HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-03-04, Page 6• !media VII INT TONIC • •••,.- 1 ..4•4•4 -^^"."'%"-w-wwwww--"^w~""^"...1 That Cheery Morning Smile. SKIRTS FOR THE Greet oath new dyy with a -happy ; smile FO" NEVUS PrOr1111 sPRING WARDROBE I As you wish.the world "Good more.' • mg." • Increase Your Nervous Energy, by Built:ing Up the Blood With ' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. • Nervous People who have not yet ; .developed a disease that can be re-; • cognized and treated -by the medical profession have the greatest , trouble In tin;ting relief. irritatien, headache, eleepleesuess. nervous indigestion, alt, tl,ese dieecuiforts make lite miserable but are. endured rather than, run 'a doctor's bill without hope of recovery, " Every such sufferer should know the danger ot such a condition to the ner- - volis system. Nervous, debility and even Varalysis may result, if the tone 'or the:necreres is not restored by build- •IugUp the blood. . Asa. tonic ;for the blOod•and nerves Dr. Pink• .Pills have been used with the"greatest suecesss•T:hey -hav-c,a--direct action o•a, .th-e blood 'and •therefore enable.- irte• carry to the nerves •the'elemehts they need to fully jestore• . their -nornral function -and at the s•ame time Prove the general health. The bene- ' 'fits that follow the Use of this medi- cine, is shown by the statememt of Mrs. Jenny Marr, R.R. No. 3, Port , s.,-RosttallsA,•4kveitrk.c.e.n, ,er.fleeeol,•Icacher, • TiTh condition for nearly a•year.' A doctor whom I called in said I was suffering from complete nervous prostration. It would hardly be possib:e to tell all the symptoms of my case, but anyone who . has passed through a nervous break- down will know what I suffered.. As I did not seem to improve under the' doctor's treatment, I- decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and the de- cision wag a fortunate •one for me,. as I soon found some relief through the , .use of the -pills, and after taking eight boxes I was fully restored to health. To-daY I am strong and hearty, with-. out an ache or pain, and for my -pre- sent physical condition I feel I am in- debted to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and can heartily recommend them to anyone, suffering from nervous trou- bles." • You can procure Dr. Willianr.' Pink Pills through any dealer in medie:ne or they will be sent you by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for py Writfng direct to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. Its charm will those you meet beguile, . All glOom and darkness scorning. For a happy smile ou the faceat morn ; • 1 Will make the day feel•cheery. And the bones will tiy.us you trui:,• try . • 't'o uiaht *this world -less droary. ' Awake' from sleep with a tkani:f111. heart . That At meweday eour guerden: Ga. forth to lab9y And do your part To lighten s.onieone's btirden. • To wear a shalc. on your 'morning face. Will make the day seem brighter, •As forth you fare to .perform. yout Share • ' • • , • To inake soikie.;.troubl lighter. .S0 face each. 'aily with a li•tinii'y sinile, new -born -10 greet:Yon,. •And scatter sunshine all -the while - On _all who .chanee to mest .you. I Co forth-•froni „fA44,440.Si.'; , -.high 1 Some woe u) he beguiling. 4k. . -251;71. And those who sigh al, 1; MO. •esps Because you go forth giniliug. . . NEURALGIA If you know the nerve- racking agonies of Neural - 'via you will blase the dell' • that Tem pieton's Rheumatic Capsules were discovered. This famous remedy is •abso- lutely guaranteed to giva relief to sufferers irons 24.aralgia. fiend for free sample to Templetons. 112 King filt. W.. Toronto. Doctors recommend them, and reliable drug- gists everywh ere sell them for $1.04 a box. ASTHMA Templeton's Ft AZ- t,3 A H Cap- sules are guaranteed to relieve, AST MA, • Don' t suffer an- - other day.,- Write Temptetons. 142 King St. ,e4roeonto.„ for f roe s a lap le. Relir:hie druggists sal them at , $1.04 a bor.. • 927S, 9281 No. 928,5-1-Ladies',-Two.Piece iDys oivN TIBLE fko, 20 tents. TA% f, of pracke., • 'Cut in 7 sizes;24,20,'28'.',.30,32-34eifid • 36 inches waist measure. Size 26 re-. quires, either style pocket,' 2% yard.; 36 inches wide 'or 2% yards 50 inches wide.. Width 'around bottom, 2 yards No. 9275 -Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt. Price. 25 cents. With or without two- piece circillar.'tunie; 38 or 36 -inch length. Cut in 6 sizes, •24, -,26, 28, 30. 32 and 34 inches, waist Measure. Size 26. with tunic, 38 -inch length, 5% yards 30 inches wide. or 3%' yards 45 inches wide; without tunic.'2% yards 30 or 45 .inches, wide: Width around bottom. 1% yards. t. No. 9281= -Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt. Price, 20 cents. 'Simulated; ..e•Danel front; high waistline; 38 or 36 -inch - length. Cut in 8 sizes, 24,•,26, 28, 30, 32, 34,• 36 and 38 inehes waist .meas-• tire. Size 26 .requires4 38 -inch length,' 2% yards 36 inches wide or 14.1 yards 54 inches' wide; 36 -inch length, yards 36 inches wide Or -14 yards 54 inches wide. Wreetli around 'bottom. yaeds. ° • •. These patterns . may be obtained from your local. McCall dealer, or from the MeCall Cu 70 Bond St... To- ronto, Dept. W. • . • r • t -Where the Smiths •Come From. , t$. - • -•••••• ••• '••••••••••• • • • • .• Ati tvres 'Nazi se. 41.1, • 7"' 1"2 A LI!! S • _ §.1 ke,.. ft (` Ur/WA • 4 Ta- gOrilit ' *.:4 •;\‘',ANTI•7,1, I.. Slot A •!,. ..it,...Fily 1.1:1••• 111,i7 to ';,.•:•• \, i•!,• ,,0'.., ai,, 4.. All He Knew Abc,i,it :112,nos•.-11/1-' • .t. , % A 1, ,. ' 1 :"•4 . I t't 1 • XII% :\ L'w ritelt --- "1 • war,n4 1 :' 1'. T01y ; planer fer no. tlarte,-."-- Piano Sale-gni:in. -.4-Ceitsi.a1y, • sir. : • • - • L11.-:•:, Here ar01 1 t UttL 1 1 t U 1 1'•-•1••tee 171i ter' iattats --" •• til% at, 1.-4:41,, . , . • ; Mr. `NeFriteli. (.1fter several u r 1 1"4•1 utts•••• counting)- '"Gues's I'll take 111114 Sllr ,• it one-- 1t has th0•Inost keys cn 1,14 M..1.7, • • • ; . 1 : i.•11 - • . . . 4'4 • . , • .. ..,‘ nttle girl ise Sundev ;(•::•...sik'. •,:.•444 .1,14, . .• A Medern-V....-z*t..e. • '- . 1•41,-, H. , .. . 1 7-1 To_ telling. tsv 'oe .the !-eee Iee'..•••iie.r •••=', --"-' 7-'-''''''''''.---T'''' he tor so," •she said, ...Eve • V.11.-: lila,le. AAA (.:f r .3% 4 N 1 ' sr,:or,r,r.,r se • ..... ".!'y:•10,:t '-;;ty,-:;; p.at -ia. i,,,t,.., Fri:t•Pls, t••,•;:iti;• •ty,,1 ,.....,.,,t,, ,•;_;,.11 ,,... „.„,,,..rty . .. .... . 7 !, t T.F.,, .1,, i , i.. 1:, ..,44...,1,\...[ttikrtiNd zo,,,111 ow .1.4, 1111 ' '1 11 • ,VV., 1 (Ir ,w.rill..,1S .1 i' Z. St'nsc 01 . 1 h,e• 1..7,.0.,1, Man '' '''•1 •.' 1 .. \'• 1t il '•'" ! • 1- .. .., , . • , • .• . , in t.,;‘.'I.1: ,"1.,.I.. :ehr,-.N\ 0.111'ali'ti,t1 .ina.ch. °I,,1.1,:, •1:7•Ibt''.• ‘•`'.'i1 • ',.C:2 -':J''' . ""7.' ""v';...3 • lain(' being• a laall'-i rib, 11.1•,• 1 • ' t;':' •• j &_1½ ,4L11 1.1.•".'"" i. ' ',•14'11 .1,1‘-• ....,,, .... 1,,,,,,,,... ,, ::.: ,, . • , , 1, . .. ..1 •:",o. Itat.dos t:, 1 • •;,',,N i• mt.. wi.ng„ a• I 11,,ti S. ,.1.1, • • .. 1 : ,. 1 :11,, , 1 . ..,un , 0,y. __ . I•on. SALE - -----,.-..:.' • • • i• 4ieep Alinartl's 1•In:...).t.lit ln. the ktuliso. 1. NI 1..\\ :TAPIA:- Wi•i,!:1." ,..7.E1 'Ilili! ELI- Egi'll'Ili .:.1:\.-;1.',11111 * Ofilaril, Instit1r,tw.e cli,..r1:1•••1 $1;5.0" Nviii ,IN lilt( . •• Countypi1 , ;s, ,,I.1 ...1,1,orimilia•. 1Vrit• ,., '••.;t.p1(..• 41:gar ;and syrtip production' -11 ','‘.1,'Iaide St W. T..-nr f. . ......t_ '1`. NVilson ltt.;,11,41111,:. 4 '• Li nate& rn cer, Si 2... .i,i, cl-1; ,...,•1 • lt,,'-i 62. HMI 1;0; .1,1•Int1Pg 1,1•;;;,• It, 1'..t:itern '11'tly,n 1 Altelisllintr Co.. T.td. , Toronto , .\('ain's and t' An 01 (1 :laqy in London for 'the II ... 1 tittie in li..'r life. SUNI7 Li. glaring s!gn 'on , 1 the front. of 'a high lluilkiing, which . ; „peas': ....The. ',Sly:L.41i ,....1,1anttlet.titeIng - . . ••••. 4 ' , • . • • , t _ • in Qeel,oe in 1919 was- 12,1oi,491. potin(ls, 10,1711,622 pounds in The nroduCtien or maple 'Syrup : • t 4111' as, 1 .11.71..cera or's, Z1'iflS ................. Hher iit',piiewi •:,1'1,:. heard of Sniiths. all ......__,__._....,....0...... s -0.2,-9-.......0 . . , .• . my life, bel- 1. neve:- knew wieere they . ..--. l'iiillets tor '1'‘‘.. tittle 0'1.1 0,10 a1wtty',4 • • • - • •___2__ • . 1, It IT Try it Once, a Int,ther has 1.•hefl 'Baby's Own iii.a•th, •,,•1:1, - keeps a 'supply en hand, for the first • ; ,s _ Ask for altuard's- and WI. no other. 1, trial convinces lier.there nothing tc, ., Tel how to !c::.',..t en /a sore, 1 equaLsthezn in keeping children well. ,* - 4 , tender corn so it lifts The River Ania-,en ;411 its tril2u- The Tablets are a mild but thorough • out without pain. • likxative which regulate 1112 bowels taries trrovitle "el ‘1(40 mlles of. ne% i- . out constipation and indigestion. colds . - . ge-o--0-0-0 o --o--0--0--•-•....-4, Good news spreads rapidly and drug - and sweeten the stem:telt, thus driving „gable '`-ter, , ' • , and simple fevers and inaRing teeth. The- population of Russ , gists here' are kept busy dispensing ing -easier. ' Concerning -then!. Mrs. ated te have decreased by 35,000,000 .a is estini- freezono, the ether discovery of a Cin• Saluste• Pelletier, St. Durnal. - Que., since 1914. owing to the war, famine, canin_nati man, yhich is iaid to loosen ecygerac.orn • do it• lifts out with the writes:- -"I have. treed' Baby's Own .and disease. Tablets. for ihe past ten years and am Ask' at any pharmacy fora quarter never without tifient in the house. They' Ounce of freezone. which will cost 'very have always given the greatest satis- LEI- "DANDERINE". liltle. but is. said to be sufficient to rid one's feet ot every hard or aoft cern fection and ' I can .gIadly recommend ' them ;tit all *mothers of little ones." or callus. You •apply just a few drops on the 'ers or direct.hy mail at 25 cents a box SAVE Y. OUR. HAIR soreness is relieved, and soon the corn The Tablets are sold by medicine dPel- tender, aching corn and instantly the from The Dr.'Williatres' Medieln4 CO.. ts so shriveled that it lifts out with. Brockville'. Ont. ,. out Daub-- It Is a sticky substance flitrre.1. A few 'ents stops hair which dries v. -hen applied and never • fen'1gearei doiltles_it.3 - inflames or even irritates the adjoin. • i.e2,0.11'..• ...•, The Years. hen -wee young and (y, 1'1;1 run a eetany mile. Murdered Classics. Crossing,the Bar. Anci whop 1 eame to thitti . 111 sit and rest awhile. - Time deals hardly with ilife w11on4 1- • Sunset and evening star, of classical authors. 0- .1nd now that I am thirty -dee 'Modern versions are 'invariably in- correct. "When Greek meets Greek, then comes a tug of war,' 1 is -wrong. The original line written by Nathaniel Lee.. one of the old-time dramatists, occurs in We play, long sines) forgot- ten, "The Rival Queens, or Alexander the Great," It reads:. "When Greeks joined Greeks, then was" the -big,. bt. war." Similarly Milton's "freelt woods and pastures new" Is invariably rendered. "fresh fields and pastures riew;'? while - And. one clear call ter me'. , 1 ate the eleeefeet man alive. An -1 may thee.) be no rioeniee of ihe • , bare . • Bur ma.ehe when I'm forty - When l•put nut to sea.- •• ill slialcr,zny•lev. again, • . •j And walk Iti:nt.' then till Ilfty ' , . But such a tido toe movingeeetus • . 1.Vith young and etridieg. men. . -a-sleep • •.. • • And hillwetril go in sixty's wear 'Too full for soatiti:and Coital, ' ' . . . To .,.iee how yet the ounties far,7! When that which drew from (Olt tho .. -.• boundless (Leen . When I an) 'nld and eighty. Turns home again. ..• Alt trensens will be done •. -.0:-leve and silly h1t1.7):.,-,. Twilightand e,‘I'en•leg bell, ' An•I i'•!):?'"1 7:1-1-71 110.. iqt.ti . And efter that tile flarli.t. (io it :tr.t1 h44-•;.1 1'10 Ira,' . • . . another. pitfall for the isnw.•arY i44.to.be APd PtuY 1:-''..r" 4" 1'f' ."•3011'• - l'1 1:1"" Teat F.,:',;,.;• linen. eny reithi',e_.,_ round •in the welt -known •Iirtee Lif. ' -wr'il• , -•:.- • maid." Nhe .peoPle -out of ten. if ; , Kingsley, beginning .43e gosel, se. -..se "1:titen 1 er lekt.I.... ,:. ..4.) f.;0111'sl,,,!.Y:. ORDERS. •...,•;;,..i. • , , • eor OW fi'.',11!..;;: , 1 • ;. ;I; , , !,:.." , challenged with..thent.'wo.uld ik: peat: . • .. . .. .. . . ' st• i P7i.C4. Be good. sweot nipid. :•Ild let vbe•• 1) ..• : -•:• • '1:::: :1 .,...y tir ,...•• ,ii•--• f:,,.. • . he clever:• I n)noble deeds•;:e.- : , e....• reet fee; . . net 11- .,1:1 •k:'. , ,r; 4- .-4 4.4', , , • ( fis.'s,Q • ' (' ) ing tissue. This fdiscovery will prevent thOti• sands ot deaths annually from • lock. jaw and infection heretofore resulting from tho suicidal habit e ot cutting CCM. DON'T NEGLECT A ..! RHEUMATIC PM Go atter it with Sloan's Liniment 1)efort• it gets A ' 14.- "141114.1,111.^.' 4..a eleanse? sca:p , i1!.et ; thcn *ell:111114- 7: t.. famished lie- 7• T jo-vigrarat-: hi e Ftcp- •-• .414- ree'.-. 1.. - • 1 •.:4: The Costly. Garter. ,-,!• • d ay lcng -1 h 1., ;d 1.4;o•ee •-• • • ' •• :*. . • . : •••••,•r:-. • write Was:- ; • Be good, sweet 11 t; • ,24,1;;. ice a Popular Dainty. 'In r )1• *. ..irt•,•;•. 'I . 1 • e etel'er; - eel Jo, N•4: ;:ritans eat mere eream `;" • "Ti4 I,' - tr• s ; a••.•,• U 1'.: • 'Do lovely' Th'nr,.. 't•;4-*, (ire!ii 111,_11,. al '0'711. si•.:.i;;;; frr,7.cl! tieFgert;,. thz.n thg• thrr'ugh :s -Y the '1••••'‘- r,g - 1" i ':.' (•:' - th-r n:tiorrit.. 1.) -,it, Th., .ii:i. T'i;!'"'l •f;•nnyon. :,:, - ,•144'. •; : -'4'1 :4- -e ,:,• - •.41,- „r••• plitr.T as ea•ers et- , •- • ()1'..- -from misqnc'ers : ,:',1.- Tno‘t 1,s--1;, 1,11,- 0; . f .- h:..,;,,;.-oil,,,,rite fliAte.,- ...,-; .......wc::;...io, 1 1.'.e'f.t__21 ..l.,-. ‘......-• - nis' "sfre..-..,'• ...., T,, . :'' -. 7-- - :- • r;:f t.,, ' , 1-• • !,..;:i into e'•:,:. •;•,' -''''''' et -he li • re.e- le-e•e • 1 t....'•• (1. ' • tet. f r.• ; " f • • -,\* - • • 7..*;: ' • 7 •. • f • reese 0.- , The e • o • T".•••T 4 • -•4).f.,te. - cry t'-'•• " . • #frailow. 47.t. 72. .7. 7. - • - " , .; A t • ••• 4 ; • ' 4. A - rt Ur I ---- •••••••••••••••••••• . Z.." trj •••• ili.1%-or of r 1,1.'"r• 4:0 • " V.. "I 1th! r, .t.••• I . I • • IS 411/4)i. tee' I • `-• f -L1‘,.111" ((I alio to : '•••••,_,Att • .4•1 „tie, 01.11.,,catAet. ••• ?Lit. „ C • • • • .•• dititgeroiN le it tui,;g:'! Same for C ,..1-aine•strains, stiffness : mes,..les„,.. lameness, bruise. -f eithnut mue:inegs or r* IZALibl•?--the Iii;•gest year's -•.te. ,•V.,',41 - ',••al by re:24,4,1 • 5.,: • 1 14'..• •.-:••;% ;:: .4 anrt'is. -;AFi, ,r L'etituent. 70c., $1.10. , (11IN STOCK WANTED. 1 YOU aro alAe to supply. advise ,t:;.'as We m1,11 p‘iy tho titgltkvit prices. dry or greets from 4111. saw. ,K.:••nau. Urod. Ont 111 ANC:Eit, • TU.MORS. LL:Ntl'S. erne. lni,rnal and external. cured, withou4 pain by our home treatment. Write us before ton late Dr. liellmbn Medical Cn.. Limited. Collincwood. (mit. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from 'little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only -look for the name Callfotnia on the package, then you are sure your child is having the -best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. 'Full directions for Wind's deaf on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must lay "California" a :el.ezzgz• Do..? ..17.:•x..cralte 4 • _41k al EY3 :) i E.11 S E S • .7;14 •.0 r1t.et • . r 1. !•::. • 4:` rz• C- -•a:. ••••••••••• - .1••••••••-d"... • • s•., f".• p II A EN • • 4 4 $.1 •• • - •;.•Of • 7 a•••••■••••••••• FACE WAS.FULL • OF PIMPLES For Three Years. Hard and Awfully Sore. Disfigured. • Cuticura Heals. "1 had been suffering wtth a plate piy.. face for three years. My face was full of pimples ,and they were 'hard and pwfully•:43.r.• .. They fes- tered pnd dried up, tend v:eic.seal:,•.- and diangured my face. They caused' roe to lose a lot of sleep, and were awfully itchy, mai: in me zciatch and 1r1tate my fac.e. . "1- st.iri.d to use Cttiowe G4rr eeed Ointroonit and cf Cuticula -Soap sald two bmtea 1. C: urs Oeurnere. when. 1 ee 1:azt Cher zcicook, N. S. • .Use C-•tieeerit for every.day t - purpose:, kiatho with Soap; ,,,,cthe with Oint ;nem. With ToliCt.01. Soap .25e. (Nate...ant -25 and SOc. thr• 11.vmaao. Lic.lteri. St. l'aul St... Mobtreal. .41/0""Ctitietara Soap shaves without lotus. C a • 1TABLETS mil I a : :'•••• "BAYER" ARE ASPRIN ;it a,i1 with( ».11 U.. "I3ayer Cross" • I pto p.m- .., , • L I 4Aere.s a i. i fi...:0, 11. •I I • ' *testa' .‘ , !reef',r.37:senniaint (.4)1netlefe .1, 1- r4,110", arid f•,r pet nre eettine real '4 1 , :‘:rot • .A.f,4•i, f eenttine Ae eine pee - 1• , mar 1.:•:•fi.. ,1•0114 •. . • ,, t• • •• e 1•• ; t.!7;.:: • Ni;04., Triad, in 'Canada. -Thee 4,111. A• • e •1 el' •e, r '1%1 ; • it. .;1' • 0/ .ali•rs:!..".1; • iv 01117 e•-•• •••••• , • •• -- • , : • • ; A . ft 1:1(1y 4 la looies ribnciinintr 1 tab- , f`,1 ee f -w lirag,;ista t•''‘i;7 •-•ert r.-.:.ttn.t. say "Bayer" ••, r Mr,t.O. .S1F...qtrqr. 1;1 •ono Beyer p 11., t 'e f 0.)mPati7 -1. 1' 4. , ,