HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-03-25, Page 8.40 i • • It IVI It , isn't the -volume .ef-businets-wpi-i-:.4- oil Dollar Par that $ DAY BARGAINS from BOOT DEPARTMENT 120 DOZ. BOOT LACES FOR MEN'S AND.BOrS BOOTS, MADE OF GOOD,' QUALITY COTTON YARN, BLACK ONLY, 40 INCHES LONG, PER DOZ. LACES 16c. 120 DOZ. BOOT LACES FOR WO- MEN'S BOOTS, 45 INCHES LONG PRICE PER DOZ. LACES 19c. 41 PAIR MEN'S BOOTS, BOX CALF, GUN iiETALUAND PAT- ENT LEATHER, ALL SIZES FROM 6 TO 11. COME EARLY FOR THIS ITEM, REGUI4R VALUE UI5 TO 23 PAIR MEN'S FARM BOOTS, MADE OF CHROME*CALF, BLUT- CHER CUT. PLAIN TOES, HEAVY SOLID LEATHER SOLES, SIZES 6 TO 10 @ $3.65. Friends and Customers we make for the Store. ABOUT 50 PAIR OF MEN'S & WOMEN'S RUBBERS, ALL GOOD QUALITY, BUT ODD SIZES AND STYLE,S. THESE ARE EXTRA GOOD AND YOU WILL HAVE TO BE EARLY. 50c PAIR. 60 PAIR WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS OXFORDS, LEATHER SOLE AND TOE CAP, SIZES 3TO 35e• 8, DOLLAR 1)AY 69c PAIR. A 'EARLE OF' WOMEN'S BOOTS, ED COLORS. SEE THE BOX OF• CHILDREN'S HATS AND TAMS AT 23c. .MEN'S FANCY VESTS.c LIGHT AND DARK COMRS, DOLLAR DAY 50c. MEN'S KNEE LENGTH BAL- BRIGGAN DRAWERS, ' SPECIAL TWO HOSIERY ITEMS WELL WORTHY YOUR ATTENTION. NO. 188. BLACK, BROWN AND 10. REGULAR 75c PAIR, DOLLAR VERY SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS 14 THE WAY OF BARGAINS LADIES' BLACK SAIEEN FROM OUR , WAISTS, SMALL SIZES ONLY,' /DEADY-TO WEAri. 11rION.S` FOR' 'DOLLAR DAY ONLY'. eN'S EVERYDAY- 'S 0 (' S, 1.• r DEPARTMENT Dott.Ati DAV 25c F.ACH. GREY IN COLOR, DOLLAR DAY 3 LADIES' RAINCOATS AT BIG $ DAY BARGAINS PAIR FOR $1.00. SAVINGS. throughout BOYS' BLOUSES, BIG VALUE, TWO BIG VALUES IN RAIN - SIZES 12 TO 14, $1.00 EACH. COATS, SIZES 36 TO 44, COLOR THE STORE MEN'S...WORK SHIRTS, iBLAcK \PLAIN GREY, REG. $10.00 COAT AND WHITE, AND BLUE AND TERNS, LIGHT -AND DARK COL- EACH' SIZES 11 TO 17. ORS, ALL SIZES, REG. VALUE. UP, LADIES' SUMMER VEST S, TO $1.75, DOLLAR DAV PRICE 85c SHORT SLEEVES AND SLEEVE - MEN'S SCRATCH -FELT HATS, LESS, SIZES 36, 38, 40. REG. 40c [YOU R OPPORTUNITY] TO BUY' YOUR SPRING FOOTWEAR AT A SAyINU OF , , MANY DOLLARS, ON MARCH 30th. LUCKNOW'S .DOLLAR DAY WZ HAVE BARG'AINS IN NEARLY ALL DEPARTMENTS. WITH SHOE PRICES CLIMBING HIGHER E4CH WEEK, IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT OUR STORE ON DOLLAR DAY AND STOCK UP FOR THE SUMMER. A SPECIAL IN LADIES' SHOES 25 pair Ladies' Shoes in button and laced* styles; in . Kid, Calf and Pat. Leafier, Sizes 2, 2!,, 312, L DOL- LAR DAY Price- $1.98. • • with Clo Tow, Sizes 21/2, to 4q, DOLLAR DAY Pri- ces 83.60. Just the time you want work shoes for spring. 18 pair Work Shoes, Special for DOLLAR DAY Men's Choc. Bal., Neolin sole, 18 pair, Special on Dol - Ladies' Huose Slippers, all sizes, 65c. SHOP EARLY. NO GOODS EXCHANGED. ACKERT 46c RATHWELL HOLROOD Holyrood Women's Institnte will meet in the toWnship hall thursday April 1st -at the usual bour 2 o'clock Paper to be given .by Mrs. Joe A DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL We admit that this Sentinel has run altogether too much to advertis- inz. We'e.r sorry for it, land we tried hard to prevent it. We got so far as order an extra page so that we give the usual amount of news, but something happened and the extra page didn't arrive until.it was too Ipte to use it. We had accepted' a a lot of advertisi.ng, and there. was nothink for it but to crowd it in on the four pages at our disposal. It wouldn't do to leave Out anybody who wished to get in oil tbe h.,' their budgets do „pot appear. make good and profitable reading in the absence of news. Cut out the Advts., and then come to Lucknow and get the bargains. 1 Hodgins "Benefits of the Women's Music by Bessie and Agnes Mur- ray. Roll call answered by Hits on House claning. Ladis please bring lunch. $ DAY LEADER LADIES' BLOUSES, MAT - .43 ERIALS ARE CREPE -DE - CHINE AND SILK, COLORS Jessie Alexander in the Town Hall.. Lucknow Thursitay April 1st.' There were' 22 Johnstons at the .1ohnston Fun and Magic show in There Will be ,no war. tav foi the Alexander 'Concert Bills art, corrected hereby, . Mr. Kennedy, sales agent of Um Overland Garage 1Wingham has sent the Band Committe the following wire. "Playing Bert Johnston Co., Giving great satisfaction to packed • houses. Best road show, attraction SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Tile applications for New Assurances received by the Company during 1919 reached etotal of over $100,000,000 'This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As- surance previously written in one year by any Company of the British Empire. Geo. H. Smith, - Get a Policy in 1920. Agent, Lucknow. • 4 MAIZE, FLESH. IVORY, PEACH AND BLACK. SIZES IN THE LOT 36 TO 44, BUT NOT ALL SIZES IN; ANY ONE STYLE. THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY NEW CO -01)S, NOT ONE op THEM HAS BEEN IN STOCK OVER FOUR MONTHS. REGULAR PRICES UP TO $5.00, DAY ONLY COAT, SIZE 141, REC. 811.00 FOR ONE LADIES' BLACK SERGE COAT, SIZE 35, REG. $19.00 FOR ONE MISSES' TWEED SUIT' ONT.: LADIES' TWEED SUIT, CHILDREN'S GINGHAM WASH DRESSES,, SIZES 3, 4, AND 5 YEARS, DOLLAR DAY ONLY $1,00 t's the CHILDREN'S ROMPERS AM). DRESSES @ 69c. IT GIRL'S GINGHAM DRESSES IN VERY ATTRACTIVE PATTERN--; AND NICELY TRIMMED, SIZE; '" TO FIT GIRLS FROM 8 TO 11 YEARS, DOLLAR DAY $1.69. TWO DRESS GOODS SPECIAL:1 YOV SHOULD NOT MISS. NO. PIECI*4 UNION SEIci:u. BLACK AND, CARDINAL, , 50 INCHES WIDE, . REG. $2.50 YARD,. DOLLAR DAY $1.00. NO. 2-5 PIECES ALL WOOL BOTANY SERGE, 48 INCHES WIDE, COLORS NY, BLACK, BROWN, GREEN, AND BUR- GUNDY. 'ONE OF Tup BEST DRESS GOODS BARGAINS WE EVE.R OFFERED. REG. PRICE, $3.50 PER YARD. DOLLAR DAY LUCKNOW'S COND DOLLAR DAY MARCH- 3oth. - We are all in line.for 'The Big Day' That will be the' day to shop at this store and save money We list sold at a substantial discount. 1 enamelled teapot and 1 sauce pan, 1 sauce pan, 1 wash basin, 1 granite kettle, reg. $1.25, for $1.00. 1 granite pail, 1 granite kettle, reg., ' 3 kranjte kettles, three sizes, reg., 4 granite kettles, four sizes, , 2 granite kettles, two sizes, .and 2 2 granite saute pans, two sizes, reg., 2 sauce pans, two siws, 1 granite 1 take tin, 1 flour sifter, 1 cullaii.1- 1 granite pail. 1 tin dipPer, reg. enamelled teapot, 1 granite ket- tle, reg. $1.25 $1.00 1 enamelled' teapot, 1 sauce pan, reg. 81.30 for 11.00 1 package Dr. Hess Stock Food, 1 grinite potato pot, 1 pot elver, reg. 81.23 for 81.00. Keen Cutter pocket knives; re7. .1 axe handle, 1 pair,cotton gloves, 1 pkg. Dr. Hess Stock Food, 2 pairs 1 pkg.. Poultry Panacea, 1 ean Louse Duskil Mops, reg, '81.25 for $1.00 for mop. 3 cans Wall Taper cleaner, 1 can pipe varniulf, 'and bottle 0-Ci.dar 2 cans' Wall Paper cleaner, 2 cans pipe varriish, and 1 can Aluminum 1 can Aluminum, 2 cans pipe varn- ish, and 2 cans Holystone, reg. $1.20 1 Whitewash brush, 1 stove brush, 2 Mixing spoons, 1 egg beater, 1 1 Mixing spoon, 1 egg .heater, 2 pie plates, and I funnel. reg. .68 for .19. 2 Bread pans 12 inches x 17 inches can pipe varnish, reg. .65 for .50. 1 galv. tub, 1 rope clothes line, 2 doz. clothes Pins, $2.30- for 2x$1.00. 1 Food Chopper, 1 Butcher knife, 1 pkg. Dr. Iless Stock Food, 3 axe, . I handles, reg. $2.10 for 201.00. 1 .pail Dr. Hess Stock •Food, reg. Genuine Rayo table lamps with 10. CUT THIS I 1ST OUT OF YOUR PAPER, BRING IT WITH Y Witt PM? TIT.E-117XODS EXACTLY AS ADVERTISED. Lucknow ttardware & Coal Co.