HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-01-08, Page 1• • .111•111. 0 $1.5o per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwise - • 301611$20:301611401. . • 4MIWIRIM.11•11011.11raMINIIMOP•••••••••••7•••nmerion THE FARMERS' PAPER TWICE A 'WEEK The Farmers' .Sun is to be enlarged and' improved, and to fie published as a semi-weekly. .Thia• move to supply the Ofilario farmers with a* paper, of their own More -frequently thin Week= .• ly, will beappreciatedonly by readers of The Farnierst Sunbut by. • humeri' renerally. • • . • . Thi is a move in •the . right direc- . „ • Con. and Will enable Sun sti'bscribers keep • better posted 014 the live •.stock and other markets, which are of 441 'great iMportasicci to all having .stock or, produce to sell, as well as to those desiring to purchase feed' or other commodities...In addition, each issue will contain accurate and • full infor- inatipp,spolitieal ands-4011Prillyupte - the -hoineofsgeing ..te.--issestes--Noscither farm paper will e'cioal:-J,he F'ariners' -Sun'siit-sthe • servke wintered •to its ' readers. , When. you subscribe' for a farm paper, subscribe for The Fardiers' Sun,. owned by . the farmers and pub - hailed in -the interests of /the Ontario farmers. The, subscription. price of the. twice -a -week Sun is only $1.50 per • year or 2 years for $4.00. No well- wisher of the farmers' niovement shenild be without The Sun. , LOTHIAN • • -Tnesday, Jan., 6. ;•, John Barger,• of Toropto, spent a week visiting his brothers and sisters here. ' •. Dr-_, Tom Gilinkie-, epthicago, . and Jim, who has been in the.Weitler the' past • several months, are', visiting friends here; ' Mr'. Teddy Dexter has completed his black.smith shop and is quite busy these dept.' A• blacksmith isabout the handiest -tiling-. any community can have. . • • • Owing to the state of the roads the electors in. Ashfield Were somewhat quieter than usual, and less. votes were, polledthan in fnrmerkuunicipal, elections. • The following is the vote by sub -divisions: Pol. Place • 1 2 3 Garvey .. 24. 8 12 - Jamieson . •33 25 29 Johnston . 51 65 '41 McDonald 34- 12 14 Sullivan . 13 24 11 The three, highest elected. The, Courey. Corner's -Farmers' Club held their. annual Meeting on the 22 of. Dec., when the following Officers were elected: 'President, Murdo Matheson; vire-president, Win. Claret sec.-treas., John. Farri:Ji; assistant sec., Frank Johnston; purchasing coni. Murdo Matheson, John Farrish and 4 5 6 7 TP8 26 45. 6 17 148 29 42 41 74 273 35 5t 35* /I 308 22.34 7 37 160 26 6985: 17 195 are the ones LUCKN, OW, ONT., THURSDAY, JAN. 8th., 1920. ELECTRICITY ON TH E •F %.R M i • stok' :ARGO! ttEPORT • Extensive advertising, and almost equally extensive •editorial discussion in the farm Jotii.nals of the„eountry, •• have raised keen interest Within the • last thee or four years in the, matter •..: of electric 'light and power plants for • 'farm use. ' And, thousand's .of these plants have: already been installed One•of the 'questions that arise in the inisitirrsof 4.4sese.'•Is'itnisttre oiti in the Tivatter'ef electrifying -their farms', hi§ *been • that. of • e: t and eseense. That is, ..they Iiave, asked theleselees • whether electricity is merely *a' con- venient but rather .expensive form of light. .and _ power _for ,tlieir 1arni4.or Whether it is, as , claimed, inexpensive and in ,many. cases productive of a real saving. to note the experience of. a 'central 7()hrn fa triii'et7'0'hd•li:40',''Nida e.1,1'0('-'3t''to 01..t,e-i•ve the 44'-41ji14;',. plant on his, owe fart» for- the past several. months. The farrAer in question lights his whole house and •barns, and, aniong other power uses,' 'operates a Seilkipg machine with an ,electric motor• lie. takes care of a herd of thirty cows. The .milking:inachine.was installed be- fore the electric plant, .and Was oper- ated at first with .4 was engine. -His. records show that in those days he used about one, gallon' et kasoline a •iay...-for_tlie_operatiort:_of the engine at milking times. Three lanterns a- bout 'the barns.- and a tin:a:Yee, of lareps,•iarge anl. small, in the house, used -about the same ,amount of kero- sene.' •with'his electric plant, w.hiehs_\ketosene as fuel, he sup% plies his whole place with lig4it, oper- ates his inilking nuehine and dos other electric power' .worlz,--- all .01s single gallon of .kerosene as rpo in the electric Plant engine.. in other 'Words. the .same amount of. kerosene which :originally. furnished light -alone now furnishes more and better light, and .in addition does. the milking *and a lot of ether work. - His staving in dollars. .and ' csats amounts. to the, cost of a gallon. of gasoline; or about tsiVents.-five cents. a day. • Savings -such as the One -cited here, together with the fact that practically every farm offers an opportunity' for the• extensive use of electric' . power, are,some of the factors that are decid- ing, farmers in favor 'of the farm electric plant, and that are respon- sible for the very rapid increase in the nunther bf electrically lighted rural homes. 1 • • ROOM Il Senier. Class. EXeellent - (Mary Douglas*, Jessie Stewart*,, Drannen McIntusle,Florence McInnes*. Good- Jienneth Thompson*, Margaret Mc- Winnifred Nixon*, James Baker, Sadie Jewitt. • . - Junior Class. Excellent Marion SteWart*,', Bessie Libel, Nerman Wil- son*, Robbie Purves., Good -Billy Henderson'', Elizabeth Max:Donald; :0ton mentrry*,. Aiex.-Arrifiew*, • Jeon MacDonald-. • 'Hess, mai !list with an 4 toi.el have been neither Ante nor ahsentsduring• the month. J. MacCallum, Teacher. • ROOM , Junior. Honors - 11 MacDonald, IV. Douglas, I). 1-10.1inin, B. Anderson', ...Johnston, M. 4.rinstrong. Good - D. lkicinnes, M. liendersen, I). -Mlle. ---1-7471C13,7"`"%"an, ton, (II. -Web-- _ • ST. HEIXNS 'rue:slay, Jon. 6. • M is:4 'Pearl Webster leis secured a school at Nanton. Ed. Sennett. This -club is in an ex- ceptionally flourishing condition, hav- ing done 'apse to $10,090 worth business during the past year, and an- ticipate a much greater volume for 1920. They are attending to.the soc- ial side of life as well as the business, as they, held a very successful dance on New Year's Eve, and intend hav- ing another on the 14th inst. Their Dramatic Club are getting up a play which will be given in the pear future. The 'next night of Meeting, on -the 19 • of Jan., Will be an.,open one when two- Ope-akers ijef More than local reputa- tion will give interesting addresses. FUR SEASON OPEN- - Highest prices for all kinds of raw furs, ac- cording to quality. All with whom I did business last year will be equally well satisfied this season, if they sell to me. Furs are a high price. Market for all kinds of beef, calf and horse hides. Let me know when you have -u hide and 1 will call at once, -Jake Lucknow. MARKETS eke (Corrected up to Wednesday noon) - , Wheat • $1 95 Oats ••90 . Barley ,. • 4 1 50 Eggs, new laid ... ... 70 Butter, rolls .: .. ..... 55 ' 56 ' Butter, croc;k, 50 Butter, prints .. . 56 57 ' Potatoes, buying price, bus1 20 .- Potatoes, selling price, bus, 1 '35 1 40 Hogs 17 00 Markets . Choice heavy steers $12 00 to ill CO 11'00 to 1?. 00 Choice butchers Choice butchers' LoWF10 00' to 11 00 Good feeders 9 00 to 10 CO Go(54 tfittritto*ta......1: •449 ou to isai() Hogs. off (ars 18 5)) to Pall Wheet .--- • ....---.2s1.1.10 Tifflo 97 to 25 00 to 30 00 MO to ' Si 62 to 64 Toronto 0000e Wheat Clete Timethy Hay Eggs, new laid Batter, Creaniery Prints The young people spent e very en- joyable evening at Mr Win: Bell's last week. • Miss Carrie. Stonehouse, of Bel - grave, is visiting her aunt, IkIrs. Jas Gaunt. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, of Culross, are visiting her -parents; 111r. and Mrs. Win. Woods, Mr. Jim Phillips, of Yollowgrass, -is visiting hie parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Sam Phillips: ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Torrance, • of North Bak, visited his sister,4111rs. D. ^lesson on New Years. ' The annual 'congregational meetim: of Calvin Church, will be held ('ti Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 13th. Mr. Albert Phillips, of Yellowgrass, Sask., who has been visiting at his home here, left for the Wt op Mon- day. • Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt, of Oregon, are visiting their cousins, Vrs.• Mcl'her- son and Messrs. W. C., Geo. and W. Webb. 'We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mys._John MUlei jr., on the -death of their infant daughter, Eileen Doris, on New Years morning. A Box Social and Entertainment under" the auspices of -the Pablic Lib- rary .will be held in the Hall . 1411 Fri- . day seVening. The program will Is given by Westfield talent. At the annual meeting of the Far- mers' Club, Mr. Wni. Rutlwrford was re-elceted president; Mr. Hugh R411111- erfod, viee-president. and Mr. Cairns w'as elected seretary-treasurer. The annual khool meeting ,of No, 4 was held on Wednesday; beer 31, when the,,business of the year Was transacted, The trestee Ir. Wm.. McQuillan, seesteeas., -E-1.11cPbe ?loci. and_ M.r., Frank_ .Todd_ • s ler 1920 are W. r, G. • Fisher.' (G. -McInnes, C. Webster), S.,Decker, M. Webster. Senior. ' Honors -.E. Armstrong, Thompson, M„ McKenzie, J. Stew- art. Cood--E. BurnsrM. Amh A. Thompson, C. lkturdie, M. Geddes, N. AlcInnes, L. .Taylor, McjittoSh. Falr---W. Eaton, C. Milne, A. Irwin, A. Taylor. C. Webster, D. Webster, T. Webster. itopm iv Exeelle,nt-Mona Mitchell Hannah 131itssteitidean Durnin. Good_ ,-V.•.ilfred Murdoch,. Myra McDonald, -rair--Tent-Aiton, •Gtits• do:: Thompson; Isahel Johnston*. • Juttiors. Excellent -Eve. Johnston: Lovell Murdoch. Good -Stuart Mac-, kenzie,Marjorie Douglas, Elizabeth _ Alton. Fair -Wallace Howe, Willie Sproule. •, . Those Marked with an asterisk -mis- sed an exami»ation.• WHILE WINS IN GODERICH • -,E. Mayor of Goderich in 1919, wit'A. se -elected to ,•that . office on , Monday,' defeating.. his opponent, G. 4 - 4: Parsons by 167. There was a 'vigorous contest beiween the two Can- didates. both using nea;sparier 'space freely the past two weeks. Mr. Wigle had. not been friendly -to thrbig steel plant prepesition, or rather did not have faith in those promoting it. Mr.• Parsons is said to, have represented those who thottitht the makor's-actioe regarding the steel .plant wete not directed by good ,judgment. The re- sult of the election shows that the majority of the people of Goderich :garde(' the proposition as wore or less a• fake. • Single Copies 3 cents . I 0 1 • I . LOCAlsyD GENERAL o .• Mr. Geo. Middleton spent last week Nv:th his sbn at Forest. • Mr. A. P• Stewart is away on a bus- iness trip to Winnipeg. • W. Ir. Gurney was elected mayor of wingham by acclamation. aret Mackenzie visited at Windsor-durireg the vaeitift.--weeC • -Mr• Sndk-Mrs. iltirl fam- ily were New Year gtnists' of Miss, C. Graham. • There- was a great return • mclve silent of 'Christmas' Visii.ora -Monday and .Tuesday. Murray left on Tuesday for Chatham where she remainder of the winter.• _ t• TI:Aa V' , WE, • it;toti 1. Eattal gina,, is honk for a onenth. . EWSPAPERS TO GO U it It is likely that, newspapers. will advance in price in the near future as -a- eharp-advaase. ,Fer oyer two years. the .Canadian Press ityFociation has been• fighting the raper Manufacturers, but the hattle has ended practically in a •firtilure. After Jam. 1st roll newspaper, the class pf paper used .by the-6aily press will fie .i.ibject to .'4,Inlevance of 20 per cent. over •the prevailing high prep no* paid. The weekly news- papers are -harder hit as sheet • news,- which they use, -is much higher awl the advance will make financing much more diffictilt than gas been in the past. • . 5C11001, REPORTS Report .of S. S. No. • 14, East and West"- Wawanosh. Names in order of merit.s.--Those marked !'" missed exam- s . mn atios. SR. IV. -Frank O'Callaghan; Eliza-, beth Inglis, Winnifyrd Farrier*. SR. 11I.--11adeline 0:Callaghan, L. Falconer, ..IR. ..111:-Robena Martin,' Mary Martin, Vernet Farrier. "SR. II.--Wilbert•Naylor, Alex. In- glis*. PitligEff,-Chrissie JR. PRIM ER. -Olive Farrier.' , • A. 0.. Clow, 'Teacher. BEST. -When you take out life insurame get a policy in the Sun ljfe of Canada. the biggest in the Dominion, and a e4in4any whose *record Canadians are prowl of. See (,o. 11. Smith. loeal agent, for particulars. TI1E .EXCELS1OR LIFE shows Ha ob interest ernines, and economi- (alTnunaging of the • tom pan) 's a f- fair,... -Wm. P. Reid, Agent. INSt:RANCE AGAINST FOR ALL NIATTERS REGARDING GREENHILL CEMETXRY refer to D. Alton, Sexton, • 3. E. Agnew Lucknow L. M. C‘ A• At a meeting held in the L.M.C..A. rooms on, Jan. 4th, it was decided to start our meetings again next Sunday Jan. 11th. All present sboke very highly of the ineetings held last wint- er,. and Voted unanimously' to start again As soon as possible. The offi- cers of. last' year were. all voted back into office, composed as f011ows: Pre- 'sident,•,Dr. Newton; Vice -Pres., R. II. setiotoy, A: D.' Maclean's zie; Treasurer, C.Teo• H. Stnith• James Anderson Will hats* chai•ge of ;sillies- tra,and the singing. H. 15.11;Wocids, W. L. Mackenzie, Dr. Newton and A. D. Mackenzie will have charge of programme. Meetings will commence at usual hour. Orchestra Practice at 3; meeting at 3.30. The topic for opening Sunday is an excel- ent one 'and timely. Mr. Eaton sug- (4...I .. 1.!:• -Messrs. Gordon Webster. and Stan- ley Burna have gone to Toronto where they will seek employment. mr. •G. Aiteeeson returner from Vnnipeg• the end of bet •week, and •vi1 be here ,or a short time . • Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Stevens and daughter, of Grimsby, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs: W. J. Little last week. , The Box Social and Entertainment at St. Helens- will be on, the evening of Jan. 9th, not 1}e 8ttras appears °li- the bills. Mr. -J• J. Hunter, _editor of the K•incardine__Reporters....was... elected_ Mayor of kincard)ne, defeating Mr. F. Coombe. " ..Mr. and Mi -s. Norman Matheson re- ceived Word last syeek that .tlreir .son, D'encan, of Tolirtfoil suffered a slight stroke_ of paralyaiss. A meeting of the South Kinloss Kinloss Fanners' Club .will be held jii the 2nd. con. schoolhouse, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 13th. All members and others interested in the club will kindly • at- ten.1.-W• McDonald, Sec. An evening's entertainment is being pre red by local talent for, the even- ing of January 23rd, which. promises to be one of the best given in recent years,. -Keep this date open. Holyrood Literary Society, will hold n aentertainment in the hall, Holy - rood, on the evening of Friday, 9th., when the Literary. Society Will be re -organized for the Season. The Courey'g Corner Farmers' Club are receiving orders. 011 carloads 'salt, coal and fertilizer. ,A.carlisla of feed coin • is due to arrive in .a few dass of which a few Iniatired bushels are still for sale- Card of Thanks. -Mr. and Mrs. John Miller take this method of ex- pressing their, apprkiation of amt thaks fOr the many kindnesses shown to them by friends and neighbors at the film of their recent bereavement. FIN .INt 1 sLyt.F.Alpit Lu• cknow Patriotic Society, Ending December, 1919. Receipts last statement., 191g. Balance in bank $ 551 74 BalanceCh.r.is.t.m. Fund : Sale ,of Yarn • . . .. Sale of socks . ... . Sale of geuse .. , • • Sale of Confetti • Sets- of boxes - Sc of elippines. Expenditure Presentation• to soldiers _....$ 607 Stamps for cheques • . • • .. • • 5 9 75 1; 9 5 90 _ 41!,i 0 EVERYBODY'S COLUMN o O--O-=-0-.-O--"•O 0 0 0-0 '0 4 • MONEY TO -LOAN on mortgages and ••ketes. at reasonable rates, Fire Insurance, both stock and Mutuel t'onipanies. Copveyancing dope with neatness\ and despatch , uckno.:. RAW FURS WANTED:-.-A.s I :have , niade a contract with one of the . largest fur houses in Canada ts tesciT2Tra great recaneer of Itrrs se4e-oa. I am vrenared to nav tlie• ••• ; highest in .order' (s, Cary r` put `th's agreement. Cari and see 11. Blitzktein. Dry Goods -Sibres Lucknow. 1:1-11-tf. LOCS • I izirk 608 4:), 1'''••11 aild tor s cut to lengths re- Lucknow. 11-1241c T' , WANTED.-NVe are in Ali: et to buy soft 1.1111.13ic. ock, basswood •alid Leech logs, w111 paY highest market price Balance in bank.,. 87 :;1 jtested foi discussion p ases o 11 00/. whIeh -•0 different dsnominations • .at present. Mr. D. G. Mackenzie 'who' attended the Inter -Church Conference,gromposed of Anglicans, Methodists, Pilsbyterians, . Baptists and Congregationalists held in London in December, will speak on the origin and aim of the Forward Movement. Full discussion on this important subject is invited, and- it is heaed that all who can . will avail themselves of' this opportunity of hearing this -subject discussed from different angles.-- MI-, Mark Burgess, a Lucknow..."-old boy, whose home is now in Lebanon, Indiana, is visiting his sisters, the MiSses Burgess'. Mr. Burgess was in LucknOw before 1870, • and. was a carpenter.and builder. He is now op- erating e "sash and tiOor mill at Leb- anon. Marcus Tait. eldest Son •:f • Qiniald Tait...who a few s7ears aeo was pastor of the Presbyterian "Chrirch at -Teeswater, has won a IthOdeS Cii0h i".H .rshiff for 1911*. e has .been attend- isgs Termite' Unkersity. and distinp.- u:stied ckpectally in the. Clas- sics course. • Men's meetings will ernumence on Sunday next, the llth, in the L.M.C.A. rooms at the usual -hour. All men in- vited. The very excellent meetings of last year were what you made them. • This year's meetings are tow in your "hands,. "If 'every .man was just. like .me, what kind•of a world would this secirIB he." The Ltitknow Women's Institute *ill meet in the Council Chamber on Friday. January- Otis, •. at 2.-30. The toete, "Care or the Teeth," will he given by Dr. NeWtons, Music. reading, (t('. A good attendance is Tequested as we wish to bring up the matter of having our annual at home and other Tatters of interest.- Sec. ' • TEES%ii ATER There was. a tively scramble here for places at the nmnicipal council 'hoards • Mr. C. T. Redburn, who has seeesid the, coUneil fora nun*r of years won the reeVeship, efeating new: eoereil c - , - sists of Mess?. Kitchen, Stromg,Link- latef, with Geo. Yeo and ' Atithony MacDonald tied for the ether place: . • -- - ' nieves:sa:sst-sis- on the unlersign'ed and get rates. NORTHER.N. HOCKE,Y SCHEDULE _ • Representatives frone Brussels, Rip- ley, Lucknow and Wingham, inet in hain-on. Tuesday on the call of -Rs. A. Currie, Wingham, as 'convener of the committee and drew ,up the. fol- lowing. schedule for the Northern Sen - tor Hockey League: , Jan. 9. -Brussels at Ripley. Jan. 8.---Lucknow at Clinton. Jan. 12.-Wingham at Brussels.- Jan. 15. --Ripley at Lucknow. Jan. 16•. -Clinton at Wingham. Jan. 19. --Brussels at Clinton. • Jan. 20.--Wingfiam at Lucknow. Jan. 22.--Lucknow at Brussels: Jan. 23 -Ripley at Clinton. Jan. 27.,-Wingham at Ripley. • Jan. 29. -Brussels at Wingham. Jan. 29. -Clinton at Lucknow. Feb, 3.-Lucknow -at Ripley. ' Feb. 3. -Clinton at Brussels Feb. 5. -Brussels at Lucknow.. . Feb. 6. -Ripley at Wingham. Feb. 10. -Clinton at Ripley. .Feb. 10.-Lucknow at Wingham. Feb. 13. -Ripley at Brussels. Feb. 13.--Wingham at Clinton. KINL01.4S HAS NEW COUNCIL Mr. W..1. Colwell is the only her of the 1919 Kinloss township council who will have a• place at the municipaIT•oard 1920.-74e other members ran for reeve and all A -ere. defeated. . The nev. board will be made up as follows: .Reeve, Henry Mathers; councillors, J. W. Colwell, Mark Ross, E. Ackert, Geo. Feris; all new men but -Colwell. 'The Vote for reeve stood as'follovis: Mathers, 128; Tiffin, 125; McDiariaid, 90; Ba•chler, 51. There were five Candidates for tflt council, the vote standing thus: Col- well, 231; Ross, 192; ,Ackert, 1 91 : *Feris, 185; Irwin, 136. . FIDDLER IN THE WOOD BOX TAMARAC 'ER DOWN The Lueknow Fire Company will celebrate Burns' anniversary by hold- ing a dance in the Carnegie. Hall, on Monday night, January 26th. Music will be supplied by the Lucknow Or- chestra, five pieces, and •Lucknow Pipers. Coqd lunch will be. served. Admission, gentlemen, $1.50; ladies, free. General admission to gallery. 25c. A regular old timer-- Come all ye's. 22-2-c CHURCH. NEWS $ 695 '7•1 Ida M. *Siddall, Treasurer. DEATH OF FRED. E. ROBINSON -- The following communication re- ceived from Moose •Jaw, was some: hew delayed in teaching The Sentinel Office: . Many ef our readers wiil,learn with, regret of the death of Fred. K. Rob- inson at his heme -Noose JaW, Tuesday, Oct. 28th. The late Mr. Robinson, who with his family resided .bere some Years ago, has been a very efFteient-trainman with the the last 14 years.' Mr. Robinson, like -many. Others,- never fully recovered his usual health after an attack of the Flu a year ago; which finally resulted in heart failure and congestion of the linigs. Besides -his. widaw, he leave.s to mourn his loss three sons. Herbert E., C.P.R. conductor; Kirk, salesman' of the Rex Fruit. Co.; John A., sales- man for the Gordon, IronSides and Faros CO., and one daughter, Katie, at home. The funeral on Sunda i was very largely attended by -sympathiz- ing friends and neighbors. - One sistsr Mrs. Stewart, of Detroit; Jas. Thomp- son, .of Mount Forest, Ont.; and Mr. Tohey; Medicine .Hat, were also pres- ent. The floral offerings were tweet: -ful. A pillow from ' the family; wreath from B. of R. Trainmen, 'and' -One from Gordon, Ironsides & Fares Co.; an anehor from J. A. McCarger and family; a Cross from Walter Seott arid family, besides sprays from many other organizations and individual friends. • • To the Electors of Kinloss Ladies and Gentlemen: I wish to -thank you. all for the 'honer. you have copferred on me by electing Inc reeve_ Of the Township of .Kinless, and I am pleased to know that the very. best.of feeling. exists between myself and the other candidates,and on looking over the result of • the poll, it seems to me .that the toss of a straw might have thesresult. Yours very truly, 11. Mather.. • To the Electors of Kinles's • The annual congregonal meeting of the Presbyterian l'hurcli -will -he, held on the evening of Thiirsday,--the; 15th inst., at 7-10 p. 'Presbyterian Church:- . 'Services • next Lord's Day at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Mornings subject: "The ChUrche's First Revival." F.vening subjett: "A Time For Prayer." You are, inVited to these services. The pat tor will. cOnduct bot• h' ser- viees in the Methodsst Church next Sunday.. in the jening a special sermon to young men will he preach- ed. The Choir....has _been,_ked to. sing at the evening. service: "The Bird. With The ,Brekees Pinion!' weeds- Ilezekiah` Butterworth; _misic Thy GoOdsell. All young men who go to np ether church invited. try makIng folk beliv,e :that jun,: is down in price on .account of.a, war Stoppings btit we aro still nay- • • ing 28e. fur horsehair, :le. to .4(.. -for rags, and 4c to 5c for rubWrs,. We will call en every home, ii• Lucknow and licinitY and pay • these prices and, giving 16 • ouhees • • to the pound.-Seddens, 29-5•-tfc . _ .111.•N WANTED in this and adjojnin fa .counties..to. distribute circulars ano do advertising for a- large GrOcers. • Mail. Order House. Position wii! • • pay TM" weekty-on-yeaily'eun . Sample case free.--l'he COnsuinert, • Ontario. Ladies and Gentlemen:, Permit me. 'to thank you mest. heartily for the splendid" vote which you gave me.ois erection ,daY. I* can assure you that the affairs Of the township will have" my very best attc;ntion. • • . • Yours very truly. • • Erftest \kerl. . To the Electors of Kinloss Ladies. aml Centlement: • take this means of thanking youone and all,' for yOur renewal •of confidence 141jne as expressed hy She very. generous - vote Which you- gave nu. on NIondity; and. I assure you that I will Ondeavor• to serve you tO the. best of my ability": Wishing you all a .happy and prosper-. ous New Year. I remain. • YourS,faithfully, J. W. Colwell DR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at Ca.i Heuse, Lucknow; every • Wednes , day, afternoon. A/1, . chronic dis- eases' -successfully ..treated. ,Os- teoaathy renieVe3 the physical ...111ent of eadses of • disease. 2A/diust • .. the spine.is *ore qiiickly seeured " inethoq . and with fewer treatments hv 'm.. • teopathy than by any other -. • '7....41 • •47;1016410. e‘;-.-- D. _Olkis,ilgan.cicedA.STA. A Y.s.... or ' .1.rorn the "Ielksnisn(3, es of the ur ''w(•inthl,'.71.i.t:t;o:n111111.eul.initesID00i1-1'.1. feet. Any person ha-..,ing informa- tion of his whtreabouts kindly- r.. - port to Mrs. Mary Ftothers,. R. 7. Lucknow. l'hone 77 r4„ • Dungan,-, non.- - , • $-2p.. • LOGS WANTED,We., the unde..si.zii- ed, are open to buy logs . uf, all kinds of timber, delivered at.0111sa,.v mill at Lucknow. We .it take v..1 . grades of logs providing they are good enough to make crating lam - bee. As we peke use of .ail this material in our factery.we are pre- pared to pay the highest 'market sprices for all classes of logs. Apy person 'havingtimber to sell we • • would be pleastd to have them call • sit our office and get all parti. o:a The Luckhow •Table Co., J. Beth,. Manager. • ••••••••• •••••••••.. Cute, 19 , FOE SALE. W . I le, l'Ale4lItaf. FOR SA1,1!! sPrie,.. re • " ili case. Also. Ian f 7-1 1. 1 :o'omplete developing outfit. t.ct4s at The Sentinel Offite. 8-2-tf • . • EWA. S.ti,i-• --Frame barn, 60xSO ft. 1:••••• particulars and' Xerins apply • • te John.Sherriff, R.•1, Lucknow. 15-1-p II01'.-;E FOR SALE. -Frame dwe11- 6.rooms,•kitchen and pantry.. • ,coed cellar, stone foundation. on see:tier St., Lucknow. Aonly to .1. E. ..‘gnew, Lucknow.' or d‘..111,-.,• • Harriston. 00 . NOTICE E() r.‘10111:ItS 7 The Canners of the district :.,1 • rotindinS Isic:snOwswill hold 0' Mc.'' It' in th•• 1.1a•know, on .k1 ...- d..y. at 2 o'eloek* m• ftlIMPI"PRA%%10410.4041016.11"101‘001104V1.16.114". IMONPOS*13 Auction Sal , ,. 11' CATTLE 0,HEAD OF CHOICE CATTLE 'All be offered for sale at the Cin House Stable, tucknow. ON T111: . 1.,ON Saturday, Janu:ary loth, 1920, S FRESH COWS, wrrit .%! : C41.1.; 12 SPRIN(,1%;;S. ., • FRESHEN WITHIN A MONTH '1 • •;• FEEDING. .\ • -TERMS -4- 4w4,014 -s.' p4ilwi- hbaiiL' MacD0N.A1,1). VCR 4 -ielp~oviptiftiwoostipposistluire~"lievoliall,w4p~.416 •. •