HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-03-04, Page 1soft • ti F 1 ottrisi • 010 • r An'int $1.50 ('Ent YEAR IN ADVANCE ; $2.00 OTHERWISE. Ct--o—il—•Q—p--o --o—a—a --o —c, u t.{ t'.1.1. AN1,I.GENERAL u uu u o--o—o--u Just how was it that March came in -like -lamb or a lion? • - • Miss .Tea •Carrick • is in 01t'en 'Sound, where' sher will spend' a month with friends.' • r• -• Miss• who--recemtl -ar- rived here from England, i5 ,staying, t\•it1141ter t4•r, Airs. J. F. Purser. ..-•041� .ssw:a:" iAl tree MaeGregt.rey,whobas • been • tt•a ming as a nurse hi Chicago, is home recovcriw,r from a recent ill- -10--.::1„ • `11 Parties -Owing accounts at the Lang- sitle Blacksmith Shop, kindly settle before March 20th. 11-3-c. • Walter J. Scott. Mr. Roy McQuillin had a runaway etc i 'i 414,14 a ate►' fro, Ida ..add in the i,:l•1i ..r"�1.t:111r.ii (.1.0 It:••t=ie-,• !.tine• tltl'.M ft'i'll Webb, \L I('1 \*;A- ill at the home of. Mr. Jiin Miller the past few weeks, was, sufficiently recovered to ° . return !ionic. last week. " ' N • Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey Nivin`s, of .Winghatn, and Ernest Nivins, of Tees-. water, visited last• week with Mrs. Nivins' mother, Mrs; Wrn. Render - son. Mr° Con. Decker has been quite ser- iously ill the past, two weeks with. a severe cold and stomach trouble. 'We understand that he is now improving.. • .Friends of Miss Irene Holmes re- ceivcd word last- week that she had undergone a 'somewhat serious opera- tion on the mastoid bone. • She ;was , doing well at last reports. , Mr. J.. G. Anderson was in town for the week -end. He had gone --from Winnipeg to •Ottawa with a delega- tion 'of fruit handlers to interview the -government, and palled here on liis • way back. • Mrs.- M. H. Bartley, of Passadena, California,. is visiting^friends in and about Lucknow this- week. Before coining • east she spent some time with former .acquaintances in 'the Western provinces. Card of Thanks. -Mrs. MacCorvie • and daughter, also Frank- and Ernest ('lark wish , to thank their many friends and -neighbors for thieir kind- ness and sympathy during their sick- eelsand recent sad bereavement. L. M. C. A. ".1musements, Sports and Chr:st- ianit --Their Bearing on One An- a as - mit' been -debated -en itrgh▪ -tetw'een"t - young atter the at, arum MIT StITi2lgy this subject will prove to bea really in.tc.td.st,.nK topic to people in all • stages in life. especially urge- ' • this,, week on ever vailable man to attend the L. M. C. ▪ Give us the' benefit of your *experience.' Tell the ladies that 'the next •Sunday'follow- ing, :March 14th, will be open Sun- • day. Women as well as men are in- i led. Si'. HELENS Tuesday, March 2. - Rev. P. Jarniesoli_ abtendded the Pres- .bytery meeting in Wingham on Tues- day. ' Mrs. Andrew, Mrs. M. Graham and daughter, Miss Kate Graham, of Al- berta, are visiting Mrs. Harper: Miss Josie Cameron returned! to Toronto on Tuesday after a visit -at -her home hell”. Miss Margaret :Miller, left- for, New Ontario on Wednesday, where she has , secured a school near Gourley Bay. BORN Doupe.—In' the Private 'Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital, on Feb. 10th„ 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Doupe, of Pott Credit, a son. Parser. --In Lucknow,' on Feb. 27th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Purser, . _a osn. - WOMEN'S iNSTIT11'E The monthl meeting of they Luck - } LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, MAR. 4th., 1920. SINGLE COPIES, 4 CENTS. P %LMER:STO?'4 • WINA Bik Crowd See Good Huckes,, In home Rink—Score 5-4 h'or Visitors • .The Lucknow—Palmerston hockey match played here _ Tuesday_ night .proved a .great attraction, aiid- it. was the fastest and Best game ever --play- ed on Lucknow ice.. • The •only bad Yfeature was that • the,.fjnat secure ,was big on . the,., wi oiig. s;de, P;iliiiel,'t n '...Winning" , by One.. goal. .This,. puts iucknow out of he k•sdl:uc ;:anis for the season. -'I'ste' seartirrg-;maul..sttwail11.1i -, a-ltaviLy 'or the i•illk' was taxed to. its utmost., there being • 5+)4 paidadmission, Quits...ft11111111)1wi111)1i of Kir'•at•,lirtc, aridd Ripley enthusiasts were down to see the contest. -This was the -- second home -and - •home game -with. Palmerston for dis- trict honors, Lucknow team having played at Palmerston on Friday. • 1hou„lu(kttelwrpha�r't, Pal - ' L a ,,, dat r ( tl • had 1,•-eil :quit that diet• -w,F't'i• ,,a•t) reasons- to beleve that on their ova ice the local boys 'would win. Ilt.\ •- ever• the visitoib •.proved to be , t1te better aggregation. as they Avon- -in what an are agreed was a f* atxl• clean game. . At, the end of the. first period the score stood 2-1 -in' favor of Paltihd,•r- ston; at -the end‘of the second itwas 3-3; and in the third period Lucknow s.:ored once and the, , visitors twil.e- making it 5-4.. • . . • The game at Palmerston on Friday was also host stubbornly contested. The first period showed a score of 3-0 for, Palmerston. During flys se'. o,ld period .Lucknow scored twice and nti.erston once: In the third period th,: score was 4-4 with just 5 minutes to play. At this • point r4L.. j1.61,11iL ton and IJ. A'llin were each given two minutes penalty for. very slight 'offences, and. in those two minutes the Pabnerston. team made two goals. .ln •• the re= •maining 3 minutes;' with Johnst,op and Allin back on the ice, they 'did , not score. This incident -.caused a' good deal of hard feeling towards•'t'le re ' feree,- 'but he was • allow: d -to .go. hate witkya whole skin. I•iis t,,nipir ing of the game here was 'very satis-. factory. - BELFAST —Tuesday, March 2. Miss Irene Brunt, is visiting .with her grandnrother,-'Mrs Nixon. _ Miss Rae Alton has returned home after a, few' days'. visit with - friends near Dungannon. . Melvin and Nelson, Raynor.' slit t Sunday. with their s's:er, Mrs. Wx ter Alton. . Miss Ina Gibson is the gest of =-tfir.,-atilt- Mjt T',`apt R4147.70.1 visit-. .Local ranvuss‘rs at we.. '111 the .iia- forests .of the Forward 1.iove ment :re- port very pleasing results, and the liklihood ii;-.that'the. objective of the 'different coilg►je+t•;ations w•il!! be easily ,,surpassed.. ,• •Siethodlist• Church.-7'he pastor will conduct both services next t Sunday, • the .anni`,eislai•y services anit lecture for wh-ick.. • vC'as- booked being post- !bonen( Y►toil#� t'1 t'it. flu, ".:IMornittg. lira, (.r meeting at 10 o'clock,, 1'r►•:-1::.•t,*rssto ('It;u-rrh, ._-,- .Si'rytee s np�i Iso,=1':•; l). -.y it 11 a.m. and 7 p. m. Morriin:--subject, "Giving to*Gocl." : I:� (ficin stthjeel, "The 'Crisis in Jae;- u,1,'s Life." . You are invited to .these services. .• The basement of the Presbyterian church here 'has been greatly improv- ed recently by' being re -seated. The platform! . has been, moved from the. east t:► the -north side whi.:h' is a s... rldtiailt ''r' ali(1 ?�„ 1�letilC' 'C1, (' i - .i,r'', 'ties! tli:: • )L II i4y .7L 11lii.il. L slitjeld .Yli'ttl(r'•li'ti(' (.'iecuit. ,rl'}-li• following i,ei unS llavi brei! appoint - .ed . to receive contributions fur the • Armenian famine sufferers: Miss MM Helm, Messrs.. Palmer Irwin, Lilat.r;: Hackett and Wallace Twam- 'Iey. Kindly give generously and d -o it 'stow. The I'astor's subject next: .Sunday will be -"The Sufficient. based on St. John's portrait. Oi>;t'1'1. AIt-t Airs. John Clark . U,1 . einiay; ken. 2,,id, 1920, at the hol.,.e ui her (laughter, Mrs. !!Isar :.- .1c, L�ic:-know,, occuried tin, death u. .►lr5. John Clark, at the' age of years and 9 , months. ' Mrs. dark's maiden )lane Was Marina Scott, and .she Was - burse in ivas4ouri 'Township: 'iter bee marriage, .she and her late husuand .Moved to the -farm at Para• tnotaiit, 32 • y.ears age, alai there she lived until two ' years ago when She and her' daughter, who has'been take ing cure of here the past nine years, 'uu.ud l ,ieei ssary, or account of-iier failing •heai.th, to' inove to Lucknow. Mrs. 'Clark , is survived by two daugh- ters,` Mrs,, MacCorvie, Lucknow, and Mrs. Wm. MacLennan, Bindloss, Alta; two brothers,- henry' Scott, -of Lon-. don, Ont.t A., H. Scott, Port Huron; three grand children, the 'two,boys •uf w,1�i,lt -- ishe, was they foster mother— Yearl M,acCorvie, Frank, and- Ernest. Clark. The funeral on- Feb. 26th'.was tosllope Cemetery. The' pall hearers were, 'Messrs.•' Neil Murdoch•, John S;.inrller, Albert Towle, Thomas Smith, ('eo. „S. Robertson and I). G. _M• eke e1 with their daughter in Kinloss Friday. Mr. and Mrs. -Henry •1lenry MtiIIin" and fancily, of Lucknow, spent Monday with her sister, Mrs.. Stuthers.-• ---_---- FOURTH ('ON:, 14INiOSS Tuesdrist. March 2. 1 The regular, meeting of •'-th: .Kair- shea. Literary .Society. _.was - held ,a t1 -- 4th .school on the evening of Fch. 23, and drew, a splendid crowd. The pro- gram was. given by thelad:vs and op- ened with a chorus. Rcadintts. , were given by Mrs. Maclvor,-Pearl -Fraser,- Mary Fraser,Mary MacLeod, Ada MacKfty and Annie Hughes, and' an instrumental' by Alma MacKay. A humorous dia- logue -entitled "Marrying a Poetess" was., much -enjoyed.' The. ladies were fortunate enough to secure couple of noted' artists who greatly supple- nhented the musical part,,uf the pr.,- gram. r.,grant. "The Gazette" which -was also• prepared by the - ladies was .read. After th( progr:sni a lunch of --sand-. wches, cake and coffee; was enjoyed_ by' all.: 'The next Meeting will lie held in the 6th school oa ,Mend'hy, . March 8. • There will be a debate "Resolved that Reading is mord'..F(iu- cational than Trave i" also. a Geo- gi•hphy Match. Everc'h(dy. conte lhi•r pared to tell an Irish story... The See•'• - retary will receive contributions for the Armenian Fund' from thus; .who nhissed the opportunity of contribut- ing at the ladies' meeting. • A, 'now .Women's f rr"ttitt c-sv =• ' all a on Friday, March 112th, at: t:30 good Irish program is being prepared .Roll eall to be answered by Irish jokes. Refreshments' served.. Will the ladies please bring caka or sand- wiches: Conte and enjoy .a social fternoon. FOR SALE.—Beans, 8c_ _per..../h. Split beans, tic ped• 11►, . 18-3-p. • '1). C. Tailor. AI?("1'iON s1L1 S M..1. MacKay, ('on. 13, W. 1). $1sh field, will hate an auction sale of farm stock on his farm, Wed. March 10, commencing at one o'clock, Kee - bills. Everything advertised still he \ OW- SCHOOL REPORTS Room'II. : - Report for February. - Sr. 11. Excellent.—Mary Doug- las,* - -(Jessie Stewart,*' Drannen Mc- Intosh) ties, Kenneth Thompson.'' .Good. --•'•-.James baker, • Florence., Mc- lnnt,s, 4' Margaret McQuillin."" Fair: ►'odic Jewitt; •Winnifred• • Jr. 11.; F celltnt,=,Bi-ley, H.e:ndels- s,cri}, ` Marian. Stewart,' -' Robbie- Pur- ves; !Norman • `Nilson.'" .Good: -Bes- sie L !lel, Livingst. n .Menarv,* Eliza, heti McDonald.Alcx Andrew.* Fair. 1',d ►lariat Robinson, • Jean 11cl.)onald. 'I'hosr• .inar•1,.ed ':` have been neither late nor ale;c'nt 010..1)10111h, .1 J. %V. - llfacCallum, Teacher. • Room, IV. Sr.' IV: Excellent.—Mona 3lithell; FIai(rral, BIitzstein, June Durnin,' Good.—Isabel Johnston, Eldon Reid, Tom .Alton. Fair. -(Wilfrid 'Mur- doch, GordonThomson i ties. tl P e a err e -r 4, ,anr,y turner 63, .Lu- • Rilituuit 62, Ai•iiold ;Foods 60, liI•arry Champion 51. Jr. I11—Jal-i es St. Marie 66, Zylda Webster- 65, Gertrude Martin 52.. - Jr. Id—Mary. St. 'Marie, -Jr. ' I. ,' Excellent--Dorine Webster. _Good -=W iliie Rintoul Ruby Turner. Pr. --Miles St., Marie, Gordon Rip-. tour. .. K. C. !MacDonald, TEa -her. .«• , S. S. ltio.''9,. Ashtield. There,pp(it•1t is 'based .on• weekly, e.x- atui<natiot,s and general scho'-'l 'Names. in order• of merit. Sr..• IV -Norman O'L(►ughlii, ,1''irt- lay Shackleton. Jr. 1V- milt Gauh y, (;race 131 Palmer Kilpatrick, Millicent acketlt,. Caswell I. aekett.. - Sr. III Olive' ''Kilpatricic, ' Alice - o-o--o--o--o---a---o--o--o--oma •u il' Shackleton.. ' •• Sr. 11—Walter Lane, Leo Clare.. • Jr. II -Margaret Finlay, I'1 Johns o ton, ' Richard. K1)•patri,cl i. 1`' x. J'' .•;•cit)•- .e.1•. r,•li .':1'r.%. . t t ... t Y. '1 -' f • T1 li,: •:, tlZle ► •k CtLshd I;:o ell' !tfi(i',fc h Eiri'it etl; _ i` Lai. F.4.1.- .Weill ai.t fh wt-,• Willie Sproul.. . N. R. Woods, Teacher Room I C. CLASS. Excellent—F. Eaton, S. McLeod, K. McKenzie, M. McAl- lister,- V,, Sheri itt, Clifford Webster, B. Milne, H'. , McDonald, I. Drinkwal-' ter. Goed—Charlie Webster, M. Jett'-' M. \Vatsfil. Fair—R..W\atson, S:. ,Whitby, A. McMillan, J. McKenzie. B. CLASS. Excellent—II. sJohns- 1, K. Mortis,- M. Button. •: Good—E. M( :x.,••'7. Fair -E. Nixon, S. Stew - a -11, 1 4;'hit},y.` (�.. : ;. Excellent—J. Brabson, (.'. 1 ..1. '„:drew, C. McIntosh, A. `•l;:i,i :i .1.,'St •.:a:t, A. Watson, --S. good! . ;::. Arrnstiong, I. 1Vfc-. Millan, P. Menary, M. Robison. Fair —A:, Wilson, H. McLeod,. R. ,Finlay- soil, inlaysoft, 0. Anderson, Mr Merittosh, D. Jlcr derson, M. Mortis, F. Thompson, M. • McDonald,' W. Armstrong, • E. Baker, T. McDonald, E, Whitby, W. b Robison. - - - Number enrolled, 50. Avei a;. e tendance 4:>, I. Mord-le, _Teacher. .SCIiOOL REPORTS S. 'S. No. 8, K inlos'.. Sr. 1V.---7—George ,cScott. Sr. 11I._W i11ie• Scott, Torn Morri- son, Allan De Matehin._,._._.• ' Jr. : II1.—Ernil•y .Thomson, .Edna Morrison, Jim Scott. Jr. II:—Florence. Thomson, Arthur Reid,„Jack Fletcher. • • Sr. 11'.•.- Ferish Moffat, Jack Thom-, son. ' LA-NGSH )E . --Monday, 'March 1. • Real wiilt.•r still holds' on. 11 r..11. Forster Called around - our trar;; on • Sunday afternoon. ' J►►•. I. N. 1Jietnert moved to his new home near Ht)lyrood last seek. :11.ss i;cssie Mluilat, of 4 ulruss, is a s:,ting qtr . Murray at the -store „daring . ;tuck taking.., ; • 1 he condition of the roads gives good 'opportunity for upsets, but the popular place scents -to be in front of the citurt'j --ch, Bill? Mr. Wnt. Barbour hi. having an auc- tion .gold: of his farm stock and in:- pl invnts on March 10th. Mr. and Mrs: Ba'i•bour are moving to White- church . to live at ease the rest of ttieir days. '• Mr. Ja,i. B. Morrison is busy mnv- ing hay, grains, etc., to his new 'farm, Cori. "4. Et('dtTH CON., KiNLOSS - —Monday, March 1. 31i.. Leslie ('orgram visited _Ads uncle, Mr. Wm. Scott, 12th can., last' heck. Mrs. Thos._. Harris—'has rctt.t►rned hoine after spending 'a few ila$•s in Kince r(line with her mother, Frtimcr, Who was scriouslyi ill with flu.; We are plea:led to know that 'she is recut c'ring. - Mi -1 :Innis' McKay slx'ttt the week- end i t her ?, ;ii•i' li114. 11 r. ar►rl \l r ...1. S. Colbert Are visit- hie- at I►. T. \eedhani s. IV., :ire sorry to 1005e• Mr. 84)41 .'Lrs.. -Ms.;• i-+s---1`sesits- cite hx'a ltty', both. r. paties being we1knn-,vn and •estcc►n- eri. We 4rust they kill not forget "their old friends, and, will often. call - at the 1it1k'.city of 1lolyiood to renew, 01(1 11:L 1:: a . 11 t a n ceti. sold as Mr. Mackay has rented hist'1 Owing Co the prtvaIenel•e'of the flit farm and is going West. Literary and Institute meetings in R. Mct?lrarles, Auc. •this neighborhood are A11 cancelled, Mt .1r. 13r'r:lean.;I, ,lhtt Orr, Roy home in 1)ungannun. She is sue- -.� _lorrison... , M, 1. (irtR'r, Teacher. •t-nr(r ny ret t)i`it'ci :tic jl relit', r,1 • •, neer • EVERYBODY'S ERYBODY'S COLUMN u I` I • o o .o MGNF•Y TO LOAN on moi�tgages'and Motes,, at 'reasonable rates.. Fire,' Insurance, both stock and M'Ut..al .Companies.• L onveyancing • done .with heititness • and despatch• --- • -Geo.., A. Siddall,- Broker, Lucictlil�s . . LOS W. ,-NTED).---1'i"e "are in • the • i,iarr:(t to buy soft clink ►nspli• .' hemlock, . };asswouri ands beech• lois, and;will pity highest niarket i('t` .good logs cut-t.o),I'.-! the r - A. -LP; S.:toy art"tnil Jirn,t• Fisher, 1',ucknc►w. 1.1.-12 tt-. Highest prices pai(1 for 11�. 1l • raw fur:;. Special pt�i.ltl - t`or lilih;, and foxed, -also for- horse hides and Sheep' skins. '.Don't fail to call. or phone 140. , Blitstein. • • • Dry Goods Store. DR.. PARKER,. OSTEOPATH, at Cain i •I'I s(. ou Lucknow, u r ( every. r 'Y w.(. Ync 5- • dtay n t.'r'no).►t'►r. A .: call ds {iq 3 .tl,: �' :iier. es l.ic, �tl .D.•:a1 . L 3 cau:;k'a of Ji c:.µse. Adiusttrient cf the sNiltc 7o t11o1'e- .quickly secured . and with fewer •treatments by Os- teopathy than by any othci method No. urn roll 17. Average° attciulaiiee 13. M. Hackett, Teacher. �. :.o. 12, Ahfleld. Sr. IV.—J. MacNain 65, , .L. Robb -61, C. Loss 39. Sr: 11L. -' :VI. Jamieson 70, J. -Mac- Lennan 65. • •' Jr. III. --1•:: Shie.11s 84,, D. -Boyd 7.4, A, MaGNain .65, • *W.- Ross. -12. Sr. .I I.—V.' Robb, ' *J. Ross. Jr. 1I.—A: Mackenzie, E. MacLean, C: Brown, *W. Robb, 'R. Shrills. Boyd.' Those 'marked with • an asterisk were absent 80 per cent or more of: the month of February. ' The. best spellers. foil. the month: M. Janliesd,t)d., E. Shied,, V. Rohtt►,• A. Mackenzie, .C.' Brown. No. dei troll . 17. ' Average. attend, ance 14. •;.• - - �': M. • Itempton, Teacher: . LOTHIAN —Tuesday, Mare'h 2. Tom Say sold. his 'farm to Kenny 'Farrish. _ Mr. and* Mrs. John Barge,_._.of. Vaugbn Tp., -near Toronto, are spend- ing acouple.,of weeks with their faun here, HOUSE 'FOR - SALE -Comfortable ,fralnedwellling, good barn -on the lot, hard •and soft water. ' Apply to Alex Ross, Lucknow. 19-2-tf FOR SALE—Comfortable tlr.nhe.' house, and half acre of ground, in Lucknow. Apply -to Elli stt Taylor. 4-3-p. k'Uf SALE.—Choice Field Seed Peas. . Special Quality. Phone day 16, evening ,29, or address, Robert Johnston, Lucknow. 4-3-c ' FARM FOR SALE— 150 aores with frame . house and large barn, 145 acres cleared large Orchard,...wind:inial 6 acres fall Wheat, 90 acres -in grass, Price *8,500. ;- ' Apply to Gco,.Siddall, Lucknow. TEACHER WANTED= -For S. S No. 10, ,Ashfield—duties to commence at ,once. State salary and experience. •• John Farrish, Secy. R. 7, Lucknow. 4-3-p • All kinds of hides wanted. Highest-=. • Toronto 'prices. -Also all kinds of -.live poultry, no matter what.size. Let me know, or call by phone, ,No. 86, and I will call. • Jake 'Libel. •Miss Mabel McNamara, of Kintail, spent a couple of weeks here the guest of her cousin, Miss Evelyn Wel- lington. Miss Augustine_, who has taught here since New Years, returned to -hell _ kintaiI, tyles is eiigaged_„tdp:.tea t until_ . s. fir t.1%. a s auto' h r Easter.. Evidently. teachers are hard Report for 'February. Naives• appear. in 'order of merit Those niatkcci .with a star have. been atment:for one or more exaatinations. IV.—thilr: 14Toii•; -Loretta Kina- Ill,n, Ernest Robinson,. Eva Kink, Gust:ne Devereaux,'''.._,.Ambrose Gib - bens, Martin Cummins,* James Gib- bons. k • Sr: , 1.1l. -•-Kathleen Murphy, Clar- ence Gibbons, i'aeceliir Leddy.* Jr. III.—Annie King, Fdn han, Helen ,Murphy, Rita:I :vert Monica Leshly'.* • ,Jr. '11. --Mary Murphy, Wilfrid Kin- ahun, Fraar•is •Leddy. . I'r.—Willie Kelly, ,James Murphy, Lena Lcddy. - Best spellers fur the month. Eva Kathleen Murphy, Edna Kina.- hall. Mary Murphy,. - Number on loll 21; .N ••;age at- tI, n(ian( (' for ti' month 1S. Mae --L. Redmond, Teacher. S. S. No. -1, _ West Wawanosh, • to se'c'ure just now and hilt continue :to --be until -kyr----reeeivc at renewer:I tion in, proportion ;to the cost of se - curia an `e4kteat-ionlAndl-the 11.C. of I,: S'1'. At'Gt'STiN E • -Tuesday. March 2. sick. we are sorry to say. - Mr.. Miles Gibbons was a- visitor in- afar burg on Sunday. • •' .. Mr. Charles King is home 'for a t from' Vapdwich College. Pat Conley is Tiot keeping well of late.- - - Miles („1►hons has 'completed th;+ contract of putting in a year's.supply of wood at the school. Joe. Finley is busy these days- hauling artshauling straw from his farm on the 9th (Jon. Not)very good' roads for the job} --- . A number ~of our citizens fti••e still laid off work suffering from Ails- but th but there are no serious cases. Mr. and •Mrs. Joe, Moran attended the funeral' of their brother-inJlaw, the, tante George McGlynn. We 'are i►leased to report 11ichal'1 Foran in a t'air way to recovery from his illness.. Quite a numher are h sy with' the ice, harvest. • «'e are very sorry to report the death oT Mr: George McGlynn, who passed away on Sunday, Peb. 22nd. following. a stroke of paralysis. The funeral was on th,' . following nes, ;::y cemaT'ry. Mts. Donovan is still on the list of Junior Room. Sr,111--Vera Woods, Robert Ly. ons,.(l•larolil Gaunt I•'t•ed McQuillin) tics, Ilene Woods, '_tee Lavis, Lyla Gaunt, Frank , Lark.* Jr.' 111-- l'c•tt'r 6gn1k-son. Margaret Jamieson,* Muriel Miller,* . Bessie Jamieson.* .Tonttttv.t Todd. Sr. 11---3lary. Purvis, - Gedirge 11c- Qui11,n, Lula. Weathencead, Stewart 11'in':ifred McQuillin, (Grace ('• ri'rri1,'` Reams . I'ut'vis) tics,'Edith 11 odl • . Alex Lyons, Nora Wood- ic•y, • 111:c1'herson, Willie Lyons. .1 r. 11 --Dorothy McQuitlin. Lena :•-- • Eettlit'-•(!stout-,-----* harlc Mc- 1 - c -1- !Men Miller, Crawford' .jant- it: on,. ilarold Hyde, 'Elvin Pritchard.", f •( •rr -1•yd - kryin * dcnots absence fronee ntination. N.O. on roll :17. Average attendance • N1. NI. Durnin, Teacher. 'S. S,. No. 12, E. and W. Wa\vanosh. For the month of February. Jr. IV—Gertrude Aitchison 80, Lu - LOOKING. ,Mr. W. A. Logan. of ('utt & an, who bought the Bagholder build- ing to •cont"t•rt it into a flax mill,, is in town'' this week • and is I renting land in th,' vicinity fore Ofe 'growing of flax. No question about the indus- try going ahead. • - AUCTION SALES John Little, one-half mile east of Lucknow,,will live an auction sale 'of farts -stock and implements on March 11th,. Cl►rtllllencing at one o'clock: p.m. Mr. Lrtth• is k•atiny; the farm. • • . R. Meat'harles, ' Auc. • JAMES BARBOU'R, Lot15 Can 9, Kinloss will have an auction sale of • farm . stock and implements on Feb: `'7. Everything wbed!,. & ._ CSu1`Irutlr i 11104 itl ill to i ec•ssolwatd•ar.M - . . J. 1'Qrvs Auc. Geo. W. -Herd. Lot- Q, Con. 1.S.D.1:., -Greenock, 'will dispose of all his•farnl ,stock., rund.,iml►lements i)t Mar=s: -t}:, •'1r.• 11erd will have a big. sale, and everything will be seed as he •is giv- ing. uj► the farm. J. I�tirits auc. 4--a It•. ( The Excelsior' Life Insurance ('Ibis. high nitet•est earnings -6.51 per -cent along with low death rat -----:,.1.:; per cent--- Dake ._large piolits t:' P01 ey holders. Try a- pi,ticy in this Co. in I:►''u. t�,1►Ild'id�l;ice:now, Agt. ('REAM W-1NTEL) Best rash prices p14411 frir creast at Soiontons•• store Lucktiow,'t1i'ednes-- days acid Saturdays. - Also quantity Id' giiod. Cedar logs Wanted. D. A. Andrew, '5-2tf. • - FRUIT GROWERS --t — ;,;rad i:t :in (1 •htestio . paid !:urger d.vidends than nee. \ 1 1(;.1I1,.1 SPRAY CO., .lZuri- in 4on. (int"..' offer v('u :it reason. al'le prir t Dusl'n �lachinc-. 'pr:ing Machines, ,Dusting \la- tt•ri:al. Spraying Material. • hauteur ilattd stns r 1 ntai•htne�. � . • • to - (:1;ORGE ' B1 th. Ont.'i FOR ALI. M. TT1:RP. REGAI r est; GRE1!-INIL1LL tEMF,TE1;y refer to L. Alton, Seton, 14 -4t - S1,0 % +tu`1.(1.1 N. .!gent, •r