HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-02-12, Page 37. 1. •_ w i You Can Detect Engine Troubles. The trouble is caused by improper "Perhaps the most Itelieate prob- i 'fitting, loose bolts, broken ;bolts or • lem that the amateur automobile' bad keys. driver has to deal with is that of dis-1 "A loose 'piston, gives a very steed tinguishing between, . and locating . various engine, knocks;" says an .ex- . pert. "While there are nunferous 'listen- ing' .contrivances on the accessory market, experieuce is, as always, the best teacher, and ` it will enable you to locate 'and, repair the faulty part` - before tit elevelope into' serious trou- e: ble. Some of these serious knocks Keels' Bralkeq, Waking,. -Evenly.- * ^ are the foliowin • _.,:...-:.�•.. --�----•...:r.. _�.E*, • "It - is of ftsndamentaj 'Importance _•}te nxore experieacc you have fn to keep the two brakes working even-' listening to `engine talk' the more ex -1 ly. Some cars are equipped with an pert you ,will become --in 'discovering' equalizing device which tends to and telling exactly what is,lpoee.' nmaint.ain an even sprain, on the two -Each part not_ functioning properly i brake drums, and these are the hard-' •• has a -peculiar ...a,und...which ._usual r., .„#,o.-rena,e r -the rebbi>ng comes •Th • regular - .10 s ve.. seagr•I.p unez y; ' shys an expert. ' the_speed of f:'1he engine. j "Often," he continued, "one drum "A, loose connecting rod . produces. br l inirg may become filled with rnud, a sharp•bump or a very heavy hollow ;'causing rust on the 'drum and an sound. To locate .this run the engine extra wearing ten41ency on the part ' i !lei]:slow ..�y.!lcof-atlee��o:-">04:'0t^f:.�l.,r- . � +rt'i.n 11' areel hose .i e t„ ' • ''I U'i l; .- o [•)�.�L' irt1l)1•r,�.:tte(d l . ,c,osc t-1ic:. Lnoe] :s:::.e ui b , ,detected der w•i'tire,oI1, ' causing', more ''wear" on the revolving the engine with the hand ► normal brake drutn .than on the one' . ' `' •� crank. This tro•tible is' caused by a greased. In •either case, if the situa- i C C. I knock similar to valve slap, the clear -1 ness of- it varying with the size of the sylinder and metal used in the piston. 'It can be. located very easily by the use of the 'listening apparatus' held against- the cylinder, wall. It is caused by as large bore, small piston or eccentric member. • eta • w 41 i� 111 L " How to Mend a Water Jacket I remember one day, the early part side and over, the ends about an meek of last winter, I drove over to a neigh- I then placed it on the cylinder, ase bora to help saw a lot of wood. He tapped it lightly' with a hammer to had quite a pile, and was aua1ots to shape it so that it fitted snugly. Nr get it sawed before the cold ether I drilled a row of holes about an In came. For this reason he had hired apart along the edge of the plate, a crew of men to hurry it along, but large enough to let some machine even then it 1'would take a couple of screws go 'through. , Then I places "weeks tela get it in shape. As 1 drove the plate in 'position over the crack into the yard, he hailed rue: • and through these holes drilled holes "It's alI off!" to correspond in the cylinder jacket. - :`:What's the trouble now?" I asked. These •holes I made a size smaller "Oh, I did not draw the water out than the holes= in .the 'Plate. Then 1 of the engine last night, and the water threaded these with a tap.: ' froze and cracked the water -jacket. .• After that --I put sonle paste nada Now. I' suppose I •must `send off for a of white lead in the crack,' and covers new cylinder and wait a week before ed some asbestos ' wicking. with' vtti.tS I can run the .engine again." lead and• placed that ditectly over the "Let ole look at it,"I asked. "Can't crack, letting it stick' over the side{ It be -axed'" Land "v,e walked ,over'to' and enda. I took a piece of atlbesto$ w -here it was standing. • -sheeting, cut ,tut the size of the I .found't'hateit iv:.: the outside that plate inside- of., ,tile hales. that Were was cracked; •. in fact, it is very eel- drilled on. the edge; soaked it in water, dons .that the inside wall is cracked and'piaced 'it over the crack with the by freezing, _ wicking already in it, and fastened "I 'saw a •fellow• fix a crack -of that the plate diwu solid• with the screw*. sort once, 1 told hint, "and if you der I took a file and smoothed the patch ';notatu.ind.aw;isth...yatar „helpa-Ill -see- if down. I can do the same --that/ is, if you „have , If tete .engine- had been a new one I hiss o generally around a fait Workshop." We went into the shop,, and I looked around and managed to, iind the tools . rtii i . reese.r,�aele.,,.` '.eth • ,t.kl,l.�' i. t ,eesSi,r • We -.went stick 'to tire-,eng`f-i e, and the first thing I slid alas to cut a V-shape 'Mark along the edge of the • •r^-�' crack, from otle end to the other, with loose, , c.oreii or burnt out, bearing. tion, is batt It Will be necessary to re- own a c1)id Chisel. u Then- I took "The main ' bearing knocks lire rnove . the - wheel and' clear both lin terrablt �sctat`s, bol it'also tells° its oc k a .sheet readily located by rtenning the engine ing 'and. metal surface. - This usually. MULTI GIRLS . • gale a'., 'plainly as .th(� •tiittoa iiiarkg iron ltlute steed cut 7.t ' o ,tIi t it cover ' • themselves. ed tele c cosi, incl extended over each . on two. cylidexs at a time, one on each ; remedies- the fault of this method. • I . . '' �` side' of the crani beating._ _ A :hard.t "Most cars, however, ate equipped i BRANDED BY TITRE ,\•:th th(�. parte eef tourists who trite bump will be noticeable throughout, with. in(lividu'al '. connections to • the I V S yelled wall rile a'cl oss Asian inc;r were _ this ' (t er,�•(1c, - produced regularly , , pedal from .the .drum and ares ( young 1 rt17.:l lull girl au(1 1.' r ^•i. with 1lrrtl:e,.--_ - the fir:. y -i'§'/ ..,t', !;ruther•, leanee ((-hound to :t ei tsr, Others' Work i the= levo tete}erg . tit .r (. t4tc�(i seli�t1<tely IIA the�•8._. _ . FA OF T knc,, !.. :,r,! (1i11,1 6'd by' and l71<ay in tile' evenly me tic's' is •t;out7rl to get the' SFS VICTIMS ARE the Only sl�rvivclr of the family. _ -`"Ire.. _ would have been on the cylinder otic first, but as this engine had no paint on the cylinder I did not do that. 8o 717, R e^-71, a tan .fry : • .1;:. 1' T i.11 �: u#.:rou Mite, a screw' driver,` a 'cold 'Chisel, asbestos, and a little white lead, 'I mended the crack and saved the ex- pense of a. new cylinder, and, what was . more valuable, the time that it• would have taken to get the repair parts. sh1 t`(;i, .(�• fitting bearings, or, scot ,,lore Ser -a n, >ri ieh in time will sear HEA ILY TAS' ED. • gir1 «'as. 1•e�tlly iw:tut;inl. •11•,1' iea= ' 'chi, world ct,ul(i,lral•diy j'.t on. with- seubtle Turin of the tendency .to do ed (,r 1 "i, ,o h;,' + 00 111res ,1 r•re' Legn1:11'. le 1' ..,lii!1 w,t-, ( real' (,il.t .inose .11'11o'. -du til(' work of others ' othe1' ' r.:,irk than tats mere uncalled- nt oat heitrin Tit -the-let- that. tire down eaoner than rho other..I c. . ter tsvo . ipstaneres the , engine will •Soniet.imees. it is cert' noticeable-' V her celer I;ood. Slee h,!(1 not it.�c•onle :is well a:, their own.. ,I1�,�r 1,:::ily, !nen for refle1.11ing, a tendency that is really t 1 «.. harden, ,1. '}y1i 1ti?1'' Ca ,t jt' jt e ...:,:'(l -ler .� : there. s . � r e er r, • 1 • Y t: sled ct !di' When the brakes .are allied sadder. ['er:lble Ef#eCts Of Turkish 1 .an .1 tt-oi err— r e til _ . e. K h(7..e ... •.tlrl ,, s .mei. a i trrnft11 • I►rhrlsely because it titil:ali� �►•u 1r �vtih�n it is' std "A loose piston pin is (iSatinguis:,ed• 1.t'•, 'Qne wheel •slides, while the other,• Lae'. �',-:i- le•el•' 1 ,,11,1‘',.1-i,"'1,1••••' 1'11- are bent Ii'ith t11ci'r "enrn h11 'et:s, N11io ' pi•in•g,S 1':'0,,11 the desire to help ' and.. 1)t' a :Sem? 111) metallic knock. It can be • ievolvti', perhaps .causing the car to C telly On ;e Spire( of • cause -of her beauty �h,• had been 1;11'• yet have to take on a doily load. of from a erise'of respoosibili,t3 for what lo.:.tc l by using the `listening. rod'. �s erve sligutly. 'there; is no excuse! t'ooc�(1 v� ith 12::1:-ua1 1.laboraterl(•Ss of. Mutt ' bt�lonr;- 11) Otl!).rs and get no i'- acutely done: It is -ee.7 especially,. AI'ili1zZ11▪ 21ri 1�d3tIO1[1. •ii 1,811 by the wbnie r' Of tl'i(1. htlrclish thank:, ;1.11t1 no credit for it. 1.1ow 'in ii ,t' who have, or (night to have ' urien seep cylinder alai speeding up • fur 1)1akeS in this c ndaitn . If the i ' 1I € 1 , • the t ;: '•:nc 1;u( tl • e. •• -i 1 , 1,- liuusehol'(i V,•h(>re she hat, 1:1...,.1,k( ,�t. n7,1.1.�• .:In:.k.f' 11' •r('u):1 1.1i0:vj1 ':,r.t1 ;l re: an li11n:rel:=e ('ea of wo1•K .�, 1 �•il1y:, th..n rlo.ing tire' oiwner cannot aii,i,i:.� them himself, he: i�::,n(lud w�unlc:t►--such at(_. thy a h • 1 th done by sub •• �titrbitle ril l:l�. h'•' so doing, doe-, s n' �' (, Greturningfr(,nl tea itivity .1.:' our 611111. dr•1;• 0:.:s1 .a;' tear T:tu )til., -(gid dote j:`_11t•�t ::t1(1 :1.1•:.l.t•:t . 11, .:•ho nrdja:.les, The hares of W - good •e ecu - 1 y g', a a , h •old` see -that they are attended to., n _nl.tn . now l.. - 1 g bee l;nock is hells(, • which is .very `' a t other times'the bra>:es • have. to 'the Arms and the Kurds. TTI:: , 11,)0 (4 (i11. all, 1 ':tj,lee:tra11( ('?.- , r(s!tlly- (1epetel lll�l,11 :'1: .-i•!£'nt • tive, �:'l:e•'tia:r, in the household or in • • spar find • es n.h )' 1., n , .• ( it('l2 111:)1''• ar!(1 r1( i•t' ((;11(111r'0t. ;lite 1 ��•L1i(•iiirillle'ss (.;f.1(eine u1)c'.•that stands ,.the nation., is the readinos to. trust P h 1. Ill.eht b� i�-t�Er teen adjtistt.(i evenly and. un-. • of trei;,lc liain:.in � int,ere5t is, the � termed' a ,rap. These knocks are, evenly; so 'that' in 'time one does not plight of these ' 0 ti1;11s ()first' Tuiki';h•`{a ,t i,l ,a 1 . rt rl nt t th , d. 1e::d tt;t'rill thy':;'iItle t;:l l.; +t1.:1 . moot! ;1 her5,'`t 'sc'le�et lite right head and caused by a crooked or a broken .pin, •gri as it should, or one becomingdel)orlatiOli . ' Thc:}.. may be round. in „pr,rtatu,us. t rowels Worth' soreetimes the' r• pg.11 "sloes, ' ' hands .for a certain task, lay out the • or perhaps a tieeirt or badly worn dant ieauses rust and..in. . ' nacre tsin;; numbers, scatter•eti among .kulihter when slie ;ll•)pe':►l•t•(1 .:tt flu' (1001 , Vicarious 'l:ab.(;r of, th.•l•t. order, is nett general Outline of it, and then leave n S p, a .. n this way mCn�f,er. createa, enough eXtra frictio» °I -alba the :�ri11e ,list, t't)I11H1illljtjNS` of lsia ; O1 tilP 1)0� i•t1• i,. 01'-13:• fs -::lull. !herer io'1)er herns(,' tee era rile- ed les eyvne, l the' head and Bands to, get it. clone in• `cA leo; e cratik.�11 dt seldom (. ''s d • • s Millar, tee width 11:i't• Bove returns:( was nil' ditlitieti`1 t!1)uti asli:111.. 11r, =• 'But tl:t r•e' i., :1 tri :tion irr•.(1(i j.,thers'. their own way. Tor sonic eo le, evea i tl iot.n t r, drum to. Z� c.., it down fester than the I , � people, • after' nearly five tear:: Of : o11fvrcee1 tiuu:� 01' lir, r. ct:1 1•:':'t c.1. 1hie .Sr- wore !leo is 1, .. . ,;,:.1::elidable. Zi'e ; for seen:': who h .e other• important ' countered. •lt gives `a staling• ;lap other one..., ) tom])itaAl•;:ith a thud. In some cases • "'rhe brakes should be `examines, eine, Were. it • not for 'the pat riotie+'menla"'. l'ea'f ' `'•`;_: 1''.i,'.:• s,;'tl►a .il`1 1.:,,.( the :cy meddler,. wl:ni elenicllts Of, leadership, that is i.mpo9- ' :. t�1�-1L('. l� tt�l)t:�)C VI: ' „,••11,1e,;�Ceelt rt. •.at,.,, t. Los' (j,: 7 T not , -only tilt` .thud. is audible; in• -,ether from time to time, alld these differ- eeoeuticuf .of their fellow Armen1.11.s . t ,�. ;jell ail in ljff:, If; he has sibIe. They ac.t oll.� pial, <'t g eral case, the looseness of the. be'aiin "s. traces noted. The best wayto adjust 10 regent .these girls ;me ,woetee itfi se%.- re' otel al the :. '.:' les ;met ally, to we telt his.lJ•i.•ighllhla.. to coins schen:e of What they want done; they i�,'11 1.i?t)w' the gears to sea and rat -'the bt ikes ori the car ,is' to jack: J upt irtartyrs of the cosi' their fate vvOilld Anton Rare llies:,r, 111i"3.11.'2) 1111d 10111,1', to .tell how this ! must be daily, hourly,' superintending Lige, t;cntraliy this trouble is ver the hind' wheels and .with the brake be l:ortil)le: t0 t?ontc�nlplute. 1,t1P. i r(:nlii.etl 11 (' tt; l , 1,,. u; :Meotti he thole or elle thea lmeld ha . it, giving a. hint• here,, a suggestion e . sionary ,'.i:(',or for ( 'sibie ell 1 ••-men! a ,•, t t • e kr:awl-edge' e ' hard to 'discover, -due to the ressuie slightly on and ' the; engine -running ,fil,tilit world ktiows ho'A the 1'.url,,, ; ti.l(1(111 17u.t.:ai:r ,,� •..n: r h_.t�.v.�(le,E.' there, criticizing' and c©rtriltenting, 'not • of the= si lt• • tierces Arab: :End lhel lire, ees,'too• of,: Ile"; raved tl, c e:,,etelea. tleeiell ,.rye of the dclitlitions of L:llor_or in ori .unhiniily spirit, but. with an in 1 e circ. ,s. Ttie t�ui,tsle ,,L parr.- �tpeol -IN'ith the clutch in -pct=. t 1 the , can be located,- however, byg ferabl�.in intermediate speed, anydie_ took their• pick of• the; girls:tinct.yuuug had planned ti here t1)c11 „ii' I: r,. !f. ;:1' ae:�`,'i .., t,:111:-'-ilnlent, or the its• tell.e anxiety that every detail should ' sounding y p , , HNI' fe..ati16.:4 \t,:•1'P .SO etirtljt:, tt l Cu:- . it•c 1 t;, 1, 11(•1i • ,l Sometimes ( r the gear case and -dam shaft' bear fercences in the speed of litee___terns--from m ,tri ong the deported .1r Isere be rarr..ed out just as they would car • - nlenlaus, woo had been sent into erect• 'that. ,the re stilt:tit sell 'would sc,ii, of that sure e y ea •Elia,)• voile,- ' rt' it oat. themselves. 'Meanwhile the Ings with the `listerai e' , •rpp is , a wl a the differences 1 .., _LI1•e-.l• er se a caused by; loose bear in the grip "of the brakes. If one wheel hideously disfigure her. Ph�s:c ions. (Nei• t.) do the e:,,�r. tlicmGelves and larger function, which they should "exile" that the rack alight die a "nit• , inns, end play cr badly fitting bear- is turning much slower than the aural" death rather, than be nr:t sacred. had 'told tee ti.ea they(• is. 11(1 w•ay,, to do it ,better- :•,;:it1 iu'iu,its that we properly perform, is likely to be -ne- ing:,I ant not going to rilit 11',C the horrors know•n to thou ft)r tl11 1( 1I1( 1 '' tilt• ,.all I:nue and Ito 1: ,1 .• lie to ,?aeil up- ! glected. - other, the brake on that side needs Cooing without trace. and it' tiers is 1 on. • Usually, the best way to do our Rork . A roasts flywheel will groluc*e a loosening. 1 of those days', writes' I)r. W. T. 'Ellis. • s(t tiler fate of.thot:: wise-: elf Ar 't.'niur.'• There i�, h,,t• , ,, r smell more is to let others. do theirs. ,eels• heavy ,nock at • low engine " It• may even be that with the !Literally thousands of Armenian girls girl is pitiable. ; 1. speed& and appear regularly. The 1 weight and *teed Off the -rear wheels . were i rci) 1 s, kites:; ; vti 111 change its na.t a re entirely When the engine, is specdetup, and the .vibration of the shaft will' pro- duce a dull chattering knock. •It is lo- cated by disengaging .the clutch. and roek.:elg the flywheel back and forth. u bl • made me r7ber of Dies - in 'this manner one wheel may not \rem households and some were revolve at 'all while the `other is re- legally : married to-i'the ' it -ten- -who -had - volving at twice the normal speed.. secured them. Such an example only shows •how . The Arab's Idea of Beauty_' much, extra force is applied to the r Among the Kurds and. grabs it is one wheel„ than the other. the custom to tattoo the faces of the cosi Patient of Toilets women. It is thought that their beauty ;II anrea. The Wart Scars et. ge, f. the . , l _ ; ..... ,leets :+tte'c•,•w;}rd n... a ►, a ectiris c �ttNv �,,t(71(1).1t(Ittong,as Recompense. Face branding is not the ve,�ist ti' t . difference.. (race• .(� notal chaste has. happened t,o arse Ai ntenl.tn .deletes Y.. ice.. Stories from the fear 1•::��t hltvep people, the animal -like conditions of awe�l_t_�cl-etclut+ir•tilt nT7.oll t1►+'..2:e:!1:t:ur:s life into which the (lPltortatic�n' has of Banger once hole ere si7c�1: it t forced them have results to a serious little -bus been said about the worst moral deterioration. . coihe tr, the - rrrTr:Neill ' - All us ab et ::11*:,1,sairi Li_ t),,R dear al Grief is the lot of all, 1 the Turk, as the Frown - of their'' Yet the--meradows know as aresult bf the persecution. This Is Tom'-eiftect upon tt}ei.r.spirit�: -� 'it-ips;T-- ley have 'smitten and Oaly heu_ eke ralndrous__tall_ . - Myriads of lirmenians harts been br:�ndetl at nation in pits soul. Will the green grass grow, , ! branded in their souls. Many, or most, •f• of. the girls in captivity, for instance, have neither sought nor de:;,red de . CROSBY'S KIDS Brief is the: time for song, Yet the brown' thrush sings, • Careless of the; morning`s dawn She spreads her golden wings. head, lips, chin and cheeks, are some- • a„� tittnes only a few blue spots, and some - Messrs has been written of the 'won- in 1894. But it was not. ctmpleted by tunics an •elaborate design. . The, A't- derful. patience of the monkish scribes Parlatore himself; he had long -antes moninn girls were subjected to the custom of the people amidst whom oC the Middle Agee, who -were willing J gone fo his—reward. Prof. Te4dor - to devote an entire', life to copying and Carvel finished the work. • • • .they had. been taken. embellishing a single book. The field On• this side of the water, Prot.. Asa Armenian women do not.<wear .the 'of modern science Is full of effort that Gray, the most distinguished Ameri- veil, so .therir. faces are exposed to �\ is venally prolonged, equally pa1nstak-can botanist, • began the. "Flora of public gaze. Markings are thus ap. • lilt,.:end in r.umeratn cases equally. North Anmrica" at about his twenty. .parent to every observer. since tat- , in the great nbserv;ltori'i fifth yt':ar: The first number appeared• t('t)ing is nit. _a► allused in Western ci Etttiipe and lnierica ttheta',aate nese in ' 1�:iS.. pray' died in 1S88., and ,theme `lslil ..Tihcir, elle' Kirk With f, :aures s0 • who are spending their live:; in enter- work a•1 then only (2b9Ilt half finish- "tlt`natIiE'nted" is 1►rcir.lainled to friend Ing :It big bookstliigltt. by night, fl.gures ed. flaring .the fifty years that. Gray :incl 1 *l) 1' its a former inmate bf a eget zurr,'1y go tri imake_uy ,fables '$oil l ill. this ‘,.n1, him" kyyag 11(t�it'nl h:,r17t '.for story is written fr(enl ',• icicle ilur-•ele:t'r'-n(itotits ri•ilturir' neever i1 terrttlite(l for loom , than i3 rranmistal;aT71y. Fven n Tinut,ii Ainicin Npeyltkiug ge Polly. 1 iit 1s 111.0c•unson- hence > 11:1!I he aabletri calculate the brief period. ptc,t c..•i(tn of file equinoxes.Sir .1nse'l.h i1t;(ek19 I►•egan the "Flora it leis bean said •that poi haps dile ' of British Inch:(" about sixty years ago. ra(►,t ntonntnei7tal life tasks :of the' One volnete of it • remains •to be hest lirttt(lrinl -slid f.went� -live' years .finished. Martin's "Flora, of Brazil" have been in the domain of hotd'ttg; want 1010717 in 1864 and is -still incom-` branded "is not wholesome. st�n::i seas eein• certain astonishingly lids- pletee. although it is steadily advanc= live woman �itr:nkqq from it as fr(itn fat's:ihle scientists have undertaken to ing. ('osson, a French botanist, died !oath. .Curious and unfeeling gnes- tr,.ike :1 flora each Of his own country. before he was able to complete his Hens keep the fart aliVO is these' works we shall have not "Flora of Algeria." Many of these Armenian girls re- riteely a list of all the plenty of the Praetica-lly Only two great flora, `ort to, hurtling to obliterate the hate - country, but a full account and des.' those of .Australia .and the Orient, 'fol :(ign-ntanuai of their Moslem cap-, ctiptiun of cvtery plant. ' were 'lnCessfully completed by ttheirtiv1ty. They endure the pain and the 'Some notion of such a task uiay he original authors, the first by 'Bentham ensuing disfigurementit only ,they iliustr;itejd by one or two special ea.;ea. and the second by 13oissier. They aro may gei'rid of thc,hluc: brands -of the -lire -Italian flora- -that - Profs Ftlipper aplentiiti tnonttnt nts to theMetzwh-nedoufu. Nid-t3 -Kurd. 1,117 fort eluafely.,. this drastic' treetnt nt net only leave Pariatore began in' 1848 was cotupleted made them. livprance. They prefer to remain in the indolence of elu►.lenr harem life; • they have become aloslents in reality. 'This is the de.;pest wound the► T1(rk!- ha Ve nla(tes i1)1 0) Armen i,(. Tree. once fres'. ninst iif the• liber•:11,e) r ire,..,:'gain become .1rmenians il+ ;ltiri4 ; ,Beet their reel life has been crippteed. -Only a Ilawthorne or 'a Hugo e'oultl. a tie inn e•ullitillltllti, i ere :ier•c'ol that t4lese Speaking ;,•i,(•T.tlly, it is he collrell ret111'il("1 r'fllge'('s elio11!(1 lo' treated -sus 1111thng. relelef w•ol•keel's 1h:'1 the!'(' as de,erving or, spt'l'1:11 I1,)1!lti• 1,3,t alls(e has he ti llleYitallly a great shun), In of What til,'y have .elite -tell: •fres being the 'ch;lra('tter of the .Ai•1ilerticees '• lie Ariueni:tns, the corsci.uUane'ss of being larva_ 'been dcept)r1r.'s ' and' vet'lige',es. t T,lth sten, '( Ir.,. the 1►urilir•t et „t•1`, i`e. race' in .the \('•.r 1.:;1;0. ldavee :,,:t their spirit of 0ndu-1ry. Tlop les- ,ie,sllait has itnpovter!sll• ei the souls of :t lea: of them. Tho s'-' ne'n ore readier to , work th;;11 til„+r husbands and s( ,. Also, I was told ►)y Gr i goriat► prie -1 and Protestant' AF10"11ian pjtcte,is. then, ha,. bpi it's i v`P' edecliite in the religions • faith and intones 1 t•1' 111(• ,apopl e' ._. _Tut. 231$r.4t41a4 fervor- altar harks',, n,at;y-1rtnetli:'725 in the ',odic;, THE DOCTOR SENT THIS BASKET Or FRUIT TO YOU- HE SAID IT3 400D i:OR YTU - t1Y-THIS APPLE IS DELICIOUS- A 1 C,AvE A COUPLE OF PEARS To ” MISS JONES- . BRINGING UP. FA• IIEK Swift the.years are spanned, I No reams abide 1 But steadfast the great bills stand Till the stars have died. Sing there thy song, nor care If the winter's near; Know that•the rains prepare For the s' : _ __ siae- 1 i. -ed not the dying rose. i.y the season's slain; 141.1 eternity's closeto • 1.t)\e �h,tll r.cn;:lin11 • "ANy 09Y NURT?. "IAP .. '3us`TMY LVCF�" THIS WONDER: UL. LIQUID PISTOL GIVEN ! 1.,e, as like a real aJin- tnatte . tireat rani' This '1a 1t' re•pe'atti,g, li,,ul.i pistol :;3140 it'.cly' TREE h: 1e,t1ing only $3 ,70 north of •ur snap fast- eners. t•:ter> 1<e,tty:•n them: You'll sell. then: in jig time. .lust Rend uta n postal and we'll send you the good- Sell there, retur:n__u�schs Tier'- 1..7 t!1• Mete' Is �•nurta. 'Write rete N(.\'' ta1M0 ABS'l(. W. L. P. 0. BOX 1955 ]C.. TORONTO - �..� ..,....rte.., OH: ( MUSTL.. BY ceOLLY-THLP1 CRAPES IS Vale ARE. LOOKING; BETTER-T1'AT EA -r ANOTHER. 1 4o0o-GEE THEY'RE ALL GONE- . PRUITI SENT`fOU IS DOING you ORANc,E-I'LL e- C,IVE THE HALL 8OY AN APPLE • )UST ONE APPLE LEEP -WELL AWORLp C cooD_ I'LL EAT THAT- 1i\ b n L) 1111--, .. o Jaid Fire 'tual ,ogre 9. •110x. the -pie, 71.-s:'. . of .rink ^id Jr • P. e -1