HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-03-25, Page 1THS WINCiHAM TI VOL' XXX ILL -NO. 1931. WiNGRAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY* MARCH 255 1909. $1 A TEAR I ,ADVANCE • • OLD PEOPLE {NEED 11 01 Our famous Cod Liver and Pep- tonate of Iron tonic, because it contains the very elements needed to rebuild wasting tissues and replace weakness with strength, and to cure chronic coughs and colds, and prevent pneumonia. We are positive It will benefit every old person who will give it a trial. If it does not. we will rhgtput their money on demand, Walton McKibhon 1 THE DRUGGIST Lf:odonald Block, Wingham, pelVeinguennegemnreeemeneesessame A Big China Break For the next week there will be big offerings of China- ware at unheard of prices. We need room and you can help us to make it. It means something,.to us, but a whole lot more to you. 42 -Piece China Tea Sets $1.98 Tea Sets of this quality china never were offered so low. We can't replace them at any- thing like nthe money we offer them to yon for. WE WANT the ruofn. YOU THINK of the price Cash only $1.98. Dinner Sts At Immense eduction We offer 4 s ,s only. Will you have ? Money will never go so tar again in Dinnerware. Regular $6.00 for $4.50 Regular $9.00 for $6.00 Regular $1,1..50 for $8.00 One all•China Set $10,00 cash only. Water Sets 98c You're looking for a Water Set. Now's your chance. We've only 6 at the priee Cash only 98 cents. 1O -Piece Toilet Sets $1.85 6 Toilet Sets only, made of the best class of ware, NOT CHALK. Note the price Cash only $1.85 This is only an index to what we're offering. Other lines in Chinaware going at the same smashed priee.. To give Sts room, they've got to go. What About Groceries. Ts there anything so men. tial as GOOD, , PURE and FRESH EATABLES? Al- ways get the best. T"hat'a the kind We keep. J. Heury Christie nowt 8O FLOWERS For all occasion* -- Parties, Weddings, Funerals, eto. Wingham Greenhouses FRalloIS STREET • PHONE 101. GENERAL: LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers `Closing o The Robson Me exoellent weather which opened an Hanna stook has be out, sine this ooz The sale will oonol there are still me general merohandi ' Saturday. iwattle Co. hese bad or their closing sale, Saturday last. The n pretty well wiped iparty took charge, de on Saturday and 7 good bargains in Drink aOhristie'e Teas. Pure Parchme We have a stock went butter pape not tear when beil for wrapping butt and will be able with any quentit You may have it name and address on at a small extr this paper at the Last week bargains. t Butter Paper; f the genuine parch - the kind that will wrapped—suitable r in pound prints, o supply onetomers they may .require. plain, or with your neatly printed there - cost. Calland see rEs omoe. "Handy Andy." This even -known drama will be pre- sented iu the oper .house on Tuesday evening, April bah uuder the anspi .es of the Wingham Y ing Men's Christian Asaooiation. The ifferent parts will be taken by the me hers themselves—ail belonging to the t wn. They have been practising and reh ageing for some time and will no daub give a good account of themselves on t evening of the 6th. The play affords lenty of scope for good noting, is br fol of humor f,om beginning to end, and will afford an evening of wholes me entertainment for all who attend. he admission fee has been placed at 25o 16o and 10o. Spring Millinery—n stook—low prides—In Mrs, Bann s store. MISSES LITTLE. New Mu It is understood went intends to in tont and far-reaohi the granting of mu the present sessto The bill provides municipality shall dividual or comps any railway, etre public utility, or f corporation of wet heat or power, nil forth the terms an first submitted to assent of the ole Mao to repeal Sect' dated Mnnioipal gives munioipalit agreements wit fora supply of w heat and power 10 five yearn. cipal Law. he Ontario Govern• educe a bill, import - g in its effect, upon icipal franohisee, at of the Legislature. hat the council of a of grant to any in• any franchise for t railway or other the supply to the r, gas, elebtrio light, e the bylaw Setting conditions has been nd has received the ors. It is proposed n 568 of the Consoli- Aot of 1908, whioh s power to enter into private corporations er, gas, electrio light, a term not exceeding TRUNgs and V.e#,isns.—Big stook at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. A Londo A quiet but prett emnlzed in the ne tartan Ohtroh, L Maroh 9th, at 8.3 Helena Claudia B street, became the field Saoktan, of was performed b pastor of the oh ed the church le father, to the wedding mare breith, organis wore a cream orealn panne violets, and we. Bliss Nestle, wh The groom war via, of Strathro gown 'was a ha hnyttle green hat to ninth%, he yonng eonple will reside in Karat roy. Mist gown web head .milliner th Misfit Boyd for one neaten Old her • deride bete will 'with her meaty y Wedding wedding Was son St. James Presby ndon, on Saturday, O'clock, when Mies we., of 191 St, James bride of l2rrry Stans- trathroy. Oeremony Rev. Thos. Mitchell, oh. The bride enter- ing on the arm of her trains of Lohengrin'e , played by Mr. Gal - 62 the church. Bride Meese gown and bat of velvet, trimmed with attended by her sister, was similarly attired upported by Jaoir Jer. Pride's going away some tailored suit of each broadcloth, with Read minis & Co.'s adv. on AWL Play 'air, t be made dominant e. It mist rola in Our bond meet be e unfair as, the oon- nst teaoh thein to Iop the spirit of fair be our heritage as a h Empire, It should as it does in those of The player who takes ahould be hissed off nese should be pleased ng, dioe.loading or This prtnoiple ma in our Canadian 1 our sohoolyarda. taugbt to regard t temptible. We oberieh and dev play that should child of the Brib' rule in our sport the motherland. a mean advnnta the field. Unite with horse-dru oard•marking,' 1d'anna store midnight. saes Saturday next at We D A little o whams father chant, and, ae opportunity t 'virtues of adve his mother: "May Lucy a store in the front "Yea" assents you must be vary "All right" "we'll pretend Lippinoott'e, 't Advertise, p in Philadelphia, a a prominent =r- anch, never loses an descant upon the tieing, one day asked To RENT,—G one acre of gar Apply to L. Pe North street, W • d I play at keeping oom?" the mother; "but 'net. id the youngster; don't advertise"— d brick,x%nse, with good stable. ?t the promises, Lucknow A few days ag visited by a majority en was a little be remarkable. play skipped by Mr. F age age of the pI 69 years and w win out from rinks it allows t lost none of th rinks and scores Wingham ga W 0 C. Ce, Vanstone R. Allan L. W. Danson V. VanNorma skip Rev. 0. E. Jos G. 0. Manner@ R. Vanstone Wm. Holmes skip J. Mason W. Muir Dudley Holm :e A. M. Orawf• d skip G. Spotton K. Rae H, Broadfoo D, T. Hepbn n skip...... T. Gregory Geo. Mogen .ie 0. N. Griffin F, Patterson skip Total Curlers Won, five rinks of Lucknow agleam and won out 19 shots. The ice and this fact makes •g for the local rink Paterson. The aver- yers on this rink was en they were able to ne of Luoknow'a best t the old players have arts of cornett. The e. as follows: — Lnoknow W. Stewart Rev. Mr. Saunders T. F. Clain W. Bryan@ 10 skip . 18 s J. hunter H, MoQaillan R. MoLood W. Allan 12 skip 16 J. Hfliard A. McPherson T. Watson J. G. Murdock 15 skip 13 H. Armitage J. Habbiok T. K Reed R, Johnston 9 skip • 25 J. Anderson G, A Siddall 13. Archer G. Anderson 17 skip 10 n 63 Total Mrs. Green hat a Large oto.: of stylish spring millinery now e • for inepeo. tion, No speoiel milli" : y opening, but the ladies are invited to coli at any time. Test Well t There was a lei payers at the mee lug last, called b consider the dam tion. In calling the Mayor outii vided for the si wells, near the whioh the wate the present Bye through the to outlay of $5000 it was proposed raise that am R. Clegg, Mr. Kenzie, Oonne others spoke b in the discoed better plan we drilled and th Whitting the b drilling a well Would be abbe done and the was entirely Malian*, ria eifeot Willi ing. So tar as poise M oonoer two sources of wells, or the ft the Maitland. Would be to titian the form falling euppt (Mitt have th teat Swell pr date as poesibl f happy wedded life. d De. Owens, Oonliet, London, Surgeon Eye, Bar, Idose And Threat Will be at McKlbbon'a drug store, Wednesday, Appril list. Hours: it p.m. to 8 Cameo o propdrly iittldl., be Put Down. atteudanoe of rate- ing on Friday even - Mayor Gregory, to stip waterworks quem• he meeting to order, d a plan, whioh pru- ing of three artesian ramping Station; from bonid be secured. Then m could be extended n as petitioned for. An ouid be required, and to submit a by-law to nt. Reeve Irwin, Mr. . A. Taylor, llfr. G. Mo. Redmond, .Bone, and efiy on the matter, and n it was thought that a Id be to have a well water tested before sib, law. The aetual coat of to the depth required this $450and is ooulal be ter totted to see that it satisfactory for all ally a motion to that opted by the meet - ester for donlestio put - ed, there appears to be ripply, viz , fromartesian .tion of the water frail The latter, it ie claimed, ieWhet more expensive batt would give an net. The bound' wilt no Work of putting down d ed with at At early it 1 lghewt paid for hider and p su1 at , l butcher shop. Reception to Onthe evening of Fr the members and friend Baptist Ohnrob met aro board, in the basement and vretoomed to their m L. Steeves, of Whist who has now taken u After partaking of the s so tastily provided, oho made by Messrs. Peter ens. Gavin Wilson, Go othere. The evening w 17 spent. aster. day, 19th dist, o! Wingham d the festive t the church, dot, Rev. W. r University, the pastorate. mptuous spread speeches were Weer, A. Coe - go Pocock and S very pleasant - 1f you want the 1 at of the Hanna stook bargains, some ow, Saturday is the last day. Model Scho 1 Entrance. 'file time -table fo tee dopartmental examinations, in o 'emotion with the entranoe tomodel schools, seta forth the following: June 22 ---Element •re- science (a. m ) and algebra and geo .• etry (p. m.) June 28—Englieh composition and writing and book•ke:ping and business papers (a. no.), geo aphy (p. m ) June 24--Arith .• etio and spelling (a. m.), English Ii •venire (p. itt) June 25—Eng eh grammar and ext (a. m ), history, ritieb and Canadian (p• m.) The last day, ' ne 26, ;;French gram. mar and Frenoh omposition; the whole of the day. See the new designs in Sprin ery, upstairs: in Mrs Hann ' MIs illin. store, s Lune. Best Edito al Page. Iq the judgment o many readers the most interesting ed'torial page in Oan- ada is that of The Toronto Daily Star. Mr. John Lewis, uthor of the Life of George Brown, an for many years chief editorial writer , n Tile Globe, is The Star's chief wri•-r, and the staff has recently been in reused by the a000e- sion of Mr. Jose ' . T. Clark, "Mack," formerly editor 01 he Saturday Night. Mr. Lewis and hair, •lark stand in the first rank of their rofession in Can- ada, and, the oombi ation of two such writers on the staff .of the same paper is something uniqa in Canadian jour- nalism. The Star's .dttorials are always sane, progressive, exceptionally free from bias, politica or otherwise, and always eminently readable. Special contributions, in w, ich "Mack's" per- sonality le partionl,rly noticeable, are now an outstanding 'eaters of the page, so that altogether it little wonder that it is popular. GIRL WANTEit,—For general house• work, in West Toronto; snail family; good wages. Apply to Da Rs 0. J. GRerfets, Wingham, Spring Millinery. The Misses Little, having phased an entirely new stook of M very, will ba pleased to thew the' patrons the new spring sty s in he showrooms upstairs in Mr . anua's store. No formal opening, ut will be ready for bneiness Saturday. Maroh 27th, 'You are oordially invited to inspect our new stook. TIE MISSES LITTLE. BUTTER and Eoos.-Bring along your Produce, Highest price paid in ex- change for Boots and Shoes. W. J. GRnnR, Does Not Crow Wiser. The world does . ot grow wiser as it grows older. The a are curtain errors of oaloulation, bared on a mistaken es. timate of human • ature, whioh repeat themselves with e generation, though they have been f . nd ant, exposed, la - baled and widely announced five thou- sand times. Suo•, for example, is the oats 01 the sanguie ydting womau, who marries a rake • • r the purpose of re- forming him" S • oh is the came of the father who takes • 10 indolent and shift- lees son into len roma, expecting that responsibility wi + steady bite. Snob. is the cage of the .hnv% whioh elects a pereon to office •• order to meonre his aotive interest • the work of the church. Suoh it the title 0f the old people who maks , ver their property to their children, oping to enjoy the proofs of their : ratitude through the declining yearn ' f their life. These thing* all work .ne wily, perhaps an exemption e.0 re e to be quite un. deserving of atte • ion, and their method stud result pretty enerelle known; and yet, such 1* the c n0eit of men that el. most all who try to experiment believe Meet they by rem .n of supeeler wadies Will be able to o what thonaande of others aotrowfuli failed to aeeempllbll. The laW of the heavenly ttingdonr it, "Make the trey good and the frail good," beginnin : the reform With the tree and not sw1 h the fruit; and that lnrg oatwat sat fit trimiirgitata+ed,•--Ek, 13achetors i3 sten ey Benedicts. Oonsiderable , • imminent was afforded those who with: and the programme at the rink last Fr day night. Two Inter- estieg hookey ,• . tones were pulled off, in whioh it w s demonstrated that bachelors have 'ot the staying powers of Otte benediete • the strenuous game, and that impute ea is not condnoive to profioiency in e hockey realm. The bachelors and nedicts first faced the peek, the teams being composed of the followigg:--Bao . elan.D. McGillivray, J. McGillivray, Bert Elliott, P. Oody, H, Dunlop, F :d Orr, H. Armour; l3enedicts—W. etheson, E. Moore, A. A, Fleming, Ted" Elliott, Leslie Young, Ivan. J • hnston, D. L Dinsley. The score at the end of the half -hoar, as given out, stoo, --in favor of the benediots. The . contest between the "Fats" and " Itme," with a large basketball mem:• ing the purpose of a puck, and broompressed into service as sticks, evoked c , nsiderable mirth, and resulted in the d;feat ot the big fellows by 6 goale to 4. The teams were made up as follows: Fate --,•A, Pilon, E. Moore, J. MoKe .h, Ohas, Vermorman, J. Vannorman, : red Orr; Slime—I. T, Lennox, E. C. Chapman, E, Armour, D. McGillivray, J. Hanna, H. Hendrick. In the boys' ra• e, Chae. McLean Dame first, with Wi • Elliott second. The girls' race wa won by Miss Hazel Jones. D. L. +Insley won out in the fat men's conte Wingham he key o.ub—minne three of the regular Wiarton, at the ing, and et Che The "Silver Se genies, players—played with place on Monday even- t*, on Tuesday evening. a" met defeat in both RUBBERS; RUBBERS! 1 Men's 75o; Women's 50o; Girls' 40o; Child's 35o. All new goods, W. J. GREER, Canada's Tra portation System. - Very few peop a in Canada have an idea of the amoun expended in money or equivalent itt Ian , by the Government of Canada upon t importation. Hon. Mr. Emmerson prase ted to the House, when advocating that the Government consider the subject . f leasing feeders to the Interoolonial, @o e very interesting florae. What is kn.wn today as the Interoolonial railwa nos& the country on capital account $:',744,937. Up to the time of Confederation there had been expended on oan: s about 120,000,- 000,sinoe then the Dom' . ion Government have expended in canal ystema the sum of 191,734 718, Upon. the Canadian Pacific railway the a overnment of Canada expended in sub idles and con- struoted lines, the aim of $87,425,000 In addition to this the C. nadian Pacific railway company reoei ed from the Government 27,924,190 a res of our best farming lands, This lan has been res• sonably estimated at $6 511 acre, much of it is worth 125. At •5 per acre this land would be worth t. ; sum of $139,- 620,950, making a grad total for the Canadian Paoifio railw • and its brannli. es 01$227,045950. Can: da's investments in these three insten•es amount to— In canals, $92,000,010; Interoolonial, 182,000 000; Canadian Paola°, $225,000,. 000. Bonny of land a • d money to other railways adds $67,001,000 to the above, making a grand to el of $457,000,000 whioh Canada has . • ntributed towards solving the great pr Tem of transporta— tion. The mileage • Canadian railways. le approximately 23,+40 and they employ 124,000 men. Their gross earnings last year were $147,000,0. ►, equal to $403,000 a day for every day of the year. They employ more men t .. n the total popula- tion of Prince Edwa d Island, with that of Halifax, N. S., a. ded. The business Of the railways eqn le the total money circulation of the or. • ntry, and 0f eery hundred dollars, e: ned in Canada by railways, over 14 ate directly and immediately paid nt to employees. These figures show the importance of developing the trine portation faoilitiee of Canada. They p • • ve that the Gov ernmont noted wisel is embarking upon She National Transo • • ttnentel. That in the vary near future ven this great na- tional line will be ertaxed, and that the vett territory so he north of it -will in tarn demand th t reilwey faoilitiee be provided The eatien and opera. tion of a railway ystem means pros. perity to the people. Canada would not have advanced to e proud positioxs in the oommeroial w . rid the obanplee tee day wet° it not fo the foresight of the Government in priding meant of cont- mnnioatton from he remote placer in the west to the m • kets in the east.. Homeseekera' E ursionsTo Western C nada. Oarnmencing .ril 8th n ntinning every eeoand T sday ruaept. 21st, 100P, the Grand run Railway Syateee Will iasot seen d. . . se return tiokets, good for 60 . ' from ell stations in Ontario t0 pri• , ,a1 pointeirt Manitobe. Setketehewan • . d Alberta, vitt Chioue. Rates:•-- Winni .g and retort, 02.00; Edmonton and @turn, $42.110. Fropow- tionate rete@ t. ether ppante. Full in. formation and elate frern any Grand Trunk tioiet • t, PHLJRCIi OTES. During the Lento Jenkins, rector of St delivering a series day evening on "Th Christ.." The enbje ing next will be 'Pe Rev, $. S. Magee, the Temperance a Sooiety, of the Met preach here next S evening. 8e oarrie 17 interest, and of anoe. Don't fail t The illustrated 1 Christ," given by Beassele, in the day evening, p and inetrnotive. presented in oonn of the leoturo, rh the canvas a num and songs. The attendance. season Rev. 0. R. Pani'@, has been Rotenone on Sun - men who ornotfy tfor Sunday even - Field Secretary of d Moral Reform odist Ohurch, will day morning and a message of time, the highest import, hear him. oture on the "Life of ov. E. G. Powell, of thodist Ohnroh Mon- od to be intoreating Besides the views otlon with thesubjeot re were illustrated on er of familiar hymns e was a very good Last week of he Hanna stook bar gains, Wingham. HIGH SC COL NEWS. By the Litera y Society Reporter, Wanted, on or before March 29th, one dozen cote. A A. • ly at the office or to any of the foul • form students, We are please i to report that Roland Hough is reoov ing. Another of o • r students, Miss Millen, left our preeen e and now only thirty- four hirtyfour benches : re Riled in Form IV, Within the leen week our hockey boys honor upon the school by otories over the boys of gh Sohoot, On Wednes. rdine paid ne a visit, but not what they wanted, it favor of our boys. On boys journeyed up to nd doubled the snore, it e have now come to the t there's no hope for Kin. have refleote winning two Kincardine day last Kin the snore wa being 8 6 i Monday, th Kincardine being 6.8. conolusion th sardine. The orattri I contest will take place on Friday, Anil 2nd, in the assembly hall. Several of the boys and girls have entered and w expect to hear some ex- cellent address s. At last the d to for the feasb has been selected, and on Wednesday, April 7th, the tables will b spread. The regular eeting of the literary sooiety was heldlon Friday Iast and a good program *as given. The third form girls sang a very pathetic chorus, which we are sur affected the teachers a great deal. When you wands rlghts•stylish spring hat, and. at a reason ldprioe, see fans GREEN, ASSISTANCE N UNDERDRAINAGE. Demonstration .f Methods of Survey- ing fo Drainage. Underdrainage will pay for itself in from one to th :e years. Perhaps no example in Ontario demonstrates this more oonolusivel • than the drainage of "the Rittenhouse • arm" at Jordan Har- bour, in the Niagre peninsula. Origin- ally it was very w=t, so much so indeed that often the oro s Were scarcely worth witting. In 1906 r. M. F. Rittenhouse of Chicago gave i to the Government for an hortionitn .1 experiment farm, Io 1907 it was uncle drained, the lines of tile being laid ab • t four and a half rode apart. In man places the soil -was very, very heavy, e• that the digging Was hard and the me high, about 125 an sore. In 1908 on • , e part that was formerly the wettest 0 grew 65 bushels of oats to the sore, t • ereby praetioally paying for the drama 'e in one season; for, the year previa s the oats on the same land were not w rth nutting, The Rittenhouse is nt was surveyed and the drainage stream planned by the Department of Phys es at the Ontario Agricultural College Any farmer in Ontario Who is eon emplating under- drainage may on tip lioation have his farm Surveyed, the dr ins planned, and the grades determined A finished Map Containing this rotor tion and also the eiz of tile - d is 1 ► e a abniee w ant to the own - eras soon as complete . The only out. lay oonneoted 'with t e survey le the travelling expenses o Dna man from Guelph to the. terra, c misting of rail- way fare, meals and tirOege of buten- Monti. The railway 'fare Is only one cent t0 mile slob WAY tor this work. At the oonolneion bt each survey a drainage demonstratidn is held in the field. and simple pramtioal methods of surveying a drain, determining its grade and teemrin a true e b4ttoin are denten. abated, end the be4ellte of drainage diaaneaed. Anyone dotting.Survey' and elan ebould 'apply to PrcR• Wm. H. Da , Deppaaritnent of I'liysirskkk, 0. A..0.. Guelph. A large un:mber of applioatlone are at, heady in for that *Wks, SP Suits Overcoats Trousers Etc, etc., is the theme which we bring to your notice at this time. Some wise roan bas said, " My son, get wisdom, and with all thy getting get understanding," The ,wise man to day says, "Get a new suit or overcoat, andwhen you are getting, get it made to your order in your own town, where you know what you are getting, and that it is genuine tailor - made." That would be wisdom ; that would be under- standing. Our New Spring Goods have arrived, and it is not exaggerat- ing to say they are the nicest line we have bad for some time, and at prices corresponding with the qualities shown. Space will not allow us to go into detail, but WE 1-IAVE THE GOODS and can make them any style desired. We are dealing in strong statements, but will back it up, that we have yet to find the style of garment we cannot dupla. tate. And although plain, neat styles are more in line with strictly high - class tailoring this season, it is for you to name your style -- WE. WILL MAKE IT Our Furnishing Department is filled with the newest and best for Spring and Summer in all lines, IEZt-We have also added a first class Iine ot Jewelry, CALL IN. Robt Maxwell Tailor and Furnisher For Men Who Care. The 0. 3'. R. is negotiating for an oleo vator alta at Vancouver in ooaneetion with its plans to ship wheat via the Pa. oifia. The Leading Shoe Store. THE WAVE OE FASHION The name that stands highest as representing the last touch of distinction in Canadian women's shoes is "Einpress." Faultless in Style, Fit and Comfort. Thousands are wearing them to=day. Are you? ITIT6 are the "Empress