The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-01, Page 3-b t• 0. .�.a^..ilw,-..fir• I • Azoot:.s'. Mame Dog a at.41s. DOG QISEASES • sat Mow to Teed Mailed Free to,any Ask drama by the; Author. 7L Clay Glover Co.. lath 1.18 West 81st Street New York. U.B.A. Y 30 RoisCOUGHs For Coughs, Colds, an.ci the relief of in- ce flarnmatory comet -semi - of the throat arising '- from Bronchial, Asth- matic affections and 4 _ i deran$ements of the) is • ,=- lkespiratory O. -gens... -Prepared from Spruce, Guru and other uiedi-1' cinal agents. Success- fully used for 60 years. Always buy tb• Lara. Sloe OUT O' LUCK Never mind! Just take Cascarets if Bilious, .Constipated . 1)� Everyone must .occasionally give to • the bowels some- regular help or else Puffer •froei constipation, bilious at- tacks, stomach disorders and sick headache. But do not whip the bowels into activity with harsh cathartics. What'the`liver and bowels need is a gentle and natural tonic, one that can constantly be used without harm. The gentlest liver -and bowel tonic is.„"Cas- carets. They put the -liver to work and cleanse the colon and bowel§ of all waste, toxins and poisons without griping—they never sicken or incon- venience you like -Calomel, Salts, Oil, or Purgatives. Twenty-five million boxes of Cascar- ets are sold each year. They work \ while you sleep. Ca.searets host so little too. Old Friend.. - Old friends .are_tIue frjee,ds; Sunshine in the sky Has kept us warm and fought storm Through ages long gone by. Sometimes the new friends Leave the heart aglow, But. it's when .they're like the men • _Me cherished long ago. • - the Keep 71isard's Lfaimeat fa the hose., -Provident- Pati The late Adelina Patti was common- ly held to' be the richest singing wo- man in the world. She was a shrewd business woman. Once Colonel Mapleson 'was unable to get th'e entire $4,000 that he was to pay herr for a performance. An audit HARD ON BABY ... The Canadian Spring weather -one day mild and bright; the next raw and .blustery,`is extremely hard on the baby: Conditions are such that the mother cannot take the little one out for the fresh air . so much' to be .de-' sired. He is confined to the house which is often over -heated and badly ventilated. He catches cul , s lit- tle stomach and bowels becot dis- ordered and. the mother son has .a sick baby' to look after. Tti'event this an occasional dose of Baby's Own. Tablets •should be given. They regu- late the:stomach and bowels, thus pre- venting ,or. relieving ..1 colds,, simpl fevers,' colic �r eny'•bther of the man minor ills' of childhood. The Tablet -are-=sold by• Medicine-, dealers *or ' by' snail at 25 cents a, .box frog} The "Dr.' \'t'illiar,�s' Medicine • ('e., Bro.kville, Ont. - ;.. .-, w i[T-+,•'.'n.:( -- ^Iii' '.- .' Y - wTYPIW. - orang-outang, the gibbon, the, baboon, down to the simian, The naturalist Is inclined to regard man as merely the highest of the great apes, rather than as a creature bet apa'•t. Some scientists even go so far as to look upon all the monkey tribes as people. All of. them teed talk if they had the requisite. bruins, for they ,possess the same organs of speech • that we have. . How- He Sile iced Him. A 'few days ago at a meeting of the electors of Dundee which he was ad- dressing, Winston, Chterchill Was •sub- jecjed "'to a seemiagly - endless fire of irrelevant comment directed .towards thespeaker by a local political op- ponent. There were loud demands ' for e the ejection of the interrupter. Y Mr.Churchill raised his hand -;Tin s ` silence and quietly i•en a' ked ----. "Give'him a ehanee. men. Yip all know- that ' he is not allowed •t o put• in a word .edgewise 'at homes." . saisko et a seests4tethe, meeting Abe a,ea'rapteei• drietet ned a'ee',pect fttl' silence. - March. Braggart. March oto Old Winter; prithee; good-bye, • To your home in the North it is rim you should hie. ' Have sou forgotten, underthe snow, !rhe wee seeds • are waiting, waiting to grow? "They are Spring's precious babies, soon she'll be here, - Whispering .a.._welcome in each willing ear; To tidy the earth I muirt sweep, I must blbw, ' (letting it cleared ,for the flowersto , grow. .: . • • -C. RHEUMATISM This is just the season when Rheumatism wit hits grinding pain and stiffen- ing ofoints gets hold at you. Fight it with Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules eZenipleton's Rheumatic Capsules bring certain relief. and permanent re- sults. They are recom- mended by ' doctors. and sold by reliable druggists everywhere for $1.04 a box. or write to Temp letons. 142 King St. W., Toronto. Mailed an}where on re- ceipt of price. ASTHMA, •Terrspletop's RAZ- hiAH. Cap- sules are guaranteed to relieve. A•S T H' M A. Don't suffer' an - ,other day. ...:Writ -e Terrepletons.:142 Ki.ngglit..,: W., Toronto. for freesample. Reliable druggists sell them at $1.04 a bqz. • e' AFTER EFFECTS Ant Language. - According to several auhorities; ants have the most perfect sound -producing. "Such a tiresome Winter, I hear 'the folks say, Just see them all smile as I march you away! Here'syour 'greatcoat of snow and ,our icicle .cane, Please 'leave no excuse to slide back here again!'' Reluctant, Old Winter "receives his caonge From young Braggart March, but pro- ceeds to array; . Pretending to fumble with greatcoat' and cane, lie deluges March with snow, ice, sleet and rain! At last, he is off; Young Marcia heaves • a sigh! An army of sunbeams flash forth from the sky. The crow'aad the' blue -bird, robin on wing, Whirr onward in ecstasy welcoming Spring! - - 160 -Course Dinner. In an old story, "Oargantua and Pantagruel," by Rabelais, Gargantua's father, wishing to celebrate his son's return, gives a monstrous banquet. Sixteen oxen, three cows, thirty two calves, seventy-three goats, nine- ty-five sheep, 300 sucking pigs, ' 220 partridges, 6,000 chickens and seventy- two pheasants are cookefl in various ways for the delectationof the guests! In days gone by plenty of banquets were given' which approached this menu in magnificence. In 1549' Paris gave . a banquet to Queen Catharine of Medici. There were served* thirty peacocks, thirty - OF INFLUENZA OFTEN SERIOUS - •These -organs are said to be..situated 1 in the Abdomen. The sounds are thought to be made by rubbing. However, these sounds are far too Victims Are Left Weak. Tired faint to be heard by us. Many%,attempts have been made to hear them with and Mentally Depressed—Tonic the aid of a microphone but' with no particularly successful results. Experiments have proved 'that' ants can hear perfectly. Flow they I I Treatlint is Strongly R ommended. ' No pestilence in .years has cause more widespread suffering than th epidemic of influenza' which swep over Csegda. in the fall and winter o 1918-19 and again this winter. Th danger' from this .trouble is. seldo over when the characteristic sym toms, the fever, headache ,and the d 'pression of spirits have passed awa ,Influenza leaves behind it weaken vital powers, thin blood, impaired d gestiou and over -sensitive nerves. Me and women who were robust. befo stricken with. influenza find the bodies racked by pains previously u known to them. This condition is .du to an abnormal thinning of the bloo and leaves the system an easy pre to otber.aerioue troubles. This is th time. when the convalescent from i fiuenza should build up the blood with a reliable blood -making 'tonic such as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Weak blood means impoverished nerves, im- paired digestion,' a feeling of tiredness after even- alight. exertion, .and -some- times even more serious symptoms. When the blood regains its 'rich red quality the organs of the body tune- tioa naturally. In fact, building up the blood will -vitalize the whole system. The experience of Mr. Andrew Marty, Bathurst, N.B., will prove of value to a host of influenza sufferers who still suffer from the -effect's .o: the disease. ' Mr. Marty says: "The new life and coni:equently new hop brought into m -fife through--the- of Dr. Williams' -Pink' Pills is almost beyond my power of expression. • -Fol- lowing a severe attack of Influenza in 1918 I found myself rapidly' failing In health. , and was. naturally much alarmed: I began to lose ,in weight, three pheasants, six pigs, twenty-one 1 could not. eat, ,did not sleep well."nd swans, thirtytthree hares,- sixty-three in `a Word I was reduced' to a fi -v re we co not know. . There are scientists. d who affirm that ants have organs of o hearing, while there are others who t state that ants hear through a sense of f touch ecited by atmospheric vibra- e tions! - m e - ed n re it n - a y e n- Marion Bridge, C.B., May 30, '02. I .have handled MINARD'S LINI- MENT during the past year: It Is al- ways the first Liniment asked for here, 'and unquestionably the best seller of all the different kinds of Liniment I handle. 1NE11. FERGUSON. Enter- Spring ! Behind the door of Winter The Spring on tiptoe stands, With daffodils and crocuses And' tulips In iter hanfdes. She trembles on the threshold, Then bravely lifts her chin, As if to say, "I'm not afraid!" And, laughing, rushes in. MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get. your money back. BITS OF UUMO1° FROM HERE bT(iERE Honest Butcher. A butt -her one day put up a sign reading: "Purveyor to His Majesty." Wishing to improve upon' this, he. add- ed, ''God Save: the King." . Artists. First Boy -"My • father is a fide artiest.. - With a few strokes he can turn a laughing face into a .sorrowful one." • • - •Second Boy- "So can snipe; but be uses' -a Stick." •- ' Enlightening the Ignorant. S t aff . Colonel, : "Your reports should be written in such a manner that even 'the:•,nmat: i rten-t,..,:mar:'.under$ 4, Sergeant "Well, sir, what part is it. I that you don't understand?" Ask for 7liindrd's and take no others. Japan's postal -serrice is the cheap- est in the world. Letters travel for two sen—about seven -tenths of a penny. "SYRUP Of FIGS" CHILD'S LXATIVE Look at tongue! Reniove•poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California Syrup of Figs only—look for the name.California on the package„ then you are .sure your child- is having the best and' most harmless laxative or physic for the' little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot- ' -tie. Give it, without fear. e The record time of 2 min:,itea Mother!You must bay "California." • seconds for skating one - mils west) • Academy of Meals!, Now York, when goats, sixty-six capons:, ninety•nine W {- t tremblingly to chickens; ninety-nine quails, 20 lb. of t Signor Franchi, • • . I,, "Here is $2,000,' he pleaded, "and later in the evening I will bring you. the other' $2,000." Fj'.ranchl asked the impresario to 'wait while he consulted with the diva. At the end of three minutes he came back, saying: "Madame has von. -sleeper on Iter foot --her right foot- and she sa'y teal me zat when you send me to her wren ze ozzer $2,000 she will put on ze, hirer sleeper,.'." ._ .tlselcson, now nearly frantic; rush- ed nhout the old Acadenty for about twenty minutes' In • an effort to induce Some one to loan holt $2,000. He flnal- iy korrowed the Money from a ticket speculator.. Franchi took the- gold to I'atti's dresing room. The singer beamed upon him, and at once put on the second sl•fpper. In a few moments she was before the audience, , Wasps are influenced by color and smells. They favor yellow, black, red, blue, and white, in the above order. •- ork because, of my weakened-c.entli ttaR-- tesla s- 144 a very b tri -tet asparagus; 180 lb. of peas, etc. lo ok. I tried/ a number of suggested medies, het without benefit. And hen one day Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ere suggested to me. (acted on my . friend's advice, began taking these pills .. and soon felt an iinprovemeat. Every day I. seemed to grow •stroegcr; and after tour weeks' treatment I felt fully restored to my old-time health. From my .own experience l feel `sl,:,t, if given a fair trial, there is n•► medi- cine superior to `Dr. WITlli ni r-i;is.k lis in b.uildin . u , 't r' ' a. The sixteenth century. seems to, have- t re been the greediest period 1n history, w for we have many records of alarm- ingly_ big -dinners. Louis XIV, of France was fond of enormous dinner -parties.- At his even• ing meal he would often have as many as eight 'courses, and at one dinner even -hy him:there were 160 courses! On the Human Family Tree. +I" Drew:; a chimpanzee in a man's l to clothes cut down to fit hint and •hey seems undeniably human.. Between bt no him -and the. lowest savage there is ih. i to deed less cl�ifferem4. than' 'twixt the le savage a;ul a civilized white person. It can hardly be said that we are ( ah at a loss for "missing links." even ; al among human and human -like crew- - m` tures now surviving on the earth. From the lowest savage (such as. the ; six African bushmanl• it Is but a short j lith ni.'t• Dr. Williams' Pink Mile ar ,:a tonic. a- stimulant. -They built up the cod. and not only the disastrous aef- r affects of •influen.:a but also trt}iih-. s clue to poor blood. such as an, emi4.. e.'umatism. indigestion an' -t the genes. Iy worn-out feeling that affecesso ►ny people, disappear. Vca can. get erre pills through any tiea'cr in tnedi- nc, or by mall at 50 cents a box or boxes for $2.50 from The' Dr. R'iI- ms' Medicine t'u., llrocbv 4 a . step to his nearest relative, the gori!- la, and thence to the chimpanzee Descending further•, ° we have, the i T3he Satisfy-ingSweetness oFt}ie'wheat�•an barley food GrapeNuts 0 an I „MOWN Grape-Mits is economica is O' of econonw as these days. leases without 0 Ski • ar, as is • made in 1912. .. • Buy Thrift Stamps. Lift off Corns! S P-7 Costs- on! a, few cents. - RED PIMPLES ITCHED TERRIBLY • , - ce,Arms,Burne Badly. --Cic-u•ra Heals. " Even since I can remember, my chest, face, and arms werefluled with dry, red pimple;s. They were scat• tered all aver me. and itcbed.terribly at times, and I scratched them, caus- ing them to fester and; get .sore. Sometimes they would dry away and . form scales which burned badly. " Then I used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I had used them two or three times when I felt better and I erns bealr tt cne box of.Cuticura Ointment together with the Cuticura •ffece ec-- (Signed) Mtss 1"ert3ia"I:"'"s_'9. Ruzscll,Manitoba,I'ebr nary 19, IC 19. Use Cuti_ura Soap and Ointxeat for ell'toilet purposes. Soap, to cleanse,, Ointment to heal. • Soap 25c, Ointment 25 end Sde. Sold thr-:g`iouttheDnminion. Canndiana:pot: ne.1.i-nitcd, 5tt Paul St., Montsoal. , k -Cuticura Soap 'bav a r without mug. With your fingers! You can lift oft any hard-ct,rnn, soft corn, or cern bows -n the toxo, and the.hard skin cailnsee from 1.ottom of feet. i A tiny bottle of "Pte --tons" costs little i at- any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. •.1n$t>iatt:y -it I statin hurting. hien shortly'rou lift. that bothicr•ome corn or "alis. right off, root and all, w ithout One hit of pain or Sure. these. "Truly I No humbegi When Stories Were Baked 'It's in the oven!" That waE tate en - c-ic dere printer's Its on the press. When a native of Babylon or Egypt wanted to ''write," he shaped soft clay into little bricks. On thea hrfeks he !scratched signs, sometimes ,pictures, which stood for letters, words or ideas. His "pencil" was an Oester shell or a piece of broken pot. After he iflnished hie, story, he had it baked in an oven or dried in the sun. Later the Egyp- tians found that the pith- of the pnpy- rue--a plant growing in the Nile Val- ley. ---made a good fcund$-tion "for writing; Po they scratched '.papyeus, letters," ' using a reed pen and fele made from gall -nuts -and ,sulphate iron. For hundreds of '-tare- yaj,yruq was the world's "Writing paper." But when ' Mofammeet -conquered Egypt, "acrropeans et7Qid-lrot-get papy:mA; •a6' they used a tine leather instead., Even ut Babylonian' versiop of the mo - 'to -day leather is sometimes used--• only we call it parchment'.. A shelved window seat is r;;l excel- ,lent- place for old magazines. GE SLOAN'S FOR- YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don't have to At it in tot get quick, comfort- ing relief Once 'you've tried it on that stiff joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu- r atic twinge, lame back, you'll tinct a warmn, soothing relief you never thought a liniment could produce. . Won't stain the skin, leaves nea muss, wastes no time In applying, sure to give quirk results. A large bottle means economy. Your own or 'any other druggist has it.. -Marie _iia Can-. 70th, $1.10. Sloan's 1.1 ursitticrit hit''',, It %«l(1v ,ff ISSUE No. 13.—'20. Ciaxsffl.J Advertisements. AG*X?B WAXT*D POR'rRAl'r AGENTS WANTING good printo and finishes—lowest Urices on r ra:nes—ask . for catalogue. nited Art Co., 4 Brunswick Ave., Tor- onto. 1, !AIMS 7i0UGaT. IHAVE CASH BUYERS -FOR SAL - able farms. Give description. lo- cation and cash price. James P. White. Box 59, New Franklin,- Mo. POs OALB ‘47ELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER and -job printing plant in Earl term Ontario. Insurance carried $1,600. Will go for $1.200 onquick sale. Box IL Wilson Tublishing Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. . >'x17>;TILXZEs. - TEV ENS' COMPLETE. FERTII.- I icer will pay you. Write for pricer. k5HIRIZ'YOUR EMPTY BAGS—SUGAR. Maw.' bran s cks to Stevens. High- est prices. Geo. Stovens. 864 Mark St..- Peterboro. • tf S1:fITTI rce YAa2PR I'VITTING YARNS; BEAUTIFUL soft` -lambs' wool four -ply, finger- - es• ar.:Ist • -sixteen colors. -;.i-uat the .-4er ; -awl Mena, pullovers, ,fou eApr and children's wear.' Made in Canada by Canadians from pure Lambs' Wool, atria nothing elm, and somewhat resembles the high Maas l rsglish yarns, but so much cheaper, as you buy direct from the spinners. Price twenty cents per skein or three dollars per pound. Small sample skein, twenty cents, postage free, Also heayler yarns in homespun style. all wool to -wash at home, in Grey Black, and White at one dollar, fifty per pound. Large sample skein. thirty cents, . postage free. 'Postage extra on. all orders under ten dollars. George- town - Woollen Mills, Georgetown On- tario. Note—Carders and Spinners grant- ed, used to country life. WOOD ASILEB. I F YOU HAVE A CAR FOR SMI write me. Geo. Stevens, 864 Mark Street. Peterboro. 11O*EAP ISOM.' 1 F YOU 'PAVE A FIR AND HAVB 1 a car or more of scrap iron I will come and quote you where it lays. Geo. Stevens, 864 Mark Street. Peterboro. 11OFFIN' STOCK WANTED. IP YOU N...) are able to supply. advise ns. as w• will pay the highest prices. dry or `reed from the' saw. Keens, Bros.. Limited. Owen Sound. Ont. CANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETO.. internal and external. cured without pan by our homi treatment Writts� us before too late Dr.., Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. CollingWood. Ont. Always slacken the rollers of the wringer after use. - "DANDERINE" FOR FALLING HAIR For a few cents you can save your hair and double its beauty - TO stop fall.i,ng' hair at once and rice ,the scalp of'every .particle of dandruff. get a small bottle of del,ightfui "Dan- derine" -at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents. pour a little. in your' e scalp. , ATter several nppiicat ons-the._halr untidily i c ..sense :; ee - oat nnd_ ri oticaII't�ltlttf any dandruff. Help your hair grow . 'strong, thick .and. long and be'ennie soft, glossy add twice as beautiful. and abundant. . *'!i' i!' .-:•,,+s!g!gggegg v Rheumatic Pains ��Are relieved in a few days by e io taking 30 drops of lilothcr Seigel's os e Syrupaftermeals and on retiring. 41 ......It dissolves the' lime aild acid tr s►1 accumulation in the muscles end (e C• joints so these deposits can be •) eexpeus relief irig pain and to -is) soreness. Seigel's Syrup, also U si known as V'Extract of Roots," est containsnodopenorotheretrong Ca to dtuga to kill or mask the pain of o Ca rheumatism or lumbago, it re. e;' mo moves the cause. 50th a bottle 'IP so at druggists.._ it e . -. .1 ONLY TAB.LEI'S MARKED "BAYER" ARE -ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at MI Without the • "Barer Cross" Y i FiorCold l'a:o. %.Lich -contains stmtplett d1- Xtia. Toothache, Earache, and for, rections. Then .Tari Are getfing rest h,cumatietn, Lumbago, f ciafiea, Neu•' Aspirin ---the gennine Aspirin. tt•- Title, take Aspirin marked with ih+e scribed b ib lei vamp "Hafer or you a e i years. et , w: . ' a in Coat Aspirin at all. _ Handy tin bores containim 12 to Accept only "Bayer 'rabbets of lets wet' but. a fsw rents. Ihttggis Aspirin' in ant,nnl,roken "Bayer, also 'ell larger "Barer" packares. There is only one Aspirin—'Bayer"+-Yon mast say "Bayer' Aapir:r I. the !rad. mark, (nc sisteyrd 1!t Os, a,la ) of waver 1Sat:ufa.' urs of Mone. artttra�iti�sre� cf sans•ifcitcld. W-I,ilr it is w 'I 1.rown ttat A.Plm;n clean. Hafer manufact,irr. to ,,.hit *5'- public *scoff. i:1111311,'ns. th- Tab'.' . ,-f t3s;er , e1»Pas7 will be stamped w:t>istbvis Morel tree Aare, :he ''iiii'e:' tie*" - • • r •