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New Triplex Springs
Iron Out the Wrinkles
of the Rough Roads
HEwrinkles of rough
roads seem smoothed out
completely by the wonderful
springs of Overland 4.
These ' springs hold the
wheels to \the road, while the
passengers ride in even 1
comfort. The astonishing s
qualities of these diagonally I
attached Trip Springs have a
created an utterly new con- e
ception of light car riding ease. e
Best of all, this heavy car
kind of comfort is now ob-
tainable with economy in fuel
and tires and remarkably low
upkeep cost.
Overland 4 . is started and
ighted by two -unit electric
tarting and lighting system`
t has rain -vision windshield
nd1 unit power plant. It is
quipped with all the latest car
ssentials and conveniences.
L. KENNEDY, Wingham
Head Office and Factories: «'iltys-Overland Limited,' Toronto, Canada
Branches: Toronto, Montreal, Win:peg and Regina
The school with competent instructors and superior •courses. • Graduates
placed in positions. Affiliated with the Elliott" Business College, Tor=
onto; and the Central Business College, Stratford. • Write for free cata-
logue) Enter any time. -
2. A. McL,acdlia. Pres. Phone 166 Murray McLeish, Principal
Adress and Pre:ientation.—The' home
of Mr. John McFarland, Con. \ 12,
Kinloss was the scene of . a plesant
gathering Wellnesday evening March
• 17th when their friends and neighbors
_met to say good bye to Mr. and Mrs.
McFarland before -they left for their
new home on the 6th Con. Culross.
During the evening's entertainment
the following address was read.
To Mr. and Mrs. John McFarland.
Dear Friends,
We your friends and nei-
1» • pea rt_
to express our regret at- your leav-
ing us, and to commemorate the life-
long -friendship which has eisted,
among us. Most of us have known
you all 'our lives, and have always
found you a kind friend, willing to
help with your gifts in every good
cause. Your ability along many lines
makes you_ \a desirable Asset to any
comtnunity'. What will be our loss,
will another's gain, and, while we are
sorry to lose' you we are glad that.
you are not going far away. Your
nearnes9 to us; and the memory of
the hospitalitti. which we have always
received in yo it home. will serveus
as a- pretext far paving you Iwc'asioii-
al visits in your'ne • place of ,boli`,
and we asure you of warm welcome
waiting you at all times in your old•
neighborhood. As a slight mark of
our esteem 'and affection
cert this purs_ - We are" sorry that'
the unfavorable weather proved- an
obstacle to our efforts, making it
impossible for *to purchase 'fitting
presents for you. ' But we leave it
with you to hoose at your discre-
tion,' something which will serve to
'keep ever froth in your memory, the
1ppy gears spent among us in this
Your Friends and neighbors.
(intended for last week.) ,
Mr. Alex Kennedy, of Guelph, is
s(>rnding a few days at home. r
Miss Nettie Cottle spent the 'week
end at her home in the village.
A number of the young people of
the village and vacinity spent a very
Pirlisant evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm Conn on Monday, last.
We are .glad to report that Jim-
mie Henderson 'and Hector Put -
don who have been under the doctors
card for the past few weeks are inv.
Miss Olive Teriff who has been
nursing in 13russels lately returned
home on Monday evening.
Mr. J.' Egglestote has tented his
farm to 'Al r. J. Radford, of Wingham,
and intends moving into the village4
Mr. J. Hutcheson has purchased
the Fisher house, and intendsb mov-
ing in, in the the near future.
Mrs. Norman Stewart of Lucknow
is Visiting her parents, Mr. and'Mrs.
J. ('lulth,
McKay residence.
The St Patrick's social held in the
Presbyterian church on Friday hist
was a great success.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Barbour of the
4th of Kinloss and Mr. and Mrs. Kerr
of W Ingham'have moved into the vil-
lase, the former into the McIntosh
Will MorHEng
Never Corrie
"this illustration pic-
iature your' experience? '
What, i#t more distressing
than being unable to sleep?
Sleeplessness is one of the
first and, most certain symp-
toms of exhausted nerves.
This is the warning that you need
tba aasls4we• of Dr. Chase's Nerve
Food to restore vigor to 'the nerve
cells and thereby avoid the develop -
anent of serious nervous trouble.
By improving the Quality of the
blood and building up_ the nervous
system this food cure brings n•rr
anergy and strength to the whole
SO sea ta. a box, t .for $2.75, all dealers, .or
Bdaaaaaon, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto.
I;,:;use recently occupied by Mr Mc -
Kenz'e, Ole latter the house recent=
1y O 1,y Mr; J. ('luhb, Mr. Clubb
.havin • purci;asc•d "the •house owned
by Mr. iMlillinc•r. •
We are glad' to _report. that Mr.
Carl Lott in on 'the mind,
Mr. • Geo. Cottle who secured the
contract •of overhauling the creamery
commenced operation last week.
Mr. Sane Garton is treating his
house to a new coat of shingles this
Martin- Senour House Paint
Martin -Senour Floor Paint
Martin-Senour Varnishes
Portland Cement
Lime and Wall Plaster
Corrugated Iron hoofing
Brantford Crystal Roofing
Cleveland Coil Spring Wire
Woven Fencing•
We have a carload to ar-
,rive this week, Get our
Cleveland Bicycles
Bicycle Repairs
(Intended for last week,/
Mrs JamieAon_ and Miss Ethel Mc-
P.herson are attending the Provin^ial
convention of the W.M.S. in Stratford
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller of Alma,
are spending their honeymoon. ''with
their cousins here.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark returned 'home
last week. They .have spent the last
-'few months with the• different mem-
bers of ‘their family at Westfield Na-
pir Hamilton Toronto and• Belleville.
Miss., Francis Anderson is visiting
her sister Mrs. Purdo r in East Waw-
Miss McPherson of Puslinch is
visit;ng at Mr. Donald McDonald's.
Mr. John McGuire returned to the
West• this. week.
Making ,Maple syrup • is the order
of the day.
Do not forget
to file your
income Tax Return
on or before the 30th of „UN 1920.
Dominion' of' Canada
Department of Finance
ALL persons rersi ing in Canada, em-
ployed in Catiada, or carrying on
business in Canada, are .liable to a tax
on income, as follows: --
1. Every unmarried person, or' widow, or
widower, without dependants as defined by the
Act, who during the calendar year 1919 received or
Pained $1,000 or more.
2. All other individuals Vvho during the
calendar year 1919 received or earned =2,000 or
3. Every corporation and joint stock company
whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal
year ended in 1919.
-411111111M- -10
Forms to be used in filing
returns on or before
the 30th of April, 1920.
ALL iN.DIVIDIJALS other than
farmers and ranchers must use
Form T 1.
must use Form T 1A.
• CORPORATIONS and joint
stock companies must use Form
Every person required to make a return.. who
f,iils to do so within the time limit, shall be
subject to a•ret,nity of lwenty-111 per centum
of the amount of the t.ts payahlr.
Any rerH,n, whether trsahle, or otherwise,
who fall, to snake a rehtrn or pro'Ide informa-
tion duly required according to the provision of
the Act, 'shall -b, liable on summary contiet ,n
to a penalty of,.$i00 for each day during
%which the default continues. Al
m ' a fable %rater -nt in asy return or In
any information rc.iu:m,i b3 the Minister, shall
be liable. On •utnmarr Conviction, to a Deft„It)
not este: dinit 1111,M00, of to wiz months impris,w -
ment onto both little anti Imprisonment.
General Instructions.
Obtain Forms from the Inspectors or
Assistant Inspectors of Taxation o
r from
Read carefully all Instructions on
Form before filling it in.
Prepay postage on letters and docu-
ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of
Make your returns promptly and avoid
• 2
Commissioner of Taxation.