HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-03-18, Page 8• so, • / so; ••••••••. • r .4. • GRAND SPRING OPENING AND GARMENT DISPLAY Tuesday, March 2 ;rd., is the day of the Special Display of Ladies' Suits and 'bVe want every lady who is intereAed ta visit .our store that day. Our conuters will he devoted to the dtspla \' of NewGacd.§, Voiles, Gingliams, Dress Goods, etc, JUST A attly ED—a. shipment of the •celebrated 0- Martha W hitogtka" juich dresses. These were adv.:it tised last week but did not arrive until Monday mot ni• is- , We wero very sorry todisappoint so many people, but "all's well that •11,14 eats" \vs have, them uow. Sizes II to 53, at $.3.00, 3,75, 4 00 and 4.50.. 9 t • Fiq ur Itetdy to Wear department, 'it vii4ik See ,our Fplendid..was tinent o White •Skirts, Under viear -ef all kiads,:- Utiderstirts, RAill Coats, Istdis', 'Missies' and ., Childrnn's 129(43SS3 4. • ' ' • %.CAMERON, WOMEN'S HOSIERY We have gathered together the Etiegt assortmcnt ofilusivry tlic storc cvei bad from the best mill6in Canada. Mercury 1 RadiumrPenmans and Hole:proof, in silk lisle and cotton. Women's .Ture Silk Hose, sizes SI to zo, in White, Black, Brown, Prices' $1.25 to $250 a pair. No. IS5. Black and White' LiJe Hose, Radium Brand, ci, oi:), zo. Special value 75c pair. No. 2041. Ladies' Cashmere finish- ed Hose in Brown. Very scarce goods. All sizes at S5c pair. 1Vi URDOCH & CO. Nomamimmglrill • • SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 1 he applications for New Assurances received by the Company during 1919 reached a total of over $100,000,000 This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As- surance previously written in one year by any Company - of the British Empire. • (ieo. H. Smith, Get a Policy in.1920. Agent, Lucknow. , . INNEN•••••••••• • A QUEER JOB FOR WINTER •••••••••,11 • The Midland Free Press says: A' most unusual scene can be witnessed any day in the harbor near Mr. Man- ley Chew's inill, where Mr. Robert Carson is engaging in salvaging hard wood logs. He has been at this Par- . -lieu -ler job oineesear4y2in Januarys' all •through • the rigorous weather the rk proceeded without interruption. Holes are tut in the ice, which varies in thickness from 12 to 48 inches., and an ordinary Wider inserted. Mr; Car- son then descends to the bottoin and on locating a log attaches it to a pair of tongs or chains and it is hoist-. ed to the surface. Sea bathing in Flor- ida or Califeinia in the winter season has its attractions, but there are not many who would have the hardihood to go down 20 or 30. feet into a Northern Ontario lake during ,that pes'od. A DDRESS AND PRESENTATION 1 he home of Mr. Wm. !arbour, cron. 4 Kinloss. was this scene' of a pleasant gathering Thursday even - Ing Mar., llth when their neighbors met to say farewell to Mr. and Mrs1 Barbour before they left for their new home at Whitechurch. - A pleasant feature of the evening was the presentation by Mr. J. J. Johnston, on behalf. of the neighbors to Mr. and Mrs. Barbour of a beauti- ful matel clock and silver berry spoon while Mr. Wm- Tastier real the following address,-- .• andonment are reserved for further ssrhtterlsittstement 'The orsTstitlie Mr. and Mrs. Wm.-Thrr•lsontsses--- Dear,Friends-- quarter -sections in each surveil town - We have gathered here ship that lire available for homestead on the evesof your departure from entry whether in • lands, specially, re - our midst' to express our regret at served for soldiers 04' not • is also de - having to part frOm. you at this time. Ifinitely stated. Ypu have spent many ,eventful, years The areas shown,' on this map as in our distrietsharing in our joys already . set apart for returned sold. and sorrows. But this change is one iers liernainly north and wets of Ed- . motitons and through the districts of Peace River, Grande' Prairie\,and in- cluded in the great northward loop -of the summer isotherm, of .55 dgrees 1 I Fathr., the line of greatest heat pass'. -ing two degrees further north through Fort Vermilion on th Pe -e River, 350. miles north of Edmonton. This di. • matic fact taken together with large areas of fertile soil and a sufficient rainfall even in a dry year such as this, makes the • country well suited to growing, stock raising and general' I farming. Tice result is an intreasing stream of intending settlers. As a 'publication- which • might be described as a map of the vacant lands in North- ern Alberta, itis valuable and timely. A copy of, Allis map may beebtained free by applitig to _the Snperintend- ent, Natural Resources Intelligence • Branch, Department of the Interior, 4 Ottawa Canada. Which we unwillingly acknowledge was invetable sooner or later. • We.have valued you for your good friendship you have ever proved yourselves as neighbors, thoughtful and kind: Your Adgenial and .ell were at all times to be relied 'on you were always on hand to help inSevery eood.c.ause in the dist... .No words of 'ours .could fittingly ex- press our apprecation and respect for you. NORTHERN ALBERTA LAND DIS- TRICTS MAI', 1919. • • A . thrid edition of the. Land Dis- tricts Map of. Northern ,Alberta has just been issued. by the Natural Re., • sources Intelligence Braneh oit. the De- pattment of the Interior; _This map whichis in 'great and increaSing de - nand has been 'brought up to date and -ia•ane Whia --14.01404Y looking for Alberta lands between Lot. 52 degrees 50.". and •Lats 00 degrees, that is to say say from a little below • the parallel of --Edmonton to that of Fort Smith on the•Slave River, north of Athabas, ea, should be without. _Beyondsthe'snaterialsf000d on -mase - maps, colours clearly d'efine the areas specially. reserved for soldier settle - *Ment, Dominion Land Districts' With 'the offices of the Goverment Agencies, and also the area ,in whichlands, bes sassits,r . vas:me n,r ab- 1.%NGSWE • Monday Mar. 15th • Real 'spring.. %%feather but where are' the reads. Our services in the 'Presbyterian _churc.h_watiscancelled yesterdaysowing to the totultion of the roads. I. Maynie Moffat • is .holidaying- under the. •patst-thal' roof Miss Motiat has been. training for a nurse at Brant - .ford an I less not }nen hone „ for a year. A, _large crowd attended. Mr. Ilarb- ednesdartast t( e- cOrd paces were paid for his stock • * 0:1 114 '1.! • Aucton Sale of is farm stock ersi implenients on ,March 22. • • • • •••••... • AUCTION SALE of Vann Implements and Produce. • The., Toronto General Trust Corp- oratien, Esceutors of the Estate of the late chitties s•Dulteli. lave ill- strested the sitidersign.44 to utter for sale hy Public Auction on 1,.t t!0, Lake Range, Township of Ashtield;. on 'Tuesday March 31et., 1920, at, one o'clock, the following goods and and chattels. —TERMS: CASH. Chattels:- • 1 Mace, 'aged. 1 s e.a 1 e4e: I 1 Co k9S. aged 1 yearling Heifer, 1 bull ealf, coming one scar, 1 Massey -Harris Flax Drill, 1 Massey -Harris Binder, -1 Deering Drill,. 1 Massey -Harris Mewer, • 1 Massey -Harris Rake, • 1 Massey -Harris 1 2 -furrow Plow, • . .• 2, angle Plows. • 1 Iron Harrows 3. Sec. 1 open Buggy,: 2Wagons, gears .only, •1'•haY Racks.. 1 Cutter. 1 set team Harness. 1 Horse Clipper, 1 set s'ngle harness., heavy. -1 set 'single. harness, light. s 1 Fanning Mill. --• 314 -bushels Flax, 5t) bushels Wheat. 5 tone Hay. A quantity of house furnture, chainsssforks, rakes, hoes, and other. articles too numorous to mentien. At the same time and place the fol- lowing lands will be offered for sale, namely: - (11 The West half of the West part of Lot Nu. 20 ill the Front Con- (essieie containing ist 'a(re§ more. ca. • less. • t2) The. North half of the Last part c.f &aid Lot : 26, cont ng ;wre iss. •'• • .• •;1') Ills Sown West part ,.t .t.ot 21, in the said concession, 'containing. 30 acres. -more or less. • 14) rj he North part Lot 11, Con. 10, Western - containing 10$ -- cares more. or. less. • All in the Township of Ashfield. The .said lands will be- offered for sale, subject to reserve b:d. There is said to be.erected on this property a flame dwelling, frame. barn, Etc. - TERMS:— '10 'per cent of • the pur-.. (hase -ott day of sale and balance st) • days thereafter or, the Vendor will, if desired, take back a first- 111Urt- gageofor 50 per cent -of the purchase, repayable in live years, with interest at 61S- .per cent Further particulars' and conditions. ef sale will be made known at time ct sale. J. 51. Forbes, Chas. Gundry, Solicitor, Auctioneer, Timmins, Ont. .Goderich.'1 EIGHTH CON. KINLOSS • Monday Mar. 15th Mr. Leslie Harris spent Sunday un :the 10th.- • We are pleaSed to report Mrs. Mal- 4.olnssMcKases condition,. is:Improving. A number from here attended the funeral 9f the late Mrs. Martyn,' of Ripley. The sympathy ottuany goes ,out to the bereaved family in their sorrow. •• Mr. Jas. Needham and ,.Mr. Joe Sproul visited at W. R. Johnston's last week. , Some of the people in this locality had. quite an exciting experience •last week whea that leng delayed -thaw cattle. • Judging by reports many seenied be laying in a good supply .of soft' water for 'future use, some cellars having- a depth. unheard of before in shenf. • Jitst. arrived:—The lastestsin farm and conveyances. Al tn. _terested ni matters regarding same, enquire . of. The fellow who uses a stone -boat. One of our. fellow citizens while 'res turning home when it was dark, had the misfortune to loose his -way, .but seeing a light in the distance .and he himseltbeing pretty well tired out de- cided to follow -his guidingstar and see if it would lead hint to some part,' in the storm. Upon following t't he ftnalIy .al•rived-sat-str plak-e -of refuges where • he was • pressed to stay, and spent the remainder of the night. Ho gladly accepted the kind invitation, and next day. he resumed hi journey However, conditions were till un- favoritbra and he, tbinking it best to make the most of the situation' and en- joy himself spent apart of the day with one of his old time lady friends, though he -decided to reurn home that, night before it would set late. So leasing his faithful charger at the. lodging place of the night before, un - the roads would be better he started ' for home. He had not gone far when he had to resort 'to the art of fence , wailing in order to cross the water, but it is reported that he, safely •reached his destination near the little • city. rEK INC; March 10th 1920. Mr. and Mr. L Gauley and Miss Etta- started for Saskatawan Tues- . day. Mrs. DAC. Alton is spending. this week at Mr. Thos.- Blake's. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stothers. of Clinlont.operet is'-fetit Alms rens tstly nn - der the parental roof. Olvingsttt the i ett school will be dosed the' remand- ier of this week.. • Miss Mary Cook. spent the week end with Isickhow friends. rmmemer.UA.VimMM10110.1000001a3t,amt Phone No 10tis at Your Service We Sell tor Ca SR weSlI Cheaper Than TI e Credit Stores -- • ••••kila ••—•.•••," PREPARE• FOR SUGAR MAKING SUGAR IS SELLING FROM $17.00 to $1S.00 PER CWT., AND THOSE WHO ARE IN A pOSITION TO KNOW, SAY THAT 11' WILL SE $20.00. THERE ARE -THOUSANDS , OP TONS OF SUGAR IN THE'MAPLE TREES OF UHL SURROUNDING COUN- TRY WILL yr NOT..PAY THE 51AN WWI DWN' A MAPLE.. GET 111181' 1.1 T l':111‘: °11IEES? WL CA1 SELL YOU THE 111S'1' QUA LITY I. C. Al N S.11' BUCKETS FOR 30e E.011, SAI' SPIILES AT 2. :t .ANI) I VENTS EACH, TIN PAILS AND 4•04CENit:',..-1: %Li ‘NE/E19 PAILS 41 .41, N 90, CENTS AND:$1.00..WE HAVE A 'GOOD SUPPLY • OF SQUARE ONE -GALLON CAN'S WITH Sc EW TOP FOR HOLD - INC sYRITp. aorIMMISto ••••••••)••• Alled•••1144.1.11,....11•111 • flUIR :SPRING sliTERWL's ‘‘11 HAW P %INT II ' i F,17. •ER 111 AN i'1;11E PRICE LATE!: 0N. e 11.%%1: IN STOCK RAW LINSEED 0IL, i'LIRE BOILED LINSEED OIL ANI) PURE SPIRITS 011LTURPENTINE. I T he Lucknow Hardware & CoaiCo. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS NIIIINININIIMINIIINIIIIIIIIIIIN1111111111111111111111111111.11111111111N121111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 WEAR • "Leather Labels" AND Et I h "Well Dressed in Over -Hauls" There is j Ist as much difference betcheap la -trolls and -loud over hauls" as is there between a cheap suit of e.oibes and a good suit. A SUCCESSFUL MAN IS PROUD AND • WELL DRESSED. A FAILURE IS • CHEAP AND ASHAMED. 01i FOR T MEL E :`1 Infir-LTE-A•TH-EasleA44-EL. 0,-; THE, SAND' ' Buy the 'Ili -at BLITZSTEIN'S STORE, Lucknow. ‘111111111111•1111111•1111111111111111111111111111M11111511111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111' ,r • • !Mali' +MI A CUREsALL . _ A good. Old man as he was nearing the sunset of life, and wits able to'get fruess-parspilletiste of-sthe susstsssaids "I have had many many troubles- i11 . my life—and most of them never hap- pened." It is rtue of many of us that, for every hour we spend in battling with real troubles, we spend ten hours worrying over - thing' ' that happen, lati. most of which never .dos Here is a bit of sage advice that is a sure panaceaof most of the real mid all of the imaginary ills of life: Learn to laugh. A good latish is better than medicines -Leath how 'to younm KINLOSS • (Intemitql weelc) • • Mr. • P. 11. McKenzie has purehased the --Mtsliretssii• te ones teed from • • John McDiarinhl at a staid, round pros.- toe. John. • Some • Of Carnoshan's• friends. from Seaforth paid him a visit last week, and had aslook at the eountry around Lucknow. • • Flu, .r something akin to it; has been rather prevalent along ou r. t (luring the past eight or ten days. Mr. 1.:7Atkiel Lockhart pur chased the _Beaton ssroperty, north of 'tell' a- story. A well 'told story . is as, Lucknow, and intends shortly to Learn to keep .your troubles to' your-. • farm welebnie as a sunbeam in'a sick romn. to his. son,- Georges . take up his abode there, leavinizi hi.s self.This world is too busy to care for The cs. nvassera, Messrs. D. G. 51c- yourilh4 and.sorrews.: ,Learn to Ste)* KenzieSsiiid !Idlin l'.. Murdoch, 'in -ths eroakillg. If you cannot see any good interests 6f :the *Forward ;Movement in the *odd keep the bad to 'yourself for. Luekont Presbyterian IChursh 'Leant. to hider your pains and aches ea!'d On 'the. menil.eri; and adherent ,tinder a pleasant smile. No ones taresand nrt 'with a V.:11.1v ‘r(c1Ttion 'Mid to bear whether you • have a earache, J. 0,81 st drst•Y; p t loll s . It is eetifidenti:S Isvidacite, or rheumatism. Dotst ell expeeted that Lockliew Church w;11 Tears Ilt well enough in novels, but go over the top with a fiery godd b -al. . they. are out of 1pacc in real life. tincc. smile., The good-humored •man or los I were Learn to meet your friend. s with a The pole ';:long. R. R. 6 :a i. begiv:I:vrto think the. mail • wonfan is always welcome, but thoL courier is .only •stssilled except in dyspept'e or hypochondriac is not • 'wanted anywhere and is a nuisance' as well r . May (111,444641-- he- *r rt -- (1 s:nger is spolpn of as the suc- cessor to the late Campanini, Mr- press'ario �f the ,Chicago grand opera company. • '• • • fa' r weat her. The elements of late do' not seem favorahle athox______•2. - t on of Farmers'. Club in this ssts. 1 of 1,11 th, merchant tonnage 101 during the Greagt War about three. fifths belonged 1;1 thy British.