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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-02-26, Page 4
taf abs the 1'r 11 i t lit- ::;)rilil; II I:; };111,(1 {,ri(tin f/, ('1.1, . t () t' OS . - cT .,coIIZltn ! h,1• {,,1,1' ,viill wl,il•l, th(• collar _ • • .• � tag�e. this was not done long ago'. • - ,ll (•0.11,4X,, as :1 •1tt't'K4-tflifle ur(,asu're. 14- �' C . 4 1n 1'uct, It► 11ruu► �':,t;t•tl 1't fri u'ist;' to . • . . . especially in times like ibis, When the window's. Tr, the w'hitcw: sh :i(1d ,yl►1n( Ill► slit ♦cll•(,li hairs(•. . • . t • ,. -- _. . • strca'b,is in faros of the superannua= : killer. This will .Lill diK(rdsN K,•1''ulrs 'PIWAW •:tt1d . I - trnths that haeme helped me t the WINTER taattfr: f life. �N Q HE �a��� I r�.-_ . .- - . . r tka ;0 1FJ1:i311I1i�ornfinet I>~oote'petra - i , ., : maintain the health of ill"' a.ili"'1.11r:� "It is Christianity in earnest—this - •1• CA!'lTA L AND RI�ERVL :9,UUf1,000 1 Publir.Ld 'eve y IMuraday moray a L.ucirioov.• pr, � . Forward. ldorelslent. The Church keep 1'i.ur Dairy Co Cows • in:+Irl • i lie t;�,u,t, of Sure ShuulJrrS In , what it,cannot.t* done either by 1 be u .kd. I believe - in _the.' en' window' llgtirs flat w wre llt�'' ' 114- valln(,t Uffol to t,u} Over ltd Bsaaciire . L r,. MACKjK-%ZUL proMIraor can do a rim t•o get at the social prob- t �, . byte and 0•. it, Tarin [file....,. rt(t1i:, . + 1, t 1 j.!iit'j ,' 1 THE-MOLSONS BANK •i.l iaL r'f.� .1 11,1 1a171 :1 - �'• . ,. '.i _ ,...«- • ,. .411'1 ,1'• pit• ",'• 1 e 'M s` "51"c1 i`im`^ tt�' ttltw "D4 Uiwr. - 'lews the day than any other' insti- ' •• h-- !,4.041% Hilt) Ihr• 11.(11. Full,t I ,1 11,6.,1, J”- 1/1,t- tiutiun. It cannot be classed with ispra) the Male W'.111 %it hilcill I'lle ,141,1 • • T H C RSDA Y, FEB. 26, -..1,920. the exploiters—its work fs altej;ether Add !„►n1r fs'el1p.killer• -- H111 lu %t:,k c►ul - - AI►�t t'•,w . t►r '1'u4go .: SAVING BUiLD CNA ACTER —eta t0 save S Q !� _ unse4r:�h and its mission is to d(- ' tt) liruk('n �find(.a Ihtrle,r. Htul %► t • •, *,tf i1 -- ,'t„'111 — 1, t :11111( nt1,,(,.ct„ 1'lantlnu 1.14'1(1 ISru11>.. - – c • THE U. S. AND THE EXCHANGE ♦'rl, p the uhselfish man.” d • 1',414 isle 1141►,, .t'c•ntilu111►u—/'ur(• � - . Systematic saving strengthens charact.: r by indu,ring ------r I • ' "1 t,elieve that the Church is a (•f f IuutK Iry .N'intrr. (041111,01►111«tt by (,►+t(t rl,� t,. p,t rtr►.C„t . •r Aalll10II,I4-. '1'uturit,l.1 ':1 self-denial and creating independence. Canadian and British money drops great dynamo by Which the spiritual ICI. ri t,ut by (,ntxt;t► 1 rt ill, nt (It . 11 I I The easiest methtld of Savin 15 v depositing aver- g S p g talin portion of your earnings in THE., MOLSONS BANK. . lower and rower in. the [; nited States, bFlieve that r vii, I forces of the Ki ,Agrtcullurr, T�,rur.l,,., ngdom of Christ -mai• be made.' available for the uplift of '" ll F ,f,eriod Of lot)!" volA til':N ,, I,r,rr;1Il.,r+ +> n` l,t rty� Mt I4-,! r,,r, tiur d '�•� � With the addition of interest. at curr ert rates a substan- • . Land many suspect, or even it i's' one hof ncle� Sam's clF.°er tricks National Csl!tr-''' tl,�r(•. t)f 1r(•,•/•• • ;; \'; I hurian4y.. The't;nited wiht••r i, r alit.. il,f 1'r►11 r ilii+• t+r,+l: a•t,�k, ,. rl j' rn i ilii• ff l i.v(i' Uhl It= • tial sum is soon acquired, . . t ( ((-;_ s ill n:,l j ) u t Ul r l k i n q j pr,;bn, through its tinsel and tz ent I l,t , V , ,- ` Small accounts receive the sante st*-ert:c>r: a= larger t -bX. finance, or that it is due to the 'appeal - i� having a quickening -effect 1rliecial' prf,tc•,•ri(,ic 11 r)ul rl�t• I�cold..and•af• ;4.11 :, rt•, • 11,1::1,11 t+rte, uiltiur„+ 10 that Q. 4f- �� ones—efficient courteous services Lo a':.' aiale�a:ertt 9ror;c of .that monster upon, the whole life of the natiofi." tilt•. Sat,,(• till,(• tiu+t:a 1, Ivt,itl I r�►1r1.1�,, i.r i , ::+ l+1(,111 .>;!e(,i11- .- ' ,e 4 • 1 , i�s.l street -which means the big •• _We would be in ` bad state Were mad aft c/,ulfuttfilJr11 ass 1f)titill,I,•. e t t ' l l'llitI)141 lit'. II'llr w bell: 4111: 1 ' - f ' T. S. Eio lMIAHAGER Li.•��►�©R'' B !BCH. R + t ° lenders of \ew Fork c m - it 'notL. for the. Church. It's morals !! Th@ K'hOJE �f the Inl;i(1,' ,►t J11,' ,y t•t' tf,r ,1►I �' t1 :Ml Ib�,1, iN`,'ll ,{11' ,. i 1 - ItI 41.1 ' a!n(�ne s had ne1 ` ious influence raises the I . , Statile sh(�tlJrt tl:rv( a Ihrir(,ti, ,, J a►,- �. ,i'iI' fi, or 1 llt• (t►11 11 titjlcs n(,1 Pro- . ' . I - As to that, one may ask *hy, if the 1'' y ,standard of life everywhlere. 1 lug.' Th'e du:;i tua(t c(,trwf t►,; : ir(,1,1(i (.•(4�'i�t i' int 1411, }4 t;>y. Iluu- r� _ 1 .. ' t , t,1, 'Wh`..i t ., ' . - , ---- . ry pow r pti?+aple'df one'ct►slnt t.htc a f _ _ •i ,`'The C'h con- swe(It trot,l -I ti w'• r��ilil; ,•t,cl� - urc h has a . definite _. (, a f i s, 1w , I. •ih • to care for ' d w ,h+wrld ti(•. �'1 1�' Ii;tl,i�• it, tn•(tur, 1, �'�► • 1 • hl►r111• 14•1M :t lot .IY.. 110.11 nr Jt:tar• A# •'V , _ - ---- - -- " .tp hclwl ex the none} r� tract Gln rralnrster R In do a s : vile NIA a ,x to_. their own adran- ' h* after be`has given his life; Frith i thoroughly cINaru�i, a,lh(t• 411+ ''logo- i t lit- ::;)rilil; II I:; };111,(1 {,ri(tin f/, ('1.1, . t () t' OS - cT .,coIIZltn ! h,1• {,,1,1' ,viill wl,il•l, th(• collar _ ' tag�e. this was not done long ago'. sratsH�pay, to its sen=ice• It isn't fair. whits•_ • Secs and Stalls}. Then Rpt':l}' ,ll (•0.11,4X,, as :1 •1tt't'K4-tflifle ur(,asu're. r '. Csll Street the v: ,wMy 3cies not r7':'. to .ask him tc► make all the - sacrifices ; R•aatt all oyer itis inside (xc•c•I,t Ih` 1n 1'uct, It► 11ruu► �':,t;t•tl 1't fri u'ist;' to . put especially in times like ibis, When the window's. Tr, the w'hitcw: sh :i(1d ,yl►1n( Ill► slit ♦cll•(,li hairs(•. Ca.'-aZ:an dollar dovrn to �Oc and the t cost of living has so greattI increas- i disinfectant such a ,arbi►ltl• :tt•i(t . slloahivrl I rc,ut,lt tl ark usual'ly'raua- • 3-::.-sn po=d down to one dolls,. ,as ed. It ,is --for this treason that I arta1. preparation. ui' a chloride is tit ".4 1)), ill ti11i1lK (ullals, hilt ir, horst-8 t! to work, t„ay occur _ins again; Why does not Britain had.i strca'b,is in faros of the superannua= : killer. This will .Lill diK(rdsN K,•1''ulrs 'PIWAW •:tt1d ►ut uc+ uyli,l(,, , •vt•t1 wiit'11.11,i• ruil,ir tils pyopfcr1}'. ' . t two funds. being raised in this cam- lurking in dai k. , dao►•{, Till lu,►:;t (uluu,ulr ,-Ilwl.hter' 11ouble• .. . Canada depress . c value of - L.• S. i , ., : maintain the health of ill"' a.ili"'1.11r:� 5 IUf� le 1,(•ull t a ''urlil 'u aald- ' •, _ �" ; Imo: _ c►u�ttL(t-, of ,r ,til - � "We have educated niuristers, :,i ii1 . - ; r t - - f ri'1'vt i'"`1 i t{� ;i'i't!�*#1< ii# • N 1'-`aneF. r must ruilk ,rodn�:tion: able i The fact that this is not Clone stag• J. j and, this means that colieges, should ; The next step is to Pitt In al.l brok- h, � hair 1 1 1, , ; , i, t , • n r, u r k b 1 nal (f T1s b taw. Tl ins , what it,cannot.t* done either by 1 be u .kd. I believe - in _the.' en' window' llgtirs flat w wre llt�'' ' 114- valln(,t Uffol to t,u} 4,ot - Il i ul;ttrn du1• Iu 1t•c•KI4-c+t . iU clr.anit►g .4 to 114. t) + 11 ` ,ch; -r. e, �k♦oulcl:';psi. him uKnex tl,inlc, jS' 8•:.114- .,-..<,'i �c�dt'hd,�,al.c'a. �1.4i+$�1kt "` ., .,,, a1St 1, V%—r. rfr tt'1"" % , i; *�1. r s t- '1 =1.''• x,11+' a i ', t -•a :4 t' ', . .. -' A - ,, aww.ryc xfr►++,c►J Mlsr.uaalt:,r d.J:.ltla ,f�.Et ». .. .. . 1111 r .r �, . fli' 1' 'lid n . g' ' - „11'1. rt(t1i:, . + 1, t 1 j.!iit'j ,' 1 ".-I.¢ .--• - Le" --'.. .., 0;'. .' ,..,_^r-•...- ` . L.« • -. . 'C,. , .. ,.. s, . .+ .... .,,,„1•.:,•.-..•e .. ._:� - .. ... , ., -• " `41L'.�tii<if•,ie:il flµ+., -1: �.j .(} t(}♦t 1..1,411*., .t . . ... � - &'aa •.-r 4' •W"i i a- k. t 3; 3ii4 ; � 1,1 , ;: axa •i.l iaL r'f.� .1 11,1 1a171 :1 - �'• . ,. '.i _ ,...«- • ,. .411'1 ,1'• pit• ",'• 1 e 'M s` "51"c1 i`im`^ tt�' ttltw vr: �►:. huurnanity� enough LO a7iovr meant m} parents and to my oven ' dcra► space. 'f1„,ix vert! piuvllif?x:+uul( ;huulllc•us and ct,llar tart, lu b4-('ul:i, . '- the C• ran'-,- t� t.,ar 's tl-•ey could ,, s' h F • d U �c c-.ntilatTou tri a rluble- 1,01 0:11• ;1'\♦,.:n, I ,1 11,6.,1, J”- 1/1,t- �_ .,• -s.. .. � ..area}. I am fur t. a ut'uar o e- ]`'� • ' ' c -- - -- - -- - .. v'rnt',lated-. , a:,ll l !r , t ,,,t,l . - ----- - . - -�.- 1 i It• ht• , ullul (,u al 'Ir►. !',.c tt, ,cr , r'rZ :t fur .x114. I iirt'i« CU N' Flu LI, 5 rt,'t d t'(r,l tial toll11 i1 ! -e _ 72 :-' ,_=,_... yr k' of intez- ' ~Tire C.hur!ttr will be alive fsetor �`tiyinter t,,v•1?:.♦is►g thf• rutil :lir 1, u,u;:.''.-'riir.,�t,--a h•►ci+i,.r,...1,►:..�ln. cwt. twos.<uwut ESTA�LtSH£D 18 , T"he &tail tl Oz Ings . i (',trh ut' acetal(•. of Iead :incl s'llph.lt .'` - - a'tiatzal exchange are too compL"sated -n the grew �tivggre to rebuild ed .^.rid fr f-�h a'ir intr(ic1 u, 1 11 'A.11111)111 of zrn(.'• iI1 :1'' hurt of ,old w;al.,r•t, is . a drt ft dirt cily on, flit, cows. A silo Through .the Ch=h great spiritual �„ Ilius,:.t,ly the-b(:it,. j1pplicatioh. This. ..0 . : 7W explain in a newspaper article; but ple w•ay. to 'd�, this is .I.o. llir,- , •:Il a • av<aieaing is taking pace and as a i _ windows at !h4- t;(,tturrl itn(I attt,v( ihutild bt: A'ai)[lied three rl"r four tin,�s } • the average a man would. beep :r..gf_^.e:•a;.t+erms the whole trouble is ,� litily, atrtil., if 1)d�.5it�1(, file aainial _. t �» F eras ., 1 _ .- _,n~_ct rice the conscienceis __of.1.men.-tah-em-tb apen inwa-rd.-go--as.,-14), rin„t -._ . r'r� I • , ;hulrld' t,f• ,,into rt•st or •worked .in a . •R;c e a 'detailed expense account •for, u tv the fact that, during the war :' are. C*, awaaengd toward the glar- :the air tr,srar..d, the"cF ilio;. 1'h(�rw D - p .�xari the 2e and the i:rg defects at home and farther -i should. be a V-�-I,uPed bu;,rti+l :'( I,il111t ,1(':1,1;4 i ull,rr. . 1 ora .ince 4a. •Ab,wt r;ri(S of tlII:1U:'$ ,nay form on a month showing every trifling mop '!side or 'end of i he w indoN . / f I afiel(L This, : one 'of the chief real- 0 , , ' rFie shuuld('r :1S .a rest.itt of pressure , ''•-t - would .find that,' ' ~government. ofBrita:n and Canada w•�ent the.id('-d, a,r, F(►,11. airr,iitl.r r. . , . �. . expendittut+e, he •. • rens why this great campaign of the. Shaul extend t;elow t h� (cilim, ,f the (Dila,.. ' one 'forUl of this. trou• , worth I bought. far more horn the people of d , Erie appears sud,lenly. A swelling of . : ••• • without missing anything- , , churches should have the hearty .sup. the stable, and'. prefera ly h:(:vF t w'i •� I r Y I s,rt-c,f all mlyn." I inlets for foul air—one neat Ilie'flc,(i'1 4'or?siderahle size is noticed. It is not ve made some .he Cnitesl States than rile sold to. ` .while, he.. -could ..# F very tendcr'or sore.l�'`pressure, ar,d .. and one,at the ceiling,- vs. in this ♦♦; ' -.. very good' iieposits in !fie link— i 'them lir to anybody else. Why' tnis - . • Th'(. cht rrh s • the source of the the foul air is r( niovcrd wi'thoiit ((,( :s found to be soft "and actuating ; - - r tke+.#trttu'(e—asaterial i should result in :a -depress on of the great movements of 'the day—the Red. Ing the stable too nr'tich, IN S!nrt•� When handled. '1'i►is.is called a "sir- _ safeguards for . ' `hos itals . alts” ab�cP-S• ,It contains _a ilia' . i Cn►ss, .Patriu.ic, 1.�i.0»�.., P closing the fop r►,r:1F.t. 1'r► s r r 1 • ��O CtE — for business' ro cess. .`value -of the currency, :( ..the debtor ffiii(l,'about the cpnl+istency of-ts'arcr HAMILTON P g .and sarni2ar erterpri es: And those ;cheap :•entilatir?n ♦rnrkc au ul:►aliril '.,_ _ _ - . • aull('d "serut.n." k'lll('h Ila situated J:rSt . - nations cannot' 'be briefly nor easily •' { ly ' They all require c,otul• .1ltt•n1i(,1,I who, . 'through generous . instincts. 1 5 oefi a t h tit(, ..,;kill. rx rained. But such. is the.Came. Other point-, in St::t;l • Pr; ,L:rat'itl . P i+.a:e given fine, su rt and . service no'ther form :ll7pe:lrs ,lore sloxl�. '' ��._ i I . P} ,, are 'to.' have all: t 1(� :; ,etr•re .r,o r 11:41 A, t,-,, It is worth,ttoting that the condi- 11 to .these orgarmations should con• .0w nlay not act 1c►(•,s• ; r(•ti,tirc i( The burse erinr�•� Lain who>n,pres5ure r s ( ng j s:aer squarely the uestiun as to e s s , • is rut u{(un the shoulder, and tzar:,, 1! ( I ti�,ns thus produced has a stro tend- : s9 9 rnan8 r. and gntrt'r. l►(,ntd h 1,1:11.• r vrhsth=r they should not. gland b5 the e.Q that ihey way tic. kvrol el•(,1r1 i:-' ,Dation rt.t:ils ;t swt•!!rri$; The ani - . BANK OF HA ILT014 I I - �. envy to correct -'the unbalanced trade sanitary-' 4114. (,ut• �toh tl,u ►► 1444.01 ural ca'n wut k.xnd evinces 114[1, �,.,.►l�,. , LUC11,hiOW BQA111CH—d. A. greatest' influErce uRard s rea'1 and •'sl ( t for a Short 1.iule atr4-r he ill , 1. Glennie, Manager. Rhich brought it about.. `hen Can- . Litter and feed'eariless :tr• t.at•W ut tPc, v<urk. untilafter tie in .allov`eit' . Vital c.—vrhetber an attitude erg of labor j�-1 I(;•)kir.� aft, r :1 h- rl P , ; to wand fur a lrw Uririlitt.s. The adians have Lo 'pay the regular price of aloofness' is- right for them, and of milkers dllring..the• winl•t r p;us: T�- cent for L`aited States 1vvhetaertie s�iou'd z>lvt co>frle insi In a x(,rd, I:t:+ke the c„r: r,of iurentss anti enlar��•r:tent' grb•ivally pea` p ; increase tinct w•li�ile the swelling I. aY • foriable and Ies. F., the• 1:;Lnr gc,ods, theS' will look ehle'►here for `the ..churches and help better them stablin::' cons by tau•iri Iii(nl .:.ill' iot appe.-d to the touch, as Mohd aria, L-- -- ----r — - ,shah act, tirst it ha not the . _ - -__!_----I----- - • 'cath z than _ in outside in _ ve_ - -- - , - --- -__-- - --- ' BUSINESS AND SOCIETY CARDS h-8'. . II- `� „' __, - card as at s •i s ++ tiitiuK �on(.rt�T'-T�i.ir--u re s•: rs ::u• - IV ? - .worth its face talu� plus l; rceut..' or passi `e er,'tictlsm. ehips v. Pi i . i. fh4- f•,�n, ,1f rllt' P Pe chinPrv,--i'1Of. 'til. N. 17('%:n, n. ,�, sccss. 'fhe, �:ails are thicker. 'I'1,ts 1uH\ SCT1B1t.K1.A.tD t �u`8, Ltd.. l.nel;,b , contains pus or lu:rtr•'r. aril is r.l;ed . tent~. a11PIUMQoe. Finland liarine- in Canada peaple of the. United States Coiltge. (,tr(1;- � ' I _ _ - - _-. ,t I►Irrul(•nt a hRi'Pr: � 'rt•at rn�•nt . in ;. - I CREAM vi:ill buy in. Canada rather than, at 11her cage (,(,osis:s 1.. making a free L 4. u. F. Lucknow ���� meets ere Friday Y , I - Vitr • t it f'Ialrts 1:f U111tc r. • , . NTEDI e,eniigat8O'C,'lockIn their Hou. Camp- 1tvING Am nrisimi t;lrollg;ll the w..11s of the ab- . tM ,xret,t» *Allub a Graer►.t ortiir►lily fnri:ed: home. This is. an econOIDlC Or test- ; A (Mltxr',:-duple liranrl: Y.bDrrt tri -her: %�'atr•T glowi:,g pot plaltfi un' .(•,, : ;:1 11►t lu♦+'elst p•: rt. to allow' lite rioef�car,d,,l,�1c�;toalg 1t«•. A.JH .ural -law and can,J,e affected to but a' when tli�y rc.d it, th,'n .:n+�'r 1t,^r .(.;.pt (►f the 1'o:lit•nra, -and. flit•)! —BY— !. Elordk fin. Secy., Lr; p&Le so&;-Treaeumr. .small degree'by financial schemers. The dead body of !K,r=. Ellen'Sair.t, fhor,„rlyrhly 1�'ht=n !I:4- 1+114 ttg:: ili,tlilr+t (,:I' ♦:; 11 Iirrte u, filar sir,: , Alez.Y«osa. gft dr} itnty fuJt,tit.t,(,L !h( t}' +Intl! l,.uh(i. 4:141, G♦r r N . Co.I - --- ,-. widdois�. luvd t,l 'F `1 :1{ .3-v+ i : restos . -- alone in "Pleas:�nt to I:�i . Clrean>�elr} O• s F, a A. x.. t3. R C. Ola Light Lodge meetf 1 t3 w Gw,l . , p,,t ,{,. �, 1 tit -a -rt « We solicit your patronage , e'•'err Th'xr•d::�r night on or btaure Elie full , THE FORWARD 310VEME»' i Valley", wan found in her home on tti� k i,,r klr� for a •kn:f trar.(I!4- :'r' AN lit. . . . nloon..in the J[s�onic Ha2I Har(•ioc -trdet u:tl i:.r t 1•t p ur' t dl Lulls a1J N•. �i:. E r.. T•t•,tt4yx' %c„ , . Satutday by lChief Allen and a neigh, Ti= F:,:11:, a Iin>.lr(u s(c,�(1, ih,' nla' :Ir 'rt►i. tali• Ih(� Ili:lirnt trust (la♦e Iliad guarantee y10 entire sat- . La -know. _ w c ' • r t ;11 P t f i♦ 1 tTl t x M4,4i •ire: J.- W.. .ia,i` l.,; le;--"` Cy.. W,- r - r n rest. r )' 6,' � . I t r - - Toe effort by -the Methodist, Presby bo � Rho entered the: house. u�r} ate!,, rivnw-o rt' ll 01 ,Its:(,:,c kb l i ` '' rC. �• l• -1 1111 ,f ':ftllctiolL .♦. ♦t•il-on. �' . . 1 . , I l liar prices are always the - Mrs. Sant attend. g o _ _ .. t • • - �.erran, fin tlic8lt, Baptist and Congre- had been n n to , ,,f • i•:. P,jt W. "'I. 1. X11 ,1 i•1 -- - .. -. ---.---_ __ _ --..,r-- MOT ,..;'12 P •I n rAl•1 C.C. , air.'= � 1� t (lilt ,tl� (• i' el Co -,t+ � ti,leirtst. GET THE L'E�T.—«'hen yoII-_ ,s.ic,raI tiro hes to rase tv<el�e mil- thi , r n! : c,w i�'. i• r1 :r�• or It .:,1 -attars, in I. t t - �rJ:ic ir, tae rq her so E. H. Sain :n Lown here. ni 1.• use tr• irl rain %'at(1.'Ill V,;' I ,•I g a carate- C::: ::58 _::-. �C''. a 'r F 1/-'' n, t, S P r i.i ii tl iii ;, r'i :+ ptr, t ::t Oar Testi■ dont - r'� - _ •ems •ii: hon rl,Ilar-v as the lc,harc:al feature f who with his children had been il: with �tiat has been. expos. ti 1(1 . i (,•'t:I. ,. is i:r, •(milt t . •t pit is.t1 . t .fe r,:, _a.. -'a. the -.:g nr eay fir, two, if' >l r' t 1 •f b♦ experts. S .- ( �- n• 1i.i 1 Eli ,c,. dt fr !sly tic':` . t-rA- a r� � -_ ... � •- a ►far sewn” and ..�; 4.. .:.,!-. ... L . -r _ _ )- - ; l% B11'11 " ��` - - - ." -� _ _ _ Y I�6n�--yrs, 44—;z"-�. ut :. ;'y t.,i�#-c:; E-; -ur1s •l` 4•• pec eiptL Aero: a'a:a ,n d , .. I. - _ • ,t . were r-leef��r I1ez-.'home A� Fe-�•► iri_ T: [ • �cM1-i ri;, _ ' .` ii 1.:;l:iditp in the will' :; h, r(- ►. r; Ell,:ll trr:rl'►rt is 1,..141 ,,hitt •,: a Brite a card !•-day fcr See Geo:,H. Smith. ,lova: a7er.:, f,j: ;;,e.Vict,Jry L. -,a -.-z and the campaigns 1 . particulars. few days ago to prepare for a ri-it one of the taai'n 111,1 4111 r.i ha ((1,411' ,'t r'.e f::l. r>yt ra n'. 1t • -a ts• _ aid of ills BFit.3h Red Cross the sluccF=:iftil' r:.'ta l:tnts intro-,, t'1 . • to her son, Joseph, �'a:i�ceburjt. p ♦!` 1 :I c•'1 ti l••• n't i ►,•' ;rt•3r rt :t 1 -1.—.. , Nrices were never as bisla t'IC�'UR�' Y,QNDS irug?a ani s,:d. ..-- e r pars or saile•t: of wa ter'nn.t'.: • !: .;ill, yl, I.1 tc, Iii ' 1.1, ,.;'.A 111. •• ► "n I. f:a at resent and Mill soar- . ; - a .. �nt�a_ke•3 far will be far over- ,,+s his mother did not arrive when ers or r, intent. A at-arai 'sc k , I 1:,•(a?Ir, bu, .if nu p .+ ;r,r, s Ut .:e P farm ia..,_s and s il.age prop,_::' :be+j0 . - w (b her. . Jc to :clan. o n 1st and 2nd •:r- -r: - :• a , or pot of w:ci(r ntS �t1i• K!ti♦(• is ' ,chit. t ,, r... vu. the e v1=.daw who lived atone :r.='P.easant 1► I>' t 1 ::t i ' c' , I A card will bring you cans gales at curr*r. rate3 of :steres:. In - , , great help in this rr ^tri. 1 :,t t:..l r- .`'.,s speaks Well foz the peCtp.e of expected., te•d., Jose h Saint tele honed ill►, fl grO Ili ink -1 ; 1 =�r.^ce. corveyar.c:rz. etc. tlusepu Pet P P R'hela the pots , t(, t,(,,;, .ftltl 1 ,11y' fll,:r:,t;tt; oat: r,,, .t,,;.1u s 1 1:= -e the next train from ns' �� ;1,' Noun Public. ��llin Brock.-ar_ada. I: `eErns a= thingh all that to Wingharn making irgniries, and roots. of; where the sol , - I1n(,r. �t , I►r :, 1,,,► 15., 1 l:c t•. • ,::r . ' I out or, exhausted. it 'litl fertil;i • i I he Seaforth Creamery Co. • Lackno , Ont - i Q' .;11,►w •.:,I ' t,, pus %rhi"11. ' .a w ies_ar: Lp er�r:z•:n e.`tkem'thst his broLlzer still unab.e to Ieare the c , ' (can her g�oen plants. The 4141 ,.1►,: .. tilt• h, .,last: pro •t'K, .,-,I 1 SeaforO. Gut• — — _ .- R'Jrth oris and the }101t18E asked a neighbor . t4 • .�nsit be moist not d1:y. qr err w• t. ♦till _ - — �+ TH£ E�CIELS#0#t LIFE i a - } S d - - ri. hi^lti inters -t earnin>za. and e,onomi- ,�..- f`tee:y $i1 Y: i:r.st t0 their sir= paint a tr,: an find ,fit the feTTiItZC�r='fi!s �ttrt,ht�i1: 7"114 i(' ;,i l t_l A (t It u 1 1 1;,'l, n , to as -- o n uc.. t - - aPreralK (i pa tf,,t:. 1i � t� cal managing of the cum pan} at. a a over he }la _ _-_.. --_- _- 11 t - . , fair.—N m. V. It.:.. ^�� r. F. >� :•atz; tare tosntry �. _ '' -, Why y not gone to e - F :• b _-ttot•� • 'tet rlitlq tt•(�+#�.�'ktrlt--�':•'- jrI -_ • • • - -K. A Ung lets' or Bonora' are I-oth goo I r 'iti:x i ltl 11.,4.,4 ri 1 . I � .0 .e ri-; Cr-: : at cOngret,.*ations_have The ne hbOr went to' the house f . , , +, i lilt' ♦.1'141,1, k3rl,.r( til fa id h has v� 1.Half an oun,�(*.of ni rut(► c,. ..t t;r t• , • , t h t t r. r U�T:�RIU RL I{.ti. �c- tii�OL F tlRc 'u"r ,t ,l.er the top." Th cough the and mwirig no traskfi concluded that sq) -red iri a little• warm W.114 r ft h ;1. ,1•..1 li, 1.1 lilt/ I:; It►� Il.r 1..11.1- •t. ietrlt, Saint coald t.oi; 1W ur, tt4e abd rol,d w.atrr' added to rte„1; A,* .1-1.1 �. 111 t ur ♦ hi 11 ar.• pr.'1_ .. ap ortioned tro t...cn. seemed - • • a '*'all0n� kh o'vu ke s 'a fairly g m- 1,.I n:t1, d'.l t•itt t 1, s r :1 tl .:4 'E...1 !, i,._:•g e .._s- :. _. _ r,.::`a:'p• a:a•'..,A,e - have e jj::•ttl, rJr panned ,o hotixl. bu on retixrr:r�ng...t,c, t4�-at •-- -r fnr pot pl,•nts. Aja{114 't►,. %01:i•. r, ,• ht•1!i Iii, E1111►tI, vt(:. it • Eavetioughing r xr. Saint's request he_ reporte&. t0 y vrf-ek . or fen (tags . is 1.t(►rlwil Ill , , Itrt a r:1► 1'.:1:1, ; •+•► nt : . _ . - ._ :::e. •• ->> .•1, tt. 1r.r4 thar.'t.efi were acted f•�r .ever , t, „•' t I t1,• � ! •1 ;inti to 1, at 1 Depa...::e.. a :� g Chief Allen,- and aith.:lli,to �eLutned h ;�p';ay it g: rt',4ti •ttialpr w ill h(!;, k ► - .•+ i , 1.11 ,: i a, ;' Furnaees Installed. z agr:C:::::rat . - rY; _.-:a:- _. tr3is- . _ . tits rr.o: e_• y:.:: tie ze d sl to the house. No frac s .cogd -beg �owti Is t p+ A dot' x�r:l. t!'t • 1 l,r i:I.,.►til, of J;,,le. • 7'..:C'= _ t a-. ,r _ 'f .c�� C:itirClle! at ,leets leading to t8q hop SE, luL on TQ'rR'!11} a'�t,•litrl t `�dl) +i'it:�: Iyt t [;I' �1 gta`:� al'; '1ur.0 4144`'1► :;;,11} AU kinds of •I'ilnware ., 1 ,� - ->. � . . - P art .. = \ o ; .zr tt► .•t tr tr : .:rt tit ' :' E ... a :. : a -. a.`. ? • 1Sin tale . _ '•” ' ,'. 11 . r , 1: 114 repaired. lred , -� - = ' n . ' to create a Ply, 'dc.Gt, , goiajt/ irtrwcle P]an . ha}ing At 1,,,1..41 4,11. ,,; -• , , , t i 1 1 � \: V. 1,.:► i promptly, P ✓-r = ,_ _ .:raw :. .. tt# men found. -,the • Gf• �. , s , , I W1.►t -it I.•.�. t, t l:PfaR.�'10S t.1. 1,1. , ;I,iy _ �- P _ _ •.► " ,r .- 1 .-.... .. _ j,: �•__c.:: 4.. 7t...CS WW go S %1� klO.i,� �5A vC1 � .- - ' • F ` A' n on -i , lir.,(,1,, f ...\ „•i i .•,.4111 tot .. • :I : . so: froze stiff t4 sof `d. L fi ,•.in lite►:, t , ly �• . t 'r ,.\$: ::.� '• .:: ryf ttrC R•iV • L r •t lat.l..il•t,4 t.l".. :'t,I i,l.l. 1.,1 11'1111 Illl..rll, i1„ 1 l ' .. -lm:Dr..P..,edm nd was caged -and a.- ` ,,. r. ai,�a. illi' ,:.I 1„ ♦♦t.1 11111' I,lr:,i:lltl 1`1111. r 1 G Drinkwalter ... .�:�:..�..::�: Gaz�:.. _. i -.- 1 q }. G. - a ....r °:_... ac•_:e work. s ,1"• �,.LL 1�� ' 1 1,tge. Ini ;-, t c: •4 1neve; .+,• •t•att 4141 :. TJ r `F3 :: r v er 'xa-r..r.:r. trite • 1 ,- i•. fez Q:Ad �, r �•l�,.f",:;,,-+lsart'r iri 1 M -'i hili l,l r (►1' ., I,I , 1...11\ �� 1. 1 ► , ,rtt %a `li. tat - . �.. ,w.n J� ..,�Mt. pI .. ,: , ,�_ , 1 .i 1. p r P. - - -- -- - - - . . •';� G IZIOn . t!laf • t .tr:.I.,. e': t, •hart . to.. s :art:•.Ez -i y -e :.5'::' ::%:. \' p. ,*' rc n:F' ��by' Ar a;.hi�' Qr .ib' t'r%ri-tt�t��!,Vt.� ti f \ I 1; 1 t 1..} V40 . p t,:- - 1.:-a rf -int • ', _ _'�•._ .° l �, a.:e'.�a!aCe G!4 l:'er ltGA a21rI ?t:S�hi113• ! l+i+'dkT-'(13.1 �' P. :�,:t; It'.. 'ht..1. i,..•,. t ,',/J'11� Ill 1't ,.wilt 141. •, 01,63,1' ..._....� ,. r _ :e: - _ vt'H S THEY 5C PPCIRT THE FOR. rxn, fat has pcce3ibis sriffered . a . ��a~p�9-� ; k a,,t'�Ml r?t ti:, 1:. , t, I, „ i , r tit i, r ,t .itr►� {'; a:.. do - - - ---�:9 •• j . • 1 -¢.,a: »a e! _ ., t _ I : . ��• _-IL-- _i-_ - - .�i� - �` ', 1 � 'l ' I . t 1 I . I (� \ t 1 . t , , I t t ` b„1 t • { �, it, -- _---WA'RD `MOVEME`iT s rico ate;_ died nee yr _;fut}r ►ys i>,: t pt�z._1 11) �• i, , , ... � � , 1 , Y .•'. i t a► t y ' a t., I :rel i 1, „ , y . ' The Double•Track Route =' j Y: rag4_ •'ekes .� _�.E s. ; before.•AHe" Aecidt,d ,at no'�.1(jb �: •�� ,. ,r a 4��:'1r,,, o� ,,:: 41nI, 1 Iit•..I III ,t alltftt:.:sal r _ --- - i L- w -X % Vis. ri-4.-i. f.; 5W r �F _ wo necessa rf . �ema sed wa! ', i i a T 4 t r►Qa C'S • illr�J i - a :x► Z. t' tL t 1 ,: � r � • i l ; t); a�, t t .. l u . t . ', 'i .art , t , i t ,tT AL. .TORONTO. .. : s c • •`,. 4-1'.Er!' ate Ei1. .11, iEr�Tne R':�i rEa Of age' i 8:^Ala:•, j!1Ss.t.is'�In"trlitfi�blt•,. -4. 1 tti, (It •�,;..I i.( 4111 ilii` lu h:1♦t' Its' . IR MO. RE .. rs• ...f:._ .. _at . 6 . .i•.a� iP 1, -- •'•:tl ' ,-I *la 1141 1,. „ . t :j 1►•,I II:,i ��� ■�•D�/�■ `^�•'� (r ♦('( ��,. .l XeltJ0 at.rJf•f f::,rp the church v-. t �- - ` '40 AA . �.r•«tic• •o•.�'t'� ..if' , ,• -L ; .•'' DV ■ ^V'T' and CHI 0 , _ -.:b..T. :;� B.%—. ,:ym, i:._ R-Aks. � r ` R• �r t � : ''�, • .4 41'0`:1 111,1;+'- i.i1 �a .A;1GI. 1�1�•a..t•, ., ti I tt \.,. ., .11 ,lti , ..lid w : `-7 =aT•o�S �EZe i^.S I_^,r.V, � • R e - Mrs. fFm, ' 11. jice�.::$•.fr. �r� ted j . t.q •• :.- `~!'r:♦'t : !1,1 •, � r.' , i . �! ::Il 1f11.\ . 1* .. ; i , , . ` 1 e Ct:.e: .1'Y... .. �b�i .,,7 11:11 1 1 . -_ •- : L 'F:` :��' fit'.'_! ..Lai . ,•, -':.i , . _•�'_'• �.a'a: -;"'. �, '.;� 3't:i ,'.i=f �.. c,� rJf a'. r ti rT'erj :•, ` .• �•• t• ...' t'. . .!!/j{'r. (•{t.. !(.... .'! �'� .�� +. *., ' 1•t ,,. .Ti' �; •1� I.•2't 11:1.1 r• ..1 r -s Z ( s t /" � DQii7.► Z _ �t.ia., .' , 4'1 alt' IVI.Iv .t t' �. •1\t 1%4:.31 • ���'$'i .'.. .. •�G i•!'�•I'i ,saw: ...:F. , •. .� +�, g',4A,�et'lIi A }t.: t .. ,'4. i, .(►i:1 1111 a.a! :1� .•4 ,II ..::i _�?t:;_S. i� _ �3•:.. -I c-.. ... rt" �- i. - �- - -,..- • e 0'..'s•► s . _-W ;FT.tkr.- ,�ZL�I. =1i'si a fGTQ1eT G�c11 'gjTl, � 1 . f' ., ri 1, I t t'•. - t: , . t ., I IAS . A. l,• 'flit I.ti.1• �; _ - a'•` )', 1,': ii. „I 't... 1.. 1:UR't ♦tYt. ll�t' t•t•itU$ i - :L'! ,� f! :3 �.: 4. -- t i ' `'$. ♦ '.+.' .. '": z " Via.:8s Ta'a'.Z�-: r ^ �`rrL"garet D Yf C R'oa� Ft:. t, Lt•� '�,1 ;�r q-11�\....yt 1 I t' 111.,t:: ',) \ inti:.:ell !1111.'1'} d..iUl •, _ . •-e 1:4!•xar. �i1)-erTiol►:t Ga t!le Ch�T `e ' tfyaril. ..he , Sprinyk:Yn, u :, '� ►t'�,, _, ,," �firllt.. le_ iia iI;!: l Y '.M:.ft, ,. ill I Ilio" Fo„ :atkir�.a:' lam : i r�rsr . • "`. _L ..'.! �1- :. .�:E•s. 3..'. rJ.Il til:.:.� ,x ap the r7rt1n1 Of ail •., lack ' r l .1 - -., _ • .- _.! , 6!1J':: �"•"'�•�yr1.1� 'ITbo� - .... , - ,i,'- � •. t • f t..ns a �. , . ICset !t►i;!z-- - - r_ .. ,. _:.7 - ... pr. w.._._�; - .. a►t„e ,' • - .. - ._tr or :a fG.. :r 8nertza Csxel. . _. _ ------ _._ __��� .1111 t ,1 tit ` t fit ,T;1: • t, r — _ Pas ager Att!�' - J "� Z +-_.�* 1711117 ., f,X W' ,r~.� y. f*.a�� it .. f - . , *L , 1 ,, tt* I1, . , , i►I l♦ I 1 t W r f - r IA.eze,?;, ba�;de; hes tih333ai:d, a I't.11� r 1i ,1, h T ' P' A. W. l��1�11L .. $ rti.*�-• `�. .. '.:' r:' . -.�:��-.. •.r�: Z. -�`� .:•�.' %ar1i E'i j„♦ ��.,rr • . `lf'r.�'t ',t/•. 1+,t 1'itl; "7. {, t ♦ 'r:-�T{,. ,,1 l., ll'„�- ,:i1�iir t,'. It tt l:l'. ''j TOIK.ler.; a her r + y -�i' +.. 1. _ . _ & .,.y -_.a. •J�.} r -►1--.L .. 4, -r. IrZ _.�• • •F l- 'rrIJ E•r, t . , '# :, ,.;"f ti„1 „ ;!. •'•I'* tlf'the� ,Ar%. .. • v 1111 4 l✓ .A 11!" a E'1Crf S + C:a Ifs "' y �' R .'. - t. . , G'T.R. �1.Z-�: ..�c;t :� "y '- _ - bra,,:.ers, ..arses of ".'yti,: ter,• 7 1a ' :••••. .'; tl. ,111;. ;t"1' lulet t e e..� :ate ;;'*::.r L" a-- ' - ra-_: :e= ;-.. have a sp;r. , �: r,,.., r :i:,.� n: h. n _ -- - "' and Ler > •, yI�, •• ..-..,_. - .. - �C-Y ,, cif G- - d - .• ,111\ . .. _.,..,.....- _ -_. _ .. .. _ . .. _ - - -.._ ._cam.... -......... _ - - - " }Y` twit .e 1 •1 t t `, a :. •s , 44 13161 4 . a _ .. . , r.; •. �••_. _ ...._TE EiC.__ • is . 11th 1 .1. - k. A iss TVs! loth of 143' T = t' V. •- s - . 1 ,: .1 I 1 . • It : - • ' i► -:. a rte.. . - -J "-. : ,... ,: ! � �': ..$ ::a!,.t j ,'• f T,tt:. ft ,: . k : ti:. h . • t !- �1t G , l_'. l►. :� 1'41114 ge'. 41114 l �`1 : - •: a:. . ,;e., a,;.. : . 't a:. ' �� -746 r::f- �._:. :til 7Cr n1ims 'were brought Til G,i�ErcC^ r • ` C. % . -_-- -__:..__ 1' • N, r, ., _ L _� : -. 1'. s ,rt:. and the funeTar attic -:ace -;Al , . -;; L •.. :� :t �� , .. _? F.t I*s Ci1':,rt 491--. tine alfalfa hay. of I 411% r •... _ -. _a... :a'_�,.1. It ,$= g:r_n at:eT'.irJ�In.—$ig%►a., %atE:i81 i�JO ., C :. �. I I • � .1 i't"1Q 110tile. will tie rc'Rshed •' w. = ' l -•%e.... ?-'�1X••'-.- :• a:.: 'A--' �'l:: ,one '•.',° $slat 1 - - �..� _ - + ♦ai44 Io' t tc �• i�r.. �" .:.r i . ry h by w 1. ._ _ .. 1 T$ i~;i -a, •o e, and ni11 'Ste . _ _ _ i _.- .. e s . ' t.i•r ;n food h� aftb. • 11>� 1 � - . t . . , • / 0