HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-03-25, Page 5lit �,• -�r • N. D. MacKENZIE'S GROCERY DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS 1•1161.1. pita -•b 12 • . • •.....4.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,....”4-•• • ••••••••••••••-•••..- - .....: '.0 bI .L te.. 1.j4 Utbr, l.i,uo 1 'tuxes Seeded Raisius, 01.00 10 Cans Old Dutch, $1.00 13 Boxes Pearline, $1.00 $ Plugs Tobacco, $1.00 3 10c Cans Salmon, , . .s • .. , $1.00 10 Nice Drinking Glasses, $1.00 t; ;.$1.10 $1.15 $1.25 Brooms, $1.00 5 Cans Tomatoes, $1.00 13 Bars' Palmolive Soap, • $1.00 $ I'akages Cornflakes, $>L, D. � _ "2c _extra in trade on your eggs" • • Next door:tO Cameron, Murdoch 8/ Co's, store. 16. 11610')/Zi4 W itr(:HAM, Oi'1 T. • The school with competent instructor,,and superior courses. Graduates ' placed in positions. Affiliated with the Elliott Business College, Tor- onto; and the Central Business College, Stratford. Write for free cata- -Iogue. Enter any time. • D. A. McLachlin, Pres. Phone 166 Murray McLeish, Principa 1 FATS FOR ENERGY It's all too true that many children have a dislike for animal fate. yet the same children will i eadily take arid littlish SCOTTS EMULSION This choice is instinctive and is linked up with the fact that Scott's is assimilated when other forms of fat are a disturbing element. Give your -boy ani -g-ir1 plenty 'of energizing and warmth -imparting Scott's -Ernrtlsirs It will liul!d them opt brat & Rowee. Tomato. Oet. 1941 r J. R. MacDonald, of Huron Town-, ship, who recently sold his farm has .bought a house in Kincardine and wi1l. reside there. (':.t;iphell of near ali►berly dud i v el y ::i.i.'it3:isful stroke of business last year when we seeded ten - ac- res of his form to white blossom sweet clover. It was a good crop and he threshed 57 bags, or over 100 bushels of seed' from it. On Monday. of last week a representative 'of a Toronto firm called on him and paid $25 per bushel for the lot. Ar'nice return from ten acres. I 1 Y 1 COME TO LUCKNOW 6• MARCH 30th We are again busy this year marking our goods for the BIG DOLL,'[ DAY SALE. We. will have many values which we cannot offer, again for many a day, unless the markets unexpectedly drop. We are not looking for any great reduction owing to the scarcity of material in our line. WE URGE YOU STRONGLY to take advantage of the prices we will offer you in the many lines on display in our store. 4. Nearly every (Farmer will need some kind of •Roofing Material -Thier year. We are selling a limited quantity on this stile as follows: 1 PLY ASPHALT ROOFING, Reg. $2.50, .SALE PRICE $2.10. 2 i'I.Y ASPHALT ROOFING, Reg. $3.50, SALE PRICE $2.95. :1 PLY ASPHALT ROOFING, Reg. 34.50, SALE PRICE $3.75. _ECONOMY RE.11)Y MIXED PAINT, Reg. $1.00 uuart,,SAL MICE I,;c,, E('()NOMMY READY MINED PAINT, Reg. 60e pint, BALEPRICE40c A large quantity of certain colors only M.%HTiN SENIOR PAINT, Reg. $1.60 quart, SALE PRiCE $1.21. On all Tines of Aluminum Ware, Granite and Tin Ware, Shm:els, Forks, Rakes, floes. Cutlery, Sil- verware, i,amps, Polishes, Stovesl Shelf Hardware, Ammunition, we will give 10 PER ('1?N1' OFF FFR c'.1SFl ONLY. With each O'Cedar Mop we will in- clude free a 50c size ' bottle O'(edar Polish. 5 Gals. :1t'TO ('Y1.. 011. for $3.00. Bring in your cans. Auto Tires, Bicycle Tires and Sun- dries at reduced prices. 11 .1 1•'EW OAK HEATERS SPE('I.%I.Ll' 1'Ib1('El) FOR THIS SALE (►NI,1•. 10 per cent OFF ON ALL R.%AGES, WiAS1liNG •a1AC'HiNES. WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR STOCK OF SiNGLE , HARNESS. `I'Ec'1:11. GOLDiNE' TRIM. Reg. Trice 035.00,. SALE' PRiCE $29.00. SOL - II) RUBBER MOUNTED, Reg. Price 8.12.50. SALE i'RICF $37.00. WH1I'S,1HALTERS, MiTTS, GREATLY REDUCED. SPECIAL CASH PRICES WiLL 13r (.11'EN FOR DOLLAR DAY ONLY ON WiRE FENCING OF A1,L KINDS. 1'ou will save money by visiting our store and getting our prices. be mirk_d at the very IaN'est pos3ible price. McLEOD & JO (ieoI s W:II THE S'fORN WHOM YOUR MN \FY GOES FARTHEST i 1 O, i `1 • impor ant t Notice. Lti.=ttmmcnt ut 1ft;t ni:r ci,iillisn ct Can40a; our1n et. ... Should be Filed � • I 1 at Once!! All .per'.ou& re -- u- - . •n' dye iii Can idit, or - carrying bn h.lIglllesti .ill (:114m114a, 4tre liable :t� a tax -011 income, :is .follows: Ftie.►if 'b►t►nr-rr ed ter, en I!► i' .,...41/1.,ether individuals, WL':.-sw....tricim,..4 s. u:'ildi0at:4t1- . .,4 "tltt�!�C!4,di! ri17g•w.Ih1?.,""t'Cllt?!'!dt31 I andel,' as nr f -ect by the A: t, ear . 1919,. received or wh:, ,dt4nna the calendar year .1919, 1 . p, •= c cttr+ed o' earrFd 1 GOO or more. eurncd $2 ,000 or more. . - CLASS I l cans tc; 1)0 , u=t d in ti lip,, rrt.ti'ru- ( n. ho -'lore th, 31.,r of starch,' 19O.: - "1 tti�te�';�, �::.uto•r.•d:1- •„�rii-tr�:t•'r- ill i:t� i►a 'T' .4. Ei j)jey r�► t:l. king a return o1. the it :tuts •.tr11otlnt'= paid •tu all di - 11/44'N 1 •l,it'i..iti. 7t1't I1 t• t r t it r t{til ,it.t: niii-t tisc (4 rnorations ..r1+1 .feint -ct, 11. (- 0111;,,tIi1 i]t •hili 1 r: turn of 1,( 11u •t•-; 1' i1,1 111 It1.' , 1•= - 'tiro F 5. h',•1 t :'l' 1' •r:. -.... I)','-• t ,...o! -,;-. i' •.r a ii, . • .c.. r,r: .'.re, 1 1 ,.r '1' 1 ir i'1.\.iLTY ',very nt•t'so i•%%•ho is require;' ,,t , ►•tilt.r'tu. .wl,uf.*i!, 40 within 711 tied,• t • an 1►,• tt, .t i► t ..►1 $t':. h the cicfjti't �, :•t:t�i:r'w ,i;. .Ili su h .o1ue. .1 c,+flee tc,i fr''ill she 1tr•rst.:1 :i..1:!e to ntgke th • r:•.turn i,t • the Sammi n2.l:tal.• it1 �titi. 11 t.. xv. are .a,rc•.- . -1 utiti c •,l t.: t+•ti Time Limit •All•per-.,mti in (.. 1 i-;, 1, as • ,shut' i, •! r 1. k or 1-,.I• re, tlic s1'st ('i Mai h, 1920. -Ali i •• r -cin>` iii t 1 .1- •sht�►�•,i1 lit r(ciil ttiu^t tole• . , on or before the. 30th of April; 1920. • udrezo' vs 4..s .e.‘t.:r ut 'f ax.: t ion GrEcral 1rstructions Ob:ttin FormsI in the Insp(.ct.1rs t/t \--i-t.iiit 111.4)4(10r. r- of Tux;,t i ,11, � •r fr+.ni 1' ►,Int;t-t: r ._ RFt.td carefully :,ll in- . .-truc•11 .ns tin 1 +rni 1,efore tilling it in. • Prepay ,postage on lett, r, .ind document. for- " • wards (i by mail to Inspcc- tOt's (ii -hax_ttl• (11. • • P► akg your returns promptly, and ovoid penal ti :'s &Pry corroretitln and • profits excccdod 2 °eating the fiscal year .end- .i ed in 1919.. . : CL AS•S 2 Forms to be u(d in Filing rt.. -1 pi l: s .i n Or • hel(Jrl' it 1- 30th , April, .192O: ,All iiidi , ideals • other that, 1 11fl . (- _,ir;i .rttri, )ji:t•s t:iti-t CFA, .t (iii iii T 1:. . f`�hf rEtt:1 1..iitl i-a1)tl,ier:s n-. tl-t ti. -t • F unn "i' 1 .A. Corportttiora :-iiiti' _Joint S-tn;ck '('unt;>etr:if's nit -t a>e 1Orni 1' 2.. Lvo'ry person required tO make a return, who.faiIs to lie, so \w•ithin the; time li,nit, sL:ill be subjet:t _to n penalty .of twenty-five per contrite. of the amount .of the lax payable. : ' ' Any person, %i h.et er taxable. -or .ot•herwise, van) .fails, Au, n+ake a return or provide itsformation duly • required according to the provisions of the Act, Shall be liable on summary conn is tion to a penalty of 8100.06 for eac:i say during which the default continues. Also any person ` making a fahc:c statement in any. return or in any information require'' 9y the .Mlinister, shall be liable. on semi, ury -conviction. ro`"H p••nnl y novexceedine810,000, 'r to siz months' imprison- nient or to both fine and irttprisonment... tor. thi • District. lONDON, ONT. • i .EADNER, Commission r of . Taxutiu • The death is reported from Allest- on, of Mrs. Geo. MacKenzie, who witli here husband was for uver.40 years. a resident of Wingham. William Robertson 'of the 4th (.'on:•. Huron Township had a serious loss during the recent freshet. 'Durng the nightthe water rose so rapidly and to such a height that it flooded his hog pen and part of his stable. • In the pen 29. hogs, .weighing about .100 pounds each were drowned*, and two C44-tli-wreve e. Mr. 'Robertson lees totals -up to alwut . 0600.' Andilis Family Medicines MOST people first knew Dr. Chase through his Re- eeipt Book. Its reliability and usefulness made him friends everywhere. When he put his Nerve Fobd, Kidney -Liver Pills and other medicines on the market they received a hearty welcome, and their exceptional merit hu kept them _high in the public esteem. Take Dr.'y t aa_ee's Ridney-14601111e1 Ptllb for ezannple. There Is no treart• meat to be compared to teem aa a Paeans of regulating the liver, Mel- lows and bowels and curing rowel - biliousness. kidney disease and indigestion. One p411 a dose, 2Se a be: at att dealettik ar RAmanren. Rate & Ca.,Lat• Tors to.. Cos -0 41e D AN° SPORTING 0000.5 HDBi•, ._. l 1, . moi,..• , \�� LWASMERS b LWRINGERsJ CUTLERY SAF .1. - v BRS • `\." 'Fg SEWING' MACHINES BINDER 7.' 1 HARDWARE) ES fiOB S gt DA \ 1 REFRIG_-J IERATOR31 ROO I N G TOOLS. HOBOS • LA HOBBBS '7/, l iniror�ra QQA TITY" OUR WATCHWORD The "fold Medal" Label Shields You Against Unknown Hardware Goods .Easy to -remet :ber! Think of GOLD MEDAL" when j•ou want. the bc-A ! . Look 4.or the 'Gold Medal Label on ttfly article and you v. ill knew in�ta;itly --1without quip• Co. that it -7)••;,t h� For Sale 137 All First-class I Li rdware Dealers 11r.i;hast�•, .t►`1''ti .11ai ado - 11 r. llol,t't't Russell, of Ri f ley, a re- 7 anti lar: R, + i. it AN a,', . `t, K fits, •, tired .farmer, 1,►t•leivcs in taking exer- cise. On Thursday he took a jaunt to Glamis a distance of fourteen rank's l • ,hilt•. fir. lius•sill enjoys ea, • health. and prefers walking t�► Ife genc►rt;t1y sets a 1,a;e ;It• four an hour. ,I .