HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-04-01, Page 1.•
e.11/C t 1. A ND GENER
Mrs. Pritchard is up from Toronto
visiting with Lucknow friends.
Mrs. A. P. Stewart and daughter,.
Jean, sntnt ;the past week in, Tor-
Wm. Smeltzer is back to Luck -
.now after puttings in tivo successful
ye;irs farming in Atberta.
Mr. 'W. M. Stewart, -ot .1114;Au1ey,
all..0,111, •the past -creek wait -his
Mr. A. P. Stewart.
Sten ts, flour, and
3 good makes of etlop for lieg feed
in on hand.
A. R. Finlyason.
Mr. Clarence Fraser left last Tues-
day morning fpr Loreburn, Sask.,.
where, he is engaged with Mr. J. A.
Mr. Harold Freetnan is home
from Keriora for a short vacation.
He haz-.- a position in one of 'the big -
flour mills in the northern, town.
LOST -on the road :,between StAl
Augustine and &liens on March 31,
a tire chaine, finder please report
to F. Eaton, •Marble Works, Luck -
now. -p
All kinds 'grass and Clover seed
on hand only agent in these parts
for Canadian Albotrea strain yeflOw
.,blossom sweet clover.
A. R. Finlayson.
Mr. Tom. Webster is, up from De-.
troit to spend a few Weeks with rel-
atives and friends here. He re-
ports great business activity at. De-
troit. .
Unloading a ar of Bulk salt (clean)
on Thursday Saturday and Monday,
0). 60cts per cwt in Your sacks. G.
T. R. Station. .
A. 11. Finlayson.
James Clarkson, of iv, near Para-
mount, 'has sold his farm to, Wm.
Mackenzie, of Lucknow, and will re-
tire from farming. He. is having an
auction' sale on Apr. 8th. •
Mr. -Michael Alton, Who has been
in the West for a number of years
,near Westlock, 'Alta., has come east
for the summer, and is visiting with
his _brothers in Ashfield.
,Card of Thinks. -Mr. and Mrs.
Hee:4ft Curran wish to thank their
friends and neighbors for the kind-
ness and sympathy shown at the,
,time of their recent bereaveratnt
In a letter dated Match 15, Mr. P.
G. Murdoch, of Portage La Prairie,
states that his wife was, at that
th»e, very. ill in the hospital where
she had undergone a critical oper-
Mr. W. W. Hill has been success-
ful nin winning the 4th prize offered
liy_Ltne -trairei-ron gg
The point chiefly taken into onsider-
ation was tho:clean and good condi-
tion in whichr'the cream was sent in.
Mr. J. J. Smith, who recently sold
his farm on the 6th of Kinloss to
McKinnon 'Bros., has bought the J.
Little farm . just east of Lucknow.
He, of course, bought frp.m Mr. An-
drew Firk,, who. had bought from
Mr. Little.
The Inspector of Taxation is very
anxious that all should thourghly un-
derstand howlsto 'make the required
report regarding income. Besides
publishing inforation in all the pap-
ers throughout the country men are
being sent out to. meet the people
directly and to give details of infor-
mation which cannot easily be given
otherwise. On Friday, April 9th,
Mr. Harding, of the London office
will be in Lucknow, and will be pleas-
ed' to interview any tax, payer who
may be in doubt as to how he should
completehis return. Those who do
not understand the income tax, or
who do not know whether or not
they should make a return, ought
to see Mr. Harding when he is here.
At two o'clock, on
Sat., April 10th
10 fres' l Cows with calf at toot
12 S?ringers
10 Young Cattle
TERMS: Six maths' credit with bank
latirest added.
ViTT & MacD0t114L0i J. PURVIS,
Preps. Aa
The following article is taken frani •
the Calumet Nws:
Alex Nicholson, aged .37, son of Mr.
and. Mrs. Norman Nicholson, of. 2:34
County Road, died ..this morning at
the Calumet public hospital after a
zatiort,illnela,-Of pneumonialie was
taken 111 last Tuesday OKI sinceFri'- •
nay his condition •haS_
444e.-annoneeement (sf his death ti1f.
l*E2 learned with ger-v.041v is•;-.4.ret and
hi's parents hive the •s:,Mpst'lly of s
wide circle of frielitl.
Mr. Nicholson was born . in Liu -k-
now, Ontario, coming to Calunret with
his parents when he was seven years
of age.. He. was employed -by the C.
& H. Mining company when 'a youth
and in 1909 entered Alma College
at Alma, Mich., where he studied for
three years. Upon his return to Cal-
umet. in 1912 he entered ihe
of The News staff and was eenersily
well liked throughout the coremunity.
Besides the parents, the following
brothers and sisters survive: Roy M.,
Archie, Myra and Mrs. J. M. Kelly,
all of Detroit, Mrs. H. M. Joy, of Cal-
umet,,and Norma at home.
Mr. Nicholson was -a member of
Hecla lodge of Odd Fellows, Laurium
lodge, No. 202, Knights of Pythias
and Keweenaw lodge, A.F. & A.M.
Tike body will be shipped•to„ Luck -
now, Ontario, tonight, leaving at 9.50
o'clock. .Private services will .be con-
ducted at the home at 7.30 o'clock by
Revs. L. B. Robertson, pastor, of the
Calumet Congregational church and
D. C. Littlejohn, pastor of the Calumet
. M. E. church.
Members of the three fraternal or-
ders will serve as an escort from the
home to the depot.
Presbyterian Church. -
Special Easter services will be
held next Lord's Day at .11 a.m..
and 7 p.m. Evening subject, '"The
Secret of a Deathless Passion."
You are invited to these services. • •
Anglican Chitreh..---Good Friday,
service at 8 p.m. "The Cross in
Human Life." • Easter Sunday, 11
an., "Easter. and Idle Tales." Ev-
ening service, 7 p.m. "The E,ai,-40-
Methodist Church -Easter servic-,
es will be held next Sunday morn-
ing and evening; The subject for
the morning will he "The •Restirrec-
tion Body." In the evening,
"Proofs of. our Lord's Resurrection."
Morning prayer meeting at 10
By a Beost....
My dear bachelor Is, --;Take.
notice, take advice, take' warning!
France is placing a ten Per* cent tax
upon ,everY -:baClielor, to take. effect
'April- 1st,. 1920, and as a' ,result
there.. is a great boot?i in the- niai-
busiees in tha.t country-. We
think. that the pction of the French
-.smut Its4;
••• n*rel •
*1) !zinnia)* ).*.n.I.Cra?
Feder:al. ;pthr,rities. 111':
lan re:•0';..(rti.ks iiiat4iage ifine that
the (;overmitent eonteeds.
.The U.F.O. has nothing to 'do with
it. , We would almost wish .that,J the
U.F.O. had .control of this matter, as
we ...feel sure that they...would min.
set ih motion laws that Would .rnal‘e•
the bEic,helors "hump."
You remember, my 'dear
in that astiele entitled "Leap Year
Prw•-pett.,", in 'issue Marlinh.;
fntlyreminded . the maiden ladief..
of' the prospects and •showed than
•what they .were up against And
now it is .fair to take the 'other
'side an.d .shcew to the. bachelors
what their duty1s, and at the same
time sky a few wOrds of.-encourage-
nient for the girls._
, It is the duty of every man who
.is in a positlion, or ca' n afford ,it .at
all, totake unto himself a wife, and
by So .doing -make two. lives •thehap:
pier. • It is. Selfish. and niggardly to.
go to the end of life without the.
companionship.. -of a good •Wife..• -The
bachelor's faculties become blunt .1 -
and sometimes much. 'disorganize(
and it is upon record that a. lei•s•
ntimber ' of bachelors-. go crazy or t
the Pobr' House. *So to , be fore
warned . is to. be -forearmed.
without delay and .a -ye trouble' an
humiliation, . and avoid the ,neccssrit
6f *otir town constable (Th--- ,W-
rounding up whole batches of bach
elors find trotting • them off'. t
London: . •.• , • .
.See what a good wife will do f.(
'You. She *ill .sympathize. with • ya
when you are in financial trouble
pour oil into .Your wounds, bath
your feet in tepid. • water .(using
.pleqy of soap), -end „rub you down
with a brick, or otherwise, when
'you are .pained in the region q the
.,Now My, bachelor friends, a- little
advice -Don't • pur, a . wall of ada
mant -around yOur affections. Giv
the ladies- a chance:. • Remember tha
it their privilege this year to take
the *initiative. " So be willing to ''ge
half way and stand Op to the, ordeal
like men. The. Duke of Wellington
'once saw a man turn pale. as he
walked. up before a. battery. The
brave man, fieThriows •his -danger and
he faces. it"
If our town gents. proVe intract-
able .the ladies have the privilege of
going. out of town in .quest of the
.article7 By way of. a little informa-
tion I might tell the ladies fhat there
are about forty bachelors within . a
radius of. five miles 'from. Lucknow.
Sonic good 'ones who have been get-
tink well ..,off during the past five
years selling hogs and 'farm produce
genioral, and •can - 4afford--to
provide cornfortable homes • for any
Of , the fair ones who will do them.
the 'honc4 of selecting them. for hub-'
bies. •
Rural. bachelors, let me. tell you
that the Lucknow girls are as. good
as can be found On this turf. They
are good looking, good. housekeepers,
gentle and; graceful, of manner, and,
hy th.e way, good eooks. I men-
tion this last. quality because I
know that with 'many men the av-
enue to their hearts is by way of
their stomachs.•
In conclusion, allow me ti>.tell
you a legend. . "Once a •batkh Of
twenty men sought. entrance to the.
Pearly Cates. The angel who guard-
ed the door said "A few questions,.
gentlemen, please." Were you mar-•
ried men when on earth'?" They
said "Ne, we pee bachelors." Then,
said the angel, "Sorry, but we can
not admit you. Celilmicy is your s'n.
There is a plate for Infchelors, but
not in here.' We do not know
where they went after that. .
Hoping ,that the abeve• remarks
and suggestions will bear finit.
I remain as before)
, Booster.
-7-Tuesday, Mar. 30.
Misses A. Blue, V. Sherwood and,
M. McDiarmid were week -end visit-
ors • with Miss Ethel Anderson. "
Misses Marie. Watson and Pearl
Johnston and Mr. -Harry Watson, of
Nile, visited at W. G.' MeCrostie's
on unclay.
1 e marriage of Gladys, only
daughter :of Mr. and Mrs. James
Hyde, to Mr. Earl Cranston took
pleee--sttr. the plit-nrw • on Wednesday,
March 24. Rev. P. Jamieson offic-
iated. Mr. and Mrs. Cranston left
on the afternoon train for Abidore
and other points.
Bills are out announcing a ,concert
to be held in the Presbyterian
Churet on Tuesday evening, April
6th, under auspices of the Literary,
Society. Rev. Mr. Irwin, of Luck:
now, will give his lecture "Ireland
and the Irish," and there will be a
good musical program.
Friends of Rev: Chas Sauners will
be pleased to know that he is now
located in a new Rectory in the Town
ot Unity -Sask, and has been meet
ing with splendid dueces in his work.'
in the. *est.
In a letter to Reeve Johnston ',he
express -4i deep regret of the fact
that the apple market of the West-
ern provinces is being closed' to the
Ontario prdduct in favor of the B.
C. Fruit, and considers it very un-
fortunate that the Ontario orchUrds
are being •neglected. Among other
suggestions he states that it is little
use to clear one orchard of a pest
while a neighbor has large .breeding
t'AIEER OF .1 01:NG
• For scene ,titne there has been a
good deal of liquor -drinking going
Cm about Lucknow, and receetly a
ber of those who were ndblg-
ing becane altogether .too bold and
appeared upon the .streets in an in-
toxiCated condition. ..the .result Was
that.-infowiation---ivas laid against no
• less than ten, most of whoin, we
:siosierstasid, .seitheest •-•-eppear
-41 .This• ! a ;very un---
let-tenSe :4 n Old .fli!;111';)(Tc111 fvccurrefice
a.ttst. 'nett:ion it. only to .i:olismend
ths*. reeve. and councillors wfio' toOk
it niem
ni the:elves to put a ntoP to
a very had state 'of affairs. • We
are. not .mentioning names on this
occasion though 'we would be justi-
fied •in doing so. It is •to be hope&
that this roundup will act as a warn-
ing, 'as heavier fines and more pub-
licity must follow another offense.
I have installed in niy 'shop an .os.
yeen-eeetyline welding plant and aro
'prepared to. weld steel, lealeable, :Asia
cast iron. Perfect work- kan be. done
in any of these metals. A call at the
shop will convience- you of • this.
8-:4-p• G. Ostrander.
Get your car in shape for the sea-
son at the Ford Garage, Competent
man n charge of repair vvork.
E. A,. 4enwiek.
Dog Asiray-s-Strayed from` Lucknow
about -Mar: 22, a fax terrier,. white.
tid bilaelt,• *410 ear tie.; ciav.
.0os I. Irma tintt• rep:al-dill:4' • the
k;tellz, 'rp
eel to -The...-:_;slitinel•
.Car Basic Slag Fertelizer to arrive
, shortly. Parties wanting fertilizer
phane'Ackert Bros., Holyrood.
"FOR SALE-,-Rubber-tire buggy,
nearly goud as new, also •set light
.harre:ss. Dr. Space; 'Lucknbss,
The biggest day's business' we
ever had is the comment of a rumi-
ber of Lucknow merchants on "Dol-
lar Day," which was Tuesday Of
this week. The amount of cash tak-
en in ;was' .distinctly larger than on
the like days held a year ago. The
crowd in town. and the number •of
• rigs.which filled yards and lined the
st.rects reminded pile of a Fall show
day. ,
• Dollar Day- is a' distinct success,
and no doubt such. a special Sale day
I, will be held for years to come. Some
I think that it would be a great. idea
to. h:o en
ne i. tile fall' as well as
,sprl 6111):!.
•.• •
1.1;N Mict;IC
• Bert Johnston who furnished the
major 'part. of the programS in the
-Town 'Hall Friday and Saturday
• nights of last" week broved himself
a skillful artist,. As a sliglit-of-
hand trick player he has few equals
and is , as clever a "magicion" as.
ever visited Lucknow. His •assoc-
iate, Mr.. Smith is a clever violtnist
and playes_ his instrument ' •In 25
different • pesitions. The prograte's
were quite entertaining,: and the
crowds though not large, ,were ap-
priciative. Bert Johnston is a son
of Mr. E. W. Johnston a famous
athlete and -a'regular visitor to tt'uck-
now -games • in, the Psilmy days
the Caledonan Society.
. _
quiet wedding ,was solemnized
Pocock, 532 --Kiiii.sc.,-,LOniiOn,-Ved-
nesday afternoon, March 24th, when
Mis?..Minerva Smith, of Kinloss, we*
united in marriage to ,Mr. 'Harry
Carson, Of Wingham„ z wellknown
G.T.R. engineer: Rev:. Mr.' Snell, of
Wingliam, officiated. . Mr. and Mrs.
Carson, who left on the 4.15 train
for 1114ft-ee1 and Quebee, 'will, on
their return, reside in Wingham.
WiliN; -S-ECO-Ni -MiD AL
• .. -.... ....-- - -----,.......--,...:_.- • ....I-4-777
Miss . Phoebe Comb -am, a student
1.6f Lue.,know Continuation School,
/id daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Charl-
' eh •Congram, • Kinloss, Township, was
whiner of the first prize in the 1919
Victory, Loan Essay competitioniand
she has just received the very pretty
silver medal* given as a niark of her
success': Miss e,mgram also, won the
the medal for the Liu -knew district
in a like competition in 1918. She'.
is indeed to becongratulated upon
her succes. as there was a good deal
of competition, and. the subjett was
not arreasy one for a young Person
•to discuss,- intelligently.-
'.., Grahain MeNay was winner of the
second prize for Lucknow in the 1919
• WANTED -At Ontario Hospital,
London, •help for Laundry, Dining -
room and Kitchen. Uniform pro-
vided. Apply "Matron." • 22-4-115
FOR SALE -.Eggs • for hatching
and day-old chicks, from bred -to -lay,•
White Leghorns, • Black . Minorcas,
and Barred Rocks. These hens laid
well ,throughout last winter. Eigs,
$11.50" for setting of 45. • Chick's,
$20.00 pee hundred, for April and•
May, $18.00 -per hundred • for June
and July.' Delivery free.
• Duncan Kennedy,'
• Box ,12, Whitechurch.
No Trespassing, for hunting
trapping • or fishing is allowed ois
Lots 11, Con. 4, 12 Con. 5, and from
Lot 12 to 19,incrusive, Con. 6, in the
Townsthip of Kinloss. •--- Signed, J. -
,A. MacDonald, Geo. White, T.. Roach,
B. Chestnut, D. Kenney, A.. Macin-
tosh, D .Morrison.
Sealed • Tenders, Addressed to the
.Po,Sniaste'r 'General, will be received'
at Ottawa until noon, on Friday,' the
7th day of May, 1920, forthe convey-
ance of His Majesty's Mailes, On a
proposed vontract for four ''years,
'Six tittles per we, oyer Lucknow
NO..2 Rural Route fore Postmas-
'ters General's .pleasure., •
• Printed notices containing further
information' as to conditions. of pro-
posed Contract • may. be . seen -and
blank forms of Tenderinay be obt-%
ained at the Post Offidess of Lucknow,
Whitechurch, Holyrood and Ri
• 44 ---)O-0--0--14---O-O -0-0-0 -U
0 00 00 0 1
0, o o -0
• '
MONEY TO LOAN on mortgages arid
• notes at, reasonable rates. r'ire
Insurance; both stock and Mutual
Companies, - Conveyancing• clone
with neatness and despatch. -
• - Geo. A. .Siddill, Broker, Lucknow.
Ilihest prices f aid for all kinds of
raw furs. 'Special prices for 22 1,11;
And -foxes, also for horse hide •se's
• sit,!on zkp., Don't • fail to (.1!
8. 6icttin.
Diy Coods •Steie..
House, Lucknow, every Weanes-
• day afternoon. All chronic dis-
eases successfully treated. Os-
teopathy .removes the ,,...gh-5'sica1
causes of disease.- Adittstment tf
the spine is more quickly secured
and with -‘fewer treatments by Os-
teopathy than by any ether method.
• ,
All i:inci.,••• of hides wanted. Highest
•To.ronto prices. Also all kinds of live
poultry, no matter what siie. •Let ia
know, or c:all by phone, No. 86, and 1
will call. • Jake Libel.
The Excelsior Life Insurance Co,s.
high nitetest earnings -6.81 per cent
-• along with low death rate -U4.3 per -
cent- Makes large profits -Si poticy-
holders. itY a policy in this co.. 111
W.P.Reid, Lucknow, Agt.
FOR SALE -.?-Twenty good •• young.
breeding ewe's, supposed, to be With
-iamb. Apply to .Alex Ross, Luck -
...now. • 11-3,tf.
00 acres -Kinloss Township.
'16• acres -Ashfield Townsnip.
And two good frame houses in Luck -
now. For partieulars. Apply .
18' -3 -ft` Geo. Stddall Lueknow.
FARM FOR SALE -7100 ircres, 65
acres under •grass -a splended larm
on 6th Con., Ashfield; a good barn
and large orchard. Apply, to Mrs.
S. J. Pentland, -Dyngannon. 1-4-100
Best cash prices paid for cream at
Torn Smith's grocery Lucknow,
Wednesdays and Saturdays.
•D. A. Andrew.
IN LP 1 IJU 'V V, 1N1 Zdtb
The assement of the village of Luck -
how. Is now oenig- 'near, andowners
oi dogs ere notineu that there W 111
be 110 serum:ling ot clog taxes tor any.
reason.. • it assessmentot a•4Zo_g as
made, the 'LUX Will be coAlecteci, re-
gardless of what atterwarus becomes
of. the dog. •
. •-
•• sL E. Agnew, Clerk:
Dissolution of -Partnership--TreleNee
Bros, Lucknow, having -dissalved-part..
nershio; E, Treleaven requests
that all accounts be paid in by April
Inspector, London.
('has. • E. H. Fisher,'
Pest Office, insrtector.
Post Offiee Inspestot's Offite,
London', 26th, March, 1920. .
• 15-4540
Mr. Cal rd has. just •returned
from DetroiC.lind wi.11• be settling on
here-Iw i
ed by 'friends and neighbors.
Mr. Neil MacDonald, the Kintail
merchant has, taken over the -agency
for, the well known Brandram-Hen-
derson brand pAints., Paintsquality
is Neil's motto.
Mr. R. J. Campbell intends loca-
ting in .Ashfild Township' at an ear-
ly (late, So we unde.rstand.
A meet:ng of the.Kintait baseball
team will be. held at Neil Mas -Don-
ald's store' at April 6th.
Our readers will be. pleased ' to
know that .the wife of Mr. W. N.. •
Johnston has arrived.. from the West
and Is .dung nicely. -
• Jas.Clarkson has sold his ,farm to
‘Vm MacKenzie of Lucknonr,, • -
We are sorry to lose Mr. Clark-
son from our neighborhood,and hope'
they will not go far away.
- Margaret. Murray who has been
ill is recovering.
. Max Rainer(' had the misfiirtune
--te.have 'one of his horses a very good
animal, brake its,, leg' last Sunday
and -nothine. can he done for it.
o • 4iten of Xalorth ii
calling on his ninny friends in our
burg. ,
Alice Clarkson is home from De-
troit, for a. visit.
Mrs Walker Spent the week .end
'with her daughter Mrs.. Jas Struth-
ers, •
Farmers -should scientifically' cul-
tivate, spray and properly care for
the orchards instead of allowiess our
trade to slip away from tis.
Mr. Saunders is very proud of his
daughter, enclosing snap and of his
tive-montho old son.
A dancewi4be given in the Town
'Hall, LueknoW, on Thursday, APril
8th. Blackstone's Orchestra. Dane-
ing• from 9 to 3 o'clock. Ladies are
requested to bring lunch. Admis-
sion, Gentlerneu $1.60. Gallery 50c.
alp I). Altorr, Sexton.
. .
• FOR SALE -Eight ro mhouse . at .
StHelens, one acre ground •and
• Apply to Jos Gaunt R. 1 Lizek-
now. Phone, 41 011.64, 25-3-tf.
Cows For Sale -2 Durham Cows
rising 5 years, due to • freshen ir.
Aprii. Apply to W. .1. Foran R. 2,
Lucknow • 1-4-p
ego', of W‘inghani, has. a special of-
fer and easy terms for you, if you
start that course ,you . have been
planning for, on, or before April'
6th. Willie tor particulars. •-1-4-c
SALE -Massey Harris binder
(; foot cut, good as new. Massey
Harris mower, 512 foot tut, has cut
about 40 aurqs. Information at
The Sontenel Office,
• -
For ..Sale-Che,iee grass or flax
farm Intl a C !VS • North half lot -6
Con. 1.2 West Div. Ashfield part of
purchits.e money may remain in
mortage at 6 per cent.
'R. 11.• Dignan
Word was receifinast7week of the
death it Carvale, Sask. of ME And-.
rew Clow, 4} former resident: of near
Whitechurch. Mr. Clow died ,on
March '18th., /Ie was 73 years Of
age, and had gone to the ,U'est 30
years ago. He_ is sprvived by • his
wipe, formerly Mary monosh, and,
r son, Robert who is on the ,fami-
ly homestead -near Carvale.
C A It 1.1rCEN SRI
ArtrOi a -re- ht. TVII"ITOZIffe
that they must have 1920. numbers
.0e your ear. .1f, you are prosicut.
ed blame yourself as you have' hrid
three monfths to obtain same.* -
We • airy sorry that • this week we
are again 'forced to hold over a num-
ber of good budgets of correspond-
S. 'E. Robertson, Lot 6 anti 7 Con.
1 Heron Township.will have a Clear-,
ing auction 'sale: of his farm stock ,
and ins lernents. on Monday April 5th
fiveryt :ng will he sod as Mr..Rob,-
ertsen has desposed of his farm pre-.
janws clarkson, Lot 4. eon- 14. •Y• •
D. Ashfieldk, will • have an auction •
sare on April 8th of MS fas-m stock
and implements. Sale at one o'clle-k.
. Thinnas Strong, 1.(4 6, Con. 11,.P...
D.. 'Ashtield, • will have an auction
:zzale of farm stock am; implements .
1 on April . n, commencing ,at one:
o'clock,. 'ibis is a big sale. See billS.
• J. Purvis, Aue.