HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-01-29, Page 3ARE YOU WEAK AND RUN DAWN ? In This Condition Only a Tonic Medicine Can Renew Your Health. . ▪ The condition of being 'run ' p" ▪ Is one that doctors do• u ize • as a disease. The physician f t -day who gets his - training in •a hospital phere only severe disorders are en- countered kne{ws little- about 1t. 'i3ut those who are rum down in health know that it is not a fancied affliction. The expression "run down. applied ' to health, means a condition in which -*1 the bodily ffiric•tion's are enfeebled. ApPetite fails, the digestion le ink - paired, the nerves are impoverished, the complexion.becoines' pale or waxy,• , there is no animation, but 'rather worry n_aud_mental tlepres.siore FatigueIs a, constant'sympt(�m.' No particular • organ* being affected, you must •look. tor relief to the Blood. As' it circulates through every part of the body, any. Improvement in the condition -cif the blood is quickly felt throeghout the entire system: As a restorer of _the • blood- and---burtder-of-v►resit nerves fir: Williams' Pink Pills stand at the head of; all tonic medicines, Every dose of . theses pills helps .,to enrich the blood , and strengthen the 'nerves, and thus the various organs regain their tone, And the body recovers its full vigor. A, }sa,_p'fnoVoo'f• this is given in the 1Stata'•lisait of "l{ +-.,,. rard:, Street:• East, Tortatto, who' '44ays: "Two years agp-while employed as a' conductor on tlie, Toronto. Street Rail- Way,,I became much run , down. I conslted a doctor who gage me medi- eines but it proved fruitless; as I'was • constantly growing weaker:, My ap- petite 'completely failed and I fell away in • weight until' I only weighed 125 pounds, I was sometimes taken with fainting' spells, ,and finally felt compelled" to resign my~ position. 1 •tried what I thought was Iighter Wori., but s with no. better results, 1 was growing weaker ane! weaker. Cunt;- day a chwn urged me to iry Dr. Willeianas' Pink Pills, • but by this time . I was` heartily tired of medicine, as nothing I had taken slid me any goo,.]: Finally he hutight me a ho, of ;the Pills, and,1 eou!d Aro longer •I•efuse to• try theca Aftt't'• u time I tel4 `th.ey were Velli e me ate" ,,the-resl ..g.1-sesintinued to it use,. with the result that I was•finaUy enat,lt',i to go back to 'My old- position, fully restored to health. 1' owe this splendid condition -t9 Dr. Williams' 1 fink l'ills, and can strongly rccom= . mend them to nriyone suffering :ts I. did: , • • . 1►c� sWilli.rms`. F'inl: , Pella c•:tti be 01) tailed through any -medicine dealer, or -may be had by mail, post paid, at • 50 cert ,t box -or six .boxes for $2.5p : free: tie. -Dr. \\'iliums' Medicine Co:, Brockville, Ont. • •_Damascus. This 'is the -gray old city that passes not away, - WhereinAthe long unchanging yearr, are but as yesterday; City of silk and roses, rich with ter ancient bloom, Becalmed through whelming life=ftdes, uutouched in waves of, doom. •• Great Babylon has vanished, with all • her pomp and grace; And Zion's temple,like the wind, has passed and left no trace; The stately gods of Egypt have Mused their hour away; . • The mnr rtttg art •of . Meitutou- has suntt6. its final day; Iler childhodd's' mighty. sisters . buried still and deep, •. The drifted dust of ages is blown about their sleep; : ' But- nested in her desert, where bar - ''ren hills lo6k down,` .Damascus of the roses yet wears her faded crown. But now tine desert's •children • ,with . flying robes have come, And with thea] march the strong -ranks, with' ery •of 'fife and drum: The boys of France and Britain, armed with the new world's power, Waking the gray old city to .greet the changing-• h-ou' " Their wings have bummed in triumph above her dusky ways, Their songs oP victory have pierced the long dream of her days; And, till the falling of earth's star • • •. i 411.br,eak. the •life of.men, ' 1 t.ttitEcl ru., t. ., P : -e_ ri to bloom ;Wattle- Fairy t-gatn. - Fairy Baskets. Fairy baskets are made of large hazel nuts, filberts pr peach pits. Fil berts must be soaked in hot water fo several hours; hazel nuts and peach pitsmay be used green. With a sharp fine pointed penknife bore through the filbert or hazel nut on each side •in the light colored upper..third, cut away the shell carefully around the hole so as to leave a handle between the in- cisions, dig out the• meat that is inside, then. cut'•very tiny notches in the low- er edge. If you use peach pits trim off the sharp point, then best! and cut out the shell. and trim the stalk end smooth . • ••These .ba.5l:ets are• a never failing pleasure to both children and -gr,, • '--Ektle' trse-tn wirieli-you can put the fairy baskets is loop a dozen or niore. upon a strand of silk floss, -41.11 each one ith earth and -supply it with a sing] tike ,grass seed, then hang. hent n a sunny window and keep hear moist. Feed plenty of charcoal. It is need'- s to keep the hens healthy. SCIATICA ' Would you be rid of that - sickening pain -that sharp knife-like thrust along the sciatic nerve -course at everymovement? Thou- sands have found lasting relief in • Templeton's Rheumatic capsules Many doctors prescribe them. Write cTempletons. 142 Hing St.. W.. Toronto, tor free sample. Bold by reliable situ gipta everywhere for s1.0� ASTHMA • 6 Templeton's RAZ -MAH Cap- _ rules are guaranteed to relieve ASTHMA,.. Don't suffer an- other- day. Write Tenmpletone.142King St. W.. Toronto, for freess►mple. Reliable druggists sell them at e1t,04 a box. The Wreck. !lit on the, edge of they reef she rides, - Where the billows play and the sea- gulls cry, And the seaweed clings to her mold - 'ring sides, • And fray'd from her mast her hal- yards fly. {:' {T',+• (j:xt C'" ``r lrrr� r' o shore' 'Tis a summer sky and a summer , ,sea, And 'idly a rag still flaps at her fore, And the tide rolls over her lazily. r But what of a day when the Storm. n p In Russia an u_ nmarr;ed woman re iains'under the absolute sway of her arents -until her death, regardles's df Ring woke And a Spectre stood dark 'gainst the drifting fog? - And what. of his fury that o'er her broke And -a Death's hand that wrote out the log? • When the storm was o'ier, on the lone beaeh wide, ` What was it ,lay there --=that silent thing? That the seagulls saw washed up by, the tide, j And .flew,my--vr , Ah, well for th.e day that the skies are clear. iiut somewhere? •there's rt woniau's• sighand tear, And a child looks up Mild wenders why. • MY Mother. My mother had two lovely eyes, As lustrous as the evening skies, And looking in I always saw My imrage, perfect, vvith no naw, Safely stored with'.n Inn b. art • Lies her iniage,.my sweetheart. My mother had -such lovely hair, Coinbed around with such an air Of tender care, soft and brown, Colied around her like a crown, Twisted around with dainty touch, Not too little nor too much. My mother had a perfect mouth, Warm as breezes from the south, Like the .yoyou8 birds of spring„ The songs she loved. to sing, . Dropped against het,loving breast My head fouud a perfe.c't rest. My inuther had a charming face, Circled mend the iiec'k with .lace, The softest cheeks, the daintiest ears Listening to my hopes' and fears,, Pearly teeth as white as milk, Lips' with kisses soft as' silk. My mother had the sweetest chili, With little 'dimples, dotted in, . ' Her eyes eo soft and mild _Gazing tenderly • at her child, She was my dear,' my friend, We ,chummed until- the very end. WELL SATISFIEDWITH i--�,,.—'�-- ,, .. BABY'S OWN TABLETS Bernard,-' La Tres:arrtat4on,: one , writ �,: 'i hays used • Bail•'', • L0w n Tablets for airy 'batty and ani well satisfied' with them. I have recom- Mended them to several of my friends who have also used them with bene- ficial• results." The Tablets are a mild. 'but thorough laxative which re- gulate the stomach- and bowels and thus prove of benefit iii cases of indi- gestion, constipation, colic, colds, etc. They are -sold by medicine dealers or 'by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' ?Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont. . Airplane Mails. • , The British 'Government is trans- porting nails: daily by airplane be- tween London and Bristol, . B'irming- .hanr s �'ewcastlte Mancneatereand: Glas- Minard's Liniment Cures. Distemper, And yonder the sails go idly by' It is advisable to boil a neve etothes Those Suburban Walks. After weary months of 'waitieg, the e"'-� o newly-marri line before using it, as this not only prevents it from stretching, but makes it. last much longer. If ,new pegs are soak in cold water for a few hours, they ' ill not split. (1 couple had -at last got a house, with joyful hearts were setting things straight. _ _ At lth John engc h 'ante . across a little er_age. picture of which he was very fond, �� EIV �`� r WINTER T - - - —� but which` was too small to hangfrom "' ��� r %'� F `IT � T the picture -rail. So Its got a nail, and hammered, it firmly into the wall. A few moments later there' was a foul knock at the, front door. "Oh, John dear," whispered- the bride anxiously, as she peeped through the window, "it's the man from next door. I'm afraid your -hammering has disturbed him."' John hastened to greet the visitor, and began to apologize. • • "That's all right," said the neighbor heartily. "I don't mind the noise a! bit. I've 'only Conte to ask if you'd Ws-. a- -other end of the nat1!" • Minard's liniment Co., Limited. ' . Sirs. ---1 have used your M1NARD'S j.1NIMENT for the past 25 years and whilst, 'I have occasionally .used other 9283 1 liniruerlts I can safely say -that, 1 have T •• . ' 9155 No, .9155—Ladies' �1'ai:.i. r rice 25 ctettt!. Kinser() sleeve; panel front ant?. or • e..th,oal vest. Cut in -.r:itiA, '•�tl„ ::t►. -.::.a, s40, •12, 44 alrttl 46- 1)4,1. 'tt.e:`sure. Size.3( requires, v'•i:h '„n;r t r •hr�i•t, sleeves, '8 yards, wide, or 2's yards, 45 -ins. vv ';, ; :vest, ?$ yin:el,• 27 or 3t; inches No. 92M3 --Ladies' 11ret,s. Price 25. 'ct nt•-T1f'ked or plain; two styles of • sleeve; seliarate foundation skirt; three-piece lining, lengthened by straitrlit section; 38 or 86-inch•Iennt1i. ,. Cut. in Fr 'Sizes, 34 to 48 itis. bust. Size 86, tucked tunic, 4•;' yards, 34inches wide, or 2% 'yards. 5•`i inches wide; 9249 plain tuna ;;•',, yards, 36 inches Wide, or 21:i yards 54 ' inches' widt:!' Width around hottom, 11 yards: • • No. 9219—Ladies' Dress. ' Price,.. 2;i cent•. Two styles' of sleeve; double • never used any equal' to yours. . If rubbed between the hands rind. .frequently, it will never full to relieve cold in the head in 24 hours. t s a i o the Bost for bruises, sprains, etc. yours truly. -LESLIE 1i:lrtthuuth. Sure! High Heels. Cause Corns But Who Cares Now ---o 0 • -e • • Because style, decrees that women crowd and buckle' up their tender toes in high heel footwear they suffer from corns, then they cut and trim at these painful pests which merely makes the • In a few muinerits you can trans- form your plain, i1u11, 'flat hair."' `1 ou can have It abundant soft, glossy and full of life: Just get at • any drug or ; toilet counter a 'small :1)9ttle of "Dan- derine" for tt few t•e:tts.• There moisten a soft cloth with the "Dand•erine" and draw this through your hair, taking one r,nn1l strand at.a time. Instantly.• • ARMISTICE! Constipation, Headache, 'Colds, Biliousness, Sur- rethder to "Caseates" J:r:t.g Musk peace! Jt uj' lI:e: system is filled with" liver and bu1•,cI poison which keens your skin sallow, Your stomach upset, lour heed dell and aching. Your reseals ::re tur`L1ut; into pofson, gases and: acids. Yoe' cut; not' feel right. Don't 'stay bilious; or constipated. Feel: splendid always by takitlg Cuscarets oCcasicii fly. They act without .griping or in'convenienee. They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, 041 or nasty, harsh Pills They cost so little too--Gascarets• work while you sleep. freak ,Ear of Corn. ' Miss Florence Nioiruo, of North New -Portland, Me., is exhibiting a freak ear of corn. The =ear of corn is fully developed, and Is filled for fully two-thirds of its length. At that point the kernels begin to break down and make way for well-defined rows of oats. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion • Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. Polynesian Race. The '194-ts a of le Islanders belong to i12E u*,“rh : f', le•llle_- . Is rt-gltrd- .� ed by some ethnologists as a branch of the Malay or brown race. Polyne- sians live on the Mende In the Pacific, east of Australia, Papua• and the Philippines. Minard's Linimen• t Cn es target in Cows. The 'Angora industry in South. Africa is at present, worth $5,000,000 per year for its mohair alone. Mica in stoves, when- s'mok'ed, is readi}y cleaned by tpking it out and thoroughly washing with vinegar a little diluted. If 'i he: black does not ' come off at once, let it soak' a little.- DOUBLE BEAUTY OF YOUR HAIR • i Danderirie creates mass of thick, gleamy waves atTHAIT AQ1 T W -M ooa 13. 'died Ami t o., srutistllh sir �oata . kry -#'Q* TRtral.vr>Erit. t�'i eliCLY Il', a County. Splen4ltt opporhjnitt.- oz T. tVi1 ;•�,n 1"iblish.ta Vo la t' Adelalrlo St. w.r , oronta ��' E1 L i:cjL iPfIi.L :<:;wiiI'P. • and Job piiut;]r:et t.'t:.r.t in Sas Onturto. Insurance o,vrried 11,110 +, for $1.2ot► on ou'��k stslee Boa, aviisOr. ruellsalee Com Lts1.. Toros • < +sozrZ.LA.t :ottitL--,- • fI ENS WANT}a alive 18 een �1 & pound• any rise. f.o.b. your ton if within i40 tulle ? * T„ror,te, C.O.D. In criet4 or k')t'�x• At r.rt 1.41 11. i C66 Dundas West. Toronto. 1 Hint✓.:- tsi''1;''.' 1141 13S -A rr-'UJJr - vv nixes. ruse. we'are u3 -e P'urei tS , t.c la e. wl--what prise? Rrid Bros ...Aotbrrell, lntc iur'rri N i'soi K'WANTED I Q are able to suis 4y, aCvIse ys, t, w 11 pay the highe,,t prlcea, dry at 1 from the aaw. Keenan liras, Lf i nw en" Snund. Ont. i ANCER, TUMOR/! LVMPB. - i.nternat'axcd exte>rne.1, eyred tbotl pain by our home treatment. 'Write, se before too late Dr. _ Hellman Medical Co., Limited. Co111ngwoo4, out. A -EARN MONEY AT HOM1 -- 1� will pay froiu 616 to 1116 casts e week for -your spate time writing.Show Cards for.us or secure for you a per- manent • position; simplest method known; no carrvaaalnp Write to -da of call at our studios. Drennan show d' System, 33 Currie Bldg., 260 College St,, Toronto; open evenings. Dept. J. , 4 "SYRUP OF FIGS" B CHitD'S:LAXATIVE Look at tonguel Remove poli sons frci little stomach, liver and bowels Accent "California . nes,' r.: Figs only= -look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste Full directions for child's dose on each bottle:: Give it without fear: Mothers You must say **California.” corn • grow hard. This suicidal habit. may cause lockjaw and women are warned to stop ft. A few drops of a drug called freez- one applied directly upon a sore corn t gives quick relief.and soon the entire corn, 'root and all, lifts out without pain. Ask the drug store• man for a , quarter of an ounce of freezone, which -eoe4ss.-*ery ]rifle bat -is su Y1'4eat - o-ree move -every -hard or soft corn or callus from one's Leet. - This drug_ is an ether compound and dries in a moment and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or eves Irritating the,surrounding .tissue or Skin. Clip this out 'dud pia on your wife's dresser. ' /re .4. a,, f\ -Danger-- .Ca1.c!s . 7 . `And rt'.r- cc,::,:•c `'1 , enritractedrin t, ` r^ ;fi Meati cr. yes, -jnrnieiiately, you h ve doubled the /beauty of sour. hair. It !will be a mass, so soft, lustrous. and so -easy. to do up., ,111 dust, der t ::Iir1 excessive e;" is retnov-ecl.- Let natulerine put uior4 I;fe, Ohs . v';c,,r, . and brightness in your hair This stinnest' : tesis Vill. fresbr ., sour 'c:*:p '. iss '' d-'11'1r•ufl at�d'fsill.I' h::it tike] t:e :1+ 11:+,• to gri.,w• 1'rnc ..E :.;;a nose :' er ttiingli' two-piece circular flounces; ' ,, two-piece skirt attached to waist at A Bit of News for th _ •• s c� e e Old Folks". '` 1 � � fl r •.-: 1' tet- •.,�-- !. • .-, r' 71: hipline; instep or,.ehorter length. Cut in 7 sizes, 34 to 40 inches bust. Size 30, with double flounce, 51 yards, 10 inches wide, or 3/ 'yards, 54 ins. wide; with single flounce, 4' yards, 40 inches wide, or 2% yards, .54 inches wide. Width, 11/4 yards. • These patterns may he obtained from your 'local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., To- ronto, Dept. W. Made Quickly In The Cup 1NSTANT POSTUM —the healthful table beverage now used so much by former tea arid ee-ctrinkera. "There's a Reason" 0* A Kensington boy of seven, •who was sent to a, boarding school, ,according to a London paper, Was instructed by his parents to write lonk letters to them, with all the news about himself, ,the school End his cotihpanions. Nis let ters, however, proved to be .note worthy for brevity and for a finely im personal touch. Among others he sent the following: "My Dear Father and 'Mother. • 'Do , you know . that sal' i s - uveae .et-. two deadly poisons? • "Your loving son, Walking Snakes. It is'supposed that the early ances- tors of modern snakes walked on four legs. Some big serial int:,: sueh tis the boas, even now have'rieli-nentery hind legs. _ ' But the "feet" on which all sn:tke-A do their walking ,t : --;retertlir laginous extremities of their rih . Tn preserve these is the. gre:;ta culty.In the prepa-retiestast ten-ophhtian skeleton. Minded the Steam Roller. Teacher: a"Ho* is it you were not at seboorYesTelay, nn3 .•' Johnny: "Please, sir, when 1 was Doming to school 1 saw a steam -roil. Teacher: "Well, what about it?" + Johnny: "A man touched inc on the shoulder and said: 'Mind that steam- , • Troller, boy,' and 1 stood minding jt •all the afternoon." -4 1' fr„rt t1,c first snif(c or sneeze. Stip ft in titre and d., n•,t ramble with '•reur hca1,1,. Used user 6Psaes in treating crn,,hc, colds and Pied c,•npialnts. Eveybedy boys CRs Large Sts* Gt :esu:.: real D. W ATSO` A CO., :v; WHEN NEURALGJA 4i ATTACKS NER VES • i Moans Liniment scatters 1, . the eorlrestiolhnd . relieves. pain , - , A little, applied ;c "illi is, •a'./•ir;s,. will j :.n-I:.,•tr itriliMiatciy and rc•t W• ive I Os - cies, lumbago, neuritis, sciatica,: ra tt-, uratic, twinges. Keep a big bottle -always on hill for 'family use. Made id Canada.` ----Druggists everywhere. 1 3ac., 7O4c., $1.10. ' i 400 F' the the nerves. Sloan's Liniment it } in allaying • extt•r,;al pants, 1 ruiset 'aches, stiff Jc rets• sire CUt!CI!Ta Ointir.r Is So Geed Fp. The r For eczemas, rashes, piriples, irri- tations, itcl:ini-s, cliafings anti dan- druff cn scalp, as well as fur cuts, a•c,ar:,. i):'.;i. r and 1s an;: of i ,st ^t', Ct: cC'ur't€). filet'_ t w. ,,dei -f •1. It is` 5i) s i 1 , .-1 1`71:»,. .. 11 Cuucrta i . , v;.•r. 1 -y gent;}• a: 1... Cutitura Ointment. T:., n cnt is best on ri_ang and rct' Soap 23e, Ointment 25 • and Pe. th- 'ug! -,out theDyys-inion. CaneiianDepot, C• --ns, Limited, St. Paul St-. Mentrnal. 1i4• a -"Cut,care. Soap spas-ra without mug. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER” ASE ASPIRIN 1,4 ,110,0 - Not ,Vsririn at A1# wiihGu1 the `layer Cross" jt. —The i,,, Tr, r11,, ,--i ' I,', r'•ire. the sante nA proper directions for ablds, only genu;•:c' Asr,r;a.-nth,' .i ;: ; i Il:cadac',-', 'Toothache. r.Arnche, '.+les- r rreRcribcd by phvc is inn: ' f,,l+ or,.r 1.,1: •• t•!l ia. Lstibago, Rheuitatiom, vent.- tketl r •t a., ' i -. Julieit Pa.a -mkt -Pala-4-Pala-— - — -• Aiwasu- a nu ,t,, , f �ii1, T {1 ••' _ 'iii Votes of t tablets o �" c,f "Bayer Tablet.; of .1:;4,,iriii" wlait.:►', a few cents. Larger "Bovet" packages. There is only one Aspirin1-•'•]layer"-Yon mart say "Bayes" - Aleptrin 1e the trt1.10 innrk (rr•p'ctr'tle+,1 in ceetti5sl of Ti*,—.. let.onfeetura of Mone- aeettra'r•IAeatFr of SRI+,••1trn,tri ''e i-i.e it 1••.w.-11 knt,w7 c,+at A.pfrin ran• J;afar, Ilhanttfsetur,, fi A!RiN. •hr` p,:)'tt• FL at^ ,, •' 1.tttttienn, the T„brrt. of Compare,'ayCompare,'ft1 Ireitaaspt4 with busts sesersi tress wen, tae -sayer Creep." e • e