HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-08, Page 1IZIttlittolo
$1.50 1'EK YEAR 1N. ADVANCE ; $2.00 U'1'IiEI{W'iSE.
............ .
u-o--o---u-o-;-o-o---o- o -4 ►--u
Mrs. Million is spending the week
with .friends in Goderich.
•e'Mrs. Iledlry spent- the Easter
with her daughters • in Brantford.
Miss .Winnifred Elliott is visiting
with friends in, Bayfield for the
Miss Martha 'MacCalluii spent
the `recent holiday-- with friends in
- Clifford.
rs.:J. T. I,.yons •and her mother,
Punter.,, were in Harnilton over.,
he week -end'.;•
Miss Freda Scott,. of: Toronto, is.
a guest of her aunt,. Mrs. J. Button,
for the week.
T. Nixon and Misa 'Bor-
. Orillia, spent the week -end
• at his `hone here. •-'
Mr. W. J. Allin, of Chatham, vis-
ited his .parents, _ Mr. arid Mrs. Wm.
Allin during the Easter week.
Mr. Allan MacLeod is able to be
about again after being confined to
the house for several weeks with a
set 'ere cold.
s'1'. tl ELENS •
-- Tuesday, April 6. '
Miss McLaughlin ie .spending the
holidays at her. hp.e, in ' Winghaln.
Miss G. Ca►,i1ebc,1; of Lothian, is
spending ,the N': eek . " tit guest er •
Miss Frances; • Aru!ereon.
Mr. Roy :.lite lf�un .has secured a
good position near Chatham.
Misses Vii.' -1J. Rutherford, of "Fels.
gus, May, Cameron, ;I i1►•h' 1, Nn
Woods, of .Luckriow, Pee rl %V.:uster
Winnifred Woods are
from their _schools for ti, v.a
Mr, and Mrs.' Rohe I;t •. of. •
-Holyrood, Mr.. and -Mrs: Ha%ry Me-..
Allister and Mr. and Mrs. John • l)cy-
' $2.00 per bushel will be paid for,
good potatoes at N. Mackenzie's
•Grocery. Fridays, Saturdays. and
Monda y -s
Parties „desiring information about
the making; of income tax. returns
should not. fail to see. the govern-
ment representative at Lucknow �on
April 9th.
Mr. Richard Sillibs, of Brantford,
and Miss McMasters, pf, :Toronto,
.visited at the home of their, uncle,
• Mr. Joe. Nixon,• over. Easter Sun-
.Rev. R. MacCallum was in Toron-
to this week as delegate :from the
Lucknow Public Library Board to a
meeting' of the Ontario .Library As-
sociation. '
,._A regrettable error occurred -in an •
advertisement of eggs for hatching
for gale by D. .Kennedy, Whitechurch
Instead of $11.50 per setting, the
price, of course, is $1.50.
• '•)ur delightful spring weather,
which seemed to be • marching
straight forward to summer, came
to a sudden end on Monday night
when quite a heavy snow storm set
in and we all had to return to win-
ter modes of life.
• Mr.' Richard McQuillin has bought
the frame residence on Ross Street
from Mr. J. Joynt, and will ' reside
there. Mr. Agar, who occupies part
of this residence will move to the
house which --he -recently bought from
Mr.`Jas. Boyle. •-
A regular meting of the Wo•.
men's institute will be held. on Fri -
Johnston -Todd
• A quiet marriage was solemnized_
at the South Kinloss manse, Wed-
nes,lay morning, E. A. Pollan
officiating, when I. h. ' MacLean
Johnston and Miss -P. :1: Todd, both
:popular young people of the 'village,
were united in marriage.. Th.?. young '
couple left by the afternoon' train
for a sliort. wedding trip..
St. :.1:ir�'s ( Chllri•h; Lucknow,
Tari 1+rot tily' 'dec•oratcd' with flowers
on Wednesday.. )porn; ng., of .:this. week
in le) 11+'el'' Of Tt•11('- ;Pip l'1•'.age there, at
u';cu'k.. of Mies. Margaret Lor -
ell, of .Wingha111, kind M.i and Mrs_ ctt.' ►lec.Millasn, daughter' of • Mr.•
r1 y1., lac 1IiII'an, Kinloss, to Mr.'
-(ilxa 'lIlil, • ..w -.Y. Ole. 4,
.1ohn °�Il�iI1Irl,
lather • Moran officiated in the prrs-
'eure. or a large number of invited
guests and •frienlls who attended to
witness the pretty 'and impressive
ceremony. The "bride was attended
I.y her sister, Miss Annie MacMillan,
'and Mr. Frank Griffin, a brother of
the groom, Was groomsinan.' Little
Miss .Murdoch, of Detroit; second
cousin . of t'he bride, • made a •very
pretty . flower girl who attracted
much attention.. 'The ceremony as a
whole .was 'one' of the prettiest and
most. elaborate marriage ceremonies
'ever . celebrated' • in Lucknow. After
th'e• cei'eniony at. the chum..h the wed-
ding party. drove.' to. Mr. MacMillan's •
fine . home • where a :pleasant after-
noon and eening was spent.
Geo. Mowbray, of Blueval;, nail
their families sPent-I a>t:;'"'CS'^'tIrt.s
at. Mr. Colin DleDanald's, rcicbra>t.in.;
the birthday of their mother, Mrs..
'.has. Durn.in, .and ,.o the fifth an-
niversary of, .Mr. 'writ .airs. McI)on-
•ald's marriage.
Alias Longman, who is teaching at
Windsor, spent a few days with'
Miss Fthel Anderson.
.'Amnong the Eater visitors the fol-
lowing have been.. noticed'r, George.
and Fraser Paterson, from Toronto
and London respectively; Miss
Gladys • Rivers, Wingham; Miss
Dean Geddes, Oil Springs; Misses
Dorothy Douglas,. Mary Cannel, lfl'�aicl-
eline McMorran, from Toronto; Miss
Mabe] McClure and Miss Alma Al-
ton, Stratford .Normal, Mks, Ethel
Armstrong, London; Miss Bertha M-•Hughling Toronto; Mr. ugh Anderson
and A. E. Millson, from Hamilton;
Clair Agnew, Detroit; Steele Mac-
kenzie, Elmira; J. S. Newton,- Galt;
Miss Lillian Mitchell, Toronto; Miss
Abele Mitchell;•: Stratford; Miss
Frances Siadall, Toronto; Miss Mil-
dred Spence, Whitby; "hiss Eth'l;l
Howe, Windsor; Mrs. Dr. R. -M. Mc-
Lean, Welland;, Mr. and 1\r
):•.' 1-T:;-
vey Niacins,. of .Winghatn.
The following article from the Del-
hi . newspaper . explains itself, and
will be read .with pleasure by Mr.
Moise' friends: ' -
Mr. W. H. ,:liaise, has been .promot-
ed to • manager of the Coatsworth
branch of the Molsons Bank'. For the
past couple. of ,years he has been ac-•
countant in the Delhi branch, and
being a good mixer has -!made. a large
circle of friends here who are sorry
to lose him. However, the move hi a
good one, for Mr. Moire .and he is to
be congratulated. Monday might
about thirty of his boy and grirl
friends gave a fi)wl dinner for hitiin at
day, April :-th., at 2430 o'clock. A the Stoddard House During the ev-
good program will be given. Topic, ening Mr. S. )Harding ably acted
"The Importance and .Meaning of ( as toastmaste and gave the local 'or-
r-id 'r,p mt
Bch -making ability.
of overlooked, • • and'
�'C hlnet+ a -ry t,t n, 1',y iit%c yr t -
hers. There will be a contest in
making button holes.-foSec'y.
Mr. J hn McKee, of, Woodstock,
was up for Easter to visit his sister,
Mrs. Fannie Anderson. Mr. McKee
is a real Lucknow old.boy, having
come to Lucknow when there were
only a dozen houses in the village.
He had the misfortune to lose •his
wife by death last May.
ators a spirem
.play their s
The girls were
they expressed deepest regret at los-
ing Mr. Moire, hu Were pleased to
know he had been prr moted.. • Appro-
priate . readings were• given. •solos
rendered and teal good stories told.
With such 'a good dinner as Mrs.
House served and the talent they
had there it was' indeed, a happy et
ening. tMr- Moise reported. in Coats: -
worth Wednesday.
. +
Niethodi`f ('hutch: -The .pastor be-
ing absent on anniversary work, Rev.
1". O'Kell, B.A., of Ethel, will cotidiret
the services morning and evening./ '
The canvassers for the l'ean't
Thankoffering of the Lucknow -Pres-
byterian ,f'hurrh have. presented their
report ,which was received with very
.great satisfaction by the Board of
Managers and )he congregation. The
i allocation, or objective, for .thu cen-
gregation was $5.7O(r. T1�'�'
subscribed is over 'MONO
"over the top" by $3,300.00.
Mr. A. E. Mortis and family are
moving to 'Drayton this week, where
he has been appointed section fore-
man on the G.T.R. M r. Mortis, wh ►
saw ,service right through the war,
is rfortunate in securing this good
position, and friends of the family
will wish them prosperity in their
new home.- They. sold their resid-
ence here to Mr. Jake Miller, of .Kin;„
.lots, who will move into ,town.
At two o'clock, on
We notice by the Toronto plapers
of Mar. 31 that among those taking
part•in the debate on -the Address, in
the Legislature, was Mr: John Joynt,
sof North Iluron. Mr. Joynt's speech
appears.. to have attracted a -good
deal of attention, and in the. news-
paper reports of the proceedings got
more than . the usual amount of
space aeeorded a "maiden speech." -
Mr. ,Joynt favored- consolidated
*schools for the country, and he op- •
po:-ed hydro railways, or. rather Mr.,
Beck's plan• -for financing radial rail
ways. '"He thought that owing to the
competition of the automobile 'and
'the auto truck the radial `railways •
would not be a•• success.
w-iti ••7rrpinions-elan-th•e- ra )ways -<*p- •_
pears to have met with the approval
of the government, and the Farm-.
errs Sun . devoted a half coliunn •of
front. nt page Space to a ' report of the
In* this. connection Mr. Joynt has...a
couple of complimentary notes of
which he is proud. ..One is from
Premier Drury. and reads .as follows:
"Mr. Joynt: Accept my congratula-
tions . on one cif ..the fairest and ablest
speeches of the debate. •
E. C. Drury.
The other "bouquet" is from Hon.
Manning- Doherty, and reads`: • "Mr.
Joynt: Congratulations on your ex-
cellent speech." . ,
Manning .Doherty •
• WANTED -e --At, On-i.ario Hospital,
London, help for Laundry, Dining -
room and Kitchen. Uniform pro-
vided. Apply "Matron." 22-4-115
(Intended for last week.) At the regular meeting of the Vil-
On. )Monday evening, March 22, the
Kairshea Literary ,Society held •.^rlpr
rt•c•ular meeting -in- the 4th..school..I
The chief features of . the- el/ovine..
was 'a'• Mock Parliament, and Mr. It'11:
hod MacDougall, as sp!aker of the net'1 •+
House, galled upon Mr. Walter Mac-
keli, ie :who moved the passings 'of: a
bill in re toarthe lowering of the,
il ._ . 'i 1. :►lacklii il.:' took
talc, .
as his policy. •the plank of. the tJ.F.O.
platform. and carefully outlined • the
sante, )lis notion. was seconded by
Mr. ('arncs han ',who • vas • the third
speaker:„ The ()eposit'ron was lcd by
Mr. have• Carruthers who presented
argununts in favor of the, •Excising
Tariff law. lie was ably assisted by
Mr. Dick Martin. The • second bill
brought before the House .was in re
gard to ';Paylight Saving. The
members supporting the measure
were Mr. Ross MacMillan • and Mr.
Alex Sutherland. 'They' were oppos-
ed by Mr. Clarence MacMillan and
�ix._i .issell-MacD.ougalL The. vote
• of the Ilouse in regard to the. bills
#,►'ave •a;, majority to low tariff .and de-
feat-ed.:lite Daylight _Sav: ng measure.
M u Zlillan and McNay sup
Sat., April lOth
10 Fres. Cows with calf -at foo t.
12 Springers
i V Young Cattle ,
TERMS: Six months' credit with bask
Interest added.
Lut 1. a �.}u(!�i LO, J. I.bk‘ IS,
• \ __. •1 Pfope. - _ Alec.
Council held _on the • evening of
:the Council unanimouslyor
itself in fav,of, the strict
of, the Ontario Tempera -
.'t t. I:z •th' connection 'the.
requests the citizens to ass-
t in l;:t in their • efforts by promptly
ijnforuling any member of the Board
ef. any _infringement of the law
w i i ick n:�ay come under their notice.
A spevial. officer has leen appoint -
'cd to look. after the enforcement of
the fo_ llowing by-laws:
To stop horses and cattle • from
runnng loose on the streets...
To stop fowl running at large.
To stop fast driving . on the
• To stop bicycle riding on the side -
To insist that the stores be dos-
ed promptly at . the time asked for
in the petition signed 'by the mere
chants and embodied in the by law
passed le the council.
Any ,person- having any complaint.
will please •notify. Mr.. Bell (the ,en-
gineer at the waterworks). He
will inform the special officer and
t'!ttil'4. ate �
i►lied violin -music and the Quartette the complaint will be attended to
gait : eversl__nem hers. The Gazette promptly.
was rcacd. .by Clarence -MacMillan.
At .the _close u ,.:, he program a vot_
of thinks v.•as-tenderti-io one -TR -the
�''r.>t,ra►►► 'cern it:tcr, Clarc_nee Fraser,
/tvho was leaving for Saskatchewan
in the • morning, and all sang "For
ilea a !Lolly good fellow." -
.7 -Tuesday, April 6.
In spite of severe weather on Mon-
day.* April 5, the' Kairshea held its
eighth And final meeting of the sea-
son in •thti ,6th school, there 'being a
1a'fgc crowd !,resent. The program
avis quite varied -and of an entertain-
;rr�r •naturt : MacMillan Brothers,
w ith ;ss Martha Sutherlandas ac
equipanist, provided excellent violin
music, while bagpipe • music was sup-
pliedl liy-?11t. McLeod. Readings were
risen l►y. Florence Mael)iawmid. Loss
MacMillan, bean MacLeod, Lottie
Smith, 'Margaret MacKinnon. Will -
tele Chesnut and :flex.• Snrith • A
givartette of high School girls sang
white three of the public •school girls
cvo the •Rtot. Whitt; tend Blue.
c cry a.ppropr:ate . solo. "Spring" was.
rendered with tine expression by Mrs.
John t'arrutherS,' of- the -6th.. A _d;a-
logile "Pointing Egg " was given by
(;c►rclon Fraser, Agnes Lockhart hart anal
Rena Fraser'. The Vice President, in
the course .of s)ilie reinarkiv ''on • the
L.iterfry, suggested tliat the Soeiety
FOR 'SALE ---.Eggs for hatching
and day-old t hip ks, from bred -to -lay,
White Leghorns, slack Minorcas,
and Barred, Rocks, These hens laid
welr•throughout last. winter. Eggs,
$1.50 for betting of 15. Chicks,
$20.00•„perhundred for April and
May, $18.00 per hundred for June
and July. Delivery free.
Duncan Kennedy, -
- �•� ' Box -14 Whitechurch.
Sealed 'Tenders, Addressedx to '.the
Postmaster General, wilt be. received
at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the
7th day. of May, 1920, for the convey, -
aneees f 4is-•,D►tGajeety's Mages, ,,on •a
proposed contract, for four ! years,
Six 'times per week, over Lucknow
No. 2 Rural :Route for the Postmas-
ters General's pleasure.
Printed notices containing further
information as to conditions of pro-
posed Contract may be seen and
blank forme of Tender may, be obt-
ained at the Post Offices of Lucknbw,
Whitechurch, Holyrood and Ripley,
and at the office of the Post.• Office
Inspector, London. ` ,
Chas. E. H Fisher,
Post _Office ;Inspector.
Post Office Inspector's Office,
London, 2Gth, . March, 1920. .
-Monday, April 5.
The stork visited at the home of
Mr. W; H. McClure . last Thursday
and left a baby boy.
Thos. Parks has rented the rooms
over the printing office for the pres-
ent and intends moving 'there shortly
'after his sale oh ,'April 9th.
Mrs. S. ;J.. Pentland : is now occupy-
ing the rooms above the store beside
the.Post Office. -•
1Ir. ~aied•- Mrs. S. B. Stothers and
Miss Jessie spent Good Friday at the
home of Thos. Stothers.
Miss Ella Stothers holidayed , at
Elora last week -end.
The funeral of the late 1ichard
Ryan, of- Clinton, was last Saturday.
Interment was made • in Dungannon
The Dance Club are a holding a
dance on Thursday of this week.
Goderich Five -piece Orchestra will
furnish music.'
The service in the Anglican church
on Good Friday was very -well at--
t--tended. Rev. D. D., • Douglas'' had
Mr. Harold Sproul left
day for Davidson, Sask.,
will join ,his brother.
The fgllow•ing are heinte for .Easter
holidays: Misses Jean Stothers atil
.McKeilzlL, Ethel Mc-
Kenzie, Laura Pentland, -Daisy Ryan
and Geo. ('ase and Bert Wiggins.
The cars 'are mut for the summer,
and the reads are getting, better .for
pleasure riders.. •
-Robert Davidson, of Goderich, for-
merly.. of the village, is coming back
to the •old farm just north of the, vil-
lat!c, •( having sold his residetice in
Goderich to Mr.. Meyers, of Ashfield.
We' understand Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Davidson .i'ho now live on the farm
i3friri' mtWiTrgr- to Goderich.
The anti y ---in farm ---•Seipp •-• sp
very marked this spring, still con-
t.iiiues. Two more sales of local- in
terest are 'reported this week. /Mr.
Alex. grazer '4th Con., Huron Town-
ship hag sold his fine 100 -acre•
farm to Wm .MacDonald of the 6th
('nn. Kinloss. Mr. Fraser rather
surprised :his friendsby selling • out
as he had one. of the most -coritfvrt
able hopers in Huron Township.
Mr. Frnscr, we .understand' wants a
:lga,r farm, and he states that, it is --
intentions to buy in Ontario.
Another sale is that by • Mr. Rob-
ert D: Webster, li%i miles West Of
Lucknow. ile sold' to Mr. . Da`v id
Strow.l. and has already bought an-
other farm near B'tucefiield. This
farm .consists cif- No. acres, and, no
doubt is a fine property, as the land
in• the vacinity of Brucefield is -hard
to beat. Mr. Webster will be mov-
ing about the second -vAt t' in May.
Ile still owns ('arrol farm on the 126
of W. \l'atwanosh.
From Thc WWinghani Tinit s we take
the following: .•
Mr. W„,• A. Miller met with a very
painful and serious accident while at
work in :11 r: A..1. Nicholl's 1 akery on
Sunday evening. Mr. Miller \As do-
ing his usual- csening wok and -•.in.
some manner 'his left hand ran a in
contact with the mixer• ' ith the re-
sult that Mr. Miller lost all of his
left hand4except the thumb. Fortun
ately air. Miller was able to release
himself from the machine and go to
s► deet is office. and was then taken
while di-KtipidIng for the -present,
hold' another meeting-. fin the summer
in the form of` a„picnic. This sugges-
tion was heartily applauded. • 7 he
-(la:atte, read by Russell MacDougall,
kept the *dience in ,a gale of, laugh-
ter. Some features Of the paper were
:i I'oeti '
contest., find neeerriengthy
Sale Rill of is t,,•Iah1i•s. \ft"e'r, sing-
ings ececet'all • Old Favorites.' ending
av:th.Auld Lang Sync, the meeting
+•bate with tho National Anthems.
T;.,• saddest note in: the. world is 'the
to the Hospital. for treatment- snug l ihlti Q1ges
last Thurs
where he
Moncfiay: k-lril 5.
The,• Paramount. Sunday . Schoo! re-
010 101 on Faster Sunc'lav • with at very
en6ou1•ag-rcing attendance. • ►
In spite of • the rather rough
weather on Monday, Stewart 1 Rob-
ertsun's sale drew a good e'rowd ands
everything sold ata gond price..
We are sorry to renott,thl serious
illness of M rs. iKetchahaw. • er
11 ;ln�'. friends hop'H
e that she will Soon
be well ?vain.'
M iss Annie Clarkson is home froth
Winghain for the Easter holic:ays.
N1,ss .Susie Gibson. is 'silo -Ming th
MONEY TO 1 OAN on mortgages and
notes at reasonable rates. I'ire
Insurance, both stock and Mutual
Companies. . Conveyancing done
with neatness and despatch, -
Geo. A. Siddall, Broker' Lucknow.
Highest prices paid for all kinds of
raw furs. Special prices for plink
and foxes, also for horse hides and
sheep skins. Don't fail 4114 call •or
phone 140.
• - B. Blitstein.
Dry Goods Store.
DR.. PARKER, OSTEOPATH; at Cain, . •
House, Lucknow, every • Wednes
'day afternoon. All chronicdist;
eases - successfully treated. O'a-
teopathy removes the physical
causes of disease. Adiustment of
the ,spine is •:mare' quickly secured
and with fewer treatments by Os-
teopathy than by any other method
All kinds of hides wanted. Highest
Toronto prices. Also all kinds of live-
ive-poultry, ho matter what size. Let me
know, , or tall by phone, No. 86, and 1
will call. ' Jake Libel,
The Excelsior Life Insurance Co,s.
high niterest earnings -6.81 per cent
- along with low death rate -54.3 per
cent- makes large profits to policy-
holders. Try a policy in this Co. in
1920.- W.P.Reid, Lucknow, Agt.
FOR SALE -Twenty good young
breeding ewes, supposed to•-be''with
lamb. Apply to Alex Ross, Luck-
nowe 11-3-tf.
200 acres -Kinloss Township.. ,
76 acres -Ashfield Township.
And two good frame houses in Luck -
now. For particulars. Apply to.
18-$'-tf Geo. Siddall Lucknow.
Best cashprices paid for cream at
Tom Smith's grocery Lucknow,
%Wednesdays and Saturdays.
D. A. Andrew.
to D. Alton. Sexton.
FOR. SALE -Eight roomhouse, at •
St.Helens, ong acre ground and stab-
le. Apply to "Jas Gaunt R. '1 Luck-'
now: Phone, 41 on 64. • 25-3-t[.
1T • t•" •
-Tuesday, April 6:
Mr. Mike Alton is visiting with
relatives in this neighborhood.
Mrs. David Hackett and Mrs. Will
Lane visited. with Ripley friends
• ,r. •
Miss Welsh and Miss Hackett are
spei fiti'ak the holidays at their res-
pective homes.
Quite a number of the farmers
here are busy. making maple syrup.
No wonder at three to four ..dollars
per gal. '
For Sale Choice grass or flax
farm 100 acres North half lot 6
Con. 12 West Div. Ashfield hart of
purchase money may remain in.
mortgage at 6 per cent.
R. H. Dignan
Lizzie. • Alton, of .Lucknow, is
speriiiittg '' fire-'�a�tcr. vara ion
her br rthers in this vicinity.
Roy ' Irwin is;, busy
for farmers at- Zion.
Sonia of the young
the .lessie Alexander
day evening .and re
Thomas Strong, • Lot 6, Con. 11, E.
D., Ashfield, •will have an auction
sale ' of farm stock and implements
on April 15, commencing at 'one
o'clock. This is a big sale. See bills..
J, Purvig, Atte.
sawing wood
John Johnston, Lot 4, Con. 12, W.
D., Ashtiel&,- will have an. auction
sale •---of his tarns ' rifck"- a1rd imPles'- LL
ments 6n April 12, commencing at
one o'clock. R. McCharles, Auc.
concert Thurs-
port it a rare
We art' sorry to report the serious
illness 'of . Miss Mary Alton. We
hope for a ' picdy recovery.
to -lay S.O. White Leghorns and Bar-
red Rocks. Foundation stock from
Thos. - Delemare, Stratford and O. A.
C., mated with birds frpm the pens
Of L. R. Guild, Rockwood. 6c per
egg at the farm. John Farrish,
R. 7, Lucknow. Phone Dungannon,
82 r 13. 6-5:
c►•eek with friends :at •('lir.t�tin• , Miss Fina Sherwood,' 4f Lucknow,
James )Reid, of Spruceeale, • is call- spent Sunday at her, home here.
Ing; inr '1 1 n c rra4 1
Bred -To -Lay- Barred Rock Eggs.
O. A. C.••strain, $1.25 per setting of
13: Also Indian Runner Duck eggs.
James •Kicklc'', R. 7. Lucknow. Phone
77-16. 22-4-p.
Car of feed corn to arrive shortly.'
Cheapest feed on the market today.
Parties wanting feed, hand orders to
Sec'y., J. Farrish, R., 7, •Luckno'k.
Phone `D`ungannon, 82 r 13.
Parcel of drygoods left in Luck -
now Hardware & Coal Co's. store oil
Dollar Day. Owner • will reeeiv
same •on proving property and pay-
ay-ing for this ad. 8-4-p.
On and after .April 12. 1920. hair
cuts in 1 ueknow will he
T. Watson, G. Huston.
1 have installed in my shop an or-
ygen-ecetyline welding plant and am'
prepared to weld steel', maleable, a,nd .
cast irhn.. Perfect work can be dope
'in ally of these metals. A callat the
shop will - convienee your of this. •
8-4-p G. Ostrander:
Car Baric Slag Fertelizer. to arrive
shortly. Parties wanting fertilizer
phone Ackert BM., Holyrood.