HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-01-08, Page 3r
Primitive Conditions a Factor
in Recuperation of Devas- .
tated Regions.
Travelling through Palestine I was
astonished to see .numerous herds of
cattle and flocks of sheep on the hill-
side, writes W. T. Ellis. Reports con-
ing out of Sy'ria' had declared that all
the live stock of the country had either
been devoured by the Turkish army
or' else. eaten by'the people to avert
starvation:.. This loss has been repre--'
sented as a basic cause of continuing
destitution. -
Yet hero were the blaeic cattle and
the, black sheep and black goats, ap-
parently as fat and numerous as ever,
and tended by well fed; merry young-
sters, while their parents worked in
the fields gathering the abundant har-
vest. How hast. Live stock ,and people
"Go East," and Live.
Styles for House Gowns/1'
Institutions Semi - Centennial
Report Best in its History
, —Liquid Position Strong—
Profits For Twelve Months
Showed Gain of $613,418
at $3,423,264; Assets at
New High.
In further 'celebration of itc: firtieth
anniversary, the /* al Bank of Can-
ada, in its statement for the year end-
ed November 29 last, reports a twelve -
leo. 9234 ---Ladies' House Dress.
Price, 25. cents. Kimono sleeves; in-
step length. Cut in 8 sizes, 34, 36, 38,
40, 42, 44,46 -and 48 ins. bust measure.
Size 36 requires- 31/4 yds. 36 or 40 ins.
wide; contrasting, 11/3 ydrs• 27 ins.
ins. wide.
No. 9232 --Ladies' Negligee. Price, in its career rose over the $500,000,000. law of diminution to the future. The
25 cents.. With angel sleeves, ' ori mark, bein shown at $533,647,084, a calculation shows . that bythe year
sleeveless with overdrapery. Cut in gain f-$106,13-4,102 over- the figus 4000 A D. the stature of the average
3 sizes; small, 34, 36; medium, 38, 40; of a year ago. To this splendid ag- man will be reduced to fifteen inches.
"They fled to the East was the sue- large, 42, 44 ins. bust measure. Small gregate liquid assets contributed
Will Human R
,From the record
over nearly three c
that in 1610 the a
man in Europe wa
say, five feet ine
1790 jt was onl fi.v
In 1820 it was
and a fraction. At the ,pres
it is five feet three itches a
quarters. It is easy to ded
f re 1
Die Out? F
facts extending,
turies, it is found
rage height of a
1.75 metres, or,
nches, while in
feet six • inches.
t time;
three -
these figures a rate o gu a
in human stature, and to apply this,
working bac)cwards and forwards, to
the past and to the future.
By this calculation it is determined
Monthly period of record progress that -the stature of the first man at -
from the standpoints of financial faired the surprising average of six -
strength, liquid position and profits., teen feet nine inches. Truly, there
Recent exhibits of Canadian banking
institutions have indicated that, al-
though the period through which the
banks have passed have been difficult
ones owing to the important readjust-
ments necessary, they have been able
were. giants on the earth in those
days: The race had already deter-
iorated in the days of Og, and Goliath,
was -quite a degenerate offspring of
the giants. Coming down to later
to further strengthen the already tides, we find that, at the beginning
strong positions occupied 'at the end of our era, the average height of man
• The Royal Bank in its' annual state-
ment, made public yesterday, proves
that it is no exception •tc this general
rule, the report being the most notable
ever issued by, the progressive institu-
tion. Total assets for the first time
was nine feet; and, in the time of
Charlemagne, it was eight feet eight
..But the most astonishing result of
this scientific study comes from the
app$:catioi] of the same inexorable
1 2 3 908 8a^ representing nincreaseAt that epoch there will be only
- around 21/5 •ds yds 40 or 45 ins. wide; with angel $
rind -answer -.of .a-friend-dvirho resided wide; trimmin bands, % yd. 36 ins. size requires, with overdrapery, 4 4`.$273,908,862,
$2 the year of almost 49 millions and •
i �, repre�en ing a Lilliputians on the earth.
In' Jerusalem throughout the war. The �we.`ldtlf al oulr on3, ybeing the equivalent of slightly in
' iii;•ens• and `ieYt�i� lits c,t:,native:1 ',No 9236 -Ladies' 'and Misses' sleeves, 3% yds. 40 ins• wide, or 3%41
d excess of 55 per cent. of the bank's
pini t hies ast'Coat' Price• .20 cents: In yds: 45 ins. wide.
l 11.
ha}�il;ti,• to the public •' The latter
. xpi,ilns this as tt as ' •
i' :',F. aliiiIi 1' i 't11 Cut 111 3• sizes; small, These pattern- ma lie, o t.a;r(''i t..:lir,$ ,' rr ` '
When the Piirklsll �
other 'survivals:" t 42 44 Trani our l0�•1 Mc�a=i"1 dealer ,or
army arrived and began con sea , a' and 53 2 r relit -in the lel
tion 'the people . simply took their ani- ins. easure. Small size requires from the'McCall Co., 70 . Bond St., period. We publish simple, straight testi-
Profits w compared with $'2,809,846 in '1918, or from well-known people.
the Jordan, in patriarchal style, to the - equal to 2L74 per cent. on the aver- From, all over_ America they testify
safety of the Bedouin country• Turk- IrrigatlOn ExteridF In the I age capital employed during the tl it f MINARD'S LINI-
ish authority did not Actually extend West.
beyond the Mecca railway, so the
1 removed themselves out of the
-in the hospitality of the Arabs. - 'cultural history of Alberta and Sas
As to "go West" in Fran¢e meant to katchewan as having proved beyoni,d
all doubt the. enormous benefits to- be
to live. Later, when the Turks were derived from farm irrigation, for in
the drought which affected nearly the
driven out, the.. people returned.. in. g
whole of these provinces, the south
safety to their own homes.
This is the'sort of thing that mattes country within the irrigation belt- not
a westener wonder at the Orient. Two only produced excellent crcps,, but in
years ago Syria leas in dire destitu- many localities yields were harvested
tion. Now it is fat and affluent, and,
save for memories of its dead, better
off in many Sections like Palestine
than a ore the 1. r'- and 3,? 75,000 buAiels of grain have
cans still think of the i ioly Land as
. - ... . i �. a. „ ,.,. rw -. .e c..;. - ... VOL
4 edium 38 4fl• 1ax•ge,. r y ,' go .pe i 'NOTICE
its fl 3
51/4 'Os. 32ins." wide,or 3% yds. 40 Dept. W. for the eardwere $3,423,264, monials, not press agents' interviews,
mals and families and migrated across
Bloodthirsty Animals.
reach of the invaders and took refuge The year 1919 stands out in the agri-
die, so the "go East" in Syria meant
well in excess of the average of what
are called good years.
On 145,500 acres in the Lethbridge
• - District, 66,200 tong of fodder crops
1 b f wa • Some Ameri-
'been grown to the total value of about
covered with the. dead and the dying,- „�
whereas there are fewer beggars than $6,700,000.. 00,000.. Wheat was the largest
normally. •- - -crop produced, there being well over
How can people lately so destitute two million bushels. Other crops her -
recover with such quickness? The, vested included more than a million
answer is twofold -their simple life bushels of oats, nearly 400,000 of .bar -
and their closeness to a nomadic ley, 26,000 of flax, and 66,000 tons of
existence: The Armenian deporta- alfalfa. In addition vegetables were
tions should logically have killed every grown and sold. from this area.
victim, but these people, an peclal- As another exaiiip,e of what phe-
ly the peasants. have alw .1*. lived in nomenal yields may be taken from ir-
a'Qprimitive- way. The uriental is 1 rigate'i land, the cac,e of a farmer at
closer to the soil than the Occidental. i Brooks may be cited who on his farm
He can get along with less food and produced a $9;000 harvest of alfalfa.
fuel and furnishing than a more pam. seed: The yield was 14 bushel:, to the
pered person. So when a heavy blow acre, which sold in the neighborhood
at 80c. per lb. and netted hien a return
falls, as it id during the war, he is of $740 per acre.
In the large irrigation block of the„
Canadian Pacific Railway east. of Cal
The friendly 'soil is absorbing back gary there are approximately 623,500
into its normal processes the recent acres of •irrigable land, anU the
exiles, because they never were far amount in the Lethbridge *district ap-
• away from it. The Syrian peasant has proximates 110,000 acres,. making a
a meagre house -keeping equipment, total of 733,600 acres. Of this less
only a few degrees above that of the than 20 per cent. was in crop this year.
Bedouin. His home -has not become On the basis of this year's average
_encumbered with the , appliances of
civilization.. When he moves he does
not have to carry a kitchen stove and
- a hot -water system and electric de= t five tinier dollars --yearly with an
vices and an ,elaborate,. pantry with average of over $40 per year for each
him. acre of irrigated land.
Therefore when be comes back he With such examples as these -of the
needs little to set him going again. fruits • of irrigation it is little wonder
His house fg simple, and to be built that the farmers of the: dry belts of
better able t endure it.
A Reward of the C impie Life.
production on irrigated land this total
area is capatle of producing crops to
the value of between thirtyd and thirty -
by himself and his neighbors' His es- Alberta and Saskatchewan are clam-
sential furniture is not much, and his oring for extensions to the'existing
farming utensils are of the crudest systems of irrigation or the installa-
sort. Mercifully, consequently, he is tion of new projects; or that the su-
able to start life, anew with an equip- thorities should be devoting more
Sport, or billing for pleasure, apart twelve months. This compares with MENle T, therhestoof household Iteme-
from the obtaining of food, is suppos- 20.1 per cent.. in 1918 and 18 per cent• dies.
in the preceding year• The capital
ed to be purely a human pastime, but. of the bank was increased by $3,000,- MINARD'S LINIMENT CO., LTD.
many animals seem to, take a cold- 000 during- the year, an issue of $2, -
blooded delight in killing for its own 000,000 par value being issued to
sake. shareholders • at 150 early in the cur -
A rat will kill off all, the young rent calendar year, while a second ad- .
dit]onal issue was sold to the London Singular Funerals.
ducks or chickens he can find, so too County, We,stzninster & Parr's Bank,
will a fox;' though he can carry away' Limited, with which the Royal formed ` An Abyssinianfuneral is- a very
but one of his victims. Weasels, stoats a close working arrangement in April singular affair. When a new-born
and otters kill not only to satisfy last at a price of $200 per share. infant dies it is almost immediately
1 fmm increases rou t t e outsfar. uric un er the floor;After the de -
N. •
But if you won't exercise
vigorously you , must
take "C.ascarets."
Classified Act#= - " �n
# 4101111211aaitz^.a.
There nothing like. bending exer-
cises, taking long walks, or chopping
wood to keep them liver and bowels
active,. but most folks take their exer-
cise In an easy chair. Such folks- need
Cascarets; else they suffer frim sick
headache, sour, acid stomach, indiges-
tion, 'colds and are miserable. But
don't stay bilious or constipated. reels� lendid_ always by taking Cascaret,
d casionally. They act without grip-
ing or inconvenience. . They never
sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil, or
nasty, harsh Pills: They cost so little
too—Cascarets work while you sleep
. Real Dwarf Trees.
After growing for ten years, - the
Japanese cypress, one of; the smallest
specimens - of the horticultural world,
reaches the. size of a golf ball. As if
exhausted with this tremendous effort,
the next ten years see it increase only
by a et orf, - '-w-hen- it- 'practically.
stops. growing altogether.•Remit by Dominion Express M'oneyOrder. If lost or stolen you get yourond
l .. , . .
their hunger but apparent y These b gh h d b d d
sheer bloodthirstiness. Lizards and ing capital of the Canadian institution mise of an adult, the body is washed
frogs slaughter insects,worms and up to $17,000,000, the premiums on inwater, sweetened with honey, wrap -
other small creatures by the thousand.: the new stock amounting to $3,000,000 ped in a shroud; sewed up in a mat of
Then there are the animals which were 'added to reserve! bringing the braided stray;; and laid upon a litter
j latter_ up tora parity w:th the capital•
kill for food, but ,so• deliberately that, made of boughs cut from trees.
P. & L. Balance Over Million.
they can almost be accused of • con- After all deductions, which includ- The lamentations of the relatives
sciously planning the details; icrdco- resound among the cliffs and the
prey ed disbursements among shareholders -
diles which- dro#lrn their re under during the year in the way of div- news is rapidly communicated to all Look at .tongue! Remove poi
water, snakes which swallow their dends and the anniversar bonus the people of the neighborhood, who
captives alive, and cuttlefishes which. amounting to '$2,206,196, , there re- at once set . out to condole with the sonsfrom little stoma,l1,
use their sucker -,studded. arms to en mained a balance at the ;credit of 1 wPle
fold other animals in a deadly em- profit and loss account of $1,096,418,
brace•or .over twice the amount carried into
The parasites which live on the skin, the 1919 accounts from the previous
or even in the flesh of other animals, •year. Comparative figures of the po-
sition of she profit ani loss accounts
gradually weaken their living homes, pf the past three years are given in
so that they die from exhaustion. the following table:
Sometimes, like the ichneumon' fly,' 1919 1917
theylaytheir eggs in another' crew-' Profits -63,423,264 62.803.19]8846 $2,327.979
gg Prev. bal.. 535,757 564,264 852,346
ture, often a fat caterpillar, so that'
the young when Batched out can live' T 7tal • • • •$3.959,021 $3.374,110 93,180,325
A .light, ecnn j spra : 'CO taring of
straw placed on wheat in winter pre-
vents baking of the soil. in spring and
improves the chances of the clover
seeding. -
Minatd's Liniment Cares Garget in Cows.'
It often costs more to do without
an implement that is really needed
on the farm than the implement itself
would cost. -
!Stew fruit in oven while roasting
meat . or baking. This will save fuel.,,
Fruit cooked in the oven is. more de-
licious than when cooked on top of
the stove.
upon an unwilling but powerless host,' Dig iiie ids $1,566:196 31.6.14, 702 91,549,1 ,4
who pines awayas the intruder flour- R�nu9 34°'°°0
F ension b. 10°•000 _ 100,000
.��, 1 Premises . 400,000 400,000
Robbers are common in the animal Govt. tic s. 166.406 130,6 1
world. Perhaps the mosk unscrupu-' Halifax F• 50.000
bus , is the skuas, a sea bird With : Reserve 500,000
hooked beak and webbed' feet, arms .t. ded..$2,862,603 $2.838.353
with talons. These lie in wait for - The
seagulls which have been out fishing,' years corn
and, chasing there until they drop! •
their booty, seize it before it can reach
the wader. ,Jf a gull proves obstinate,
the skuas will shake if by the tail
until.itdrops its property.
"Diamond Dyes" Freshen Up
Old, Discarded Garments. -
Don't worry about perfect results.'
Use "Diamond Dyes," ;guaranteed to
ment .pnbelievably simple. This time and attention to the furthering give a new, rich, fadelbes color to any
makes pOssible the "Wondors of re- of the schemes of • irrigation. ; .‘ • 1fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen,
habilitatron now being effected. by the•
co-operatidn of Ainerkan relief agen-
Sandy Scored.
hated wasting money. Therefore, turned from a reconnaisance trip in color. -
! cotton or mixed goods, - dresses,
stockings. skirts, children's
A new preject is- already under way
in the south area Of Alberta which will blo„sos,
take in the land in the ittlymond, Ster- coats, feathers, draperierr, coveringS,
ling and Magrath *diStricts,- and the ; everything. • ,
COmmissioner of Irrigationowith head -I The Direction Book with each pack-,
IIe lived ,north of the Tweed, and quarters in Calgary, has recently re- age tells how to diamOnd dye over any
when asfriend in London sent him an' the -Buffalo Lake countrY, where he
show you "Diamond Dye""Color Card:
To match' any material, have dealer
unstamped letter he was annoYed gle has been gathering information . as • to
. having to pay 3d. on it for pasta .' the fea.-sibility of another projected'
He was still more hnnoyed 'on open -.1 scheme. This provides for the diver- , Untrained.
ing the letter to find in it nailing hue' sion of the flood waters of the North
katchewan River to ierigate the The doorbell was ringing. - .
a single sheet, saying, "1 am well.'
. lands lying to the east and south of Virginia's mother (who was dress- good mixcrq---a man In 'his busineas
Buffalo Lake, all the way to the area ing) peeked .out-- and saw a stranger
rettarn he proeurect largegflat: and a woman in her kitchen
between Youngstown and Saskatoon. at the door.
stone, and after having packed it in a I
mourners. .ver "ani bo
As soon as they catch sight of the
funeral procession, they begin. to weep
and cry aloud. When they join it, the
men range themselves on one side of
the bier, the women on the other, and
chant. When the religious ceremony
is over the corpse is buried in .the
churchyard. •
London tube railways which were
built fifteen years ago for an average
100,000 cost of 1:600,000 per mile, would now
260,000 cost at least £1,000,000 per mile.
628,300 Terialliadillal.1111111M.141.1111.1111111/111.111-
nce sheet* of the last two 1
s follows:
Coin and notes -955,681.
Cent. Gold Res... 24.600.000 2
Notes oth. banks 3.464;200 10.678,
Due by Cttn. bks. 17.103 6.042
Govt. seCurities. 45.323,59R 36,599,97e
Other securities. '52.815,433 44,705.300
Call loans, Can. 16.435.614 10,067.481
Call loana. out.. 33,812.751 24,374,191
Tot. 'lio. assets.$271.908,562 8224,982.058
Curr. loans, Can. 143.259 516 119.184.715
Curr. loans out. 90,210,271 64.175.163
Overdue debts.. .365.089 38,8,513
fteal estate ... 1.495.271 1.171.131
Bank , premises.. 7.01'6.44,4 6.492111
Letters credit . 1.6.467.978 10.-162,629
Other assets ... 173.648 213,910-
Deposits. dem...6159.656.229 6185,243,27R t
Due other banks 7.463.823
Bilis nay. *06.776
1.etters credit ... 16 467,978
Public ljab. ....S497.697,243. S397.547,102
For Coughs, Colds,
and the relief of in.
04 flammatory conditions
of the throat arising
from Bronchial, Asth.
matio affections and
derangements of the
Respiratoty Organs.
• Totals 3531 647 084
6 095 721 7.
t 427,512,362
Both men and wornen need to be
wooden box, with many wrappings,1
The scheme in outline, is to tap the Virginia, aged five, %Vas told to' • --e-o-•-•-•-•
N th Saskatchewan Itiver at, or near,
dispatched it carriage forward. i er
When his friend had paid 3s. ld. car-,
siege he sought for , an expIansition,, to
! of canals and ditches carry the water
jakes and depressions lying to the
and found it in a letter at the top oft
--, east, utilizing Buffalo Lake as the main
• the package. I reservoir.
Rocky Mountain House, and by means
'Tear George, -When I found that!
The Alberta Provincial Government
yet were vrell,' this great load rolled is also considering the establishment
Putting An Egg In a Bottle. di
of an irrigation experimental farm at
g point on the Saskatchewan River
two miles north of Medicine Hat, cov,
ering a distance of twelve miles along
which has a mouth much smaller than' the riVer adjoining the city. There
are approximately 35,000 acres of land
which can be brought under irrigation
under this plan.
The finest feature of irrigated lands
is that they cad be trusted to produce
at leapt good average crepe every
year, and indeed, so far from the
quality of the lanedeteriorating, its
tive as the farmer learns by study
the egg, says Popular Mechanics. First
soak the egg, in vinegar until the shell
becomes soft and 'pliable. It will then
be easy to force the egg into the bot-
tle. Pour colt! water into the bottle
and allow it tO remain until the shell
becomes hard again. . The bottle can
then 1:ie shown to friends, who aro cot..
tain to be 'greatly myetified by the
sight of an egg in sual a bottle.
Kee-) palms and ferns away from
.An ordinary 'nail travels at an
average speed of one milt Mt' -four-
teen days.
answer the door and say her mother
Followi g instructions, Virginia was
stuniped hen• the stranger asked,
"whe ill she, return?"
hout leaving the door, she W-
10: "Oh, mama, he wants to know
Whe you are coming back? What
shall I say?"
Th.e Pay Envelope.
The workman wait digging., The
wayfarer of the' inquisitive' turn of
mind stopped for,a moment to look on.
"My man," said the wayfarer at
length, "what are you digging forr
The workman looked up. "•Money,'
he replied:
"Money!" exilairued the amazed
*ayfarer,. "And when do you expect
"On Saturday:. replied the work -
an -as he resumed operations,
etild temperatures rats are found
to develop. a sort of "overcoat" or
additional outer covering, which growsi
water to use, and the best system of
crop rotation.
One thorn of experience worth a
' \care., whole wilderness of warn lig.
It Works! Try It
Tells how to loosen a sore.
tender cern so it lifts •
out without pain.
Good news spreads rapidly and drug
gists here are kept bugy dispensing
freezone. the ether discocry of a .Cin-
cinnati man, which Is said to loosen
any corn so it lifts out with the
Ask at any nbarracy' for n onartor
. ounce of freezone. N%hic'h will cost very
little. but is said to be 1,1111:cient to rid
one's feet u; every hard (iv corn
or cal:us
You apply kelt n few firoos Imo
tender, aching 0 ;10.1 1:uosatiy the
is so shriveled that it lift, Out wit*,1
Eng thituti:----
sands of deaths onn;1,?.y f:mn
jaw and infection herei.:for rc..eltuir
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
' only—look for the name California on
the package, thea you are sure your .
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stoinach,- liver and bowels.
Children love its delicious fruity
on each bottle. Give.,it without fear.
Mother! • You must say "California."
Gum and other medi.
cinal agents. Success. -
fully used for 60 years.
Alwsys buy Me Largo Sls•
America's Pioneer Dog Itemedies
Book on
and How to Peed
Mattel Free to any Ad-
drestr by the Authot.
H. Clay Glover Co., Inc.
116' West 31st Sifoct
ACure for Pimples
or any other strong mineral to
cure pimples caused by poor
blood. Take Extract a Roots -
druggist calls it "Mother Seigel's (
Curative Syrup -and your skip
will clear up as fresh as a baby's.
It wiil sweeten your stomach and
regulate your bowels." Get the
genuine. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles.
At drug stores, 6
Go after it /with. Sloaa's
Liniment before it gets
Apply a. little. don't 1•117,, let
tratr, and -good -by twinge! Same for
soilcti clothing. 1:clial.le--1"-c biggest
for 1410an's Li: inicl,t
30 S-781:1 COUGHS
1 •'go�xi prints' aid �' ivy.• i,wes$
prices on frarnee---ask • �,; �'..taiozue.
1'n.ted Art Co., -4 LirunsN :ch :1 . c.. To.
v.../ internal and external. cured wifjoatil
own by oar home treatment. Writ:Lig
before too late. Dr. Heilman Al
.1.1 County. Splendid epportnnity. Wedge
box T. Wilson Publinhing Co.. Limited'.
TS Adelaide St. Toronto.
and job printing plant• in EastArij
Ontario. Insurance carried $1.600.
go for $1.200 on quick gals. Bos-IIE
Wilson Publishinot Co.. Ltd. Toronto.
Foxes. Also, we are buyers of Rile
Furs. What have you—what price?
Reid Bros., Bothwell. Ont.
N..) are able to supply. advise us, as we
will pay the highest prices, dry or green
from the saw. Keenan Bros., Liroited.
Owen Sound, Ont.
Thanks to the automobile, the iitrb-
tabs of every Country tovin‘now take •
in all the Surrounding country for ten
miles or more. •
Stinard's Liniment 'Cures Distemper.
If sausage is rolled in flonr before
frying it Will not burst.
"Danderine" will check that
ugly dandruff and stcip
hair coming out
To stop failing hair at once and rid
the scalp of every particle of dandruff,
get a Small bottle of 443anderine" at
any drug or toilet counter for a few
cents, peur a little in your hand and
rub it into the scalp. After several
applications the hair usually stops -
coming out and you can't find asy
dandruff. Soon every hair on; your
scalp shows new life, vigor, bright..
ness, thickness and more color.
7 A
6'1 bad been troubled witheemer.a
on my face which took the form cf a
rash. • Later it broke out on my
cawing rr.e to scratch them trtil
thsy were bleeding. Tho re..712 we ..14
oftsn keep me awal...*
failsd, and then thought I would try
was nct long till ti -*.e rar.h began to
disappear, and uced three cokes nif
Soap and four bones of Ointment.
which healed me." (Siarked) W. M.
Cuticura Soap to clet.nze, Cuticula
Ointment to soothe and heal.
Soap 25c. °let:went 25 end 50e, Sold
ne,Limitee, t.. Matured.
Not Aspirin at All without th,i ''T3a3:er Cross"
package which contains complete di.
Tect ions. Then you are getting real
Aspirin -the genuine Aspirin pre-
scribed by physicians for over nine- I
yeare. Now made in Canada. 1
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