HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-08, Page 1IZIttlittolo 10. $1.50 1'EK YEAR 1N. ADVANCE ; $2.00 U'1'IiEI{W'iSE. LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 8th.4 1920. a ............ . u-o--o---u-o-;-o-o---o- o -4 ►--u o LOCAL AND GENERAL o Mrs. Million is spending the week with .friends in Goderich. •e'Mrs. Iledlry spent- the Easter with her daughters • in Brantford. Miss .Winnifred Elliott is visiting with friends in, Bayfield for the week. Miss Martha 'MacCalluii spent the `recent holiday-- with friends in - Clifford. rs.:J. T. I,.yons •and her mother, ;rte Punter.,, were in Harnilton over., he week -end'.;• Miss Freda Scott,. of: Toronto, is. a guest of her aunt,. Mrs. J. Button, for the week. T. Nixon and Misa 'Bor- . Orillia, spent the week -end • at his `hone here. •-' Mr. W. J. Allin, of Chatham, vis- ited his .parents, _ Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Allin during the Easter week. Mr. Allan MacLeod is able to be about again after being confined to the house for several weeks with a set 'ere cold. s'1'. tl ELENS • -- Tuesday, April 6. ' Miss McLaughlin ie .spending the holidays at her. hp.e, in ' Winghaln. Miss G. Ca►,i1ebc,1; of Lothian, is spending ,the N': eek . " tit guest er • Miss Frances; • Aru!ereon. Mr. Roy :.lite lf�un .has secured a good position near Chatham. Misses Vii.' -1J. Rutherford, of "Fels. gus, May, Cameron, ;I i1►•h' 1, Nn Woods, of .Luckriow, Pee rl %V.:uster Winnifred Woods are M 4 from their _schools for ti, v.a Mr, and Mrs.' Rohe I;t •. of. • -Holyrood, Mr.. and -Mrs: Ha%ry Me-.. Allister and Mr. and Mrs. John • l)cy- hong ttion. i ' $2.00 per bushel will be paid for, good potatoes at N. Mackenzie's •Grocery. Fridays, Saturdays. and , Monda y -s Parties „desiring information about the making; of income tax. returns should not. fail to see. the govern- ment representative at Lucknow �on April 9th. Mr. Richard Sillibs, of Brantford, and Miss McMasters, pf, :Toronto, .visited at the home of their, uncle, • Mr. Joe. Nixon,• over. Easter Sun- day. .Rev. R. MacCallum was in Toron- to this week as delegate :from the Lucknow Public Library Board to a meeting' of the Ontario .Library As- sociation. ' ,._A regrettable error occurred -in an • advertisement of eggs for hatching for gale by D. .Kennedy, Whitechurch Instead of $11.50 per setting, the price, of course, is $1.50. • '•)ur delightful spring weather, which seemed to be • marching straight forward to summer, came to a sudden end on Monday night when quite a heavy snow storm set in and we all had to return to win- ter modes of life. • Mr.' Richard McQuillin has bought the frame residence on Ross Street from Mr. J. Joynt, and will ' reside there. Mr. Agar, who occupies part of this residence will move to the house which --he -recently bought from Mr.`Jas. Boyle. •- ''i! • A regular meting of the Wo•. men's institute will be held. on Fri - %VF 1)t)ING BELLS Johnston -Todd • A quiet marriage was solemnized_ at the South Kinloss manse, Wed- nes,lay morning, E. A. Pollan officiating, when I. h. ' MacLean Johnston and Miss -P. :1: Todd, both :popular young people of the 'village, were united in marriage.. Th.?. young ' couple left by the afternoon' train for a sliort. wedding trip.. Grilli'i--MaeMillan St. :.1:ir�'s ( Chllri•h; Lucknow, Tari 1+rot tily' 'dec•oratcd' with flowers on Wednesday.. )porn; ng., of .:this. week in le) 11+'el'' Of Tt•11('- ;Pip l'1•'.age there, at u';cu'k.. of Mies. Margaret Lor - ell, of .Wingha111, kind M.i and Mrs_ ctt.' ►lec.Millasn, daughter' of • Mr.• r1 y1., lac 1IiII'an, Kinloss, to Mr.' -(ilxa 'lIlil, • ..w -.Y. Ole. 4, .1ohn °�Il�iI1Irl, lather • Moran officiated in the prrs- 'eure. or a large number of invited guests and •frienlls who attended to witness the pretty 'and impressive ceremony. The "bride was attended I.y her sister, Miss Annie MacMillan, 'and Mr. Frank Griffin, a brother of the groom, Was groomsinan.' Little Miss .Murdoch, of Detroit; second cousin . of t'he bride, • made a •very pretty . flower girl who attracted much attention.. 'The ceremony as a whole .was 'one' of the prettiest and most. elaborate marriage ceremonies 'ever . celebrated' • in Lucknow. After th'e• cei'eniony at. the chum..h the wed- ding party. drove.' to. Mr. MacMillan's • fine . home • where a :pleasant after- noon and eening was spent. Geo. Mowbray, of Blueval;, nail their families sPent-I a>t:;'"'CS'^'tIrt.s at. Mr. Colin DleDanald's, rcicbra>t.in.; the birthday of their mother, Mrs.. '.has. Durn.in, .and ,.o the fifth an- niversary of, .Mr. 'writ .airs. McI)on- •ald's marriage. Alias Longman, who is teaching at Windsor, spent a few days with' Miss Fthel Anderson. HOM- E FOR EASTER .'Amnong the Eater visitors the fol- lowing have been.. noticed'r, George. and Fraser Paterson, from Toronto and London respectively; Miss Gladys • Rivers, Wingham; Miss Dean Geddes, Oil Springs; Misses Dorothy Douglas,. Mary Cannel, lfl'�aicl- eline McMorran, from Toronto; Miss Mabe] McClure and Miss Alma Al- ton, Stratford .Normal, Mks, Ethel Armstrong, London; Miss Bertha M-•Hughling Toronto; Mr. ugh Anderson and A. E. Millson, from Hamilton; Clair Agnew, Detroit; Steele Mac- kenzie, Elmira; J. S. Newton,- Galt; Miss Lillian Mitchell, Toronto; Miss Abele Mitchell;•: Stratford; Miss Frances Siadall, Toronto; Miss Mil- dred Spence, Whitby; "hiss Eth'l;l Howe, Windsor; Mrs. Dr. R. -M. Mc- Lean, Welland;, Mr. and 1\r ):•.' 1-T:;- vey Niacins,. of .Winghatn. 1l.UCKNOW BOY PRO MOT.EU The following article from the Del- hi . newspaper . explains itself, and will be read .with pleasure by Mr. Moise' friends: ' - Mr. W. H. ,:liaise, has been .promot- ed to • manager of the Coatsworth branch of the Molsons Bank'. For the past couple. of ,years he has been ac-• countant in the Delhi branch, and being a good mixer has -!made. a large circle of friends here who are sorry to lose him. However, the move hi a good one, for Mr. Moire .and he is to be congratulated. Monday might about thirty of his boy and grirl friends gave a fi)wl dinner for hitiin at day, April :-th., at 2430 o'clock. A the Stoddard House During the ev- good program will be given. Topic, ening Mr. S. )Harding ably acted "The Importance and .Meaning of ( as toastmaste and gave the local 'or- id r-id 'r,p mt Bch -making ability. of overlooked, • • and' �'C hlnet+ a -ry t,t n, 1',y iit%c yr t - hers. There will be a contest in making button holes.-foSec'y. Mr. J hn McKee, of, Woodstock, was up for Easter to visit his sister, Mrs. Fannie Anderson. Mr. McKee is a real Lucknow old.boy, having come to Lucknow when there were only a dozen houses in the village. He had the misfortune to lose •his wife by death last May. ators a spirem .play their s The girls were they expressed deepest regret at los- ing Mr. Moire, hu Were pleased to know he had been prr moted.. • Appro- priate . readings were• given. •solos rendered and teal good stories told. With such 'a good dinner as Mrs. House served and the talent they had there it was' indeed, a happy et ening. tMr- Moise reported. in Coats: - worth Wednesday. . + • CHURCH NEWS Niethodi`f ('hutch: -The .pastor be- ing absent on anniversary work, Rev. 1". O'Kell, B.A., of Ethel, will cotidiret the services morning and evening./ ' The canvassers for the l'ean't Thankoffering of the Lucknow -Pres- byterian ,f'hurrh have. presented their report ,which was received with very .great satisfaction by the Board of Managers and )he congregation. The i allocation, or objective, for .thu cen- gregation was $5.7O(r. T1�'�' subscribed is over 'MONO "over the top" by $3,300.00. MOVING TO DR A ti TON Mr. A. E. Mortis and family are moving to 'Drayton this week, where he has been appointed section fore- man on the G.T.R. M r. Mortis, wh ► saw ,service right through the war, is rfortunate in securing this good position, and friends of the family will wish them prosperity in their new home.- They. sold their resid- ence here to Mr. Jake Miller, of .Kin;„ .lots, who will move into ,town. AUCTION SALE CATTLE AT CAIN HOUSE STABLES LUCKNOW At two o'clock, on Mit. JOYNT 1N DEBATE We notice by the Toronto plapers of Mar. 31 that among those taking part•in the debate on -the Address, in the Legislature, was Mr: John Joynt, sof North Iluron. Mr. Joynt's speech appears.. to have attracted a -good deal of attention, and in the. news- paper reports of the proceedings got more than . the usual amount of space aeeorded a "maiden speech." - Mr. ,Joynt favored- consolidated *schools for the country, and he op- • po:-ed hydro railways, or. rather Mr., Beck's plan• -for financing radial rail ways. '"He thought that owing to the competition of the automobile 'and 'the auto truck the radial `railways • would not be a•• success. w-iti ••7rrpinions-elan-th•e- ra )ways -<*p- •_ pears to have met with the approval of the government, and the Farm-. errs Sun . devoted a half coliunn •of front. nt page Space to a ' report of the *speech. In* this. connection Mr. Joynt has...a couple of complimentary notes of which he is proud. ..One is from Premier Drury. and reads .as follows: "Mr. Joynt: Accept my congratula- tions . on one cif ..the fairest and ablest speeches of the debate. • • E. C. Drury. The other "bouquet" is from Hon. Manning- Doherty, and reads`: • "Mr. Joynt: Congratulations on your ex- cellent speech." . , Manning .Doherty • SINGLE COPIES, 4 CENTS, • WANTED -e --At, On-i.ario Hospital, London, help for Laundry, Dining - room and Kitchen. Uniform pro- vided. Apply "Matron." 22-4-115 WILL ENFORCE THE LAWS FOURTH CON., KINLOSS • (Intended for last week.) At the regular meeting of the Vil- On. )Monday evening, March 22, the Kairshea Literary ,Society held •.^rlpr rt•c•ular meeting -in- the 4th..school..I The chief features of . the- el/ovine.. was 'a'• Mock Parliament, and Mr. It'11: hod MacDougall, as sp!aker of the net'1 •+ House, galled upon Mr. Walter Mac- keli, ie :who moved the passings 'of: a 1 bill in re toarthe lowering of the, il ._ . 'i 1. :►lacklii il.:' took talc, . as his policy. •the plank of. the tJ.F.O. platform. and carefully outlined • the sante, )lis notion. was seconded by Mr. ('arncs han ',who • vas • the third speaker:„ The ()eposit'ron was lcd by Mr. have• Carruthers who presented argununts in favor of the, •Excising Tariff law. lie was ably assisted by Mr. Dick Martin. The • second bill brought before the House .was in re gard to ';Paylight Saving. The members supporting the measure were Mr. Ross MacMillan • and Mr. Alex Sutherland. 'They' were oppos- ed by Mr. Clarence MacMillan and �ix._i .issell-MacD.ougalL The. vote • of the Ilouse in regard to the. bills #,►'ave •a;, majority to low tariff .and de- feat-ed.:lite Daylight _Sav: ng measure. M u Zlillan and McNay sup Sat., April lOth 10 Fres. Cows with calf -at foo t. 12 Springers i V Young Cattle , TERMS: Six months' credit with bask Interest added. Lut 1. a �.}u(!�i LO, J. I.bk‘ IS, • \ __. •1 Pfope. - _ Alec. •,. . HAND TAKEN OFF • mount being - Council held _on the • evening of :the Council unanimouslyor itself in fav,of, the strict of, the Ontario Tempera - .'t t. I:z •th' connection 'the. requests the citizens to ass- them ass- t in l;:t in their • efforts by promptly ijnforuling any member of the Board ef. any _infringement of the law w i i ick n:�ay come under their notice. A spevial. officer has leen appoint - 'cd to look. after the enforcement of the fo_ llowing by-laws: To stop horses and cattle • from runnng loose on the streets... To stop fowl running at large. To stop fast driving . on the streets. • To stop bicycle riding on the side - Walks. To insist that the stores be dos- ed promptly at . the time asked for in the petition signed 'by the mere chants and embodied in the by law passed le the council. Any ,person- having any complaint. will please •notify. Mr.. Bell (the ,en- gineer at the waterworks). He will inform the special officer and t'!ttil'4. ate � i►lied violin -music and the Quartette the complaint will be attended to gait : eversl__nem hers. The Gazette promptly. was rcacd. .by Clarence -MacMillan. At .the _close u ,.:, he program a vot_ of thinks v.•as-tenderti-io one -TR -the �''r.>t,ra►►► 'cern it:tcr, Clarc_nee Fraser, /tvho was leaving for Saskatchewan in the • morning, and all sang "For ilea a !Lolly good fellow." - .7 -Tuesday, April 6. In spite of severe weather on Mon- day.* April 5, the' Kairshea held its eighth And final meeting of the sea- son in •thti ,6th school, there 'being a 1a'fgc crowd !,resent. The program avis quite varied -and of an entertain- ;rr�r •naturt : MacMillan Brothers, w ith ;ss Martha Sutherlandas ac equipanist, provided excellent violin music, while bagpipe • music was sup- pliedl liy-?11t. McLeod. Readings were risen l►y. Florence Mael)iawmid. Loss MacMillan, bean MacLeod, Lottie Smith, 'Margaret MacKinnon. Will - tele Chesnut and :flex.• Snrith • A givartette of high School girls sang white three of the public •school girls cvo the •Rtot. Whitt; tend Blue. c cry a.ppropr:ate . solo. "Spring" was. rendered with tine expression by Mrs. John t'arrutherS,' of- the -6th.. A _d;a- logile "Pointing Egg " was given by (;c►rclon Fraser, Agnes Lockhart hart anal Rena Fraser'. The Vice President, in the course .of s)ilie reinarkiv ''on • the L.iterfry, suggested tliat the Soeiety FOR 'SALE ---.Eggs for hatching and day-old t hip ks, from bred -to -lay, White Leghorns, slack Minorcas, and Barred, Rocks, These hens laid welr•throughout last. winter. Eggs, $1.50 for betting of 15. Chicks, $20.00•„perhundred for April and May, $18.00 per hundred for June and July. Delivery free. Duncan Kennedy, - - �•� ' Box -14 Whitechurch. M:tIL CONTRACT. • Sealed 'Tenders, Addressedx to '.the Postmaster General, wilt be. received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 7th day. of May, 1920, for the convey, - aneees f 4is-•,D►tGajeety's Mages, ,,on •a proposed contract, for four ! years, Six 'times per week, over Lucknow No. 2 Rural :Route for the Postmas- ters General's pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forme of Tender may, be obt- ained at the Post Offices of Lucknbw, Whitechurch, Holyrood and Ripley, and at the office of the Post.• Office Inspector, London. ` , Chas. E. H Fisher, Post _Office ;Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 2Gth, . March, 1920. . 15-4540 DUNGANNON • -Monday, April 5. The stork visited at the home of Mr. W; H. McClure . last Thursday and left a baby boy. Thos. Parks has rented the rooms over the printing office for the pres- ent and intends moving 'there shortly 'after his sale oh ,'April 9th. Mrs. S. ;J.. Pentland : is now occupy- ing the rooms above the store beside the.Post Office. -• 1Ir. ~aied•- Mrs. S. B. Stothers and Miss Jessie spent Good Friday at the home of Thos. Stothers. Miss Ella Stothers holidayed , at Elora last week -end. The funeral of the late 1ichard Ryan, of- Clinton, was last Saturday. Interment was made • in Dungannon cemetery. The Dance Club are a holding a dance on Thursday of this week. Goderich Five -piece Orchestra will furnish music.' FARMS CHANGE HANDS The service in the Anglican church on Good Friday was very -well at-- tended. t--tended. Rev. D. D., • Douglas'' had charge. Mr. Harold Sproul left day for Davidson, Sask., will join ,his brother. The fgllow•ing are heinte for .Easter holidays: Misses Jean Stothers atil .McKeilzlL, Ethel Mc- Kenzie, Laura Pentland, -Daisy Ryan and Geo. ('ase and Bert Wiggins. The cars 'are mut for the summer, and the reads are getting, better .for pleasure riders.. • -Robert Davidson, of Goderich, for- merly.. of the village, is coming back to the •old farm just north of the, vil- lat!c, •( having sold his residetice in Goderich to Mr.. Meyers, of Ashfield. We' understand Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson .i'ho now live on the farm i3friri' mtWiTrgr- to Goderich. The anti y ---in farm ---•Seipp •-• sp very marked this spring, still con- t.iiiues. Two more sales of local- in terest are 'reported this week. /Mr. Alex. grazer '4th Con., Huron Town- ship hag sold his fine 100 -acre• farm to Wm .MacDonald of the 6th ('nn. Kinloss. Mr. Fraser rather surprised :his friendsby selling • out as he had one. of the most -coritfvrt able hopers in Huron Township. Mr. Frnscr, we .understand' wants a :lga,r farm, and he states that, it is -- intentions to buy in Ontario. Another sale is that by • Mr. Rob- ert D: Webster, li%i miles West Of Lucknow. ile sold' to Mr. . Da`v id Strow.l. and has already bought an- other farm near B'tucefiield. This farm .consists cif- No. acres, and, no doubt is a fine property, as the land in• the vacinity of Brucefield is -hard to beat. Mr. Webster will be mov- ing about the second -vAt t' in May. Ile still owns ('arrol farm on the 126 of W. \l'atwanosh. From Thc WWinghani Tinit s we take the following: .• Mr. W„,• A. Miller met with a very painful and serious accident while at work in :11 r: A..1. Nicholl's 1 akery on Sunday evening. Mr. Miller \As do- ing his usual- csening wok and -•.in. some manner 'his left hand ran a in contact with the mixer• ' ith the re- sult that Mr. Miller lost all of his left hand4except the thumb. Fortun ately air. Miller was able to release himself from the machine and go to s► deet is office. and was then taken while di-KtipidIng for the -present, hold' another meeting-. fin the summer in the form of` a„picnic. This sugges- tion was heartily applauded. • 7 he -(la:atte, read by Russell MacDougall, kept the *dience in ,a gale of, laugh- ter. Some features Of the paper were :i I'oeti ' contest., find neeerriengthy Sale Rill of is t,,•Iah1i•s. \ft"e'r, sing- ings ececet'all • Old Favorites.' ending av:th.Auld Lang Sync, the meeting +•bate with tho National Anthems. T;.,• saddest note in: the. world is 'the to the Hospital. for treatment- snug l ihlti Q1ges last Thurs where he 'PARAMOUNT ' Moncfiay: k-lril 5. The,• Paramount. Sunday . Schoo! re- 010 101 on Faster Sunc'lav • with at very en6ou1•ag-rcing attendance. • ► • In spite of • the rather rough weather on Monday, Stewart 1 Rob- ertsun's sale drew a good e'rowd ands everything sold ata gond price.. We are sorry to renott,thl serious illness of M rs. iKetchahaw. • er 11 ;ln�'. friends hop'H e that she will Soon be well ?vain.' M iss Annie Clarkson is home froth Winghain for the Easter holic:ays. N1,ss .Susie Gibson. is 'silo -Ming th 411.1.11 I EVERYBODY'S COLUMN o MONEY TO 1 OAN on mortgages and notes at reasonable rates. I'ire Insurance, both stock and Mutual Companies. . Conveyancing done with neatness and despatch, - Geo. A. Siddall, Broker' Lucknow. Highest prices paid for all kinds of raw furs. Special prices for plink and foxes, also for horse hides and sheep skins. Don't fail 4114 call •or phone 140. • - B. Blitstein. Dry Goods Store. DR.. PARKER, OSTEOPATH; at Cain, . • House, Lucknow, every • Wednes 'day afternoon. All chronicdist; eases - successfully treated. O'a- teopathy removes the physical causes of disease. Adiustment of the ,spine is •:mare' quickly secured and with fewer treatments by Os- teopathy than by any other method All kinds of hides wanted. Highest Toronto prices. Also all kinds of live- poultry, ive-poultry, ho matter what size. Let me know, , or tall by phone, No. 86, and 1 will call. ' Jake Libel, The Excelsior Life Insurance Co,s. high niterest earnings -6.81 per cent - along with low death rate -54.3 per cent- makes large profits to policy- holders. Try a policy in this Co. in 1920.- W.P.Reid, Lucknow, Agt. FOR SALE -Twenty good young breeding ewes, supposed to•-be''with lamb. Apply to Alex Ross, Luck- nowe 11-3-tf. FARMS FOR SALE 200 acres -Kinloss Township.. , 76 acres -Ashfield Township. And two good frame houses in Luck - now. For particulars. Apply to. 18-$'-tf Geo. Siddall Lucknow. CREAM WANTED Best cashprices paid for cream at Tom Smith's grocery Lucknow, %Wednesdays and Saturdays. D. A. Andrew. 5-2tf FOR ALL MATTERS REGARDING (> REENHILIJ CEMETERY refer to D. Alton. Sexton. FOR. SALE -Eight roomhouse, at • St.Helens, ong acre ground and stab- le. Apply to "Jas Gaunt R. '1 Luck-' now: Phone, 41 on 64. • 25-3-t[. r BELFAST • 1T • t•" • -Tuesday, April 6: Mr. Mike Alton is visiting with relatives in this neighborhood. Mrs. David Hackett and Mrs. Will Lane visited. with Ripley friends Friday. • ,r. • Miss Welsh and Miss Hackett are spei fiti'ak the holidays at their res- pective homes. Quite a number of the farmers here are busy. making maple syrup. No wonder at three to four ..dollars per gal. ' For Sale Choice grass or flax farm 100 acres North half lot 6 Con. 12 West Div. Ashfield hart of purchase money may remain in. mortgage at 6 per cent. R. H. Dignan London Lizzie. • Alton, of .Lucknow, is speriiiittg '' fire-'�a�tcr. vara ion her br rthers in this vicinity. Roy ' Irwin is;, busy for farmers at- Zion. Sonia of the young the .lessie Alexander day evening .and re treat. AUCTION SALES Thomas Strong, • Lot 6, Con. 11, E. D., Ashfield, •will have an auction sale ' of farm stock and implements on April 15, commencing at 'one o'clock. This is a big sale. See bills.. J, Purvig, Atte. sawing wood John Johnston, Lot 4, Con. 12, W. D., Ashtiel&,- will have an. auction sale •---of his tarns ' rifck"- a1rd imPles'- LL ments 6n April 12, commencing at one o'clock. R. McCharles, Auc. folkattended concert Thurs- port it a rare We art' sorry to report the serious illness 'of . Miss Mary Alton. We hope for a ' picdy recovery. EGGS FOR HATCHING. -Bred-, to -lay S.O. White Leghorns and Bar- red Rocks. Foundation stock from Thos. - Delemare, Stratford and O. A. C., mated with birds frpm the pens Of L. R. Guild, Rockwood. 6c per egg at the farm. John Farrish, R. 7, Lucknow. Phone Dungannon, 82 r 13. 6-5: c►•eek with friends :at •('lir.t�tin• , Miss Fina Sherwood,' 4f Lucknow, James )Reid, of Spruceeale, • is call- spent Sunday at her, home here. . a: 4 Ing; inr '1 1 n c rra4 1 • Bred -To -Lay- Barred Rock Eggs. O. A. C.••strain, $1.25 per setting of 13: Also Indian Runner Duck eggs. James •Kicklc'', R. 7. Lucknow. Phone 77-16. 22-4-p. Car of feed corn to arrive shortly.' Cheapest feed on the market today. Parties wanting feed, hand orders to Sec'y., J. Farrish, R., 7, •Luckno'k. Phone `D`ungannon, 82 r 13. Parcel of drygoods left in Luck - now Hardware & Coal Co's. store oil Dollar Day. Owner • will reeeiv same •on proving property and pay- ing ay-ing for this ad. 8-4-p. On and after .April 12. 1920. hair cuts in 1 ueknow will he T. Watson, G. Huston. 1 have installed in my shop an or- ygen-ecetyline welding plant and am' prepared to weld steel', maleable, a,nd . cast irhn.. Perfect work can be dope 'in ally of these metals. A callat the shop will - convienee your of this. • 8-4-p G. Ostrander: Car Baric Slag Fertelizer. to arrive shortly. Parties wanting fertilizer phone Ackert BM., Holyrood. 8-4-p. 4 4 Ltd 1 4 4 4