HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-01-08, Page 8.....•••••••••••••••,.-
:,. ft,' •
$IAS, Sale Price, 11.00. •
SUPPERS, black and colors, regular
to $6.$0 per pair. Sale Price $1.
MEN'S WQOL SOCKS, regular 75c
pair, Sale Price 69c.
black, Igtay aiuj white
Ilkiecial January Bargain Price, 85c.
UNDERWEAR, Penman's make, reg.
PAW Special, $1.69 each.
- AND -DRAWERS, Special 75e. each.
colors, navy, red, brown, special 89c.
LADIES' VESTS, natural and
• white, 50c. each.
FUR SET, suitable for a young lady
of 12 to 18 years. Regular 821.50, on
sale to clear at $14.50.
special winter weight, white and
• natural. Special, 98c. each.
CLEAR. . .
2 only, Ladies' Black Plush Coats,
regular $15.00, Sale Price $37.50.
1 only, Ladies' Black Plush Coat,
fur collar, regular $50.00, Sale Price
• 2 only, Blanket Velour Coats, green
and brown, sizes 111 and 29, regular
price $40.00,Sale Price, $28.50;
. 2 Whitney Cloth Coats, colors bur-
,.. -
1 1
Sale Price, $21.50.
•'1 Velour Coat, color green, regular
S30.00, Sale Price, $22.50.
1 Velour Coat, color navy, regular
$24.00, Sale. Price, $16.75.
131 nine ladies' cuat.. left.
These are ill" thiti'siiiaoteg-ItYles,'"'''
but we don't want to carry one over
so have marked them at very spec-
ial prices.
value $1.19 each.
. BLACK DOG COATS lit Clearing
. T he applitations for New Assurances received by the
- Company during 1919 reached a total of over
This exceeds, the largest amount of ordinary Life As-
surance previously written in one year by any Company
01 the British Empire.
Geo. H. Smith,
-GAtt a Policy in 1920. .Agent, Lucknow.
Who Knows Where It 'Comes
From or What It Is?
Mzl i'kc d Difference Between Mankind
and the Wild Things, in Their View'
of Death -Lower Animals Lit -
Ale Impressed;
313, •
- Snme folk; talk about "the mystery
•of life," and it is as good a way as any
to *peek of it. For. truth is. nobody
seettis to 'know anything about. life..
,yet everything pays.ntore atteution to
living than to anything else. Prac-
tically . every motive in• the world,
among the vild things,,heto live.
Noteven node With all 'his knowl-
.edge, knows %here life conies front, or
w1.1111 4
:1t...tidtinlikl.11.1111s011.1gsleoul+;(...h,lilurb. a.,_wri.t.es,..1.n
It. is 'just the-"oppoSite•.o.f-rienilt. be
win fell •you'; 'one either lives or dies.
'.1f '11.0-f`slivin-s;.. ste iliniy is in a ceitain-
coollitioo. The blood 1141WS • through
the veins. The heart beats. 'the body
Is warm. One is conscious of Allilt
N\ II'. cll '-goes on ,about •hint. The very
whether the thing is a man or 8 .dog
er e hird.or 0 •tish. Ilitt the why of. It
1:11---eobe81y enderstaii(IS that.
- .Tte .w lid 1 hiugs si rive' with all their
1 :i.,,I.e...T‘, ,-.111.0 ,t,,:Ltit.. 1,,ta, ttity,,,.titLip.
tlif lig,: *MS
thPIO: 11 doeSn't 'soca-to lititke'-any-,
impressien upon nn Animal to run •up -
en :male r animal twit is dead, out in
the e..0(1.1 4. They tear death. hut ,they
do not rt.speet the dead. nor show idly
i in. km . iii , the presenee of death.
They 00. ilOt know -What it is---that.is,
l they di, not °know that the dead crea,
. 1 ure they etteontiter in the woods is
11(.1141 ntill. done for. If it .18 Something
:hey want io devour.* they devout. it ;
•irit is me, -they' Pass on without .pay -
1.112' Much attention to it.
• 1 teath is -more of a mystery to man.
That 1,4. 'it -impresses• hint to a.'greal..
or extent. Ile think'S more of it. He
tries no harder to live than do tlite wild
Iniiiings„ hat there 114 something in cop-
• eetion with. the presence of a dead
creature' that impresses a 1111111811 ,be -
!31g. This 11.3 especialty true if one en-
, ((miters death out le, the fields or
wieate. Traintiing • through a forest. ausi
eeming•sudilenly nem a deadanimal,
1 ,• ,ine pauses iti contemplation of the
tystery before hm
i. Yesterday 8• 1114.1111M stag.' let its sny, roaming the
voiiiiS iii triumph; strong :mil. swift
lid lieiintifiii.: conseious ilf his strength
nd fleetness: living -breathing, *see-
. tg.. reenter! _____Todny--thpre he lies.
!is 3*(01 rote.rhened by the winds or
• ...lin Ilk 1yes sightiess,his limbs with-
: it niotien-uneonsciouS he lies there
•ken log rotting in the elements. Can
'its he the stag of yesterday?„ Is the
•sing •elilleil tife nil he needs today to
(rouse "him (ran the siumber1.,--4o
alued li his splendid efiat,eto bring the
leatii of light Ina) the eye, fo give
- -peed toile. limbs? Then'. Whenee the
(hing callud life? 1)r, from whetice aid
.4 come in the beginning?
• Tlins dowe meilit-ate and marvel
it the elysterY of life und death when
:ire in the nresenee of death-esge-
.ially if W.*. encounter it in the great
'inflows of the *fiirest -out *here there
iiiith:nerto interrutit us. art where
4.1 ".niS 111::) %% Welt ...rives life lie! .whieh
f6I4ieilati hataotli ilbik thorough
Is the Work ot Owe Department
IP of Agricuiturs.
An outline of the organization dp-
veloped In the • department of agricul•
ture, through more than half a, century
of experience in crop gititaating, indi-
cating the care and.-tliorougliness with
Which government erop reports are
prepared, is given In the annual re-
port of the 'secretary of agriculture.
For collecting original data the
reau of crop estimates has -two main
tionrees of information-volubtary re-
porters and salaried field' agents. The
voluntary force comprises 33.743 town-
ship reporters, .one for each' agri-cul-
tural township; 2;752 county reit:triers,
who report monthly or oftener. on
county -wide conditions, basing their
estimates On personal- observation, in-
• quiry and . written reports of aids,' of
WIhQWt here are about 5,500; 19 special
lists ofc�-operators. aggregating 137,-
000 manes, who report on particular
.0"roduets, such as Ilse ' stock, .eotton.
‘vool. rice,•tobaceo, potatoes. apples,
peanuts, beaus and the like; and 20,-
100 held aids Including the best in-
formed' men in each state, who report
dpeetly -to the salaried field agents of
the bureau. The total N•oluntary staff,
therefore, numbers approximately 200,- .
000, an average of about 66 for -each-
county and 4 for each townsidp. . The
•refior term, - as a rule,Afr,e tarraersvThey
eree 'On& are
cause of their knowledge of local con-
ditions, their public spirit, and their
interest in the work. All eicept coun-
ty and tield aids report directly to the
bureau,. and netteh elass of reports is
tabulated and aVeraged separat•eiy .for
each group and state. •
-Tuesday, Jan. 6.
Mimi Mary Mackenzie has returned
to Toronto, after spending a few days
with friends in this vicinit).
Mlas Jennie MacNain has returned
to Toronto after spending her Christ-
mas vacation at her home here.
1 have returned to Toronto. ,
• Mr. and.Mrs. Earl Culbert have re-
turned home after spending a week
with friends at Lucan and St. Mary's.
The many friends of Mr. Ilenry
Culbert' will be pleased, to know that
he is `recovering from his recent ill-
. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McKay en-
tertained.a few of -their friends on
New Years, Eve. All report. an en-
joyable- evening.
Mr. Robert Elliott, while returning
home Sunday evening from visiting
friends in Huron, met with a little
misfortune. His driver turning the
cutter over and spilling Mr. • Elliott
out on a nice soft snow bank, took a
notion to exercise itself by running
full speed up the road sto a neighbors.
*Ir. Elliott., realizing. it was "no
dream," started out after the fast dis-
appearing outfit, and found it pat-
iently waiting to be taken home for
the night. Neither were the .worse
for the mishap.
Our school meeting was largely at-
tended last Wednesday. The trustees
for the coming year are Messrs. Chas.
Boyd, Robt• Shiells and Dan Mac-
The weather man must have forgot-
ten about our' teachers and stude:,ts
having to return to their duties. How-
ever, election day solved the problem
as the voters soon made the roads
• Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson have
returned frem their wedding tour to
London and other points. We wel-
come Mrs. Jamieson to our vicinity,
and wish Mr. and Mrs. Jarriieson suc-
cess in their married life.
•-Monday, Jan. 5.
Mr, Hugh Sproule is visiting at Mac
Messrs. George and Henry Culbert
spent the • week -end with Glamis
friends. - .
We are sorry to report M• r. Mat
S"mith on the sick list- All hope for
a speedy recovery.
Miss Rose and_Annie "NiacKay, of
Kincardine, st4nr-NeW Years under the fowl supper liTINIVIttititTrfr.
the parental ,root
day.,night last week. , •
. Owing to the severe weatifer condi-
Sorry to report, that Mr. R. owler
tions, and bad road,,,there was no mail had the misfortune to have his house
through last week -end. .burned to the ground on Christmas
Misses Beatriceand Ethel Elliston, I Eve. The fire developed so rapidly
who have been visiting on the 8thr that nothing could be saved.
• Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1920
Miss.Margaret Laidlaw is .spendiwt-
a few, days at Mr. Cameron's.
Mr. ad Mrs. Win. Sherwood aro
visiting with their (laughter near
Goderich. •
Mr. and Mrs., Will Nixon and fami
ly, of Sasketcliewan, are visiting with
his parents here.
Owing to the recent snow storm the
teachers were unable to resume .their\
duties on Monday..
Nurse Irwin, of Guelph, ▪ was the
guest of Miss Mary Hacket on Wed -
tie. (18y of last week.
:4ti114 Minnie and Hattie Nixon, (4
Toronto, are spending their 'vacation
under the parental roof.
Rev. and Mts. Thomas Stanton, of
Alberta; returned. to Toronto aft,,r
spending a few days with Mrs. Stall -
ton's relations, the Hacket
Walkerton sticks to an old method
ST. AUGUSTINE of collecting taxes in one installment,
and. this is payable in December wh( n
the demands upon the people are us-
-Monday, Jan. 5.
nilly the heaviest- Barrie. has had
We are ghul to see Pat Carney able ' the tzteeg paid in two instalments for
to,be about again. , years, and' in 1920 will make b furths.
Alex. Anderson is not as well as his .er improvement by having them earl:'
ier in the year arid further apart,
yobably in Mayand September. ,This
will. make the 'payments easier an4
save.a substantial sum in. bank inter--.
es. t. '
friends would wish. _
-The-fitristmas holidays passett-
quietly- in our burg.
Mr. Michael Forhan was home from
Toronto for the Christmas holidays.
Our burr w res nted at
n 0 t -gaffer
inot her day yea
Itching, Bleed-
ing, or I'rotruti-
Ina Piles. No
Surgical oper-
ation required.
Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once
and as eertionie cure Lyon. 60c. a Dox; all
dealers. or Ecitonmeon. Bates & CQ„ Ltralted,
Tornoto. Snoro'm box keel( you Mention this
paper and wicks,. 2, statup to pay polyp.
'Girl Farmers.
South Bethlehem, Pa., probably bud
one of the most active Organizations
of the woman's land army in the entire
United States during the sunmter just/
ended.- .irartnerie inthatlocality in
many instances reaped the largest
crops: in history, and they praise the
conscientious' and 'efficient ‘vork of the
girls and young women *Ito assisted
them as among the best help they evet
had. •
• Pitching hay 'is really a man's job
but the 'girls on the forms near 18thleheln were ready ,,to try any kind of
II .„
farwork. 811(11n8de a fine record in
harvesting the hay cr)p. The work.
r.)1. • which t hey S110Well 111n111,4_1.1VeS
hest adapted. however. was. horticul-
tural. T•hey were invaluable .iii the,
truck gardens. weeding onion • patches,
picking •berries. buncliing.. asparaguS
and doing the various other odd jobs
that Must he done to keep gardens-
produrtiV8 and neat.
Saturday night meant a time.of rest
•-for the els, and they eeleliruted
ordintirily. They nlso gave °e-
ms:Antal Vaudeville 111141 minstrel sleiws
find dinner parties. NItillYof titellt :Ire
college girls and have gone hock 10
- school!, but others are engaging in oth-
er formS of work (luring 'the fall and
winter season.
r.zrdenders otRaids.
:11,rrYttrees..--frec*1'm 1,440414,44._ wilk.not
'11 in ti.,lleo hew; swiftly. true to her
...aryelete4gtft of etermil youth, she Is
lie.t.ereting every truce of the ait raid
'cried as if it hail never been. Some
4' the Itrs tiunits 'by enemy bombs
411. retwiAl. 111 the* wholesoli. mar -
•.t ceyent thit.ilen; lett they might
rs itioniticeil as th8. effeets of re-
nt tires which nre olways to be
!I'd in the gient city... Ni 11 'MIS of the.
.Ir ia d shelf, rs are. however, otreadi
:::rd filid: „PA) 4441 .0"11f Itlit,y lie
,.vered on it pest *11 1'ntt*flhIUtil
rms41. Or (11441118111 college.
• cli leol not found leisure to tfor
iiWt) sit:1111.v p.ter 11I14o11t its 118e
• 111) nit*. 13101 shelter: while • in
trhawitton row New Zealand
jet.: not yet dettloliShed its
re(etto4.414t. Speaking general-
tiom :111 stills of tIi reign of
.:•%.(e. '1010 have -vanished. like
.e..• •••'i of a drenlit.
•;.r IselOtel.--r- London Globe.
raper. Underclothing.
(hirable quality of
ieeellitez leis been oinde or a tine-
.;. 1.(y inpaitese inatinfne. Nvd Members.
:;:rer-:. After the, pliper• has heeh cut Utile ibert's mother lia.1
:1 pattern the different ptirts are • hisisted that he wenr his billr
•:;,N\ it steg..tber .3ind hemmed, and • the curls.
3,4, lo rt' the buttonholes stre to cut hut
;•!•. , all, strengthened with (-alien and
The 14:11 sr is ,very strong and
fline-Very flexible. After
Lient. Ints'bectitworti st few boars
;I N wrfere, with the perspit•ation
lie. I.(ely no more then 410 gnrtnents
ilitton 'The paper is
„not toor.is it iiiiiPertneable. After
e.•111,ez 1.1 114. • 1011)11 144 difficult to
"..114 VOr Oinfie to
hr 11 11:d1.1 it presents filtnost as
rese.taiiee nsitlie thin skin 1.111d
la311:311.'!. g'ove4.
, • Almanach De Gotha.
We pity the colleagne who nt Ores.
ent hi's to edit the Altinituich (1(..4;othil.
the directory of nil eourts. The next
edition. hy the way, hnd almost
been reedy for the printer When .the
rriat timililing of thrones 11:11iipened
ntel therefore will have to be radienity
revised and.will,look.very different. W*.
cannot imagine 'that the 'good 10.01.13.
W110 11,4141 ill .nlace the bible, or nri-
tnent4'y sind the eourt direetory 1114 1114'
most conspicuous .slielf of their teed: -
ease wiP ever twain have the .1eSire In
Inquire "who Is who?"
No fewer thnit 278 nanies helettging
to former reigning princes ' wilt he
Missed. And those„ are of the ruling
fntliilles •of, Cer111:11.1y eNeillsiVely: _
to Mention he 'Turks. the flreeks, the.
et 4. .The new alimmarle
*which longet .w111 have to,speitk; In
cringing humility •of the Hohenzollern.
the Wittelehnelts of the Ziteh-
ringers of linden, the rolitirgm :mil the
Selinumberg-Lippes 0 of wnr
gal Wt..; Of .0411irse, it (lees net compen-
ssite Pntirely for all the sileri:ice,s
which hundreds of thousands 44 better
1114,11 had 10 suffer hefore these 27g
hiviinesses of divine right, WerP per-
mitted to beeeme. ordinary. uthrtate,
but it is. nevertheless. one feint of few
%.ictory. .And the house-elear'ng still
goes on,-Gernialt Detinierney BOO.
••••, •
Phone No. 11'0 is tit Vour gervice
We Saii l(vr Casn-we Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores
• 50 lb. Pail, • "
1%• lb. Parkage ..... -
25 lb. Pail •,
10 lb. rail
No Cattle Beast or Hog can thrive if it has worms. Dr. Hess'
Worm Powder will clear, away the troublb quickly. _
11/4 lb. Packag, r0c.
Dr. Hess' Heave Powder, 1% lb. Package.... 50c.
• To clean .cattle, horses or hogs of lice there is nothing equal- to
lir- 11014:-;' T.ouse' and 1)4) and Disinfectant
Louse Killer, '2% lb. Package -15c,
Louse Killer, 1 lb. Package
Dip and Disinfectant per quart 90e.
• Eggs were never so high in price and you can ini•rease your egg
production by -using Dr. Hess' Poultry Panacea.
5 lb. Package 85c.
1% lb. Package 35c.
The Lucknow Hardwaie & Coal Co.
Morrison- Inthe Township of Kinloss
on Dec. 27, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Morrison, a son.
Sherwood. -In the Township of Ash-
field, on Dec. 25, 1919, to Mr- and
Alfred-SherwoOd, a daughter.
field, on Dec. 21, 1919, to Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Whitley, a daughter -
Harriet- Viola.
Whitley. -In the Township of Ash -
Municipal councils and county coun-
cils throughout Ontario will be hold-
ing their first meetings of the year
within the next two weeks. At these
meetings many important appoint-
ments will be ,made, and it is to be
hoped that so far as is practicable,
these will.j)e tinned the way otthe re-
turned soldiers. Where the soldier is
qualified and available he should be
first choice.
A always
The other boys hod their holr
not Albert thourb he longed
longed for that cerenteny. Finally
3111 1111('1P at the home mid
jte-soen derided to intik(' Albert into
reni boy. Sop) n barber's shop he hied
his nephew and_ his locks like Siimpt.
,013s were shorn. Then uncle and At•
heti went home.
After mether's ringer Nei spent It-
self Albert went to the mirrnr to sur-
vey himsel.f. Ile sto4'41,111111 looked sit
• his image for n few minutes. Anil then
he rushed bark to the family. "011
I've got enrs. too," be rejitieeil. "1
1411 ve got ea rs !"
• 11. 1.11 ish rk.constnie-
,,. ;it Mali,'la
,•1 opell Iwout: or rural de.
,e, 1.e .(eistrte ;km_ of n
1 r:...t.trry-s7ter-tifoit- ,144.444„..iii.•114e-
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Luck -
now Ater:cultural Society will be held
in the Town Hall, Lucknow, on Tues-
day, the 20th day of January, 1920, at
1 p.m. All members are hereby noti-
fied accordingly. 15-2-c
Joseph Agnew, Secretary.
To The Electors Of Kinless
Ladies and Gentlemen: -1 wish to
thank you most sincerly for the
splend stipport which you gave me at
the polls on Monday last. You' may
be sure that the business of the town-
ship will have my very best attention.
Yours Faithfully
Malcolm Ross-
ot tt iinty anal' • .1
yenr. %%heti 111 Aver-
ihri,%%•itez the telt Hole govt.rnment :110
twain. itrlitellit ti.i. ettutOrY Mittel*•Sinttl,*
Isli donlinien. •
tlres- of lite:, ry been
411441. 11IWever. !hi.
Ecuadoro8 :i
kept up t11(.11. 11(.t.eic s'tinggle notwiil.
Ecuador Twice a Year Celebrates Ott
Freedom From the Domination
I of the Spaniard.
many rever,a.s, until • in 18241
the ileople of. Gonynquii. the leadite4
seaport of. the eieintry,suceeedetrin
rebelling on the ittli (It-tobor.
ow Hid 4)1 Gem. SitnOtt
great Veneznehor eniaticipatrr. and of
bloody bottles sttereviled 111 romPlete-
ly the.spanish forees.and
estnblished !reedimi In "Celle itor...fz-
((Ver. Therefere It Is ilea t liti Eeml•
diseenes celebrate twe "iiidependeneo
..Inst and the 9th
• of *Octola.1:.
hltiw Male *Garment Planned.
(let reedy for:hexi fellows. for
• the 1513erket cape, t'or -you :ire going
to have your nopearimee eliatezed. The
-1•W si'11' 4.:4141* ""
11:1/;!.:0.t. rill if •11 will hp hong fivpir
- .1ti$t
col .0r .Itseil at 1Iie ereicielling
•essien of the eemiltermal inoeng tiOf
he •A11)1.0(1,11 Itreleuers' nssoviatiett (In
the ,U.11.1 hewn. hotel .is sttstnitied the
earment Ivill nequire censiderable
elicee. writes •iite NI.W VOrk lltrre•-
411011110`11.1 Of the l'ittsbitrgh 1)1spateli.
The iii:tiket rap. consiste, of reit artily
11,131111;et %vitt% a few holes 111111 11111 101111
n (let:101:0)1e .eolhir. WIlett the
rovte%r ns1.411.1lii. bloolcot retie per:
forms its prie.1:41 funetiens of X011)11114.
;he Csleeper 111441-notldng more.
'Hie republic of F:ettnilor eclelierfte.
•fwo tuitional holidayS, and. gtrittige-t(
say, both are "independence (toys.'
nre observed N1 11 11 0111 8411111. en
thuslasin nod itittriotir fervnr thttt
distilnyed here 'on the totniversnry (41
tire 0(144))) bit of the 'immortal deelarn
tion. according to the - Puti-Aniericur
'rite liberty -loving .pntriots had 11
sli(Su two bolta lit spanish doniimittet,
before they. succeeded in !eq.'
!patient independence, The first' tine,
they 1,titI w quiet but determined
lotion bit Qaito. the present ennital 4,1
the; republic, the pateletS
tit the himse iof \Ma nueia nilares. 14
brave ,ntul bentitifel 'women, en
git,t 5. 144)9. when they Klett...it their
declaration of InOtTn11110134' 111131
Ufa, 011101111s 11 130 W4'rl. l0 1011113014e 111:
yrovIslotml government. \ 103.t10 •
the' entispirntors g8 11040(1 their.Tfirce•.
in (11fferuntillatrts of the city. mid Cup -
tele Su 1111)414, whit ennimionied 1 he IWn
e133143:11113'S of regulor trielos 11111,,
.!•14.nt le lie
rii( ks. rend to-Ifiloia the dee 0 a
and won them over "to the Ca.11143* " Iiiet1mere than fifty varieties,
the patriots. TheY,...everl,'8•('N',1.0"4 ing sheile lind die varieties due to in.
bodygunrd of 'It ai "1" 4 ferior dyestuff* and to, worn plates,
*14.. *rat romihIle whAlltlInit a
Ing of August 10 and thus si
elitaishoo, but' the BrIfish' empire letids the lis%
rith nearly 200 varleties."
Spanish governo.w arty on the morn
Putting War Cls to Good Use.
Exit( rts from the federal dotiartment
of n grit•u1 !ire and frail this. W r die
1):111me14t begin 0 series cr uxiloci•
I .1
4 1
rry- It 1) tri'' utilize a, gos 11:11 \\Au' ,-•"'t
• .C1The co,1 ‘‘ ill le.' te.. The Attlerienn artily 144 -the%wer.111
the" g"vPr" 'rho gas m•iii in at -
.711 ht. tn ti,flip.t, (1,,st ray Ow 1,0,4 *iwts_
;1•11."". ' 11(44)' "41'11111" 1,i1, the ,pitik boii wortit. tcriallars,
; t1110.1.ous et:amities ot pottito hogs 11nd other insect pests that
' 1111!"..0.1 "ed "I° 1;1113°11.11"U la ravuge crops. It 10 Paid to be u
%%Ili be' utilised. •
1111 troduct of southern pine.
When ftwitketim he removes n
11 of (loth buttoned to the 18141-
11.. the titittil:et sIlul noliuttonft
11t :dent n foot ):ng that snorts tit
,tos This gires 1,itts 0444 of.
-omit in which te tnsert his fiend. A.
Niipoleottle rtorm eelittr IS. then Rt.
.0,11441 to the hole' (.01181. :Ind the two
lies thnt fill) ever the 'arms see coo -
levied into steeves by concealed No -
!ens. And there he ,taiels. sitinrt-
le.oking poncho 114:4? 01 '0' 111.131 elts 4.r
gi.t int0 los ntid keeps
\\ ay the (-old alsn! It (.811 be any eel -
.40 wr. "fly (.1119) tilt, wiltrer chooses.
Intt"these dela;I, ate left for llie‘ttotbfir
•'\V11:14 the Men \\ 81"' to have a gat -
h. fun will,.
Stamps of 1918.
"A(10,1licr yeor conies to a close -10th
far more than :110 new postage stomp,
'lathe; been Issued." write% Kent 11.
.51 11PS in his deportment, "Stamps," in
Bove Life. "The chronicle nt • this
writieg silieVR )1 total of 511 vtirieties,
hut it will he severol 'months yet bE,-
fore American collectors enn gain IW
fornintion re7nriling many ISSIlleg ni-
poeted Jim -ono, 80 that the reeorit for
1915 may tell of as imitly 'is Mo. • In
1917 there were tr.in varlet i's.
"Ther.ti. 511_ N.:111(114.s were pin forth
• by mittens 811(1 their
Fitt 1,4.111.113144. 1310134.1 01n1 04, C01111111'S, de.
peodetwies., oeeopied Wrritories,
to the olooller of. SS eovernments. Of
vrtrieties dile to the
v:irn1one. 'The TIAL -e-41 'Slate* tins is-
- SqlLe,