerton and
Mrs. James Carr, 8rd con., who is
about 80 years of age, has not been en•
joying her usual good health and the
doctor had to be called. Hemorrhage of
one bang was bothering her. Her
many old friends hope she will soon
Taesday'of last week John Glassier
left for a trip to the West where he
will probably spend the summer work-
ing at the carpenter business. Nokomis,
Seek.. lie likely to be his headquarters.
We wish him sueoesa and as he is a good
steady industrious fallow he should do
Hamm store, Winghawa, closes Satur.
day next at midnigbs,
Crows are laelpiai themselves to the
corn from the stooks lett in the halos.
Mrs. (Or,) Jamiee u is able to be
around again, we are pleased to state,
after her recent illness.
Mr. Oottle's mill has started. There.
era this year more logs in the yard than
we have seen there for ninny years.
The apring robin was seen ut Zetland
on the 15th Inst, For about twenty
years now, your soribe has seen or heard
the robin about the nth ot Maros, but
this year did not get a glimpse of the
harbinger of apring until the 28rd.
Rev. Geo. P. Danoan told the con-
gregation Sunday morning that he
would be resigniug as pastor of White.
ohuroh. We understand he has accept,
ed se oall near Toronto. Better faoilities
for the education of hie children is, we
think, the reason for removal.
Many of the young people of this
vicinity feel it hard that their favorite
recreations should be made the subject
of comment by their pastors„ They
claim they have no time for amnse-
mtnts in the summer, having to work
from five in the morning until about
nine at night, while some people have
leisure to engage in various forms of
recreation. We are not altogether in
favor of the amusements whioh the
ministers have been speaking against,
but would like to see something take
their places. Games of skin cost money.
Farm houses aro not fitted up with
billiard tables—not even obese or
orokinole boards in many of them—and
amusements the young people must
have. After all, is it not in the abuse,
rather than the use, of some of these so-
called pleasures, that the evil oomee in?
"Early to bed, and early to rise," is a
wise maxim, and we are of the cpiniou
that if theme gatherings broke tip at a
more seasonable hour, and something of
a more intellectual nature were in.
troduoad into them, the results would
be bent fioial.
Last week Chas. Bakst and family,
of Wroxeter, ;moved to the farm of
Alex, R. McDonald, 3rd con., which he
has leased for a term of years. Mr. and
Mra. McDonald ,and son, Roy, will re-
side in the. home .formerly owned by
Robert Bell, on the next lot, and Mao.
will exercise his muscles in ridding up
the front of his farm.
Sunday afternoon, March 14th, Eliza
Banter, beloved wife of Robert Bowes,
East boundary, died quite suddenly and
unexpectedly from a hemorrhage. She
was in her 86th year and leaves her
husband and two little daughters to
mourn her demise. Deceased had boon
the subject of considerable sorrow, her
father dying 2 years ago and her• mother
answering the imperative call two
weeks ago and it is thought by some
that the latter's death was perhaps the
first oause of Mrs. Bowes' demise.
The lest day will be a memorable one
for the people of this distriot at the
Hanna store.
New Theory About Rheumatism.
This diseade is constitutional—caused
by virile in the blood that circulates to
r you
To no
h teddy. tl
re of the ,
11 parts a y
meet use a Constitutional treatment..
Nothing so completely dispels the poison
frons the system as .8'errozone. It prat-
tles and renews the blood, clears it of
every taint. Tho system is vitalized
and strengthened and thus enabled to
fight off threatened attacks. Not only
does Ferrozoite relieve at once—it cares
rheumatism, goat and lumbago per-
manently.. Results guaranteed, 500.
boxes at all dealers.
The town of Welland will sue the gas
company for fifteen thousand dollars to
pay for the Methodist Church whioh
was burned, and for which the town was
compelled to pay.
---- or ------
why Catarrh Is faugerous.
Usually it comes with a cold. Being
slight it is neglected—but the seed is
sown for a dangerous harvest, perhaps
consumption. To ours at once, inhale
Catarncezooe. It destroys the germ of
Catarrh, clears away macow, cleanses
the passages of the nova and throat.
The hacking cough and. sneezing cold
soon disappear, and health is yours
again. Nothing known for colds, ca-
tarrh and throat trouble that is so cura-
tive as Oatarrhozone It cures by a
new method that never yet failed. At
all dealers 25o. and $1.00. Get Catarrh -
ozone now, to -day.
To the Editar of the Times.
Dear Sir,—Would you allow me a
little space in your valuable sheet? I
may not have "a legible fist," but yet
editors are pretty good in reading manu-
script. I am not a member of the Sal-
vation Army, although an admirer of
the same. The other evening being at.
traoted by their unique appearance upon
the street, I followed them to their
barracks, where a very profitable even•
inn was spent, and much valuable infor.
mance imparted. Its Wingham some
are inclined to think the S. A. somewhat
small, and look upon it with the eyes of
a pessimist. Had they been at the bar-
racks the other evening, they would
have been astounded by the vastness of
ito operations, and of its gigantic strides
during the past few years. The sun
never sets upon ita banner, because the
whole world is their field. In the pro-
gram of the evening, Ensign Poole noted
his part as critic admirably, when re-
presentatives in their national costumes
iuterviewed him and reported the
army's work in their different countries.
During the evening we learned that the
army was forty-four years old, that it
is now represented in fifty two countries
and that it preaches in thirty. one lan-
guages. It has seven thousand nine
hundred and eight corps, sixteen thous-
and cffaeers and twenty thousand one
hundred and thirty two bandsmen.
Now Sir, with a record such as this,
surely the S. A. is encouraged to press
forward. feeling that their work is own-
ed and abundantly blessed by the Great
+Captain of our salvation. Thies wishing
them all God speed in. their mission of
love. We would remain
Respectfully yours,
Mr. James Kirton, whose death was
briefly recorded in these columns last
week, was born in Lanoaahire, England,
and came to Canada in 1852, settling
first in Toronto where he remained for
three years. He then moved to Soar-
boro, where he ,remained some seven
yearn. The family then moved into
'what was at that time the Queen's bush
and settled on lot 6, con. 5 of this town-
ship, where the deceased resided contin-
uously up to the time of his death,
living upwards of forty-five years on
the one farm. Mr.,1i~irton was a shoe-
maker by trade and for many yeara
after coming into the bush made shoes
and did repairing for hie neighbors.
Though id hie 91st year, Mr. Kirton was
able to be around and enjoyed very
good health up to within a few days of
his death. facing his long residence in
the township he has seen many changes,
the wooded lends being converted into
exeellont farms. He was for ye'tre a
member of the Blnevale Presbyterian
Church and in politica was a Ooni erva-
tive. He was married over sixty years
ago and his aged partner and six chil-
dren survive. The children are:—
Seery and William, of Parryound;
Sohn and James, at home; Mrs, Davis,
of Parry Sound; aim litiche, of Sun-
shine, and Mies Isabella at home. Ono
danghter, Dare. Wylie, died a few years
ago. The detained was a man held in
high esteem by a large eirole of friends
and he will long be remembered as one
of the sturdy pioneers of the townsT'ip
The funeral to the Wroxeter cemetery
on Wednesday afternoon 01 last week
was largely attended, is pastor, Pay.
W. J. West, being absent in Toronto,
the service at the house and gave were
emanated by Rev. L. Perrin, of Wroa.
New idea
New idea
Ladies' New
' We invite your inspection of our large range of NEW SPRING
in STYLE, FIT, FINISH and quality. Not one cent too much is
asked for these COATS. EVERY PRICE is the LOWEST. We
rely upon the INTRINSIC MERIT of our GOODS and our SMALL
-PROFIT METHOD to bring us TRADE, Pay as much as you wish
—you cannot get BETTER VALUES than these.
NO. 355—Ladies' Spring Coats, tight fitting, fly front, Lawn Covert
-Cloth, tailor made, a very stylish Dost, our price - • $51.00
NO. 307—Single breasted, +Covert Cloth, tailor-made in every parti-
onisr, buttons on the back, stitched cuffs, length 26 inches, a
bargain - - - - - - - $6.00
NO. 342—Ladies' Covert Cloth Coat, tailor-made, fly front, two breast '
pockets, also two lower pockets, turnback orate. This is a very
effective garment, length 28 inches, special price - - $8,00
NO. 353—Ladtea' Spring Mantle, Remi-fittina, ay f oat. This gar-
ment has p'eit and strapping on eaoh side, down front and back,
fancy t tba oa back, made in lengths 26 and 8a inches, our
pries - - - . . - $10.30
NO. 337—Dnnble•breastod Coats, blank only, trimmed with self -
strapping and satin folds, a very pretty Spring Coat, our price $9.00
NO, 9551—Handsome Vile Skirts, elaborately trimmed with silk folds
and satlia buttons, also narrow French Folds, a bargain at - $6.00
NO. 900 —A stylish Skirt made of fine Panama Oloth, trimmed with '
buttons, a bargain - - - - - $3.90
Several other numbers we haven't room to gacte here. Ask to see them. •
Yon will always find as With the MOST DESIRABLE GOODS at
FH. E. ISA`'
The Dominion Steel; and Coal Cora -
pantos appear to have arranged all their
diiferenoes, exoept the point as to the
right of the Coal Company to dispute
any item in the Steel Company's claim
for damages. Tho Coal company is
prepared to hand over two and a hal
million dollars on that head alone,
s/ablishred 1879
whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresoletie is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not eecth more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breath -mg organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach?
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti-
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
ntent. it is invaluable to mothers with small
Thoseof a consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of the
Sold Sty druggists.
Send postal forbookitt,
Liteatttrtt 111r,es Ce.,
Limited, Agents, Mont-
onareal, 'Canada. goy
Green and YeIlow 1
Rib.oli Sale
••• OF •••
Ondrii eftroh'a1+ at6145ieon:G+ahoQ�t'wmrda*Ando LatzG'a^^-f..:u' r*A.Mue1.444+ V,541,05tilf i3
First- jEwELLE
$5,000.00 WORTH
of Watches, Clocks, Rings, Silverware and
Jewellery of all kinds—all must be
sold regardless of price.
and ends Saturday, March 27.
The prices on the Green Ribbons are the Regular Prices
and the prices on the YELLOW RIl,i3ONS are the
$LAUGIUTEIi, PRICES— ...It wilt pay the citizens of
Winghilm and surrounding country to throw away all
their old watches, clocks and jewellery, and come and
get something good and up - to - date at our Yellow
Ribbon Prices Nothing allowed to be taken out
of the store without the spot cash ]
W. G. Patterson
++♦++++++++1010+++` + ++1++++' (t