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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-03-25, Page 7
7a,+:s .- • f . I ♦ ', . • , • _ • _ .--_-____._._... 1...__ __ _ _ _ ._ _ ____1 _-._ - _ . _ __..._-.-, _ . _ _ - - - -- ----- ,______ --- _ - - -- --- _ hell --- - -- - - - -- - -- 11 h I Keep Straight On! Seranading Lloyd George. Mushroom Seeds. � CROSBY S I[DS •� "'!'urn to the right and, keep straight It Mr, Lloyd George, or any other �S'e o!ten wonder at the amazingly l Q oil. This maxim study well, Prime Minister for that platter, wish- sudden uprisling of mushrooms 1 0 O ' NVhene'er in' doubt, whate't:r about, I -ed to write a thotou hl entertaining and toadstools. Tu n • 6 Y day the gree of the AR. i AUNT Ti r ,V your way 'twill plainly tt•11. i book, he could hardly choose a better lawn is unbroken. In a )tight a- gentle _-,_ So brit'hely strive to practime it' when ; subject than "My Unofficial Z'isitors." rain •lis, a�td we waki� to see a crowd /" 1'' �-` ,�,,,, " '' 1 I you are "in a wood," + His doorkeeper could verify the nla- ed of yellowish -white , "inky- I ON � A ' _ i •I hPii you esti ptlst mistakes retrieve, -•teras!, and also supply the Prime !finis- ca s;p ading their parasols in the ; 44 ' and finally:' make good., ter with information concerning many ell ow of our doorstep., A' PLAY Get Acquainted With Your Car, ilitl switch works properly; it . the'. '1, visitors who never pass the thr G110 w ter describes the marvel,ous`�repro- j. �,�• -4 • - wlrei all<� tlKl►t utt 1!lut(rl• tt�r111ir1ltls, ! •Pura to this right arld keep straight• on , Article \'l. for not all who call at the official regi •r uctive powers of these fragil+.' and : I .tend it thu bruslley inak(, goc-;c1'�cuntiirt. •- .dont un(iNcided ,gaze, i , Possibly there ta4.y L•(i somelhing dencte get nwre than a glimpse of the short-lived plants. I Fi , , 1 . . With .tile lwdal pressed test fur cur- 1� (►r many' a mall has (aide -stepped_ -it ! interior. t tach species of full � , �' lilore' useless about an auto than a „ fungus produces up - '� rertt t a•t m,tur terialuals with a volt 'slip parting of the way �. t o ,s .elf -starter which ,will not )start- One urlufffc:ial visitor called• at No -= ur within some art of its fruiting.: � � - i meter. It a nruct,t vultagt; , show's the lint, bravely 111pelirlJ; c,bstal les, go p L ° Other the car,or itself -but I do riot 1'10 a few days ago), lie )ducked ort the body countless ilumbers of Illiuute- r(• �C�:� - • ttuubl(, Is su}1lowhero lit tl)o inut0r. steadfastly aloug, � happen to recall what It is. It (loE,y i',• door, and when .it was opened he said productive bodies Galled spores, So ' there- 1 If tho bruoh# s ore clean and ina- k� a UPIII(`nlberin.�, when the 1;oiug s bad, that lie lead come to sing to the Prlrne small and light ars, they that they ficyat + i -Valk at tunes, and it follows, the con t ' gc►u(l ,cout,act and nu • 'wl. lur5se vt quest's -tit the, strong. Minister. in the aft us� an invisible dust.. Many. . trim, that it Is necessary to learn bow ' � � � - broken, than tru ble 'must • be, iti the "Does. the Prime i111nister •ex'J ' - start a, self-starter.• w,,lwfi puhing (u knd, as you uurne -oil your way, ii ,ect of theyli fall to the groun-d 'rind are'' -" ' r� . )ectal has nti` ofteci. ' !fist because 1 w'}n(ii111; slid requires tl(f Sei.vlcf :ut Y j •fellow Wiest yowl ?" asked the doorkeeper. ' washed into the still by' •radia.. Others '! 1 all (-x ,t rt, you carne I 1 ho p$cial does liol; dt, the trick. it were 1 . - I 'hu' i tripped ttp Ly :tli(� wit3'side, help 1 "Oh, no!' But I am wing to slug to are wafted away' on every breeze, car- " ' -' �' est not mesal til r, flc•st u.f all` that ` If the iu(rtt,r rotates but duet glut I - . , to sc.t him ori h'is. feet him, replied _the main.., . .. .rigid posaitily fur days, to. Ue t,rought' i . .-- ,till's tilt! E'll infa `e'xart:tile tate gear or I Y lt'wrfq suggested that he mt 1 sin rc; '`� Kg g' down a len t . ,: g° i ,_,_._ do _ a -t thti � l>tulE> w•ut k., ,is I... ,_ _ . _;__ _ • _ . _ __- •.. �'nrn to' the right und.,ke�Ii fitraight un, • � >;. u . at.length h 1 y rain many leagu,� o ', 1; , I k; In dr:�o Io spc� tf it is lvurkln ,re- • l _ s - ! ; i It i. � .. +. A. k!Iter. It. is pn rec,ord tlutt (due I g I as(•11»t•.ing him• 1n need, ! in t to v . tibp7c; liut•tli s dYd not s9.tie frolll` l (-1r sfartirik point, Iii. thiH way I e v t t•t)llow,r .R,'lty fotin , t}:E� tJedal:,ctici 'tivt•�, I?(;l,y. I)c•t •,rulftl,+ 1t .uverruulling clutch ~, 'h© di e$ this to'Iiis,felloW.S i5 a nan.''fy the, visttor.• AVh.en lie i'1 gntl that t11E'y are cart'icd to .the ends of file ! . : �' f,; IsliplpJlr,�•. If 1tii, u1(}ter c•r;t11k1; the ' atiti`t tllitlgi. tend iiuu�lud d the wt1r11(' oP Kui•th iIldeed. .he' w•as•,real}y to bf, 'forbidden !ills earth, dusted into evPrq crack and ' 1v. t"ogin(•• },11f IC, dors not. stall the 1116ydw George's ruoin, he agreed t1:, cranny, lodged (;It every exp6sed sur -'1 (M• . r'ttitlg ti~'as bad; all. uiltazt�d \ellen r tits) �'----,•.--- -- e`lillr.ic next day 1►ulle(i ir1► the; 1►r�clul,. t .()"I"'.."-: in tile' "19'11e, 'lot the sturt- (� 7 ..•. • ttitwtw_-*,ra,�,.-Tis t -tm --:t,h-e-:pay.emaut, ,-and-,. -face.'+ t--w=r16d ,otr •,w'i't ab'd t;aligllt gn'I b*tlrb�, . - -- ,f ! 1i!n r�',!•'tli Wh is the Sk Blue . i, as uiiuut to du su u'l:eii a poiIceul�i'n 1 ever dew -moistened ]tja! or twig. + t t a Elich.had becottt(.•yiu( l: �o s11;tt {.t (lid , - y y 3' •'nt Close the 9:vlt'c'l1. and ill ;tt inishf!(1 ; ' Jr, v:lrf•:r �i II" (•Urine is rultuing.. the tut title person i:i a Ilii:ldrf,d could strolled'' along and asked what. he w.ty 7'lte arliazin�; numb(�r cY spares pro- t , ill_ down with regulotiolt '(JI`f.(•t., Not ; 11)d:c i:t(;1 1.1A•, < illot. sla(►w 'char N ex .. --- -- _ _-- _-- - . g I give u satisfitc scary ;t'nsw ell o the closes- . up to dueecl by a single fungus an be real- ' I _(' n'i1:' ' Ii 1 r l}t ctltu!it' to see if it fa "I aru o 1 Nectar and Beeswax. • 4 .,1;easing or intilitluu till 1111rilch bhot►ltl tioz•. •f going to sing to the Pri111e ized only 'by knowing t heir relative - 1 11:(),,--11 all(l •the!r the, Wirin bew'cen Minister," explained the mall. . size. Thus iii ills 'case (,f rilost c cr t 1 I r„ ' . ,overn your Itunt for :;t'!ii',,r troult!r�:;l g • I And yet tit(, eglilanation, as biwen pu>Y- According o _i. Gaston IiJnnl ., of �• y.er�(•r:+toi- aria batter;. . While you "Oh, are' 3•qu young fellbw!" re- ,balls at least three thvusand,of the Prt3ncli Ara a lv c' . w - ,raking it for granre(l, ti11(t yogi hav • ILy PruYessor'R'. Ii. Bragg, at !rile Royal ' the d.n , of Selea e, flow.-. (:;1:::(/': loult i;l+ide tIx'..regulator yutr torted thrt policeman. '•�'<'ell, you takE3 1 t f•,:ll,.wn(I previous advict� .111'cl hoer' lin ! (; 11 !,-_ • 'fug rlirreni at the encrrat r Ipstituttort, I.otidull, is quite. simple. ; f . 11 (g uhttlar sports, when laid side by • erg; make iiec:tar for their own use', and . g o It ru 1- the there won't be nu second side, would be, required to form a line etltly -read the instl,tr,cticm book ult'+ .(,r i 1',i. � The, blue sky, he explaiue(lY is due �;.__ a q nut, as Darwin, believed, to attract thA. . . .- i ata t+bta •ter ud 7i:;�'et ; ti i t r i rtl 1 u its. _1,,Mrth.tt?r, ,i+)(i -whsrP I to the iutcrception by hat -titles at1 the • _ tiny inch "long: A compact, mass of ' , t a ugll t t. 1I. _ tII•t' r: l! ; s z+re .att:>ched to regulator Then the yisitur gave 'it' up" and such spurey, t'. size of a arlor m1l , +' bees, in grder that they- may carry thd. - .. wil'Wl1 g on the Pall �o •that .3,dli hu( w•' atmosphere of the blue • rays which . p pollen un their legs and Ludies frutu 'aI,41 \N'. -ire !!ley leave that• device,• at went • away, I do not 'believe Mr. head, would contain the iricomprehens• �' , ; (:e l:lyout slid ]nsf, !role the mctci.t r form a part of the• white light of the . t t' I. i`Ch said• at stns ammeter car Lloyd _George \\ as et•er told that he ,isle number of thirty nlil�lons of these ,one Llussoru to another. M. Bonner ',:arts and how itltach,<-d to til(; cxiginc � sun. The parts of. white light con- also has detnori'strated that bees do not' • r . .r i41 fg is:(air::'-.(0r, to'df'tei•minf, if cur hail caped, mi t ( rani: shaft, we may: stitrly> lrrcce(�d. ' ; , n Iy(,yed by longer ret! and yellow light croscopic bodies, pnoiigh to cover 'get the Wax ' of Which their honey- 1. ' iif cur.:lee tion !flay Le tliru11.1,11JI f,eO! ijc ut i� fi, n .tl�„ .Ind thus locate tilt, I waves manage to 'jump the many: sub- -'--••�--- an acre of�.ound. ,with four spores for , - ' '' f 1 _ conibs are built from tl/e flowers, * as ltr�.nt.. het w c('n K hicL the brEYak in till• every square.inch of ,surface. generally supposed. They se, rete • t`u the flywheel.or b'y :;il'eut cliai;l w'itli `stances in tiff, - atrno.sphe'r -and are is , , . .iet"iruuning cll:tcll on the folt'.ard,•oncl 'c'ttit u�cili;. !f 11 1}KhCg were }illrt1t11K Seen (tt sttctrise and sunset r Plants 3S Lall'n1pS. �..--- I .1It themselves. The wax 'ilj :a fatty ` 111,-y' plight co°?�t'Itzl(i more c'tlrrcnt than , , a t here are !ants Which eat' and « » (,. the crank dial , uEtially ar1'au ed 1 l! -. plofesor illustrated Iris meAn• n He Does Not Sleep. substance,. formed: in special glands3, . €t t"4'ge!+r.'ratr�I is prc>dticiug.. I' e,, ;ill re!ease the tubtGr as soon tt,s thy, en= i11g by . showing a disc of light on the dr, some which bleed• w-heil bruised, (lii'atc,:' sh(,:,'.; dischar r, \\hen the He cities not ales situated under sevter•al rings of the ;Mlle starts. If the system is a: amble s(•1'ee11 which,',p:(ssing through � bowl and' others that, are, sensitive to :the p• abdomen. It exudes in the form of I- `ire on and the engine iy s.tc r :::iit.the.chain drive Is probable.: 't' of water, became gradually rcflder as slightest, touch. ► He'~;\•ha is lying there whitish flakes, which the bees gather the stat! (}ar',y' rlbt show charge ')\hen A certain �Iexieau plant changes its ..5o pale, .sa still- with their legs a4d use as building . 11 1L''here the gFnei•:Itc►r• ft,r rc:p:!��I,irll:- ihp r'2) is+_ 1the water got cloudier, -till at last, af• � w g � . g 1- runnitlg at ordinary tr;r 'stn inlitatio ti'f tits Buil in a Nov- color thrice daily... I,t is White in the Fie' is not Where y:c)u gaze: ' . 1T'e, She battery is a n!�nai'a!e Un.lt it ;roilcliic'�d, tither: grneiatal or roe , • p. niornin red at con 1 1 Husht Do' slot seep. - niateriaA. iay be driver) by r haiu,.9,e.,fr er ut:icr--gIllrtv,r rreed' 'uttetatir�tt. P , .cinbet fog, it faded away, g. n al d } lue in t11e 1 t f The nectar formed at the base ( • by'all exp 1t.-evenin Ah. Calm that wildAes I f ,.'inl cliff nut fiu(i •thy ) r (.. ^c, F'rofessur Bragg has also revealed g At certain hours it gives out - Pali �, the corolla of til . I flag ells is used by . r". �? w':tl> rl c�,uplii!(rwllert:' I c It,ut lti...(i) , , � + .' ' it stror3g perftune, while at oth.e,rs. it is I Do What you will '� the 'fertiliz$d fruit' or seed' as nutrfI. t!)(1 i;nation de\1(,' l,s }lIl!1' faro tfie.i (;!i i:: lit' lieu!. close it by h:lnll Pur a ' Rt�Ill-j of the ni3steries ol,sound. 4If u}te ndarl s The body'eni t stays, .'1. ..,•ill• , ,• i ` e y ... ,, i. yuti put a stick. -,in a-revci,ly}ng'' bowl. of. a es '� p y • _ rent in growing, ;much as the yolk.o►f - ' . t,...terattir: I11, - c t oh of ' )..t car l:a,, 1 111o1ut,t:t Wflil.e tilts P11gin(, i; runllir.g, A, retll�l'kable ii'cr?aled 'to you it I'^cu Li iiririnG, l;tr ;inti' s<e ,ii it retltdin� clu�pc \cater, it sets up lithe �•:Iliripr�.Qls be- .. plant is a South; Speak nl�t.the drear " an egg is used by the' embryo'chick. • i 11 1._ . ]. It Inas I. Ilind it. In the carne' wa`', tIze wind-Aine;rlcan orchid• w•hic'h take:(a drink I . . This i,. proved b ' the isa 'earan � , :re and get 'it t.lrcl:gl: ri)itl' 1:+111, 1,;;\,.. ( , r. .slaw•{ or the goii,�r;ltoi• , .1 Old tale. of Gabriel's hors!.. P 3 d PP to cf r ,. rats}ling past trees f.ornis ,Ah 1. win!}5 Whenever it fee's thirty try letting, Till which h(: wait' I the I:ectar as the fruit hod 'enlarges. ' t lltiVi' tI tj (lar ,t t.aCE'Ya bac'.. .I;;'t 1:`: \ li1 ,I+`(] :f aria ht (:ili'I'E'ltr fI'i7n1 , '� t ' 1'',,•;.il fr011t-Lc t te•1'�' iti -wUll':1'r .) Pira ii'+,1�' ( .. _ g i OIl a stilail svale, ,1,114 MES(' Cili 'jr', dO1V,n a tub.e into'the w•ate,r.. Th.- tube 1 (, , r i • Blit the I12Ciar 11c1S aSlutiver 17,sk • urns. t .:I•. i,.Il•.-,;-. ;:,* 1t.,1e�., wii:it is e led; • 1 Past prison ,rl•t'tI ills grc,und, k'nnera?:.ou t l' lr,1t!, .. riff'+,rr► t t! r', 1r• i t . r. ,..'., t I thos'-! fit+ttn115 so adlulrably .described, is toiled- up. un th6 lop of the ;pla t ' J - .. ,,( 1!...,. )..:,r,... i -r,1, c�1,tic1tlI1 lY til«: 0. Fie is not here, . ly; to check the evaporation .of water, y h tile' imitative, ,Word "soughin whvii not regUirect for use.. .) , r:'.(,atoll., cr.tottt,,: ,,'ire:h a:i;: ri:algt' :(1:(i j ('all i::,� 1,c•,-•:1 lata l Up A to ig,tilli". F►e• t i3 '• c For he )las been reborn- -.' .. from •the sttriae, of "the I)lan•t; for i;i•cltargt! 1llclicat(:.r, '1°p!,� ri ul:i±(,r i.', I 1,; 1 :41u1)i:lr ,;uu71ds arc' :;et up by tele!glaph In Ara,k fa t}fere i, a plant. v hose I • i, gates sweetened water evaporates I !noels �. Illi :'alit l t.,., ..ftl , t.h . ion;* , !ell front til .white 1,ate. _ p tI. oils 1 altf, . „ s(4ecls° prodlrce effects 5itnilar to those He Ilea rd that'truiu let .Uund: ;))ore Slowly t"an unsweetened. I►rt:Ven .. a trio High c}!-ri,i;; r;ltc! i� , Lr(:iu-t. +,f Iitit. c\i11tc)r:5 rc►atl; f-undl• .caused by Itluell}n 1 , ;.:;�IodurIng a. 1'c:-isianctl ,;Iti,;!: opt�r- _-io'n,-. • «'hy i- it, that fl�I make no did g gas. The natives ctar w t . The bees suck up the re hath I- ttirl,anc'e when Switnrning I., 11 ills , . dry the serr>;1:� and f•educ'e th`eni to'�a, FIs. daes'l,nt sled. � .. does not pat;; flits the stomach but in- r r�' \\ht'n the r;ttc i tllu.ltfgh. '1`ii,e i ►;1• (hir'f tl,:.i:>^ I0 lvlu+:ntber .it bole-, .it,, („ -, ltiwder, a yulall dose of which ;' •• , ' 1' -'1•lhttlT''.14 sc:11,0d ru '!_ - i ♦� n. r, although there is- a I ashing 1 has � For lie a,- iur s1,ry.ay, to ,u, e•xpaIlsioIl oP the c'.sohhagus. • , ► It y:l.l <' '11T'1!i 'r, t1 ''„1`, t:'+:1Ih1(P; Is that hV cl1tnluiiting 1 , 1 n ? curious effects, it Ca11tie3 the JIlti5 r V a r; (, at It. If anything 14 wtr )c; r�i[lt ,itis' ,:lr r►f �(, :s, r rl(li�l+ �..1'Ctl a ;tun' afi 1i1111�; 111. t .Th.roubh fowl. .,pavo There it 'undergoes a partial chemical ;.' ur.'ex t.r �,t .., 1�;. i i t. t.. tr'..n aYtE r ,inr,tlit 1 j �'i:i- i; i;xplatned try the fart that., in: sober person to: dance and' laugh ex- Fie Wanders 11apPily. transfurniatrvn udder til 4+ e influence of 1 t .nu.. 1 (.c ,.l; _ .1 uc ,! r}tt' -'!':t r('h ::.ill narro'a' do\t n to �. thri l:. ,r case.. it is the filling of the c.itedly, anti W. -behave, ill a• ridiculous ' Hush' Do not .weep -- I a substance called invertase . The cutout is .to 't1lti:l:4S MIMI ctioll i il =1ivil! hit of v.;ring or a single., d(.., manner for about xn hour. Slee €ole'' 1 W+);lld,ri0 Li him' star � � . � which • I �`�, c:lvify that' made, rather than: the . P lot d acts. a.. a ferment. ti heli th.e bee dis- c :lt 'the batt.Fry �•• sen til(' i,eIle!'atur ' is . \vLuce it is 'conlparictively easy t0 , ,, r 't11 111 e w causes, T 1LW5,' a21d up011 awakening, c. ,- %. 11 r 1 1 ct,•, Meir cau, e. the noise,, g, the indi- I In this . ad place, . . orl;es,,ti:e honey •into the�a•as ce'.1,_it • ° produces it 1111;11ftI; vc,}t,igQ til:+tl that 1 lm";te rnr'11'011 !e.'' AIW-'Q'3 Work Nvidi ' \rh�'reas the boil oP h is victual Lias" no recolIect'ion` of Lis an- •� a c . 1 , 1 N. , - y t e .) h 35 sq. :\uw Gc d has _et 11-m •fre also discharges a, little invertase and, . L tl1{! batt ry. ail+i t.r fill':..: life c ,::• !,I N, \\'iri.nn (1'ii11 r:ttli .. tttA car sashay ' , , tics. -•1f� befalls closing the ct'11 a tau'' d ,•!{c:tl \;heal. .tL+ ��:: ,� f 1 . :Aped that \,hen it moves through the . - 3 drop of ' N. al t,cll,abe fall rift trn(t at lr;l`st until, y(nl have i `1., �; leaves no -such cavity: hchind Electric_shot'k can br obtained in - venom from. Its stip to.' rev r c , ,1- below til:; t of .ilf: b.,i l,'i,,. '!Marr od the -i:•tn (it}te thttrO1rg111%..! � Failed Fur. g P e .t, ler I ! ; U and therefore there iti no disturb Ct,ntral 'ltldia by merf'ly touching file The Ch trot:hlt�,> r , rxienta,:vn. a,.a tiug =• i a 11d. ,11 w•a;; c•:l Pry the ri iagranl fit thr ! . A neiv and Improved metholl « t' mak- , .11lce, 1. ayes of .the electric tree, \rtlil,e in I "Thus," says B. ' til(' beet in rr niq rvtttc front i 11(li ;- }A,ZI!t( (i ,':lr f(.r, 'ret( r1'r(•r!. I+y' the r}'pair Pat in. - - Brazil sone plants show remarkable ins imitatiiin--furs teas been patented 1 - --❖ , Vented antNet,,tics' before Pasteur` c>r i broken wires, !!:±`,h( '!. ,t)",:k cc ( i� )(ou call ;'nth .art for 1nuj(,r..truubI,o,-. ' � luminos.ity.� One is so luminous. that in Fraric(?. t I:i�ter." It is this' ui'' c(1* •', \. o n' sq that lYhay' (i:, nut n ago ,good . :Make ':ln (,t'(a }oiliil fit:;pectign.• cf ^ ,Trees That Tall{. It is equally suittlbte •fur the mane• P put_ .l ...at i it' is 'lllainl3• visible :tit a distance of, a pr ezvcs the l)oi:e f,ir' y cars. 1. c r`nt, ct with the cou:'111ut;riturs of x110• tl)e wir!n, .' locking for loose. Wires �' Th(': poet talks of "woodland whis mile. Fn its immediate vicinity facture of' false plush or velvet. ' sty 'it __ tqr and generator; dirt cr W0.1"I f alld wol-n places where they •.vibrate iwrs," but.�llr. John 'Grinlshaw' Wilkin- emits sufl`icient, light to enable a per.. The' process starts with hair, or a x' • commutators, run clotvi: attery bt'- al;aiia=t lite Piaui+' or'tithe!• !arts. The; son, who. although blind, is one of son to read smaNest print, ction -of animal or vegetable' Chinese WaX Farms. c a►lse of greater ti4e of currcnt t-hati-. \tires, about the Ford- tiitltr fire: firs , F_nglal1d,. forcnlriS naturalists will fibre. I still's g• These are frozen in a stock tit, . eharging capacity Of f enc•ru'o'r; and p('rially cub'ject to such w ear. ifiee I . ''+i= ice. The ice is then sawn slabs,' In' Ch ir:a wax is produced by the P t.11 you that trees and plants can i; Into slat)., labor of myridds of little insects. ,,no�•ir rl�'i hanicaI tlis(t! (yell ail , st, ming this; wIros fret fruni oil E►f i•(�asP, ' ,actually be di •t;nguished by the noises ? � and each slab. is ntride to undergo a i g Why Navy Blue. eggs or"cocoons; deposited on tl:� :aitch+ r•trt, ut 'or rcgll,nt,-)r, c:, iti t}1"! l.fit'11_th(T-t.,rin�iri}.; t:lt';ttl,. the : wtrcli !they Iliakf'. • surface melting ;u as to partia.11'y free• (,+,ane.cticll ;)c:lsccl: :•c:..:t:i' :.tilt 1►O,il:t; clt`:In, ani} i.' the uat4ery runs Practically every, country clothes .. brunches of,tr('eC, yigld.a rich.hw:\ -t _ :`,Ir. AVilh-hi;on becaTlle 'bitnd fWellty the flair fibres ci11 one side. it; sailors in blue. + f purfy wurtc wax.. e. Pine, r ;luw•u, pirficularly' ill ivinter, halls it tw•o years aga, and- lie immediately . After a suitable glue ur t.•,'It:f i!t• has , .l a It; the startinti motut' \: 1! uclt , !i, :; ( It was about one hundred and seven.' bee'ri-applied to ,this. surf,): c. , �'lE (t ! .1 _ ti.11y tree on Wlliclt 'the in: r ('ts Ili:lrg('�1 at the sereice station. Whit I began studying scientific ubjects, par- , t v::!: (to this gro;w•s in,the Westprn part r'h^n the �.;tal i; 1^ < y years aga that the ffrs't Y)luejackets of flexible material is laid i,.. •:,,':lea a:,. pc rrr.,,ed t.rs' thE',, !trcl))uticlTlS y()1r1• rt)ad 'troubles titularly botany, pursuing it ultil. he .. �. 1lle;o is. current in PLA bntt.� ; if with't!'w t•le(tric y -tem should be 'stratus a leadins authority, were evolred. It: then' became the i the foundation of the new 1n:Jtelial, of e alit) fi,'tnousatad fees ,!sure tT-ie ' c` c terminals are tightly f;.-tt.11e`,l: if s11'ght. he said, )luring a uniform of the i3�•itish Royal, Navy. -"'hen the hairti or fibres have adli ,,1>rrel of the sea. By a,strange law tale " g "Same years.ago," Bred , -___ i _._,_ _ - _ --- recent• lntefvieW "I discover that This was adopted in 1+48 at the re-' to ' this basis -usually rubber --the �' insects will -not .flourish or produce t . , _..,-......-..,,, p _....:AT + lor "A's aro I to fire , ' ' The seamen, at .a meeting in 'Mair in allowed to rema-in• there. tl.-ey w•il1 - z f(►'k•g11►1 Soule fifteen miles off , tell them by the sound front the fall- g g, and th'e Imitadon is comp le. e. arm only jest heginl:tng to dis• ! -- _ _:-ells.___ - - -- Y ,` � � 1 i•:ttglis - cowq. h t'ea dbI& tmig 4,� -� __ af% IInuae� iu- set li}l -etre}; 1_ ____ _. ..,. t. I d oLsen is the__nX i st -- - - ' __:� _ #�-7Ehe possibiTrEt_-',-� f-_*xfrt-. . ,,A= -...-• e _ �: t , 1 !tarty' (`ul to the gun during fog it trees in a storm, because it reflects dun, had decided that the Mary ought ! Cosmos for a Long Season. 11 t The painstaking Chinaman trans. graphy ►;'il,',fireli by w irel('s. to have its own uniform instead. of ! ' ' „ . • + ports, theca jo the loca:•ity where they The rilember of tl:cf;:tct�nt ('t(:ti, 1 s front the shore: the echoes by its leaves. and also by Cosmos sown in pots or hoxc� >n tale : flourish to the Lest advantage; wearing either militar3"dress or. what- , 1 ge:-T.Ixrl- pang Who Jnacte lilac statentt'nt 1�r(,. 1 :1t ;1 rel'Nnt ciPniorlst,ration, a ):mall ata steal. Fia�nd'ropq •have, a more ` house or fireenlif,use` tile! •middle of ' ever individual rapt,tins decided. 'I'he3• March lug tranxJllanted twice before ; salads of porters afie engage!! at ce}•- ceoded to draw a ivotlderful Picture °nlinf� of t-unpc,w(1,'r was exploded at drum•like' effect upon it than upon any :� , _ -laid ,the -suggestion before the, Ad• titin tinges of the year carrying ;:i}1•` ' of it -s future devel(:juneiit, - ahi0i :1 Chelmsford.. Lizgi:rn'd, at 'a glvc�n sig• other•t'ree. It is-itra-wOodi composed setting them out !n tale gardcn, After I pill from , t'anibrid•ge, thirty miles of oak trees that' one can hear bird's •iniralty Boar(I, and . after a little de- dsanger, .of frost has passed, will make' Ifon.: of, insects �frorn 'the place where device, lately testes.! wWI aiIIAZIll.: the, we„e born t(; seine suitable +'� :1w•:)y. In futitye -wars is will be at their best. lay for consideration were invited to stocky plants' that Rill' flolrer early I � Pot. Te6U s, now makes pw,ei10e. , , . lyifnt I �_�+ I,llti at svots%over which C,n('2.11,r tl•Oop!� I "A111Ong plIle trees, Ow'ill t0 the confer opts!. isle sty:e and CO:ol' t0 be t an'd fUr A ltinfi('r period than plants ' Th inveuti_on, i, pl:nlarily-. ;f„r th!) t � adopted. ~! ties ci ship. At prc',etit n:o4t vt,'v -.CI :Irr likt'ly to l►ass. An aerol'llane will Softness of the• \rood, birdq art; no - ' lrvm seed :oars fn the open ground. :�utnle>; is the kern(!: .orf a irliit . «'MIC 01" ,11cd in 'i,iiscirss:ng the .�l)h- .�--- resembling tt pear, \vh,:ch grows in 6e \,.lit ti}F Phil ad\;zncin �nerni etas heard to the saws advantage, the:,,... fitted •lth \Cirelerls It t,► cine g ject. t e 11r1i (+ (, t Lord thr' �pt)t.:(u(i then explode the ' WOtit1 absorbing the sound. The h .. t lit dford, i• irs twaart-t a oiler, sol that c,:1r! teat! PoP- Canaria s nhet�t carop �as� S'ear :1�•er- islanci� of `Yal:,ysi;r. It is -endo"ed 1..l:r!t! t)y' *Casing it button and solid•' lar tree;' being sensitive to ele,etricity, of the a(ilnila�y f rntert�ti :Old an- age oniy ten bushels. to the.:acre. (in a dark brow•nag'.ossy'rhel'l.• be. constant y on dirt} ' N.,t('ning in." i . r.11llnce(1 titin t l:.r)5 Ii'nd ciC' 'it{ell up- ' 11.11 (In. tile` lreless current is almost silent in a thunderstorm; fit.herwisc) 9lgnals front other vrs;tcl: __.._. _ - ,alit , prr; i _.__._ _ ..._._.... _ _ I� + �( . , - __.�... rtc} ._rets TTIV-11 -o V e I. i i�is��' i • +T" + -�r•-t, .-. •t, t,' 1 ' d not be i u 1. fay mt':lilw of more -noisy, because. the twigs, die , �,1\y, It1:4 r)l;i)t��r` lt;;,} ..,;.; the Side l. the new apparatus. ' hoiv+•ter, , :tlili'11, Lady Geddes, N ed Beaut G i rT,1(lit s5 cif It( tlt„rl.r;,ltil• iu tl:,' The Other d .the Glass be11R will - ring nn hc,arti cw y trial, Ys more elastic. g _illi!:. a Inch rn. "I think," continued �Ir. �i'iikinson, ('ii►d in a bcc+nit1111� hint! c}rc� primly �+>•+•- ' Within the wi�'rlrss r;ttlilts, ntl(�n i, „ �011 :'iuuuell -with whiCe ;Inti )1(1 ),raid, 1 .� st(�re cin .a nt..;.11 street , niessagfl is sent crti' t►�' n�Jtht,r vcs�el- ! 1 (�('1lif�s. w if (;f the, n(�\v I;ri• I that the'sound of faring water is very ge ll,t,s its ' ��'h;1t is ".I)r:r1t�' fi1T'r(f ::tl:j,. ' an y. . fascinating Co the c ills t !!.•ills ►' nd.+1111tir•ing •till. e+)-•tlt.::c, _fixe! •up• ;Leat ic:ut foremost to iht� shop, w•..ndow'. _way. .Oue is dell to weeder all 'th(IFe »'hen a :illfp Is !:1 dlstrt wNs. thh a lt'!"1- t:;tl \n,ha,s;tdor til 1e Lnited States, __ ___---- ---_ 1. at--. - _.-_...____.., - ,�....�.___ - heel_ t�TCUTAI'I , t1 1� t(r'tTle �N\'y`, ! t, V1110 Il:,re .1 •yin!: f, r nit•1'� 1 �f -f-or- WI -11 merely pre:;ti tits, outrnlatdt• 4T �Nh1� wlltt a prize` !trail}• fti .1 Lon- I y marked the tc.irra. t b._ t'.:cen 711e orate ;- vt`.t t;.t rind !;u ig pa' wql Transmitting key sail• set tilt' :(farm (1(titI itt•aut�' rclinllrtit:c is i! (laughter Round in a plate where r,'( It, :ire•laare ,t w',1!, a h:lltl)� 11''. ,111 (Il• cavy fitted with t}:e ln(�,t 1':1' i-1,,:,' tli!r;g, • .toll.:. nlirt : -1l i(I : tl:., 't;:.. t'I, nl- bells ringing on all otalPr �e;,f'la with t•f 1t'. -1. Ili,•:s, a 1301fa5 manufacturer. ; and in other plac:c's %'h, -c'(• 11".'y' ,,re !tad >;,,,I )•'uV(\il r , hI t}:anl;in} to the fil,�?e tli: �;' : t.`l ,:.t 111r, p. ,,or•by `c:vr wi h •:+ l:al,. , • th''i they, - in grange of 300 to 1,21J(1 nri}('•, Silt• wac'tYti(11:itP,d in 1c a Scotia, ! covered \Lith thos;. This g:\r,,_ :I ;j i!,, elf:\cr l:ltl. w1)+, , ,,1✓(Iftic't�tl til„ sing' t, ;t•;.1t an(1 lrr); :, ,t. 1,e ha1J,. e:!ter •have bui},1t(i vu, ,.f Il.,'"tt`!'.,1 tl:',,. . ' With the extensit' elf ' ` u 'k t 1 and i ady eddes have cif�tn'ufile f' 111!:+ ,: !4,., ltiu i, ., ,! ,,h t:') 11 ke L: (!, 1'i 11:1. , I( i1, ,, ', To a3• I 17..+ � :fit a In - it A c 1:1 )t I t sI 1 t ! I d }0 'e. i,i't f: t` tit( ..de:i.Iiierl+ '•t j . to lt► 1, . et�ttr X11,115. tilt` Cltle3f I'� �'Ca pati, :rnd 'tit the N'::tl't', :lt ;1! ,` 1.I t!lr. }:+.(,: t, f ((( _. I I �,':� ('; in a fl+i; aI il'Ii.t',! i:t} l;E ;- tvould b© no difficulty ail tiring I1 );till , 'The t'u.=' \, .I:'•, t,•, hupl',,t1g' is t:ng. not di ?.uv.ei.i.g, tia.,r:• :;,'' Y'l.ef ' ,I dauJ,htt r. 'They were tui 'rigid in ' birds." t I ;, ; J;eltel \ 1I�-,• f1..;�_...th_._:art of frpm a spot 3Q0 milt ; away, or explbol- ' Ing a mine in h'e\v S`ork or ltrrliil.:111 1;irT(;: I.:iti>' C(+liTPs is more fn c'rf,ted l�'ot Ot►?: IJc lie!('I''11; t( tl:t! r':, ,,f Ex�ielled Every German. yl,y 1. ,g • ;r: t �:�vf V ► . that w ill doult'�IfC :1fi:lil'3 shall ' trees di::'i1lg' :•liOw1')'r. • 1►1 i t1''.r)tll•\1•(ltt, (1 :t il,a, ti:' rS1011 j�c: .:ire C."I,, *,here be ,,. til ' . would be' beces :try vl"otrlti hr tri tis i:_ in ► i i�:O• br ti. 'f`t\ hilt !z}1t` i. merely tt? 1`11 /Y t!1 ,1, �, i, Ir'- i- :11,1 Iu hL '' lYt•I`n tilt`' nI;!3 i 11r:'I, tii';lbl' E'\ : 11e 1',ctol'e. 1. There il\ , '�': ill ~ :t'9 1eaVe in tlO CItiC3 it 1'N(l`1rP1' tiUlt'liJ1;1' t•y :1 r}laI'Ini1.g 1;1(,:;,' i11r, ,l. tr. `<i'll Ill:•(►rl }1 dl i1'.« ill„' i t:.2:1 it l k , l3,kato al w'al• R 1 it f'wrI11:1 - \, 111+.J• 1 ' Ili b,W (, l,' , for til( .,'ill . , • , hidden, and conriectpd with a tnilI I with 11 NOdo• 1t11uw'lrcigo of t l r (iul I call inunotiiately (Ifsii;lgl.ish thI-511. Irl 1,(`31!,1 / .'rl \ r;•'ril :+n fl1 , (,. tl i t'1'n t t1:1 t tli:r.g, •1):+t .0:' ,••, (.,!:�1:1 ,. i';,'1';1? - Tho instruntc \,'t ,r ,t 1• � � , ,I 11.1 r;. vi'oullerfnlly tfeYelolvd is lits, s�•n: Il_ (: I t ::v •\•:thi:i 1, t •_ ' 1 II1 aury: al;tl- li"�,i.. ,io , .r •'1't•,: ,e nt t4 ,t tial 11.)(1 i:] , f lic:, illi! ,I.. , t i t1 .I ' 1;:\ • !'f : , g; i ,tr:1t(tI . if iii( i.r 1,, \c Iu . 1+ 1 t �. 'tl 1 thuch.. At til 1 , , it' , . �....�...t fes..... r- iiT110 l e. 1 I t . 1 • , ti !' 11` . . c - - - 4'' t( tl ,tJIP 1,' ___}tt Ir)11• \1't;l' _ _VJ-JC,,' i,Ildtl .t:11 r _I P ,`.. L, " _ ._.._,__.__.- __.. - - - - . . 'tile f' -.d:lam 44'1 rE'_k 1 .s, ". w -lira' iii _ to -uauM A0 41rrH-,qh- t r�ccr,r', r' --� i..� .. - ? ) eT( i. , ' ,Its+ (/t'l ilt'1n1 (':ti7.t'll� 111 \tt,l - i' : 1+> ,tl-:t t, ;1 t • 1.\\,f �iid lie IS I abn,t! 2 ' gellu L 11 foreign trees n f1J A «•i , ••\ .. TanningHints for Hunters1i , t` t;. (i �'�:• 1 _�gihC f`Il `E` u• �t +r+ is :i1•i}Il- I't')•t•i;►;• t-il+' i.t113it1}. YlfZtrl �.iftn; i;} .1 1•,: ,I ! '''-:•1g•i 1\'ell. tt:!I(�R t' :�• .1-.. ft.)r .>i i s f t( uch, n'c(: • h t, :: ih'n r l 'ri1 , I 1\}' :( :( .;, 4 t''el. titres the lir: t: _ rapids'. .h('`l: ming a'G,i 1111if1t•11i`ll . i(1 111;1:,' } , '(1':t 't ill,t'!i�i 8,� y .I Il r• ► l ur,�hll`l • t, f'tI,),1 l,1; I I.:' 11, il,•f 11;,,' „`r (I . 11 d('I' that 1},1k' •tileltl,,)1�111Fe nl::t' ties �C'e'n ZVhen it to s -r---4----_ ate. save; .fir:ln 1t , 1 do arra tml/reservv the• , 1,1` c,f lia.r,1 • :lit 't 1,t`v ,arc t:rett `Life!* Lintas► Proble s. � Th t:errri2tvw, lm. ) + an(i r,,: Tf it ,1 . , ,i (tl� (1'1: r, I.. "11 il' t} ;t"• 11i1:i' 111- ', •i'•1 ., I', 1, 1"e C' .,!.ii't 't.«lilt skin9 of w Id anflnals w111ch have beell fi , t,l til tilt. ,:1 1111 I`, + C t , ► iol*o \\11-( le ,;1Ii•t1-1 i+1111 I \ ;r!,• 1, ; ..: c �tl. f (�1: the T tlifr :,t(3t of t,% ' ..'(,�T ;ire ! ' ' • h1i-I! :; 1.`11-tfln'1: e, ` (if ( ".'t', lic:l•1.., lh i•,,oi th. w,,n'ri4li �.l I'' } it;i,' (•.,I Il (v Ct',t ilty' tt•'1)e li,j:[(If' t .�:)I t \', aft, trapped, these m,•ly ho tan,tiei1 (.%,V: h'. ", 11.1h• �tit(l0 1►:1t� ifild li'f't to i •.\111n:1! . I lriw i)rrvriht�Tw, lr* 11) I1,., VAI, \� !.,. .; + i1:,I•C' ,,U,t ( !I1' nil E14aii 1)r• +1 +, � i..lt elther with title !lair cin or off. as (le• i! r} 1\'l11'il 11, lit uri'llr,`� :lrc� La1','iy 1 cw`a ,,•+,ti�i, l ' grlrntlrcl rt;F(1t• p, ii 1'uh i1) ti;t' .c i•:Iii! (if (�(''L,r,i;l' ( 1 „ t , g !1 ,s, % i c f !lt t '1;1 t t sired. Hair call be removed fi'i ni til \ A (1t,' Irtot:11". 11 �.1i11 lilt, I � !. 1 , \\'C( ()a' ^:,t'.,1 :! .!tilt'. t :, 1;ii• �1 f!,r \, 1 1 i -t site: \,ithoul kw'.lnle' u) frvn1 ! Lion % 1, I hiltti')t' c\c .h hides b R , ► 1 ► /• ! . .�, ,' _ �•,, t 1 t. ! ( t . . y ottking the.ni Its tt 1 t,l v, I 1 , at l•l.t l ,, t..t-1.111.►;;11r--trmmltM imarrl t itpet. ____, -_ -•�-`i1rei, ►,,:i( I 17:,;t, , I l� ( ! 1 i �' , , 1 i' t � , t 1 The t 1 . _. -- - ... , 1. ri!() :, ` I)r ' - t 1.,11; , ,, ro 111 i .,'v :1r. :ltt' 1!:f t ,• , , ` il• 1 l 1 1 I ♦ • I.f-,irtr*n, . t.. :1,i:)►iPii'1;1, 1 made alkaline h\ lye till Ilmr. •t Ile fo!- --t"I l.tt,••,I o., t}lc fltt�il siti+~ �riftr tri ' ' •'« (�111i1 t i+n 1111.3 T1P 1,ir,g rrlf` t': t1 ;t;itl -.. .I r , ;' , t 1 ! 1 t Ailat t I, • a� Cowing recipe f(�1 iT `:111n111}; ; :,,!1 i` I, t ,11., 1)f :7t` R'u1ft tl:Jt tilts 1 ,( +'' ,(', - t «,tit '�\ Il: ',,. tM . + J. ' (.1' a :lilttil� .I,iti 1 1)1f't,f :! ' IJi•ai•f' 1:'(!f') t 1 . i ( 1118!' tl!'i►)�? {• ^11, ... Pt 1•i( .e !tt ! r` ill riilil(r' I :h( 1),I al±a I. tT i titi) it 11rti, -!! 1 .t furnished by„ arr t xl,prt: '1'tl r:),'ti , :i1 h;,lrtl; (•(f�,`('tt rt>ch1. 1n 13 ►s 1,fay' e ! i. ,.. I ` ire:ll. i ,'r.}, to I ,1t t. J! _ 01, ,1'1 ( ,*II: \11.( ,. t:. ! . i . , : \\ (t \: t.11•,I it►1 fl lP}` , \'til )tl :t,rJ, + gl' ":( 11 11111 Libi'1•r.t cf'1:111;! . ` ► r , .. r i. j,I`i7 +,: I. Itw('t i,• 1 r,�.• '' - r. �•I„„ t . ion of \! ± •, t i ) , 1l t, !t u f } t` i :1n(t tli,• \\' 11,.. , ,;, 1 iris tl! ,1: a et t, I1 (1 h qi illi (f ( nt la rr ii t :11 \1 { e k nw be ��'t11, Jr1f \�t ),l. )1i(t •tit t, I ,il i:ls ft+!'( iI; I end -half ounce, of .-oi1111mi-11• e','Itl. I •'tltlit, lw:II•!\ %:'foil' :rt 1'(,!vr, 1110,v I , , , l i� i:(p _ 11 .,l,r' _11 :i! :':1' i 1' ., i', I , . . �, -:1�, f;',fr, . , , , ,_ , sift \l :l�,'tB S}!P 1.A11: R'i'!lI'11't' 1}' 1't` t'TI„ 1 j 1 � Illi::. ,� r I,, _ ' � i1� '�• i illli`:)1• T11i:i 111f1Ct.Ur(' K311)Ili('! 11,I{ iIs' 1:: `1,t 1tn :1 t It1�11 .1"r•it'tl('t±. Illl►l)t l :,:111' 1'I:lilP({ I:II, I lllt,iltl3' }eft to 1N]t itrR tl t gfl t 1 l'r.r' :) • t1 1. •r• f 1, r• t, -_ .. +: '1( .• J ? is )f •tl ;e• t 1 1'l 11 pieta! C'Mltallit'i' ')'11111 +t\i1.M (111 1,1`t alt 1lillt,' til 11' 1i;i:i+ (If a .:lil1! ttrr` 1 !l"t' til i t 11::1,1f' i; 11 111;t}(It'l 1\' l:)f ii:' 1 I . • i1' ,. I.t!` f't(+ 1t'. , f ' \•,, t I - .1:i(i na • ° ^ . , p ,ll , %ns i!,_ t:1},1 :1• :1'.l,• ,I'/lilt` •1 ,Ho ,. 'Y 1' I'1+ 1• r ,r 11fN, t1e1't [• Ltf ,t►t, ., a♦ I r - -.__ -„ :1� 11 ,, • ;1 � rl ' f, el l '' . �3 1 1 yya.41_ t _.__t -1 i -.�.ala _a•.1•ai._'i. W_.1.,V,ft4l, sari -- ,.ai►..,..-_.-; ;. 2.i t. 1).,, 1• ( :k'' . I�r 1 I:11111 1,:1•! II,'. {,i 11: t - . (. ,. I� .• `' 1\ , /i t,`t •,; .I ). 1 . (`� , +: :i re'i'1a111 111 1 1111x,`1'. IIP\' tl'); ,I1`J+'1',11.1 IM,ol1wI" („ i'I' uatei r _ ! . I ► J.�t'liitt hxR i,c', t.ntf of tilt• f1'... Ill;:.;:t-ti i;r (r „ ;' t • ,dr.E+n I 'ala \- j•(?nr:t:t1 '!1 + fri,•1'ti l: „ .• „!� l; ( ' .I' .• , • ,. 't t!:, !1 11 .� p i)t•r CCIT ntr!: ,:,` ( „t I `;fill , ,'1 t" 'ti -4', 11 �' , l ..i, r ,i. t. , .t)1' i %l . ( :1 1, \ ;I i1 ;•1 t t' ',1' +till f9 soft. . i"IT-81• , I;1 e�t•(,Ilom Clint, tile" \',ill' \CA3 �',i , , + •� 1 1 r �' sari!!. r ltllt!I•i' 1 ! h,':' !illi. gal i,l allf lilt(, „ 1 i 1 A 1•t ten I, 1' y the t l'','1'iiil}� oll fh( ;111 `r••' (t or I e . 1:, . ( ,t' , , ,11 n t !Pori i\ (' w - �' t n Iv! ( t( e(� t(1 firs\'(� Hilt •lits: 1 t, 111: --1 \ . :�I . r ` �, 1 t t (. t 't' ('i) l• Wfwl. rolll(,'t:,•:1 1(1:11 t}It.: iiquill• tilt, t,h-•- %oliEc llio.� aft, warm an(i tile?, 1 • 1 '- r L'-1.1 ,_ i' 1 !1 ��'(',\,. 1,ha1 (l:lw 1,111 1'+ 1 11 tf 11• 1 (�ii1 1'1 1 I t"lr 1:,• 1,,e iti:t t,. .r'.1;1• !• + + I • I !1stO hi tlli• 1►t•:Ii:I' ) w rt 11'11•, lr (.•r i„• ) 1 nl, !dn , rt r!` %5 .hr'(i . "Vifil'ill, I;illli' 411 f u,".11;, ,t t,ll' .1roill ill (1r}" iiardwQO, } ,.1 It`:` ( j1t�j' ,t j" i� li r; , , • 1 •1'1\'11 illi:. t :�Ct►tlln .�lilllrll I Il..p(.l,.t y It 1 A� a s ! ! (' f, 1,,;1 f j :I v;.lit).' \l'U.t!'1', P ''1T11Q •. 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