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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-02-12, Page 7
IIEALTIIY DURING WI Colds and Diseases . May be Avoided if the .Blood- is • Prince Uses Explosives ,..on Farm. • ''"The beauty spot of •Dexon, Dart- moor, which., is' part of the , Duchy -of Cornwall And therefore- the property v; the Prince of •W les, is being trans- formed by t xploi;ivis into pro f.trui laud- .----- T 6 -- • nillite.• •t oiaC,cl,' ir,,.to 'holes in ,Kept here .. __ 1 "tl~ie trued ground sari di>sc h;trr;ed by Do not let i! eletaric cu''rt•c,nt. _The .exhlor;iona your blood g&, thin this . hse;sk up the sub -soil, and :it tilt' ertd winter. Fur peo•pl0 who have u ten. r,f a few imaittit;; the ground- i5 t�i,,ta.tLy- 1. beery towards auaeluia, or bloodless:- -fr,r c;ultlVnti{►c .-" =-^" �•� .- I1atl ► f ^ 1 ;;0 ac:rns (;IA IJart- of exercise anti, fresh- .,air; -TO-4_411P ` rnc,ur titi hic•h, : thuut,�h a (11�li r more. -restricted dict _1.re among ..the duttto the- _ arts -.k, was f►�rtfs• t'ly u,nllruvluc•ti�!r .cif Many ,tlilttl;s that- eorehiuc� is, 1c,wer. anything •but heather, and gorse, has the tone of the body thio dewlerte. the ' blood- s l; ru wia t}r i year c,acellr,ut crops of • As soon;as yotu. iiotice the tired ,feel -...toes toe carrots( aweties, Lurtrtl►4, 'Iota- . ••• and pears. :�...` ing, lack cif, a'tapc:tite: at�tl. siturtno,, of „ - _ _ w briatitll that are �varuin r 3 t'cu,luilnlcti.', an afirlcul- •tirrtll'trlgitler,r; :tsar! a graduate of the thin •b7ca_tslr- t•#1-ltd'•a ' __.-- short;' Course. of'` 1: s,1vez•n,i.ty •'of,-Lc�u�itin r_..._t..-,..... tre�itiuc�ltt with _' ..' ,., •.. , • ticYit;ecl the .. Pills, `'e h l r WI Int -Pink met .c,f ales.,' iiilitt;;'.liard'-Wase'l.i: d o not wait• until the :idol -has .. , 1 11L tlfly� w.h - ee. ' ' - . entirely ••left your cheeks, until your.� "The cre,`i of i • . lips are white and your eyes dull,. It 1 thin years grass aloha is so much• easier to correct thinning of the blood I. the earlier stages than later. This is. weds -illustrated in the case of Mrs, E. Williatiis. lk .L;ake, ©nt., who says:.--- "I take great (las more than .covered the expense of reclamation;" said Mr. Vendellnans. • "1 have st.gdigd-_ : tile subject of re- clanlrnation ut waste lands for many a -•-4 a 1? there are 2,000,000 acres of waste land pleasure in letting you know the 'bene- which can he reclaimed." fit I have found in the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was in an anaemic condition, and was very weak Youthful Achievement. and run down. The least . exertion would leave Is it pc�sN;b}e to -speed up education, was- e o me breathless and it with •d'ifilculty l that I did household was,. advised rte. try- IDr- ;f,l'Nil + 1 F; .,rld four bot►k:s:-L1eit. , In fact; rtiy system seeined filled with new, energy, anti new life. 1 strong] recommend this medicine-- to uli wlio feel weak 'or tori down." -,The purpose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is to build up the blood. They" do this one -thing and they do it v; ell - They aro for this •ssoil---ars invaluable remedy in diseases- arising ',from bad or' deficient blood, as rheumatism, neuralgia, after-effects of the grip •er Levers: . The pills are • guaranteed 'tofrombe -free froopiates or any harmful 'drug and cannot injure the ..most de- licate system. You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink '. Pills through any dealer in medicine,• or they will be sent you by snail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing direct to The Dr. R'iliiams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out, as one can speed III the production of shot .and- shell,' potatoes and cereals? y II r n .te. of 1 i,�, . r 'd t' (-:;(ntiffs .•'foo - ''ww1 -d n ess'"'' +be ret ""tt visite—scat her than the exception? y' Music 'has always produced infant .prodigies. Sir Charles Halle was but a child -of fuur when he played a sona- ta in public expressly composed for -hini, 'Mozart made •hint -debut at six, -Chopin and Rubinstein 4performed .coq the platform at eight, Samuel Wesley I composed • a march for one of the. Guards' regiments at seven, and• Elgar wrote the music of a child's. play at twelve. I11 literature, Miltoi poems before he had 'Tennyson wrote charming lyrics at • the age of twelve, Byron indited fluent' and Passionate love verses • at •ten, Bacon wrote like a philosopher dur- ing his tenth year, Macaulay began a compendium of universal history at the ripe • age -of ,seven, Douglas Jer- roid achieved •Thii Do I Ask. This do -.I ask my Guardian Fate, That like 'a firm -set tree, Throughout the ripening years conte • illy life - t rbc• Now in my burgeoning, bright youth, The sparing dawn of my days, - May April set a•flowering - The green- and , tender sprays. Whereon ray-- winged dreams may sing, ' 1,1,1caYtvpimc1':� -that-bit id their nest; Anti bring the sense' of spring 'tc hearts With wiufel•'s pall oppressed.-, • May sUritlller, li - -' ''"` 1, by'-ttie•kaiden wall Anzi, lirtgeri>tfg, lose.his• hprncin6 ,heart RHEUMATISM Phts `is just the season when Rheumatism wit hi is grinding pain and stiffen - Ing of joints gets hold of you. Fight it with Tempieton's Rheumatic Capsules BITSOF HUMOR FROM HIRE b11N ;.m Classified Adverttrethents. 1.02117112111 WIL2M OID. "" .....• PUItTitAi'1' A(iltl:i�iTti WANTIN prices goodprints irra nes—aasak finishes -10 prices United Air r Co,, 4 Brun0YAWL Ave,. CON to. ?OR •ALK Ile Point of View.• XTEWS1'A1'F1:. WEEK1cY, IN DRUMS' County. Splendid opportunity. Write Site: -Tutlt's Just bought of Ford-- • 43 •xfdPla fey St. Publishing u liTCnon Co.. Limited. • a • what's yours?" He: "Oh urine' • r I: s a 'lolls -Royce!" r '►,I, : EQUIPPED aoFaLi1t3P'A p>!tA �f4rtil•a�M •rt li?ri7<-rr'tt'rtra'tPu'"'-�''�'!c","""." :'Y•ti•,"."j"'lia�"Y`'s z4 gc?E)d -611‘1,:1;i-0-0- sults. il r, tOD ln2arfe:�•-->it :Lra �'t� r►t capsules bring certain s+...:.c:►rrted„i,t;bq. relief, and ..rS t it. __-..� ---,Tr fur SI on" quick Bale. Box permanent re- �...�r.r- 'ii:`or, I'ubiishing Co., Ltd:, Toronto. sults. They are.recom- mended �+^'�"•- by doctors, grid sold b; reliable- druggists ._..ever-ywtiet- furs1.04 a box, �-- "" or write to Tom_ pintons, 142 King St. W., Toronto. -- Mailed anywhere on re- _ ceipt of price. To one 'white tree and sinal]!`• ' •: -----=- --r---- When autu'tntl`s s1iuttle hours• • shall' • 'weave ,. '!'heir brown and golden :Weft May then my patient branclles'spre.ad, Be not of fruit bereft. • ' • I ask my share of rain -and wind, 4f fittnisererae and warm— That I grow gentler in. the light, Anal strange . n the, storm. CHILDHOOD CONS11II'AIO 'Constipation --that disordered state of the digestive tract which is .nearly always caused by improper feeding— , c/� Lip•s . lie d 'r . .rTa'fC+ 3 db- ,F • 1labyys-Owil T:,l,'e:cs. ti Th ro T;�blets C are: -,as fid .-*tort-thorough laaativea' They are easy to take and are abso- lutely free from injurious drugs. Con- cerning thorn Mrs. Joseph Dion; Ste.- Perpetue, Que., writes: --"I have noth-� Ong but --praise for Baby's 'Own Tab- lets. ab lets. -When my baby was three Months old he was terribly constipated but the Tablets soon set him. rfht and now at'the age of fifteen months he is a big healthy .boy and this good health•. • I attribute entirely to the use of the n'ablets•" They are sold,.by m"edicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.,, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont: i • To enable bicyclists to carry babies ' with them when riding; an English- man has invented a sheet iron drum, open at the back, to be clamped be- side tine rear wheel of a bicycle. • wrote epic I- rned eleven, e stage at fourteen, and that 'immortal boy, Chatterton, wrote masterpieces before he reached his teens. • �-�*--- ist confirmed, by careful investigation Archaeologists contend that d • the f l -------r��--ter` Pearls to Order. Sonie years ago iaonsiderahle in- terest was taken in tire;discovery of a method 'of making real, diamonds. • There. was no mistak'c ;about ,the genuineness of the gems produced. The drawback lay in the fact that they were exceedingly small. Fo urteen years ago a French scient- raw- accuracy o the idea that 1 is the result of a disease which. at Canadian factories employ nearly, ings_,,of human beings and animals in 200,000 women, most of *horn are or- ; ancient caves in France prove that ganized. man was right-handed as long ago as. Zeep >Isiaard!s Liniment in the: boueo. ; in the stone age. --� - Fashionable skirts and Blouses # ' 5729 9233 9245 ' 9239 9227 No. 8729--i.adies' Slip -On Blouse. wide; shorter length, 1 s yards, 36 Price. 20 cents. In two length.; body,"inches wide, or % yard -64 inches and sleeve in one, closing on shout- wde; underw•aist, 1% yards 36 inches der. Cut in 5 sizes 34. 36,88, 40 and monde, or l yard :54 inches wide. ' No. 9239—Ladies' Three -Piece ('ir- 42 inch bust measure. Size 36, eular Skirt. Price, 20. cents. High shorter length, 1% yards 36 inches vtaistline; 3R or 36 -inch length. Cut wide, or 1'4 yards 64 inches wide; in 7 sizes, 24, 2.ti, 28, 30, 32, 34 and collar, vest, ruffle, 1 yard, 36 i-nchea ' 36 inches waist measure. Size 26 re - wide; longer length, Ira dards, 36; quires, 38 -inch length, 1 yards 40' inches wide, or 1% ,y;�,\ ,inches iu> t•z -w,i e, -or 2 yard. w1 e. wide; 36 -inch length, 3 yards 40 No. 8283—Ladies' Waist. Price,' inches wide, or 21,4 yards 54 inches tents. With or without two-piece Width around bottom. 2'4 yards. - �epltum; back closing; sleeve` in twos No. 9227—Ladies' 'Ivo -Piece Skirt. styles. In 8 sizes, 34 to 48 inch bust I Price., 25 cents..With gathered side; measure. .Size 86 requires, with non-! sections; high waistline; 38 to 36-,• lum, 2% aids 40 .inches wide, or 2% i inch length. Cut in 7 sizes, 24, 26, 28, yards 48 inches wide; without peplum,' 80, 32, 34 and 86 inch waist mea•.Eit1 •�' a I% yards, 40 inches wide. or 1 : Size 26 requi;r_es, 3ff-inch length, 2% ; yards 48 inches wide. ;;ya a "86"inches wide, or 1 744 yards' h Nd. 9245— pug*, :..t;#eerhk;ui 48 inches wide; 36 -inch length, 244 h a::Phis►.-"-86'•`4etit`S; - In two lengths; to yards 38 inches wide, or 1% saris is 48 be slipped on over the head; c•1noing :r..lfr>s wide. Width around bottom,' bn shonldor; uflderwatst having Id- I yards. mono sleeves. In 7 sizes, 34 t4 46 These patterns may i,r obtained inch bust measure. Size 36 requires, from your local McCall dealer. oir'. longer length, overblouse, .1% ' yard's' from the McCall Co., 70 Bond StretetY•1,�: 86 inches wide, or % yard 54 inches! Toronto, Dept. W. - • •. • tacks the pearl oyster, • • Having established this .fact, . his next step was to proeui e n number •of pearl oysters, ,and plant them in Tils own pearl fishery in_ French waters, after first inoculating theta with e '.disease .wkielt inducts them to pro• - ' dupe pearls. At first the pearl;; rir ]fad been ,able o produce by this -means were small, and of little worth: but, as he him- self remarked., they were leak pearls, -not mere -globules tri` another-of •MONEY ORDERS', The safe way to send ntoney.by mail is b3 Dominion Express • Mia,nry (Order 1 A Lake of Oil Now and .then .� "guslis t-' loose, and the result is a ••lake„ut r�,il • One of the _nen, t retila1•l;:t.t►Iu happen- ings of this kited er . ;i1•r•ed not long ago in ,the Laine creek district of Wyoming. ,t r•ritable •geysc+:• praised forth . petrolc•unr' by the ,ii;ll'inu, of -barrelfuls, and, in :order to save the precious fluid a data was built across the valley which imporindezl a small sea of the fluid. Ordinarily when `such an escape ,oc. curs, resort is had to the expedient of throwiug up banks. of earth to prevent the oil from flowing far and wide. Then tank cars are fetched and the petroleum• it= pumped aboard. ti The ttlblishr'r of the beat Fat•tuer's paper in the Marrt'kne Provinces in •citing to us states: i vroul-c ae -.a•11ret '1 ttti"not know of -medicine that has "food the test- of time like MINARD'S LINIMENT, It as been an unfailing_ rein.:iy an our nlrseituld ever since i can remember, and has outlived dozen. of s mild -he• 0mpetitors and imitators." Tea or Coffee Often disagrees with - J some one lilt the fam- ily. An easy way to get away From such annoyance is to drink INSTANT POSTUM ' a w ih everyone trs the faintly. No steeples,, - nests, disturbed digestion* or irritated nerves follow its _use ."7heres- a Reason" • _.r Snowball Tips. -When you venture out immediately after a fall of snow, you nerd have little fear of cheeky urchins. it is when the snow begiris to thaw that you will have 'to watch . warily for a stinging snowball on yogis• "heck And this Is the reasdq. The scow, at first, i- powdery_ 'While it le freezing', it makes very un- satisfactory talo .bail.. Open your window immediately after a snow - .storm, and 1111 . nisi hands from the ledge. The ' gnaw wi17 scrunch into, .next to nothing, and wilt nt i' li'•i'i to gather in a firm, solid mays. But when the that• sets in, it is a different. matter.. The crystal points: et the snow interlace each other; and the snow can he sylieezed together cotupact tuts s The bans -Y , as ire---anI then iss the time to keep Sour weath eye ones' Kangaroo favnitng is one 01 1 , tralin's important industries, ' One halfpenny is capable ing 2.0f1f,OfO microbes. 1 ' Question of identity. I ITIIMELLA]:QEOUO• In Myrtle Avenue lives Mrsl 13roWi1, G tiolCL '.,,, ti R BLACK BREEDING nallikl not inappropriately, May and.: Reid Bros., lieithnrell, Ont- • the proud mother of lusty twins; F. I oxes. Also wo are buyers of gar e? wait ; ' i' 1 ur•r•i \': S t'uCK WANTED. is YOU • - ! The .other ,day' May was .ottt 'fora �/%are able •to s4pp1Y ed.ise u•s s we fe ; a feat rices 1r + 4: o►enaa #ros., Lltitlted.. -gone very far when the%' met an old Owen Sound Ont urs. • 1S -hat have you—what yriye?. ASTHMA Templuton's' RAZ -MAH Cap- sules are guaranteed to relieve ' ASTHMA. Don't suffer an- other day. Write Templetons. 142 El ng St. W.. Toronto. for freesample. Reliable druggists-sellthem, at $1.04 .a box. a;uik with r nurser They had ut.1t frat*fi'y ti i 1 1 R s or frer<n 4{ friend` of the family, aIs6 out .for n 'IANCEIt, .'Tt:Molts, 1.L'Ali•g ETC constitutional. He' nodded to the nurse arid' shook thelit:tia girl's Hand. "Good morning, my dear," he' said. 'And which of the a twins are The miniature maiden smiled sweet- ly, as she :.aanewem •:i' a t'tbe` one that's out walking!'' _ Paying on the Nail. That was a wise old rural philo Tiller who called worry "interest Itrouble," paid i" advance. An expressiort with which everyone is familiar, "paying on -.the -.__nail," comes from the old method of settling accounts, says, an • English 'writer. In the early days of trade and merce, merchants .on , Change; ,,,paid , • tt'dt.r he r,' 440:their .tit �• ' i�,si•, tliesr I.':e1r? til iE; .iii- the market .Irlate. Written -receipts are now almon-t_.uni- versa!, and these naBs.�are-n-•tdfiger -used;• but . two splendid's-peciarens still remain among the most interest- ing treasures of the anLient port of Bristol: . They' are are each about four feet high, shaped Iike' a gigant4i hour- glass.' There they ,stand in the busy street, a lasting monument to the inA ,trity, of the old trading ,_and finer- chant class, who paid on the nail and scorned a receipt. - - Don't stint yourself :n order to save up money for yqur relatives to quar- rel over after you.are gone. • 9'--•— �-- o --o --o o BULLY! 80- 011 ................. If $1t�QUS, Constipated • or Headachy, take • "Cascarets" Feel grand! Clean up inside! • Your System is filled with liver and bowel poison which- keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your head foggy and aching. Your meals are turning into poison and you can not feel right. Don't stay bilious. or constipated. Fees sprendid -always by taking/% Cascarets occasionally. They act without grip Ing or inconvenience. They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty,' harsh Pills. They coat so little too—Cascarets work while you sleep. • • SUFFERING CATS! - GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL 9--o-- s O- a--A--o--o--0--0.--0- -Y--• Let foiks.step on your feet hereafter; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, .for corns will never at;-ain send electric sparks of pair through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. • He says that a few clrops.of a .drug called freezone, applied directly upon a tender, acting . corn, instantly re - heves sureness, and soon 'the entire cern, root and -all, lifts right ont, .This drug is a sticky ether cont pound, but dries at once and simply shrivels up,the corn with'o�•t inflsming , gr even' irritatint the' s::�-roundasg tissue. , -. It is claimed ' that a quarter of ac ou!.ce of freezone obtained at any dr' store *111 cost very tittle but is sof! tient to remo••'•e every hard or soft or.eallus from one's feet.- Cut this ou.t, especially if you are a woman reader ho wears high heels.. . "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at t6t tie! Remove poi- sons,. from little stomach, • liver and bowels A Kidney Remedy Kidney troubles are frequently caused by badly digested food which overtakes these organs to eliminate the irritant adds e formed. Help your stomach to if properly digest the food by taking 15: to 30 drops of Extract of Roots, sold asMotherSeigeI's- Curative Syrup, and your kidney disorder will promptly dis- appear. C -.et the genuine. 7-• 11011111111111110111/10111/01•110011110011111101011111•1 America's Pioneer Dog nemei:See Igook on D00 DISEASES and Irrow to Peed ' Tia!ied I're•_ .. t,;* .�utHor. a., Clay Glover CJ, L I115 ',t r•St ?:ra: ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY REIICVI internal and external, cured'without pairs by our a .me• treatment. Write us before too : to Dr. Beltman Medical Co., Li'mite.il Co1lingwood. Ont. To fres-Yin stale - bread dsp the loaf,,:..sinap .,;,kt •: a Jlean e10 ; into. -boiling water, -let remain there for a half. minute. Then take, off the cloth and bake in a slow oven for ten min- utes and fresh bread results. Ash for iKinard's and take no other. One housewife has a new ,dustpan. hang -n 1,a-," le_ 1,e... l.,ite,}ten /* e. iq_•ove- iii and, other- hot-dlehes from the oven. In Britain, night, in �1aw, begins second hour after sunset, and ends second hour before sunrise. Let Cuticura HeIp You Look Like This Nothing bette r to care for your skin, hairandhands. TheSoiptocleanse and ptrifp;--cite-OintmentTa -soothe and heal. Use them for daily toilet. Soap 25e, Ointmeeit 2S and a?e• Sold . throughout the Dorn inion- C�nad i an Depot:: L mans. Limited, St. Paul St.. Montreal. 1l Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. LET "DAA JDERLNE” BEAUTIFY HAIR 0 Gdrls! Have a mass of long,, thick, gleamy. hair TS. {es and Fire kfut(tal • know_ the laplc, Jogs, price - nk•y - tft '('r .¢ 'You'll Lind 'Sloan's Liniment. softens , the -ere - rheumatic: ache, 1'.•t it hfr ir: sty Don't ru!r it in. f u Yet 11 f•r.r, erste naturally • What a :1 seas „f':•.,ut'f'lislsi' rc i*er soots followS 1 •• Extc• raJ :s •'I(' t ail 1`C,c,- sorenc,s3, - crap p�s', r,usc cr, :--rairit.d sinews, • bark "cri.ks"•re.-those ailments can't S oan's ,Liniment. Clean, -convenient, economical, Made in Car1a¢a 3&a:,.,7 Accept "California'' Syrup cf Figs only—look for the mins-California on the package, -then you are sure sour child -Ps- having. - -tite-- b.pst mitt most - harmless laxatlye for physic for the Iitttle stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fru ty taste. Pull directions for child's dose. on each bottle. •+(lire ft without fear. Mother! von must say "California" oughs and Colds Mean Restless Nights which sap the vitality. Danger perks In every hour a cold is allowed to run. Alrsiat nature to hring your children' quickly back to health andstrength and avoid serious complications try the prompt use of Gray's R 60 yeah In — over . Always buy Mt* , Leto Soso r Let ''Dsate, • ' e'• save your tair and doubt? Its bc•..u•' 1 ou r'an have lots - of long, thick, strong, luotrous hair. - or f.0114 ,, 3 ing back tib celorr vigor Get R 85 cent bottle of delightful "Danderine" at 'any drug store OP te.!e: Mounter to freshen your roily; ellen clan drlitrend* falriug bn;,- Your hair needs this Stimulating tonic. then ' its • life, color, brightness tine', abund• ante will' return- -Hurry' - `f ONLYFABLETS MARKED —7 - "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not A1'ir:'i at ,11 without the "Byer Cros r�a 'Tile rean.. "Flzter" :, the thumb- of "1•%.1rer.Issfsr! of Al ;Tin" int. anci Pair: generally 1..), tablets cost tun